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2011-02-20, 02:37 PM
This is a retry at a character i created, i am going to be playing him as DMPC /helper /npc/ guide whatever-you-want-to-call-it. this is my first time playing the game and my DM wanted to give me a shot to learn how without all the stress of worrying about pc death. this isnt a eberron campaign, but he said all pc races without LA were legal.

the campaign is going to be the stereotypical dungeon crawl, the other PCs are about 6th level (the DM told me not to divulge my stats, as my character is just a guide, and keeps to himself) so he's pretty much going to be like sephiroth in FF7 when you return to nibleheim. (Pretty much unstopable but not out to rule the world.....yet)

so if you please, let me know what you think of him and any criticism is welcome

After being cast out by his tribe as a pup, Ürruk had no choice but to survive. Fears of being a throwback of full blooded lycanthropes, or even that one of his ancestors had the blood of Dire Wolves in their veins, Ürruk was like nothing his tribe had ever seen. The druids of his adoptive tribe being shifters themselves had never before witnessed shifting such as his. As a scout that very few, even among rangers, could match in woodcraft Ürruk was the first to range ahead of his "pack". As years went on nature took it's course and Ürruk transformed into a large and mighty warrior, although gaining a reputation as extremely brutal and uncontrolable.
Standing taller, and more heavily muscled than even the largets half orcs, Ürruk looks like he would be a closer decendent of a bear than wolf. There are legends within shifter tribes of lycanthropes that descended from dire animals. Ürruk seems like the perfect truth of these legends. Terse, straightforward and blunt, Ürruk doesn't have a way with words, but when push comes to shove, Ürruk has no problem getting his point across the blade of his Greataxe. Scarred by his countless fights and brawls, Ürruk shies from nothing, and gives quarter to no one, and asks for none in return, a fact that gets him into more battes adding to his impressive number of "war trophies".

Ürruk Silverwolf
Male Razorclaw Shifter; medium humanoid (shapechanger); Scout 4/ Barbarian 6/ Fighter 4/ Weretouched Master 5/ Ranger 1;
HD: 4d8+6d12+4d10+5d8+1d8+140; hp: 249; Speed: 50 ft; Init: +12; AC: 26 (touch 17; Flat-footed 26); Atk: +17; Grp +26; Full Atk: +31/+26/+21/+16 melee (3d6+19,19-20; +4 huge keen adamantine Greataxe); SA: Alternate Form, Favored Enemy (Giant +2), Frightful Shifting, Rage, Shifting, Skirmish; SQ: Battle Fortitude, Fast Movement (Barbarian), Fast Movement (Scout), Improved Uncanny Dodge, Lowlight Vision, Trackless Step, Trapfinding, Trap Sense +2, Uncanny Dodge, Weretouched I, II, and III; SV: Fort +30, Ref +19, Will +9; Abilities: Str 28, Dex 16, Con 25, Int 9, Wis 12, Cha 6; Height: 7'4", Weight: 345lbs, Eyes: silver, Hair: silver/white, Age: 28, AL: N;

- Skills and Feats: Balance +7, Climb +17, Hide +9, Intimidate +6, Jump +18, Knowledge (nature) +6, Listen +5, Move Silently +8, Search +4, Spot +3,Survival +14, Swim +5, Tumble +7; *Beasthide Elite, Extend Rage, Extra Rage,*Extra Shifter Trait (Beasthide), *Great Rend, *Healing Factor, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Powerful Charge, *Shifter Multi-Attack, *Shifter Savagery, track, Weapon Focus (Greataxe), Weapon Specialization (Greataxe);

- Rage (Ex): Ürruk can fly into rage 4 times per day. In a rage, Ürruk emporarily gains a +4 bonus to Strength, a +4 bonus to Constitution, and a +2 morale bonus on Will saves, but he takes a –2 penalty to Armor Class. The increase in Constitution increases Ürruk’s hit points by 2 points per level, but these hit points go away at the end of the rage when his Constitution score drops back to normal. While raging, Ürruk cannot use any Charisma, Dexterity, or Intelligence based skills (except for Balance, Escape Artist, Intimidate, and Ride), He can use any feat he has except Combat Epertise, item creation feats, and metamagic feats. Ürruk may prematurely end his rage. At the end of the rage, Ürruk loses the rage modifiers and restrictions and becomes fatigued (–2 penalty to Strength, –2 penalty to Dexterity, can’t charge or run) for the duration of the current encounter. Ürruk can fly into a rage only once per encounter. Ürruk can only rage during his action.

Raging (Ex): Ürruk can rage four times per day. When raging, he has the following characteristics: hp 289; AC 24, (touch 15 , flat-footed 24); Grp+28; Full Atk: +33/+28/+23/+18 melee (3d6+22,19-20; +4 huge keen adamantine greataxe); SV Fort +32, Will +11; Abilities: Str 32, Con 29; Duration: 18 rounds.

- Shifting (Su): Ürruk can tap into his lycanthropic heritage to gain a +4 bonus to Strength, a +4 bonus to Dexterity, and a +2 bonus to Constitution. Every shifter feat Ürruk takes increases the duration of shifting by 1 round. For every two shifter feats Ürruk takes, the number of times per day he can tap into the ability increases by one; Razorclaw: While shifting, Ürruk gains a +2 bonus to Strength, and grows claws that can be used as natural weapons. These claws deal 1d4 points of damage (plus an additional +1 for every four character levels he has) with each successful attack. He can attack with one claw as a standard action or with two claws as a full attack action (as a primary natural weapon). He can not attack more than once per round with a single claw, even if his base attack bonus is high enough to give him multiple attacks. He can attack with a claw as a light off-hand weapon while wielding a weapon in his primary hand, but all his attacks in that round take a –2 penalty; Beasthide: While shifting, Ürruk gains natural armor that provides a +4 bonus to AC.

Shifting (Su): Ürruk can shift four times per day. When shifting, he has the following characteristics: hp 269; Init: +14; AC 32, (touch 19, flat-footed 32); Grp+28; Full Atk: +28/+28 melee (1d4+16, Claw), +26 melee (1d6+10,Bite); SV Fort +31, Ref +23, Will +9; Abilities: Str 32, Dex 20, Con 27; Duration: 17 rounds.

Shifting and Raging: Ürruk has the following characteristics: hp 309; Init +14; AC 30, (touch 17 , flat-footed 30); Grp+30; Full Atk: +30/+30 melee (1d8+18,19-20; Claw), +28 melee (2d6+11,19-20; Bite); SV Fort +33, Ref +23, Will +11; Abilities: Str 36, Dex 20, Con 31; Duration: 19 rounds.
- Low-Light Vision: Ürruk can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. He retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.

- Trapfinding (Ex): Ürruk can use the Search skill to locate traps with a DC higher than 20, and he can use Disable Device to bypass a trap or disarm magic traps.

- Trap Sense (Ex): Ürruk has an intuitive sense that alerts him to danger from traps, giving him a +1 bonus on Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +2 dodge bonus to AC against attacks made by traps.

- Battle Fortitude (Ex): Ürruk gains a +1 competence bonus on Fortitude saves and initiative checks. Ürruk loses this bonus when wearing medium or heavy armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load.

- Favored Enemy (Ex): Due to his extensive study on giants and training in the proper techniques for combating such creatures, Ürruk gains a +2 bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival checks when using these skills against creatures of this type. Likewise, he gets a +2 bonus on weapon damage rolls against giants.

- Skirmish (Ex): Ürruk deals an extra 1d6 points of damage on all attacks he makes during any round in which he moves at least 10 feet. The extra damage applies only to attacks taken during his turn. The extra damage only applies against living creatures that have a discernible anatomy. Creatures immune to extra damage from critical hits are not vulnerable to this additional damage. Ürruk must be able to see the target well eough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. Ürruk can apply this extra damage to ranged attacks made while skirmishing, but only if the target is within 30 feet. Ürruk gains a +1 competence bonus to Armor Class during any round in which he moves at least 10 feet. The bonus applies as soon as he has moved 10 feet, and lasts until the start of his next turn. Ürruk loses this ability when wearing medium or heavy armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load. If he gains the skirmish ability from another class, the bonuses stack.

- Uncanny Dodge (Ex): Ürruk cannot be caught flat-footed and reacts to danger before his senses would normally allow him to do so.

- Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): Ürruk can no longer be flanked; he can react to opponents on opposite sides of him as easily as he can react to a single attacker. This defense denies a rogue the ability to sneak attack Ürruk by flanking him, unless the attacker has at least four more rogue levels than Urruk has barbarian and scout levels combined.

- Fast Movement (scout) (Ex): Ürruk gains a +10 foot enhancement bonus to his base land speed. Ürruk loses this bonus when wearing medium or heavy armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load.

- Fast Movement (barbarian) (Ex): Ürruk's land speed is faster than the norm for his race by +10 feet. This benefit applies only when he is wearing no armor, light armor, or medium armor and not carrying a heavy load.
- Trackless Step (Ex): Ürruk cannot be tracked in natural surroundings.

- Wild Empathy (Ex): Ürruk has the ability to use body language, vocalizations, and demeanor to improve the attitude of an animal. This ability functions like a Diplomacy check made to improve the attitude of a person. Ürruk rolls a d20 and adds his weretouched master levels, his ranger levels and his Charisma modifier to determine the wild empathy check result. If the animal is of the wolf family, he gains a +4 bonus on this check. To use wild empathy, Ürruk and the animal must be able to study each other, which means that they must be within 30 feet of each other under normal conditions. Generally, influencing an animal in this way takes 1 minute. As with influencing people, it might take more or less time. Ürruk can also use this ability to influence a magical beast with an Intelligence score of 1 or 2, but he takes a –4 penalty on the check.

- Weretouched I (Su): When shifting, Ürruk's appearance changes to strongly resemble a wolf's. Ürruk's facial features become more bestial, fur sprouts on his body, and he grows a short tail. In addition, he gains the following extra benefits each time he shifts: Ürruk gains a +2 bonus to Dexterity and manifests fangs that can be used as a natural weapon, dealing 1d6 points of damage (plus an additional +1 for every four character levels he has) with a successful bite attack.

- Weretouched II (Su): Ürruk has the scent ability. In addition, If Ürruk hits with a bite attack, he can attempt to trip the opponent as a free action without making a touch attack or provoking an attack of opportunity. If the attempt fails, the opponent cannot react to trip Ürruk.

- Scent (Ex): This extraordinary special quality allows Ürruk to detect approaching enemies and sniff out hidden foes. Ürruk can identify familiar odors just as humans do familiar sights. Ürruk can detect opponents within 30 feet by sense of smell. If the opponent is upwind, the range increases to 60 feet; if downwind, it drops to 15 feet. Strong scents, such as smoke or rotting garbage, can be detected at twice the ranges noted above. Overpowering scents, such as skunk musk or troglodyte stench, can be detected at triple normal range. When Ürruk detects a scent, the exact location of the source is not revealed—only its presence somewhere within range. Ürruk can take a move action to note the direction of the scent. Whenever Ürruk comes within 5 feet of the source, he pinpoints the source’s location. Ürruk can follow tracks by smell, making a Wisdom (or Survival) check to find or follow a track. The typical DC for a fresh trail is 10 (no matter what kind of surface holds the scent). This DC increases or decreases depending on how strong the quarry’s odor is, the number of creatures, and the age of the trail. For each hour that the trail is cold, the DC increases by 2. The ability otherwise follows the rules for the Track feat. when tracking by scent Ürruk ignores the effects of surface conditions and poor visibility. Water, particularly running water, ruins a trail for air-breathing creatures. Water-breathing creatures that have the scent ability, however, can use it in the water easily. False, powerful odors can easily mask other scents. The presence of such an odor completely spoils the ability to properly detect or identify creatures, and the base Survival DC to track becomes 20 rather than 10.
- Frightful Shifting (Ex): Ürruk gains an unsettling presence when he uses his shifting ability or his alternate form ability. When he attacks or charges, opponents within 30 feet who witness his attack may become shaken for 5d6 rounds. This ability affects only opponents with fewer Hit Dice or levels than Ürruk’s character level. An opponent can resist the effect with a successful Will save (DC 14). An opponent who succeeds on the saving throw is immune to Ürruk’s frightful shifting for 24 hours. Frightful shifting is a mind-affecting fear effect

- Alternate Form (Su): Ürruk can, as a swift action, assume the animal form of a wolf. By spending two daily uses of his shifting ability, Ürruk can transform into the animal form as if using the polymorph spell on himself, except that the duration is a number of rounds equal to the duration of his shifting. Ürruk doesn’t gain any of the normal benefits granted by shifting while this ability is active, and he can’t use this ability at the same time that he is shifting. Only the wolf form can be assumed. If slain,Ürruk reverts to his normal humanoid form, although he remains dead. Separated body parts retain their animal form, however.

- Weretouched III (Ex): Ürruk gains an additional +2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Con bonus to ability scores while shifting. These bonuses stack with all other ability score bonuses granted during shifting.

- Possessions: Amulet of Health +6, Belt of Giant Strength +6, Boots of the Battle Charger, Cloak of Resistance +3, Helm of Battle, +4 Huge Keen Adamantine Greataxe, Manual of Bodily Health +4 (included in Con score), Manual of Gainful Exercise +4 (included in Str score), Mask of Blood, Ring of Protection +4, Ring of Regeneration, Rending Gauntlets,+4 Roaring Mithral Breastplate, 3 potions of cure serious wounds.

Adamantine: This ultrahard metal adds to the quality of a weapon or suit of armor. Weapons fashioned from adamantine have a natural ability to bypass hardness when sundering weapons or attacking objects, ignoring hardness less than 20. Only weapons, armor, and shields normally made of metal can be fashioned from adamantine. Weapons, armor and shields normally made of steel that are made of adamantine have one-third more hit points than normal. Adamantine has 40 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 20.
Amulet of Health +6:The amulet grants the wearer an enhancement bonus to Constitution of +6.
Belt of Giant Strength +6: This belt adds to the wearer’s Strength score in the form of an enhancement bonus of +6

Boots of the Battle Charger: When activated, these boots allow you to make a charge attack as a standard action (rather than a full-round action), though the charge only includes movement up to your speed (rather than double your speed). You must make the charge attack in the round you activate the boots, or the effect is lost. You can use this ability two times per day.

Cloak of Resistance +3: These garments offer magic protection in the form of a +3 resistance bonus on all saving throws (Fortitude, Reflex, and Will).

Helm of Battle: When you activate the helm, you gain a +2 bonus on the next attack roll or ability check you make to attempt a bull rush, disarm, overrun, sunder, or trip attempt during your turn. This ability functions three times per day.

Keen weapon special ability: This ability doubles the threat range of a weapon. Only piercing or slashing weapons can be keen. This benefit doesn’t stack with any other effect that expands the threat range of a weapon (such as the keen edge spell or the Improved Critical feat).

Manual of Bodily Health +4: This thick tome contains tips on health and fitness, but entwined within the words is a powerful magical effect. If anyone reads this book, which takes a total of 48 hours over a minimum of six days, he gains an inherent bonus of +4 to his Constitution score. Once the book is read, the magic disappears from the pages and it becomes a normal book.
Manual of Gainful Exercise +4: This thick tome contains exercise descriptions and diet suggestions, but entwined within the words is a powerful magical effect. If anyone reads this book, which takes a total of 48 hours over a minimum of six days, he gains an inherent bonus of +4 to his Strength score. Once the book is read, the magic disappears from the pages and it becomes a normal book.
Mask of Blood: If you are wearing a mask of blood when you enter a rage or frenzy, that ability lasts for 1 round longer than normal. This is a continuous effect and requires no activation. The liquid flowing over a mask of blood is normally harmless, but when you activate the mask, you can spit a stream of blood as a ranged touch attack (range 30 feet). This stream deals 4d6 points of acid damage to the target. This ability functions two times per day.

Ring of Protection +4: This ring offers continual magical protection in the form of a deflection bonus of +4.

Ring of Regeneration: This ring continually allows a living wearer to heal 1 point of damage per level every hour rather than every day. (This ability cannot be aided by the Heal Skill.) Nonlethal damage heals at a rate of 1 point of damage per level every 5 minutes. If the wearer loses a limb, an organ, or any other body part while wearing this ring, the ring regenerates it as the spell. In either case, only damage taken while wearing the ring is regenerated.

Rending gauntlets: These masterwork spiked gauntlets allow you to tear the flesh of any creature you strike with at least two weapons. If you deal damage to a creature with at least two different weapons or natural attacks on your turn, you can activate rending gauntlets to deal an extra 2d6 points of damage with the second attack. This ability functions three times per day

Roaring armor special ability: While you are wearing this armor you gain a +4 competence bonus on initiative checks, also whenever you are hit by a nonmagical projectile that would deal 10 or fewer points of damage, you take no damage from that attack. The armor automatically turns back the projectile to strike the creature that fired it. Reroll the damage against the original attacker.

Strongarm Bracers: When wearing strongarm bracers, you can wield weapons as if you were one size category larger than normal. (You don't take any penalty when using weapons as normal for your size.) The effect of these bracers doesn't stack with the powerful build trait.

Doc Roc
2011-02-20, 04:30 PM
I will restrain myself to discussing the character, though I question deeply the wisdom of having uneven ecl in a party.

Simply put, you are poorly classed. Scout adds less than nothing to the build, and you've spent your fighter feats on some of the worst options available. I would replace both with barbarian, or more warblade.

Let me refer you to this guide:

2011-02-20, 04:57 PM
I guess I could have specified, my DM said NO to the ToB and ToM. we had core+completes open to us but, as i stated the DM was open to races without LA. I know that Weretouched master isn't in any of those, but seeing how it is a race specific PrC, that added fluff to Ürruk, he allowed it. also, as this is also my first time playing i wanted to keep it simple and while not OMGFACEROLL optimized, be more BELIEVABLE as a character in a fantasy setting, as opposed to something that has no reasons behind his class choices other than what they did on paper.

As i stated, my character is playing as a guide through the dungeon, most of the classes have SOME type of wilderness theme (minus the fighter). while he is more powerful than the rest of the PC's this is for the fact that 1. the PCs have been known to "kill off" NPCs and sell their gear (or keep it)
and 2. from what the DM has said, my character is eventually going to play a larger part in the campaign further down the road. I don't know if that means BBEG, he joins the party once once the rest of the pc's catch up in level or the pcs keep coming back to the dungeon for further adventures. he hasn't told me exactly what yet.

2011-02-20, 05:17 PM
I'll be honest:

Your build is terrible, from an optimization standpoint. Twenty levels have a potential much, much, higher than what you have done with them right now, even staying completely within concept.

However, this is perfectly fine, and I have no ill feelings about your power level. Given the party you are in (with 6th level characters), you're still going to have BAB, saves, and HP of LAWLBETTERTHANYOU. You won't even need to worry about class/feat/gear selections. (Barring optimized Wizards but somehow I doubt that that will be an issue. :smallbiggrin:) Your character also doesn't seem to have any potentially gamebreaking abilities, beyond perhaps digging a hole through the dungeon with his adamantine weapon. You'll make attack rolls, kick ass, and take names, but you won't be able to do more "creative" things. This is fine.

In fact, for your first time playing the game I'd feel more comfortable with you simplifying your build, to minimize the confusion you might have between the different abilities. This being said, if you think you can manage it as it stands right now, more power to ya. :smallwink:

2011-02-20, 05:36 PM
as i look at it: and please don't take this the wrong way: IF and only IF i decide to get into the fight, (DM told me to make them work for it) its going to be something like: shift/rage or both, charge (moving x amount of distance, hopefully more than 10 ft) atk with whatever i got in hand or what have you. next round hit them again, i think my DM plans on RP-ing combat more, than just mechanically "roll the dice (or use random # generator), mark off hp loss, next round" type of deal. as a DMPC i will be sitting next to him so i will know whats coming up, the other PCs won't. the DM is doing the naritive on my actions, im just there for RP-ing and to get the feel of the game.

also as far as the actual "flavor" of my character he is pretty much just in it for the money, unless his life depends on it he won't be getting into a whole lot of combat, and if he does his fee for guideing the party goes up. the majority of the campaign is going to take place underground, within halls, rooms, and other indoor features that don't allow for flying or "super" mobility.

if you wouldn't mind pointing out what part of the build seems the most complex for a new player so i could read up on the rules for these things a little more.

Doc Roc
2011-02-20, 05:52 PM
What kind of feedback were you after? Generic benedictions are not my province.

2011-02-20, 06:04 PM
whetever you guys have given me. i realize that the character is not as optimized as one that you would play, but the DM isn't going to throw pun pun at the PC's during the first encounter. i don't know maybe i was hoping that you guys might catch something that i didn't as far as whether the BAB, or saves were correct, or something like that.