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View Full Version : A Barbarian Making Nicknames for his fellow party members. Any suggestions?

2011-02-21, 11:10 PM
I'm playing a Barbarian in Pathfinder, and I want to give my party members that describe them in some way or another. I've already got a few, but can't think of anything for a couple of them. I just joined this game, and I haven't met the bard, so I don't know what kind of performance he goes with. I'll list the full party classes below with the nicknames I've come up with. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Fighter/Rogue - Whispersword
Elemental Air Sorcerer - Skytamer
Ranger (Two-handed fighting- Glaive)
Cleric (healing)

2011-02-21, 11:43 PM
I don't mean to be a killjoy, but if I were the Sorcerer I'd call you "Pile of ashes" if you couldn't be bothered to remember my actual name.

Cleric: Mr.Morphine

Can't think of anything for the bard.

2011-02-21, 11:45 PM
Bard: Sissy McPansypants

2011-02-21, 11:55 PM
For the fighter / rogue I might go with something like Swiftblade. Whisper sword would fit more for someone who attacks from the shadows.

For the Cleric: Flesh-mender, Soul-mender, Life-giver, Light-bringer, or Soft-heart

For the Ranger: Longspear, Hunter, Trackless One, Leaf Warden, or Forest Claw

Aaaand the Bard: Song-bringer, Skald, or Heart-Caller (on account of his inspire courage).

2011-02-22, 12:07 AM
I don't mean to be a killjoy, but if I were the Sorcerer I'd call you "Pile of ashes" if you couldn't be bothered to remember my actual name.

Cleric: Mr.Morphine

Can't think of anything for the bard.

It's not that I can't be bothered to remember their actual names. I intend to learn those quickly as I can. It's going to be used in character more in the sense of an Honorific title. For example, say you have a fighter who is lighter and faster in combat (weapon finesse feat), then his name could be Nathaniel "Swiftcutter" Garven. The Barbarian isn't using it out of laziness or lack of intelligence (it's a 15, for crying out loud), but as a means of letting his allies know how they are valued in the party dynamic. These will be names given after a first combat as a full party. It's how he says, "You are very good at this, and will be remembered for your skill."

2011-02-22, 12:16 AM
Oh, and I found out that the bard does storytelling and plays flute.

Kyuu Himura
2011-02-22, 12:24 AM
for the ranger: forest blade

for the bard: tells-of-heroes (story-teller), Clarion's voice.

for the cleric: life-giver

2011-02-22, 12:29 AM
Fighter/Rogue: Just for laughs go with "Blade"

and call the Bard: "Whistler"

2011-02-22, 03:36 AM
Ranger (Two-handed fighting- Glaive) - Gugnir ("in my language it means unstopable spear! it is quite an honourary title!"*slap on back*)
Cleric (healing) - godspeaker,
Bard - Skald, songspinner, etc

Morph Bark
2011-02-22, 08:22 AM
For the Fighter/Rogue, I'd go with Swordwhisperer instead. :smallamused:

Skald for the Bard sounds good, especially if the Barbarian's background features Scandinavian-like cultures.

2011-02-22, 01:25 PM
He's actually a Giant from the Arcana Unearthed book. Monte Cook, with Sword and Sorcery. I don't think they are particularly Scandinavian in design. I can figure something out, I think. I appreciate everyone's help on this. Thanks.

2011-02-22, 01:28 PM
Rogue: Little baby man
Ranger: Little baby man
Cleric: Little baby man
Bard: Little baby man
Sorcerer: Little baby man in a dress

2011-02-22, 02:34 PM
you arent thinking barbarian enough

Rogue: stabbyman
Ranger: shootyman
Cleric: whineyman
Bard: birdman
Sorcerer: lady

2011-02-22, 04:09 PM
Collective noun: Little girly men. :smallbiggrin:

So this is more like the titles that goliaths give each other right?

Fighter/Rogue: Swiftblade is much better than Whispersword
Sorc: Yours is great. (Or you could go with Skywalker? lol)
Cleric: Maybe just "the Wise"
Ranger: the Ghost, or Ghostclaw, because what rangers are actually really good at is stealth and wilderness survival.
Bard: Myth-maker, Lord of Legends

2011-02-22, 04:31 PM
That's exactly what I'm going for, Shyftir. Honorifics. And if I could Determine the type of culture Giants are supposed to resemble in Arcana Unearthed, I could figure out what sort of lore to look into for figuring out perhaps somewhat cultural or legendary titles, like Skald and Gungnir respectively. But I'm fairly certain they aren't Norse. Perhaps they are and I'm just not seeing it.

2011-02-22, 05:14 PM
Aren't the UA Giants extremely civilized beings (reminded me of classical Greek or Romans, mostly) who seem themselves as the lawful administrators of all the smaller, weaker, more child-like races? At least I seem to remember something along those lines.

2011-02-22, 05:51 PM
Aren't the UA Giants extremely civilized beings (reminded me of classical Greek or Romans, mostly) who seem themselves as the lawful administrators of all the smaller, weaker, more child-like races? At least I seem to remember something along those lines.

that's precisely what they are. So, Greko-Roman in design, so maybe Latin or Greek with my names if I want to go with something specific. I hadn't thought of them as a common Ancient/Classical Culture. By the names they use, I imagined something a little more middle eastern, rather than Mediterranean. Thank you.

2011-02-22, 08:49 PM
That's exactly what I'm going for, Shyftir. Honorifics. And if I could Determine the type of culture Giants are supposed to resemble in Arcana Unearthed, I could figure out what sort of lore to look into for figuring out perhaps somewhat cultural or legendary titles, like Skald and Gungnir respectively. But I'm fairly certain they aren't Norse. Perhaps they are and I'm just not seeing it.

skald and gugnir is so norse they poop vikings.

Skald was the norse equalient of bards. they traveled from household to household, singing epic tales of heroics and battles in exchange for a bed and mead.
Gugnir was Odin's spear. when thrown it would never stop until it hit its mark

2011-02-22, 09:26 PM
skald and gugnir is so norse they poop vikings.

Skald was the norse equalient of bards. they traveled from household to household, singing epic tales of heroics and battles in exchange for a bed and mead.
Gugnir was Odin's spear. when thrown it would never stop until it hit its mark

I knew that. I was referring to the Giants from AU being Norse. lol

2011-02-22, 11:21 PM
I knew that. I was referring to the Giants from AU being Norse. lol
Australian giants are most certainly not Norse.

2011-02-23, 12:58 AM
Sorcerer: Jujuman, or Windy-Jujuman
Cleric: Healy-Jujuman
Fighter/Rogue: SNEAKYGUY (said in a loud voice, only if said character is trying to do something rogue-ish)
Ranger: *something to the effect of bestest friend ever* Him have big hurt-weapon too!
Bard: Dinner if we get hungry

Rogue: Little baby man
Ranger: Little baby man
Cleric: Little baby man
Bard: Little baby man
Sorcerer: Little baby man in a dress

I lol'd.

2011-02-23, 01:09 AM
For the bard, I'd go with Wordweaver or Silvertongue. For the ranger, definitely Trackless One, that was a good suggestion. For the cleric...what deity?

2011-02-23, 01:59 AM
Fighter/Rogue - silent justice, the nimble, swiftblade.
Elemental Air Sorcerer - Windwalker, weightless,windwhisperer, Swiftforce.
Ranger - untrackable, nature ally, natures protector, animal kin.
Cleric - the blessed, divine touched, the chosen, the pure, the just.
Bard. Silver tongue, awe inspiring, fabled, golden lips, oral optimizer.

And when they are in your bad books, calling them all "silly little squishy people" works well.

Hope this helps.

2011-02-23, 04:18 AM
I knew that. I was referring to the Giants from AU being Norse. lol

oh derp me herpy with a herpderp stick

2011-02-25, 12:46 AM
Sorcerer: Jujuman, or Windy-Jujuman
Cleric: Healy-Jujuman
Fighter/Rogue: SNEAKYGUY (said in a loud voice, only if said character is trying to do something rogue-ish)
Ranger: *something to the effect of bestest friend ever* Him have big hurt-weapon too!
Bard: Dinner if we get hungry

Again, 15 Int. -- he's not stupid. And the 15 Wis. isn't bad either. The 13 Cha. isn't the best ever, but ranks make up for it when it comes to intimidate. lol