View Full Version : Lands of Mystiir

2011-02-19, 12:54 PM
Hello and Welcome, Adventurers. To the Lands of Mystiir.

The Cast
Lim, the High Elf Ranger (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=276905). Played by Incompleat.
Quilon Droma, the Grey Elf Wu Gen (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=276888). Played by Bagger.
Kalinda Sul'Kadah, the Human Dragonfire Adept (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=276884). Played by Jopustopin.
Harperous, the Human Rogue (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=276881). Played by Cylch.
Leela Greenfield, the Halfling Beguiler (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=260535). Played by Vladislav.

The OOC Thread can be found Here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=187960).

2011-02-19, 01:48 PM
You come from various backgrounds, from the jungles of Cathay, the Forests of Sylvar, or perhaps even the Kingdom of Rochfield.
One thing is common for each of you. For various reasons, you traveled to the Great Desert of Ionoth. Within that desert, you traveled to the town of Varsa, known for its rich spice trade, as well as an Adventurer's Guild.

You are traveling with a Caravan, about two days away from Varsa. There are a Dozen or so merchants, and seven guards; as well as three dozen or so commoners hoping to find fortune in the desert frontier.
The Blistering Heat of the sun makes water exceptionally rare to find, but luckily the caravan brought many barrels of it.

The sun is high over the horizon, and the caravan is resting under tarps and tents; even the camels are sweating heavily. There seems to be movement on the horizon, but its hard to tell through the haze of heat.

2011-02-19, 02:14 PM
A cloaked figure just helped herself with a cup of water, and is drinking it while sitting in a corner of a big communal tent.

Are there communal tents? Otherwise, she is under a tarp, or somewhere else of that kind.

She mutters under her breath, in Elvish.

"I wonder if there are any lions around here. Big nasty lions, with their sharp teeth and their juicy entrails and..."

She start rummaging in her backpack, and makes a satisfied sound as she finds a tattered book. She takes it out, checks that no one is close to her, and opens it. She appears entranced by its contents.

2011-02-19, 02:25 PM
Under the cover from one of the caravans wagons is sitting an elf, looking at the sun cursing it to hell and back again in his mind, it was strange, he always tried to control the elements in his magic, but right now he just wished he knew how to make a cloud or something like that.

"I wonder if there are any lions around here. Big nasty lions, with their sharp teeth and their juicy entrails and..."

The voice of the female elf reached his ears, it was a strange thing to say for no reason but never the less each and every one of them had their own reason to be here, Quilon looked at the thing that might came towards them, or was it just one more of those dammed Images you always saw in the desert, He Slowly rose from his sitting position, he had always been a bit paranoid in new places, and in the middle of nowhere was no different.
He looked at one of the guards and said in common ”What is that out there?, is it normal to run into other caravans here”
Quilon could not help himself, he made sure he had all what he needed on him if he needed to fight or run.

2011-02-19, 02:44 PM
The guard looks at Quilon, then out to the Horizon "Caravans travel large or not at all, and they come and go every few days." he says without looking at you. "Although that movement is a little too small to be a caravan...".

A small child walks over to Lim, smiling. "Whatcha Reeeeeeeadin'?" she says loudly.

There is one Large tent, but the merchants are staying there, and four of twelve guards are guarding the tent, not letting anyone else in.

2011-02-19, 02:45 PM
Harperous sits on a wagon near the front of the caravan sipping a mug of water. It's been almost a year since he left home for adventure and he still hasn't found anything to keep him in check.

Seeing the shapes he stands up and shades his eyes with his hat attempting to get a better look "Maybe its another caravan coming with news from Varsa, That would be welcome" he mumbles to himself.

2011-02-19, 02:56 PM
Lim continues reading from her book, muttering her rough Elvish translation of the old Gnoll religious poem under her breath:

For the master of the slaughter kills under the stars and under the sun; for it kills in the mountains and in the plains, and under the ground; for it kills in the fortress and in the hut, and in the forest and in the desert, and over the sky and beneath the sea.

For no place is safe from the master of the slaughter; for in no place It, the Many, is not the master.

She stares at the words for a while, then sighs.

Suddenly, she notices the little kid, and hurriedly closes the book.

Ah... em... a tale. Yes, an old tale. Scary. No, not scary. A boring one. Yes, a boring story. You don't want to read it, it's too boring.

She eyes the child desperately. She has no idea whatsoever about what to say to make it go away.

2011-02-19, 03:12 PM
"Caravans travel large or not at all, and they come and go every few days."
"Although that movement is a little too small to be a caravan..."

That little Human!, de talked to him without looking at him, a lower being talking without knowing what he could get himself into right now, he could kill him right now, he would never have a chance to survive, but the human did say something there was worth listening to.
So it was most likely not a caravan, that was never good news.

“Ah... em... a tale. Yes, an old tale. Scary. No, not scary. A boring one. Yes, a boring story. You don't want to read it, it's too boring.”

Quilon smiled, the elf was not used to kids, Quilon moved over to the other elf and said in elvish.
”May I have a word?
Without waiting for the elf to answer Quilon pointed at the dusk cloud coming closer, and added
”the guards don’t think it’s a caravan, but something is coming closer towards us, I can’t see what it is, but was hoping you might be able to”

2011-02-19, 03:28 PM
Lim is desperately trying not to panic. Two people are talking with her at the same time!

That has not happened since... well, since these bite marks got infected and she had to return to the city to have them healed, but that time she was too much in pain to even care, and the time before was at least twenty years before that.

She stares at the elf - not that she is exactly an expert on elves, but he looks a bit different from the ones she remembers: is he some other kind of elf, or maybe an half-something? - and somehow manages to make a noncommittal sound.


2011-02-19, 04:19 PM
Kalinda doesn't speak much on the convoy. Early in the day, before the sun had hit it's peak, she moved around the camp asking each individual if they would like magical protection from the sun. If they said yes, she touched them (usually on their hands) and closed her eyes briefly. Endure Elements (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/endureElements.htm)

For the rest of the day it's as if they were walking through pleasant conditions. Those who chose not to partake are seen hot and grimy and sweating.
(In addition they are immune to any effects of my breath weapon)

Other than this she doesn't speak unless spoken to. When she sees the camel's looking sweaty she makes sure to relieve them from the sun's painful rays. (Yes she endure elements on the poor camels)

Coincidentally she arrives at Bagger last to invoke endure elements on him. The poor elf looks like he's wishing for some relief from the elements.

2011-02-19, 06:16 PM
The Child glances at Quilon. Her eyes widen, as if in horror, and she runs away. "Mommy! Mommy! Its another one, one of them that killed Daddy!"

Two guards swiftly walk past Harperous, heading to the back of the Caravan. The shapes within the dust cloud are too obsured to make out acurately, but there are roughly nine to a dozen shapes in the cloud.

2011-02-19, 06:59 PM
Kalinda finds a sloped sand dune and lays on it, lazily watching the events as if watching a boring play at the market. She looks half asleep waiting for the convoy to get a move on.

2011-02-19, 07:11 PM
Harperous looks around to see where the guards are heading and if anyone is keeping watch on the figures in the distance

I'm not sure if i read that right are the figures near the back of the caravan or the front?

2011-02-19, 07:53 PM
The figures on the horizon are approaching at fairly high speed, probably on mounts. the other two guards near the front of the caravan seem to be getting tense, gripping their spears tighter and glancing worriedly at one another.

The figures are approaching from the west (A.K.A the right) of the Caravan, it's hard to tell if they're heading for the front or back.

2011-02-19, 08:32 PM

A red-haired halfling is taking cover from the searing sun in the shade of a barrel. She nods politely at the Elf, obviously a fellow book lover. She wonders if she should come over and introduce herself, or leave the Elf to her own devices. Her attention is then grabbed by the approach of the mysterious horsement.

Cherny, she addresses the dark-feathered figure on her shoulder, take a gander at what they are, but do be careful. Do not linger. With that, she sends her familiar to fly a brief recon mission.

2011-02-19, 08:48 PM
Your Raven ascends to a height of around one hundred feet, and flies towards the dust cloud. After a couple minutes of flight, it quickly turns around, flying back to you as quick as it can, you can tell its slightly panicked.
When the Raven returns it hurriedly squawks out some words in common.
"Dogs! Dog men!"

2011-02-19, 09:59 PM
Dog men? I think, Leela scratches her head, he means Gnolls. We should take defensive positions, these can be nasty. She quickly hides the raven under her cloak, where it can be relatively safe.

Knowledge (Local) [roll0], if applies

2011-02-19, 10:17 PM
Leela remembers hearing somewhere that Gnolls have been desert scavengers and raiders in the region for several years, but nobody can find where they're hiding.

2011-02-19, 11:00 PM
Harperous walks over to the two guards and says You seem to be getting tense there. Is there anything I should be concerned about?

2011-02-20, 12:05 AM
The Guards glance at you, and then look at one another, one whispers something in the other's ear. The second guard looks you over, then sighs
"We're worried about the figures, we're three days from Karvath and two days from Varsa. If they're raiders, and they injure any of us. We're in trouble."

The figures are much closer now, about a third of the way to the caravan from where they first appeared.

2011-02-20, 12:07 AM
Lim notices the confusion, and hears something talking about "Dog Men".

"What? Where?"

Lim, her worries forgotten, drops her book on the ground near her backpack and attempts to climb over a wagon, her bow slung over her shoulder.

Climb [roll0]

If she succeeds:

Standing over the wagon, Lim raises a hand to her eyes and examines the approaching figures.

If she fails:

Frustrated by her failure to climb the wagon, Lim mutters a Gnoll curse beneath her teeth and turns her attention to the figures, trying to make them out against the haze.

In any case:

Spot [roll1]

2011-02-20, 12:10 AM
Harperous responds to the guards comments by asking"If its raiders what are the odds of the travelers surviving without retaliating?"

OOCIs there a chance for a new spot check now that their closer?

2011-02-20, 12:33 AM
Lim climbs onto the Wagon, scanning the horizon, she spots the dust cloud moving swiftly closer. You make out a Dozen shapes, six of which must be mounted, and six of which are far too small to be so, but seem to be keeping up with the others.

The guards respond to Harperous nervously Well, we have seven guards, but there are too many travelers for us to keep the raiders away from all of them, especially at the speed they're going!"

Yes, new spot checks all around

2011-02-20, 12:38 AM

Harperous responds to the guards comments
"I have some little combat experience if I could perhaps be of service. I'd hate to not get to Varsa on time."

2011-02-20, 12:52 AM
The guards look at you "Get whatever you need, we could use all the help we can get!". As the guards say that, you scan the dust cloud, and for a moment the dust clears just enough for you to glimpse a humanoid figure clad in chain armor holding a net. The creature has fur covering its body, and a snout like a hyena. Its sickly green teeth show as it snarls and whoops to its kin around it. There is a bow and a quiver of arrows strapped to it's back.

2011-02-20, 12:56 AM
Harperous Un-slings his bow from his back and relates to the guards what he sees finishing with "I don't suppose those are friendly folk are they?"

2011-02-20, 12:57 AM
"Twelve! Six mounted, six on feet!"

After screaming this Lim crouches over the wagon, trying to make herself less visible and to offer a smaller target, and readies her bow.

"I really hope it's Gnolls... They said 'Dog Men', that should be Gnolls, should it?"

2011-02-20, 01:14 AM
At the sound of screaming Kalinda slowly gets to her feat, dusting off the sand of her bare skin. She stands up and walks over to the screaming female elf. "And why does it matter what they are?" Kalindra says when she gets to her.

"Aim for the ones who are wrapped in fire. They'll be easier to hit. Let's take this battle a little farther away from the weak peasants they might be useful as cannon fodder but I don't feel like waiting while graves are dug."

Kalindra begins to move towards the west about 30 feet outside of camp. While moving she grabs her buckler from her backpack and equips it. She also pulls out her dagger. When they are about 400 feet or so away she'll drop prone (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#prone)(+4 to AC against ranged attacks).

Kalindra will be staring intently (spot checks every round?)

2011-02-20, 01:42 AM
"Because I want to see Gnolls, you bossy half-naked hrakfr"

Lim grumbles as she jumps down from the wagon.

"And one of the graves that I would not want to be dug is mine. Is she going to attack twelve enemies in the open instead of setting a proper ambush, just to save a few more travelers?"

She attempts to find a wagon or a tent around the border of the caravan, from which she can be partially hidden to the attackers and still see them.

If she finds one she hides herself behind it, exposing her head just the bare minimum necessary to keep track of the redheaded human and of the approaching figures.

Hide: [roll0]

"Still, if she draws all their attention then she could be useful..."

If there is no such hiding place she follows Kalinda, staying 10 feet behind her.

"She seems some kind of mage, maybe if I can defend her while she casts her spell she can do something. Worth a try. And if they are gnolls, I want to see them close!"

2011-02-20, 01:43 AM
(I am not seeing the roll - dunno what happened. Trying again:)

Hide: [roll0]

2011-02-20, 04:41 AM
So Gnoll's and they are here to fight

Quilon walks over to the left side of the caravan and takes out a wand, with some quick movement he makes the mage armor spell apear
+4 AC - 1 charge :)
After that Quilon hides behind the wagon where he is still able to see whats going on.
Quilon takes 3/4 cover behind it and gets +4 AC from there
Making ready for the Gnolls to be in range, they would get a hell they had never felt before.
Quilon Prepares an action: when the first one is inside the range limit of 80ft He will use his bow to try to shoot at them, (with a plus 5)[roll0] is the roll, if it hits he does [roll1] point of damage, but since im at work today I might not be as active

If the shots hit quilon drops his bow and uses his Shield wand, if the shots does not hit Quilon does the same and stay close to the wagon.

2011-02-20, 05:39 AM
"If they are gnolls, I will show them how my bloodthirst surpasses even theirs. May their Butcher Lord laugh as it gnaws on their sweet bones!"

Lin prepares to attack one of the unmounted creatures as soon as she has a reasonable chance to hit it.

Let's begin with one of the little ones!

No matter whether Lim finds a cover or not, as soon as the attackers get inside six range increments of her longbow (660 ft, if I am not mistaken) she rises and starts firing arrows at them, aiming for the closest of the unmounted creatures if she can.

I roll a d20 for the first attack. If I am not mistaken, it will have a -1 to her attack roll (- 10 for five extra range increments, +9 bow) and the damage if she hits will be 1d8+1, 1d8+3 if her target is an animal.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage if hits: [roll1]

2011-02-20, 11:49 AM
As the mounted enemies close in, Leela digs her pouch for some ... lint? No. Dust? No. Ah, there it is, an old eyelash. She knew it's come in handly. Throwing it in the air, she pronounces an incantation, and vanishes from sight.

Invisible, she sets out into the front lines of defense. As the raiders go in range, she casts a Grease spell on a 10'x10' area of land directly ahead of them.

Let's see 'em charging through that..., she mumbles.

A creature can walk within or through the area of grease at half normal speed with a DC 10 Balance check. Failure means it can’t move that round (and must then make a Reflex save or fall), while failure by 5 or more means it falls

2011-02-20, 12:08 PM
Lim's arrow falls about 30' short of her mark, and the hyena seems to be oblivious to where it came from.

The Gnolls are within 300' of the caravan now, and they are definitely gnolls.
They are shouting warcries in Gnoll at the top of their lungs, and the six unmounted figures are snarling are gnashing their teeth. The six smaller figures are what appears to be Hyenas.
As the Mounted Gnolls come within 300', they grab their shortbows, loosing arrows.

One of the Gnolls can't help but charge through the greased area, and his camel topples over.

Quilon is still waiting for the Gnolls to be within range.

2011-02-20, 12:14 PM
Gnoll's Falling Damage [roll0]
5 Gnoll Bows

One of the Gnolls' arrows strikes a commoner down, leaving in a crumpled heap on the ground, bleeding.

2011-02-20, 01:01 PM
Harperous moves towards the edge and readys a shot for when the Gnolls are within range (70 ft)

Damage [roll1] aiming for one of the mounted Gnolls

2011-02-20, 01:25 PM
Lim is in awe.
"So these are the Gnolls! So fierce..."

Then her tone becomes cheerful and down-to-earth.
"But let's get rid of their pets first - they look so cute on the outside, I wonder how they look like inside?"

"If they are made like wolves, then to really hurt them I should hit them here... and here!

She herself shouts a fierce (if quite badly pronounced) Gnoll war cry as her arrows fly towards a hyena.

Full attack against the closest hyena, using Rapid Shot (-2 to hit). Not sure what distance they are now, please apply the appropriate range modifier for me.

Attack 1
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Attack 2
Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2011-02-20, 01:31 PM
The first attack was a critical one, rolling dexterity check:


2011-02-20, 01:50 PM
The pack of Gnolls and Hyenas are three hundred feet away, and you arrows sail through the air towards them. One misses, but the other strikes a Hyena in the back, it yelps in pain, but keeps running towards the caravan.

The Gnolls are about 200' away now. Rolling Initiative:

Lim: [roll0]
Harperous: [roll1]
Kalinda: [roll2]
Leela: [roll3]
Quilon: [roll4]

I'm rolling the Gnolls' initiative secretly, then editing post for posting order.


2011-02-20, 02:02 PM
If possible Harperous will move to the edge of the grease and ready a shot for when the first creature enters his range
Does the one I already readied count for this initiative since I stated they had to be within 70 ft and you're saying they are at 200 right now?

2011-02-20, 02:04 PM
The grease is about 250' away, one of the gnolls and his camel toppled over in it. The shot you readied does not count.

Oh, and by the way, 70' is not your max range, up to 10 range increments away is, you just take -1 for every complete 70' past the first away.

2011-02-20, 02:10 PM
I'm aware I just didn't want to take the chance of missing with my shot (I am also pretty sure it is -2 per increment not -1 unless that is a house rule?)
If the shot i readied does not count Harperous will still move closer to the Gnolls and attempt another shot at a mounted one hopefully distracting it from the caravan

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll]1d6+2[roll]

2011-02-20, 02:12 PM
oops forgot something
damage: [roll0]
hope it's right this time

2011-02-20, 02:14 PM
The arrow sticks into the sand several feet in front of a Mounted gnoll.

Oh, it is -2 per increment, my bad.
Also, if you moved 30', then you are 170' away from the gnolls.

2011-02-20, 02:16 PM
Lim keeps shooting arrows at the hyenas with abandon, her throaty laugh rising loud over the battlefield.

Again, full attack with rapid shot. Aiming for the same hyena that was attacked before; if it dies, aim for the next one.

Attack 1
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Attack 2
Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2011-02-20, 02:18 PM
Yes moved 30 ft towards the gnolls

2011-02-20, 02:19 PM
The Hyena dodges out of the way of the arrows swiftly, snarling at you, and turns away from the pack to find you.

2011-02-20, 04:03 PM
Kalinda stands up. If I can I'll use my entangling breath either as a cone or a line to get as many of them as I can. Otherwise I'll move towards a group of Gnolls.

If I can use my breath immediately:

They are entangled (unless they take 0 fire damage) for:
1d4 Rounds. Entangled (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#entangled)

Breath Weapon (Su): At will Kalinda can choose to create a 15 foot cone or a 30 foot line of fire. This breath weapon deals 2d6 points of fire damage. A reflex save DC 17 halves the damage.
Entangling Exhalation (Su): When Kalinda uses her breath weapon she can choose to enmesh all creatures in its area instead of producing it's normal effect. The breath weapon deals half it's normal damage (minimum 1) however any creature that takes damage from the breath weapon becomes entangled and takes an extra 1d6 points of damage of the same energy type each round at the start of Kalinda's turn. This effect last for 1d4 rounds.

2011-02-20, 04:08 PM
Rounds for entanglement:

Damage for breath weapon:

If they make their reflex save they take 25% of the damage above. If they fail their reflex save they take half of the damage above.

2011-02-20, 04:12 PM
You move closer to the Gnolls, you are now 90 feet from the camp, and 110 feet from the gnolls.

2011-02-20, 04:19 PM
The Gnolls split into two groups, and ride towards the caravan, three camel riders are with one group, two with the other. Both groups have three hyena's with them, one in the smaller group is injured.
The gnoll that fell of its camel is getting up and screaming at its camel.

The Gnolls are now 110 feet from the caravan, and each group is 30 feet from Kalinda.

The Gnolls in each group let loose arrows, the smaller group fires at Kalinda, while the larger group fires at some commoners.
At Commoners

At Kalinda

2011-02-20, 04:31 PM
I screwed up the damage rolls
Here goes again
At commoners
[roll0] Hit
[roll1] Hit
[roll2] Hit

At Kalinda
[roll3] Critical Hit
[roll4] Missed (This was supposed to be 1d6+3, but my computer skipped the + I typed)

Three more of the commoners are struck down by arrows, and one sticks deep into Kalinda's shoulder.

2011-02-20, 04:39 PM
as they passed into the 140ft range Quilon got an idea, he rose from his cover and focused his energy into casting the Sleep spell, aiming for Hyena in the front
as Far as I remember the Hyena have 2HD and if that is true and the sleep spell always goes for the people with lowest HD, two of them should take a will safe DC 17 to not fall a sleep and be counted as Helpless for the next four minutes aka 40 rounds

before making sure the spell had succeeded Quilon ducked down to make sure to get in a total cover bore the arrows arrived as he yelled to the commoners around him

"TAKE Cover from the Arrows don’t just stand there idots!

2011-02-20, 05:01 PM
The commoners run for cover, parents hiding their children inside barrels, some just running for the nearest wagon or tarp.
There's a child ten feet from Quilon, crying over a dead female body.

The Guards are running to the edges of the camp, throwing javelins at the mounted gnolls and striking four of them, the Gnolls rip out the javelins and throw them down.

Will Saves


Javelin Damage for those that hit

2011-02-20, 05:13 PM
I am about to close the computer and go to sleep. This is what I am going to do on my next turn, if no major events happen:

Lim curses at her poor aiming and shoots again at the injured hyena, and again.

She is entirely unhinged now, and is screaming Gnollish obscenities at the beast.
[color="Sepia"]Your father ate carrots! Your mother's fur had bows in it! Die, you jackal-lover, I want to kill something else now![/url]

As usual, two attacks, -2 to hit, both against the hyena. I want it dead!

If it dies with the first attack, use the other one against a Gnoll - the closest one.

Attack 1
Attack: [roll0]
Damage; [roll1]

Attack 2
Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]
(-2 to Damage if it is against a Gnoll)

2011-02-21, 10:46 AM
A hyena rolls like a tumbleweed for several feet before sliding to a stop, alseep.

Four of the Javelins strike the gnoll's and hyenas, but they laugh mockingly as they rip the javelins out of their flesh. 4 of the gnolls' fur is stained with blood.

Going to wait for leela to do something before responding to Lim.

2011-02-21, 12:14 PM
Leela casts another Grease spell. Careful as not to destroy her invisibility, she makes sure to affect, as her mentor taught her, not where the enemy is, but where they are about to be.

Go go greased-foot camels ...

2011-02-21, 12:38 PM
The syllables of your spell whisper through the wind nearby, arcane energy gathering. The sand in front of a Hyena grows slick with grease.
The Hyena skillfully jumps over the patch of grease, landing with grace.

Reflex Save

Lim's first arrow misses the Hyena as it charges toward her, but the second hits with a sickening thud, audible even from 100 feet away. The Hyena tumbles headfirst into the sand, and lands splayed out, obviously dead.

2011-02-21, 11:53 PM
Upon seeing the raiders split into two groups Harperous notices the lone human in front and decides to give her a hand. He moves to where she can hear him shouting "TO ME! TO ME!" before firing another arrow at the closer group.

Move 30 feet closer to Kalinda and fire at a Gnoll from whichever group is now closer to me
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2011-02-22, 01:26 AM
You approach the woman. The hyena's from one group have noticed you, they seem to want to attack, but the gnolls are barking at them.
As you release the arrow, it sails through the air, striking a Gnoll in the shoulder, He grunts in pain, and turns his camel towards you.

2011-02-22, 02:03 AM
Lim chuckles as the hyena falls dead.

Then she notices Harperous shooting at the gnolls, and the gnolls holding the hyenas back. She is puzzled,

What is happening here? Why are they keeping the hyenas for attacking?

No matter. Time to see how Gnolls die!

As she is aiming the first arrow, however, she seems uncertain.

They attacked us, we have all the right to defend ourselves! It's all right, not even a cleric of Surminare would talk ill of me for that! They are raiders, and they attacked first!


No, wait, I attacked first... I am not one with the slaughterer's horde! I only kill animals unless I have to! I swore! And even if they are raiders, they probably did not expect this caravan to have so many adventurers in it: maybe I could convince them to go away peacefully...

The elven archer shrugs, abandons her hiding place, and walks just a few feet towards the gnolls.

Well, let's do that. It will fail, but then at least I will feel good about killing them...

Then she screams in the Gnoll language as loud as she can, trying to make the gnolls hear her over the sound of the battle:

"Halt, great raiders of Yeenoghu's litter! What business do you have here? This caravan is defended from powerful warriors, declare your purpose or leave before you lose more than mere hyenas!"

Not sure which rules are we using for diplomacy - please roll whatever rolls are necessary for me...

2011-02-22, 12:18 PM
If an opponent is within 30 feet

Move action to a position that will get the most of them.
Entangling breath (Either cone or line whichever will get more of them)
Damage: 2d6 (Can you just roll damage for me because I'm sick of this not working)
Duration: 1d4 rounds
On a failed save: half damage
On a successful save: 1/4 damage

Breath Weapon (Su): At will Kalinda can choose to create a 15 foot cone or a 30 foot line of fire. This breath weapon deals 2d6 points of fire damage. A reflex save DC 17 halves the damage.
Entangling Exhalation (Su): When Kalinda uses her breath weapon she can choose to enmesh all creatures in its area instead of producing it's normal effect. The breath weapon deals half it's normal damage (minimum 1) however any creature that takes damage from the breath weapon becomes entangled and takes an extra 1d6 points of damage of the same energy type each round at the start of Kalinda's turn. This effect last for 1d4 rounds.

If an opponent is within 60 feet

move action thirty feet
entangling breath

If no one is within 60 feet

Run towards all of the gnolls and hyena's

2011-02-22, 01:42 PM
OOC: posting after GM so I know what our dragon freind is doing :)

2011-02-22, 01:50 PM
Kalinda moves into position, catching the smaller, more compact group in her breathe weapon. All of them screech as the fire engulfs them.

Kalinda's Damage/Duration

Gnoll's and Hyena's reflex saves

The camels topple over, entangled by the flaming strands of energy, the hyenas and gnolls snarl at Kalinda, showing their fangs.

2011-02-22, 02:12 PM
as they stand together unable to move quilon see his Shot at using his new spells.
he take a step to the side to make sure he got enough room to cast his spell and make the Hail of stone rain down opon the creatures there are standing entangled, making sure not to place the spell so he can hit the human in front.

Hail of stone, area spell. DC 17 reflex for half damage.

as the stone rains down on the creatures Quilon tries to spot a person there could be a potential leader.

2011-02-22, 02:45 PM
Looking about, you notice one gnoll in each pack is slightly smaller than the others, but it's muscles bulge a bit more and it carries two bars of something held together by a chain at it's side.

You shout words of power into the air, they echo unnaturally loud throughout the nearby wastes. Arcane energy coalesces into the form of a hail of stone, raining down onto the group of entangled gnolls.
Reflex Saves

The stone pelts the gnolls hard, you can hear their yelping cries of pain even from the caravan.

2011-02-22, 06:46 PM
Seeing the gnoll archers firing at the innocents, Leela changes tactics, in the hope to save as many lives as possible. A wave of a hand, a bit of fleece, and a Minor Image spell later, over a dozen of lightly-armored crossbowmen run out of the main tent and start loading and cranking their squeaky heavy crossbows.

For the Gnoll archers, they present a delicious target ...

For now, Leela, still invisible, will move at half-speed, concentrating on maintaing the illusion and making "her crossbowmen" react realistically to arrows.

2011-02-24, 10:58 PM
Seeing the Crossbowmen, the Gnolls cackle and start barking orders in Gnoll, the Hyenas run towards the Crossbowmen.

2011-02-25, 06:11 AM
Assuming it's now Harperous' turn

Seeing the Hyenas stuck and slowed down Harperous aims for one and fires off another arrow after moving closer to Kalinda

Move to near/beside Kalinda
Attacking entangled Hyena
Attack 1d20+7
Damage 1d6+2
assuming they just moved through the grease and are thus considered balancing/flat footed Sneak attack [roll0] ignore if otherwise

2011-02-25, 06:13 AM
Attacks messed up so
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

edit OOC:
hmm natural 20 so critical :smallsmile:
@ Toraminus if we're rolling to confirm i'll leave the attack and damage rolls up to you also sorry for the double post

2011-02-25, 08:54 AM
The arrow streaks across the desert sands, hitting a hyena square between the eyes, instantly killing it.

2011-02-25, 02:52 PM

Sorry, I keep making silly mistakes - now I just posted an IC post (with rolls) into the OOC thread, here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=10447523&postcount=86).

I copy the content here, with the results of the rolls copy-pasted:

Lim fires arrow after arrow at the hyenas.

Attack the closest hyena. If it dies with the first shoot, attack the next one.
Attack 1:
Attack (1d20+7)[26]
Damage (1d8+3)[9]

Attack 2:
Attack (1d20+7)[18]
Damage (1d8+3)[4]

2011-02-27, 03:29 AM
Kalinda rips out the arrow she was hit with earlier and blasts those she has entangled with more fire.

Damage: [roll0]
DC: 17 for half damage.

2011-02-27, 03:30 AM
Those who are entangled from last round take [roll0] damage.

2011-02-27, 10:27 AM
The phantasmal crossbowmen draw swords and slowly advance, taunting the hyenas with guttural cries.

2011-02-27, 02:57 PM
Quilon center a new Hail of stone in the head of the Gnolls still caugt in the enganglement.

Hail of stone: Reflex for half DC: 15

2011-02-28, 08:58 AM
The Gnolls scream in agony as they burn, stone pelts them like rain, and arrows streak across the wastes towards them.

The second group of Gnolls charges towards the caravan at top speed, throwing nets onto two of the civilians and dragging them behind their camels.

One of the Gnolls in the second group does not use his net, but rather takes out a bottle of red liquid and tosses it towards a nearby wagon.

When the vial hits the wagon it shatters, and for a brief moment, all is quiet. Then, the liquid catches flame, instantly engulfing the wagon in fire.

One Gnoll, and two Hyena's lie dead in the smaller group.

For simplicitie's sake, I rolled at my desk, just too many to post them all.

2011-02-28, 09:17 AM
Seeing he has no chance of reaching the civilians in time and hoping that others can save them and deal with the fire Harperous takes aim at the last Gnoll from the group closest to him hoping to finish him off before moving towards the others

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
If this shot kills the Gnoll move 30 feet towards second group if not stay in place

2011-02-28, 09:21 AM
The Gnoll, slightly shorter, but stockier than the others, sees the arrow coming and ducks below it.

He bellows a curse in gnoll at the top of his lungs, desperately trying to free himself of the tangling webs of flaming energy.

2011-02-28, 06:06 PM
Lim notices the Gnolls dragging away the civilians, aims at the closest one, and fires.

Fire at the gnolls with the nets. If one dies, attack the next one.

Attack 1
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Attack 2
Attack [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

2011-02-28, 06:13 PM
The phantasmal warriors can't stop the poor civilians from being enslaved... time to change tactics again.

Leela lets go of the concentration on Minor Image [[spell persists for 2 more rounds]], jumps under a wagon, and creates a hypnotising patterns of lights to stop the group of gnolls dragging the net.

Hyponotic Pattern, affecting a total of [roll0] Hit Dice, Will 16 negates;
Bad news - this makes the Invisibility go away. Good news - no verbal component, so Leela is being very quiet about it.