View Full Version : [INC] Incarnon IC

Darklord Bright
2011-02-19, 10:09 PM

This is the In-Character thread for the Incarnon FFRP! The OOC thread is here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=187556), and please check that out for the important setting details and rules!

Locations in the thread are, at the moment, restricted the capital city of Sharn and outlying areas. Exceptions being specific single-building locations such as the Isolators' Tower, though being on the opposite side of the continent may make interactions between those two areas a wee bit hard, so it may be best to keep any Isolator activities within city limits for the time being.

Notable locations within the city:
This list will be updated at request.

Eastgate Tavern
The Eastgate Tavern is located, funnily enough, very close to the East gate through which many travelers arrive to Sharn. The tavern itself is always filled with every sort of person, enjoying themselves be they travelers or locals.

The Great Library
This building is said to have existed for many thousands of years, and its massive, labyrinthine shelves house every sort of wondrous text and scroll. The library itself is rumored to be haunted, and the massive many-floored construction is easy to get lost in if one should not know their way around.

The Spires of the God-King
The huge castle-fortress of Arkan, lord of the people of Incarnon. Some may live their entire lives within the walls and never personally meet the God-King, while some such as the Isolators may regularly deal with him directly, should a situation arise. The fortress' main doors open up to a great temple to Arkan, and it is only further into the well-guarded halls that the building serves as home to servants, nobles and generals alike.
More locations can be added, so long as they make sense! :smallsmile:

2011-02-19, 10:26 PM
[Eastgate Tavern]

Josephine, Moyen adventure-lover and all-round friendly, talkative person, is presently in the one place where she can find equally friendly and talkative people.

A tavern!

She hadn't had a drink yet, but she was carrying on several conversations, the slightly drunk Arkanites not caring about her green skin at the moment.

That was the advantage of drunk people in a friendly setting. They're nicer.

Sitting in a booth, she seemed to be the centre of attention for that part of the tavern...

For now, at least.

"...and so then, naturally, I had to leave my shoe behind! Horrible! One shoe just couldn't do, so I had to remove the other.
It took much explaining once I returned home to mother."

2011-02-20, 04:14 PM
Fisteecuffs is standing patiently by Josephine, looking around at the tavern and smiling idiotically.

2011-02-20, 08:07 PM
[Eastgate Tavern]

One of the Arkanites, a Dervi, is among those listening to Josephine's story is not drunk. One of few. He is holding a drink, but he's yet to touch it.

This Dervi is wearing fine, if worn, merchant's garb. His horns are somewhat short and his eyes are a dark brown. He is handsome in a rugged way.

He listens to her intently, hanging off her every word. He chuckles appreciatively at the shoe dilemma.

2011-02-20, 09:12 PM
[Eastgate Tavern]

"So now whenever I go for a walk, I take an extra pair of shoes.
Just in case."

She smiles brightly, and notices that she's getting a bit thirsty..

"...Does anyone want to get me a drink?" she asks innocently. It would be so inconvenient to send her Dwen servant to get it for her, obviously.

2011-02-20, 11:34 PM
[Eastgate Tavern]

The Dervi looks down at his drink and back up at Josephine. He shrugs and holds out the drink.

"Will this do?" He gives her a sly smile.

2011-02-21, 12:05 AM
[Eastgate Tavern]

Taking the drink, Josephine takes a sniff, scrunching up her nose adorably at the strong smell.

"Thank you. This will do fine." She takes the tiniest of sips and sets it down.

2011-02-21, 12:17 AM
Eastgate Tavern
Fisteecuffs looks jealously up at the Dervi.
What was he thinking, serving Fistee's master like that?!?! That was Fistee's job!!!

2011-02-21, 12:23 AM
[Eastgate Tavern]

The Dervi gives her a slight nod and holds her gaze.

He'll stay until she's finished telling her stories, and the rest of her audience has left. Always giving her his full attention, of course.

2011-02-21, 12:55 AM
[Eastgate Tavern]

Josephine always has more stories!

And once she runs out, she just makes some up.

Like the one about the evil zombie men in the creepy abandoned town, who were slain by the mighty Isolators.

During all this, she takes maybe four sips of her drink.

2011-02-21, 01:00 AM
[Eastgate Tavern]

The still nameless Dervi doesn't seem to mind the flow of stories. He listens intently no matter how long she goes on.

That drink is getting drank far faster than it would have if it had stayed with the Dervi. Seeing as he hasn't gotten another one and had been holding that one for a while without touching it, one might think it was only for show to begin with.

2011-02-21, 01:18 AM
[Eastgate Tavern]

With everyone else eventually leaving, Josephine asks the name of the non-drunk Dervi.

Why would a non-drunk Dervi even be listening to a Moyen girl anyway?

2011-02-21, 01:27 AM
[Eastgate Tavern]

Maybe this Dervi isn't quite as prejudiced as others.

"Aranak." The Dervi replies. As the other listeners left, Aranak has been making his way closer to Josephine. At this point he'd be sitting right beside her.

"Are you enjoying the drink?"

((And now I have to deadtime.))

2011-02-21, 01:32 AM
[Eastgate Tavern]

"Oh, yes." she says, brushing her shoulder length, very curly green hair behind her ear.

2011-02-21, 01:45 AM
[Eastgate Tavern]

((Since you replied so quick.))

"I'm glad." Aranak says. He shift forward in his seat just a little. Not really enough to suggest anything.

"You've had quite the adventures. I found I couldn't tear myself away from listening to someone so interesting and beautiful."

"Might I ask your name?"

((And that's deadtime for real.))

2011-02-21, 01:54 AM
[Eastgate Tavern]

((Excuse me, I replied very slowly, sir!))

"Oh, uh.. Josephine." she says, smiling. "And this is Cuffen."

2011-02-21, 01:27 PM
Eastgate Tavern
Cuffen bows and smiles at Josephine, then turns back to his stiff legged an upright stance, waiting for orders.
And he's still giving the dervi jealous looks.

Mina Kobold
2011-02-21, 01:30 PM
[A road to East Gate]

Shensi shields her helmet's eye-holes with an armoured hand and looks at the shinning spires of Arkan's fortress, rising above the city walls of Sharn.

"Wooow, it's even more impressing thanwhen I was little!"

She turns to her partner, Emile, and nods towards the East Gate.

"You don't think god-king Arkan will be mad if we go on a little bit of sight-seeing, do you?"

2011-02-21, 01:46 PM
[Eastgate Tavern]

Aranak gives Cuffen a quick nod before returning his full attention to Josephine.

"An absolute pleasure to meet you, Josephine." He says. "I get the impression that you know the ins and outs ofthe city. Am I right?"

2011-02-21, 01:54 PM
A road to East Gate

You know he probably wouldn't, I mean, we live on the other side of the continent. It's not every day we get to come to the capital, he'll understand.
Emile smiles at Ji through his helm. Looking towards the city, he whistles,
Sure is impressive.

Mina Kobold
2011-02-21, 03:37 PM
East Gate draws near

"I'm still new at this! Don't assume I know stuff like that."

Ji bats jokingly at Emile and begins walking a little faster in impatience to see teh city from the inside.

"so where do we stay when we're here?"

2011-02-21, 04:39 PM
Almost to East Gate

Um... I don't know, I don't even know why we came here honestly... I just like the chance to get out of the tower.
He smiles and crosses his arms,
Maybe we can find out when we do whatever it is we were supposed to...

2011-02-21, 06:47 PM
[Eastgate Tavern]

Aranak gives Cuffen a quick nod before returning his full attention to Josephine.

"An absolute pleasure to meet you, Josephine." He says. "I get the impression that you know the ins and outs ofthe city. Am I right?"

"Well, actually, I am the sort of traveller." She says, the last part of her sentence a little... off.
Well, she was a Moyen.

"What is it you wanted to know?"

2011-02-21, 07:11 PM
[Eastgate Tavern]

"Ah a shame. Perhaps you can still help me." Aranak says. "I'm looking for some help in navigating the city. I'm a merchant from Pernaat, and I'm definitely not known for my sense of direction." He chuckles at this.

2011-02-22, 12:04 AM
[Eastgate Tavern]

"It is a big city." Josephine admits. "What do you need to find?"

She seems completely unaware of any implications Aranak is giving off with his edging ever closer...

2011-02-22, 12:10 AM
[Eastgate Tavern]

Unaware of any implications? Well that's not okay.

"Marketplaces and potential buyers mostly." Aranak says.

He inches just a bit closer, and it's about as far as he can go without crossing certain boundaries.

2011-02-22, 12:17 AM
[Eastgate Tavern]

"Oh, well, that's, um...
I think it's... west?"

She seems to have noticed just how close Aranak is getting now.

"...Where are you from?"

2011-02-22, 12:29 AM
[Eastgate Tavern]

"I'm living in Pernaat at the moment. I might have to move here to manage trade if I make a deal, but that's still up in the air." Aranak replies.

"So west then? At least I'll know what direction to head. Thank you very much."

Aranak isn't close enough to be too presumptuous. He's close enough to be just presumptuous enough.

"A task for tomorrow. After a good night's rest."

2011-02-22, 12:31 AM
Eastgate Tavern
Cuffen eyes Aranak suspiciously and shakes his head a little. Nobody was allowed to get that close to master without master's permission!

2011-02-22, 12:37 AM
[Eastgate Tavern]

Josephine takes a sip of her drink and shifts a little as the warm beverage settles.

"Most people in this city are very...
...Not fond of... my kind."

2011-02-22, 01:10 AM
[Eastgate Tavern]

"Ah yes." Aranak nods knowingly. "I had hoped that there were fewer bigots here. Pernaat suffers a similar problem, what with the resentment from the war."

"If I could be so bold as to say that you are an exceptionally beautiful woman and a fine tale teller to boot. Anyone that looks down on you because of your race doesn't deserve to look at you at all."

2011-02-22, 01:26 AM
[Eastgate Tavern]

Josephine blushes, her cheeks turning a darker green as she looks down into her drink, taking another tiny sip. "Uh... thank you."

2011-02-22, 01:27 AM
Cuffen is obviously very jealous, but says nothing. After all, he is not allowed to speak unless told to!

2011-02-22, 01:48 AM
[Eastgate Tavern]

"Please, don't thank me. It would be an injustice if I didn't say it. It is the truth." Aranak says with a certain amount of conviction in his voice.

He tries to take her free hand gently and kiss it.

2011-02-22, 02:04 AM
[Eastgate Tavern]

Josephine can hardly resist such a gesture, though blushes deeper.


She seems almost like an embarrassed schoolgirl at the moment, and suddenly excuses herself.

"Thank you for the drink! I... must retire now, tTo bed.

To sleep.

Cuffen?" She says, indicating that they should go.

She eases her way out of the booth and heads for the door, still dark green.

2011-02-22, 02:06 AM
Cuffen smiles and nods and hurries after Josephine, giving Aranak an off hand dirty look.

2011-02-22, 02:18 AM
[Eastgate Tavern]

"Good night, Josephine. Sleep well." Aranak says as she leaves.

Now to figure out where he was going to sleep for the night. That didn't go as well as he'd hoped. He was hoping for a free room. Good company would have been a bonus. Oh well, another night on the streets.

After a while longer Aranak exits the tavern to find his usual alley. He'll have to get up early to keep up appearances. Maybe he can keep working on that Josephine girl. He meant it when he said she was beautiful.

2011-02-22, 02:22 AM
Josephine, naturally, heads nearby to the Inn where she is staying. It is not a very large room, but it is nice. There's a small bed for Cuffen, and a double bed for her to relax in.

Walking in the door to her room, she sighs, letting her shoulders drop and yawning.

She waits for Cuffen to close the door and help her undress so that she can sleep.

2011-02-22, 02:24 AM
Cuffen closes the door quietly, checks for any sneakthieves, and helps Josephine undress, being careful to avert his eyes. He doesn't want to upset his new master, oh no!

2011-02-22, 02:28 AM
[Eastgate Inn]

Josephine's room

Josephine doesn't care whether or not Cuffen sees her naked. He's just a Dwen.

Her dress being removed, she lies down in her long underwear and gets under the covers. Not out of shyness of her bare chest, just because it is a bit chilly tonight...

Naturally, she expects Cuffen to hang her dress, blow out the lantern and then go to sleep himself so he can wake up whenever she does.

2011-02-22, 02:31 AM
Eastgate Inn
Cuffen does just that with a busy smile! After the candle is out, he curls up on his bed and falls asleep with a tiny sigh a barely audible whisper.
"Good night, master."

2011-02-22, 02:35 AM
[Eastgate Inn]

Josephine's Room

Josephine doesn't hear Cuffen's goodnight, as she fell asleep almost instantly, the small amount of alcohol she'd drunk making her rather drowsy.

Mina Kobold
2011-02-22, 02:25 PM
[At the East Gate]

Ji stops and ponders.

"I think we were supposed to investigate or patrol something... You don't know?! You're the senior Isolator!"

She looks accusingly at Emile from the depths of her helmet's eye holes, managing to look quite frightening despite the absurdity of teh situation.

2011-02-22, 06:48 PM
East Gate

Emile starts to snicker,
He shakes his head,
Ji, you know I don't pay attention to that. You're more dutiful then I'll ever be. Come on, we'll go grab a room at an inn and see if anything's going on where we might be supposed to go...

2011-02-23, 08:40 PM
Josephine awakes quietly, hair a bit dishevelled, and yawns, stretching out her pale-green arms.

Not bothering to call for Cuffen, she starts making some tea.

2011-02-23, 08:52 PM

Likely long before Josephine wakes up, Aranak got up, visited a soup kitchen, found some water to clean up with, and made his way back to...

[Eastgate Tavern]

...where he takes a seat. He looks around at the other patrons.

Mina Kobold
2011-02-24, 01:02 PM
East Gate

Ji looks back and forth between her partner and the spires, settling on a shrug and a hidden smile.

"Alright, inns are fun and we've got nothing else to do, so let's get going!"

She continues onward through the gate and waves at the guards that let them in as she looks around for an Inn.

"You think that one looks expensive?"

She points at the Eastgate Tavern and looks at Emile and tries to look as innocent as anyone wearing armour and a face-concealing helmet can do.

2011-02-24, 05:10 PM
East Gate

Naw, we should be able to afford it. Think we get a discount?
Emile walks down to the tavern and opens the door.
Maybe they'll know why we're here?

Mina Kobold
2011-03-03, 11:45 AM
East Gate

Ji skips past him and sticks her tongue out at him as she removes her helmet.

"Better hope so, 'cause you're paying"

having unravelled her scheme of vengeance she runs up to the person you talk to when renting rooms that Keveak has forgotten what is called.

"Two of your best rooms, and put it on the Innovator over there's tab"