View Full Version : Diplomacy - Cake Pending

Rettu Skcollob
2011-02-22, 04:05 PM
Since MDG refuses to let several players join, we will be using this thread for the actual game of Diplomacy itself. This opening post will contain the rules, while the second post will contain the map and statistics.

Orders and Deadlines

Orders are to be sent to me ONLY to my account on GitP. This is so I don't have to go hunting for them, and to make record-keeping easier.

Each seasonal rotation will occur after TWO DAYS, at 11PM EST, with the first turn clock starting to tick seven hours from now, which is 11PM EST, unless my timezones are mixed up. The first turn will have this deadline extended to three days.

Orders MUST be in at this point, and the turn will be resolved. Anyone with no orders will have all their units hold. If you are worried issues may not let you make the deadline (Such as a shoddy connection, etc.) feel free to send in a set of fallback orders before you do your diplomacy for the turn. I will go on the most recent set of orders you send in, there is no penalty for this.

Orders should be simple enough, for example:
Army in Marseilles moves to Spain.

Illegal, incomprehensible or otherwise confusing orders will be discarded if new ones cannot be acquired. Please be legible, you have all the time in the world.

If orders are all put in before the deadline, I will advance the turn early, but the next turn's deadline will be the SAME. So if the turn finishes a day early, the next turn's deadline will be in three days rather than two. (Roughly) If you are sending in backup orders or think you may receive information that will change your mind, etc. Etc. Include a note with your orders asking that the turn not be moved forward early unless you later say otherwise.


Posting any kind of in character stuff in the thread, like war cabinet meetings, journals, future-documentaries, whatever, are both allowed and strongly encouraged. This is one of the main advantages of PbP diplomacy over other formats; roleplaying is easy and fun.

You may post whatever you like in the thread, (within reason, of course) war plans (lies) leaked documents detailing war plans or under the table dealings (fake) and declarations of friendship or aggression, (ephemeral) or whatever strikes your fancy.


Germany: Crixon (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/private.php?do=newpm&u=33850)
Italy: Syrnn (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/private.php?do=newpm&u=57700)
Austria: WebComicJunkie (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/private.php?do=newpm&u=57702)
Turkey: zantes (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/private.php?do=newpm&u=50822)
Russia: Player who needs to post in this thread so I can put his name down
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b1/Nicholas_II_of_Russia_painted_by_Earnest_Lipgart.j pg/210px-Nicholas_II_of_Russia_painted_by_Earnest_Lipgart.j pg
France: Kasa
England: Razzyblades

Rettu Skcollob
2011-02-22, 04:07 PM
Turn One, Spring 1901

The World

Image Pending Vote

Orders NOT Received

United Kingdom

Orders Received



Supply centers
Austria: 3
France: 3
Germany: 3
Italy: 3
Russia: 4
Turkey: 3
United Kingdom: 3
Unowned: 10

Turn History

None Yet

Rettu Skcollob
2011-02-22, 04:26 PM
Now, we have two options for mapping here. There is the Traditional map, and the Detailed map.





Now, while the Detailed map obviously looks prettier, and has province names it has one main disadvantage compared to the traditional one: No province highlighting. That means that if you move your troops into a province and take it, it's colour will not change. The choice is yours, vote for whichever you prefer. If you vote for Traditional, I will keep the Detailed map up so people can see province names.

As people post in here I'll edit their SN's into the roster. It's your GitP name by default, but if you prefer I can make it your email. From there you can hook up people with your MSN or what have you at your leisure, if you so choose.

2011-02-22, 05:12 PM
Austria-Hungary finally here.

I say Traditional map

2011-02-22, 05:17 PM
Declaration to the Great Powers of Europe: In the interest of the realization of Grande Regno d'Italia

Our government has deigned to bring to clear attention the status of Tunisian Italians in the political and economic sphere of Italian interests. The establishment of a unification of not just the Kingdom of Italy, but all ethnic Italians under this crown. During this, the year Nineteen Hundred and One, in which the Italian Crown makes clear that a military presence in Tunisia is inevitable for the realization of this goal. Let no power conspire to rob these true Italians from their birth right in returning to Italian sovereignty.

"Foedere et Religione Tenemur"

Vittorio Emanuele III, by the Grace of God and the Will of the Nation, King of Italy


I believe the coloured map would make for a much clearer visual aid for people unfamiliar with Diplomacy. The detailed map should stay up as a guide to the name of provinces, for certain, but it just isn't terrifically viable as a gaming map, I think.

Rettu Skcollob
2011-02-22, 06:13 PM
Turns out the player who applied for England is a drooling imbecile, which will teach me not to break my golden rule: If someone types like a thirteen year old, don't let them within a hundred meters of any game you're involved with. I guess I was just desperate for players. Eugh. The game will not be started until we find a replacement.

Rettu Skcollob
2011-02-23, 04:34 AM
Okay, we have a new England, Razzyblades stepped up to the plate. We'll start the first turn countdown tomorrow at the normal time, so you have 3.5 days.

Rettu Skcollob
2011-02-23, 09:19 PM
Now Mick has decided that he doesn't want to play because Raz joined. I might have someone to replace him in the next day or two, otherwise it should be easy to find someone on here.

Rettu Skcollob
2011-02-25, 02:23 AM
Okay, NOW we have a new Russia. The first turn countdown will start 11PM EST, IE 21 hours.

Rettu Skcollob
2011-02-27, 11:15 PM
Since five out of the seven people have totally dropped off the face of the earth immediately after expressing interest, I'm declaring this game officially dead, if it wasn't obvious enough already. That'll teach me.