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Lost Demiurge
2011-02-22, 07:27 PM
The Imperial Charter for Exploration of the Greenbelt, by order of the Dragonscale Throne.


It is Spring in the Greenbelt. South of Brevoy and right in the middle of the so-called "Stolen Lands", the snow has melted and given way to new greenery and the sounds of emerging wildlife.

The South Rostland Road has carried you away from that mighty city, and you have encountered few travelers. Empty, shuttered waystations stand lonely as you cross through grasslands and the remnants of fields long gone to seed.

Your charter is impressive, there is little doubt about that. But the simple words underlie the massive task ahead. Your own reasons drew you here, but your companions seem of a similar determination, and sturdy enough to withstand the rigors of the wild.

Your fate is now in your hands.

At the farthest southern bend of the road, a weathered stockade rises, defying the ruins that you've seen thus far.

A fresh coat of tar around the base to ward off insects shows that it is cared for, and the sound of hammering within indicates at least one inhabitant. There are four towers to this stockade, and the palisade is about ten feet tall.

The gate is ajar, and a few outbuildings can be seen in the courtyard through the loose slats...

2011-02-22, 10:47 PM

The fresh-faced paladin's expression is one of minor awe: he gapes at the wall and stockade as if he's never seen one before.

Actually, that might be true.

"By Erastil... how long did those walls take to build? Those towers? The gate? The buildings? There must have been - " His mouth twists in thought. The process is akin to churning tar. " - dozens of people working together. For months on end. I've only heard about such large buildings. Barns take so long, how did they ever manage this..."

Realizing that he's gaping, he rearranges his face into something more dignified. More being the operative word there. Between his vapid expression and surely-dyed hair, he looks like some sort of dandy who decided to play adventurer - except a city slicker would never have armor with cuts and holes in the surcoat, or faint scars over his arms and face. "Maybe this is that 'Oleg's Trading Post'!" he exclaims to no one in particular. "Do you think they have candy? It's been so long since I had candy. Mother and father used to..."

So much for dignified.

2011-02-22, 11:52 PM

Birds are singing merrily in the spring air as Augens Vandarian makes his way down the road, their noises contrasting with the vast stillness of the empty land, that seems to extend into infinity around the lone traveller.

A battered stockade rises up in the distance. This must be Oleg's Post, Augens thinks. So there is out here some small measure of civilization after all.

The priest approaches, weariness setting in with rest in sight. He smiles ruefully, murmuring to himself. "I wonder which gods rule over this desolate land, over this meagre subsistence..." Ahead is his companion of several days – Hawke – wandering around the stockade. He appears to be talking to himself, talking about candy. Augens raises an eyebrow in stern disapproval. "Hawke," he calls, "can you not hear the hammer; there is work to be done, and idleness is Asmodeus' work."

2011-02-23, 05:00 AM

Charity bristles slightly - idleness is one of her favourite pastimes, thank you very much, and opportunities to indulge it have been sadly few and far between since she signed on to this particular expedition.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the edge of the map," she says instead. "Our sole landmark and the beginning of many months which will doubtless be spent traipsing about in the mud. I for one would like to enjoy the many benefits of a floor to offload this pack-" she hefts her bulging backpack "-and a roof to unload it under. Shall we?"

She turns and strolls (as casually as she can, carrying such a load) towards the gate and, hopefully, a cup of tea.

2011-02-23, 05:52 AM
Krul tries to contain his excitement, but his mind won't stop. Real adventure! Not some boring stint watching over some paranoid rich man's pottery. Not some boring hunt for the local cat lady's favorite feline friend (up the tree in her yard, naturally). This was were the action REALLY was! Too long Krul has been starving - craving the delicious fruit of mystery, the rich meat of battle, the sweet dessert of victory. Finally, his wanderlust can be sated.

The boy's shirt barely fits him, as they generally don't make them that large. He scratches his roughly kept beard as Charity speaks. He has been suspicious about her - she doesn't exactly seem the outdoors type, and her words only confirm it. Aside from the priest and, well, the gnome, the intrepid group is clearly very young. He pushes his ecstasy to the back of the fire to maintain his facade of cool, composed, aged wisdom. He snorts loudly, then mutters softly to himself, but loud enough that the others can hear, "kids..."

2011-02-23, 06:57 AM

Turning back to the incoming group, he waves - then sticks out his tongue out at the priest, although he pulls it back in almost as fast. "Hey, now, if you're so eager to get to work, then walk faster! I'm here at the door already, aren't I? Come over here, so we can all enter together! Make an entrance!"

Giving his newfound companions a quick once-over, he sighs, then walks back to meet them halfway. "Charity, mate! I keep telling you that if you're so eager to dump that pack, you should let me carry it! Erastil knows I carry around little enough as it is," he chuckles, shrugging his broad, blatantly unencumbered shoulders.

Lost Demiurge
2011-02-23, 07:45 AM
Charity heads through the gates.


There are four buildings inside the large stockade, all of them single-storied. One is quite clearly a stables, with a single mule peering incuriously out from a currently-open slat window. The largest of them is furthest back, and the figure of a human can be seen moving around on top. He seems to be the source of the hammering. The buildings form a loose 35 x 30 courtyard, with plenty of space in between each other. A single wagon is parked near the gates, quite empty but with a tarp thrown over it to keep rain from damaging it. A few piles of wood in the eastern end lie between the largest building and what appears to be a bunkhouse.

The towers have narrow steps leading up to the tops of them, and on top of each tower is a moss-covered, and probably quite dilapidated catapult.

The hammering ceases, and the stout man on the roof walks over to the edge and considers Charity... And then the group behind her. He nods and moves out of sight to the back of the roof. Evidently there's a ladder there, as he emerges on the ground level to the side of the biggest building, and raises an empty hand.

"Welcome. Bout time we got some help. C'mon in."

He walks over and opens a sturdy door, heading in and gesturing all of you to follow.

2011-02-23, 09:34 AM

Augens sighs at Hawke's stuck out tongue and his surprisingly good point. From what little he knew of the man, it seemed he was... unique. "With that display of reason," he says, "I look forward to many enlightening theological discussions."

Then the group is inside the stockade. Augens glances around at the courtyard, and hears the man speak. "Blessings upon you," he intones as a greeting, then continues follows the man inside.

2011-02-23, 10:34 AM

" ' 'bout time we got some help?..." Hawke repeats in an undertone to himself. "Oh? Oh! The charter says 'STRIVE AGAINST BANDITRY AND OTHER UNLAWFUL BEHAVIOR'! Oh..." he realizes. "Oh, dear."

This news is enough to (mostly) distract him from his awe of the construction, although he does give the broken catapults a long, curious look before entering the building, the last of the group to make it in.

2011-02-23, 11:10 AM

The gnome takes in his surroundings and strokes lightly the fur of his pony, while the animal follows the group. When they arrive at Oleg's trading post, he smiles indulgently at Hawke's antics. So young and full of vitality the gnome thinks amused.

Following Charity through the gates, he dismounts and tells the pony to stay there.

"You need help? Is there some problem?" asks Kurt, concerned.

Lost Demiurge
2011-02-23, 01:44 PM
The man leads you into what turns out to be the main building. There are five other doors off the main corridor, one of which is currently open, and a fireplace at the end of the hall. Though a little dim in here, removable slats in the roof, currently open, let the sunlight shine in. There are no windows in this structure.

Through the open door, a human woman is setting a large table, and scooting several mismatched chairs into place. She smiles at the stout man, who embraces her, then helps her finish preparing the table. The woman turns her smile upon you.

"Hello! We're very glad to see you. We'd about given up hope, started discussing packing things up... I'm sorry, where are my manners? I am Svetlana, and this is my husband, Oleg."

Oleg grunts.

Upon closer examination, Oleg is a stout, black-haired human in his mid-to-late 20's. He's got solid muscles, and a face that doesn't seem used to smiling. He's got the air of someone who's worked hard every day of his life, is very proud of that, and will probably be working up until the day that he dies. He wears plain and simple clothing of wool.

Svetlana is blonde, pretty, and a bit younger than Oleg. Her hands show plenty of wear, but her face bears the marks of many smiles, and though her clothing is wool she's gone to the trouble of embroidering it with colored patterns and small bits of ribbon here and there.

"Here, let me get the soup. You arrived just in time! It's about ready. We hadn't planned for company, but if you share there should be enough."
Oleg shuffles his feet awkwardly when she leaves the room, then clears his throat and motions at the chairs. "Please, sit down. Take a load off."
Svetlana returns with a large pot that smells of vegetables and spices, and places it on a nearby stand. "So, do you have a plan for dealing with the bandits? We're not soldiers, but anything we can help with we're willing to try-"

"You need help? Is there some problem?" asks Kurt, concerned.

Svetlana's eyes go wide. "You're not... They didn't... Oh.... Hm." Her smile deserts her face.

Oleg rips off his simple woolen cap and dashes it to the floor, swearing to beat any sailor you've heard before.

Finally he calms, and Svetlana pulls up chairs for herself and Oleg. "Well. We've been having a bit of a bandit problem. They've been taking 'tribute' from us for a few months now. We've sent to Restov for help-"

"Over and over again." Grumbles Oleg.

"And they keep telling us that help is on the way. We thought that such a large group meant you were mercenaries here to deal with the bandits... But you're not?"

There's a last, lingering bit of hope in her voice.

2011-02-23, 01:49 PM
Samantha Harlan

Samantha hums to herself as she enters the courtyard with the group, looking around at the buildings and siege engines in various states of disrepair.

After a moment of looking around, she follows the man inside the building, ceasing her humming.

"Could we have really run into trouble this early?" she asks, mostly to herself.

She takes a seat, sighing contentedly to be off her feet. Smells delicious, but we should probably let them know why we're here, first... she thinks.

"Miss Svetlana, we've been hired by the Swordlords of Restov to explore the lands south-west of your outpost, here, and to deal with any brigands we might encounter along the way. Might you tell us more of those who plague you?" she asks the woman, doing her best to sound like she's had experience with this sort of work before. Her eyes dart back to the food and she lets out a small sigh, before she returns to focusing on Svetlana. "I'm sure that if these brigands are in the same direction we are headed, we will be able to deal with them. Otherwise, you may wish to contact someone to the north to deal with the problem."

2011-02-23, 02:12 PM

"I'm Kurtammageren, but you can call me Kurt, it doesn't bother me. Pleased to meet you" responds Kurt "It's as she says, but we also have to deal with "bandits and unlawful behaviour", so I think we could help you"

Kurtammageren sits on one chair and rummages through his sash, until he produces one of the halfling cakes known as wandermeal and starts munching happily.

"Do you know when the bandits will come?" he asks to Oleg between bites.

Lost Demiurge
2011-02-23, 02:53 PM
"Well," begins Svetlana. "They showed up when the snows started to lighten, about two months ago. A lot of men, maybe about fifteen or so came riding in, with a rough-looking woman at the head of them, and a huge man next to her, nearly your size, sir." She motions at Krul. "They made some threats, and when Oleg reached for his spear she threw an axe and nearly took his hand off! I thought we were dead, but they told us they were taking a third of the goods and coin we'd gained over the winter, and would be back every new moon for more. They made things very clear about what would happen if we fought, or told them no. About what they'd do to Oleg, and to- to me." She looks down and bites her lip, and Oleg takes her hand.

Oleg clears his throat and continues. "They were seventeen in all when they came at first. But the next time they came, they were only ten. Then nine. The woman didn't show for those times either, just the big man. They're due tomorrow, and they probably ain't expecting trouble. They got swords and bows, but they're bullies and woods rabble."

He looks around at the group at the table, and starts ladling soup into bowls, and passing it 'round. "Well, you ain't the bunch we wanted, but seems to me you might be the folks we need. Seems to me we could help each other out. If you could see fit to kill or drive the bandits out when they show tomorrow, we could see fit to givin' you free room and board while you go explorin'. And maybe help out in a few other ways. What do you say?"

2011-02-23, 03:09 PM

What a bunch of scum, they deserve to be punished thinks the gnome as he listens to the couple.

"I say let's kill those vermin... but what do we say?" he asks looking at the rest of the group, before popping the last bite of the cake in his mouth.

2011-02-23, 03:14 PM

Samantha Harlan
"I'm sure that if these brigands are in the same direction we are headed, we will be able to deal with them. Otherwise, you may wish to contact someone to the north to deal with the problem."

The young paladin nearly has a paroxysm, settling for smacking both fists on the table - loudly. Plates jump, if only just a millimeter or so. "Absolutely not! This is as clear as it gets! Look, the fact of the matter is that these - bandits - " he spits, "are coming here. It doesn't matter where they make their hidey-holes! When they come here - we teach them a lesson!" Just as abruptly, he ducks his head, and looks embarrassed. "Uuuuh. Sorry. Bit enthusiastic there."

When Oleg and Svetlana further explain their situation, he contains himself to only giving a nod - a shaky, barely controlled nod. "They come tomorrow? Then we stay here until then. And we'll whip them. Send them scurrying home to their mothers, never to steal again. And if they refuse to run... well..." The youth looks truly reluctant. "If they fight to the death, that's their choice. We can't fight to save their lives from the very start - but we won't kill more than we have to. Kurt," he added with a sideways glance.

He coughs in what passes for thought. "Only nine came last time, you said? Well, we'll have to see about that. I think the six - seven," he hastily corrected, thinking of Kurt's eidolon, "can take them no problem, if we get them by surprise. Even if all fifteen come, I'm in. We have to. It is just," he intones. Suicidal idiot. He looks like he has more to say, but the soup interrupts him, and seconds later he's head deep into his bowl. At least there isn't too much noise.

2011-02-23, 03:35 PM

"It seems I have to remind you that the penalty for banditry is death. By sword of rope, to be more precise" the gnome says to Hawke "I hope being munched on counts as well" he adds as an afterthought.

"And I'm sorry lad, but if you let go this kind of people they only come back for more, or they could alert their leader, and we can't afford that. Can you imagine being attacked by every bandit lurking in this godsforsaken land? Because I can, and it's not pretty" continues more gently.

"I'm fairly sure Agash can take down two or three on his own, so you don't have to worry, I'll do my part"

2011-02-23, 03:36 PM
Krul speaks in a voice that is loud and very deep, and his words more elegant than one might expect from his appearance, "Kurt, the penalty for unrepentant banditry is death. It would seem unjust to deny a chance for redemption," Krul smiles at the thought of the fray. He'd never seen real combat, but part of him longed for it. With a motion of his hand he politely refuses the food; a shared portion would do nothing but whet his appetite. He is used to catching wild game for himself anyway.

"Your offer is most generous. I, for one, am grateful... as I am broke, I was going to sleep outside tonight. Room and board would be delightful though. We shall see to your bandit problem." He thinks for a few moments before he asks, "so, the woman and the big guy seem to be the only ones acting in charge then?"

2011-02-23, 03:39 PM
Samantha Harlan


"Absolutely not! This is as clear as it gets! Look, the fact of the matter is that these - bandits - are coming here. It doesn't matter where they make their hidey-holes! When they come here - we teach them a lesson!"

"Yes, yes. Fine. Tomorrow we lay in wait for them, and when they arrive, we ambush them. Then we find their leader, no matter what direction that may take us, and we deal with her." Samantha stopped at that point and took a bowl of soup for herself, digging into it with zeal.

"This is really delicious, what's in it?"

Lost Demiurge
2011-02-23, 03:40 PM
Svetlana and Oleg seem to be waiting with bated breath to see which way the decision goes... But Svetlana nods at Krul's question.

"Yes, the woman did all the real talking and bossing the others around the one time she was here. Then the big man, for the rest of the times when she wasn't. Not that he had much to say that wasn't crude."

Svetlana breathes a sigh of relief as Samantha consents to help, and the others seem in agreement. "The stew is carrot, turnip and barley, with cumin and pepper, and a few local vegetables. I can get you the recipe if you like!"

The stew is VERY delicious, if a little thin.

Oleg simply grunts, and nods. He sticks out a hand to shake with Kurtammageren. "Bargained well and done. I'll go get your pony stabled and taken care of, and set up the beds for the night. Supper'll be in six hours, reckon we can break out some stores to celebrate. If you all wanta figure out how you're gonna ambush them like you said you would, go ahead and feel free to have a look at things. Just ask me before you try goin' in any locked doors."

2011-02-23, 03:41 PM
"Delicious? Maybe, I will have a few bites then..." Krul gathers a small bowl of soup just for a taste. Returning to the matter at hand, "a good strategy might be to kill the big leader, then try to force the rest to surrender."

2011-02-23, 03:48 PM

Putting down his completely empty bowl - good gods, had he licked it clean? - Hawke gives Krul a last look of squeamishness. "Well... we'll try not to kill their leader. Unless we really have a good shot at it. I... don't like it, but if we can kill one and capture the rest, then that's far better than trying to take them all on and half of them dying anyways. Or maybe some of us dying," he says, worried. His eyes flit between them all, as if considering who might fall.

Would it be Samantha of the lovely voice? Krul of the hulking posture? Or maybe even him, of the... funny hair?

2011-02-23, 03:58 PM
Samantha Harlan

Samantha scrapes the last of the soup from her bowl and sets it aside, turning once more to Svetlana. "How do they enter this outpost? Through the same gate as we did?"

She bites her lips, strategy obviously something foreign to her. "If we can place carts or siege engines to either side of the entrance, we can hide people in them. As soon as they enter, we throw aside the cloth hiding us, two of us rush to block off their retreat through the gate, two of us remain in, or on, the carts, and two of us can block them from heading deeper into the outpost. Then we offer then a chance to surrender, and kill them if they don't take it. If they do, I have rope. Does that sound like a good plan?"

Samantha stands up, taking her bowl and refilling it with soup, the smell of which elicits a large grin from her. She takes her seat and resumes eating.

Lost Demiurge
2011-02-23, 04:22 PM
Samantha Harlan
Samantha scrapes the last of the soup from her bowl and sets it aside, turning once more to Svetlana. "How do they enter this outpost? Through the same gate as we did?"

"Why, yes." Says Svetlana. "That's the only way in since Oleg replaced the fallen parts of the palisade, last summer."

2011-02-23, 05:18 PM

The priest has stood silently, hand on his chin and a troubled look on his face, but finally speaks. "I agree with Krul; these bandits must be offered a chance of redemption. If we do not allow all of them a chance to change their ways, then we become not more than they are: murderers." He speaks with a quiet conviction behind his words. "I understand, however, if none will take the risk. But know that I am not afraid; allow me to talk to these bandits when they return, and avert the need for violence completely."

2011-02-23, 05:30 PM

The youth blinks at Augens, his jaw working up and down. "Are you crazy?" he finally blurts out. "You can't just stroll up to them and say 'Bad bandits!' That doesn't work! Believe me, I've tried! Have you?" he demands. "I'm there, walking down the road, it's a lovely day, wham, two men with knives right there. Ask if they want to surrender, give it up, no, they say. And I had these in plain view," he says, tapping the two hilts of his own knives. "Unless we have more people than them, there's no way they'll back down without fighting."

He closes his eyes for a second, taking a few more to summarize his point. "No, we need to be the first to punch. If things go well, we won't need to punch again," he eventually says, quite slowly.

2011-02-23, 05:38 PM
Krul finishes his small portion quickly, smacks his hands together and smiles. "That was good! I'm loathe to admit it, but I have got to agree with the boy, preacher: it sounds futile. They'll have the whole gang mentality working for them. They'll think they are invincible. There is no point in proposing redemption until their flawed view point is shattered. Sounds better to ambush them, then, once they face the real possibility of death, allow them the chance to repent. Without surprise, they might get the chance to kill us, burn down this... fine establishment and make things much worse for the locals for trying to mount a resistance. What you suggests put everyone at considerable and undue risk. Frankly, I don't think your morals... are very moral at all," then motioning to their hosts he continues, "if they endanger these good people."

2011-02-23, 05:47 PM

The priest bristles at Krul's last comment, but lets out a low sigh and slowly nods. Very well. I understand. Do not expect me to participate in the killing, but I will aid in this plan." He closes his eyes, touching a hand to his holy symbol, then draws in the air a simple circle with the same hand. "Tonight I will pray for the souls of those who will die tomorrow."

2011-02-23, 05:55 PM

Watching Augens enact his mini-ritual, Hawke blinks. "Augens, sir, what's it like, worshipping Sarenrae? Does she give you visions? Tell you things? Show you signs? Feed you?" Well, that last one was odd. In any case, Hawke seems a bit uneasy. "... it's been a while since Old Deadeye's shown me anything. Ever since I met you guys I haven't seen a single stag, or had a single dream. It's... kind of lonely without him."

2011-02-23, 05:56 PM
Krul continues, this time simply ignoring Hawke's comments, "certainly, no one has to die though. Many fall in battle and live to see another day, but their leadership needs to be shattered before the others might listen to reason. I propose that Oleg and Svetlana hide in their homes, we lock the bandits in the post and attack them so none can escape. If word gets to the leader about the ambush, again, I'd fear for these fine people."

2011-02-23, 06:00 PM
Samantha finishes off her second bowl of soup and turns to Svetlana. "At what time do these bandits usually come?" She leans back in her seat and now turns her focus to her group. "So the plan is to wait in ambush, cut them off from escape, kill their leader and then demand they surrender? Maybe if we aimed a siege engine or two at the group, they'd lose their nerve..."

2011-02-23, 06:03 PM

"Yes - yes!" Hawke says, almost - but not quite - clapping his hands in agreement. "If they can't run, and we outmatch them, they'll certainly surrender. And if they had the courage to stand and fight, they wouldn't be bandits." Actually, they might, but...

"Siege engine?" he suddenly asks Samantha. "What's a 'siege engine'?"

2011-02-23, 06:03 PM

The priest smiles slightly at Hawke. This one is just like the altar-boys in Winterbreak. He clasps his hands together, clearing his throat.
"My goddess gives us wisdom in her holy books; one need only read them to understand her will. I have come to learn, though, that one must trust in one's intuition, for it is to that facet of the soul that the gods speak." He pauses. "As for feeding me... no. I suppose indirectly I was provided for by the faithful, but that is all." He places a hand on Hawkes' shoulder, well used to giving advice. "For the loneliness, I think we all feel such things, for we are but mortals – limited in all our faculties – and we seek to know the divine. Take comfort in the fact that it is your god's will that has brought you here, and that his hand guides your actions, young Hawke." He smiles. "And if nothing else, know that you must be very close to your god: he feeds you."

2011-02-23, 06:13 PM

"Siege engine?" he suddenly asks Samantha. "What's a 'siege engine'?"

"Did you see the towers on the way in? Those things on top, I think they were rock-throwers. I've no idea how we would get them off the towers, but I bet they would end a battle before it began." She sets her bowl down once more. "Feel like helping me move a few carts tonight? We should probably prepare, just in case they arrive early."

She clears her throat. "If you're not too busy with your Gods, that is."

2011-02-23, 06:18 PM

Some of what Augens said surely buzzed over Hawke's head and decidedly lacking intellect, but he still understood enough of it to beam happily upwards at him. "Thank you, sir!" he chimes. "That makes me feel better. Old Deadeye's probably just busy elsewhere. I guess he just has other people to feed. Maybe people who used to be like who I used to be..."

He shakes his head, clearing away the memories. "Well... in any case. Samantha! I'll help!" Rising from the table, he gave Oleg and Svetlana a hasty bow. "We'll help you with these bandits, yes we will!"

Lost Demiurge
2011-02-23, 06:37 PM
Svetlana looks a little surprised as the priest gets scolded, and makes a quick warding hand sign. Then she relaxes as Hawke and Augens turn the subject to other, less contentious areas.

Samantha finishes off her second bowl of soup and turns to Svetlana. "At what time do these bandits usually come?" She leans back in her seat and now turns her focus to her group. "So the plan is to wait in ambush, cut them off from escape, kill their leader and then demand they surrender? Maybe if we aimed a siege engine or two at the group, they'd lose their nerve..."

Svetlana replies. "The bandits usually show up an hour or so after dawn. Um..." She considers for a bit. "The catapults were here when we found the fort. We haven't really touched them since, Oleg said they were badly rotted even for timber. But if you want to look them over, I'm sure that would be fine."

2011-02-23, 06:37 PM
Samantha Harlan

Maybe if we have time we can give them a look, but I wouldn't know the first thing about firing one of them." Samantha stands as well, inclining her head to Svetlana and Oleg. "Thank you for the delicious food, and consider your outpost saved."

She beckons to Hawke and exits the building, making her way toward the gate.

Lost Demiurge
2011-02-23, 06:38 PM
Samantha Harlan

Samantha stands as well, inclining her head to Svetlana and Oleg. "Thank you for the delicious food, and consider your outpost saved."

She beckons to Hawke and exits the building, making her way toward the gate.

Svetlana smiles and begins cleaning as Samantha leaves.

2011-02-23, 06:55 PM
Krul follows Samantha as well, still brainstorming, "even if the catapults don't work, maybe we could set up a trap. Drop the stones on them or something." Remembering manners, he turns back to Svetlana and mutters, "good food," before exiting the building.

2011-02-23, 07:01 PM
Samantha Harlan

Samantha nods at Krul. "I was thinking that we could set up the cart right next to the gate. When the bandits come through, we can push the cart in front of the gate, blocking it off and trapping them inside. Maybe we could use some of the firewood, or another cart if they have one, and set it up a little further in. The rest of our group could hide behind it, to ambush the bandits."

She smiles, stretching her arms above her head and sighing contentedly. "It would be a real shame for this outpost to be lost with such good food, don't you think? I'm sure we'll be able to turn the bandits to our cause once their leader is dead."

Lost Demiurge
2011-02-23, 07:13 PM
A quick inspection of the once-fort-now-trading-post reveals that it has only one cart. An old mule chews feed placidly in the stables, alone save for your Kurt's pony. There are five stalls in all. The medium sized building by the gate is a bunkhouse, there are some old bedframes on the wall that look rather hazardous, and six neatly rolled-out stuffed mattresses with sheets on the wooden floor. The last building is the smallest, a peek through the slats shows it to be full of boxes and rolls of fur, and odd supplies and trade goods. The door is locked.

Behind the goods storage are three covered middens. The smell isn't too bad... It's still early spring, and the nights are relatively cold.

Oleg nods to you as he throws some of the wood from one of the piles onto a firepit near the bunkhouse.

The catapults, upon examination, are indeed moss-covered and slowly falling to pieces.
Of course, if anyone had any knowledges or professions to do with Carpentry, Siege Engines, or hey, bardic knowledge, and wanted to roll it... :)

2011-02-23, 07:30 PM
"It might be easier just to have someone shut the gate than to push a cart, especially since there seems to be only one. But... it's a good plan. Let me take a look at this thing..." He says kneeling in front of the catapult.

Untrained Profession: [roll0] My justification that this might work is that he has a lot of tools, hammers, nails, perhaps he can jury rig it.

2011-02-23, 07:32 PM
Samantha Harlan

Samantha climbs through one of the towers near the gate. At the top she pauses, peering thoughtfully at the catapult and biting her lip.

This thing looks pretty old, but if I could make it work...

She examines it closer, hoping to determine whether or not it would still function.

Bardic Knowledge: Engineering

2011-02-23, 07:37 PM

"Well, let's see. We can't close them in if it takes too long. Can I...?" Experimentally, Hawke gets a running start - and attempts to close the heavy fortress door, testing just how fast he can move it. It's a feat of strength that he seems to take lightly, almost like a game.

This is assuming, of course, that the fortress door is one of those that swings open/closed.

Lost Demiurge
2011-02-23, 07:53 PM
Most of the catapults are thoroughly unuseable. One of them, if fitted to a new rope, might be able to fire. Once. In vaguely the direction you aim it. It'd probably fall to bits afterward. On the plus side there are still some 20-30 pound rocks up here that seem designed for this. Moss is growing on THEM, too.

That said, if you had a carpenter around you could fix it up to do just that. It'd take most of the night.

Translation: It's a standard action to close the door. And a standard action to open it.

2011-02-23, 08:07 PM

Having now determined that the door is easily movable, he now attempts to find a method with which to keep it from being opened from the inside. Barring that, he tests the strength of the door with an experimental knock. "Door's no good if they can just cut through it," he grunts.

Which way does the door swing? Inwards or outwards? Where are methods of sealing it shut? How long does it take to operate those?

Lost Demiurge
2011-02-23, 08:09 PM

Having now determined that the door is easily movable, he now attempts to find a method with which to keep it from being opened from the inside. Barring that, he tests the strength of the door with an experimental knock. "Door's no good if they can just cut through it," he grunts.

Hawke finds that the gate swings inwards. There are no real ways to bar it, short of shoving something heavy in front of it on the courtyard side.

2011-02-23, 08:11 PM

In a burst of ingenuity, Hawke begins looking for a cart or something to wheel in front of the door, essentially keeping it shut until someone or the other moves the cart.

... no, he doesn't realize that doing that is hardly going to be possible with a crowd of watching bandits.

2011-02-23, 08:13 PM

The priest takes a step out into the spring air. He watches as Samantha tests the catapult. He looks up at the catapult, then back towards Oleg and Svetlana's humble home. This, he thinks, is quite an auspicious way to begin my time here: I am about to volunteer my services in repairing a catapult which tomorrow will be used to kill fellow men. He sighs, for what feels like the millionth time today, and moves up to the catapult.

He says to Samantha, "Serenrae save me, but if there must be a battle here, it ought to at least be a successful one."

With that, he takes a look at the catapult:

Knowledge (architecture and engineering): [roll0]
Edit: Nevermind; while I was writing this, it totally became irrelevant! :smalltongue:

Lost Demiurge
2011-02-23, 08:14 PM
Hawke finds the big cart he passed earlier, next to the gate, right where it's been since he first saw it.

It's pretty heavy, though.
About a two-round action to shift, and you'd need a +2 strength mod to do it with any real speed. Multiple people could move it faster. Two could move it in one round, and 4 could move it in a standard action.

Lost Demiurge
2011-02-23, 08:17 PM

The priest takes a step out into the spring air. He watches as Samantha tests the catapult. He looks up at the catapult, then back towards Oleg and Svetlana's humble home. This, he thinks, is quite an auspicious way to begin my time here: I am about to volunteer my services in repairing a catapult which tomorrow will be used to kill fellow men. He sighs, for what feels like the millionth time today, and moves up to the catapult.

He says to Samantha, "Serenrae save me, but if there must be a battle here, it ought to at least be a successful one."

Augens assessment is about the same as Samantha's... Although, with his solid knowledge of architecture, he could probably direct some unskilled labor into rigging it to fire. Once. In a vague direction. It'll take 12 hours of work for 1 person to fix this catapult, as long as you're there directing them. If more people join in, the hours get divided by the amount of people working on it.

2011-02-23, 08:20 PM

"Heeeey guyyyyyyys!" Hawke calls from below, waving furiously. Beside him is the wagon... about ten or fifteen feet from where it once was. "I found a way to close the door! What about you?! Any luck?!"

Hawke will gladly... participate... in anything you direct him to do now. I've got nothing else to explore, except to discuss tactics/planning once more.

2011-02-23, 08:24 PM
Krul thinks for a while without speaking. Insight finally strikes and he suggests, "maybe the catapult isn't our best bet. Oleg seems good with tools... preacher seems to know what he's doing too. Maybe together, we can construct a trap over the door to drop these big rocks on the bandits. There heavy, but I doubt they'd flat out kill anyone, still they might injure and scare them."

2011-02-23, 08:27 PM
"Good work, Hawke. Up here, Hawke, if you don't mind. How would you feel about getting this catapult as close to operational as rotten wood can come?" Despite feeling guilty, the priest realizes that this is necessary.

If I can ask, approximately what time is it? i.e. how much time do we have?
And perhaps I could get Kurt's eidolon helping with this catapult, even if everyone else has other things to do.

2011-02-23, 08:37 PM

Krul thinks for a while without speaking. Insight finally strikes and he suggests, "maybe the catapult isn't our best bet. Oleg seems good with tools... preacher seems to know what he's doing too. Maybe together, we can construct a trap over the door to drop these big rocks on the bandits. There heavy, but I doubt they'd flat out kill anyone, still they might injure and scare them."

Having run up to the catapult tower at Augens's encouragement, Hawke frowns at Krul. "If you want to drop rocks on them from the door, they'll never be able to walk through it. And if they're walking through it the other way, then there's no point in dropping rocks on them. I don't understand..."

Turning to Augens, he only smiles. "I have no idea what this is, or what it's supposed to do, but if you think it'll help, I'll do it!"

Lost Demiurge
2011-02-23, 08:37 PM
"Good work, Hawke. Up here, Hawke, if you don't mind. How would you feel about getting this catapult as close to operational as rotten wood can come?" Despite feeling guilty, the priest realizes that this is necessary.

If I can ask, approximately what time is it? i.e. how much time do we have?
And perhaps I could get Kurt's eidolon helping with this catapult, even if everyone else has other things to do.

Augens figures that it's about 2 in the afternoon.

2011-02-23, 08:49 PM

Turning to Augens, he only smiles. "I have no idea what this is, or what it's supposed to do, but if you think it'll help, I'll do it!"

Augens smiles, shaking his head at Hawke's child-like enthusiasm. "Well then, Hawke, it's time you learnt." He points to the arm of the catapult. "Let's get a rope thrown over this, to begin. It will need sufficient tension to throw a large rock...

So, knowing nothing about catapults myself, I'll leave it with a "..."
If we could get at least one more person helping, that'd be great. Being done in the wee hours of the morning isn't the best idea. And maybe we could see about a rock trap after this.

2011-02-23, 10:08 PM
Samantha Harlan

Samantha makes her way to the catapult Augens was working with, going through the contents of her pack until she pulls out a long coil of silken rope.

"Will this do?" She tosses the coil of rope to Augens. "We're not going to need all of these stones, right? I'm sure we could put them to some other use."

Lost Demiurge
2011-02-23, 11:18 PM
There is much sawing, banging, and thumping as the group works on the catapult. Oleg is fine with providing tools, and when the plan is explained a bit, is perfectly happy to drag out some boxes of various trade goods and leave them in the northern end of the courtyard.

About an hour after nightfall Svetlana rings a bell. Judging by the delicious smells, dinner is served... It is salted pork over cabbage, with fresh-baked bread and lingonberry jam on the side, and they've tapped a keg of cider for the occasion.

Oleg doesn't say much as he eats, but Svetlana's happy to chatter, asking about news from Restov, and the world beyond.

After dinner, the rockfall isn't hard to rig. A few rolls of heavy cloth suspend the rocks over the gate, and the cart wheels are oiled, as it is ready to push. The tarp on it is pulled back to provide a few people cover if they wish to hide behind it.

Still, it takes time and the moon is high in the sky by the time you stagger into the bunkhouse and fall asleep. Though the mattresses are on the floor, they are VERY, very comfy, the sheets are clean and fresh and the fire outside combined with a hatch on the opposite wall keeps warm air moving through the open doorframe.

It almost seems like no time at all has passed when Oleg knocks on the doorframe. Light is starting to filter through the cracks in the building.

"Dawn. Got an hour, maybe two 'fore they come." He's got a boarspear strapped across his back.

"Got some leftovers for breakfast if yer hungry, then Svetlana and I'll button down."
He looks around at the preparations. "Good luck." He says. There's no sarcasm in his voice, just the simple tone of someone who knows that trouble's ahead.

2011-02-23, 11:49 PM
Krul pulls Oleg aside in the morning, "look, I really don't think it will happen, or I wouldn't be doing this... but in case things... don't go well, perhaps you and Svetlana should take some valuables and leave the post for a few hours. However things turn out, you can come back and they'll be gone. If we fail, you'll be safe and can head to North. Otherwise, I will fear for your safety."

2011-02-23, 11:53 PM

Dawn has come. Augens looks skyward. He knows his goddess is there. He detaches himself from the group silently, walking several paces away and going down on his knees in the rough dirt. He knits his hands together in supplication.

"Dawnflower, I stand before you a humble servant, who seeks only to do what is right and just in accordance with your will. In the coming hours, there will be a great bloodletting here; I pray that you forgive all those who will struggle in mortal combat, and to look into their hearts and find in them the goodness of all beings.

I pray also that you will shield the innocent from harm, and deliver them from evil.

And I pray most of all that those who perish today might find in death the peace lost to them in life."

The priest makes his circular hand-sign, and then intones quietly: "Into your hands I commend my spirit."

Lost Demiurge
2011-02-24, 12:07 AM
Krul pulls Oleg aside in the morning, "look, I really don't think it will happen, or I wouldn't be doing this... but in case things... don't go well, perhaps you and Svetlana should take some valuables and leave the post for a few hours. However things turn out, you can come back and they'll be gone. If we fail, you'll be safe and can head to North. Otherwise, I will fear for your safety."

Oleg's eyes harden... Then he puffs a breath of air out from between pursed lips.

"No. No, you're a good man to offer, but I ain't gonna run. Wouldn't set right with me... Svetlana'd say she was fine with it if I told her we were goin' but she wouldn't be really."

He shrugs, and his pragmatic side kicks in. "Sides, they always showed up on horses, so they're faster'n us. If you die they'll track us and ride us down anyway."

2011-02-24, 01:13 AM
Samantha Harlan

Waking up, Samantha prepares herself for the coming battle. She starts by donning her chain shirt and packing her bags, next going to fetch some of the remaining food from the fantastic meal the night before. With food in tow, she heads for the top of the gate, settling down behind the palisade next to the rockfall trap.

"Good luck, everybody!" she calls down to her allies in the courtyard. "I'll give the call when I see them approaching!"

With this task done, she goes about the tasks that need completing before the bandits arrive: eating the food set out in front of her, checking her rapier for rust, stringing her bow, and adjusting the quiver to hang over her torso, arrows within easy reach of her right hand. All the time she sings a simple, but beautiful, tune to herself, quietly, as she watches for the approaching bandits.

2011-02-24, 01:49 AM
Krul frowned at the man's response. He had thought that he would comply. The huge man scowled and said, "I don't like it, but I have to respect your decision..."

Krul stretched a bit, donned his armor and grabbed his axe. He wished he had brought something bigger, but wielding the weapon in two hands could cause some grievous wounds. He studied his position to stand, next to the door, from where he would charge the villains.

2011-02-24, 06:55 AM


Dawn has come. Augens looks skyward. He knows his goddess is there. He detaches himself from the group silently, walking several paces away and going down on his knees in the rough dirt. He knits his hands together in supplication.

Watching curiously, Hawke looks torn between joining in, and watching to find out more.

"Hey, Old Deadeye?" he says aloud tentatively, to the air around him - no one in particular, then. "Things sound like they're going to get bad... take care of us, alright?" It's a simple prayer, but he's never known anything else. Nothing like the formal service Augens is providing.

With that, he runs to his position - hidden inside a building somewhere, ready to rush out and haul the cart with Charity and Augens.

2011-02-24, 08:50 AM

Augens slowly rises from his kneeling position. His muscles ache from hours of work already, but there is no time for rest. He moves to his position by the cart. "That," he says to Hawke, "is a worthy prayer, and I am sure your god will be with us today."

With that, he draws something out of his pack: a simple but dangerous mace. He gives it a look of mingled disgust and trepidation. How has it come to this, he wonders as he hooks the deadly instrument to his belt as a last resort.

Lost Demiurge
2011-02-24, 08:54 AM
Oleg nods as you prepare. "Anything you got to do, do it now," is the sturdy man's advice.

With that, he retreats into the main building. A clicking sound and a sturdy CLUNK indicate that it won't be easy for anyone to get through that door in the near future.

2011-02-24, 09:13 AM

On top of the gate, the half-elf's clever fingers experimentally test the jury-rigged catapult. Yup - it'd fire. Once. If they were lucky.

"I'm coming down there now!" she calls - quickly making good on her statement, jogging out into the courtyard.

"I'm with Hawke and Augens on the cart, then? Alright. We ready? Let's go." Quickly finding Hawke in a nearby building - and dragging him out to the proper position behind the cart - she takes a second look around, looking for the priest. "Augens! We're underneath the tarp. You coming? They should be here soon."

With that, she gently herds the protesting paladin underneath the tarp, but waits outside for Augens before entering herself.

Lost Demiurge
2011-02-24, 09:41 AM
As the group starts moving to their appointed places, a small figure moves through the gate of Oleg's trading post, with a familiar-looking charter in hand.

This does not look like a bandit. That's a fairly big axe on her back, though... For a halfling, anyway!


The merchant who sold you that pony is going to die if you ever see him again. Ten miles out of town he threw you and galloped off... Just as he'd probably been trained to do.

This has made you late. Given the choice of continuing on to the trading post to meet the other holders of the charter only one day late, or going back to hunt that merchant and being several days late, you opted for the former.

As you move through the slightly open gate, you see several people in the act of hiding. They seem a little surprised to see you.

2011-02-24, 09:43 AM

The priest takes a last look around, then follows Hawke under the tarp.

2011-02-24, 09:51 AM

"What you are doing, lowlanders?" Zora asks, perplexed by the huddled mass beneath the tarp. The grammar of the common tongue is foreign to her, and her accent hangs thick about her sharp voice. "Approaching fort are bandits, is this why you are hiding? To spring ambush, or..." she grins wickedly, "do the lowlanders cower in fear?"

I'm assuming Zora knows about the bandits to expedite things here. She might have scouted them in the woods around the outpost, or something.

Lost Demiurge
2011-02-24, 09:58 AM

"What you are doing, lowlanders?" Zora asks, perplexed by the huddled mass beneath the tarp. The grammar of the common tongue is foreign to her, and her accent hangs thick about her sharp voice. "Approaching fort are bandits, is this why you are hiding? To spring ambush, or..." she grins wickedly, "do the lowlanders cower in fear?"

I'm assuming Zora knows about the bandits to expedite things here. She might have scouted them in the woods around the outpost, or something.

Sure, works for me. They're on horses, and not bothering to hide. They came from the southwest and they're about twenty minutes behind you, you figure.

Mind you, you didn't get close enough to ID them as bandits, but who else would be out here and riding horses without a caravan nearby?

2011-02-24, 10:28 AM

"What you are doing, lowlanders?" Zora asks, perplexed by the huddled mass beneath the tarp. The grammar of the common tongue is foreign to her, and her accent hangs thick about her sharp voice. "Approaching fort are bandits, is this why you are hiding? To spring ambush, or..." she grins wickedly, "do the lowlanders cower in fear?"


Spluttering a bit as he unsheathes himself from the tarp, Hawke cants his head at the halfling. "Uuuhhh... we're going to surprise them!" he eventually gets out. "But - well, you aren't a bandit! You don't have evil in your heart, Old Deadeye tells me that. We know those bandits are coming, and we're going to teach them not to steal from innocents?" The youth beams. "Care to join us? We can get introduced later; evil is coming, that's more important!"

If you've familiarized yourself with the plan in the OOC thread... well, we have Hawke, Charity, and Augens on the gate side, with Kurt, Agash, and Krul as the other side of the pincer with Samantha providing covering fire. Zora would best be suited... reinforcing the gateside, I say.

2011-02-24, 10:37 AM

For being so tall, the man speaking to Zora bore himself like one not yet passed his name-day. And who was this Old Deadeye and what did he know of her heart - was this man a witch, that he could speak with the spirits?

"Your plan for ambush, it is good one. Zora will fight without fear all of the foes of the Great Men who rule over this place. The piece of paper with black markings gives duty to Zora." With that, Zora goes off to join the others and waits.

Lost Demiurge
2011-02-24, 10:48 AM
The halfling is welcomed and swiftly hidden behind the tarp and wagon, along with the three already back there.

Kurt, Agash, and Krul hide in the bunkhouse. Between the firepit and the piles of wood, it's unlikely that they'll be seen early.

Samantha huddles under a tarp by the newly-restored catapult... It's only a short run along the top of the wall to the gate, if she needs to trigger the rockfall.

And the sound of hoofbeats can be heard in the distance...

About fifteen minutes later they ride in, 7 men in total on horses... The man in the lead is large and wide, with none of it being fat. They're rough, they don't look friendly, and they're human. Short swords or handaxes adorn their belts, and there are longbows on their backs, next to quivers of rough arrows. The horses are of several different breeds, and none of the saddles or tack match.

They don't even look at the wagon as they pass it... Their eyes are on the pile of goods. The watchers from the bunk house can see the big man grin.

"Hey Oleg! You too good for us to give us the stuff in person? Quit beddin' your wife and get out here! Better yet bring her too, we could use a show!"

With one hand he waves back at his men, and three of them dismount, moving forward to the boxes.

And now begins the surprise round. You all get one standard action to do as you like. If you're up by the gate, the plan was that the four of you are going to push the cart and block the gate...

2011-02-24, 11:03 AM

As the bandits ride in and begin their words, Hawke listens to them ride in... letting Erastil tell him of their souls.

Detect evil! :smallbiggrin:

Upon hearing the bandits dismounting, Hawke snaps - but of course, that's right on schedule. "HEAAAAAVE!" Throwing off the tarp, he throws his shoulder into the wagon, along with the priest; the rogue; the barbarian.

"Let's get them!" Charity adds, even as she puffs in exertion.

I mean, I really can't think of a good reason to abandon the plan now. :smalltongue: Augens, Zora, and Charity should be using their standard actions here. Samantha can probably snap off a shot with a bow. I'm not sure what Kurt, Agash, and Krul can do though - can they reach the bandits in a single standard action?

2011-02-24, 11:15 AM

His body unused to such bursts of strength, Augens nonetheless does his part, shoving hard against the wagon, and trying very hard not to think about the violent consequences of trapping seven desperate foes inside the courtyard.

Standard action to push the cart.

2011-02-24, 11:24 AM

Zora heaves her small frame forwards with unanticipated force for one of her size. Enemies trapped, Zora turns excitedly towards her foes, axe raised.

Standard action to push the cart.

2011-02-24, 12:29 PM
Samantha Harlan

Samantha slips out from under the tarp, her bow held at the ready with an arrow resting on the bowstring, and begins to sing loudly to rally her companions to the battle.

Standard action to begin Bardic Performance: Inspire Courage

All allies who can hear her song receive a +1 morale bonus on saving throws vs. charm and fear effects, and a +1 competence bonus on attack and damage rolls.

2011-02-24, 01:05 PM

The gnome has acorded to the plans of his companions, so he is prepared and with Agash at his side when the bandits come. Kurt casts a protection spell on Agash, and the eidolon charges against the neartest bandit.

-I will tear you apart human!

Kurtammageren uses a standard action to cast shield on Agash. Agash charges against the nearest bandit with a claw attack

Lost Demiurge
2011-02-24, 01:10 PM
Hey guys, quick note... When you do something that requires a roll, like Agash charging a bandit fr' example, go ahead and roll using the board roller. Also, if the roll might potentially result in damage, go ahead and roll the damage as well in the same post.

Of course, you should hide both rolls within a spoiler tag, like this one. Cool? Awesome. So, Cotilla, go ahead and put another post up with Agash's roll and damage, please.

2011-02-24, 01:21 PM
Claw attack[roll0]
Claw damage [roll1]

2011-02-24, 02:20 PM
Krul holds his breath as the bandits walk past. The moment he hears the first creak of the cart, he charges the big man. His axe held in both hands, he makes a mighty swing to fell him.

Standard action charge (only standard movement) the big man and attack. (Oh man 14 damage, I hope a 15 will hit when he's flat-footed!)

Att: [roll0]
Dam: [roll1]

-2 AC for 1 round

Lost Demiurge
2011-02-24, 02:58 PM
As the four heroes PUSH, the cart creaks into place, forcing the gate shut with a resounding BOOM. The bandits JUMP in their saddles, their horses stir, and Krul charges the leader, his axe biting into the big man's side.

"KhhH!" The man sways in his saddle, clutching his wound, and his horse rears, forcing the half-orc back. The leader is SORELY hurt.

Meanwhile, Agash's claws miss completely as the horse of the man he charged skitters away, retreating to save itself and incidentally bearing its rider to a slightly safer spot.

Two of the bandits in the rear lose control of their horses completely as the panic of the one Agash charged spreads to them... They finally dismount, spending far too much time getting clear as the horses run between the buildings, seeking safety.

The leader snarls, and jerks out a flask of liquid. Dismounting to put his horse between himself and Krul, he hurls it at the large ranger. It misses by a wide margin and breaks against the storehouse, and greasy flames spring to life, licking at the aged wood!

Distracted by the fire, the two dismounted bandits near Krul haul out shortswords and try to skewer him. It doesn't go well, as Krul uses his superior reach and very, very deadly-looking axe to keep them at bay.

The third one looks around for a target, finds all the ones on the ground at a bad angle, and settles for a shot at Samantha. It's damn near the last thing she ever sees as it heads straight for her eye... But when she ducks it merely grazes her scalp.
NOT a crit. Do take 5 HP of damage, though.

The horses of the dismounted bandits, scatter in all directions, hindering heroes and bandits alike!
If you want to close with the bandits this round, DC10 dexterity or tumble check. Otherwise the horses will stop you from charging, and slow you to half speed for a round. Also, any missile attack that rolls a 5 or less on the base roll will strike a horse and keep the chaos going.

If you're Agash or Krul, disregard. You're already up there and fighting.

The last mounted bandit holds his ground, uses his knees to keep his horse calm, and manages to shoot an arrow through the crowd toward Zora. It merely grazes the small warrior, though, and quivers in the cart where it finally sticks. That'll be 4 HP.

In the space of a few seconds, the yard is filled with screaming, rearing horses trying to get to safety, the storehouse is on fire, and first blood has been drawn on both sides...

2011-02-24, 03:25 PM

Battle is as chaotic, bloody, and cruel a thing as exists, Augens thinks as mayhem overtakes Oleg's Post. He sees the arrows fly; from the brief interruption of Samantha's song, he knows she has been hit, and another hits their newfound halfling ally. Calling upon Sarenrae, he holds his holy symbol aloft, crying out fervently. "Goddess preserve us!"

Standard action to channel energy. With his Selective Channel feat, he doesn't hit any of the bandits. I assume Zora is within 30ft since she has pushed the cart, and Samantha is above him, but presumably also within the burst radius.

Healing done by channel energy: [roll0]

Augens now has 6 uses of channel energy left today.

2011-02-24, 03:41 PM

Agash disregards the bandit that he could not hit and charges against the leader.

Kurt, seeing this, protects his eidolon from retaliation obfuscating the mind of the bandit.

Agash charges against the leader, flanking with Krul
Claw damage [1d6+4]
Kurtammageren uses daze: will save DC 14

2011-02-24, 03:46 PM
With Agash now on the other side of the man, Krul takes another mighty two-handed swing with his axe, hoping to use the distraction the summoned entity provided to quickly stop this altercation.

Att: [roll0]
Att: [roll1]

I forgot about the bardic stuff last round!

2011-02-24, 03:47 PM

"What?!" Hawke snarls as he watches the storehouse go up in flames. "You are not content with theft, you must destroy as well?!"

He turns to the bandit leader, still mounted as he is. He seems... to be a target. Instead of a human face, the bandit leader seems to have the face of... a monster.

This only confirms Hawke's suspicions. "Old Deadeye doesn't like you!" he proclaims. "BaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWW-"

Actually sliding underneath a horse to close with his target, Hawke crashes into the leader like a meteor, his right knife whipping around hard, so hard!

I'm going to presume Hawke already had his weapon and shield drawn.

Hawke then makes his Dexterity check. As a swift action, he Smites Evil on the leader, giving him +2 to attack rolls, +1 to damage rolls, and +2 Deflection AC against him.

Then he charges! +5 base attack, +2 from charging, +1 from Bard performance, +2 from Smite Evil, for a total of +9 to hit. 1d4+4 base damage, +1 from Bard performance, +1 from Smite Evil, for a total of 1d4+6.

Charge Attack: [roll0]
Charge Damage: [roll1]
Critical Confirm: [roll2]

Hawke (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=277531)
HP: 12/12. AC: 17, 10 Touch, 15 Flatfooted. 19/12/17 versus leader.
Saves: +4 Fortitude, +2 Reflex, +0 Will.

Lost Demiurge
2011-02-24, 03:54 PM
Standard action to channel energy. With his Selective Channel feat, he doesn't hit any of the bandits. I assume Zora is within 30ft since she has pushed the cart, and Samantha is above him, but presumably also within the burst radius.

Healing done by channel energy: [roll0]

Augens now has 6 uses of channel energy left today.

Samantha, sadly, is out of the 30' radius. She's roughly 50 feet away, by the jury-rigged catapult.

2011-02-24, 04:11 PM
Samantha Harlan

Samantha curses in her mind as the arrow grazes her scalp, continuing her song with only a slight interruption. She makes her way across the wall toward the gate where she stops, sights an arrow, and lets it fly at the same bandit who shot at her.

Samantha moves 30' along the wall, over to the gate.
Ranged Attack: [roll0]
Ranged Damage: [roll1]

2011-02-24, 05:16 PM

"Throw down your weapons!" Charity cries, twirling around the rear end of a horse in Hawke's wake. Even as she does this, she flicks out her rapier at the leader's unprotected kidney - from the side!

Charity charges, and attempts to sneak attack whatever bandit is... sneak attack-able. +4 base, +1 from Bard song, +2 from flanking, +2 from charging, for a total of +9.

Base damage 1d6, +1 from Bard song, +1d6 from Sneak Attack, for a total of 2d6+1.

Subtract -2 from attack and -1d6 from damage if flanking cannot be acquired.

Rapier Attack: [roll0]
Rapier Damage: [roll1]
Critical Confirm: [roll2]

Charity (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=272912)
HP: 8/8. AC: 14, 12 Touch, 10 Flatfooted.
Saves: +0 Fortitude, +6 Reflex, +0 Will.

2011-02-24, 06:25 PM
Upon Krul's second grievous wound dealt to the leader, the man collapses. Charity calls for a surrender, and Krul's seconds this with a booming roar for him massive frame, "Throw down your arms or die!!!"

Krul intimidate: [roll0] (Nothing charisma is his strength, but his rolls have been outstanding so far!)

Maybe he gets some modifier for killing their leadership... who knows?

2011-02-24, 06:26 PM
Zora grimaces in pain as the bolt hits her. Disregarding the pain, and the peaceful messages from Krul and Charity, Zora leaps from the cart and hurtles towards the offending bandit, yelling in her native language - it's not intelligible to lowlanders, but sounds distinctly like a string of curses. Zora attempts to weave through the crowd of horses and bandits to close with her target, axe raised hungrily.

Zora enters rage (stat changes reflected on character sheet) and attempts to charge the bandit who shot her, attacking with her greataxe. If this bandit is dead or unreachable, she'll charge the nearest uninjured bandit.

Acrobatics check to close with bandits this round: [roll0]
Attack roll if Zora is able to charge: [roll1]
Damage roll if Zora hits: [roll2]

Lost Demiurge
2011-02-24, 07:23 PM
Kurt attempts to cloud the mind of the bandit nearest Agash, but is having trouble getting the spell to stick... The man takes a swipe at Agash as the creature passes, but misses as his horse keeps rearing. The leader, however is fast enough to duck and parry Agash's claws with a hastily drawn shortsword... Not that it matters as Krul's axe buries itself in his skull, and he falls.

Hawke's slide slashes a wide wound on the bandit on the nervous horse instead. Leg pouring blood he falls off onto the ground and covers his head, yelling "MERCY! MERCY!"

Samantha returns fire at the bandit on the calm horse, who gasps in pain as the arrow perforates his chest. He's pretty badly hurt.

Augens calls upon his goddess, and Zora's wounds heal. She charges past the nearest bandit, who takes a hasty swing at her and misses completely. Zora does NOT miss when she reaches the bowman that is her target, and the man is gutted, falling to the ground in a dead heap.

Sadly, Charity doesn't get to the leader in time, and her rapier attack on the bowman on the calm horse misses as it canters him out of reach.


The leader lies dead upon the dirt. Next to him lies one dead from Zora's axe. Not far from that, a barely alive bandit whimpers into the ground as he tries to stop his leg from bleeding. The unridden horses have cleared out to the corners of the fort, and hidden behind buildings... The area is no longer full of hundreds of pounds of panicked equine flesh.

The mounted bowman considers Charity, looks up at Samantha, and drops his bow as he raises his hands.

The two bandits with shortswords by the burning storehouse have nowhere to run and an angry halfling to contend with. The half-orc beyond doesn't look too friendly either... They look at each other and try to hack down the halfling before she returns the favor.

If she hadn't charged, Zora could've dodged their attacks. As it is, both manage to stab her while she's recovering her balance from the backswing of the axe.

Zora takes 9 damage total.

The one left standing nearest Augens runs at him swinging his sword wildly. "OPEN THE GATE! OPEN THE GATE HOLY MAN OR I'LL SEND YOU TO YOUR GODS!" He manages to graze Augens, getting in over his guard.

Augens takes 7 damage.

2011-02-24, 07:44 PM
Krul's eyes flit about the battlefield. There are only three attacking still, two dead, two direly wounded, and surrendering. He looks to the two attacking Zola... the halfling looks about ready to tear their heads off. He looks to the priest... eh, he can heal himself. Krul moves quickly at one of two attacking Zola and lets his axe down hard at the man.

Attack: [roll0] I say +8 because he will flank if possible, if not, charge. If charge flanks, make it +10

OOPS! I forgot... ranger! If these are humans, Krul gets an additional +2 to both attack and damage!

2011-02-24, 07:47 PM
Samantha Harlan

Samantha shifts her focus to the two bandits that attacked Zora, sending two arrows in quick succession at one of them. She does not stop her singing.

Bardic Music: Inspire Courage (2/6 rounds used)

(Samantha is targeting the bandit that Krul is not attacking)

Ranged Attack 1 (Rapid Shot): [roll0]
Ranged Attack 2 (Rapid Shot): [roll1]
Ranged Damage 1 (Rapid Shot): [roll2]
Ranged Damage 2 (Rapid Shot): [roll3]

2011-02-24, 08:27 PM

The priest grits his teeth as the bandit slashes him. He stands his ground, however, and states, as calmly as he can, that "you must repent, my child, and give up your hate, or else face your own destruction." As he says this, he raises his holy symbol again, displaying to the bandit the futility of his actions – healing light floods the courtyard.

Diplomacy check to persuade the bandit to surrender (if applicable): [roll0]
Channel energy amount healed: [roll1]
-this channel energy should hit Samantha (who is above the gate, I believe), Zora, and Augens.

2011-02-24, 08:32 PM

Blood splatters on the halfling's face as she wrenches her axe out of the red heap. It's hard to tell it was once a man. Still frenzied, Zora licks her lips. Samantha and Krul have joined her in combat with her two new assailants, and Zora nods approvingly at them in recognition. It is fortunate that these companions are warriors of honour.

As her axe comes free of the bandit, Zora swings wildly hoping for further bloodshed.

Zora will attack the same bandit as Samantha, unless this bandit is dead. If it's dead, she'll attack the one Krul attacked. If they're both dead Zora will again charge the next closest uninjured bandit.

Attack 1d20+9 (add +2 if Zora ends up with option #3 and charges)
Damage 1d10+8

2011-02-24, 08:47 PM
So apparently my rolls didn't work. So let's try them again.

Zora will attack the same bandit as Samantha, unless this bandit is dead. If it's dead, she'll attack the one Krul attacked. If they're both dead Zora will again charge the next closest uninjured bandit.

Attack [roll0] (add +2 if Zora ends up with option #3 and charges)
Damage [roll1]

Lost Demiurge
2011-02-24, 09:50 PM
The fight ends as swiftly as it began. Samantha feathers one bandit by Zora with two arrows, and he falls, gurgling. Krul chops the other one down.

The one screaming at the priest falls silent suddenly, and drops limp to the ground. Zora stands over him, her great axe spraying blood on the priest as she finishes the arc.

Then all is silent save the sobbing of the bleeding bandit on the ground, the snorting of the horses around the courtyard, and the gentle crackle of the small fire on the storehouse wall.

The mounted bandit glances over, then back. "You know, if you scrape that stuff off with a sword or axe, then douse what remains, it's not hard to put out."

2011-02-24, 09:56 PM
A little surprised that the bandit volunteered assistance, Krul says, "thanks!" Then he shouts to his allies, "check for survivors," and immediately sets to putting out the fire by scraping off the goo with his short sword.

2011-02-24, 10:11 PM
Samantha Harlan

Samantha ceases her singing and stows her bow, hopping nimbly down from the top of the gate.

Do I need to roll anything for jumping from the gate 10' to the ground?

She makes her way toward Krul, pulling the rapier from it's sheathe on her belt and using it to help scrape the burning alchemical substance off of the storehouse before any real damage is done.

Looking back over her shoulder, she calls out to Augens. "Preacher, could you please make sure our new friends don't bleed to death?"

2011-02-24, 10:32 PM

Hawke seems to be strangely missing -

"Oleg! Where's your well?! Fire! Fire! Water, water, quick!"

... never mind, then. The shout is punctuated by pounding on the door that Oleg last disappeared through.


Still with her rapier pointed at the mounted bandit, she raises an eyebrow in surprise. "Generous of you to offer that. Now, why don't you get off your horse and move beside your... friend..." she says slowly, not sure if the sobbing bandit was really in a position for anyone to call friend. "That arrow looks like it hit pretty hard. Our priest can see to it if you dismount."

At Hawke's shouting, she rolls her eyes, and shouts right back, "Don't worry! It's not big! Just some alchemist's fire, it's under control!"

2011-02-24, 10:35 PM

Zora glares from bandits to her companions. "What you are doing, speaking like this? You are dishonoured." She moves towards the wounded bandit. "Get yourself up!" she barks. "Surrender is to be dishonored; you must fight! Go on! Fight!" Her small hand wraps around the injured man's sword, trying to make him take it.

Then Zora rounds on her fellows shrilly. "It is done this way in your lands, you dishonor warriors by accepting surrender? They will not go to the Great Hall of the Ancestors this way!" She shakes her bloody head grimly, muttering about lowlander customs.

2011-02-24, 10:40 PM

Augens wipes the blood from his face; what remains on his robes is a lost cause. He strides over to the wounded bandit, and touches his wounded side. He gives Zora a cold look – the first you have yet seen from him.

He'll use rebuke death to stabilize the bandit and make sure he's okay generally.
Rebuke death amount healed: [roll0]

"You'll survive. Now, I must see to the dead.""

The priest walks solemnly amongst the corpses, bending down over each. He closes their eyes, and murmurs softly. "...We commit the body of this man and his spirit that resides within unto you, Goddess. Take him to your side and show him mercy; as you forgive his sins, so do we commit his body to the flames, in the knowledge that our impure bodies are but vessels of our immortal souls." Finishing his brief ritual, he draws his circular sigil over each fallen bandit. Then he stands.

"We must have wood for a funeral pyre."

Lost Demiurge
2011-02-24, 10:52 PM
Samantha makes it down from the gate easily, since she can jump to the cart blocking it, and then the ground next.

The mounted bandit dismounts, and heads over to the bandit sobbing on the ground.

On closer examination, the sobbing bandit's a youth of barely 16. The taller one has the look of the south about him, slightly coffee colored skin and a Murderer's brand across his face.

Keeping a flat gaze on Zora, he tears off cloth from his cloak and bandages first himself and then the youth. "What do you want, woman? You're stronger than we are. If you want to kill us, just kill us. That's how the world works."

Augens stabilizes the remaining bandit. Besides the two conscious, the one that Samantha shot is still breathing, just unconscious.

Hawke's pounding brings Oleg running out of the door, with a pot in hand. He takes a look around, looks a little impressed at all the bodies, then goes to inspect the storehouse. He douses the last few flickers of flames, and grunts. "Just some scarring. Good work." He nods to Krul and Samantha, who are probably busy extinguishing their blades.

Crows are starting to gather overhead. A fine meal for a spring day...

2011-02-24, 11:01 PM

"Lowlanders!" Zora hisses. "They not understand the workings of these things. To kill you in such a way - not fighting back - is not the way: it is not bringing honour." Zora pauses, scowling at the helpless pair. "You fight, you die, you regain honour. This is the way of my country, but not to the people of this flat country. People of no honour." The halfling is half-pouting - she is honestly confused as to why her foes would not want to die honourably.

2011-02-24, 11:07 PM
Samantha Harlan

Samantha pats the flames from her blade and wipes it on the shirt of one of the dead bandits, ridding it of the sticky alchemical substance. She then sets about trying to find her three arrows.

2011-02-24, 11:22 PM

The young man returns in Oleg's wake, smiling and glad that the fire was minor. He gravitates towards the prisoners just in time to hear:

Keeping a flat gaze on Zora, he tears off cloth from his cloak and bandages first himself and then the youth. "What do you want, woman? You're stronger than we are. If you want to kill us, just kill us. That's how the world works."

"Lowlanders!" Zora hisses. "They not understand the workings of these things. To kill you in such a way - not fighting back - is not the way: it is not bringing honour." Zora pauses, scowling at the helpless pair. "You fight, you die, you regain honour. This is the way of my country, but not to the people of this flat country. People of no honour." The halfling is half-pouting - she is honestly confused as to why her foes would not want to die honourably.

"Honor? What do you mean by honor?" Hawke looks confused. "Honor is life. Life is honor. Whenever you take another breath, you honor the world. When you offer your life for - " he struggles, " - something good, that is 'honor'." He frowns. "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."


"The world doesn't work that way, anyways," he goes on, still confused. "Just because we're stronger, doesn't mean we want to kill you. I mean, just think about gods." He gives his bloody knife a glance - almost ashamedly, he cleans it off on the bandit leader's shirt. "Sorry, mate. You didn't give up soon enough..."

Suddenly, something catches his eye: the silver stag amulet. Curious, he works it off the body. "Erastil? What are you doing here?" he asks aloud.

Detect Evil on the three survivors, by the way. Just out of curiosity.

2011-02-24, 11:28 PM

Augens shakes his head sadly, looking back and forth at the defiant bandit and outraged halfling.
"You are both wrong," he says calmly. He turns to the bandits. "Strength does not equate to power without responsibility, for in the end are we not all judged before powers far beyond our poor comprehension?" Then, directed at Zora, he continues. "But nor is there any honour to be found in warfare. War does not prove one to be greater than another; it proves only that the mortal body is fragile and its soul easily corrupted towards evil ends." The priest smiles as Hawke says his piece. "There, I think Master Hawke has captured the essence of it, so I won't lecture."

Augens also moves over to Hawke's side to look at the amulet he has found.

Knowledge (religion) to see if it's in fact an amulet of Erastil (it seems odd that a bandit would have a LG god's symbol. 1d20+5

2011-02-24, 11:40 PM
Trying that roll again...
Knowledge (religion) on the amulet: [roll0]

Lost Demiurge
2011-02-25, 12:00 AM
The murder-marked bandit shrugs. The youth keeps silent, watching you carefully.

HawkeThe bandit with the murderer-mark on his face is evil. The youth is not.

AugensYou do not recognize the amulet as having any religious significance

Oleg wanders around, collecting the horses before they trample too much. He stables them, then goes and pulls out a few hay bales, and starts throwing down straw to soak up the blood.

He pauses to glare down at the leader's remains, then sighs. Opening the storehouse he pulls out a shovel.

"Well, this is gonna be a long day."

2011-02-25, 12:12 AM
Samantha Harlan

After recovering her three used arrows and carving a small line into each one below the fletching, Samantha rolls her eyes and attempts to steer the group's focus away from their debate.

"Maybe we can save this conversation for another time, because if you hadn't noticed, this went pretty well." She then crouches down by the murderer and the youth. "So, you two are now our prisoners. If you tell us everything you know about your leader and about this region, I'm sure I can keep you two from being executed. Does that sound fair?"

Diplomacy check if one is needed: 1d20+6

All the while she tightly holds the bow she found by the bandit leader to her chest, her body language suggesting that she desperately wishes she were spending her time testing it out. Every so often her eyes drop quickly to the bow, before returning just as quickly to the bandits in front of her.

Lost Demiurge
2011-02-25, 12:26 AM
Samantha Harlan

Samantha rolls her eyes and attempts to steer the group's focus from the honor of battle.

"Maybe we can save this debate for another day, because if you hadn't noticed, this went pretty well." She then crouches down by the murderer and the youth. "So, you two are now our prisoners. If you tell us everything you know about your leader and about this region, I'm sure I can keep you two from being executed. Does that sound fair?"

All the while she tightly holds the bow she found by the bandit leader to her chest, her body language suggesting that she desperately wishes she were spending her time testing it out. Every so often her eyes drop quickly to the bow, before returning just as quickly to the bandits in front of her.

The murder-marked bandit does most of the talking.

"Not much to say. No laws out here, no guards. Good place for men with nothing to lose. Came here at the beginning of winter and ran into some like minded folks. Told me if I wanted to make real money, to go see Kressel. Kressel turned out to be a tough woman with a mean streak the size of the Thorn river. That's her bed buddy over there, Happs." He nods at the leader's remains. "Well, was, anyway."
He shrugs. "Kressel's camp is in the woods southwest of here, about 20 miles. There's more of us coming and going all the time. So I couldn't tell you who'd be in or how many."
He pauses, looks the group over, then continues.

"Overheard her talkin' about someone called the Stag Lord once, and the guys who'd been there longest looked frightened and changed the subject real quick."

"Far as the rest of the region goes... Don't know it. Woods, plains, monsters n' crap."

2011-02-25, 12:28 AM

The halfling, who has been muttering darkly about the superiority of Bratsk warrior codes, perks up as Samantha speaks. She hurries over to where the group stands gathered around the two bandits.

"Yes, ask questions of them," Zora urges the bard. "This way they may refuse. Great honour to be had in revealing nothing during torture. Real honour," Zora emphasizes, shooting a slightly-malicious glance at Hawke.

Lost Demiurge
2011-02-25, 12:32 AM
"Um." Says the youth. "What else do you want to know?"

2011-02-25, 12:37 AM

Augens steps into the conversation quickly to cut off whatever questions Zora has planned. "Is this amulet a sign of this Stag Lord?"

Then, he turns away to talk to Oleg. He takes the man aside. "These bodies should be burnt. This allows their souls to reach the heavens. However, I suspect you are a practical man. Consider then that digging graves for these men will allow any of their companions to guess exactly what has happened to them."

2011-02-25, 12:53 AM
Samantha Harlan

Samantha glares at Zora. "We aren't torturing them, no matter what."

She waits until after Augens asks his question and gets his response before continuing, shifting her gaze between the murderer and the now-speaking youth.

"Do you know what kinds creatures can be found around here? Also, do you think either of you could draw us a map, at least of the areas you do know?"

She clears her throat.

"As for your bandit camp, how big is it? How many buildings are there and what arrangement are they in?"

2011-02-25, 04:57 AM
Krul enjoyed the battle greatly. It was his first real taste of combat. He was proud at well, he had trained himself. He made three swings with the intent to connect, and three times he drew blood. He killed two bandits. Using his short sword he puts two tiny marks into the haft of his axe. The first of many he supposes.

While the others question the bandits, he keeps to himself. He knows to keep quiet in times when a harsh tongue can ruin things. He instead watched his companions and thought, Augens - long-winded bore. Hawke - dim-witted simpleton. Zora - the wild one. She seems mad, but perhaps that is the sort of mentality on needs for their coming task. Gnome and his... thing - forget their names, no bother. What a strange pair, though. Samantha - she... well, she seems to love that new bow. That's something at least. Charity - what a silly name, perhaps my initial impression was right, she doesn't seem cut out for this.

As they talked about battle, strength and honor, Krul reflected on his own battle philosophy. He could place his own somewhere between the simpleton's and the madwoman's. His mind set to defining precisely what his philosophy is... or perhaps should be.

2011-02-25, 06:48 AM

As if in a daze, Hawke examines the silver stag amulet further, his eyes locked upon it to the exclusion of everything else around him - probably for the better, as he might have had a tantrum at Zora's latest suggestion. Despite the fact that he literally just stripped it from a corpse a minute ago, he... puts it on. It glimmers a bit, and then -

- if likenesses of animals could look pleased, well, this amulet did.

"There you go, Old Deadeye. You don't have to be with the bad man anymore," he smiles to himself.

Lost Demiurge
2011-02-25, 07:44 AM
The youth blinks at Augens. "I... I don't know. I only heard the Stag Lord talked about once, and they didn't talk much of him. But, but Kressel and Happs wore those all the time."

Oleg nods at the priest. "On one hand, burnin' the bodies keeps it a mystery if more come. It's a lot of wood, though... On the other, the graves might scare them off or anger 'em. What do you recommend, father?"

Samantha gets a response from the murderer. "We don't know many of the creatures here. Animals that we hunt, sure, but the meat eaters tend to stay away from us. Though there are these little annoying blue men that try to steal things now and again. I think they are called mites. Weak, but persistent."

He draws a rough map, showing the road beyond, the trading post, and the camp just within the edge of a woods, and just before the start of the thorn river.

"There are two wooden watchtowers, one on either side of some pretty shallow water. Aside from that there's only some tents and a firepit. It's not really much."

2011-02-25, 08:00 AM

"I'd burn the bodies. Too much work digging all those graves - and it'd take up the land besides."

The blonde half-elf then begins sketching out a map of what the bandits describe. "Go on, what else can you tell me about the camp..."


Hawke looks confused. "The Stag Lord? Do you mean Old Deadeye? I... what... why would you bandits ever worship Erastil? I don't understand." He's stating the obvious, brows knit as they were. "And what about these mites? Where are they? Would they be a problem this far north?"

Lost Demiurge
2011-02-25, 08:10 AM

"I'd burn the bodies. Too much work digging all those graves - and it'd take up the land besides."

The blonde half-elf then begins sketching out a map of what the bandits describe. "Go on, what else can you tell me about the camp..."

Oleg nods, and hitches the mule to the cart. He then starts hauling firewood out from one of the piles.

The murderer shrugs. "I don't know much more about the camp. Both of us came in only three or four months ago. And anyway, there's not that much to it." He frowns. "There are old wagons, one or two of them. And Kressel is fearsome... I've seen her kill, and she is quick and deadly. And that's truly all I can tell you."


Hawke looks confused. "The Stag Lord? Do you mean Old Deadeye? I... what... why would you bandits ever worship Erastil? I don't understand." He's stating the obvious, brows knit as they were. "And what about these mites? Where are they? Would they be a problem this far north?"

"We don't worship Ursa Kill or whoever." Says the youth. "There's some man or critter out there called the Stag Lord, an' Kressel and Happs wore his mark. Now you wear it."

The murderer answers the next question. "We have only ever seen the mites in the forest. But they are small and sneaky, and it is possible they go places we do not watch."

2011-02-25, 08:20 AM

"There's some man or critter out there called the Stag Lord, an' Kressel and Happs wore his mark. Now you wear it."[/COLOR]

The young man looks queasy for moment, looking at the symbol around his neck, on his chest - and then he swallows, face turning resolute. "Well, it's not this 'Stag Lord's' mark now. It's Old Deadeye's."


"So... what are we going to do with all these swords? Shame to let them rust in the air. At least turn them into plowshares or something," she chuckles.

Lost Demiurge
2011-02-25, 09:57 AM
Oleg finishes harnassing the cart, and lining it with straw and a spare tarp. He starts dragging bodies over, grunting with the effort.

After a few corpses are loaded, he stops and examines the pile of items that your group's collected.

"Well. Can always use more bows and arrows, and the if the swords don't sell I can ship 'em east. The armor's decent enough, too. And trail rations are a staple 'round here, though if yer going out exploring you'll probably want to keep the food. And the horses, for that matter. Make gettin' around a sight easier. Anyway, I can give you a decent price on whatever you can't use. Coin or credit or both, though coin's got a limited number right now on account a' the tribute I had to pay these scumsuckers."

Oleg will buy mundane items for half the book value. He's got about 240 gold in coinage max at the minute, though... If you want to go beyond that you'll either have to take credit or wait.

Then he scrutinizes the group again, covered in blood as most of you are. "One minute." He disappears into the main building, and returns a bit later with some glass vials in his hand.

"Here. On the house for taking out these bastards."
He hands over two blue potions, and one that looks milky white. The two blue potions are labeled HEALING. The white one's unlabelled. "Don't know what that last one is, but it might be useful."

2011-02-25, 10:28 AM

The priest looks closely at the unknown potion. "Tomorrow I can prepare magic to determine what this will do. Unless a brave soul would like to have a taste, that is..."

2011-02-25, 10:33 AM

"You can go now Agash. If I have further use of you I'll call you again" the gnome dismisses the eidolon.

Agash nods and vanishes into thin air.

Kurt uses his ability to speak with animals to calm down and reunite the horses.

"Hello there horses, those meanies are gone. Do you want to stay with us? Yes, yes you do" He starts handing out the horses to each adventurer "There you go, now you can carry more and we will go faster. We should sell the things of the minions to Oleg" he says to the others "but Samantha should keep the arrows."

"Let me see Augens" he says to the priests as he reaches for the potion.

Kurtammageren uses the simple spell to detect magic and examines closely the aura of the potion, trying to determine it's properties.

2011-02-25, 10:42 AM
Spellcraft to determine the properties of the potion (DC 15+potion's caster level) [roll0]

Lost Demiurge
2011-02-25, 10:43 AM
Oleg actually jumps a little when Agash disappears. He recovers quickly, though.

Hm, don't have the caster level to hand... Assume it's 1, then...

Kurt finds that the potion is a simple divine protective.
Shield of Faith +2. The ones marked "Healing" are potions of Cure Light Wounds, incidentally. Also at 1st level.

"So." Says the murder-marked bandit. "What is to become of me? Oh, and uh, Ricken too."

2011-02-25, 10:45 AM


The priest looks closely at the unknown potion. "Tomorrow I can prepare magic to determine what this will do. Unless a brave soul would like to have a taste, that is..."

"I'll... pass..." Hawke chuckles, waving a hand in dismissal. "If there's one thing I learned in the wild, it's don't drink anything you haven't seen anyone else drink."

"In any case, we have no need for this - stuff. It's tainted, I say," he shivers. "If we really don't need it, sell it to someone who won't care about where it came from when they use it - no offense, Oleg, I mean, you're not using it, just selling it off to someone else," he adds hastily. "I won't be carrying trophies."

"But this..." he fingers the amulet for a few seconds. "This can be redeemed. This has purpose."

2011-02-25, 11:06 AM

"So." Says the murder-marked bandit. "What is to become of me? Oh, and uh, Ricken too."

"I'd kill you" he says cheerfully "but there are people here with high morals and all that, so I'll make you two an offer... You can work for Oleg and Svetlana for room and board and if you cause any trouble, one of these" he waves his hand and a celestial dog appears, growling at the bandits "will hunt you down and kill you. What do you all think?" he asks glancing at Oleg and the rest of the group as he pets the dog.

Uses one of his summon monster spell-like abilities.

2011-02-25, 11:16 AM

Augens sighs at the technique Kurt uses. "We do not need threats, Kurt."

He paces up to the pair of bandits. "Why did you turn to criminal acts, I wonder? You are not evil men at heart, not doomed to be the way you are. The gods work in mysterious ways, but I tell you that this is as clear as daylight: you have a chance to change the course of your lives. Take this offer; it is the mercy and fresh start that you crave."

2011-02-25, 11:36 AM
Samantha Harlan

Finished with her interrogation of the two bandits, Samantha goes to examine the pile of loot more closely. She picks through it, eventually taking two days of trail rations from it, as well as thirty arrows.

She turns to address anyone who might be interested. "Hey, if anyone could use some rope, there's some up by that catapult on the wall."

50 ft. of silk rope, to be exact, minus whatever was used to restring the catapult.

Lost Demiurge
2011-02-25, 12:32 PM
Oleg frowns. "You're awfully free with my room and board." He says, then shrugs. "But then, you saved us from their extortion, so I guess it's alright for these two. Just check with me before you do that again. Not running a charity, here."

He takes a second to tell the captives exactly what's going to happen if they try to touch Svetlana, steal stuff, or do anything even the slightest bit suspicious. It's not pretty.

The youth falls all over himself accepting the offer. The murder-marked bandit nods, but holds up a hand. "I accept under one condition. I'm no slave... When fall comes, if I've been a model worker, then I'm free to either ask you to hire me on properly, or I'm free to leave and go elsewhere."

Oleg nods. "Sounds fair." They shake on it. The youth awkwardly offers a handshake as well, and it's done. "First order of business is burning your friends. Start hauling those corpses!" He sits back and supervises, for a change.

He paces up to the pair of bandits. "Why did you turn to criminal acts, I wonder? You are not evil men at heart, not doomed to be the way you are. The gods work in mysterious ways, but I tell you that this is as clear as daylight: you have a chance to change the course of your lives. Take this offer; it is the mercy and fresh start that you crave."

The murder-marked bandit introduces himself as Bernardo Gime. Bernardo chats as he hauls bodies, seeming not to care about the grisly task. "Oh, I used to be a poisoner for a thieve's guild in Pitax, a small city on the other end of the Stolen Lands. Got caught and had to leave. I suppose I can try this for a while. I don't know how much good you're going to do down here, but we'll see. Many have tried..." Leaving that observation hanging, he goes back to filling the cart.

The youth is Ricken Tyre. He stammers a bit as he speaks. "Our lord called a levy for his army, and I didn't want to die. So I ran. Then I ended up here and had to fight anyway. It was horrible! This is good, I can do this, I like helping..."

Charity waits until they're both busy, then gathers the rest of you for a huddle.

"Listen. I've been thinking... I didn't expect to do this kind of work, and it doesn't set right with me. Reminds me of my past... Long story, nevermind. Tell you what... I'll stick back here a few days and help out Oleg, and make sure the "redeemed" bandits don't try anything stupid. And I'll also run reports back to Restov. Like about how we just stomped out some bandits here, and this Kressel-Stag Lord-Whatever business. I'll help, but you can go ahead and take me off the charter for now. Sound good?"

Finally, Oleg stops by before heading out to build the corpse fire.

"Forgot to mention... I've got some friends back in civilization. If you need something and we don't have it on hand, I can probably order it for you. Take a few days to get here, but the shipments are pretty reliable. Also, I know an enchanter or two that might be able to make you some magical things, long as they ain't too fancy. Anything that expensive better be paid up front, though."

With that he shakes your hand, and heads out with Charity and his new employees to go body-burning.

2011-02-25, 02:06 PM

Zora stood, seething, slightly apart from the group, watching with increasing horror the free-flowing dialogue between captives and captors. This is not the way things work, she thought furiously. To voluntarily enslave oneself, that is horrible, and for us to let them... Have the lowlanders no scrupples? Zora could not think of a worse fate.

Finally, no longer able to take it any more, Zora returns to the group, still obviously furious. "How you bring yourselves to do this thing! Take these men captives, you destroy their souls! You priest" - she rounds on Augens - "you are no supposed to destroy the souls! This is the work of fools!"

Turning now to the bandits-turned-workers, Zora unleashes a further tirade, verging on the incoherent. "Slaves, you are become slaves, honourless dirt-scum-slaves-stupid-stupid! You coward Ricken-boy-Tyre you - it is honour to fight young! And - and, now you become farmer! Stupid-stupid!" Zora, finally exhausted, closes her argument by spitting fiercely on the ground and stomping off.

Lost Demiurge
2011-02-25, 02:11 PM
Oleg watches Zora move off with a bemused expression. The two ex-bandits just seem relieved that she went off without cleaving anyone in two.

"Huh." Says Oleg. "Not from around here, is she? Ain't my business, but you might consider havin' a talk with her before you get too far out. See if you can find some way to see eye to eye before you're out and up against somethin' like a tatzlwyrm."

2011-02-25, 02:17 PM

"Ah... agree with you," the paladin says slowly, unsure of what to make. "We will... talk... later..." The state of his expression makes it quite clear that he has no wish to do it before the halfling cools off. She might end up using that axe on him first.

"Sorry to see you go, Charity," Hawke complains - almost pouting. "Well - I guess we'll be seeing each other often enough. And - " He made sure that they were out of earshot of the two bandits first. " - watch the one with the murderer mark. There is something still eating in his heart. Try not to let it spread to the boy."

It was presumptive to call the second bandit 'boy', when Hawke was barely older himself, but perhaps something about being a paladin made one mature quickly. Well, 'mature', if one wanted to be generous.

Lost Demiurge
2011-02-25, 02:49 PM
At the gate, with the cart rumbling ahead, Oleg pauses. He heads over to the group once more.

"I got one more favor to ask of you an' your folks. See, when the bandits came the first time, that woman leading 'em took Svetlana's wedding ring right off of her finger. Said it was payment for not takin' my hand off."
He glowers a moment, then resumes.

"The ring ain't worth much, but it's special to Svetlana. It's silver with a bit of greenstone on it. If you could see fit to find it while you're out there an' bring it back, then I'd reward you well. One thousand gold of trading post credit."

And with that he turns and hurries to catch up with the corpse-cart. Twenty minutes later a greasy plume of smoke starts to rise up to the clouds.

2011-02-25, 02:51 PM
Oleg watches Zora move off with a bemused expression. The two ex-bandits just seem relieved that she went off without cleaving anyone in two.

"Huh." Says Oleg. "Not from around here, is she? Ain't my business, but you might consider havin' a talk with her before you get too far out. See if you can find some way to see eye to eye before you're out and up against somethin' like a tatzlwyrm."

"No," the priest states, "I do not believe she is from 'around here.'" He looks pensively at the ground. The little woman had told him that he 'destroyed souls.' Perhaps there is something in what she says, he thinks. For is she not seeing the inborn capacities of mortals for both violence and nobility, equating the two, and calling this honour? It is honour of a sort – it is a warrior's honour, and it is true that I destroy this. It must be destroyed, for it has brought about untold suffering. But she is right, in her own strange way.

2011-02-25, 03:11 PM

"I think she is a little crazy" says the gnome to no one in particular "I like her."

"Poor wedding ring, all by itself in this awful place" he says to Oleg "Don't worry, we'll look for it"

2011-02-25, 06:55 PM
"The day is young!" Krul suddenly announces loudly, seemingly oblivious to the discussions of others. "Let's go into the wild! We must destroy those bandits soon - for only then will the post have secured peace! If they are south, we should get the lay of the land to the south... know what awaits! Then, we can strike them tomorrow... before noon perhaps, while many would be out."

2011-02-25, 07:16 PM

"I concur with Krul," the priest states. "I would suggest everyone gets what I am certain is much-needed rest. Tomorrow we can venture out."

So Augens is just going to rest until everyone is ready to move on.

2011-02-25, 07:24 PM
Krul looks surprised, "rest? Why should we rest! It's still the morning! Wasn't it a wise man who once said, idleness is Asmodeus's work."

2011-02-25, 08:26 PM

"It is not 'idleness' when we are tending to our wounds and recovering our strength. And foolhardiness is just as much to be guarded against as sloth."

2011-02-25, 09:20 PM
"Hah! Tending wounds and recovering strength makes sense... when we are wounded and strained. Zora alone has a lingering cut. The boy," Krul points to the young ex-bandit who Oleg is instructing in the proper way to wield a hammer, "was on the verge of death hours ago and now he works. Perhaps tomorrow, we may fall ill and will need to rest then. But now - right now - we are all fit and able for a bit of exploration. If I wanted to waste my days in needless rest, I would have stayed in Brevoy!"

2011-02-25, 09:36 PM

Zora returns, slightly sulky, to the group. She grimaces as she speaks. "I was thinking my words to be to harsh before. The fault, it is not with you. Your chieftains have done poorly, not giving you wisdom of the ways of the world. But," Zora continues, sounding as though she's been thinking pretty hard about this, "the bird who cannot fly, it was born on the floor." The halfling obviously thinks this is quite profound. Maybe it is in her native tongue, but it's lost in translation.

"The warrior Krul is right," Zora declares. "Press into the forest now, we will hunt down our prey the sooner." Zora is eager to be back in the woods - civilization, even so much as a trading post, is highlighting just how little she knows about outsiders.

2011-02-25, 09:42 PM
Samantha Harlan

"Hah! Tending wounds and recovering strength makes sense... when we are wounded and strained. Zora alone has a lingering cut. The boy," Krul points to the young ex-bandit who Oleg is instructing in the proper way to wield a hammer, "was on the verge of death hours ago and now he works. Perhaps tomorrow, we may fall ill and will need to rest then. But now - right now - we are all fit and able for a bit of exploration. If I wanted to waste my days in needless rest, I would have stayed in Brevoy!"

"I agree. None of us are badly injured, and we have plenty of daylight left. We should set out, maybe west to start, then we can move around the southern side of the bandit camp to attack in a few days."

She hangs her new bow from her quiver, now bristling with arrows, and runs a hand over the dried blood on her scalp, the blood disappearing as her hand moves.

She is using prestidigitation to clean herself.

"I'm eager to test my new bow, too."

2011-02-25, 10:01 PM

The priest nods, first at Zora, in thanks for what seems to be some level of contrition, and then at the party as a whole. "Very well. If it is your will, I will not stand against you all. We should leave as soon as possible."

Hex D2 is in order, I think. I assume we're all riding.

Lost Demiurge
2011-02-25, 10:19 PM
And so the group rides to the west, setting out to chart out the unknown wilds.

The land directly to the west of Oleg's is grassy plains, with new shoots rising from the blades killed by winter's frost. Many rabbits run for cover as your horses trot by, and several curious marmots observe your passing.

About 8 miles to the west of Oleg's, the plains give way to thin trees, which give way to steadily thicker trees. You can see that the woods thicken to the southeast, southwest, and west. To the northeast and northwest are more plains. Aside from an old trapper's blind, you find no structures here, and nothing disturbs you as you ride through the day, using the sun to determine your way and carefully mapping out a twelve-mile radius.

The sun starts to fall from the sky. The group is almost finished, and could probably complete the job by midnight if they pushed through. Alternatively, they could make camp here and finish it before noon the next day.

2011-02-25, 10:35 PM

"We have come this far; we might as well see this task through before we take our rest." Augens casts a spell on his holy symbol, and it begins to emit a yellow light.

Augens casts light. He'll renew it every 10 minutes when it expires.

2011-02-25, 11:16 PM
"Agreed, I see no sense in resting yet! Won't be much longer!" Krul seems almost oblivious to the setting of the sun. Remaining sharp even in the darkness, his orcish eyes scan the area for movement before, still tireless and eager, he calls out, "let us press onward!"

Lost Demiurge
2011-02-25, 11:42 PM
The wind whispers softly through the grass, as the moon rises high in the sky before your task is done.

But nothing disturbs your survey. This place feels... Sleepy, empty.

You are feeling very tired by the time you are done, and you are six miles from the only spot of civilization that you know of in this area.

Well, the only civilization that won't fill you with arrows and take your gold, anyway.

2011-02-26, 12:36 AM
"Sleep here or head back to Oleg?" Krul asks even as he starts looking for a way to secure the horses.

2011-02-26, 12:41 AM

"We should make camp here." The priest dismounts and begins to unfurl his bedroll.

2011-02-26, 12:59 AM
Samantha Harlan

"We should probably keep a watch going at night while we are in the wilds."

Samantha unpacks her own bag, laying out her bedroll and pulling a heavy, warm winter blanket over her shoulders.

2011-02-26, 01:13 AM
Krul puts his axe to a large fallen branch and then stakes it into the ground. He then ropes the horses to it. He pauses momentarily during this task to look at the moon and agree with Samantha, "You're probably right. Since the moon is high, Hawke can take first watch, Zora second, then wake me after the moon sets and I'll keep watch until dawn, I probably have the best sight for night. Samantha, would you be so kind as to take that dawn shift? Does that work with everyone?"

2011-02-26, 01:21 AM

Augens holds back a yawn. "I can take the dawn watch; I will be awake then to greet my Goddess, so it is no trouble. Of course, I would not object to company if that is the will of the group." The priest pulls out his blanket, bidding his companions goodnight.

2011-02-26, 01:34 AM
"I'll take the first watch, then." She takes out her new bow, stretches the bowstring taught, and aims at a nearby rock. She then relaxes the bow and sets it next to her, within easy reach.

"I'll wake you up in a few hours, okay?" she asks of Krul.

2011-02-26, 01:41 AM

"Zora could go on yet for hours," the halfling boasts, yet it's apparent that, between her raging, fighting, and riding she's pretty tired. "Zora is great hunter, rests only for tired lowlanders." Addressing Krul's plan, Zora agrees happily. "Zora has the eyes of the night beasts, nothing will pass during Zora's watch," she declares fiercely, as if daring anything to try and do just that.

2011-02-26, 02:47 AM
Krul chuckles as he tears off his breastplate, "alright, Hawke, you get to sleep. Samantha, you're first watch, then wake Zora. Zora wake me when the moon sets or you tire. Preacher, I'll wake you at dawn if you don't wake on your own." Krul gazes off to the east for a moment, generally in the direction of Oleg's. He takes out his bedroll, lies down and is sleeping soundly almost instantly, both proud and excited with the days events.

2011-02-26, 03:01 AM

The gnome is pretty tired by the time they stop, so he tends to his pony and then unrolls his and goes to sleep.

"It's a pity that my link with Agash cannot be mantained in my sleep. Tomorrow I'll make a watch."

2011-02-26, 03:02 AM

The gnome is pretty tired by the time they stop, so he tends to his pony and then unrolls his bedroll and goes to sleep.

"It's a pity that my link with Agash cannot be mantained in my sleep. Tomorrow I'll make a watch."

Lost Demiurge
2011-02-26, 12:03 PM
The night is star-filled, somewhat cold, and uneventful.

In the morning, you ride southwest. The woods are deep and thick here, and there are no signs that man has ever been within this sylvan grove. Layers of pine needles muffle your horse's hooves as you move through, and animals and birds move and call and live in the dense foliage overhead.

And I'd like perception checks from everyone, please.

2011-02-26, 12:23 PM

The priest gazes around at the pristine, untouched beauty of this land. He understands for the first time how early men, seeing this, would pray before primordial gods of wild places.

Perception: [roll0]

Also note that Augens has changed his prepared spells during his morning prayers.

Edit: since myth-weavers is down right now, the spell changes that have been made are: both domain slots are cure light wounds, and his other 1st level spells are burning disarm and shield of faith.

2011-02-26, 12:50 PM

The gnome lets his gaze roam and he itches to let the birds tell him the wonders of this forest, but his talents could be used later, so he focuses on the surroundings.

Perception [roll0]
Agash Perception [roll1]

2011-02-26, 12:59 PM
Samantha Harlan

Samantha gazes around the area, trying to commit all of it to beauty. This sort of place was true inspiration for any bard.

Perception Check: [roll0]

2011-02-26, 01:13 PM

By the Ancestors, you would think the lowlanders had never seen trees before! Zora had seen trees all her life, the ancient, twisted kind that clung to the sheer mountain passes, and the soaring pines of the alpine valleys. One grove is nothing special to the halfling. Still, her sharp eyes scan the treeline.


Lost Demiurge
2011-02-26, 01:14 PM
While they study the woods, one cluster of ancient trees in particular catches the group's eye.

Augens and Kurt note that one tall evergreen tree has two obstructions high up in its branches.

They cannot tell exactly WHAT these obstructions are... They seem to be 40 feet up, and there's a lot of foliage in the way.

2011-02-26, 01:38 PM

The priest gestures slowly towards one of the tall pines, his eyes narrowing, trying to make out exactly what she sees. "Unless my senses deceive me, there is... something... in that tree." He dismounts, taking his horses reins in one hand. "Perhaps we should move cautiously," he says as the bed of needles muffles his steps. The words of a simple prayer come to his lips.

Augens will keep walking, but dismounted.
He readies an action to cast Shield of Faith on himself if the shapes in the tree move suddenly.

2011-02-26, 03:16 PM
"Really? I was just thinking these trees might be nice to sleep in." Krul looked up to where Augens had pointed. He liked this grove, it had an element of tranquility about it.

Perception: [roll0]

2011-02-26, 03:42 PM

The priest chuckles. Perhaps Krul's intemperate soul is finally softening. He turns back to Krul, saying: "Where is the intrepid explorer of yesterday? It is not yet evening but you wish sleep?" While he speaks lightly, the priest glances darkly back at the shapes in the trees.

If it is actually evening, I stand corrected, but I didn't see anything in the description Lost Demiurge gave to indicate that.

2011-02-26, 05:37 PM
"Hah!" the half-orc laughs, "of course, I did not mean now! I meant to sleep in once we tire!"

Lost Demiurge
2011-02-26, 06:09 PM
If it is actually evening, I stand corrected, but I didn't see anything in the description Lost Demiurge gave to indicate that.

No, it's actually about midday.

2011-02-26, 06:26 PM

"... in trees? Where? I don't see it! Wait, a little - no, that looks normal, and - oooohh!" Hawke eventually gets the obstructions of interest in his field of view, but it takes far longer than it should have.

"What do you think it is?" he asks, head tilted in curiosity. His brow furrows in thought as he focuses a bit. Old Deadeye, any clues here...?

Not that I actually expect to detect anything, but Detect Freakin' Evil on those obstructions. It has a 60 foot range, so there should be no problem.

The only thing Hawke might detect are two bandits waiting in ambush... yeah, I got nothing. :smalltongue:

Lost Demiurge
2011-02-26, 06:39 PM
Kurt wanders over to a smaller tree, and tweets at some robins. They tweet back. After a minute he moves back to the group.

"The birds said that those are the nests of the lady and the dragon. Apparently they are good creatures and keep the robin's eggs safe by driving off snakes and other bad climbing eaters."

The obstructions do not look evil to you. You do not detect the presence of evil in the area.

2011-02-26, 07:25 PM

"... the lady and the what?" Hawke exclaims, eyebrows raised in surprise. "I think we should be leaving. Right now. I mean, it sounds like a predator. We should leave. The best idea is to leave soon. Leaving sounds like a good idea..." he begins babbling. Whether or not "dragon" is literal seems not to matter to him.

2011-02-26, 09:12 PM

Lady and the dragon? Augens takes a long look at the pair of nests. "I doubt this is the nest of a true dragon; it is too small," he states. Still, we do not need to linger here, and I suggest we leave."

Rolling the possibly-relevant knowledge checks.
nature: [roll0]
arcana: [roll1]

Lost Demiurge
2011-02-26, 09:48 PM
Rolling the possibly-relevant knowledge checks.
nature: [roll0]
arcana: [roll1]


Augens knows of no true dragons that live in nests so small. Not even a hatchling.

Might be some dragon variants that are that small, but Augens doesn't recall the specifics of draconic subtypes.

2011-02-26, 10:40 PM

"Zora fears no living beast, even the tree-dragon!" The barbarian stares up at the trees. "How can Zora walk from such a challenge? Slaying such a beast gives great honour. We may take the treasure of this creature too - gold is honourable. Come, let us defeat this beast!"

2011-02-27, 12:25 AM
Samantha Harlan


"Zora fears no living beast, even the tree-dragon!" The barbarian stares up at the trees. "How can Zora walk from such a challenge? Slaying such a beast gives great honour. We may take the treasure of this creature too - gold is honourable. Come, let us defeat this beast!"

"No way are we attacking them. I would support you were they evil predators, but we are not hunting the few creatures that prove to be a boon to the world merely because of your unbalanced sense of honor." Samantha glares at Zora as she says this, her hand lightly touching her bow to add emphasis to her words.

2011-02-27, 12:46 AM
Samantha Harlan

"No way are we attacking them. I would support you were they evil predators, but we are not hunting the few creatures that prove to be a boon to the world merely because of your unbalanced sense of honor." Samantha glares at Zora as she says this, her hand lightly touching her bow to add emphasis to her words.

"Define boon," Hawke cuts in, by now steadied by Augens's comment. "The predators in there might eat snakes, sure, but that doesn't make them a boon. They're just part of life. Creatures. Agreed, though," he hastily adds, "that they are not to be killed on site. See if you can see anything, and if anything hisses, slide back down as fast as you can. You're going to be out of your element in the tree anyways, mate," he tries to reason with the halfling.

2011-02-27, 01:24 AM
"Define boon," Hawke cuts in, by now steadied by Augens's comment. "The predators in there might eat snakes, sure, but that doesn't make them a boon. They're just part of life. Creatures. Agreed, though," he hastily adds, "that they are not to be killed on site. See if you can see anything, and if anything hisses, slide back down as fast as you can. You're going to be out of your element in the tree anyways, mate," he tries to reason with the halfling.

"Kurt said that they were good, right? I can see no reason why we should hunt anything good."

2011-02-27, 01:27 AM

Zora looks at Samantha with disdain. "Beasts are not 'boons,' beasts are for hunting. Prove oneself to be a great hunter of the beasts and earn honour. What is difficult with this for lowlander girl?" With that, as if to prove her point, the halfling nimbly scrambles towards the tree, sending back a victorious glance at the bard.

Zora will climb the tree, taking a 10, which gives her 19 with her climb skill.

Lost Demiurge
2011-02-27, 01:39 AM
And Zora climbs her way up the tree. It takes about ten minutes as she slowly, surely picks her way up.

ZoraThe two nests are neatly woven... This is definitely not the work of birds. Small hands seem to have done this.

The nests have what look to be bits of cloth sewn and patched into quilts lining them, and are full of shiny objects such as small crystals, metal buttons, and bits of glass. There's a few wrapped sweets as well, here and there. A stoppered meadhorn has been suspended between the two nests by an old belt hanging from a higher branch. One of the nests seems to have doll's clothing in it stored in it, the other has a pocket-mirror off to one side.

2011-02-27, 02:43 AM

Zora rummages dejectedly through the piles of assorted objects. No beasts, no gold, only these useless shiny things. Unless... Zora thinks, Maybe something amongst these many objects is of value to lowland people. She sorts, a little more carefully, through the shiny things to see what might be worthwhile bringing back down.

Zora is going to try to determine what, if anything, in the pile might be valuable. I don't know if you want a skill check for that, but I'll preemptively roll an Appraise check just in case. If you want a different check let me know.


Lost Demiurge
2011-02-27, 10:13 AM

Zora finds nothing of any real value.

2011-02-27, 11:13 AM

Even less happy, Zora tries to make the best of the situation, snatching up the sweets and stowing them slyly in one of her pouches. Finally, still looking for a trophy, she decides to go after the meadhorn. She attempts to use the belt it's suspended on to bring it to her.

If either she gets the meadhorn or the meadhorn falls to the ground Zora will climb back down the tree, again taking 10.

Lost Demiurge
2011-02-27, 11:17 AM
Zora is nimble enough to snag the meadhorn and its belt, and makes her way down without incident.

2011-02-27, 11:21 AM

Zora is back on the ground, and crows to her companions, "Zora climbs tree, brings back trophy to prove this deed. Behold, great horn of mead, now is belonging to Zora, tree-conqueror!" She lifts the meadhorn high above her head (it barely passes the waists of the rest of the party), then lowers it, pulls the stopper, and goes to transfer the water from her waterskin into it.

2011-02-27, 11:29 AM

"You have much yet to learn of modesty, my child," the priest says. "Humbleness is a virtue greater than glory." He watches as she unstoppers the horn, glancing back up at the nest. "This is certainly a baffling situation. But there is nothing more we can do here, I think; we should move on."

Lost Demiurge
2011-02-27, 11:30 AM

Zora is back on the ground, and crows to her companions, "Zora climbs tree, brings back trophy to prove this deed. Behold, great horn of mead, now is belonging to Zora, tree-conqueror!" She lifts the meadhorn high above her head (it barely passes the waists of the rest of the party), then lowers it, pulls the stopper, and goes to transfer the water from her waterskin into it.

There's actually mead in the horn.

2011-02-27, 11:34 AM

"Oh! Ohno! Ohnonononobadno," Hawke... articulates, hands wriggling in the air. "Something lives here. Don't take anything, put that back! Something will be very angry if you just up and take - something - I mean, what would you think if someone took something from your home?" He swallows. "I don't want to anger a dragon, no matter how small. Put it back, put it back!"

2011-02-27, 11:56 AM

As Hawke speaks, the halfling pulls herself up to her full height, swelling with indignation. Zora is not child, is not scared of beasts nor dragons - prize is Zora's from Zora's great triumph." Still glaring at the human, she takes a purposeful swig of the mead, as if marking her territory on the horn.

2011-02-27, 12:02 PM
Samantha Harlan


As Hawke speaks, the halfling pulls herself up to her full height, swelling with indignation. Zora is not child, is not scared of beasts nor dragons - prize is Zora's from Zora's great triumph." Still glaring at the human, she takes a purposeful swig of the mead, as if marking her territory on the horn.

"Absolutely, climbing a tree and stealing from good creatures is a huge accomplishment."

Samantha sighs and turns away, eager to be away from the grove.

Lost Demiurge
2011-02-27, 12:06 PM
The mead is very sweet!

The rest of the area is swiftly mapped out, and night falls. The group begins making camp in a likely clearing.

Nothing odd happens at all.

Until Krul leans down to light the fire and it blows up in his face, sending spinning pinwheels of bright color and glorious flame patterns in all directions!

Reflex save DC... 14 for everyone. Failure means that you're blinded for.... [roll0] rounds.

2011-02-27, 12:28 PM

The priest is reading as night falls. As Krul strikes flint on tinder, Augens looks up briefly, only to drop his book and raise his hands to shield himself as the fire bursts in a multicoloured display.

Reflex: [roll0]

2011-02-27, 12:38 PM
Samantha Harlan

Samantha yelps and flinches away from the fire, trying to keep the flames from catching onto her.

Reflex save: [roll0]

2011-02-27, 01:18 PM

Zora squeals in alarm as the fire explodes; she attempts to dive out of the way of the incoming flames.

Reflex Save: [roll0]

2011-02-27, 01:31 PM

The best the young paladin manages is a squawk of alarm, and then, "My eyes!!!"

Reflex Save: [roll0]

Still, he collects himself enough to blindly whip out one of his knives, and spin in a circle, looking for the source of the trouble.

Draw weapons, and then good old - you guessed it - detect evil within the clearing.

Lost Demiurge
2011-02-27, 02:58 PM

No evil present.

The flames die down... No one was hurt, though Krul has a black layer of ash on his face, and his hair looks a little blown-back.

The grass to the south of the camp rustles as something moves...

Anyone who wishes and is not blind may make a perception check at this point.

2011-02-27, 03:00 PM
Krul had not approved of Zora's actions. Stealing the meadhorn served no purpose. If she was obsessed with collecting trophies, then how much trouble would it get them in. Krul's attempt to light a fire instantly turns disastrous.

Reflex [roll0]

"What the Hells!?" he screams as he narrowly evades the flash by covering his face with his arm. Then, looking around he tries to find the source of the spell.

60 ft Dark vision

2011-02-27, 03:05 PM
Samantha Harlan

Samantha pulls away from the fire unscathed. She makes sure that her clothing has not caught fire, and then peers into the tall grass near the camp, trying to identify what made the noise. Could it be some enemy spellcaster who had affected the fire?

Perception check: [roll0]

2011-02-27, 03:06 PM

Bright flashes of colour cloud Augens' vision, and the end result is blindness. Unable to see, he slowly kneels, steadying himself with his hands as they probe for the ground. He takes a deep breath, and starts to pray.

I'm flat-footed anyways from blindness, so I might as well kneel! :smalltongue:
Augens is casting Shield of Faith on himself, bringing his AC to 14 (-2 for blindness, -1 flatfooted =12 +2 for the the spell).

2011-02-27, 03:25 PM

Panting, Zora pulls herself up off the ground. More than a little angry, she draws her axe and glares out into the dark grass, determined to spot (and destroy) the offending creature. It is good though, that it comes to battle, Zora thinks to herself. My plunder will be more honourably gained in this way.

Zora draws her axe.

Perception Check: [roll0]

Lost Demiurge
2011-02-27, 03:43 PM
Samantha and Krul
As the lot of you peer out into the darkness, Samantha and Krul notice movement on Zora's shoulder. Something unseen has carefully removed the mead horn and belt from the halfling, and is pulling it into the grass.

Krul sees that there is absolutely nothing in the grass south of the camp. He can also hear high-pitched, female laughter. It's currently being stifled, but it's coming from the north of camp, in the treeline.

2011-02-27, 04:27 PM
Krul tries to quickly gauge the situation. He almost shouts north, to let his comrades know where the troubles comes from. Instead, he proclaims loudly, "take it and leave us be. The halfling is a fool. I won't let her mischief trouble you more." He glares angrily at Zora.

Ready action to tackle Zora if she tries anything.

2011-02-27, 04:52 PM

Hawke scrambles around like a chicken with its head cut off, looking around in desperation... but the way he's screaming about haunting ghosts and invisible monsters, it's a lost cause.

Perception: [roll0]

2011-02-27, 06:23 PM

Zora watches furiously as her "hard-won" trophy vanishes into the dark grass. The halfling shakes her little fist into the vast darkness, cursing and yelling. "Fine, take Zora's trophy. It is of little worth to Zora, Zora is great warrior, may gain many more trophies." Petulantly consoling herself, she adds "better trophies..."

Then Zora rounds on Krul, jabbing with her finger up at him. "You dare to menace Zora? Zora is greatest warrior among Bratsk, will crush your bones to dust and slay your whelps and your sires until the Krul-blood is gone from the world! What kind of warrior runs from battle? Stupid-stupid!"

Nothing personal... Zora likes ranting (you may have noticed :smalltongue:)

Zora still wants to fight, so she'll also ready an action to charge if anything attacks anyone in the party.

Lost Demiurge
2011-02-27, 06:39 PM
Krul tries to quickly gauge the situation. He almost shouts north, to let his comrades know where the troubles comes from. Instead, he proclaims loudly, "take it and leave us be. The halfling is a fool. I won't let her mischief trouble you more." He glares angrily at Zora.

Ready action to tackle Zora if she tries anything.

A high-pitched female voice shouts from the north.

"Bad bandit bigginses get no pity in the woods! See you later..."

And then there's silence, save for Zora's shouting.

2011-02-27, 06:40 PM
At first, Krul considers letting her affront slide, but her accusations of cowardice irk him. So, the huge man quickly and aggressively drops to one knee, leans over toward Zora as much as he can while still being comfortable (which is still few inches taller than her), jabs his own finger at her and orates loudly and clearly, but with an embittered tone, "I am not running. The is no battle here. A true warrior does not make needless battles where there were none." Krul stays at her height and continues to glare at her angrily.

2011-02-27, 06:52 PM

The priest looks straight ahead, eyes still blinded. He states softly: "You both have much to learn, I think. Zora of Bratsk," he says, only stumbling slightly over the pronunciation of her tribe. "There is honour to be found in patience and quiet reflection; these are what brings the greatest of hunters their skill and makes your elders wise." Still looking straight ahead, kneeling, he continues. "Krul, you must learn that sometimes a man must let go. Your actions have impeded Zora and – whether her choice was right or wrong – you have made it your choice. Every being must have control of his destiny, for good or ill; by depriving Zora of hers, you scorn the gods that created her as they did. Help her to see the light, but do not force it upon her." He stands unsteadily, his vision beginning to clear.

I assume it's alright if the blindness is over.

Lost Demiurge
2011-02-27, 06:56 PM
I assume it's alright if the blindness is over.

Vision starts to clear... Only afterimages of the earlier pyrotechnics remain. Everyone can see just fine.

The fire doesn't appear any worse the wear for the display that went on.

2011-02-27, 07:16 PM
"No Augens," Krul says as he stands back up to his full height, his tone still as bitter as before, "I think you have a lot to learn. Robbing a man's home without purpose, and then trying to kill him when he steals back his own property... without using violence - there is no gray area here, such acts are unacceptable. I will never stand by idly while such an thing transpires. If someone makes that choice, then they do not deserve to make choices. Whether these are the actions of my worst enemy or my best friend, I will intervene." Even more hostile than the one he gave to Zora is his glare at Augens, as if to say, you should know this.

2011-02-27, 07:23 PM

A high-pitched female voice shouts from the north.

"Bad bandit bigginses get no pity in the woods! See you later..."

And then there's silence, save for Zora's shouting.

"We're not bandits!" the paladin squawks back in indignation, clearly stung. But it's clearly a lost cause, as nothing comes back to shout at him.

He has a moment of brooding silence, and then inspiration strikes him. Taking a silver piece, he wedges it inside the y-fork of a convenient tree - and then attacks it roughly with one of his knives. Keen as the blade may be, it's rough work, but soon the coin is shredded (but still in one piece). A little more concentrated work peels the shredded bits apart a small distance, exposing even more of the metal - and at a single level of light, the coin-turned-trinket almost seems to glitter.

"This was a common way to make cheap jewelry, where I came from," he explains. "Better tools - clippers, and things - but I hope this is enough."

Taking the now-thoroughly-ruined coin, he walks a short distance from the fire - then throws it after the place he last heard the voice. "We're sorry! We won't do it again!" he shouts into the woods... a bit of a lame apology, really.

This entire process takes him away from the brewing argument between the other three party members. Fortunate, since he'd likely get rather flustered and incoherent.

2011-02-27, 07:52 PM
"No Augens," Krul says as he stands back up to his full height, his tone still as bitter as before, "I think you have a lot to learn. Robbing a man's home without purpose, and then trying to kill him when he steals back his own property... without using violence - there is no gray area here, such acts are unacceptable. I will never stand by idly while such an thing transpires. If someone makes that choice, then they do not deserve to make choices. Whether these are the actions of my worst enemy or my best friend, I will intervene." Even more hostile than the one he gave to Zora is his glare at Augens, as if to say, you should know this.


"Have you considered, Krul, that these creatures – whatever they are – did not come by that horn lawfully? If indeed this horn were their property, then you would be correct. But it is not, and so you have taught them only that thievery is a more effective tool than they thought it to be before. If Zora was wrong to steal it, then these creatures were equally wrong." He pauses, clasping his hands together in thought. "There are many perspectives on all actions, and in the end, it is not for us to say. Moral absolutes are for the gods. We may condemn, but in the end we must forgive, and leave the questions of 'punishment' and 'deserving' to greater powers than ourselves."

He adjusts his skullcap and smooths his robes. "Now," he says, glancing around at the dark looks and nervous expressions, "I believe rest would be in order. We have much ground yet to cover."

2011-02-27, 07:54 PM

Zora's eyes widen as Krul speaks. Was this the way of lowland warriors? She had not considered this, and she needed to think about it. Without battle, how can a warrior prove their courage, their strength, their honour? None of it made sense to Zora, but Krul was a warrior of skill, she had seen that much already.

Her eyes narrow again as she scowls, still petulant but less aggressive now. "Fine," she says definitively. "You keep lowland customs, Zora thinks them silly, but keep them despite this." She jabs her finger one final time, poking Krul and smirks. "You owe Zora trophy," she says, half-joking.

The priest and the ranger soon begin to argue. It bores Zora, something about gods and destiny and choices. Such funny things lowlanders like to speak of. Hawke then proceeds on some strange undertaking with his coin, a process that completely baffles the halfling. But then again, many things the lowlanders do with gold is confusing to Zora - the very idea of coins is relatively recent.

When Hawke finishes his apology, Zora speaks again. "If lowlanders are finished with long speeches, Zora wants to make camp for night. No battle to be had here, perhaps some find us on the next day."

2011-02-27, 08:15 PM
"Why are you so certain it is not their horn?" Krul asked, legitimately having no idea how the priest reached this conclusion. He contemplated if the priest simply assumed that all creatures of the wild were necessarily thieves.

"Yes. Sleep. Kurt, first watch. Hawke, second. I'll take third and preacher, you can take the final watch." He intentionally left Zora off of the list for fear she would run off after her "trophy" while they slept.

2011-02-27, 08:22 PM

As Augens lays out his bedroll, he replies to Krul. "These creatures live in nests: they have no way of manufacturing the mead that Zora found in the horn. And they could not have bartered for that mead, since if they did possess coin, Zora would have taken that as her 'trophies.'"

Lost Demiurge
2011-02-27, 08:32 PM
The night seems to pass uneventfully, and the group wakes in the morning with no trouble.

But the coin that Hawke attempted to hammer into a bauble is gone.

2011-02-27, 08:33 PM
Samantha Harlan

Samantha wakes early, eager to be away from the grove that caused so much discord, and on with their journey. She was enjoying herself greatly on this journey, she mused as she set about packing her sleeping roll and eating a small breakfast of trail rations, even though they were undoubtedly soon to be in conflict with even more bandits.

Prepared to leave to their next destination, Samantha sings quietly to herself until the group sets out once more.

2011-02-27, 08:36 PM
Krul pauses the laying out of his own bedroll to look over his person for a moment, "I do not possess a single coin to my name. I lack the tools to have made my equipment. That night at Oleg's post was the first time I have slept indoors in over a year. Do all of these things mean that I have stolen my possession? That they are legitimately forfeit to any who wishes to take them? That if I try to reclaim them, I deserve to be killed? No, Augens, these facts imply none of these things. You should not cast such judgements so freely," he opens his mouth as if to say more, but stops himself. He lays down amid the soft needles for sleep.

Imagine this came before we slept...

2011-02-27, 08:43 PM

Curiously poking around the area where he threw the coin, Hawke smiles. "I guess whoever bothered us last night took it." He calls back into the woods, "Maybe we can talk sometime! I'd like to meet you!"

With that, he packs his bedroll up and throws it over his horse, mounting up. "C'mon, guys! Daylight's burning, and we've no time to lose!"

2011-02-27, 08:50 PM

The priest wakes, as he always does, at dawn, and watches the sun rise over the empty wilderness. As he prays, he ponders the night before. Goddess, grant me the wisdom to understand what I do not, and by your grace guide me when my mind treads where it cannot go. The past night, I accused a creature unknown to me of thievery, and in my mind I surmised it had committed other offences beyond this. Goddess... I feel lost in this wilderness. Utterly lost. It is as though the pines obscure your light, for I cannot see the way. How am I to do your will when I cannot lead my companions down righteous paths? He shakes his head. But since it is your will, I continue down the path you have set me on. He draws his circular sign, murmuring aloud: "Dawnflower, protect and preserve those I travel with."

He then mounts his horse, ready to proceed.

Lost Demiurge
2011-02-27, 08:52 PM
And so the group rides east... The woods thin a bit here, and there are signs of the occasional blazon on a tree here or there, a frayed piece of rope there... Men have been through here before, though it's been awhile. The picked clean, bleached bones of a deer with a rusted beartrap around one leg stare accusingly at you as you pass by one rocky clearing...

Towards the southeast portion of this area, you find a small rise, and can hear an intermittant groaning coming from up the hill. Something's up there... And it seems to be multiple throats emitting the groaning...

2011-02-27, 08:58 PM

Zora's ears prick up to the sound of the groans. She hurriedly dismounts and draws her greataxe eagerly. She takes two steps up the hill before freezing and turning back towards the group, rather meekly for the fiery halfling. "Zora is not wishing to anger cowardly lowlanders," she says, trying to regain some of her clearly-lost fierceness. "Zora wishes to find causes of strange sounds... with great care and caution," she concludes in a monotone.

2011-02-27, 08:59 PM

And so the group rides east... The woods thin a bit here, and there are signs of the occasional blazon on a tree here or there, a frayed piece of rope there... Men have been through here before, though it's been awhile. The picked clean, bleached bones of a deer with a rusted beartrap around one leg stare accusingly at you as you pass by one rocky clearing...

Hawke stops long enough to break the trap and cover the bones of the deer with some branches and leaves, all without a word spoken, a hard look on his face.

Towards the southeast portion of this area, you find a small rise, and can hear an intermittant groaning coming from up the hill. Something's up there... And it seems to be multiple throats emitting the groaning...

"Uuuuhhh..." Hawke dismounts, pulling out his knives and shield. "That doesn't sound good. Let's be careful... watch your step. Don't be like that deer - I don't trust this place anymore..."

With that, he steps deliberately towards the source of the sound. He gives Zora a strong nod, clearly approving of her greater caution.

Say it with me: detect evil! :smallbiggrin:

2011-02-27, 09:02 PM

Augens dismounts, following the others. "What a strange sound..." He holds his holy symbol in one hand, ascending the hill with Hawke and Zora.

Lost Demiurge
2011-02-27, 09:02 PM
Detect evil's stopped by 3 feet of dirt and earth, so Hawke would have to move up the rise to get a good look at what's up there. Do you want to do this?

2011-02-27, 09:05 PM
Krul too dismounts. Eyes forward, he draws his axe. Following Zola's lead, he too ascends the hill.

Perception [roll0]

Lost Demiurge
2011-02-27, 09:22 PM
The group ascends the hill. On top of the rise, in a nice sunny spot past a fringe of trees, is a patch of wild vegetables. Green leaves cover the clearing, and the occasional pulled-up tuber reveals... White Radishes. There are a LOT of radishes in this clearing, and all of them look to be of prodigous size.

Anyone with knowledge nature or survival can roll that, if they like.

In the midst of the patch are four baskets stuffed with the radishes. Lying around the baskets, with various bits of chewed greens scattered around them, are eight groaning kobolds. As you watch, one takes a bite out of a radish, chews it feebly, then holds his belly and groans. These little lizardlike things are STUFFED.

Not too stuffed to let your presence slide, however! As the group finishes moving up, they point and shriek, grabbing up spears and yelling at you in high-pitched, chirping voices.


They're yelling in somewhat debased Draconic. "Get the hell out of here! This is OUR nomnomplace! You go get your own, pinkies!"


You detect the presence of evil. There are seven auras of evil in the area, and their strength is really darn dim.

2011-02-27, 09:26 PM
Well..." The normally-serious priest works hard to suppress a laugh. It becomes much easier to hold in as the kobalds go for their weapons.

knowledge (nature) for the radishes: [roll0]

And, on an unrelated note, I'm just having no luck with my spell preparation... no Comprehend Language today!

2011-02-27, 09:33 PM

"These kobolds, what is it they are doing?" Zora asks, puzzled. She glares at the kobolds, clearly eager to charge down on them.

Suvival Check: [roll0]

2011-02-27, 09:41 PM

The paladin's farming background had him gaping for a second at the sight of the radishes. Wow! Those would be - so - how'd they grow so big? Magic, he concluded sagely.

Of course, that smug thought of his went straight out the moment the kobolds started going for weapons. He'd heard of kobolds before, but he'd never actually seen one that wasn't a picture until today.

"Ummm... they don't look friendly!" Way to state the obvious. "Wait, wait, wait!" he shouts to them. Blades only loosely held, he puts his hands between the kobolds and the party and waves them back and forth - the classic pose of peace. "No fight! No fight!" That statement is aimed just as much to Zora as to the kobolds below.

I presume they're not close enough to charge us in one round. Things will change if that is the case.

Lost Demiurge
2011-02-27, 09:53 PM
The kobolds keep on yelling. Some of them stick their spears in the ground and pull out slings.

Hawke can roll me diplomacy, please. Sadly, the survival rolls are not high enough... Guess no one's been studying radishes lately. :)

2011-02-27, 10:02 PM

The halfling has been remarkably restrained thus far, but the indignity of perfidious kobolds being allowed to imminently sling small stones at her with impunity is too much. Snarling, she raises her axe over her head and charges towards the kobalds.

Zora charges towards the closest sling-wielding kobold, attacking it with her greataxe. If no kobolds are in charge range, she'll get as close as she can this round with a full round run action. She also enters rage.

Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage roll: [roll1]
EDIT: So I didn't read the OOC thread first, if they're 80 feet away Zora will use a full round run action as specified above, which will move her 90 feet

Lost Demiurge
2011-02-27, 10:16 PM
Zora runs in, and the kobolds answer with a volley of stones... The closest three grabbing up spears as Zora's axe pulls back for a mighty strike...


Zora runs up to the nearest kobold, screaming as they volley stones frantically. Their aim is quite a bit off, however... Only Augens and Kurt are struck.

AugensTake [roll0] damage.

KurtTake [roll1] damage.

Three kobolds face Zora, getting ready to stab once they get the chance... The other five load their slings, and whirl them glaring at the group at the edge of the rise...

2011-02-27, 10:16 PM

As Zora charges off towards the kobalds, Augens yells in vain after her. It seems battle is upon us. He sighs, which is cut off as the wind is knocked out of him by a stone. Turning to Hawke, he extends a hand, touching the paladin on the shoulder and infusing him with a shield of divine favour. "Go, Hawke; this battle has been inevitable, and now begins."

Augens will cast shield of faith on Hawke (+2 AC), and will move 30 ft towards Zora and the kobalds.

2011-02-27, 10:24 PM

"Hah, now tiny lizardmen meet true warrior," Zora boasts, missing the irony of her adjective choice entirely. "Next it is time to meet Zora's axe!"

Zora attacks one of the three kobolds with spears with her greataxe.

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1]

2011-02-27, 10:31 PM
Samantha Harlan

Seeing the battle join, Samantha quickly draws her new, untested bow and sends one of her many untested arrows at one of the kobolds wielding a sling.

Ranged attack: [roll0]
Ranged damage: [roll1]

2011-02-27, 10:41 PM
Krul eyes the radishes before joining the fray. He charges forth with both of his hands on his axe, swinging it hard at one of the kobolds.

Charge Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

For Radishes: Survival: [roll2]

For food:
Survival [roll3]
Survival [roll4]

2011-02-27, 10:48 PM


As Zora charges off towards the kobalds, Augens yells in vain after her. It seems battle is upon us. He sighs, which is cut off as the wind is knocked out of him by a stone. Turning to Hawke, he extends a hand, touching the paladin on the shoulder and infusing him with a shield of divine favour. "Go, Hawke; this battle has been inevitable, and now begins."

"Zoraaaaaa!" Hawke cries out after the charging halfling. Too late - the previous clue hadn't been enough.

Rocks whistle amongst them, and Hawke raises his shield in defense, although nothing even comes close. Then Augens touches him, giving him his blessing. "Thank you, father, for your gift," he intones back in a deep voice, suddenly rather serious and not himself - as one emissary of a god to another.

Then he breaks into a run, following in Zora's wake.

80 foot run after Zora... but not directly into combat with that set of kobolds. If possible, he'll be a short distance away and to the side so that he can charge into a flanking position with Zora, but if the area is generally congested with them, then yeah, he goes for right with Zora.

Running = lose Dex to AC, by the way.

Hawke (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=277531)
HP: 12/12. AC: 19, 12 Touch, 19 Flatfooted.
Saves: +4 Fortitude, +2 Reflex, +0 Will.
Effects: +2 deflection AC from Shield of Faith.

Lost Demiurge
2011-02-27, 11:08 PM
Krul and Hawke move up, running to close the distance and meeting their own knots of kobolds. Agash follows at a more leisurely pace, letting them draw attacks and readying to rend something next round. Kurt watches from behind a tree. Samantha's bowshot goes wild... And Zora's axe literally cleaves a kobold in half.

There's a pause, then the little lizardfolk start shrieking in fury and stabbing everyone they can reach.

Hawke realizes something, perhaps not too useful at the minute, however.
Hey, these radishes are Moon Radishes! Rare and valuable, peasants love finding patches of these. You can sell them for large amounts of gold to alchemists and herbalists. (Well, large amounts of gold to a peasant, anyway.)


AC 15, 5 HP apiece.

The kobolds try their best to stab the heck out of Zora, Krul, and Hawke.

Zora is missed entirely... The two facing her look nervous.

Two of the three facing Hawke flank him, and one manages to gash his arm where the armor doesn't cover. [roll0] damage

One of the two on Krul manages a lucky strike. The other misses horribly. [roll1] damage.

2011-02-27, 11:22 PM

Augens advances further towards the kobalds, now not far from his embattled companions. None of their wounds are serious, but the priest nonetheless calls down the power of his goddess to heal those he can.

Move 30 feet towards the fighting. This puts me 20 feet away.
Channel energy, selecting only party members (including myself). I'm assuming that, since I'm 20 ft away, I can hit at least one person with channel energy (30 ft range). If I can hit both Krul and Hawke, I will, but if not, I'll prioritize Krul.
Healing done by Channel energy: [roll0]

2011-02-27, 11:25 PM

"Zora! I'm right behind you!" Hawke calls out. With a quick snap of his arm, his shield moves high onto his upper arm, leaving his hand clear for knife-work. Right as he does so, he catches a spearhead on the newly-cleared part of his arm, and he frowns in annoyance. Oops.

And so knife-work he does, swiping in all directions. It does not please me to do this. These souls are redeemable - but we are enemies now...

A swift action puts away the Quickdraw Shield, reducing Hawke's AC by 1 but freeing his other hand and knife for some lovely full-attack action.

Kukri Attack: [roll0]
Kukri Damage: [roll1]
Critical Confirm: [roll2]

Kukri Attack: [roll3]
Kukri Damage: [roll4]. One 5 HP kobold goes down.
Critical Confirm: [roll5]

Hawke (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=277531)
HP: 11/12. AC: 20, 14 Touch, 18 Flatfooted.
Saves: +4 Fortitude, +2 Reflex, +0 Will.
Effects: +2 deflection AC from Shield of Faith.

2011-02-28, 12:00 AM

Zora whirls around, axe singing. "Zora defeats you, lizardmen," she declares, taking another swing. She wonders momentarily whether kobolds can go to the Great Hall of the Ancestors when she kills them, but quickly puts this from her mind.

Zora attacks one of the remaining two kobolds who are within reach.

Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage roll: [roll1]

2011-02-28, 12:09 AM
Samantha Harlan

Seeing her first shot go so wide, Samantha bites her lips and steadies her herself. She then pulls two of her marked arrows from her quiver and fires them at the remaining kobold near Zora, being careful not to accidentally hit the halfling.

Ranged attack 1: [roll0]
Ranged damage 1: [roll1]

Ranged attack 2: [roll2]
Ranged damage 2: [roll3]

2011-02-28, 03:44 AM
Krul deflects one of the kobolds spears off of his forearm. A twinge of pain surges through him, but a quick glance reveals it to be only a minor scrape. Dodging the other's weapon, he swings his own axe at the creature's neck... cutting deep into its shoulder.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Lost Demiurge
2011-02-28, 07:48 AM

Kobolds DIE.

The last two, one by Hawke and one by Krul look at each other and beat feet down the hill, making it 30 feet away.

They do not seem interested in fighting anymore. Their friends lie bleeding and dead among the radish patch.

And Augens heals Hawke, Krul, Kurt, and himself with barely an effort.

2011-02-28, 08:18 AM

Watching the kobolds beat a hasty retreat, the paladin throws out an arm himself. "Don't chase them down - Zora!" he calls out, ready to restrain the halfling should she suddenly charge after them.

Readied action to move into Zora's path if she charges. This is all it takes to interrupt a charge.

Turning back, he waves Augens forward. "We need to heal them. Not enough to wake them up and have them trying to kill us again - just enough so that they won't be dead when their friends come back."

Wiping his knives against the grass, Hawke does another scan... looking for the same auras he saw earlier to assist Augens in finding the wounded.

Detect evil. Since 7/8 of the kobolds were evil, finding the kobolds that suddenly aren't evil probably means they died. :smalltongue:

2011-02-28, 09:30 AM

Augens sighs sadly at Hawke's optimistic words. "Some of these kobalds are beyond powers to heal." He eyes the bloody mess amongst the radishes. I must act quickly; if there are any yet alive, they will not be for long. He steps into the kobald-strewn battlefield, vaguely aware of how dirty his once-pristine garb has become. He raises his holy symbol up above his head, calling once more on Sarenrae's healing light. "Dawnflower, mend what can be mended; undo what evil can be undone! And take unto yourself the souls of those that lie dead, that by your divine grace they find the peace we have denied them." His holy symbol flashes with light.

Since any kobalds that are alive probably don't have long, and will run away even if I roll high and make them conscious, I'm using another channel energy. This time, targeting everything in the area.

Amount healed by channel energy: [roll0]