View Full Version : [PF] Establishing a baseline - The Vanilla Fighter (+APG)

2011-02-21, 10:16 AM
I wanted to get an idea of baseline to hit and damage output for the system and so I'm starting with the Fighter, using Core plus APG elements. I'm really interested in seeing the math "as is" in the system.

The idea is to just get down a "standard build" that is simple and to the point. The guy just hits things hard. The only versatility the build has is to allow as much hard hitting on any given round. Ideally he'd be full attacking, but cleave and the vital strike chain are there when he can't. Iron Will and Nimble Moves are there to just to help with other hurdles that would prevent him from laying out his full attack.

I didn't want to use archetypes, such as the Two-Handed Fighter, just because I want this to be more of a baseline, with just a few of the feats from APG that help patch the fighter up a bit more.

Do people have any suggestions on what ought to be adjusted to make this as vanilla and "no-brainer" as possible? Eventually I want to calculate the DPR for each of the 20 levels and then work my way out from there.

Vanilla Fighter with APG

15 point buy

Str 16, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 7, Wis 14, Cha 7

Armed with a Great Sword or Falchion

Level Feats
1 Weapon Focus, Power Attack, Furious Focus
2 Cleave
3 Iron Will
4 Weapon Specialization
5 Nimble Moves
6 Vital Strike
7 Combat Reflexes
8 Improved Critical
9 Critical Focus
10 Weapon Focus Greater
11 Bleeding Critical
12 Greater Weapon Specialization
13 Penetrating Strike
14 Critical Mastery
15 Blinding Critical
16 Staggering Critical
17 Improved Vital Strike
18 Stunning Assault
19 Greater Vital Strike
20 Greater Penetrating Strike

2011-02-23, 10:41 AM
So I goofed up in a couple of places. One of those was that I forgot to add the +2 human bonus to strength with the original build. Because of that I went back and decided to start with the Elite Array (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8). Thus, the Strength for this "vanilla" ;) fighter is 17.

I also tweaked a few things, such as not capping crit percentages based on base to-hit percentages. The end results:

Str 17 with Greatsword

[1] 7.87
[2] 7.87
[3] 7.87
[4] 12.45
[5] 14.2
[6] 20.7
[7] 22.9
[8] 23.76
[9] 26.68
[10] 29.44
[11] 35.88
[12] 36.4
[13] 51.04
[14] 41.18
[15] 41.18
[16] 38.44
[17] 43.52
[18] 43.52
[19] 47.36
[20] 50.4
[21] 47.6
[22] 31.62
[23] 31.62
[25] 35.7

Str 17 with Falchion

[1] 6.96
[2] 6.96
[3] 6.96
[4] 11.6
[5] 13.32
[6] 19.82
[7] 21.96
[8] 23.5
[9] 26.83
[10] 29.57
[11] 36
[12] 36.87
[13] 51.53
[14] 41.75
[15] 41.75
[16] 39.27
[17] 44.46
[18] 44.46
[19] 48.33
[20] 51.6
[21] 50.66
[22] 33.83
[23] 33.83
[25] 38.25

The post monster yesterday ate one of my posts about feat configurations and I'm still bummed about lose that post.

In short, in posting here and on other forums, I've realized that "vanilla" is in the eye of the beholder from the wide range of opinions I've gotten.

For myself, I was thinking of the most basic of fighter, one that just does damage. It's for the player who shows up and just wants to say "I attack" for his contribution to roleplaying for the session.

Getting that baseline of damage output down is going to help get an idea of the rest of the system and how magic impacts the game.