View Full Version : Boss Rush v2, Fight 2: Gunpowder, Treason, and Plot

2011-02-21, 05:54 AM
For their brave performance at the prison and exposure of the Warden's long-running corruption, the party was invited to a party by the Queen of Diamonds herself in her glittering palace of glass and steel. They arrived at the palace early in the morning at her request. An oddly tense atmosphere prompted investigation, however, and the party soon learned that a number of death threats had been made against the Queen of late.

With some diligent snooping, the PCs discovered that the threats were coming from a palace insider and isolated the courtier that they thought responsible, a courtier named Augustus. Now, while the Queen and her court dance in the ballroom above, the party ventures into the depths of the palace's boiler room to confront him before he can put his plan into action.

Goal: For the love of God, save the Queen!


The 2x2 squares are stone support pillars, impassable and block LoS. Each one is currently ringed by explosives. The thin lines are pipes that emerge from the wall and eventually turn downward and enter the floor, they count as difficult terrain and partial cover. The end of each pipe, as well as each shorter offshoot, ends with a capped valve. The large structure at the left end of the room is a massive furnace.

I forgot to add Augustus into the map this round, he starts in G-17. You may each start in rows H or I, columns 26 or 27.

Augustus seems entirely unsurprised as you enter, ceasing his meddling with the devices next to the pillar to look up at the party. He still wears his fine dress clothes, and seems understandably nervous. "You aren't supposed to be here. Please, just leave now and you won't get hurt."

Even as he speaks, though, he seems to realize the unlikelihood of this, situation, backing away to put some kind of obstacle between him and you.

2011-02-21, 10:52 PM
Atul walks calmly up next to the courtier, looking around and talking in a friendly manner as he goes. "Impressive work. What do you suppose the body count on this'll be, all said and done? A few hundred? Oh no, no, don't worry. 'Collateral damage', I understand. Still, it would be a pity if I had to kill you for this. What do you say, give up now and come with me? I'm rather fond of explosions and bodies together, you know."

Start at H-26, double move to G-18.

2011-02-21, 11:37 PM

With his nightshield in place, Khan enters. Not liking the idea that he could become a casualty himself, Khan casts expeditious retreat and then moves past the first column and ends next to the second to check out the explosive devices.

nightshield (19 rounds)
expeditious retreat (20 rounds)

I am not sure what sort of Knowledge check would be appropriate, but Khan has many all at the same value. I will roll this: [roll0] for first and [roll1] for second.

Abrupt jaunt at the ready. End in j14.

2011-02-22, 12:15 AM
The twitchy man reacts with a spell as Atul moves forward and Khan incants a spell of his own. Two things happen almost simultaneously; first, a beam of smoking blue energy arcs out from Augustus's forehead toward Khan, so cold that a web of frost spreads across the ground beneath it.

Second, one of the pipe valves suddenly swings open, and a screeching blast of steam suddenly cuts off Atul before he can make it to his goal. Undaunted, he bulldozes through the cloud, emerging on the other side slightly reddened and blistered but otherwise sound.




(Continue on.)

2011-02-22, 03:17 AM
Errazzus gives a short sigh. He wasn't going to go down without a fight. And so, she would give him one. Hopefully, she could end this fast.

Moving to G21.
Manifesting two Mind Thrusts, both augmented with 2 additional PP. Using Psionic Endowment to boost the DC of the first thrust by 1. The additional PP on the thrusts also increase their DC's by 1 each.
Dmg [roll0] 17 Will save
Dmg [roll1] 16 Will save

3PP for both thrusts and 1PP for the Multitask for a total of 7PP. The Vigor casted before combat was augmented with 1PP for a total of 2, giving me 10 temporary HP. Total PP used: 9.

HP: 18/8
AC: 13
PP: 4/13
Fort +1 Ref +3 Will +5
Powers: Mind Thrust, Demoralize, Daze (Psionic), Energy Ray, Vigor

2011-02-22, 07:17 PM

The mage continues to scan the bombs to see if there is some means to disarm them while his companion runs interference.

ooc: rolls were 18 and 19

Stat Bar

Lvl 2 Fire Elf Conjurer
Initiative 14
HP 8/8 AC 14 (touch14; flat10) Abrupt Jaunts: 5/5
Fort +1(+2); Ref +4(+5); Will +2(+3)
Str 8; Dex 18; Con 12; Int 20; Wis 8; Cha 4
0-lvl: caltrops x2, detect magic, resistance
1st: grease, color spray, wall of smoke, nightshield, expeditious retreatBAB: +1 (-2 melee; +5 ranged)
Sense Motive: -1
Conditions: resist fire 5; sleep immunity

2011-02-23, 02:09 PM
Rayne bypasses the steam cloud, shifting around it to move to J20, marking the mage as her quarry and attempting to stay out of sight.

Rayne (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=273583)
Female CG Fey Touched Ranger, Level 2, Init +5, HP 14/14, Speed 30
AC 20, Touch 16, Flat-footed 15, Fort +4, Ref +8, Will +0, Base Attack Bonus 2
Masterwork Short Sword +8 (1d6+7, 19-20/x2)
Masterwork Short Sword +8 (1d6+6, 19-20/x2)
Mage Armor (+4 Armor, +5 Dex, +2 Deflect, -1 Misc)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 20, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10
Condition None
Maneuvers: Wolf Fang Tactics, Shadow Blade Technique.

[roll0] - Crusader's Strike next round.

2011-02-23, 02:53 PM

Augustus's eye twitches rapidly and his facial muscles briefly spasm under the weight of Erazzus's mental assault like a man having a stroke, but he manages to collect himself. A fine sheen of sweat covers his face and his breath is heavy as he shakes his head and backs carefully away from Atul. "You don't understand... I have no choice. And now I have to kill you, too."

The moment that he is beyond Atul's reach, he mumbles a quick spell, and vanishes from sight without fanfare.

You recognize his vanishing act as an Invisibility spell.

2011-02-23, 04:18 PM
"You claim we don't understand, and yet here you are, trying to bomb the palace and kill who knows how many people." For Rayne, the queen didn't even factor in. "If you claim that we don't understand, make an effort to explain yourself."

To be honest, if he made a half decent case that the queen wasn't as good a person as she seemed, Rayne would be more than willing to go rebel.

2011-02-23, 08:52 PM
There is no reply, unfortunately, nothing that would give away Augustus's position.

...There is, however, a telepathic voice that hisses in the back of Rayne's mind with something vaguely like laughter - albeit an utterly nonhuman version.

<You will have to be more cunning than that, girl.>

2011-02-23, 09:52 PM

Also, forgot my rolls.


"Yeah, like I couldn't be convinced of your cause's value. Fine, if you don't think it's worth explaining I'll just put you down like all the others."

2011-02-23, 11:04 PM
Atul shrugs unconcernedly, striding forward and taking a swing at the air where he last saw Augustus.

Move to G-16, attack F-16.

Attack: [roll0] for [roll1] damage. Invisibility miss: [roll2] high misses.

2011-02-23, 11:10 PM
Atul's blade bounces off of something very solid and very invisible, and there is a muffled grunt from the air in front of him.

2011-02-25, 06:24 PM

The elf steps 5' to his left (j13), and casts a spell flinging pork rinds in the direction of where his companion struck.

cast grease (REF save 16), centered on the square to not get Atul in the mix with the grease.

10' square is F-G 15&16

2011-02-27, 03:05 AM

A pool of grease blossoms beneath where Augustus presumably is, but the lack of a falling noise suggests that he retained his balance. There is a soft scuffling sound, then the squeak of a valve turning. Atul has just enough time to see the valve to his left open, and then he is engulfed in another blast of burning steam. Augustus remains unseen.

Atul takes 3 points of fire damage.

2011-02-27, 03:13 AM
Backing out of the steam, Atul rubs at scorched eyes with equally scalded fingers. Having no better recourse, he takes up a takes up a defensive stance and waits.

5-ft step to G-15, total defense.

2011-02-27, 03:20 AM
Rayne shook her hand as she drew her blades, settling into a low stance and tried to focus on her surrounding, reaching out with her senses in an effort to find her foe.

[roll][1d20] - Listen

Action Readied to strike at an invisible foe in range with one blade.

2011-02-28, 09:52 PM
The wizard draws his dagger as he moves to g15, and he then turns the valve to the proper shut off (righty-tighty) to end the steam from coming out.

Spot was 17
Listen: [roll0]

Stat Bar

Lvl 2 Fire Elf Conjurer
Initiative 14
HP 8/8 AC 14 (touch14; flat10) Abrupt Jaunts: 5/5
Fort +1(+2); Ref +4(+5); Will +2(+3)
Str 8; Dex 18; Con 12; Int 20; Wis 8; Cha 4
0-lvl: caltrops x2, detect magic, resistance
1st: grease, color spray, wall of smoke, nightshield, expeditious retreatBAB: +1 (-2 melee; +5 ranged)
Sense Motive: -1
Conditions: resist fire 5; sleep immunity

2011-03-02, 11:08 AM

At long last, Augustus reappears - or, to be precise, four of him reappear. Erazzus immediately looses a beam of energy that punctures one quarter of the assembly, but it is merely an image, and it fades silently away. All three survivors make identical gestures, and both Khan and Atul find their senses flooded by painful mental static and the energy sapped from their bodies. Quickly, the trio of Augustuses flee down toward the end of the room.

Khan and Atul each take seven nonlethal damage.

2011-03-02, 11:38 AM
Rayne takes a double move action to end up on H9, smirking with her blades in hand.

I'm totally examining the far corner as I move to cut the guy off.

2011-03-03, 09:35 AM
Dagger in hand, Khan moves along the pipe to place himself at c11. He then casts color spray to encompass all of the images (and not get his companions). Will DC 19 or stunned (I am assuming he is 5th level or higher)

Stat Bar

Lvl 2 Fire Elf Conjurer
Initiative 14
HP 1/8 AC 14 (touch14; flat10) Abrupt Jaunts: 5/5
Fort +1(+2); Ref +4(+5); Will +2(+3)
Str 8; Dex 18; Con 12; Int 20; Wis 8; Cha 4
0-lvl: caltrops x2, detect magic, resistance
1st: grease, color spray, wall of smoke, nightshield, expeditious retreatBAB: +1 (-2 melee; +5 ranged)
Sense Motive: -1
Conditions: resist fire 5; sleep immunity

2011-03-03, 03:44 PM
All three images flinch at the blast of light, but survive it unharmed. "Ow... I'm going to have a terrible headache, you brutes."

2011-03-05, 08:10 PM

Gritting his teeth against the pain of his burns, Atul moves forward and takes a swing at the centermost Agustus, hoping to either get lucky or disrupt the spell.

Move to E-12, attack the image in E-11. If it's not the real Agustus, the spell should (may? Mirror Image is a poorly worded spell) poof, since the images aren't within 5 feet of each other anymore. If not, Atul points out that his target is real.

Attack: [roll0] for [roll1] damage plus [roll2] hemolurgic strike damage. If it hits the real Agustus, hemolurgic strike imposes a -1 penalty to dexterity, and Atul gains 1 dexterity.

2011-03-06, 09:59 PM

Gray squares are fog. A creature within the fog has partial concealment if it's adjacent to you, or total concealment if it's farther.

Atul's blade bites into Augustus's flesh, punching right through the invisible layer of force protecting it. The mage's eyes widen in pain and horror, and his legs buckle. Looking down at his blood-soaked clothes, he manages something between a sigh and a violent cough, and stumbles his way through one last spell before sinking to his knees.

"...Not bad. It seems that..." he lapses into another coughing fit, "...he's your problem now. Good luck..."

Around him, the air starts to thicken with cool fog. A fine haze soon becomes a billowing cloud so thick as to be almost completely opaque. Rayne, Khan, and Erazzus see nothing but vapor, but hear clearly the disturbing sound of flesh tearing and a throttled choking noise that gives way to a wet slither.

Atul sees only a silhouette through the fog, but it's more than the others are privileged to, for better or worse. Augustus's body begins violently convulsing, and seems to literally tear itself apart from the inside in a flurry of gore. A pulsing mass of ropey tendrils heaves itself from the ravaged corpse, and undulates eerily.

2011-03-07, 11:08 PM

The conjurer keeps his dagger in hand, Khan steps to the west 5' to c10 and summons caltrops into the square where he figures Augustus to be.

ooc: as a FYI - Khan was supposed to be in c11.
cast caltrops into e10.

If he is there or walks through the square...

[roll0] no shield, deflection, or armor bonus (+2 if boots)
1 point and half move only until Heal DC 15

Stat Bar

Lvl 2 Fire Elf Conjurer
Initiative 14
HP 1/8 AC 14 (touch14; flat10) Abrupt Jaunts: 5/5
Fort +1(+2); Ref +4(+5); Will +2(+3)
Str 8; Dex 18; Con 12; Int 20; Wis 8; Cha 4
0-lvl: caltrops, caltrops, detect magic, resistance
1st: grease, color spray, wall of smoke, nightshield, expeditious retreatBAB: +1 (-2 melee; +5 ranged)
Sense Motive: -1
Conditions: resist fire 5; sleep immunity

2011-03-10, 12:22 PM

Atul howls something unintelligible from within the mist - something between a cry shock and one of joy.

Eurus:Attack the new creature. [roll0] for [roll1] slashing damage.

Crit confirm, if necessary: [roll2] for [roll3]