View Full Version : Rise of the Runelords - Part I: Burnt Offerings

2011-02-23, 04:10 PM
Rise of the Runelords
Chapter One: Burnt Offerings

Part I: Festival and Fire

It is the first day of autumn, and a day of both celebration and remembrance. From the first light of dawn, Sandpoint’s town square has been bustling with activity; first the merchants, setting out their stalls around the perimeter and adorning them with all manner of wares – food, clothes, local crafts, souvenirs: something to appeal to everyone, from the thrifty local to the gullible traveller.

Next come the more enthusiastic locals, eager to position themselves in a spot that will afford the best view of the stage that has been erected in front of the magnificent new church. They are a mixture of wide-eyed, impressionable youths, filled with civic pride, and veterans of the town intent on missing not a moment of Sandpoint’s rebirth.

As the morning wears on, the trickle becomes a flood until not a spare inch of the cobbled square can be found. Latecomers hang from trees or perch on nearby walls in a bid to catch even the most fleeting glimpse of proceedings, and one or two scuffles break out over prime vantage points, but are quickly suppressed by watchful guardsmen.

At eleven o’clock, precisely the appointed hour, the waiting is over as Sandpoint’s mayor takes to the stage. Kendra Deverin is a popular figure, and her enthusiasm is evident as she addresses the crowd. “Citzens of Sandpoint, visitors from all over Varisia and beyond,” she beams, “welcome to the Swallowtail Festival, and the consecration of our magnificent new cathedral.” She pauses for a moment to allow the assembled throng to cast their eyes upon the church behind her, as if it might have hitherto escaped their notice. It is indeed an impressive sight, constructed of stone and glass and dwarfing any other building in town. Five years in the building, it has been built over the site of the original chapel that was destroyed during the Late Unpleasantness and designed to be so imposing as to erase all memory of that tragic time.

“What an honour it is to see so many of you here today,” she continues. “Why, it seems that even Larz has managed to tear himself away from his beloved tannery for a few minutes!” There is a ripple of laughter at the expense of Larz Rovanky, Sandpoint’s tanner and a notorious workaholic, who looks less than impressed despite the obvious good nature of the mayor’s remark.

“In my eight years as mayor of Sandpoint, this town has seen extremes of prosperity and tragedy.” There is a general shuffling of feet and downward-casting of eyes at the mention of the latter, as if half the crowd are embarrassed to acknowledge it. “But never have I been more proud than today, when I see so many of you here to witness such a grand occasion. You are the heartbeat of Sandpoint, you are what make this town such a noble and welcoming place, and I know that with citizens such as yourselves, there is nothing that we cannot achieve.”

The buoyant mood returns swiftly, and several cheers arise from isolated pockets of the crowd.

“People of Sandpoint, I thank you,” she concludes, and departs the stage to rapturous applause.

She is replaced at the podium by Sheriff Hemlock, the dour man charged with meting out justice in the town. His speech is far less rousing, and laden with warnings about overzealous behaviour around the bonfire, and a reminder to keep horses and other large animals away from the busier areas that the festival will occupy. He concludes by asking for a moment’s silence to honour those who lost their lives in the fire that claimed the town’s previous church five years ago, an unpopular but impeccably observed request that he acknowledges with a curt nod as he leaves the stage.

Fortunately, the next speaker is the colourful Cyrdak Drokkus, proprietor of the Sandpoint Theatre and local gadabout. He bounds onto the podium, doffing his feathered hat and offering a sweeping bow to the crowd. “Good morning ladies and gentleman!” he cries, theatrically searching every pocket before pulling out and unfolding a piece of paper that assumedly contains his speech. He starts to read it to himself in silence, apparently forgetting about the crowd, which draws murmurs of laughter that quickly spread as folk get in on the joke. Feigning surprise, he looks up and smiles. “Oh, sorry, sorry,” he says, crumpling the paper into a ball and tossing it over his shoulder, “That was the final bill for the building work. Can you believe they actually expect me to pay it?”

He then launches into a comic tale of the cathedral’s financing and building. It is delivered rather irreverently, but touches a few nerves among those in the know and parts of it are a lot closer to the bone than some may be comfortable with. Nevertheless, the crowd are in stitches by the time he wraps up. “Now, tonight we’re all going to enjoy this marvellous festival,” he says, “but what about tomorrow evening? New in town with nothing to do? Then why not stop by the Sandpoint Theatre for the opening of The Harpy’s Curse, starring none other than the famous Magnimarian diva, Allishanda!” His shameless self-promotion is met with good natured jeering from the crowd, and he leaves the podium having thoroughly lifted everyone’s spirits, offering a respectful nod to the priest who is approaching the stage to replace him.

Father Abstalar Zantus is the high-priest of Sandpoint and a patron of Desna, though he is open-minded enough to happily offer guidance to worshippers of other Gods when asked for it. His speech is short and echoes that of Mayor Deverin, though with more religious overtones. It is approaching noon as he finishes speaking, and he concludes by motioning towards a corner of the square, where a covered wagon has appeared and is being wheeled through the crowd by two acolytes. It is a slow process, as the square is already crammed to bursting point, but somehow the wagon manages to reach the middle as the throng parts to let it pass then closes again in its wake.

“When the goddess Desna first fell to earth,” says Father Zantus, his voice suddenly taking on the commanding resonance with which he delivers his sermons, “she was gravely injured by her fall. A blind child, full of kindness and light, nursed the goddess back to health with no thought as to who this injured lady might be. As a reward, Desna transformed the child, who was reborn as an immortal butterfly. With this theme of rebirth in mind, I declare the Swallowtail Festival…open!”

As he utters the final word, the acolytes pull back the cover on the wagon, releasing a furious storm of a thousand swallowtail butterflies that swarm in the air in a spiralling riot of colour to a great cheer from the crowd.

Lunch is provided free of charge, at the expense of Sandpoint’s taverns, each bringing its best dish in as much a bid to win new customers as to feed a hungry crowd. It soon becomes apparent that the darling of the lunch is, once again, Ameiko Kaijitsu, whose remarkable curry-spiced salmon and early winterdrop mead easily overshadow the other offerings, even the Hagfish’s famous lobster chowder and the White Deer’s peppercorn venison, both of which would not be out of place in a royal banquet. It is a rare treat for most of Sandpoint’s common folk to sample such delicacies, and they attack the fare with great zeal. Luckily there is more than enough to go around, and everyone heads into the afternoon with full stomachs and a more refined palate.

Throughout the afternoon, the swallowtail butterflies provide an endless source of amusement for the town’s children, who try in vain to catch them as they perch on trees, walls, or buildings. Despite the children’s best efforts, the butterflies always manage to stay just out of reach, always a little too quick for their pursuers.

It is up to you how you wish to spend the afternoon. The festival is concentrated in the area immediately around the main square but there are celebrations going on all over town. Many of these involve eating and drinking, particularly the latter, but there are games, music, stalls and the usual array of activities that you would find in such a celebration. Feel free to wander around and interact with the locals, take in the sights, play some games or do some shopping. The cathedral will be consecrated at sunset so you will probably want to be back at the square for that, but until then it’s up to you what you want to do. Use the map of Sandpoint in the Player’s Guide and see if anything piques your interest.

Archpaladin Zousha
2011-02-23, 04:42 PM
After enjoying a light lunch courtesy of the tavern, followed by at least three pints of mead to wash out the spicy flavor so unfamiliar to him, Vali Ulfsark returns to his cart. He pats his mule, Sigdrifa, on her flank, and begins hawking his wares for the festival. Fine pelts of rabbit, squirrel, and even the occasional wolf for sale. The prize piece however is the prepared hide of a bear, surely worth a great deal to decorate the floor of some affluent farmer's home.

Passerby come to see the towering Ulfen man himself as much as his pelts. Vali didn't normally wear his armor when visiting Sandpoint, but he figured looking like the Viking he was would definitely get peoples' attention, especially since there were a lot of outlanders here for the festival. Most of his pelts went to Larz, but outlanders always were interested in souvenirs. His axe and shield hang on the side of the cart, almost like a logo. If he made a good profit on his pelts during the festival, he might be able to rent some lodgings for a week or two, and enjoy a little vacation from the work of trapping and skinning.

2011-02-23, 09:10 PM
"So here's my plan for the day. Telling this to you now, Aurelius, because I expect at one point in the day you'll lose track of me."

Several days before the festival, Attica had already worked out in her mind how she and her brother would go about to experience as much of the celebration as possible. Despite all the fettering and preparing, it seemed like the Magmarian was enjoying herself. A short lived frown flashed on her face, "C'mon, be honest. When is the last time to two of us disappeared into a crowd where you weren't pulled right where I was pushed left? I just don't want you to worry when I've run off to look around." A sweetly curled smile gradually replaced the old expression as Attica took her time to explain (in detail) what she wanted to do- specifically listening in for input or opinions from her brother.

On the spectacle day, her excitement was just as large as her preparations had built them up to be. Right on time, beautiful day, and she could see faces both recognized and new. Attica had already insisted that they keep their belongings on them and their armor worn. Her explained reason was that, even though they knew this peaceful town and how most of the inhabitants were- there could always be a chance that unpleasant elements came in to take refuge in the chaos of the festival. It was an uncomfortable truth that followed areas with crowded streets.

But nevermind that, Attica happily enjoyed the provided feast- Wherein afterward she goaded Aurelius to play a few of the festival games with her. She disappeared off for a quick moment to listen to various bard music and poetry. It was a joy, listening to verse in Varisian and Thassalonian- she even offered to translate for a lovestruck couple who were obviously oozing over each other. While still separated, Attica was tempted to buy tickets for the advertised play as a gift for her brother- but stopped herself... quietly realizing the restraint she needed for her funds. Throughout the day- Attica spent no time shopping, the majority of the goods here were tourist doodads and were rather uninteresting to her.

With a mildly defeated look she tracked down Aurelius again. For the remainder of the time, she seem content to just look around- generally noting important buildings and remembering historic data she'd gained from school. When she heard an incorrect assumption or bewildered question from a random passerby about any fact she knew... Attica had no qualms about openly correcting or answering them before curtly adding that "you should go read a book"

As the crowds died down and people began scattering, Attica tried to actually keep watch for her aunt and uncle as to not come across them. When she actually thought about it, the situation would be rather compromising if they were caught like that.

The White Knight
2011-02-23, 10:02 PM
Aria sits perched atop a barrel next to the counter where Ameiko is dispensing her feast. "I'm going to get one of these recipes from you sometime," she blurts out jokingly between mouthfuls. "I don't care if I have to hypnotize it out of you. If I find any of my friends later, I'll tell them to drop by and try some -- they'd go wild for this stuff."

"Well, I'm gonna go take some of this in," she declares enthusiastically after her meal as she dismounts from her barrel with a flourish. "Don't hang around here dishing out grub for too long, y'hear? You make sure you get out and have some fun too." She smiles and winks as she wanders off, skipping after a butterfly.

She spends the better part of an hour wandering from vendor to vendor, poring over their wares for any trinkets that might make an appropriate gift for one of her companions at camp. She comes upon Vali's cart, thinks of the coat Gaius had been working on, and decides to take a closer look.

"Ho there, chum," she addresses the burly man. Her slender form is entirely swallowed by the shadow cast from his hefty frame, but she speaks with a playful confidence. "A friend of mine has been patching together an overcoat from pelts over the past few weeks -- I think he's been using beaver to keep dry -- but he hasn't come across any in a while. You wouldn't happen to have anything of that sort, would you?"

Archpaladin Zousha
2011-02-23, 11:33 PM
Vali regards Aria with a look of calm indifference.

"Been a lean year for beaver, miss. 'll see if I got any though."

He begins rummaging through the furs in his cart, and finally manages to pull out two small beaver pelts.

"Looks like it's yer friend's lucky day. One crown apiece and not a copper less."

The White Knight
2011-02-24, 07:27 AM
"A whole crown?" Aria frowns skeptically. "Lean year or no, a beaver's a beaver."

She lets her objection sink in a moment to see Vali's glare of disapproval, then continues, cheerfully, before he has a chance to retort. "Oh, I'm just kidding with you. A crown is fine for such a gift." She sifts through some coins in a pouch tucked away in her satchel and pulls out a gold coin. She looks at it in her hand and then adds with a smile, "Although, at a crown per pelt, I should be telling Gaius to consider selling that coat of his once he's done." She flicks the coin into Vali's hand, then holds up the pelt in front of her to inspect it (as if she had any idea what a quality pelt looked like) before tucking it away in her bag.

"I've seen you and your cart around and about here once in a while, but only ever in little bits. Are you from another town?" She can tell plainly by his features that he's not from Varisia or anywhere nearby, but she'd rather hear it from him.

Archpaladin Zousha
2011-02-24, 11:31 AM
Vali doesn't even blink at her objection, and rolls his eyes a bit when she pays anyway. He figured her for a jokester the moment she approached him.

"I live where the game is. Tent's in the cart, along with whatever else I need. Sometimes I stay at the inn here, but only when I've got coin. As for not being from around here, yes. The Land of the Linnorm Kings is where I hail from, far to the north, though I've not seen it for years."

The White Knight
2011-02-24, 12:28 PM
"I'm a wanderer too," Aria tells Vali. "My friends and I have a camp set up in the woods a short ways off the road that goes east out of town. Feel free to join us sometime if you ever get lonely out there in the bush by yourself -- new faces are always a welcome sight! Gwynn cooks a mean stew, and there's no lack of music and tale to keep you occupied."

Archpaladin Zousha
2011-02-24, 12:47 PM
"Thank you for the offer. Name's Vali. Vali Ulfsark. Got the name on account of my shirt, see? Made from the pelt of the first wolf I ever slew."

King Tius
2011-02-24, 01:45 PM
While his sister was particularly bubbly about the festival, Aurelius seemed his calm, usual self. His sister's antics and the beautiful day have caused a slight smile to creep across his face for most of the day. Though nearly everyone at this festival is smiling and enjoying the day, Attica knows just how telling this small smile is. Aurelius is content to follow his sister around for most of the day. He begrudgingly tries his hand at a simple knock-down-the-milk-jugs game but his armor and bad aim do not help him win anything but mocking remarks from the small horde of children surrounding the booth.

"I know you're bound to wander off Atty, just try not to get into any trouble without me, ok?" He raises his hand and flashes his ring at her as a silent brotherly reminder to her that he is always nearby.

When the two are inevitably separated, Aurelius does his best not to worry about his little sister. As he wanders through the crowds, he comes across two men rapidly descending into an argument. The slightly larger man has the smaller by the shirt and has an arm poised to hit the lesser man in the face, yelling something about "I saw you try and grab my Lissa's behind!" A young woman (presumably Lissa) stands just behind the larger man, trying to calm him down.

Without a moment's hesitation Aurelius ducks under the man's arm and situates himself between the two men. He gives both men a hard shove in opposite directions though he looks towards the larger man.

"That's enough!" He lets the necklace of Abadar hanging about his neck and the greatsword strapped to his back do the rest of the talking.

The White Knight
2011-02-24, 01:48 PM
"Wow, impressive!" Aria exclaims, feigning interest in the topic of slaying wolves. "Aria. Aria Veshkova." She extends a hand to shake Vali's.

"Well, I'm going to keep wandering about. Don't forget to drop by sometime!"

Aria trails off to find some of her comrades, eventually finding them near Ameiko's where she began -- seems they'd found her curried salmon all on their own. By the time she arrived, they had already set up a makeshift set out of nearby objects and had begun acting out one of Aria's favorite Varisian folk tales. A fair crowd had gathered to watch, and some children were even on the stage taking part as extras. She quickly joins the group, taking over for the narrator so he can partake in the acting with the rest. Here she remains well into the evening, working the crowds with her friends in between taking in the other sights of the festival, until the gathering in the square for the consecration of the cathedral commences.

Perform: Oratory for handouts [roll0]
Street Performer's Gladhanding ability doubles the resultant money.

2011-02-24, 02:10 PM
Attica watched her brother from the crowd, she'd found him but he seemed to be occupied with a plebeian dispute. It would break up in a moment, Aurelius seemed to have this under control. The men would probably yell their last remarks, grumble a bit, and then finally grow a shred of awareness that they were being watched publicly and apologize. Luckily this was the street of the festival- not a shady tavern. It'd be a different story there.

Attica gave the young woman an apologetic look- she'd been there before... the last time was years ago though. In college she'd just learned to take up to her professors.

King Tius
2011-02-28, 06:36 PM
The angrier of the two men (and the larger) tries to take a drunken swing at Aurelius. The young paladin easily deflects the blow with a hard smack from his gauntlet. Using the same hand, he balls his fist and delivers a sharp punch to the man's sternum, causing him to stumble backwards and trip over a passing dog.

The champion of Abadar squares his shoulder at the man and crosses his arms. "Had enough?" The angry man's girlfriend rushes to his side and begins to comfort him. A small cheer goes up from the crowd as the drunk gets to his feet and stumbles off. Several people pat Aurelius on the back, though the scowl on his face remains. When someone offers him a pair of apples, however, he remembers his manners and smiles appreciatively.

With the scene dissolved, Aurelius saunters over towards his sister, tossing her the second apple in the process. "Was wondering when you'd show up, Tick. Let's head back to the main square and find a good place to sit for the consecration."

2011-02-28, 07:59 PM
She seemed to make a small attempt to catch the apple. It grazed her right hand before flying off in an odd direction and landing in some unknown spot in the crowd of people. "Atty is fine. Attic is bearable. But not Tick-not in public." Attica objected apparently choosing to ignore the fact that the apple was lost, "Its not fair you know? There are no words that I can rename you with to fight back." Smiling, she gave him a mock push before hugging his arm, "To the temple then."

A glimpse of the lost apple caught her eye, sticking out her tongue at her brother she offhandedly mentioned, "I keep telling you. If you want me to eat a fruit don't toss it at me." Letting go for a moment, she walked off and picked up the wayward fruit. It was slightly bruised from falling on the ground, but Attica picked it up, wiped it off on her shoulder, and just ate from the other side, "If this wasn't from you I wouldn't even touch it." she sighed, but it didn't seem that she minded it all that much.

Archpaladin Zousha
2011-02-28, 10:10 PM
Vali continues selling pelts throughout the afternoon, taking a break every couple hours or so to enjoy the festival. He looks to see if there are any competitions like the Harvest Brawl back in his home village. He's disappointed when he sees the only fight was the altercation between Aurelius and the drunk. While he's disappointed in the lack of fighting spirit in these Southerners, he applauds the paladin.

"Good punch there, lad."

Upon hearing the consecration would be soon, he hustles over there. He figured Desna'd want him there if he wanted to avoid getting lost on the way back out to the wilds.

2011-02-28, 10:50 PM
A sharp retort, like the crack of distant thunder, slices through the crowd as the sun’s setting rays paint the western sky. A stray dog that has crawled under a nearby wagon to sleep starts awake, and the buzz of two dozen conversations quickly hushes as all heads turn toward the central podium, where a beaming Father Zantus has taken the stage. He clears his throat, takes a breath to speak, and suddenly a woman’s scream slices through the air. A moment later, another scream rises, then another. Beyond them, a sudden surge of strange new voices rises – high-pitched, tittering shrieks that sound not quite human. The crowd parts and something low to the ground races by, giggling with disturbing glee as the stray dog gives a pained yelp and then collapses with a gurgle, its throat cut open from ear to ear. As blood pools around its head, the raucous sound of a strange song begins, chanted from shrill, scratchy voices.

Aurelius, Aria and Vali
As the crowd wheels and pushes in the initial confusion, you see that the shape that rushed by and killed the dog now hides at the edge of the nearby wagon – a single goblin, licking the blood from a strange, curved weapon as it looks excitedly at the crowd.

You are caught up in the confusion as the crowd pushes first one way, then the other, and it takes you a few moments to catch your balance and orientate yourself.

I’m going to assume Malachei’s character, Carissa, is somewhere else in town for now, as I haven’t seen a finished sheet or an IC post from him yet, so it’ll just be the other four involved in this encounter.

King Tius
2011-02-28, 10:57 PM
Aurelius draws his sword in one fluid motion as he moves towards the goblin. Shouting back over his shoulder to his sister, his voice is a mixture of adrenaline and fear (though Attica is really only the one who can tell that).

"Attica! Get on top of something and stay put!"

Aurelius bears down on the little goblin and takes a big old swing at it if he can.

Initiative: [roll0]
Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

The White Knight
2011-02-28, 11:24 PM
Aria quickly retrieves the bow stowed at her back and strings it in the same fluid motion. While Aurelius engages the solitary goblin, she engages the crowd:

"Everybody stay calm! Signal if you see more goblins!"

If there is something nearby she can clamber up to gain a better vantage point, she does so.

Move Action to draw weapon. Move Action to try to get to higher ground. Perception check: [roll0]

Archpaladin Zousha
2011-03-01, 01:30 AM
Without even stopping to think, Vali bolts back to his cart and hoist his axe and shield from the sides. They feel comfortable in his hands. The Viking was ready for battle once again. He heard the sound of clashing steel like music in his head as the memories returned.

"Well, old friend," he mutters to his weapon. "It looks like Narvi's blood won't be the last you'll taste."

He rushes back to defend the village.


Then he surveys the battlefield to see where to engage.

"Come on, ya runty green bastards!"

2011-03-01, 01:53 AM
Pushed and tugged away from her brother, Attica cursed her luck as the last bit of apple in her hand flew off in another random direction. 'No use going after it this time.'

Beneath the screams she could hear her brother yelling a garbled order of some sort. She twinged visibly, Aurelius never had a tone like that unless it was serious. The meaning came through his voice, not his words. Attempting to push through the crowd, Attica ran to escape the crowd and come back beside her brother once more. It was hard to see past the people, so she began a search for a good and high vantage point for herself.

Double move to get out of the crowd- towards her brother. I don't think she can do much else.

The White Knight
2011-03-01, 07:15 AM
"It isn't just the men ready to fight, ya lout!" Aria scowls at Vali while she peers over the area for more goblins.

Archpaladin Zousha
2011-03-01, 10:19 AM
"Back in my village the women didn't raid. 'Scuse me if I don't know much about how Southerners fight!"

2011-03-01, 05:13 PM
Confusion reigns and panic is quickly setting in as Aurelius seizes the initiative and hacks at the goblin with his sword – or at least, where the goblin had been. In the instant it takes for the blade to descend from the top of its arc, the creature has leapt onto the platform of the wagon and is giggling maniacally as the crowd tries desperately to evacuate the square, the men paying little heed to Vali’s rallying cry and stampeding for the exits alongside the women and children.

Clambering onto a now-deserted stall, the table still crammed with food, Aria spots two more goblins, one scuttering along a low wall, the other darting between fleeing legs, pausing to give the odd limb a vicious bite and inducing more panic.

Attica desperately tries to swim against the tide, pushing through the crowd to reach her brother and being subjected to much buffeting and elbowing as the terrified citizens try to escape.

That’s the end of the surprise round. There are three goblins surrounding you, one standing on the platform of the nearest wagon, one on a low wall and one on the ground. All three are wielding the same crudely fashioned weapons that look like a jagged piece of junk metal strapped to a wooden handle, with holes punched into the blade.

As I said in a previous OOC post, we will use group initiative for combat, taking the average modifier of all participants on each side, so the initative for round 1 is as follows:

PCs [roll0]
Goblins [roll1]

Hmm, that's not the best start for you guys, but those goblins are quick! I'll have they're actions up soon, so please wait until then before you post yours.

Round 1

Aurelius feels something on his leg and looks down to find a goblin clinging to him [Goblin #3], its arms wrapped around his thigh while it tries to bite through his armour. At the same time, the goblin standing on the wagon [Goblin #1] swings its weapon at the paladin’s head, slicing through a patch of hair but doing no effective damage.

The third creature [Goblin #2] leaps from the wall to the table upon which Aria is standing, but its attention is suddenly distracted by a plate of fresh salmon, and it seemingly forgets all about battle, setting down its weapon to gnaw at the fish’s pink flesh.

Archpaladin Zousha
2011-03-01, 07:32 PM
Vali brings his axe down on the goblin that leapt from the cart, hoping to chop the little brute in half as it landed.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: None, because I didn't hit. :smallsigh:

2011-03-01, 08:09 PM
"I'm getting nowhere with this." Attica commented sourly. A part of her wanted to push back against the people moving around her, but she knew it wouldn't do much.

She took in a few deep breaths, 'Focus... look around, don't get caught up.' Attica searched into the crowd, there were a few cuts- nothing that didn't indicate the injury caused by a panicked crowd. Looking up, no smoke- people weren't running from a fire. She stopped running against the crowd, and instead began to run perpendicular to it- out towards the stalls and where the crowd was thinning. Attica catches a glimpse of a green blur on a rope... Did it just swing at her brother? "I... Am NOT Helpless!" Attica yelled rather irritably at no one in particular.

After a few steps, she stopped and began weaving a spell with her fingers. Despite the jostling and the ruckus- the Oracle stubbornly focused her will into a spell to help her brother fight- and possibly help mildly fight the panic in the crowds.

One Move action to just get out of the crowd- towards the stalls.

Standard action to cast Bless in a 50ft Burst.
Concentration Check (Vigorous motion DC 11)

King Tius
2011-03-01, 08:47 PM
Aurelius ignores the little cretin on his leg and attempts to slash the goblin who went for his head. As he does so, he focuses more on using his blade as a shield, just as his masters at the temple taught him.

As he does so, he shouts out to Attica: "That's it, Tick! You tell them who's boss!" He knows that calling her by her nickname will only make her angrier, but he knows that angry is better than scared when it comes time to fight.

Aurelius also takes notice of the burly barbarian and the other woman clambering up for a better vantage point. If he were a funny man, he might make some snide comment about women standing on tables and such, but Aurelius is both dour and chivalrous...

Round Summary

Using Shield of Swings which halves my damage when I take a Full Attach but boosts my AC by 4 for a total AC of 19.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] / 2

EDIT: I apologize for the dialogue color spasms. I usually post in Royal Blue, so I think I am going to stick with that if it is alright with everyone.

The White Knight
2011-03-01, 11:37 PM
Glad that food was still out, or that little wretch would be chewing on my leg through my skirt...

Aria cautiously hops down from the cart, then whirls around to fire at the goblin still atop the table.

Hold still...

She sets her first arrow sailing well over the goblin's head, but uses her failed shot to better gauge her second one.

5 ft. step out of the goblin's reach, followed by two shots using Rapid Shot. If the first shot fells her goblin, she'll use the second against one of the goblins engaging Aurelius; otherwise, she'll try to use the second shot to put down the goblin near her. That looks to me like the first shot is an outright miss, so ignore the conditional here.

First shot: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Second shot: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Subtract 4 from the second shot if firing into melee with Aurelius. Also subtract 1 from attack and damage if Aurelius's attackers are farther than 30ft, negating Point Blank Shot.

2011-03-02, 10:45 AM
Carissa was excited. She had been eager to attend the Swallowtail Festival for several reasons. Wandering the town square for a good place to make a performance, she had kept Faer Tirith close by, and on a tight leash. ”Again. Do you really have to? I am just a small cat, after all,” his familiar voice probed her mind, letting her feel the full extent of his disapproval. The young woman nodded, seemingly speaking to herself ”You are a trained circus cat, my dear. Still, people expect to be safe.” Very gently, she tugged at the leash to guide the big cat. Her other hand held a large, thin iron ring, maybe five feet in diameter and therefore made from two parts. A little girl looked at the powerful feline in amazement, and Carissa said, ”Yes, you may. He’s really tame.” Hesitantly, the child stroked the big cat. Meanwhile, Faer Tirith yawned, showing his great jaw and licked his paw.

She still tasted the wonderful curry salmon of Ameiko Kaijitsu, and was in her best mood. This would be a good day, after all. Perhaps, with all the festivities going on, she might find somebody who knew her father! But first, she needed to go to work herself. She found a suitable corner opposite the main stage, and held the large ring high in the air. ”Beeeeehoooooold, good citizens! A creature of power! A wild animal! But good-natured and a friend, will brave the dangers to come to me.” and shook the ring to beckon the cat to jump through -- the fire pelt, however, just yawned again and laid down. ”Please, Faer, we need the money… she implied in his mind, but the cat would not move. ”So much for dinner,” the woman muttered. ”Oh, don’t worry about me, darling, I’ll find food,” came the coy response.

What a start, Carissa thought, this day looks promising. With a sigh, she gathered her belongings and looked at the crowd, undecided what to do next or where to go.

Suddenly, Faer twisted his ears, and the next moment, all hell breaks loose.


As soon as she notices the danger, she will cast mage armor on Faer.

Carissa (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=279908)
Female CG Half-Elf (Varisian) Summoner, Level 1, Init +0, HP 10/10, Speed 30
AC 10, Touch 10, Flat-footed 10, Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +2, Base Attack Bonus 0
Dagger -2 (1d4-2, 19-20 / x2)
Sling 0 (1d4, 20 / x2)
Chakram 0 (1d8, 20 / x 2)

Abilities Str 7, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 20
Condition None
Active Spells:
Spells Cast: Mage Armor

Faer Tirith (Eidolon) (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=279884)
Male Eidolon, Level 1, Init +2, HP 10/10, Speed 40
AC 18, Touch 12, Flat-footed 16, Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +0, Base Attack Bonus 1
Bite +3 (1d6+2, )
Bite and 2 Claws +3 (1d6+2, 1d4+2, 1d4+2, )
With PA +2 (1d6+4, 1d4+4, 1d4+4, )
(+4 Armor, +2 Dex, +2 Natural)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11
Condition None
Active Spells: Mage Armor
Evolutions: Bite (free), Limbs (legs) (2) (free), Reach (Bite), Claws, Pounce