View Full Version : [3.5] Favorite DMM Persist combos?

2011-02-20, 07:45 PM
Afternoon, all!

I'm trying to flesh out a faction of hyper-militant clerics for my custom campaign setting, and was hoping for a bit of assistance.

Basically (and predictably) the lion's share of the army will focus on DMM: Persist, but I want to come up with spells to combo for a bunch of different specialized units.

* Standard footsoldier: Divine Power, Righteous Might, Sunscepter (LEoF), Surge of Fortune (CC)
* Ranged Flyer: Footsteps of the Divine (SC? for flight), Divine Power, something clever, something else

I'm new to the DMM Persist cheese, and so I appeal to the greater knowledge of the Playground at large! Any ideas for neat combinations?

edit: If you could also provide a brief description of the overall effect of your proposed combo, I will love you long time :smallbiggrin:

2011-02-20, 07:50 PM
Beastland ferocity(sc)+delay death(RoD)

Claudius Maximus
2011-02-20, 07:50 PM
Delay Death + Beastland Ferocity + Vigor.

Ninja'd. But Vigor's a good idea if you don't want to die at the end, provided you're taking a huge amount of damage.

2011-02-20, 08:24 PM
I hear that Ice Axe (or Frost Axe, or whatever it's called) from SC is pretty neat to persist...all day touch attack melee weapon.

Morbis Meh
2011-02-20, 08:28 PM
Divine Power+ Wraithstrike + Stone body + Spell Resistance = Invulnerable tank of death and destruction

2011-02-20, 08:35 PM
For the ultimate in Persist cheese, see Team Solars from my sig. Sadly, DMM is unlikely to ever get enough uses per day to duplicate what my Incantatrix pulled off in that party, but even a relatively small subset of that list is still pretty powerful.

For specifically cleric spells, here's the cleric section of my brainstorming notes for that party:
0 Create Water
1 Blood Wind? (SC)
1 Conviction (SC) 33
1 Detect Chaos 33
1 Detect Good 33
1 Detect Law 33
1 Detect Evil 33
1 Detect Undead 33
1 Eyes of the Avoral (BoED) 33
1 Wings of the Sea (SC) 33
2 Aid 33
2 Augury?
2 Close Wounds? (SC, immediate action minor heal)
2 Divine Insight (SC) 33
2 Divine Protection (SC) 33
2 Elation (BoED) 33
2 Find Traps 33
2 Fuse Arms (SC) 33
2 Interfaith Blessing (CompChamp) 33
2 Lore of the Gods (CompChamp) 33
2 Make Whole?
2 Silence?
2 Status 33
3 Anyspell (Focusing Chant) (SC/SC) 31
3 Anyspell (Harmonic Chorus) (SC/SC) 31
3 Anyspell (Lightfoot) (SC/SC) 31
3 Battlemagic Perception (Heroes of Battle) 33
3 Blessed Sight? (BoED, like Arcane Sight for Detect Evil) 33
3 Dispel Magic
3/4 Divination?
3 Fell the Greatest Foe (SC) 33
3 Fly (domain) 31
3 Footsteps of the Divine (Fharlanghn) (CompChamp) 33
3 Invisibility Purge 33
3 Prayer 33
3 Protection from Dessication (Sandstorm) 31
3 Remove Blindness/Deafness?
3 Remove Curse
3 Safety (SC) 33
4 Assay Spell Resistance? (SC)
4 Blessing of the Righteous (PHBII) 33
4 Control Water?
4 Death Ward 33
4 Delay Death (SC)
4 Divine Power 33
4 Recitation (SC) 33
4 Restoration
4 Revenance (SC)
4 Sheltered Vitality (SC) 33
4 Spiritual Adviser (CompChamp) 33
5 Break Enchantment?
5 Divine Agility (SC) 31
5 Magic Convalescence (PHBII) 33
5 Pass Through Ice (Frostburn) 33
5 Plane Shift?
5 Revivify (SC)
6 Chasing Perfection (PHBII) 31
6 Find the Path
6 Greater Anyspell (Inner Beauty) (SC/Fiendish Codex I) 31
6 Greater Anyspell (Hymn of Praise) (SC/SC) 31
6 Greater Anyspell (Wounding Whispers) (SC/SC) 31
6 Greater Dispel Magic
6 Harm
6 Heal
6 Heroes' Feast 33
6 Stone Body (SC) 33
6 Superior Resistance (SC) 33
7 Fortunate Fate (SC) 33
7 Greater Plane Shift? (SC)
7 Holy Star (SC) 33
7 Holy Transformation (SC) 33
7 Holy Word?
7 Planar Bubble (SC) 33
7 Regenerate?
7 Spell Turning (domain) 31
8 Chain Dispel? (PHBII)
8 Death Pact? (SC) 33
8 Greater Spell Immunity 31
8 Stormrage (SC) 33
9 Gate?
9 Greater Visage of the Deity (SC) 33
9 Mass Heal
9 Miracle (2)
9 Mordenkainen's Disjunction (domain)
9 True Resurrection

That particular party was built with a ruling that touch range spells count as 'fixed' and are eligible for Persistent Spell.

If you don't mind having your army be forced to spread out a bit at all times, Ring of Blades could be useful. Automatic no-attack-roll no-action area damage every round to everyone adjacent to the cleric.