View Full Version : The Forgotten Forge

2011-02-21, 09:20 AM
Hey guys, Here is our IC post for This adventure.

There is the OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=10413535#post10413535)
and in combat we will keep posting order highest init starts of cause.

Now here we go:

you are all on your way home from the days work / studying (What makes most sense for your character to be doing) you all live in sharn on the higher levels, and as you walk, the rain is falling heavily from the sky, and its already getting dark, this part of the year it is not unnatural it rains for days, which makes the walkways of sharn quite slippery, as you walk towards each the next walkway over to the next tower you seen in the shine from the lanterns.
on the next walkway you spot a cloaked figure there stand bowed over something on the ground (you are around 120ft away from him) the figure turns around and looks straight at you and jumped over the side of the walkway and disappears into the darkness, you know for a fact no one could survive a fall like that, there is over 2 miles down.

2011-02-21, 11:12 AM
Amaphar runs over to the edge of the rail where he jumped off, looking down, activating his body lamp if it's too dark to see.
"What in the blasted desert sands is wrong with people in this city?!"

2011-02-21, 11:23 AM
the rain is falling heavily from the sky, making visiblilty really limited, even with the light, but you are able to see there is something lieing on the ground on the walkway.

2011-02-21, 05:22 PM
Not rushing (he doesn't have a death wish :smalltongue:), he makes his way over to where the figure was standing

After a quick glance over the edge

"...thats a long way down

Sam will examine what the thing on the walkway is

2011-02-22, 03:26 AM
as you come closer you can see its a person lieing on the ground on the bridge, its a human male around the 40, if you move closer (then 40ft) its easy to see he is bleeding heavily from a big slash over the chest, he is dead, but he just died moments ago. the blood is mixing with the rain and is spreeding over the walkway fast.

OOC: all: next time you post make a listen check.

2011-02-22, 08:37 AM
Ennis quietly moves towards where the man fell, glancing at where he had been standing to see what he was looking at on the way.


2011-02-22, 01:45 PM
Amaphar sighs, turning to look at the body.
"Dear gods!"
Amaphar rushes to the man, checking for any signs of life.


2011-02-22, 02:24 PM
as you rush to the man laying dead on the walkway you realize you can here a strange sound, like metal against stone, but its quite low and you cant define where its coming from, the man have in his hand a letter and around his body is a scattered amount of coins, mostly copper and silver. the paper his strongly blooded but what you can make out of what you can see it have a head lining saying "Identification papers".

it is wildly known to get to the higher levels of sharn you need to have your identification papers on you, his cloth was in fine cloth and nice materials before someone murdered him on the open street.

as you look around there is no sign of the murder weapon, but the man in front of you is not armed and will never be someone you would describe as dangerous.

King Tius
2011-02-22, 06:33 PM
Jaspar approaches the scene, his cowl pulled over his head due to the rain.

"We should alert the Watch and quickly. Whatever that was might come back."

He rolls up his sleeves and starts to look around, hoping to see either the city watch or somewhere where they might be.

Listen: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]

2011-02-23, 09:02 AM
listen [roll0]
spot [roll1]
it should be -1 to spot sorry :smallredface:

"Yeah someone probably should... but first what are these. "

He's going to pick up and take a better look at the identification papers

2011-02-23, 09:27 AM
Ennis raises from the crouch she had gone into to observe the corpse and looked around, her hood almost falling before she pulls it back up with one hand.

Unsure of what to do, she hesitates for a moment before thinking of where the nearest Watch post(or anywhere else she might find some guards).

2011-02-23, 02:16 PM
Amaphar curses in Asherati, then turns back to the rail, peering down to see if there was anywhere for the murderer to grab onto and stop himself from falling two miles.

Spot Check

2011-02-24, 05:28 AM
the people there did a listen check DC: 15 can hear the sound of metal against stone, like something is cutting marks or climping on stone with metal, before anyone get a chance to react a big figure swings it self up on the walkway from underneath it.
its a warforged with a greataxe looking at you and it dont look freindly at all.

Init: (since someone heard it there is no suprice round :(

Warforged: [roll4]

turns in posting is decided by the init. but there is no mistake the warforged is going to attack you

me (warforged)

King Tius
2011-02-24, 01:59 PM
Jaspar immediately starts back-pedaling, trying to put as much distance between himself and the creature as possible (1 move action). He'll then fire off a magic missile.

Damage: [roll0]

2011-03-06, 04:52 PM
The warforged takes the magic missile right in the chest and screams out it looks at the mage who fired it and goes into rage and charges.

if the mage should be hit he takes [roll1] points of damage as slam attack.

anyone there are in the way are entitled to a Attack of Opportunity

2011-03-07, 08:59 AM
Ennis shifts her weight, slowly pulling out a long chain, covered in deadly spikes. Once it's out, however, she pulls it into a different grip and twists her arms, sending half of the chain flying towards the warforged.

If within range: