View Full Version : Pathfinder: alter self

2011-02-19, 01:28 PM
Can you use that, plus disguise to make a living creature look like a skeleton?

If so, what are ways to detect the deception? Would scent work if they're within a square? A high perception check?

Trying to think of a clever boss that looks undead (and has undead servants). That way, the players will waste their anti undead stuff on him.

Talking character levels 4 or 5.

2011-02-19, 02:48 PM
Assumed form must be of humanoid type according to the spell description.

Although... there is that 3rd party living skeleton race... the Obitu (http://paizo.com/store/games/roleplayingGames/p/pathfinderRPG/alluriaPublishing/v5748btpy8b2v&source=search)... which aren't undead exactly, and count as humanoids.

I guess it depends now on which side of the screen you're on.

2011-02-19, 03:01 PM
Remember: Whatever you do set a precedent for the players.

What I would suggest is, instead of a skeleton, go with a zombie or ghoul... maybe a mummy, if you want to have your players make a mess on the floor. Since you're not trying to look skeletal, it's a LOT easier.

You could pull that one off with a Hat of Disguise, or some other way of casting and maintaining "Disguise Self" (but Hat of Disguise is pretty minor in the pantheon of items... good side-loot for a group of 4th-5th levelers, and nice primary loot for 1st-3rds).

2011-02-19, 03:26 PM
No, you can't look like a skeleton with alter self. At least not an 'animated undead skeleton'. You could take the form of a very, very skinny and bony human that looks like a skeleton with some flesh stretched over it.

You might want to go for more of an undead monster, such as a vampire or mummy(or even zombie or ghoul).

Scent can tell them something...so just make sure the person stinks. He could cover himself with pepper, or dead body parts or whatever...then they would smell only that.