View Full Version : [4E] Ghouls Galore (PEACH)

2011-02-22, 12:28 PM
A bunch of Ghouls for an upcoming Maptools module I will be running. These are meant for practically optimized mid-late heroic tier adventurers. Enjoy:

Ghoul Horde, Level 10 Elite Brute

Tactics: Like most ghouls Ghoul Hordes will prioritize bloodied and incapacitated enemies, attempting to deal as much damage as possible, using Feast of Flesh as much as possible. They will make every attempt to attack and drag into itself as many opponents as possible.

Ravenous Ghoul, Level 10 Brute

Tactics: Ravenous Ghouls are simple minded, and will always mob and attack the most damaged/vulnerable looking creature en masse, seeking to do as much damage as quickly as possible, and taking full advantage of their traits, particularly Swarm Over and Blood Thirst.

Relentless Ghoul, Level 9 Soldier

Tactics: Relentless Ghouls are typically the bait of any ghoul ambush, and are the definitive frontliners typically being the most obvious and conspicious of the ghouls. They target the strongest and most damaging enemies, but like all ghouls will automatically default to mobbing any bloodied or otherwise vulnerable target of opportunity. When weakened, it will choose to attack the least armoured targets so as to remain alive via Indomitable Hunger

Stalking Ghoul, Level 9 Lurker

Tactics: The stalking ghoul will make full use of its feign death ability, and stealth, either starting a combat from hiding or masquerading as a corpse. Once uncovered, it will attempt to grab and restrain a creature, preferably one that's bloodied or otherwise vulnerable with the object of making it helpless. Ghoul allies will immediately opt to focus after a creature that has been incapacitated in this way.

Grasping Ghoul, Level 9 Controller

Tactics: Grasping Ghouls always pick on the most damaged, incapacitated or physically weakest looking opponents, grabbing them and attempting to drag them off to be eaten in peace, or into a highly disadvantageous position (such as the middle of a Ghoul Swarm).

Charging Ghoul, Level 9 Skirmisher

Tactics: The Charging Ghoul's tactics are relatively straightforward, choosing to charge or pounce a (preferably vulnerable/injured) enemy with Frenzied Charge, knocking it prone, and then comboing straight into a Feast of Flesh. It prefers to ambush unsuspecting enemies but it will certainly not shy from charging when discovered.

Ravenous Ghoul Mob, Level 10 Brute Minion

Tactics: Ravenous Ghoul Mobs are simple minded, and will always mob and attack the most damaged/vulnerable looking creature en masse, seeking to do as much damage as quickly as possible, and taking full advantage of their traits, particularly Swarm Over and Blood Thirst. They will always target the most damaged foe with Death Flail.