View Full Version : The Greatest Treasure

2011-02-22, 06:08 PM
It's amazing what bits get edited out of stories, a voice mutters in the back of your head. A strong wind rushes across your back, sending your cloak - now dirtied from two days travel - lightly tugging you to the right, and snapping the voice to silence. The wind, which began as an annoyance on the Marsh Plains has now settled into a position of acceptance, in your mind. Re-adjusting the clasp on your cloak, you brush the scraggly red hair back, doing your best to keep it out of your eyes, though there frankly isn't that much to look at.

The Marsh Plains, while a vital part to the upkeep of Locardia in their overly-fertile soil, and bountiful hunting game, were by no means a tourist attraction. Damp brown and bushy green, in every direction, as far as the eye could see. No real surprise, most travels involve lots of walking, often through spitholes of boring earth, but that was the farthest thing from your mind 2 days ago.

The journey towards Locardia was more than pleasant. A well travelled (and well maintained) road to strike your feet against, occasional company to exchange words and vittles with, and best of all, an opportunity to get the blood boiling once more. While sharing jokes and stories with a half dozen strangers around a small fire on the side of the road, a large, oafish figure barrelled through the bush, panting and wheezing the whole way. As he clearly seemed no threat, you and the others interrogated him, gathering his story as well. No tale of ages past, his story was one in the making!

"Six hours ago, my daughter was taken from our house, just over the way. These two brutes burst down my door, and before I could even set the teapot down, crashed my head into the wall with damn-near half a tree! ...When I woke up, Sally was gone."

The group quickly leapt to their feet, cursing the terrible beasts who, (with a brief question or two,) you quickly discerned as trolls. They shouted boasts and claims of heroism into the night, promising the old man that his daughter would be returned before the next sundown. ...A claim you've heard many times before. The next morning came, and when you all donned your packs, you were the only one to take a line straight off the trail. The others took a moment to look towards you, walking towards the sun, still low on the horizon, and then turned their gaze northward, continuing their march to Locardia. For boasts and assertions are easy to make, before faced with the challenges of adventure.

...The first of which, is boredom. Two days with simple food, enhanced only with bland berries collected on the way, with only the task of following the side by side tracks, with a line to their right onward through the Marsh. No wonder the common man would balk at such a proposal. But a delightful change of pace rises on the East, as a sizable hill grows with each step. It's not just the change of scenery that gives your heart rise, but the shadowy hole in the side that the tracks go directly to that brings a grin to your cheek.

When you tell this story to others, make sure you edit the last two days out, the voice returns.

2011-02-23, 04:27 AM
Vathian pulls an arrow out from his quiver and sets it into his shortbow. The weapon won't do much against a monstrous creature like a troll, but his dragonfire should be able to hurt them plenty.

Vathian crouches low and whispers a quiet prayer to any gods that may be listening that there only be two trolls in the area. If there are many more than two, then he may not be able to slay them all or rescue the girls, assuming she's still alive. 'It's been two days,' Vathian thinks to himself with a frown. The girl has likely been eaten by now. Such a waste of life. He begins to wonder if she was fair or how pretty her ankles may have been, but stops himself before he gets lost in another fantasy at the wrong time.

The bard refocuses on his goal and silently slips out his longsword. He opens up the hidden wand chamber and exchanges the ever so useful wand into his elven shortbow. The safer path will be to take the creatures out from a distance, if possible.

Vathian looks over the hill and shadowy hole, seeing if he can discern anything interesting about it. He then listens and looks over the surrounding area just to be sure there aren't any hulking creatures walking around in the daylight.

Knowledge (Geography) [roll0]
Spot [roll1]
Listen [roll2]

He then thinks over the knowledge he has gained from taverns, tomes and scrolls over the years trying to remember if there was any interesting information about such a hill or cave in this area.

Bardic Knowledge[roll3]

2011-02-24, 12:04 AM
You place a hand on the ground, steadying yourself as you survey the environment. The search reveals nothing but a brief gust of wind, rushing over your back as if to edge you onward into the dark cavern ahead.

As you think back, you remember dealing with a similar land formation in previous travels. These hillsides, often referred to as "Land Pimples" are created during earthquakes, when the shifting ground allows gasses trapped deep below the surface to bellow out, creating these round deformities in the land. They are frequently used as shelters for passing travelers, but rarely for any length of time. Due to the large hollow space inside, and the size of the mound, the structures aren't particularly strong, and are vulnerable to collapse from extremely severe weather, large plant growth, or some sizable sudden impact. As a result, the first passerby to dig an entrance into the side was likely the only one. It's a fool's errand to dare a second pathway into the mound. Several travellers you've encountered have met their fates trapped amongst the rubble of one of these growths.

2011-02-24, 12:57 AM
Vathian readies his bow and moves to the right of the opening in the hill descending down towards the side of the entrance. He pulls out his hand periscope and peers inside the shadowy hole.

Spot [roll0]

(If he doesn't see anything and the area looks normal)

Vathian puts the periscope back into his pack and quietly pulls out a sunrod. He strikes the rod making it glow brightly, tosses it into the area in front of him and turns around the corner with his bow ready to fire.

2011-02-24, 01:07 AM

listen [roll0]
hide [roll1]
move silently [roll2]

2011-02-25, 12:00 AM
Troll Spot Check (Modifier not shown) [roll0]

2011-02-25, 12:13 AM
Meant to do the "behind the scenes" rolling in the OOC thread. Next time.

Some startled grunts bellow from inside the mound. Pressing your back against the hillside, you crane your neck to peer at the opening, and feel the tremble of the earth as a sizable figure draws near. After a moment of breathless waiting, A large brown figure squeezes out through the hole in the hill. A fearsome creature, it stands nearly twice your height, but by the looks of it, also has about half your brains.

It looks at the ground, tilts his head in a confused look, and brings his heavy food crashing down onto the sunrod, which still beams light despite being embedded in the damp ground.

The creature looks out over the landscape for the source of the disturbance, but seems unaware of your presence.


2011-02-25, 12:54 AM
Initiative [roll0]

Realizing that he has caught the hulking creature by surprise, (and the creature is much larger and stronger looking than Vathian imagined) Vathian pulls out a pinch of ground mica from his spell component pouch and lets it float along the air. He calls up a flurry of Glitterdust above the creature covering its entire body in a cloud of tiny golden particles, hoping to blind the monstrosity before things get too quickly out of hand. He has set the spell so that the rest of the floating sparkles fly in the direction of the wind towards the cave and not towards his now frightened eyes.

Vathian casts Glitterdust (DC 17) on M12.

2011-02-25, 07:22 PM
Round 0
The troll screams, lurching his hands up towards his eyes, roaring wildly. The wind carries the majority of the dust south, away from you, but a thin coat lines the ground, as well as the heavy dusting on the troll. The muscles in your calves begin to tighten, and your blood begins racing through your body, as the hour of action draws near.

You won initiative, go again with a full round.


2011-02-26, 02:16 AM
Vathian smiles brightly once he realizes that the Troll has been properly blinded, thank the gods. He swings his Elvencraft Swordbow in a strange motion activating the Wand of Inspirational Boost inside of it. He then begins singing in Draconic. He sings of golden dragons fighting against countless enemies that they burned asunder with their powerful fiery breath.

He then moves back away from the creature trying to get near enough to the hill to confuse the monster of his presence and avoid anything else that might lie in wait inside the shadowy hole it emerged from.


Swift Action Wand of Inspiration (from inside the Elvencraft Shortbow's wand chamber)
Standard Action Bardic Music (Dragonfire Inspiration)
Moved 30ft to I 20

2011-02-26, 10:58 PM
Round 1

As the tremendous creature stumbles around, thrashing its arm wildly, catching only air, you take the chance to take some more established cover, gaining some distance between yourself and the mound of muscular death ahead of you.

You take a moment to clear your head from the chaos around you, and begin dancing your swordbow through the air. As it does, a very faint shimmer appears through the air, warming and soothing the linings of your throat, erasing the wear and coarseness of several days hard travel. The warmth continues up to your mind, and seems to slow down the world around you, allowing a clearer view of things. You take in a great breath of air, and exhale it with the beginning notes telling a story (hopefully mirroring your own) of victory.

Active Effects:
Glitterdust (Monster)
Inspire Courage +2 (Self)

In case it was unclear, the gray part is inside the hill.

2011-02-26, 11:52 PM
Vathian holds back a laugh as the troll begins running in the opposite direction fading from his view. He continues his song and makes and strikes a mental chord to active his Badge of Valor, improving the fire that swirls around his shortbow and arrow. He moves directly away from the rocks and slightly towards the shadowy hole to get a better view of where the creature has run to. He then takes aim and lets loose an fiery arrow that streaks across the air.

Shortbow Attack [roll0] (possibly -2 for ranged increment)
Piercing Damage [roll1]
Fire Damage [roll2]


Immediate Action (mental) - Activate Badge of Valor to increase the Inspire Courage (Dragonfire Inspiration) bonus from 2 to 3.
Move 30ft to O20
Standard Action - Shortbow attack

2011-02-27, 01:20 PM
Round 2
The aura of heat swirls around your arrow, pulsing with the beat of your enduring melody. As the hunched figure continues wildly flailing through the hillside, you let loose the arrow. It leaves a streak of red and orange through the air behind it, as it buries itself into the creature's upper right arm, igniting a bit of flesh around it. The stink of charred skin and burnt hair begins wafting towards you, as you swiftly move down the hill to gain a better position.

The troll slams his left hand against his arm, seeming to embed the arrow further into his skin. But the situation turns more serious, when you see the arrow back out of its skin, as the muscles below push outward on the projectile, removing it from the troll's body. The scorch marks seem very potent and enduring, but from your vantage point, it's difficult to see if the puncture wound is even bleeding at all, any more.


2011-02-27, 08:59 PM
Vathian lets loose another arrow, trying to quickly burn apart the monster from a distance.

Attack [roll0]
Piecing Damage [roll1]
Fire Damage [roll2]

2011-02-27, 09:37 PM
Round 3
A second jet of fire lances through the air, catching the troll in his side. He hobbles farther uphill. In a continuing rage, he scoops up a handful of dirt, and hurls it harmlessly off the side of the hill.


2011-02-27, 10:40 PM
Vathian continues firing arrows up the hill towards the troll with a frown. He keeps his distance and begins to worry of what will happen to him once the creature regains its sight.

Shortbow [roll0]
Piercing Damage [roll1]
Fire Damage [roll2]

2011-02-28, 10:00 PM
Round 4

The troll reels to his left as your arrow scorches his tortured right side, wheeling around to flail back from where he originally came. Frustrated and enraged has he is, you have little doubt that the moment he gets this dust out of his eyes, all thoughts will turn towards murdering you.


2011-03-01, 01:22 AM
Vathian fires one last hopeful arrow towards the unforgiving monstrosity. He then drops his bow to the side and pulls out his longsword, spinning in place as he does so while taking up the battle tactics of the Snowflake Wardance.

Shortbow Attack [roll0]
Piercing Damage [roll1]
Fire Damage [roll2]


Standard Action - Shortbow Attack
Free Action - Drop Shortbow
Move Action - Draw Longsword
Free Action - Begin a Snowflake Wardance

note: Snowflake Wardance adds Vathian's Charisma modifier (+5) to attack rolls for a number of rounds equal to his ranks in Perform (dance) which is 7.

2011-03-01, 06:52 PM
Out of Initiative

The beast howls as it stumbles away from you, jerked away by your final blazing arrow. Writhing in rage, and pain, the troll thrashes wildly on his way down, pounding into the ground with a tremendous thud, before stilling to motionlessness. As the monster finishes flailing on the ground, you feel tremors beneath you, suggesting the integrity of the hill isn't what it used to be. Perhaps it's simply the age of the hill, perhaps the troll was much stronger than you'd thought (a possibility which doubly fills your heart with joy that he failed to connect with you.)

The remaining sparkles of glitterdust stick to the grass, glisten with light from the afternoon sun, and seem to herald your path into the cave.


If you want, you can take back the expenditure of the free action, as you may not have wanted to do so once you saw the troll fall. http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h288/terraspaz/BattleMap-16.jpg

2011-03-01, 07:21 PM
(Thanks. Vathian seems to have cause to dance a merry jig, but not to go into a battle dance yet.)

The silverbrow human gives a long sigh of relief after watching the ferocious monster collapse before it could sink its claws into his flesh. He shudders at the thought of a Troll leaving wounds across his face or, the gods forbid, ruining his ability to perform properly.

Vathian climbs up carefully to the top of the hill making sure that he doesn't exert much pressure on the ground while also watching for any signs of movement from the troll. He slowly and thoroughly searches the monster's body for any interesting baubles it might have or indications that this is one of the trolls who took the farmer's daughter.

'Take 20' Search Check = 20+2 = 22

He then takes another look around the wide area now that he's on top of the hill and listens to the sounds floating on the winds.

Spot [roll0]
Listen [roll1]

2011-03-01, 11:34 PM
Scattered amongst the ruins of the trolls burnt, battered body, you find several strands of long blond hair that escaped your scorching attacks. Beyond that, it's wearing simple (and very tattered) garments, as well as a handful of gold nuggets tucked in a makeshift pocket of the shirt. They're very coarse, and not cut at all, but you figure you can fetch 6 to 800 silver pieces for the lot of them.

Collecting your prize, you survey the surrounding area... and have a bit of trouble recalling just where you are. North and South seem to get mixed up, and it's only after several minutes of memory-jogging that you realize the mound underneath you has an entrance you fought the troll in front of.

Adrenaline may sharpen the hands, but it does tend to cloud the mind.

2011-03-02, 06:43 AM
Vathian shakes his head, trying to regain a semblance of control outside of his fantasies about the music he played in a tavern several days ago, and the quite pleasant visit of the homely half-elf lass who entered into his room afterwards.

He stalks down the hill as slowly and quietly as he can. He makes his way to his dropped Elvencraft Bow, and slides it onto his shoulder. "I may need it soon enough, but my sword should prove more useful in a close quarters fighter," he whispers to himself and the wind quietly.

He finally stalks back towards the entrance, pulls out his hand periscope and looks back within the shadowy hole to see what he can from the light left from the broken, but still glowing sunrod.

Hide [roll0]
Move Silently [roll1]

2011-03-02, 11:44 PM
You skulk your way toward the mouth of the cavern, using as light a foot as possible, a feat made much more difficult with the damp land squelching beneath your feet. However, you make it to the edge of the entrance without much cause for alarm, and peek inside with your reflective periscope.

The cavern, just as you'd suspected, is about 40 to 60 feet wide. The light from your muffled sunrod isn't quite as radiant as it used to be, but you can still make out a shadowy figure against the back wall. It looks to be much smaller that the great brute you just defeated, and doesn't seem to be moving about too much. Before you get an opportunity to more closely examine the figure, you're startled by another large figure stepping out from just inside the entrance, slashing a mighty fist through the air in front of him. With a confused look, the creature begins to walk through the entrance of the cave.


You get a surprise round, then roll for Initiative. You beat the 2, so go ahead and take the surprise round, and a regular round. (Stupid Low Willed and slow trolls)http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h288/terraspaz/BattleMap-17.jpg

2011-03-03, 06:07 AM
Vathian pulls out his shortbow in his free hand. He activates the wand within the bow and then tosses it to his side as he begins singing another song of the glory and brilliant fire of dragons. He takes a step to the side, but glares at the monster, knowing that he will need to take this creature head-on.


Move Action to draw the shortbow since doesn't have +1 BAB, so he can't do it as a free action while moving :(
Swift Action - Cast Inspirational Boost
Standard Action - Inspire Courage (Dragonfire Inspiration)
5ft step to M15

2011-03-03, 11:44 PM
Round 1
The sharp, clear harmony of your voice echoes off the inner walls of the cavern, amplifying and returning towards you. You notice the shadowy figure at the back of the cave stir, but even more, you notice the large figure charge towards you through the cave opening. As you backpedal up the hill, the troll squeezes through the opening, pursuing you. As it reaches the full daylight, you notice that this one seems considerably more scarred than the one that still lays unconscious on top of the hill. Scorch marks adorn his brownish-gray skin, but that's far from the most perplexing thing. These wounds are still oozing.

They are fresh.


2011-03-04, 05:00 AM
Surprised and disgusted by the strange sight before him, Vathian sends a mental note vibrating through his mind to activate his Badge of Valor once again. He spins and takes on the secret fighting style of the snowflake wardance while he slashes at the creature before it can get any ooze on him.

Attack with Longsword (+5 from Wardance) [roll0]
Slashing Damage [roll1]
Fire Damage [roll2]


Swift Action (mental) - Activate Badge of Valor to improve Dragonfire Inspiration to 3d6
Free Action - Initiate Snowflake Wardance
Standard Action - Attack with Longsword

2011-03-07, 12:11 AM
Round 2
Enraged and fearless, the terrifying creature rushes into you, batting your sword-slash aside on his way in, and buries a claw deep into your right side. As he withdraws it, now coated with a fresh layer of your own blood, the beast roars a mighty battle cry. Now that the creature is fully in direct sunlight, it's very clear that the marks on his blemished skin are burn marks, and of notable severity. You do your best to ignore the pain, as you hope to add to the beast's injuries.

(Map Unchanged)
You take 10 damage.

2011-03-07, 10:11 AM
Vathian gasps in pain as he moves back away form the creature and pulls on the arcane energies within himself. He manipulates them and burns through the magic to cast another Glitterdust in the same place he cast it during the last battle.

5ft step to L16
Standard Action - Cast Glitterdust DC 17 Will
(Using two 1st level spells to cast the 2nd level spell through Versatile Spellcaster)

2011-03-08, 12:34 AM
Round 3
A brilliant cloud of sparkling dust fills the air, floating directly into the beast's greedy eyes. Howling and snarling, he slashes his blood-covered hand through the air inches from your face, and goes stumbling off to your right, up the hill. He narrowly misses the cave's entrance, ascending up the hill. A sigh of relief escapes your racing heart, as the imminent danger seems to have subsided, at least for a few moments.


2011-03-08, 04:14 PM
Vathian moves forward and begins slashing at the blinded and vulnerable monster, hoping to take it out quickly with his furious wardance of spinning steal.

Move to N13
Attack [roll0]
Slashing Damage [roll1]
Fire Damage [roll2]

2011-03-08, 08:14 PM
Round 4
Though you creep up behind the beast, and catch it off-guard, your swift strike is deflected by the troll's tough skin, sending your attack glancing off to the side. Immediately reacting, the Troll looks in your direction, eyes still filled with sparkling dust. The monster snarls, sucking in gusts of air through its misshapen nose, sending droplets of blood and spittle across your face. As you get ready to dodge the easily avoidable counter-attack, a twinge of panic darts through your brain. The creature must surely be swinging blind, yet it now seems focused not just in your direction, but directly on you! Your mind races as your legs explode into action, as it suddenly becomes as clear as the troll's own hideous nose.

It's nose!

Heart racing, you dive to the side, tumbling in a somersault, quickly rising to your feet. As you stand at the mouth of a cave, a sight so obvious and clear breaches the darkness, and makes you wonder how you could've missed it before.

At the back of the cave, illuminated by an orange haze stands a young girl, no more than 14 years old. Her yellow hair, brightened by the aura seeming to fill the cave around her stands on end, flowing through the air as if she were walking through water. Her eyes, also covered in an orange sheen seem unaware of your presence, which fails to stop her slow march toward the entrance.

Remembering the original threat, you redirect your gaze to the Troll, who stands before you, hunched forward, puffing at the air in your direction. You collect one last deep breath of air, before re-entering the fray.

This... THIS is the part we'll talk about when we get to Locardia.


2011-03-08, 10:31 PM
Vathian continues his assault on the monster as he yells towards the girl, "Stay back fair maiden! The beast is blinded for the moment, but won't be for long!"

Attack [roll0]
Slashing Damage [roll1]
Fire Damage [roll2]

2011-03-08, 11:55 PM
Out of Initiative

Lunging forward, you fake right, drawing the troll's momentum away from your leftward dart, exposing a wide opening in his defenses. You spin your entire body, putting your arm, shoulder, back, and hips into your strike, ripping apart a large layer of flesh from the creature. The heat from the firey blade sizzles, and sends the hot smell of burnt skin searing into the air, assailing your nostrils. The creature roars, collapsing to the ground.

The young girl finishes walking out of the cave, and as she exits, the aura around her begins to dissipate, and a lovely blue hue returns to her eyes. Blinking, she surveys the area, rubbing her head with both palms.
"Urrnnnnn.... auuuggg.... oh my... where are... I ahm... excuse me sir, but... ...who are you... and where are we? Did you bring me here?"

2011-03-11, 09:26 PM
Vathian presents himself with a flourish of his cloak and a prize winning smile while relinquishing the flames from his blade, glad that the fire has taken care of the blood that would otherwise be left on the weapon.

Good evening m'lady. I am Vathian. Bard extraordinaire and occasional adventurer against my better judgment. We happen to be standing at the bottom of a hillock about two days march from the road proper to Locardia and likely your previous home. Assuming, that is, that you are the Sally who I came this long way to rescue from two trolls? he asks her raising an eyebrow.

Vathian takes a step towards the girl to get a better look at her, and winces in pain at the wound he took earlier from the troll. I suppose it would be better to take care of important matters first. Are you hurt at all? Vathian pulls out his Wand of Cure Light Wounds in expectation of her answer while trying to calm her with his smile and not frighten the girl.

Diplomacy Check [roll0]

2011-03-13, 11:36 AM
So you're not a bad guy! Oh, Vathyan! Sally drops her trepidation, and rushes in towards you, circling you with her arms, but for the grace of the gods missing the severe wounds inflicted by the trolls just seconds before. Perhaps just a strange warmth emanating from her, a mix perhaps of her affection for you, her new savior, but a part of it feels like genuine heat. After a moment's embrace, you hear a stirring behind you. The first troll you dispatched begins to rise, the slash wounds over his body now completely closed, though the charred, scorched skin is still smoldering from your strikes. The beast climbs to his feet, letting out a powerful war cry. As your instincts direct you to put some separation between you and Sally, to engage the monster without her proximity, you feel the tinge of warmth rise to almost painful levels. As you glance back towards Sally, you see that the bright orange glaze has returned to her eyes, growing in intensity. The ends of her bright yellow hair (now a radiant orange,) stand on end, as a jet of burning hot light streaks from the end of her extended finger, crashing into the troll's strong chest. The troll rockets backwards, never to rise again.

Sally's hair drops to the side of her head, returning to the soft blonde that it was seconds earlier. She turns to you, head looking downward, eyes betraying panic and terror. "Mr. Vatheean, sir... ...Can we go home, now?"

2011-03-13, 09:48 PM
Vathian attempts to keep his composure before the powerful girl gulping and keeping up his smile. He quickly thinks over any information he's heard about powers similar to the ones the girl has just shown.

Spellcraft [roll0]
Bardic Knowledge [roll1]

Of course! Vathian announces. I'm sure your father will be very happy to see you again. He gently unfurls her other hand from his body and holds it gently for a moment. Now, are you hurt at all? This wand I have can heal wounds, see? He lets go of her hand and gestures with the wand saying the command word to Cure Light Wounds on himself twice.

Wand of Cure Light Wounds (CL 1) [roll2]
Wand of Cure Light Wounds (CL 1) [roll3]

Ah, that's far better now. Vathian looks around for his shortbow and goes to pick it up. Did you see anything interesting in the cave? He asks her the question and then quickly recovers hoping to not make the girl upset. We can start our way back in a moment, but it would be best to take a quick look around and find anything that may help us on our way back.

2011-03-14, 09:52 PM
No, no... I'm really alright. Sally tilts her head toward you, watching a a soft sheet of light seep from the tip of your wand, covering the deep gouges in your side, refreshing them with a soft tingling energy. Taking only a moment to step into the cavern, you enter the mound (even damper than the rest of the marshlands around) with Sally timidly walking in behind you. The power and chaos behind the girl's eyes just seconds before has all but fully disappeared, leaving behind a small, scared teenage girl.

Inside the cavern, you find two things. First, a dank, foul smell that arises from a combination of the plant and animal waste seeping in from the ground above, and emanating from the old earth below. The second lies on a collection of bones off to the side. It's unlikely that these came from the trolls, as they've clearly been decaying for some time. A tattered red clock lies in strips around the figure, along with a set of cracked chain mail armor, as well as a rusted iron longsword. Clutching the sword is a gauntlet, with its brother lying just beside. Much larger than normal gauntlets, the first gauntlet has several chambers which seem to funnel directly into the hand of the wearer.

Item Description:
The Gauntlet of Potion Storing can store up to six distinct potions at one time, one in each of its slots. As a move action, the wearer of this item may activate one of these slots to cause a mechanism in the gauntlet to inject the potion directly into the wearer.
Due to the stabbing pain of injecting oneself with a magical substance, the whenever one of the potion uses is activated, the wearer must make a Fortitude save (DC 13 + 1 per number of injections used within the hour). If the wearer fails the save, they take 1 point of Constitution damage +1 point of Constitution damage per number of injections used within the hour.

(Approximate Resale Value: 5,000 GP)

"He's been here since I arrived... ...is there... can we help him? ...Actually, sir... let's just leave... I don't... I don't want to stare at him anymore."

The flash and display from Sally's moment of devastating power looks very familiar to that of a Scorching Ray.

2011-03-16, 04:05 PM
Alright. We better be making our way back towards the road. Vathian tells the girl as he grabs the strange gauntlet and walks out of the cave. Outside, Vathian equips the gauntlet and does a quick check to see if it is currently storing any potions.

Search [roll0]

We'd best be making our way back towards the main road. Vathian scans the area and begins walking back along the path he came.

That reminds me, you never did tell me your name or how all this started. Vathian tells her in the form a question. He looks down to her and smiles as he walks.

2011-03-16, 11:11 PM
Well, ahm... sir... or ah... ah, mister Vaathaan, sir... My name is Sally. I ahm... I was working on breakfast, and then I heard a noise, and then I went to the door, and then the door broke open, and then there were these two big monsters, and then my daddy came up with an axe, but then they hit him through our wall, but the bed broke his fall, and then everything went dark... well, and then you showed up here. Sally begins the march back, beside, and a little bit behind you. Her hair, earlier standing on end, flowing around her as if in a sea of sheer power, now lies frayed, and lifeless about the sides of her head. Occasionally her hand sweeps across her face, brushing it, and perhaps tears, out of her eyes.

The sun sets and rises once on your journey back toward the main road. Before you can reach it, however, you see a group of about 6 figures, all on horseback, as they are nearly upon you. Curses on your terrible eyesight The sight of swords spikes your nerves, until you and Sally both make a crucial recognition.

DADDY! Sally breaks from your side, and sprints over to her father, who haphazardly dismounts from his horse, nearly stumbling to the ground as he trips over his feet, racing to meet his daughter. By Gods, I thought I'd never see you again! Sally, my treasure! The girl's father looks up at you with tear-filled eyes, flopping between joyous laughter and joyous sobs in mere seconds. The two share a deep, long embrace before you, in the midday sun, about 2 hours from the Main Road.
