View Full Version : [3.5 Core] You Meet in a Tavern

2011-02-18, 04:23 PM
You meet in a tavern. More specifically, The Padrote Inn - the only tavern in the small village after which it is named. Padrote lies in the northeastern region of Springlass, in the Azrulean Province.

You have gathered here in response to a notice that, one way or another, came across your path. It advertised a reward for anyone who might be able to help out a merchant in need. The bottom of the notice warned, "Adventurers Only!" so naturally, any would-be adventurer's ego is likely to have dragged them here. Though vague, the notice instructed anyone interested to meet at this tavern on this day.

The innkeeper, Gurt Gibbs, was warned beforehand that a rowdy group of adventurers might be coming in. Gibbs didn't get a lot of business at all in this town, so he grew to be very excited and cleaned the bar especially for today. Though, so far, there don't seem to be any new faces at the inn, and it's already half past noon.

Indeed, other than the staff, the only people populating the tavern are an elderly couple of Gnomes at the bar, chatting happily with Gibbs, a table of three Dwarves and a human gambling over some sort of dice game, and an armored Gnome in the corner, tapping his feet and waiting impatiently for something or other.

There is a stairway to the left of the front door, which presumably leads up to the inn's lodgings, and a door below the stairs that one might guess would lead to the cellar. Directly ahead is the bar, behind which two kegs and several shelves of bottles sit. To the right of the bar is a doorway leading back to the kitchen. Standing in the doorway are two Gnome waitresses, gossiping and waiting for work to do.


Cecil Arquette (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=275606)
Albert Hill (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=274713)
Azreal Silverbough (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=274886)
Lyanne Treeheart (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=274831)
Dreki Wheeler (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=275874)

2011-02-18, 05:26 PM

Lyanne walks into the inn, Azreal by her side. Looking around she turns to her companion and says, "Not to shabby. What do you think, Az? Good enough to spend the night?"

Fra Lippo
2011-02-18, 06:25 PM

Dreki slides over to one of the waitresses, sizing up the people inside. The gnome in the corner was, like himself, clearly out of place - but is he a potential employer or competitor? After he instructs the waitress to bring him the cheapest drink they have, Dreki moves over to the bar, behind the group chatting. A few gamblers; idle gossipers; a pair of children up to some mischief. Dreki had an opportunity to survey the situation before he revealed himself, he decided; and no true Wheeler would have wasted it.

2011-02-18, 07:06 PM

"It will do. There aren't as many marks as I'd like, but I suppose we can try attracting some more people in." He moves around the edges of the inn, keeping an eye on Lyanne.

2011-02-19, 12:58 AM
The bartender breaks off from his conversation when he sees the three newcomers enter. The merriment fades from his face, and he stands up with a bit more rigidity in his posture. He looks from half-elf to half-elf to half-elf, then returns to his conversation with the elderly couple in a low voice.

As Dreki approaches the waitresses, they too drop their giggly gossiping and act more business like. One runs off to the kitchen behind her, while the other is "instructed" by Dreki.

"Yes sir," she says, eying Dreki's longsword cautiously before scampering off in the same direction as her friend.

2011-02-19, 02:45 AM
Albert Hill walks in to the tavern not really looking at anyone and sits at the nearest table. He keeps his eyes down to his table, presumably waiting for something, hesitant to make the first move.

He signals slightly to a waitress but, realizing that both have disappeared his arm drops moroesly.

Hefty Lefty
2011-02-19, 11:53 AM

Yet another half-elf walks into the small tavern. A tiny bell above the door jingles, signalling his entrance. Such an entrance is fitting, the half-elf believes. He enters the enters the bar in a shimmering blue robe. A large silver longsword is strapped to his back, and as he looks around the tavern, it is clear he is not alone. His traits are both human and elven. He is too broad-shouldered and tall to be an elf. However, his slender face, youthful complexion, golden hair, and long, pointed ears are clearly of the fairer race. Ignoring the awkwardness in the dining room, he approaches the bar and orders "a glass of your finest red wine." He places a gold piece in front of him. He is aware that a glass of wine is far less than one gold, however, he hopes that as the bartender is counting out his change, she realizes exactly how much richer the half-elf is.

Looking around the bar at his surroundings, he sees three other half-elves - familiar faces in a hostile Springlass environment. However, he notices their pointed ears, the iconic feature of elves, poorly hidden in a headband. They're trying to hide their elvish heritage? he thinks, judging the pair. He reaches up to his own headband and feels the carvings of his beloved Corellon Larethian. What a world I live in. This is truly despicable.

2011-02-19, 12:21 PM

Lyanne watches quietly as the other half elves walk into the Inn. Hoping Azreal won't steal from anyone yet, she walks over to the bar. Speaking to the bartender she says, "Excuse me. How much is it to stay the night?"

2011-02-19, 06:40 PM
The bartender breaks off again from his conversation, looks down at the gold piece, then back up at Cecil. After a moment, he snatches up the coin and observes it for a full minute, puts it in between his teeth, then finally drops it into the pocket of his apron. Unimpressed, he retrieves two silver pieces from the same pocket and drops them onto the counter before disappearing beneath it. He comes back up with a quaint wooden goblet and sets it next to the silver pieces.

Still wordless, he exits to the kitchen for a few seconds and returns with the waitress who wasn't serving Dreki. The waitress tiptoes to the other side of the room and exits through the door beneath the stairs.

"Excuse me. How much is it to stay the night?"

The burly gnome eyes Lyanne silently, as though attempting to choose his words carefully.

"Half a gold piece per night," he says, "why? The circus in town?"

Hefty Lefty
2011-02-19, 08:36 PM

The large half-elf takes a sip. These gnomes don't know the meaning of fine wine, he thinks as he withdraws from his goblet. Eight silver for this is a scam. His disgust with the wine is broken up immediately as he hears the bartender's comment. He gets up from his stool, nearly throwing it down in the process. "Excuse me, barkeep," he begins. Despite the anger in his vocabulary, his voice never rises. "These patrons of yours are the foundation of your business. Despite whatever 'freak show' comments you may have about the race of us half-humans, I would advise you to keep them to yourself." He walks around the room, goblet in hand. "And while I'm on the subject, you racist, diminutive man, we elves of Apresia have gone through great lengths to befriend your kind. If you are still bitter to the fact that you settled yourself between two feuding nations, you do not have us to vent to. I apologize for losses in the crossfire, but it has been far too long to resent all of our kind." He takes a short sip from his goblet of wine. "So if you are to judge the four of us on the tips of our ears," he lightly flips an ear of Azreal out of its headband, then mutters under his teeth, "regardless of some of us hiding our blood..." his voice picks up again as he finishes: "you had best keep your mouth shut and show this woman to her room."

2011-02-19, 08:50 PM

"Errr... thanks?" Lyanne mentions to the strange half-elf defending her. Turning to the barkeep she says, "Actually, I'll see the room later." She sits down next to Cecil.Ill have to fix my head band later, people are seeing through my 'disguise'. Turning to Cecil she asks, "Sooo... whats your story, why are you so defendant of a person you hardly know?"

2011-02-19, 09:16 PM
The bar goes quiet. The gamblers stop playing and turn around, the gnome in the corner sits perfectly still, watching the half-elves carefully, and the waitress who was bringing Dreki his ale (for which she charged 3 cp) retreats back to the safety of the kitchen. The bartender scoffs and takes in a deep breath, but is cut off by the elderly man at the bar.

"Now you listen here, young man," he says with a fire to his voice, "don't you think you can come clambering into our town and make assumptions on our history. You half-scum are no better than the last group of Elves that came to this town. I'll show you losses in the crossfire!" The old man hops to his short legs, grabs a barstool and holds it threateningly above his head.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. There won't be any need for that Mr. Cheever," a cloaked Gnoll steps into the bar with a smirk on his face. Frustrated, the Gnome enters a silent staring contest with the Gnoll. Finally, he lets out a defeated sigh, sets the stool down, and turns his back on the rest of the tavern. "Now, everyone, back to your own business. And anyone here on my business," the Gnoll holds up a familiar poster, "let's have a seat, shall we?"

Fra Lippo
2011-02-19, 09:25 PM

Dreki, smiling at all the commotion, turns to the bartender. 'Excuse me, good sir, but I asked one of your servants for a drink, and unfortunately she seems to have run away with it. I am so terribly thirsty, you see. Please could you sort it out.' The last sentence is uttered more as a statement than question, betraying just a little emotion from the otherwise indifferent man.

2011-02-19, 09:34 PM
The bartender gives a curt nod and walks back to the kitchen. After a minute, the bartender reemerges from the kitchen, followed by an anxious waitress. Hand shaking, she sets the mug onto the table and lets out a mutter, "Sorry about that sir, is there anything else I can get for you?"

Fra Lippo
2011-02-19, 09:43 PM

'Oh, I feel a little peckish too, perhaps I need something before I head on. Do you serve steak, or some form of meat?'. With the waitress he is all smiles and charm.

Hefty Lefty
2011-02-19, 09:47 PM

The instant the angered gnome reaches for the stool, the half-elf reaches for his own weapon of choice. His shining longsword could slice through this entire bar. He smirks as the gnoll calms the gnome. Good thing that gnoll showed up. That old man didn't know what he was getting himself into. The half-elf takes a short breath, a sip from his goblet, for an instant glances at the woman he mentioned before, then walks toward the cloaked gnoll. A gnoll, he thinks in disgust. This bar is full of beauty, isn't it? He reaches his hand in greeting. "Good afternoon sir. My name is Cecil Arquette, and I'm here in response to that letter."

2011-02-19, 09:53 PM

Lyanne frowns at the stranger ignoring her and follows him to the gnoll. Curiosity getting the best of her.

2011-02-19, 10:23 PM

Azreal moves over tot he gnoll. He doesn't hide his unease at the gnoll's presence, one hand hidden in his cloak, fingers brushing one of his hidden daggers. he restrains himself though and makes sure he is between Lyanne and the gnoll.

"Why have you asked us to come here?"

2011-02-20, 05:13 AM
Albert Hill

Albert doesn't really raise his head or seem surprised in the slightest at all the commotion. He expected some anger between the haughty half-elf so proud of his elven heritage; it's not like the Elven kind are very loved in this part of the world...

At the Gnoll's comment concerning "business", Albert gets up rather stiffly and walks over, joining the res of the group; he opens his mouth to speak but realizes that any questions he would voice have already been answered.

Albert Hill stands slightly behind the others, awaiting answers to the asked questions.

2011-02-21, 01:27 PM
"On the meat selection today, sir," the waitress replies to Dreki, "we are serving a meal of turkey, bread, corn, and wine for five silver pieces, and a beef stew with a roll of bread and a pint of ale for four."

The Gnoll lets out a sort of chuckle at the tension rising between a few of the half-elves and himself. "Allow me to prelude this with a bit of a suggestion," he says with a new air of seriousness to his tone, "I am not quite so much in the minority here as the five of you are. I am a well-respected citizen in this town, and I'll have your respect and trust or I won't have you at all. 'Adventurers' are in high surplus these days, so if you have issue working with a Gnoll, I wish you safe travels on your return trip home."

"Now, before we get down to business," The Gnoll stands up and motions to the bartender, "seven pints over here, Gibbs, whenever you're not busy." Next, the Gnoll turns to the Gnome in the corner and waves, "are you going to sit there or come join us? I'll not say no to a sixth hand."

Begrudgingly, the Gnome gets up and makes his way over to the table, silently taking a seat next to the Gnoll.

"Well, well," the Gnoll continues, "I believe introductions are in order. My name is Sarr, and I am a merchant and resident of this lovely little village."

Fra Lippo
2011-02-21, 01:42 PM

Although he heard the number 'five' - and so far he has only seen four adventurers enter - Dreki continues to ignore what is going on behind him in the hope he hasn't been picked out yet. 'I'll have the beef stew. A fairly rare dish in Yarum, even when there was cattle available. But perhaps I could have it without the ale, or the extra cost? I haven't even finished this one yet' he says, lifting up his current drink.

2011-02-21, 01:55 PM
"Ah, certainly," the waitress says uncertainly, "without the ale, the cost will be three silver and seven copper. If that satisfies you, I'll bring it right out for you."

Fra Lippo
2011-02-21, 02:00 PM

He nods in assent, and while he waits for his food he listens to the conversation unfolding behind him. The temptation to turn around and stare is so much that he shuts his eyes and slumps forward a little, as if he can will away his desire to watch everything.

2011-02-21, 02:31 PM

"My name is Lyanne. I'm a musician and a story teller."

2011-02-21, 03:56 PM

For the first time in rather a long while, Albert Hill speaks - in a rather surprising basso profundo, no less:

I have no problem with your kind. Why did you post the advertisment for adventurers? Also, I'm Al.

Hefty Lefty
2011-02-21, 04:08 PM

The broad half-elf lets out a nearly inaudible groan. I would've appreciated the letter mentioning I'd be working with a monster and a... gnome. It takes all of Cecil's strength not to spit in the pair's face and walk away. But, he knows that in order to achieve his full arcane potential, he'll have to push himself to go on quests. Even if that means dealing with lesser types. "As I said, I am Cecil, of the Arquette bloodline of Apresian elves." His eyes shift from focusing on the gnoll to the sitting gnome. "Tell me, gnome, what is your name?" The question sounds much more like a command. "If I am to work for you, I need you to open up," after a pause, he continues to tease the gnome, "Come now, speak!"

2011-02-21, 06:40 PM
The waitress collects the money from Dreki and slips out of the room.


Sarr leans back in his chair as the barkeep begins bringing over their pints, two by two. As Albert is talking, Sarr is given his pint and leans over it lustfully. Once "Al" finishes, the Gnoll takes a large swig and leans over the table, supported by one hairy forearm. "Nice to meet you Al," he says, "and you Lyanne. As I've said, I am a merchant, and the reason I have called for adventurers is that I'll be traveling to Azrule City. There have been several caravans which have gone missing, and their owners have disappeared along with them. I, however, have a special package for Baron Jing that must make it to him safely. He has granted me an extra sum of money with which I am to hire guards to transport my goods."


Taken aback, the Gnome's eyes widen as he tries to make sense of what Cecil has said. "My name," he says cautiously, "is Garn. And you're not working for me, we're working for him." He gestures towards Sarr, who is busy chatting with Albert.

Hefty Lefty
2011-02-21, 07:57 PM

Cecil winces as if in pain from hearing the gnome's words. Corellon Larethian, you must be testing me, the half-elf speaks to his god in a silent mental prayer, Not only my will, to bear with this insufferable being but also my strength in dragging this dead weight throughout my journey. Cecil's eyes widen as he rethinks the statement of dragging the gnome's dead weight. He then opens his mouth in a small smile and turns to Sarr. "This is exactly what I signed up for. When do we depart?"

2011-02-22, 09:18 PM

"I am Azreal. I'm good with daggers, rope, and making small things vanish unnoticed."

He keeps himself close to Lyanne, though his positioning isn't noticeable if someone wasn't actually paying attention.

2011-02-23, 12:07 AM
The waitress reenters once more with a tray supporting one bowl of beef stew and a doughy roll. She smiles uncertainly as she sets the tray down in front of Dreki, and patters back to the safety of the kitchen.

Sarr nods acknowledgingly at Azreal. "Good to meet you," he says, before turning back to answer Cecil, "First thing tomorrow morning, it's best that we make the beginning of this trek in the light, and save darkness for when we're nearer to the city."

"So," he continues, turning to the Half-Elf with the meal before him, "Until then, I suggest we all become acquainted. Unless you'd like to pretend you're just passing through here, tall one? In which case, may I request that you move a few tables further down, I'll not discuss business in the presence of strangers."

Fra Lippo
2011-02-23, 12:45 AM

With a shrug in his shoulders, Dreki brings his tray to the table, where his indifference immeadiately changes into pleasantry."Greetings friend. Dreki Wheeler, officer of the former Royal Army of Yarum, at your service. I am in fact 'passing through', but I would not be disinterested in a little work while I wait for a little fortune". He picks up one of the pints that the gnoll bought for the table, raises it in thanks, and drains it. "So tell me, Sarr, what are the rest of the details? Do you have any information about the other caravans? And what is the nature of the package?".

2011-02-23, 06:59 AM

Lyanne curiously stares at the ale in front of her, listening to the conversations enfolding between her (probable) future co-workers. Turning to Azreal she asks, "So, are we taking this offer? Can we?" Under the "cover" of the conversation, she attempts to push her glass of ale to Dreki.

Fra Lippo
2011-02-23, 05:54 PM

As soon as he is finished with his questions to Sarr, Dreki turns to the pint of ale that was pushed towards him, and the girl behind it. 'So, you've decided to become a mercenary - and at such a tender age. Are you not worried about your pretty little face?'. Dreki is no stranger to a youth without a childhood, and sees nothing immoral in young adventurers - except where it concerns their capabilities in battle, of course. I won't risk myself, whatever is behind these mysterious disappearances, just so that some kid can leave my back open to a hasty end. He takes the glass towards him, but places his hand upon it and waits for both replies.

2011-02-23, 06:01 PM

He doesn't respond right away, sizing up the others for a moment. He turns to her and smirks. "What choice do we have? It's this or back to barely getting by on entertaining crowds. Besides, could be fun."

Hefty Lefty
2011-02-23, 08:30 PM

The half-elf takes another sip from his goblet, ignoring the ale in front of him. He didn't order it; he doesn't understand why it is there. Are these idiots really about to get drunk before our mission? I wanted to test my strengths, he thinks, I definitely won't have any help from these fools. Cecil looks around at the group he'll be working with tomorrow. A group of half-elves: two hiding their ears, one afraid to join in conversation, and another specializing in "making things disappear." Who knows how much he can be trusted. And on top of that a gnome. This is going to be a great experience, Cecil thinks sarcastically. "So is there anything else to discuss, or will I see you all tomorrow, here, at dawn?" He tips his goblet back, almost empty of the sweet red wine. "If we're done, my time would be better spent preparing my arcane magic."

2011-02-23, 08:57 PM
"The rest of the details," Sarr says, laying out a small map of the region, "are what we're here to discuss. There are two paths from here to Azrule. One is a shorter path through the Kili Forest; we would arrive in Azrule by nightfall if uninterrupted. That doesn't seem to be likely, however, as this path is the one on which most previous traders have disappeared. Even if we weren't stopped by bandits, I've encountered some loathsome creatures in that wood.

"Our second option is a path that goes northerly, around the forest. It is a longer trip, and we'll most certainly reach nightfall by the time we're halfway there, but there's a reputable inn on the way in which we can safely spend the evening.

"I highly suggest we take the longer route, but if you think we can handle fighting through the woods at night as well as putting up with bandits, we might get a bonus if we get to the city early.

"Concerning the other caravans," the Gnoll continues, "no, I don't have much information on them. Except for one alcohol trader, a friend of mine who disappeared last month.

"And as for the nature of the cargo - sorry, but that's royally classified. I'm just a middleman, so even I don't know. Rumor has it that it's an arms supply for some sort of uprising that the baron is supporting, but I don't really like to discuss such things."

2011-02-24, 08:46 PM

Lyanne smiles at Azreals answer. Hearing what the gnoll has to say, she chimes in with: "I think we should go with the long route. If we go the other way we might get payed more, but we can't be paid if were dead."

2011-02-24, 08:51 PM

I'm for the long route. It is safer. No use in hoping for extra payment if we're dead.

Hefty Lefty
2011-02-24, 11:35 PM

Cecil looks around at the group of so-called adventurers opting for the easy way out. I won't be able to test my arcane power hiding from foes and using town guards as defense. "This man advertised for adventurers," the half-elf begins before finishing his goblet, finally, "If we choose to avoid any and all adventure... so be it. My vote is for the shorter path. I have better things to do with my time then hiding from things that go bump in the night."

2011-02-25, 12:16 AM

"Awe come on Lyanne, we aren't afraid of monsters and bandits. Besides, we'll have a mage with us, and the warriors look like they can do well in a fight. If things go south we'll just stick to our usual back up plan. I vote we take the short route." The plan, of course, would be to run while any monsters were busy eating the meatier members of the party.

2011-02-25, 08:01 PM

Lyanne responds to Dreki, with a smile."Of course we can take care of ourselves, we're obviously not from around here, so of course we had to come from some where else. Do yoiu think we travelsed all the way here without picking up survival skills?"

Turning to Azreal she says, uncertainly, "well... I guess your right, we do have more people to help us. If you think we'll be strong enough to stay alive, maybe we are."

Hefty Lefty
2011-02-25, 09:57 PM

The broad-shouldered half-elf's eyes roll uninterestedly. These people talk themselves in circles, he thinks to himself, annoyed. If I don't make a decision, no one will. He places his goblet on the table. "So it's been decided. We'll be taking the short path. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to prepare for our journey." After making his statement, he promptly turns around and leaves. Cecil searches the town for any store selling adventuring gear and potions.

2011-02-25, 10:05 PM
Sarr listens as the group take their turns speaking. He nods in assent to what everyone says, as to agree that their arguments make sense. After a small break in the conversation, he turns to the Gnome.

"Well, it would seem that we'll be taking the shorter route," he states, ignoring Cecil's boisterous departure, "What say you Garn? And you, Seρor Wheeler? I would rather we depart on unanimous terms."

"Well," says Garn, "I'm assuming the pay from the Baron will be profitable already? I don't really see the point in risking my life for just a bit of extra coin. I guess I'm not going to argue with going the short way, but don't expect me to throw myself out in front of anyone for any of you Half-Elves."


After not a lot of searching, Cecil comes across one of the only shops in town, outside of the marketplace. It is a general store near the center of the village, which buys and sells any goods that the owner feels he may make a profit upon. It's probably his best bet for gear and potions.

2011-02-25, 10:07 PM

It appears I am outnumbered. Well. I guess it is the short route. Let it known that I opted for the safer option when this is all goes horribly wrong.

Fra Lippo
2011-02-25, 10:58 PM

In the meantime, Dreki has been mulling over the conversations going back and forth. He replies to the young girl: "I don't doubt that you are capable of looking after yourself - nor do I doubt that you do too badly, with your friend who seems so attentive. But do you have the strength and will to take a life in battle?". Dreki now addresses the table. "I agree with Garn on this. The only one who seems eager to take the short route is our errant companion, and the demonstration of his abilities so far have been to intimidate a few patrons of this establishment. If there is a fight, it will be me and the short one -", indicating to the armoured Garn with a grin "- out in front I expect. We will depend on those supporting us at the rear. I have been involved in a civil war, and seen how fear in a few individuals can cause an entire battilion to rout. And unlike a war, we don't even know what we might be up against. I say we should vote now, each with our gut instinct. Who would rather take the safe route?". Dreki raises his hand and waits for the others, looking particularly at those who have already voiced their concerns. He displays a genuine doubt in his voice and expression; he guesses that this random band of people is entirely fresh to mercenary work. Especially as he himself has never been in a real battle nor killed anyone, at least not in combat...

2011-02-26, 04:28 AM

Well, at least I am not alone. I vote for the safe route as well.

Albert raises his hand in a manner not dissimilar to making a vow, and keeps his hand held slightly aloft, waiting for the others' decision.

Hefty Lefty
2011-02-26, 06:12 PM

The door swings closed as Cecil leaves the bar. "I'm sure they're once again rethinking tomorrow," he mutters to himself. "Fools." After a few moments of searching, he finds the small "Leyurn's Goods." Inside the dimly-lit general store, the half-elf spends 4 gold, 1 silver, and 2 copper on a bed roll, two days of trail rations, fifty feet of rope, a whetstone, and a grappling hook. Before leaving, he spies a bright blue potion in the corner. The bottle, glowing, seems to call to him. Cecil purchases the potion of Cure Light Wounds for fifty gold pieces, knowing one day it might save his life.

2011-02-27, 02:00 PM

Lyanne pulls out her harp and starts to play a few notes, absent-mindently. A light tune envelopes the air as her eyes close. Her mind strains to remember anything about the surronding area and the forest.

2011-02-28, 02:39 AM
"A vote?" the Gnoll repats, "interesting... But fine. I suppose we know what the grumpy half-elf wishes. Let us go around the table saying aye or nay to the short route, yes?"


When it gets to Garn's turn, he grunts out a "nay".


As Lyanne thinks back, she recalls hearing about some of the common creatures found in the forest. Among the more dangerous beings, bandits, Goblins, and Gnolls less pleasant than Sarr are all easy to encounter. These were heard of in passing, and no rumors of anything impressively fearsome were heard of.

2011-02-28, 04:24 AM


2011-02-28, 03:08 PM
Lyanne looks up from her harp, thinking about what she recalled. She looks back and forth from Azreal to Dreki. "nay," She says, uncertantly.

Fra Lippo
2011-02-28, 06:29 PM

Dreki defers to the gnoll, despite already having his hand up in the air. The customer is always right. "Negative".

2011-02-28, 06:53 PM
"Well," Sarr says abruptly, "that seems to be the majority. Would someone kindly inform the perturbed gentleman who has just recently left that we'll be taking the longer route in the morning?"

"Unless anyone has any more questions, I believe that that that will be all for now. Prepare your things for tomorrow's trip, get a good night's sleep, and meet me outside tomorrow at the break of dawn."

2011-02-28, 07:13 PM
"I'll go break the news to him. Besides, I have to get some stuff anyway."
Lyanne smiles and nods thanks to the gnoll. Turns and heads for the door, starting the search for Cecil. After a short amount of time wandering the village she walks into the shp and spots Cecil.
"Hey, Cecil. Bad news, for you anyway. We're taking the long route." she says, picking up and carrying some supplies, "well, bad for you anyway, I guess."

Fra Lippo
2011-03-01, 08:10 PM

Dreki takes the pint of ale, after the table disperses, and gently drinks all the way to the bottom of the glass. He then asks for the cheapest available room, and without any question accepts the price and turns in for the night.

2011-03-01, 08:40 PM

He follows Lyanne, keeping within 10 ft of her seemingly at all times. He spends half the time looking around, keeping observant of his surroundings. He regards Cecil with a smirk. He was unimpressed with this caster's hubris. As long as he could back up his talk with his magic he and Azreal would stay on good terms.

2011-03-02, 03:30 AM

Albert requests for an affordable room for later, as well as arranging for a simple meal to find its way to his lap. He will then essentially spend the rest of day wandering amiably around town, followed by sleeping and preparing for his spells.

Hefty Lefty
2011-03-02, 08:15 AM

The green-eyed girl surprises Cecil just as he leaves a store. He looks up at her without moving his head from its fixed position. "I knew it." Cecil remarks, and as he does so, continues walking away. "Some adventurers you all are. I'm very impressed." As he walks away, he wonders how a Corellon Larenthian would appreciate him being bossed around by such pathetic half-elves. I must not fight with them. Not yet, at least. If either of tomorrow's companions respond to him, Cecil will stop walking, but not turn around to hear their statements.

2011-03-04, 02:54 PM

Lyanne shrugs, gathers her things (a potion of Cure light wounds, and two days wort of rations) pays, and leaves. When she returns to the Inn, she pays for her room. In her room, before she falls asleep, she spends some time on fixing her disguise, not wanting anyone else to figure out her race.

Hefty Lefty
2011-03-08, 09:50 AM

Once again alone on the street, Cecil looks through his things, making adjustments for the now two-day journey. He mutters under his breath, cursing the weak half-elves for conniving behind his back. Eventually he makes his way back to the inn and pays for a room. Again, he pays with a full gold piece (despite having change from his previous purchases) and watches as the barkeep makes change. After receiving the room key, Cecil finds the last room on the right. The inside bed chamber is nothing of note. A hard bed, empty dressers, empty drawers. Cecil peers through a mirror while undressing before slumber. He runs his hands across his sharp, pointed ears, comparing himself to the other half-elves. What makes them worthy to bear these ears? He undresses and sits upon the bed, legs crossed, meditating for two hours. His mind clears of any stress of today and of any anticipation of tomorrow. He had learned to meditate years ago from some elven acquaintances he had been travelling with. His mind rested, he draws up the bed sheets and falls asleep. The moon high in the sky, draws a light blue glow across his face through the window.

2011-03-08, 02:56 PM
The bartender charges 5 sp each for the night and an extra 2 for Albert's simple meal. The rooms are all about the same - nothing remarkable, nothing uncomfortable. Everyone rests soundly throughout the night, and almost as soon as dawn breaks, the creaking of an old wagon and the smacking of horse hooves can be heard on the hard path out front.

Hefty Lefty
2011-03-10, 12:02 PM

Cecil rises early from his bed before even the sun wakes. Cross-legged on his bed, he opens the metal clasps of his backpack and takes from it a white book with dark red trimmings. There is a generous amount of pages, however, most of them are blank. He skims those pages, disappointed. Today is the day I start my quest to complete this book. Before I rest, these bleach-white pages will be stained through with the ink of my arcane majesty. He flips back toward the beginning. The broad-shouldered half-elf prepares his spells for the upcoming journey. Once completed, he dons his dark purple robe, wooden sandals, and backpack before adjusting the straps for proper carrying during the two-days journey. He leaves his hair a disheveled mess, as well as his unshaven face. He takes his over sized longsword and departs from the room.

He makes his way downstairs, returns his key and purchases breakfast: three eggs and an orange. He slowly eats his meal. Out the window, the sun begins to rise and shine upon the dew-soaked grasses. From his window view Cecil spots but a few buildings, and behind that the forest they will be travelling in. He looks around the tavern, which is completely barren except for himself and one particularly groggy and depressed waitress. I wonder what is taking everyone?

Fra Lippo
2011-03-11, 09:08 PM

Just a little before dawn Dreki makes his way downstairs, sitting at a table near to the door. Although cleanly shaven and clearly refreshed, he is now wearing a knee-length hauberk of thick chain hoops. At his left side hangs a scabbard with a large, pointed longsword inside; and opposite, fastened to his belt, is a helmet in a style rarely seen on the continent. Indeed, it would take either an astute guess, or a widely experienced traveller, to know that it is of human design, and found only on one particular island at that.
Dreki has also placed an oval, steel scutum onto the table, and propped his backpack, with a few javelin jutting out, against one of its legs. All in all the man is dressed for battle, and until it is actually necessary he has no interest in exterting himself. Instead he placidly gazes out at the rising sun with a flat mouth and still eyes.

2011-03-12, 09:49 AM

At dawn Lyanne wakes up from her blissful sleep. Looking In a mirror, she checks her "disguise". Content that she can fool an untrianed eye with her work. She gathers all of her things into her backpack, placing it by the door. She puts on her armor, and her weapons. When she is done with her equipment she grabs her harp and walks down stairs. Anyone who looks at her will see what they saw yesterday, although more human. Long blond hair shimmering down her back, and brimming her face. Her smile that usually plays across her face is there, but is matched curiosly with attentive eyes, watching the tavern. Grabbing and paying for some fruit, she walks over the her compainions, wordlessly sitting down. Apon sitting she starts to absent mindingly play her harp, still watching the tavern.

2011-03-12, 03:22 PM

Having slept easilly enough, Azreal was up before Lyanne and waited down stairs for her. He spotted her as she came down and gave a smile, nodding. "Sleep well last night? I can't wait to get this job started."

2011-03-12, 10:15 PM

As Azreal begins talking, Lyanne jumps, slightly starteld."Well enough," She replies, walking with him to thier table. "Certantly one of the best places we've been to." she says. Her eyes stop being attentive. In fact her entire body seems more relaxed with Azreal around. "Do you know when we leave?"

2011-03-13, 01:42 AM
"Right now," Sarr says, stepping into the tavern, "assuming everyone's ready. Yes? Good. Then unless anyone has any objections, let us begin."

(OOC: The rest of the post is assuming you were all ready and agreed to go. If there was anything you needed to take care of, just post it and it will be assumed to have happened before this. If it's something big, I'll edit the following out until we're ready to go.)

The group begins their trek, walking westward alongside a horse drawn wagon. Sarr rides atop the horse, keeping it on track and moving, while Garn, unable to keep up on foot, sits on the back of the wagon, his legs dangling off. While okay with the thought of sitting through most of the ride, Garn gave off a feeling of envy towards the tall half-elves around him.

Not long after they've begun, they come to a crossroads. A sign informs the group that continuing directly westward would lead them into Kili Forest and towards Azrule. The road south led to a few small villages of which the half-elves weren't likely to have heard. And the path north would lead to Greenshire and, eventually, Azrule as well.

Without a moment's thought, Sarr led his horse to turn onto the northerly route.

"Anybody know any tunes for the road?" Sarr asked, turning back to smile at Lyanne.

2011-03-13, 03:32 AM

Upon rising early before dawn, Albert begins to ready his things for the upcoming journey.Spending a good deal of time quietly packing, trying to fit everything in his pack just as it was before, he eventually finishes and sits to commune with his deity regarding today's adventure, as well as requesting his spells.

Albert readys himself in the main area of the Inn with a small breakfast of Eggs and some bread. Always a favorite of his.


Later, whilst walking with the rest of the party:

I know a few tunes, Albert chirps up, But they're not much for the road. Mostly about the arts and occassionally killing. Truth be told, I've never been good at remembering words...

Hefty Lefty
2011-03-13, 09:53 PM
Dry leaves crumble under the footsteps of the bold Cecil Arquette. Today he is an adventure. A strong and brave warrior of both the blade and the arcane, searching for power in the wild outlands of the countryside. His great Longsword shines in the bright sun. Cecil's eyes squint to adjust to the brightness. As he looks up, he reads the roadside. This is pathetic. We could have this journey done in over half the time if these children had some pride. Look at this group. We have a gnome who can't even walk alongside us, he must be babysat. We have half-elves who are afraid of someone discovering their bloodline. His pessimistic thoughts are interrupted by Albert. After his comment, Cecil cannot help but burst out in laughter. "And now look!" He openly mocks the company member. "We have a bard who knows no words!" He laughs again, nearly losing his balance in his effort. "Oh woe is my life, as I am burdened by the weakness of my so-called companions." He rests his hand upon the musician's shoulder. "Please, friend. Please, prove me wrong. Sing me a song. Entertain me."

Fra Lippo
2011-03-13, 10:59 PM

Dreki raises his eyebrow at the wizard's new volley of taunts, and replies to Sarr with a rather pointed response."I only know the songs of my kin in Yarum. Specifically the ballads and 'shanties' of the sailors on the docks, as they load cargoe or mend the sails of the caravel", he declares with a mock-poetic flourish, "or the cantata written for a young lady, set upon the high society of merchant and military families, to accompany her chamber music". He returns to staring at the open countryside, now reminiscing about his past life. "Sadly the former group are a little too crude for our present company, and I would be unable to perform the latter. In any case my human, islander music must be looked down upon by the cultured peoples of the continent such as yourselves".

2011-03-14, 11:54 AM
"Half-elf, half-barbarian, are you?" the Gnoll says quizzically, "I wouldn't recommend sharing that much of your heritage around these parts."

Under his breath, Garn mutters something about scum. Just after, one of the wagon's wheels hits a rock, causing the Gnome to lose his balance and fall off the back of the wagon. Sarr laughs and leans forward on his horse, allowing it to speed up as the Gnome sprints in a failed attempt to catch back up.

2011-03-14, 08:53 PM

"Lyanne, how about playing one of those heart raising sonnets you learned in the last city. I'm sure it will improve our surly caster's mood." Azreal's tone is a bit dry but otherwise indifferent. He smirks briefly but his face returns to its passive expression quickly.

2011-03-14, 09:58 PM

Lyanne looks up from her daze, for she had been staring at Cecils hand for the past minute. "Hmmm? Oh, yes of course. Maybe the story of Lady Heather as well, the sonnet complements the story rather nicely." As she gets ready she brushes off Cecils hand. "I'll have you know I don't sing. And would very much like it if you wouldn't touch me." she says staring at him. Turning away she begins her preformance.

2011-03-15, 04:21 AM

Despite himself, Albert jumps a little at Cecil's touch. Silently composing himself, Albert says matter-of-factly
I never said I was one for song. I simply said I knew some tunes... It's not my fault that I remembered that I didn't know any words a bit too late...

Hefty Lefty
2011-03-15, 09:06 AM
((OOC: Lyanne's post should probably be editted a bit, no big deal.))


"Hm." Cecil grumbles, uninterested. "Let's get on with it, anyone." He turns away from the crowd and walks along the outskirts of the dirt-beaten road. "This is such an exhilarating adventure I'm about to fall asleep."

Fra Lippo
2011-03-16, 01:06 PM

Dreki smiles at Sarr's comments, and then openly laughs at the gnome's misfortune. "Who ever said anything about the elves being involved? As far as I know, it only takes a man and his wife to perform the act of begetting", he remarks. "Is there some pleasant custom among elvish groups that might be of interest when seeking evening company?" In any case, as long as there are bandits to bother pompous little merchants such as yourself my heritage doesn't matter a damn.

2011-03-18, 04:33 PM
The Gnoll grunted, still smirking, and left it at that.

They traveled a bit further, listening to a few tunes from Lyanne, before they came across a small hooded being walking the road in the opposite direction. A thin, scaly arm stretched out from beneath the cloak, its claw clutching onto a wooden mug. As it drew closer the figure said nothing, but merely held out the mug, rattling the few copper pieces within.

Sarr maintained his focus ahead and passed the figure up as though it were not there.

2011-03-18, 05:29 PM
Lyanne thinks back to any information she might have picked up on her travels - she has come across and heard of many a hooded figure, but there is nothing especially familiar about this one.

2011-03-18, 07:29 PM
Lyanne smiles and walks up to the beggar. She deposites 3 cp into the cup before continuing on her way.

Fra Lippo
2011-03-18, 10:34 PM

As soon as he sees that scaly hand, Dreki draws his sword and points it in the direction of the hooded figure. His shield is already unslung, but he lifts it up a little anyway, shifting his stride to a slower, defensive side-step. He is so intent on the being that he allows the cart and his companions to get a little ahead of him, although not so far that he is separated from them by any large distance; his natural instinct is to remain with the group.

2011-03-19, 07:49 AM

Albert, upon seeing the hooded figure, first looks straight ahead not really giving much attention to the poor beggar. However, something changes in his face, followed by him walking up and depositing a few copper pieces into the cup. A slight frown remains as he walks away.

Hefty Lefty
2011-03-20, 09:26 AM

The tall half-human carelessly passes the hooded scale. His shimmering blue robe contrasts the vagabond's dark and dirty black clothes. Cecil peers into the cup and finds a few copper pieces. He looks up, locks eyes with the beggar, and spits in the cup. "Earn your money you worthless flesh."

2011-03-21, 05:14 PM
The beggar makes no noise or gesture to anyone to signify that it's aware of the group's presence as it passes them by. It responds to neither Lyanne's generosity nor Cecil's rudeness. Instead it veers off of the path and into some thick shrubbery to its right.

[Everyone may make a Spot check if they so choose.]

2011-03-21, 05:56 PM

After watching the mage harass the beggar, Azreal shakes his head in disgust, waiting for him to move on. Approaching the beggar, Azreal takes out a hankerchief and takes the man's cup gently, wiping out the inside and wiping off the coins, then dropping in a silver piece. he whispers so the man can hear. "Pay the mage no mind sir, he has no manners and I doubt he has ever known hardship as you or I have. Stay safe my friend." With a pause for the man's response, Azreal smiled and patted his shoulder, then moved to rejoin the group.

2011-03-26, 12:05 PM
The party continues forward, but doesn't make it far before a hail of spears falls out of the woods from the left. One poorly thrown spear tinks off of Albert's armor, while another two fall at the feet of Dreki and Lyanne. Sarr doesn't get so lucky, and let's out a yelp as one of the sharp sticks bores its way into his arm. Another spear makes its way to a soft part of Azreal, and a final one scrapes across Cecil's back.

From behind some shrubbery to the right, three reptilian creatures lunge forward, clubs in hand. Two rush to attack Albert, while the third goes for Dreki. Both adventurers take a hit.

Please roll initiative.

Surprise round over.
Sarr - 5
Azreal - 3
Cecil - 2
Albert - 1
Dreki - 1

From now on, I'd like all rolls to be made in spoilers in game. That okay with everyone? Also, sorry for any horrible errors, my comp keeps overheating so i'm typing this on my iPod.


Hefty Lefty
2011-03-26, 12:31 PM

The broad half-human doesn't fancy being caught off-guard. It reminds him that his elongated elven ears are mostly just for show. He rubs his hand across his neck and put it in front of his face. Blood. He immediately throws his head to the left and spots the perpetrator. You vile beast, you don't know what you've gotten yourself into. Cecil brings his hand up, and a light blue aura glows around his body, then dims. He wields his shining sword and raises it violently in the enemy's direction. He smirks, finally able to show his companions the skill he knows he has possessed all along.

Mage Armor cast. +4 Armor Bonus.

2011-03-26, 01:14 PM
Lyanne jumps, startled by the spears flying across the air. Her head turns to the left and sees the assailants, recognizing them as the same creatures that the beggar they had met earlier was. She racked her brain to try and remember anything at all about these creatures. With her trian of thought occupied she ran behind the wagon and pulled out her bow. Nervous to start her first fight.
Move to H4, move action to ready bow.
Initiative roll: [roll0]
Knowledge local: [roll1]
Knowledge arcane: [roll2]
Knowledge nature: [roll3]
Knowledge history: [roll4]
Bardic knowledge: [roll5]

Fra Lippo
2011-03-26, 10:15 PM

The sudden attack prevented Dreki from putting on his helmet - allowing the creature's club to connect. Fortunately it was only a glancing blow, as they seemed to lack any strength. But it goads Dreki into making an unmeasured thrust at the nearest enemy with an intelligible cry of hatred. The whole mass of his body goes forward with the longsword, so that he almost runs into the creature.

Attack Roll:[roll1]
Damage Roll:[roll2]

2011-03-27, 12:40 AM

Azrel staggers a step, cringing in pain then glaring at hsi attackers. How they got the drop on the group was concerning but he ignored those question for now, focusing on the matter at hand. A dagger slid from its hidden place in his sleeve and he threw it at the nearest target, cursing his prey under his breath.

Initiative [roll0]
Attack [roll1]
Critical [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

2011-03-29, 02:31 PM

Albert shudders at the glancing blow of the spear, leaving him motionless for a moment. Upon quickly regaining his awareness he draws steel and raises his blade at the foe straight ahead of him.

Initiative: [roll0]
Attack roll at G1: [roll1]
Damage roll: [roll2]

2011-03-29, 08:30 PM
Lyanne recognizes the creatures immediately. Any classic bardic tale has these monsters doing grunt-work for their higher ups. These poor beasts are often found at the bottom of the food-chain, but have seemed to organize themselves fairly well here. Or at least, fairly well in Kobold standards.


As everyone draws their weapons, Cecil proudly displays his as he chants the incantation for his first spell.

Without hesitation Lyanne draws her bow, strings an arrow, and releases it. The arrow cuts at the arm of her target, causing him more anger than pain.

Sarr breaks the shaft of the arrow, leaving the wound to be dealt with after battle, before dismounting his horse on his right side. Scimitar in hand, he takes a swing at the Kobold that attacked Dreki. Regrettably, his swing is too bold and he missed the creature entirely.

Dreki, however, is more fortunate. His blow strikes true and pierces easily through the shoulder of his attacker.

Riled, three of the Kobolds run out of their group right into the mix, while the others remain in the cover of the trees. Those who remained behind threw another volley of spears. Albert took his first blow, and Dreki suffered more from this spear than from the foe in front of him. The third spear suffered from Cecil's well-timed spell, and bounced off of his aura to hit the ground.

Of the other three on the left, two frantically swing their clubs at Lyanne. The first narrowly misses her head, but the second manages to catch her ribcage, however weakly. The third Kobold on the immediate left strikes at Azreal and misses entirely.

The three original melee Kobolds remain in battle with their targets. The first club finds a weak spot in Albert's mail, while the other breezes past his torso. The final Kobold takes a powerful swing at Dreki... and misses.

Albert swings valorously, but alas, the monster dodges. As does Azreal's target, as the dagger whizzes past its ear.

Garn leaps off the wagon and into the fray, taking position beside Azreal. He swings his short sword violently at the nearby assailant and misses.


Round 1 Summary
Albert - 3 & 3
Dreki - 4
Lyanne - 1

E4 Kobold - 1
H3 Kobold - 4

Cecil - +4 AC

Current Battle Summary
Current Initiative:
21 – Cecil
16 – Lyanne
13 - Sarr
12 – Dreki
6 - Kobolds
4 - Albert
3 – Azreal
1 - Garn

Total Damage:
Albert - 6
Azreal - 3
Cecil - 2
Dreki - 5
Lyanne - 1
Sarr - 5

E4 Kobold - 1
H3 Kobold - 4

2011-03-29, 09:41 PM

Now too close to bother throwing his daggers, Azreal draws his rapier and flourishes it at the koblod that swung at him, feinting to one side to open the kobold up for a more devastating strike.

Bluff check for Feint: [roll0]

Hefty Lefty
2011-03-30, 03:25 PM

The kobold's spear deflects off his powerful arcane aura. Cecil smirks, proud of his accomplishment. He regains focus as the diminutive gnome leaps in front of him and makes a fool of himself with such a grand miss. "Get out of my way." Cecil walks past him, being sure to "accidentally" bump Garn. He then swings his gleaming longsword with two hands overhead onto the lizard foe.


Cecil moves to E7.

Fra Lippo
2011-04-02, 05:37 PM

Dreki's shouting is abruptly gasped out with the new pain in his back, but his successful attack bolsters his will. Stepping back from the lizard, struggling with its bleeding shoulder, he swings at it with a wide arc, slow but threatening to deliver a powerful bludgeon to its head.


2011-04-03, 10:01 AM

Lyanne watches as her arrow flies across the road, striking the lizard, even if it hardly did any thing. Her victory is short lived however, when the kobolds rush up to attack them. She let's out a wordless gasp as the club connects, even if it was a weak blow. Lyanne quickly steps away from her enemy's, before they can get another hit in. Lifting her bow she shoots an arrow at her attacker, hoping for another hit.

5-foot step to G6, attack at E4
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Crit [roll2]

2011-04-03, 12:41 PM

Growing increasingly frustated at his intital missed attack, Albert attempts to carry on unfazed and swing another blow at the foe directly before him.

Attack roll at G1: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1]

2011-04-03, 01:38 PM
Cecil takes a powerful swing, but misses his foe. Lyanne, too, fails to connect with her target.

Sarr lunges at the Kobold with which he's been in combat. His blow strikes true as the blade cuts thoroughly through the body of the beast. Leaving him in a crumpled bloody heap before him.

With his original opponent now down, Dreki swings at the next nearest Kobold, connects, and fells him immediately.

A third volley of spears drops down as the Kobolds continue their assault; however, all of them fail to hit their target and, out of spears, they come forward from the trees.

Of the other Kobolds on the frontlines, the one attacking Azreal fells to his bluff. Nevertheless, he takes a swing, but still fails to hit the Half-Elf. The northernmost Kobold maintains his attack against Albert; but he, too, misses.

Another of the Kobolds, formerly attacking Lyanne, steps next to the horse to come into striking range with Dreki. This Kobold hits his victim, but leaves nothing more than a sore bruise.

The other of Lyanne's former combatants turns to Azreal. He and Azreal's other assailant both fail to hit him.

Albert swings fervently, not distracted by his former miss, but this Kobold is too agile. Albert once again fails to make contact.

Azreal continues in combat, but feints his foe in preparation for his next move.

Garn swings out once more, this time grazing his opponent, leaving a thin slice across its right arm.


Round 2 Summary
Dreki - 2 (by F4 Kobold)

E6 Kobold - 2 (by Garn)
H2 Kobold - 6 (by Dreki)
H3 Kobold - 10 (Critical hit by Sarr)

Current Effects:
Cecil - +4 AC
E6 Kobold - No Dex to AC next round.

Enemy movement
A2 - C2
A3 - C3
A7 - C7
E4 - F4

Current Battle Summary
Current Initiative:
21 – Cecil
16 – Lyanne
13 - Sarr
12 – Dreki
6 - Kobolds
4 - Albert
3 – Azreal
1 - Garn

Total Damage:
Albert - 6
Azreal - 3
Cecil - 2
Dreki - 7
Lyanne - 1
Sarr - 5

E4 Kobold - 1
E6 Kobold - 2
H2 Kobold - 6 (bleeding out)
H3 Kobold - 14 (bleeding out)

Hefty Lefty
2011-04-03, 06:59 PM

An aggravated Cecil recoils from his missed strike. Damn! he curses to himself as he watches the gnome make contact. I must be rusty... That puny gnome made a hit and I didn't? He lifts the sword again and brings it down onto the kobold's head with fury.


Cecil should already be in E7, correct?

Fra Lippo
2011-04-03, 09:06 PM

Despite the chainmail reducing the attack to little more than a bruise to worry about the next day, another hit on his back causes Dreki to immediately turn around and takes another swing, this time with a little desperation.


2011-04-05, 01:04 PM

Upon Albert's second miss he breaks his silence with a a loud "Dammit!"

In the midst of his embarrasment at cursing - something he always felt guilty about - Albert readies another swing at the elusive Kobald in front of him.

Attack roll on G1: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1]

2011-04-05, 07:41 PM

Having opened up his foe for a proper strike, He lunges forward with his rapier, always adding just a bit of flair. He hoped it would eb off balance enough for him to hit hard.

Rapier: [roll0]
Crit: [roll1]
Dmg: [roll2]

2011-04-05, 09:39 PM
After watching her arrow miss her target she turns to her companions. Seeing the kobold fall for Azreals tricks she decides to take advantage of the situation, and let's an arrow fly over Azreals shoulder.
Attack at E6
Attack roll: [roll0]
Crit roll: [roll1]
Damage :[roll2]

2011-04-06, 01:48 PM
As there are very few hits this round, I'll be shortening the narration. :P

Cecil swings his longsword with growing frustration, continuing to try to show up the Gnome. This time he drops the sword from above, and the Kobold doesn't have time to move before the blade embeds itself in her skull. She falls to the ground, unconscious and dying quickly.

Sarr, looking for a new target, moves forward past the Kobold in combat with Albert. The Kobold sees the opening and takes a swing, but only grazes Sarr as he positions himself to flank the beast. Now ready, he takes a swing of his own and slices down the front of the beast's chest.

The Kobolds from the left move forward and into attacking position. In a series of swings, slices, and jabs, very little progress is made. Except for one particularly angry Kobold whose little sister was just felled by a certain wizard. The Kobold moves forward with his club in hand and takes a swing that bursts through the Mage Armor and smacks Cecil right in the face. Fortunately for Cecil, this Kobold is rather weak.

In the midst of the confusion Garn, now unthreatened, moves from his position in an attempt to find a new combatant. He steps down and next to Cecil before taking another swing; however, he too has trouble hitting his target.


Round 3 Summary
Sarr - 1 (by G1 Kobold)
Cecil - 1 (by D7 Kobold)

E6 Kobold - 8 (by Cecil)
G1 Kobold - 5 (by Garn)
H2 Kobold - 1 (Bleeding out)
H3 Kobold - 1 (Bleeding out)

Current Effects:
Cecil - +4 AC
Albert and Sarr - +2 Flanking attack bonus.

Sarr H4 - G0
Garn F7 - E8

Kobold C2 - F2
Kobold C3 - F3
Kobold C7 - D7

Current Battle Summary
Current Initiative:
21 – Cecil
16 – Lyanne
13 - Sarr
12 – Dreki
6 - Kobolds
4 - Albert
3 – Azreal
1 - Garn

Total Damage:
Albert - 6
Azreal - 3
Cecil - 3
Dreki - 7
Lyanne - 1
Sarr - 6

E4 Kobold - 1
G1 Kobold - 5
E6 Kobold - 10 (bleeding out)
H2 Kobold - 6 (bleeding out)
H3 Kobold - 14 (bleeding out)

Hefty Lefty
2011-04-06, 03:24 PM

The mage recovers from the stunning blow. He holds his head in one hand and rubs his very sore and tender cheek. Cecil is literally seeing stars. Nevertheless, he takes one more strong swing at his new opponent.


Cecil can barely lift his sword, let alone swing it with any strength. The blade lazily drags along the earth, and the kobold barely notices the action, let alone avoids it. A trickle of blood begins to tear from Cecil's right eye. I can't get over-exerted here. He looks over to Garn. Especially when I have the gnome here as my disposable shield. "Garn, help me out here!" He orders in the most convincing way he can.

Fra Lippo
2011-04-06, 06:05 PM

In his panicked state, Dreki miscalculates and the sword slices into the empty air above the creature. He quickly regains his balance, despite his ungainly body, and thrusts towards the creature's heart.


2011-04-09, 03:20 AM

Albert is starting to feel that his old combat trainer was right; he'd never amount to any good fighter...

Seeing Sarr position himself favorably, Albert takes another swing at his constant sparring partner, ignoring the obvious threat of the Kobald to his side.

Attack Roll on G1: [roll0]
Critical Roll: [roll1]
Damage Roll: [roll2]

2011-04-09, 03:27 AM

"These little scalies have some tougher hide than I expected them to... Die!"

He lunges again with his rapier, realizing that his usual bluffign in combat won't help against a foe with armor and naturally tough hide.


2011-04-10, 11:44 AM
Cecil, Sarr, and Dreki all continue their swordplay, failing to get any notable strikes in. Lyanne steps back and surveys the battlefield.

The Kobold upon whom Albert isn't focused takes advantage of the distraction and manages to get a hit on his foe. The rest of the draconic beasts are unable to make contact with their enemies this round.

Meanwhile, one of the previously felled Kobolds crosses over to another plane.

Albert manages to keep his focus on his target as he takes his final swing at his opponent. A heavy gash in his throat, the Kobold drops his weapon and clutches his neck. He begins to realize that it is in vain, as he drops to the ground and succumbs to unconsciousness.

Azreal's rapier hits a particularly tough part of the Kobold's armor, and fails to penetrate through to its skin.

Garn grunts at the wizard's command, but decides to follow his order. Feeling bold, the Gnome moves through the Kobold's space and around to flank, which provokes an attack from the enemy. The Kobold swings his club, but fails to connect.

In position, Garn raises his sword and thrusts it through the scaly chest of the creature. As the sword is pulled back out of his body, the Kobold falls to the ground in shock.


Round 4 Summary
Albert - 2 (by F2 Kobold)

D7 Kobold - 6 (by Garn)
G1 Kobold - 6 (by Albert)
E6 Kobold - 1 (Bleeding out)
H2 Kobold - 1 (Bleeding out)
H3 Kobold - 1 (Bled out)

Current Effects:
Cecil - +4 AC

Garn E8 - C7

Current Battle Summary
Current Initiative:
21 – Cecil
16 – Lyanne
13 - Sarr
12 – Dreki
6 - Kobolds
4 - Albert
3 – Azreal
1 - Garn

Total Damage:
Albert - 8
Azreal - 3
Cecil - 3
Dreki - 7
Lyanne - 1
Sarr - 6

F4 Kobold - 1
D7 Kobold - 6 (bleeding out)
G1 Kobold - 11 (bleeding out)
E6 Kobold - 11 (bleeding out)
H2 Kobold - 7 (bleeding out)
H3 Kobold - 15 (dead)

Hefty Lefty
2011-04-10, 04:55 PM

A pulsating headache in his head, Cecil moves towards the trees in an attempt to stay clear of the damage. In a brave attempt to continue fighting, the half-human sends arcane lights from his fingertips to pierce the kobold's psyche.

Cecil moves to C3 and casts Daze on the kobold in square E5.

Fra Lippo
2011-04-13, 08:02 AM

Tiring a little from his futile outbursts, Dreki makes a more measured attack.

Attack F3:[roll0]

2011-04-14, 05:38 AM

Upon felling his foe at last, Albert foolishly raises his arm in triumph! Unfortunatly, upon being cracked again by the Kobald he'd ignored to his left, Albert regains his focus and turns and swings at his new target.

Attack Roll on F2: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1]

2011-05-03, 12:05 AM
Cecil's target sways a bit, and seems to lose focus on the current situation. He remains defensive, but seems to distracted to make any sort of decision on how next to act.

Lyanne strings another arrow and delivers it to the chest of Cecil's former target, dealing a devastating blow.

Sarr moved down next to Albert to help him champion his foe, but his aim failed him once more.

Dreki continued battling, and was relieved to find that his foe wasn't infallible, and dealt an alarming blow which dropped the Kobold right to his feet.

The Kobolds attacking both Albert and Dreki practically tripped on their own clubs in yet another futile attempt to get a strike in, and the third remaining Kobold moved as though in a daze.

Albert strikes true once more, defeating this foe in a single swift strike as well. The beast collapses onto the dirt path with little more than a yelp.

Azreal takes a swing at the stunned monster, but fails to break past its armor.

Garn steps around to get into flanking position with Azreal and swings his shortsword eagerly, dropping the Kobold to the ground and leaving only one of the bandits standing.


Round 4 Summary

F2 Kobold - 3 (by Albert)
F3 Kobold - 11 (by Dreki)
E5 Kobold - 6 & 4 (by Lyanne and Garn)
D7 Kobold - 1 (Bleeding out)
G1 Kobold - 1 (Bleeding out)
E6 Kobold - 1 (Bleeding out)
H2 Kobold - 1 (Bleeding out)

Current Effects:
Cecil - +4 AC

Cecil E7 - C3
Garn C7 - D4

Current Battle Summary
Current Initiative:
21 – Cecil
16 – Lyanne
13 - Sarr
12 – Dreki
6 - Kobolds
4 - Albert
3 – Azreal
1 - Garn

Total Damage:
Albert - 8
Azreal - 3
Cecil - 3
Dreki - 7
Lyanne - 1
Sarr - 6

F4 Kobold - 1
F2 Kobold - 3 (bleeding out)
F3 Kobold - 11 (bleeding out)
E5 Kobold - 10 (bleeding out)
D7 Kobold - 7 (bleeding out)
G1 Kobold - 12 (bleeding out)
E6 Kobold - 12 (bleeding out)
H2 Kobold - 8 (bleeding out)
H3 Kobold - 15 (dead)

2011-05-03, 12:15 AM

Seeing that only one kobold remains Azreal, out of frustration finishes the kobolds that are bleeding out closest to them, slitting their throats. He takes his time, knowing his allies will finish the last one. He briefly comment sout loud, "We should tie one up and stabilize it, try and ask it questions."

2011-05-03, 06:38 AM

Noticing that any real danger has finally passed, Albert resists the urge to charge the last Kobald, instead stopping and saying:

I agree, might as well learn why we were attacked... If there was any reason at all, of course.

Hefty Lefty
2011-05-07, 03:23 PM

Bleeding and bruised, a furious Cecil sends sharp arcane missiles from his fingertips. The bullets dip through the air, landing on their target - the last remaining kobold.

Magic Missile casted. [roll0]

"What do they have to tell us?" Cecil questions the party while slowly sheathing his sword. "They were a band of reptilian bastards too incompetent to steal our gold. They are a silver piece a dozen, and they are no use to us."

2011-05-07, 05:08 PM
As the final Kobold drops to the earth with a dying yelp, the travelers find themselves wounded and weary, but victorious. Sarr sheathes his blade and remounts the horse in silence, while Garn plops back down upon the wagon. Lyanne slings her bow across her back and surveys the scene around her.

"Perhaps I wasn't meant for this," she wonders out loud, "at least... I don't think I'm ready. I'm going to head back to Springlass for a few days, then maybe my homeland. I just have a feeling that I'm not meant to be here right now. Farewell, my friends, and may our paths cross again."

The party receives 100 xp each.

Hefty Lefty
2011-05-08, 12:01 AM

The girl half-elf leaves without even a second thought, and Cecil won't let this moment pass. "Really?" He asks aloud, "That's the will of our party? One fight and she leaves?" He throws his hands up in exasperation. They land clasped behind his head. "What, did she expect us to never run into danger? Then why was she armed? For show?" He steps backwards and rests his head in his closed hands. "Who else here didn't expect to fight?" He glares around the group. "Who else has 'had enough'? I'm not going to waste my time with people who don't know what they're doing."

2011-05-08, 12:14 AM

The rouge growls and approaches the mage, a dagger sliding into his hand.

"You are a big headed egotists and should show some manners. You have been disrespectful and ignorant to everyone and everything since the beginning and frankly it gives me urges to stab you in the face. You think you are better than us because you can weave magic? Or are you simply compensating for your heritage, cause that certainly seems the more likely reason considering you are a half-breed bastard just like the rest of our kind. So shut your mouth before I shut it for you."

He glares at the mage, daring him to respond, in fact waiting for him to do so.

Hefty Lefty
2011-05-08, 11:35 AM

The half-human's eyes squint in anger. That scum. He is not the same race as I. He knows nothing of elven life. I should slice those pointed ears from his skull. "Look," he begins, "I'm sorry you lost your b*tch. You won't be getting any late-night relations, just like the rest of us." Cecil paces around the furious Azreal. "You don't like me and I couldn't care less. I'm on contract and I'm here for the gold. We're not going to be bestest friends after this is done. Now, if you want to fight me, I would love to duel. You see me as 'cocky' because I am stronger than you and touched with the other-planar powers of arcane magic. I am inifintely stronger than you. If you want to duel me, do it honorably. Save what small spec of elven blood that is in your dirty human body. Don't take advantage of me after I just saved you from a nine-kobold ambush. If you truly wish to duel, I advise you to reconsider. I won't bat an eye spilling a fool's blood in a matter of seconds."

2011-05-09, 02:56 AM

Albert is initially confused about the surrounding events.

After a short pause, he exclaims So, now we're one person short, and not only that but you two are arguing?! Honestly...

2011-05-10, 04:58 AM
(sorry, RL is annoying)

After a moment of glaring he shrugs. "For now it would be niether honorable nor profitable to duel you. After this mission is finished though, we can settle things then." He sheathes his weapons and turns his back to the mage, walking pack down the path.

2011-05-11, 08:19 PM
The party advanced further towards their destination, a silent tension about them. Very little was spoken for the next hour except some small talk which Sarr had attempted to spark up. In fact, it'd become so quiet that everyone seemed to notice when there was no longer any birdsong in the air.

Sarr looked about himself suspiciously as he rode his horse up a rather steep hill, and it wasn't until they'd reached the top that he found what he was looking for.

"Caravan," he said, halting his horse and looking at the chaos before him. Looted corpses were strewn about the path, arrows all throughout them, and a horseless wagon was lying on its side, its wheels smashed to bits, "they weren't as lucky as us. But whoever it was looks long gone. Alright, Dreki and Azreal, draw your weapons and keep watch while Garn, Cecil and I clear the path. Albert, see if there's anybody who's saveable. If we're lucky, we'll intercept someone at the inn who's qualified to handle this sort of thing."

He dismounted his horse, and Garn begrudgingly hopped off of the wagon, mumbling something about this not being a part of the contract.

[ooc: Berkin, I'll leave it up to you to introduce yourself here. You said nothing kinkier than being tied up, so you're not gagged or anything, and you can be as far from or close to the wreckage as you'd like. :smallsmile: ]

2011-05-14, 06:46 PM

Drawing his rapier and letting a dagger slide into his other hand, looking around for any signs of moevent and keeping himself alert.

Spot [roll0]
Listen [roll1]

2011-05-14, 11:53 PM

The dwarf stirs from unconsciousness. He has no trouble remembering where he is or what has happened; the arrow lodged in his arm is a powerful reminder. He looks back at the wrecked caravan he had staggered away from before passing out and sees unfamiliar figures poking through the remains. Berkin quietly pulls his quarterstaff close to him without standing, and summons as much strength as his battered body can muster. He then flings himself upright, and calls out, "Auric! To me!" A bird flies in from a nearby tree and settles itself on the dwarf's shoulder, prepared to launch itself at anyone who approaches. Berkin then addresses the half-elves around him with his staff readied to fend off anyone who might attempt to charge him. "I do not wish to fight you, but neither do I wish to have my throat cut by bandits or ghoulish corpse-pickers without defending myself. Who are you, and why are you here?"

Hefty Lefty
2011-05-15, 07:59 AM

Cecil wanders through the wreckings relatively unaware of everything. He isn't searching too hard for any evidence or valuables, and when the dwarf rises, he doesn't seem to give it much interest. Someone else is better suited to take care of this, he thinks.

2011-05-16, 02:39 PM

Albert had begun to look for survivors very intently, however with the arrival of an injured, bird-carrying dwarf, Albert was a little taken a back...

Hello, Mister... Dwarf. We don't mean any harm, we were just passing through and discovered this horrible wreckage. We won't cut your throat, honest! I was just looking for any survivors!.. I guess I did pretty well...

2011-05-16, 09:55 PM

The dwarf narrows his eyes at the half-elf who addressed him. "So you say, elvish. But even though I abhorred the war between our kinds, I still know enough to distrust a group of armed pointy-ear halfbreeds who just happen to show up where the caravan I was in was assaulted by...someone. Or something. It wasn't my rotation on watch; I was sleeping when the attack started. I heard one of the people on guard scream, came out to see what I could do, and promptly received an arrow to the arm and a hammer blow to the back of the head. Not my finest hour. And as much as I'd like to stand here and keep distrusting you, looks like I'll have to take you at face value, since I think I'm about to pass out again."

The dwarf slumps back to the ground, face first, sending his avian friend flapping back into the air to roost in a nearby tree, watching its master carefully. A trickle of blood drips from behind one of his ears.

2011-05-16, 10:31 PM
Sarr and Garn listened carefully to the Dwarf as they continued to move aside debris from the field, keeping an eye out for anything valuable.

"Bows and hammers?" Sarr wondered, "Did you get a good look a- oh." The Gnoll stopped mid-sentence as the Dwarf flopped onto the ground.

"Well," Sarr said to Albert, "it's just a short ways to the Inn. See if you can't wake him up, though."

2011-05-21, 04:17 AM

Taken aback by the Dwarf's sudden... sleepiness... Albert takes a while tor eact to Garr.

Well... I'll see what I can do for him.

Albert walks up to him to inspect the injured Dwarf and attempt to provide to some assitance.

Albert casts Cure Light Wounds on the Dwarf: [roll0]

2011-05-21, 05:57 AM

"I'll keep an eye out incase someone is still watching the wreck."

He moves up onto the wagon and sheathes his rapier, pulling out a second dagger and readying to throw one.

Spot [roll0]
Listen [roll1]

2011-05-21, 03:42 PM
Little is seen or heard in this area. Most of the wildlife has fled the violent scene, and the trees to the left are as bare as the plains to the right. A few birds circle overhead, waiting for the group to leave their dinner alone. The sun is close to setting in the path ahead; it will be dark soon.

2011-05-22, 10:31 AM

As the curative magic knits Berkin's wounds, he rises, stretches, and looks at his healer. Well, you've definitely got my thanks. And my attention. Who are you, and why have you led your group to this dismal wreck?

2011-05-25, 10:25 AM

My name is Albert, and I'm hardly leading this lovely little band; we're hired to guard the wagon and it's contents from... well, from whatever attacked you lot!

2011-05-25, 11:45 PM

Berkin considers what Albert has said as he views the carnage around them. You certainly can't do much worse than the last batch of guards. How long are you supposed to stay here? I guess I might as well help you watch over the place. I didn't know these people well, but I owe them that much, making sure they aren't pillaged and defiled in death.