View Full Version : AvB - Dawn

2011-02-19, 10:15 PM
The temple of Heironeous has seen better days. It's not decrepit by any means, but it is clearly showing its age and a lack of proper upkeep. The temple consists of a 10-foot thick, stone wall surrounding a small courtyard about 30 feet wide and 50 feet long. On one end of the courtyard is a low, stone building designed to look like a fortress. On the opposite side is a tired looking warhorse, obviously well along in years, tethered to a post and eating from a feed bag. The courtyard itself has some scattered tufts of grass but is mostly bare dirt and gravel.

2011-02-19, 10:21 PM
Dawn's Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=276887)

Dawn walks into the stone building, "Hello? I am Sister Dawn Fatre of the Order, and I hail from the eastern city of Morpost. Might I ask who the head priest is here?"

2011-02-19, 10:57 PM
Inside are two elderly priests who show signs of having been fine warriors in the past. They greet you quietly, with stern looks due to your loud and rude questioning interrupting their prayers, and silently motion for you to join them in reverence near the altar at the front.

2011-02-19, 11:05 PM
Dawn sheepishly bows in apology, not realizing it was prayer time already. She joins the priests in their services.

At the conclusion of the day's event, she politely waits near the altar until one of the priests address her.

2011-02-19, 11:08 PM
Not all NPCs have green speech... you've just found two in a row who do."Child, what is it you seek."

2011-02-19, 11:29 PM
Oh, I didn't realize NPC speech color had significance... Hm..

I assume it's appropriate for Dawn to call him Brother despite their relatively large age gap, since they are both of the same faith.

Also, I'm assuming Heironeous faith is more akin to Protestant than to Catholic... specifically that clerics are allowed to marry and can also have time to themselves.

Did the priest introduce himself with a name?

"Brother, I first would like to apologize my lack of manners earlier. I am Dawn Fatre, a Third-Rank Acolyte in the faith. I have just successfully completed my first quest in Tiratown ahead of schedule, and am not expected back in Morpost for another 4 weeks.

It was then that I heard a rumor... that someone in my past, and important to me, is here in Aldhaven. However, then I lost my trail completely. I suspect that he is still here, but I will need more time to find him.

Therefore, Brother, I entreat you! I would like to perform a temporary tour of duty here with you, while I search for this man. I will perform every duty expected of me, and will only search for him during my spare time.

I have distinguished myself in combat, having ranked 3rd in my class for melee and 12th for archery. I'm also a strong girl, I can easily lift over 300 pounds of materials. If you even need a strong pair of shoulders to help renovate the temple, for example..."

2011-02-19, 11:34 PM
I use it to remember who is who, and I always use the same color for the same character. It has no other significance than that.

The two look at each other with surprise and consternation.

"What is it that you seek? A sign, an object, an... animal perhaps? Please, tell us more of... yourself."

2011-02-19, 11:49 PM
Oh, that was just trivia. For a minute I thought you meant that people with green speech give quests or something :smalltongue:

"A man," said Dawn. After a pause and a blush. "A... former lover.

Brothers, I know mine isn't the most pure or noble of motives, but nonetheless he is important to me. Heironeous teaches us to be true to our compatriots, but also to be true to ourselves. And in my heart, I have room for no other.

Sister Melana, my guide, is strict but understanding. Should you give your approval for me to stay, I will immediately write her to inform her of my status. I have little doubt that she would permit this."

2011-02-19, 11:51 PM
Oh, since you reminded me.

Spot: [roll0] (for disguises)
Sense Motive [roll1] (for deception)

2011-02-19, 11:59 PM
They don't seem to be deceptive, but they do appear to have been looking for a particular response, which you failed to give.

"Oh, my, that is disappointing. I thought for you were you looking for a ch... but no, that's just wishful thinking."

"See? I told you that nothing were goin' to happen. T'were just silly o' you to think it was."

"But I could have sworn that this time...."

He turns to walk away, shaking his head in confusion and disappointment.

2011-02-20, 12:05 AM
"Wait!" cried Dawn to their retreating figures. "Please. You said you thought I was looking for a challenge? Is someone from Hextor's cult due to arrive soon!?

Please allow me to assist you! All I ask in exchange is but to stay here briefly. I have confidence I can assist you in whatever matter you are concerned of. Please!"

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2011-02-20, 12:22 AM
"Challenge? No. You aren't the one after all. Sad, really. I thought for sure... all the other signs were there."

2011-02-20, 12:36 AM
Dawn collects herself, and realizing that the two priests are likely not going to allow her request, and speaks up with more bravado. "Brothers, please stop speaking in riddles. I may not be some predestined savior that you're waiting for, but I am a respectable member of the Church of Heironeous!

Earlier you chided me for my rudeness on interrupting service, but you are no less rude to me right now by turning your backs to me while in the middle of a conversation. On top of that, you ignore my entreaties and give me no answer, and say things like 'I'm not the one.'

Please explain yourselves, or at least give me a clear response!"

2011-02-20, 02:48 AM
"We are keepers of a generations old prophesy, and it was foretold that it would be today. However, you have failed to give the correct answers and dashed all our hopes. Had you but sought the sign of the chameleon... Alas, our order must now wait another 863 years for the next chance at fulfillment."

2011-02-20, 03:15 AM
lol! I have to say I really didn't see this coming.

The overwhelming sense of responsibility hits Dawn before she realized a much simpler explanation.

And then she starts laughing hysterically.
"Hahaha.. Really, I'm part of some prophecy? Ha, you got me good there Prib. Guess you found out I'm looking for you and decided to set up this little prank.

But seriously, take off that facemask quickly. You're being disrespectful to my faith. Tell your buddy to take off his as well."

2011-02-20, 03:45 AM
The two priests look at one another bemusedly.

"Well, she does appear mad enough... Perhaps she is the one."

"The prophesy....

As when Dawn is at hand,
With rod she will stand,
The universe rests with savior and destroyer,
By the chameleon you will know her."

"There is more to it than that, but that is all that is necessary for you to know. Now, please, do as you will with your letter, but we must secure the rod for the next 800 years."

2011-02-20, 03:55 AM
Dawn grows angry. "All right Prib, that was a good joke, I admit, but you're carrying it to far. Take that mask off already!"

Dawn charges the green text priest and tries to rip a facemask off. (Assuming this is a grapple interaction.)

Touch attack: [roll0]
Grapple: [roll1]

2011-02-20, 12:31 PM
You knock the elderly priest to the ground, shattering his hip. Your fingernails leave lacerations across his face.

The second priest begins to chant a prayer that you recognie as a powerful spell that will certainly kill you.

No... She is... Prophes..." and then he dies.

Murdering an elder priest of you god has caused you to lose all cleric powers.

The chanting stops. "you... Killed him...

I suppose this means you are the prophesied one. This artifact is for you. You must save the universe." He hands you a magical rod.

2011-02-20, 12:35 PM
Er... Really? Dawn wasn't trying to do lethal damage here and she doesn't have Improved Unarmed Strike. She thought it was Prib, so there's no way she would have been too violent, since she knows he's weak.

2011-02-20, 12:45 PM
As the new visual information of drawing blood with her nails filters into Dawn's mind, she quickly realizes that she's made a grave mistake and casts a spell,
"Close Wounds!"

2011-02-20, 01:28 PM
It's too late. He was old and fragile and now dead. Your spell does not come when you call. On a positive note, the other priest does not appear angry. You also now have possession of a powerful item, maybe even an artifact.

2011-02-20, 01:42 PM
Dawn looks at the body in momentary shock before her field training kicks in.

"Brother!" shouts Dawn, addressing the other priest. "Stop idling there and help me!"

Dawn starts applying CPR and whatever other mundane healing techniques she knows.

"Don't you have a Revivfy or Delay Death spell prepared? No? Surely there's some way to save him yet?"

After futilely struggling for about a minute to revive the priest, Dawn realizes the irreversibility of her hasty action, and sinks to the floor, weeping.

"It... It's all my fault. Why didn't I just tell you? I'm such a fool!

Brother, the man I seek is a master of disguises. It is for this reason that he commonly refers to himself as 'The Golden Chameleon.' He even wears one as an amulet. But he has little fame, so when I heard you speak of the prophecy, I thought for sure that this was a prank by him.

Please tell me more of this prophecy. Heironeous has revoked my powers for my heinous deed, but I am willing to do whatever I can to honor the brother's memory and complete his wishes."

2011-02-20, 03:10 PM

revivify is the only form of resurrection magic that works in this setting. All other ones are banned. This is done to allow an assasin to know that a wealthy target isn't going to get raised the next morning.

the fluff: the afterlife here does not allow souls to re-enter once departed. revivify works because the soul lingers for one round before moving on.

seeing as how your character grew up within the church and would konw this, and how we specifically state such in the rules, you might want to edit your above speech to something which isn't nonsense in the game world.

2011-02-20, 04:34 PM
My bad, post has been edited.

2011-02-20, 05:37 PM
"All I can say is that the rod you hold has the power to do something... Whether you now save the universe or destroy it is up to you and determined by your actions. Whatever happens, you must use the rod. And soon.

Do this, and you may find atonement. I shall even prepare the spell tomorrow for you."

2011-02-20, 05:57 PM
Are Dawn's persisted spells still in place? She casted them in the morning, right after dawn when she received her spells, so they should last until the next morning, unless losing her powers also dispelled the spells she already casted.

"Save or destroy the universe! Surely such great responsibility cannot fall upon one such as I alone? Please Brother, give me at least some clue as to how I should use this artifact for good. Even if I die, I will do what is right."

Diplomacy: [roll0]

Dawn examines the rod carefully, trying to find any clues of its function or activation method. (Spot take 20 = 31)

2011-02-20, 07:13 PM
spells still in place
"Just point it at someone, NOT ME, and push that red button on the side."

Then roll 1d1000.

2011-02-20, 07:32 PM
"Certainly not, brother. I cannot bring anyone else into this and risk their lives."

Dawn utters a brief prayer to Heironeous, and zaps the rod at herself.


2011-02-20, 08:13 PM
A great wyrm black dragon soars overhead, sending the people of the city into a panic. It moves on without causing any damage. You feel the rod is somehow responsible, but you don't know how. Perhaps you should try activating it again.

2011-02-20, 09:30 PM
Dawn rushes out into the courtyard when she first notices the dragon, both of her hands tightly gripping the rod. As she watches the dragon take off and leave the city limits, she breathes a sigh of relief and re-enters the altar room.

"Brother.. You also saw the dragon, right? It was not just a figment of my imagination?

This rod seems powerful indeed, but I am hesitant to use it again without knowing more about it.

You said that I must use the rod, and quickly. Why is this so? What will transpire if I take no action at all, and only guard this rod so that no one else uses it?

2011-02-20, 10:09 PM
"Yes, I saw the dragon. Why wouldn't I have seen the dragon? You really are mad. You know that, right?"

2011-02-20, 10:25 PM
"Yes, I even now suspect if I've truly gone mad today, or if all of this is but a dream. Both seem potentially better than reality--that I've accidentally killed a revered elder of my church. If this were but a dream, then my actions have no consequences, and I would have no worries about potentially bringing about the end of the universe.

Brother, what are you expecting to occur by this? What is the threat to the universe, and what does it have to do with this rod?"

Dawn plays with the rod in her hands, and vaguely points it in the priest's direction.

"Please. Tell me. All of the prophecy. Anything else that would help me make an intelligent decision on what to do next. Or at least some books on this matter."

She's still careful to clutch the rod tightly.

2011-02-20, 10:34 PM
"Telling you the rest of the prophesy would defeat the purpose of the prophesy. That rod is the danger to the universe, and using it can destroy the universe. Unfortunately, using it is also the only way to destroy the rod. You must use it until either the universe or the rod is destroyed."

2011-02-20, 10:55 PM
"Brother, do you believe in free will?" asked Dawn rhetorically.

"You see, if free will doesn't exist, and I'm just a puppet acting out a play written long ago, then everything I do has been foretold, and nothing I do can be my fault. The universe either will go on, or it won't. Zapping that rod versus not, and whether it causes the rod to destroy itself or to destroy the universe, it's all predetermined.

If, on the other hand, one does believe in free will, then I refuse to believe that playing Russian roulette with the universe is the only solution."

Sense motive to see if the priest had been lying at all. [roll0]

Spot to make sure no one else is around: [roll1]

Dawn takes her dagger in her right hand, grips the rod firmly in her left, and uses all her might to stab the rod with her dagger. She then examines to if there any signs of damage on the rod.

2011-02-20, 11:25 PM
You do not believe that the priest has been lying at all.

Your dagger snaps in half, and the rod appears undamaged.

"We've all tried that before. It doesn't work...

It was an avatar of Hieroneous who left that rod here, because it was calculated that the person matching that particular prophesy would have significantly lower odds of destroying everything than any other given individual. The next such individual with low enough odds to be considered "safe" is not for another eight-hundred-some-odd years.

Still, you have used the rod as was requested of you. Send you letter requesting transfer to this temple and return tomorrow. I will cast the atonement for you when I have it prepared."

2011-02-20, 11:42 PM
"I see. What's the time frame in which I must try to destroy this? If time is not pressing, I would like to try a few more things."

Dawn draws another dagger and cuts her left hand, letting some of her blood flow onto the rod before her wounds heal on their own within seconds. Dawn carefully observes the rod to see if there is any reaction.

Dawn presses the rod to her forehead, hoping to hear any guidance from the item itself.

Next, Dawn carefully inspected the button, and speaks. "Sovergn glue. Have you tried using that to fix the button in place so that the device cannot be triggered?"

Dawn walks to the temple furnace and bearing the pain, holds her own arm into the furnace along with the rod. Dawn observes for signs of melting, and to see if the physical appearance of the rod changes, for example to reveal secret writing.

2011-02-20, 11:46 PM
If none of the above yield any interesting results, Dawn will fearfully point it at herself and try again.


2011-02-20, 11:52 PM
The blood hits the rods and slides off, failing to stick at all.

When you press the rod to your forehead, you hear a voice say, "Hi!"

"No one has pushed the button to glue it down before, but I suspect that doing so would just cause it to activate continusously... That would probably be a bad thing..."

2011-02-20, 11:58 PM
Dawn is startled by the voice and almost drops the rod. She quickly catches it, however, and puts it back against her forehead.

"You speak!" thinks Dawn to the item. Or rather, you think! That's wonderful! I was just getting frustrated about what I'm supposed to do with you.

Ah, but how rude of me. My name is Dawn, what's yours?"

The furnace thing didn't happen, because Dawn found something.

2011-02-21, 12:01 AM
Holding the rod to your forehead, you hear the voice respond, "Hi!"

2011-02-21, 12:05 AM
Dawn thinks her last set of thoughts again, hoping to get a more intelligible response. If that doesn't work, she whispers softly, hoping the priest doesn't hear her and think her even more crazy.

"Hello, I'm Dawn. Can you hear me?"

2011-02-21, 12:06 AM
The voice only says, "Hi!"

2011-02-21, 12:12 AM
Dawn holds the rod to her mouth and whispers her last words, a little more loudly, before putting it to her forehead again.

If it's still the same response, Dawn tries touching the rod to every part of her body, starting with other parts of her head and then over her heart.

2011-02-21, 12:29 AM
No matter where you touch the rod to yourself, you only hear the voice say, "Hi!" in the same annoyingly cheerful voice.

At some point, you accidentally push the button again, causing the rod to activate with you as the target... [roll0]

When you touch the rod to your left hand, your hand becomes invisible. Permanently. Anyone seeing you will assume you have lost your hand, unless you wear a glove over it. On the positive side, you gain a +5 circumstance bonus when making Sleight of Hand checks with that hand...

2011-02-21, 12:37 AM
Dawn gulps and holds out the rod, and hurriedly looks to the skies for any other signs of an apocalypse.

Assuming the invisibility was the only noticeable effect, Dawn holds the rod to her left hand again, seeing if it'll reverse the effect, or if the rod now says something else.

2011-02-21, 12:40 AM
Nothing else appears to have happened.

You touch your hand with the rod. Nothing happens, because you didn't push the button. Something only happened last time, because you accidentally pushed it.

2011-02-21, 12:49 AM
Dawn frowns. She switches to holding the rod with her left hand, wondering if it will turn invisible as well.

Assuming it doesn't, Dawn decides that if zapping the rod risk the limb she's pointing it at, she might as well risk the same limb repeatedly, and at least have one good arm. She holds the rod with her right arm again and zaps it to her invisible left hand.


2011-02-21, 12:56 AM
A thuderhead quickly forms overhead. As you look up, a copper coin plunks into your face. A moment later, it begins raining... money. The rod implants the knowledge into your mind that the thunderhead will remain for the next five days occasionally raining money into the courtyard of the temple but that from outside the temple, the thunderhead will be invisible.

"A blessing! Why with this money we'll be able to keep the temple after all! These dirty Pelor worshipers won't take our temple away from us now! We can finally pay off our debts and restore the temple to its former glory!

That is, if you're willing to let us keep the money instead of taking it for yourself..."

The priest looks at your plaintively.

2011-02-21, 01:07 AM
"Why, certainly! You should have sent word that that this temple is badly in need of funds... I'm sure Sister Melara would have been more than happy to share some of our funds.

It will rain copper sporadically for the next five days, if you don't wish half of Aldhaven's beggars here fighting you for the money, I would suggest putting a sign out front that the temple is temporarily closed for repairs. Those outside won't see the rain.

Brother, I must admit that I am a bit confused. I have activated the rod 3 times now, and all three effects seemed rather minor... Not that this bounty is unwelcome, but that I expected something more... Dramatic from a rod capable of destroying the universe. Are you quite sure this is the correct rod?"

A little more emboldened, Dawn points it to her left hand and zaps it 3 more times, holding down the button on the 3rd if neither of the first two seem disastrous.


2011-02-21, 01:14 AM
With the first press of the button, you are imbued with the knowledge that all of dragonkind now knows you by name, will recognize you, and holds you in the highest respect. However, should you fail to live up to expectations, it might prove bad if the dragon with whom you are dealing is Evil...

With the second press of the button, you feel your mouth contort into a sneer. Your muscles then freeze in place, leaving your face in a permanent sneer. You seem unable to change the look on your face.

On the third try, you gain the feat Spellfire Wielder. If you don't have the book in which that feat can be found... well, then you're just out of luck.

2011-02-21, 01:39 AM
I'll need to remember to look up how spellfire wielder is different from 3e to 3.5

Dawn looks to the priest for any explanation. She waits for a full 5 minutes with her finger still pressed down against the button to see if that does anything. At the end of the five minutes, Dawn holds the rod to her forehead again.

2011-02-21, 01:44 AM
This time around, holding the button does nothing more.

When you hold it to your forehead, you hear a familiar voice. "Hi!"

2011-02-21, 01:51 AM
Dawn clicks the button five more times, getting a little frustrated.


Edit: all still aimed at left hand.

2011-02-21, 02:01 AM
You feel very full, as if you have just finished a huge meal. You're a little sleepy...

Five hound archons step through a gate that opens before you. They approach you and sniff at you before leaving. You feel very lucky that you are not Evil, certain that they would have attacked you if you were.

Your body loses all bouyancy. From now on, you will automatically fail every swim check.

A single flower blooms in front of you. It seems unique somehow...

Your body sprouts mushrooms such that nothing of you can be seen but the mushrooms. The mushrooms growing from your left hand are invisible.

2011-02-21, 02:05 AM
Dawn plucks the flower and eats it, hoping it'll do something about the mushrooms. She'd heard of people who had fungus problems before, but this is ridiculous!

2011-02-21, 02:08 AM
The flower refuses to budge. Make a strength check to pluck it.

2011-02-21, 02:15 AM
Strength check: [roll0]

"This thing's got to be some Rod of Wonder or somesuch. I doubt if it'll ever destroy itself or the universe. But if I keep zapping, it might turn me normal again."

Dawn continues zapping.


Stopping if Dawn turns back to fairly normal, but otherwise continuing.

2011-02-21, 02:22 AM
From now on, any weapon you wield gains the unholy trait and radiates an evil aura. It loses this property as soon as you release it.

Your body becomes completely wracked by pain. You are unable to do anything until you succeed on a will save. The rest of your rolls do not count, as the rod can't be activated until you make the save.

2011-02-21, 02:30 AM
Will saves: [roll0]

What happened with the flower?

2011-02-21, 02:32 AM
Some more if those saves didn't make.


Eventually she'll roll a nat 20...

2011-02-21, 02:38 AM
You failed to pull the flower. It will take more effort than that to dislodge it.

You manage to succeed on the will save but know that the pain will return tomorrow when you awake.

The DC to pick the flower is 20.

The mushrooms growing from your body may be pulled off harmlessly and will not regrow. That are, however, quite tasty and would make a nice meal.

2011-02-21, 02:44 AM
Dawn quickly notices as she picks up from the ground that the mushrooms that fell off did not regrow. Inwardly rejoicing, Dawn ponders what to do next.

Well, first things first. Dawn spends a few minutes uprooting the flower until she succeeds, and then she consumes it.

Next, with knowledge of the newly imbued magic in her weapons, Dawn once again tries to sunder the rod with her dagger.

If that still doesn't work, Dawn will continue zapping the rod, hoping the priest knew what he was talking about.. That eventually it'll destroy itself.

2011-02-21, 02:47 AM
When you manage to finally uproot the flower, it has a root 15 feet long... You realize it would make an excellent natural whip. You can, however, eat it if you desire. It will take some time to eat...

Your dagger was sundered the first time you used it against the rod. You no longer have it.

2011-02-21, 02:55 AM
Dawn has another backup dagger in her pack that she's using now.

Dawn eats just the flower, and keeps the root.

Dawn continues zapping three more times.


And then something dawns on her...

"Wait a minute, the prophecy mentioned chameleon.. Presumably talking about Prib. Maybe I should zap him instead of myself? Judging from my results so far, it probably won't change him too much."

Dawn finally puts the Rod away, plucks off the mushrooms, helps the priest collect the coins on the ground, and asks for lodging in the temple.

2011-02-21, 02:59 AM
Upon eating the flower, the root wilts and rots. It turns to dust and blows away in the wind...

Upoin activating the rod:

You become immune to consumed poisons (but not contact, injury, or inhaled poisons).

You feel stupider as your intelligence score is permanently decreased by 2.

You feel like you will obtain something special when you regains your spells... Perhaps you should get that atonement soon.

2011-02-21, 03:08 AM
"Brother, I suspect that the nature of the rod will be different depending on who I zap. Furthermore, I have reason to believe that the one I should zap is Prib, the one I seek in the first place.

I implore you to let me atone as quickly as possible, so that I may use my divine powers to find him and settle the prophecy.

Also, may I stay here for the time being? I can pay for my lodging..."

Then Dawn has another idea. She takes her dagger and cuts her left arm deeply. She then stuffs the rod under the flap of her skin, parallel to the bone, and then lets her skin regenerate. Hopefully this'll prevent the rod from being easily stolen.

2011-02-21, 03:22 AM
"As I told you before, I have to prepare the atonement spell in the morning. I don't have it prepared today. As for payment for lodging, you've already given us plenty of money."

Looking at the rod, you realize that it is as long as your arm and would prevent your from bending your elbow. Also, you have no way to tell what the effects of inserting the rod into your body will be...

2011-02-21, 03:35 AM
Dawn really thinks it would be a bad thing if the rod were to be stolen, if this prophecy is true. She has to sleep at some point. Therefore, she will risk that the rod doesn't do anything bad inside her body.

Dawn spends the rest of the evening in prayer in her room, but with the rod firmly in her grasp at all times. When it is time to sleep, Dawn cuts open her left arm, puts in the rod, and lets the flesh heal.

She winces in the extreme pain of the activity, but remains steady in her resolve. She had inadvertently caused the death of Theodore. She'll endure whatever pain it takes to complete the priest's last wishes.

Could I get names for the two priests?

When Dawn wakes in the morning, she cuts her arm open again to withdraw the rod. She then finds Simon and asks to atone.

2011-02-21, 11:23 AM
You killed Theodore. The one remaining is Simon.Simon casts atonement for you then proceeds outside to rake up the coins that rained down throughout the night.

2011-02-21, 04:29 PM
Dawn prays to Heironeous, repenting yet once again, before attempting to prepare spells for the day.

Dawn usually prepares spells at dawn, that's probably past that by now. Can she still prepare spells for the day, or does she have to wait till tomorrow?

Does she feel anything "special" after she atones?

Dawn then writes a lengthy letter to Sister Melara explaining all of the past day's events, and asks to stay in Aldhaven to see through the prophecy. She holds the rod in her invisible left hand, and keeps a tight grip on it at all times, hidden inside her cloak.

Character sheet will be updated with all the new effects shortly.

2011-02-21, 05:37 PM
She doesn't notice anything special before, during, or after she atones or prepares spells.

2011-02-21, 06:03 PM
Dawn shrugs and decided the last one was probably a dud. She casts Persistent Delay Death and Persistent Vigor on herself as always, and sets out again trying to obtain information on Prib.

Preparing 2 Divine Insights and 1 Close Wounds for 2nd level. All other spells are same.

Gather Information (Divine Insight): [roll0]
Try 2 (Divine Insight): [roll1]

2011-02-21, 06:10 PM
The instant you cast Delay Death, you become aware that the latent effect of the rod activates. From now on, Delay Death has the Empower Spell and Extend Spell feats applied to it at no cost.

You enter the Sad Flint tavern and find that the barkeep indeed saw Prib at some point, remembering that the guy was trying to pawn off some cheap chameleon trinket.

2011-02-21, 06:24 PM
Wait, if it's persisted *and* extended, does that mean it lasts 48 hours instead of 24?

Dawn realizes that Prib is probably still in Aldhaven, but that his disguises are probably foiling her attempts to find him. She sighs, and decides that she probably needs to resort to magic to find him.

Dawn buys 50gp worth of incense and returns to the Temple of Heironeous, helps Simon sweep up any more coin that may have rained, and then asks Simon if he could cast a Divination for her to help locate Prib.

Dawn asks (or has Simon ask), "How or where can Dawn find Prib?"

2011-02-28, 03:32 AM
The Town Crier

The most up to date news in the city!
King Alben Rosen has announced the engagement of Isolde Rosen, his only child, to Archduke Wolfram Rocholl, the heir designate to Aldhaven.

Rumors of King Alben's failing health seem to be gathering strength, though the royal family continues to deny them.

A minor noble's home has continues to be under some sort of befuddling curse that seems resistant to normal means of removal. He's now offering a 20,000gp reward to the person or persons who can rid his home of the enchantment.

A gnomish dignitary has recently in the city to begin negotiations of an alliance between the gnomish nation and the Kingdom of Aldhaven.

Registration for the next semester at the Aldhaven Royal University of Scientific Esoterica begins immediately.

Rumors have begun circulating that ancient ruins have been found buried just outside of the city walls. The farmer who owns the land is allowing people to pay a small fee to enter into them and keep whatever relics they can recover.

also, BUMP!

2011-02-28, 09:49 PM
Still waiting for a Divination result...

2011-03-24, 09:18 AM
Sorry, my computer completely imploded on me. I'm back now though.After several inquiries,, which takes most of the day, Dawn discovers a rumor that he was arrested for attempting to bypass security in the Nobles' Quarter. His exact attempts, however, are unknown, only that he did something which resulted in his arrest. She is unable to uncover anything else.

2011-03-27, 03:57 PM
Dawn visibly sighs at hearing the information on Prib's latest escapades. Chances are, he's gotten himself arrested, but whether he's still arrested is anyone's guess. She can't very well break him out of jail, but there might be powerful aristocracy who can speak a word and have him go free.. for a favor.

Consequently, Dawn starts asking around which nobles would have the power to do so, and which of them may be in need of hired help, and what the customs are for approaching these types of people (through some intermediary, or personally requesting an audience). In particular, she's interested in helping aristocracy who aren't uptight about keeping the law and would consider helping her, but also aren't evil and hated enough to ask to her to something heinous.

Divine Insight Gather Info: [roll0]

2011-03-27, 04:48 PM
Her inquiries are met with suspicion and hostility. It seems that there is plenty of generic gossip about the nobles but that actually discussing meddling in their affairs is taboo. You do, however, find out that the only known acceptable place for a non-noble to approach a noble is within the Sad Flint.

2011-03-27, 04:52 PM
Dawn tells Simon her plans, and asks if he has anything pressing for her to do (such as help reconstruct the Temple). Assuming not, Dawn re-enters the Sad Flint, and asks the barkeep if he can hook her up with speaking to a noble, as she is in need of a favor, and willing to trade favors.

2011-03-27, 04:55 PM
"Depends on the nature of the favors. If you're looking to be a nobleman's mistress, this is the wrong kind of place. If you mean that you can aid the nobility with their problems, then I might be able to help."

2011-03-27, 05:03 PM
Dawn looks horribly offended at the suggestion of her being some mistress, but then remembers the reason why she's in Aldhaven in the first place, and swallows her initial impulse at a retort.

"I mean the latter. One of my friends is likely in jail now due to some misunderstandings, and I was hoping that, through a show of good faith, the noble could arrange for his early release."

Dawn pauses to think and then quickly adds, "I have scruples and am not willing to kill innocents, though."

2011-03-27, 09:07 PM
"Fair enough. Well, if you don't mind my asking, what sort of crime was he convicted of? That can determine the magnitude of the favor required."

2011-03-27, 09:20 PM
"I... I'm not sure, exactly. Rumor seems to have it that he was caught trying to enter the Noble's District, but I can't be sure. You see, my friend is quite a master of disguise, so it's difficult to ascertain if it really is him." Dawn sighs. "I'm mentally prepared for finding out that I'm laboring to save someone I don't even know. But any chance is better than none."

2011-03-27, 09:26 PM
"Don't underestimate the City Guard. If the streets weren't overflowing with unrest right now, they'd be quite feared. Now, for that sort of crime, you're not likely to get a noble to help you. They're rather particular about their privacy. Better off working with the less scrupulous guardsmen."

2011-03-27, 09:39 PM
"Thank you," responds Dawn, "But where am I to even find those in charge? Is the jail in the city somewhere? Are there any possibilities for visiting the prisoners, if I provide a few gold pieces? Do the guardsmen duties include jailor duties as well?"

2011-03-27, 10:01 PM
"For that sort of crime, one usually winds up with several years in the needle mines. They're just outside of town. I think it's possible to 'pay' for a tour of the place if you wish."

2011-03-28, 03:55 PM
Dawn nods and thanks the barkeep, tipping him 5 gp. She then buys a boxed lunch from one of he street vendors and walks to the said Needle Mines. If there's a guard on duty speaks to him. "Oh hello. My name is Dawn Fatre, and I'm from out of town. I'm here because I heard a rumor that my... brother... committed a crime and was sent here. Please, sir, would it be possible for me to deliver this food to him? It's just a couple sandwiches. Please?"

2011-03-28, 04:35 PM
"No visitors for the prisoners. Period."

He looks away boredly.

2011-03-28, 04:36 PM
Dawn kneels on the ground and clasps the guards hands, slipping him 20 gp. "Please, he's my only family! Please, just let me see him..."

2011-03-28, 04:38 PM
He looks at you with annoyance. "Very well, but you will be searched for contraband items and may not bring him the food."

2011-03-28, 04:43 PM
Dawn frowns, imitating a disappointed little girl as best a buff cleric-fighter can. "But I spent all morning making this food... how about if I give you one of the sandwiches, and him the other?"

Dawn gives her greatsword, dagger, and longbow to the guards for temporary keeping (while keeping the Crystal of Lesser Energy Assault). She lets herself be subject to a body search, if the person doing the searching is a female.

2011-03-28, 06:26 PM
I'd like a bluff check for that.

2011-03-28, 06:28 PM
Bluff: [roll0]

They can search the sandwiches all they want, but they are actually just normal sandwiches...

2011-03-28, 10:05 PM
the bluff was because you claimed to make them yourself.

"Uh huh, genuine street vendor fare. Look, toots, the prisoners get fed each day, and outside food is forbidden. It'll have to stay with me while you go visit your brother. Once we search you to be sure you aren't armed. Wouldn't do to have a prisoner steal your weapon and lead an uprising, or for you to try and free your brother from lawful imprisonment. If this ain't good enough, then I guess your brother won't get to see his sister."

2011-03-28, 10:10 PM
"Hey, I tried! It's not my fault I can't cook!" Dawn retorts. "Fine, anything to see Prib. These are all my weapons. Is there a female guard around to do the search?"

2011-03-28, 10:26 PM
"No women in the guard, but we have a priestess of Pelor."

THe said priestess takes all your weapons and you are allowed to enter the needle mines.

2011-03-28, 10:53 PM
Dawn quickly looks around, trying to find anyone who resembles the Prib she last saw. She calls out, "Prib, are you here? It's your sister, Dawn!"

Spot: [roll0] (to see through disguise. They're probably considered Intimate, so another +10 on top of that?)

2011-03-28, 10:57 PM
Prib has been stripped of all disguises but that of dust and dirt. He is chained in with a line of other prisoners. He looks up at you, but does not seem to recognize you at first.

2011-03-28, 11:05 PM
Dawn runs over and hugs Prib.

"Prib! It's me, Dawn!" shouts Dawn in genuine emotion. The doppelganger appearance of Prib surprised her, but it was the same Prib she knew and loved after all.

"I'm so glad to see you again, though the circumstances aren't the best," continues Dawn. "We don't have much time. How long are you sentenced for? Have they been mistreating you? You never were a man of physical labor..."

If Prib is showing any wounds, Dawn asks the guards who are accompanying her. "Look at him, all covered in wounds. I'm a priestess of Heironeous, may I cast a curing spell to alleviate his pain?"

If they allow it, Dawn spontaneously converts Divine Favor to Cure Light Wounds and casts it on Prib.

2011-03-28, 11:25 PM
It takes him a moment, but he eventually recognizes you.

btw, you do realize that polymorphing into a doppleganger specifically doesn't give you the special abilities of the race.

For some reason, though, he does not respond, except to hug you back.

There are no visible wounds that you can see.

2011-03-28, 11:29 PM
I did, which is why I mentioned Dawn being surprised. She last saw him in either human form, or as a doppelganger with a human disguise. You mentioned that he no longer has any disguises on, so he reverts to doppelganger base form, which is a grayish sinewy look, I think.

Dawn is surprised that Prib is not responding verbally. "Prib?" she asks again, testing to see if they were under a Silence effect. If not, she continues, "Why don't you speak to me? Are you under some Geas or other magic not to speak? You can tell your sister Dawn."

Dawn looks to see if Prib nods or shakes his head.

2011-03-28, 11:36 PM
He slowly shakes his head, not willing to look you in the eyes. He shuffles forward in the chain gang and resumes work.

well, if so, why did you pick doppleganger?

2011-03-28, 11:42 PM
I picked Doppelganger for the +4 natural Armor and the +4 racial bonus on Bluff and Disguise checks, which *do* apply. It also increased Prib's physical stats, because he was dumping them.

Dawn is confused and asks the guard who escorted her in. "Did you guys do something to him? Is he incapable of talking now, or is he just depressed?

2011-03-29, 12:07 AM
"I ain't no tour guide. You didn't pay me enough for that." He says almost guiltily.

2011-03-29, 12:13 AM
Dawn responds, "I... see."

Dawn bids goodbye to Prib, and then whispers to the guard when no one is around, "I apologize that I'm not familiar with the protocols around here, how sizable a... contribution is necessary to arrange for Prib's early release? Would I make it to you, or the guard captain, or both? Surely there must be *some* way to work things out so that everyone is happy?"

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2011-03-29, 12:18 AM
"Honestly, lady, I'd love to help you out, but if I let him go, or my captain did, the count in charge of the city guard would kill us. You'll have to convince him to let him go. And he generally doesn't accept 'contributions'. Wish I could help you, but I've gotta live to spend the gold."

2011-03-29, 12:27 AM
"Thank you so much for that," says Dawn as she takes out another 10gp and stuffs it in the man's hands. "One last thing... could you tell me the name of this Count who is in charge of the City Guard, and anything else that might be helpful in convincing him to release Prib early? Is he generally trustworthy, and would he consider releasing Prib if I complete a quest for him?"

2011-03-29, 12:07 PM
"He is Count Eibrich. I don't know much about him but that his signature that's on all our orders. I do hear that he's one of the uptight honest types, but other than that, he doesn't interact with teh common guard at all."

2011-03-29, 01:17 PM
Dawn thanks the man once more, and returns to the Sad Flint.

"James, thanks so much for your advice last time. My friend is indeed in the needle mines, but the guards are powerless to free him. I've heard that you arrange for employment with the various lords around here. I don't suppose Count Eibrich is hiring?"

2011-03-29, 01:36 PM
"Eibrich? Not that I know of. He does, however, have a son who is hiring."

2011-03-29, 01:37 PM
"Close enough. Where can I find Eibrich's son? Thanks again!"

2011-03-29, 01:38 PM
"He is in the Noble's District, on his family estate."

2011-03-29, 01:40 PM
"Er.. I've heard that entering the Noble's District is difficult for non-nobles. How would I approach him about the job?"

2011-03-29, 01:41 PM
"Well, the job is hired through the Flint. Go in the back rooms, sort yourself through the hiring process, and you'll find the job."

2011-03-29, 01:43 PM
"Great, thanks!" Dawn tips James 5gp and walks to the hiring area of the Sad Flint in the back.

2011-03-29, 01:57 PM
The pair of guards block your way, saying, "Password?"

2011-03-29, 01:59 PM
Dawn frowns. "I need a password just to get a job?"

She walks back to James, looking a bit nonplussed. "Hey, were you supposed to tell me a password, or is beating up those guards part of the employment test?"

2011-03-29, 02:03 PM
"I was about to tell it to you when you rushed off to try and enter. Patience is a virtue. The password's 'Salamander Salamandra'."

2011-03-29, 02:06 PM
Dawn sighes, "You're right, James. I've already made a grave mistake in Aldhaven due to my haste. Thanks. Anything else I should know before going back there?"

After James finishes talking, Dawn approaches the guards once more and repeats the password given to her.

2011-03-29, 02:22 PM
"Just don't blab about what you see back there to others. Magically enforced contracts are thorny things."

The guards let you pass through.

On the other side is a dwarf sitting at a desk with a pile of papers strewn throughout. He glances up as you enter and says, "Oh, another one? Sign this please." He pushes a paper your direction.

The walls are bare stone, and behind him is a black door made of iron.

2011-03-29, 02:27 PM
Dawn carefully reads the paperwork, and once she's satisfied that it won't compel her to do anything she would find highly objectionable, Dawn sighs the documents.

2011-03-29, 02:43 PM
Beyond the iron black door is a pair of spiral staircases. One is labeled "employer", the other "employee". A well-groomed halfling greets you and says, "So, lady, what will it be? Looking to place a job or find one?"

2011-03-29, 02:45 PM
"Looking to find one... a very specific one. Pardon me, I do have something of a choice in terms of who to seek employment with, right?"

2011-03-29, 03:25 PM
"Right this way, then. Mind if I ask what job?"

He takes you up the steps marked "employee"

2011-03-29, 03:31 PM
"The one for Count Eibrich's son. It's very important to me to work for him, because I seek not gold in compensation, but rather a favor."

2011-03-29, 03:32 PM
"We seem to get a lot of those these days. These are interesting times we live in."

On the other side of the door at the top of the spiral staircase is an interecting maze of hallways. Each is labeled with a different flavorful description of the kind of job requested.

Problem solving - discreet, Problem solving - flamboyant, Problem making- inflicted, and a dozen other such signs mark each hallway with the sort of job requested in the rooms within.

2011-03-29, 03:35 PM
Dawn frowns. "Is there no way to find out which one is by Eibrich's son? I don't suppose you know and would be willing to tell me?"

If the answer is no, Dawn sighs, and steps into "Problem Solving, Flamboyant"

2011-03-29, 03:37 PM
"Well, the names for who's hiring is on each door. Eibrich is sure to stand out."

btw, the signs are for hallways, not individual rooms. Each hallway has several different rooms by different employrers, and there are far more hallways than the ones I listed.

2011-03-29, 03:40 PM
"Thanks a lot!"

Dawn wanders down the "Problem Solving - Flamboyant" hall, looking at the name plates on each door, hoping to find one by the name of Eibrich.

What are some of the names/descriptions of the other halls? Anything along the lines of bodyguard?

2011-03-29, 03:44 PM
basically, the place is so big that I can't list every possible job. In essence, make up your own description for the kind of job you think the son of the head of the City Watch might need, and I'll think if it's close enough to the basic description of what the job will be. If you're close enough (and I'll be generous with that) then you'll find Eibrich's name on one of the doors. Otherwise, you'll have to try again.

Eibrich's name is not on any of the doors you met in the problem solving - flamboyant hallway.

2011-03-29, 04:06 PM
Dawn thinks hard about what the son of Count Eibrich would want. His father was upstanding, so the simple fact that the son would post a job here rather than the father likely meant it was something not entirely legal, ethical or moral.

Dawn checks the halls for:

Items acquisition
Personnel removal
Escort for travel
Body double

2011-03-29, 04:27 PM
In the "Body Double" category, one of the doors is labeled "Eibrich".

2011-03-29, 04:34 PM
Dawn was disappointed and about to give up hope when she finds the door she was looking for. She walks in.

2011-03-29, 04:36 PM
The room beyond has blank white walls, ceiling, and floor. There is no obvious door on the other walls. A single black stone on the ceiling breaks the monotony. A female voice emanates from it and says, "State your name."

2011-03-29, 04:39 PM
"Dawn Fatre." replies Dawn as she visually inspects the stone with some curiosity.

2011-03-29, 04:52 PM
"And why do you believe yourself qualified to take this position?"

2011-03-30, 12:02 PM
"I certainly believe I'm qualified, but I suppose you'll want some demonstration. Go ahead and tell me how you would like to test me."

2011-04-13, 02:06 PM
Sorry, it seems as if we both lost track of this thread. The forums show PW as the last to post, but it has your post as the most recent in the thread.

Anyway, I'm going to go ahead and take over DMing at this point..."Show me how you qualify for the Body Double job. Demonstrate your abilities."