View Full Version : GMing for a noob(GF) [3.5]

2011-02-24, 06:38 AM
So I'm GMinfg for my GF today for a solo adventure. This is the second roleplaying session for her EVER and she really doesn't know anything about the fluff etc. She plays a second level Warlock//Bard.

She generally despises Sci-fi in any form and doesn't really know anything about the fantasy genre. I'm trying to get her to know what my hobby, roleplaying, really is like.

The first session was a real success. She really liked it. Currently her character is in an old forest that is haunted by the spirits of dead druids. She's fought monkeys and apes and found an old sacred clearing of the druids where they used to pray and offer their sacrifices to the gods.

One thing I noticed with her is that I could make even a simple Imp appear mythical, as they should be. It's easier to control the mood of the game than with veteran players who already know the strengths and weaknesses of the creatures and classes. It is very refreshing.

So any suggestions for the session held today? and also GMing for noobs in general.

2011-02-24, 06:54 AM
It would be easier to make suggestions if we knew more about what happened last time.

2011-02-24, 07:06 AM
She started of in a tavern (CLICHE! :smallbiggrin:). The start was a bit slow, since she didn't really know what to do and how to do it. I told her that she could really do anything, even start whipping up a dwarf in the tavern if she wanted. After a few jokes I got her to tense down a bit. They(She and 2x NPC in her party) had come to the village after hearing rumours about an old artifact lying around in these parts of the world.

She talked to another adventuring party in the tavern and found out that they had been in the forest described in the first post. She geared up (got some rations etc. from the village) and decided to head out in the morning. They had to cross a river on the way to the forest, so they took the road to a trade outpost where they could take a ferry over the river. After spending some time in the outpost talking to people and asking about the forest she decided to move on. At nightbreak the reached the forest. It was full moon (as it would be for the next week. The power of the druid spirits made the full moon last longer.

They made a camp for the night. They heard wild animals in the forest rambling and acting paranormally, but no animals came out to attack them during the night. In the morning they were ready for the forest. I got to introduce the combat system to her as they fought of some monkeys. They reached the clearing, she made some knowledge rolls and brainstormed with her allies about the different sacrificial grounds and praying spots.

We ended the session after they fought another party of monkeys and an ape. She said that she's looking forward to continue the game later on. So today she's coming to my place and I thought that I'd continue the game.

The party NPCs are a cliched meatwall(fighter) with a big stick and a cleric of Olidammara. I'm looking to show her different aspects of RPGing and the system.

2011-02-24, 08:26 AM
Well, how about something like this: the druid's spirits are all worked up because dwarves are cutting down huge swaths of forest, which they need to fuel their forges so they can arm themselves against an army of goblins, hobgoblins, and bugbears who have been invading their lands of late. The goblinoids are only there because their homes have become absolutely infested with kobolds, who are acting under the orders of a dragon because the goblinoids unknowingly entered the dragon's territory and got him pissed off. But the dragon's not really mad about the trespassing- he's upset because his brother was slain by adventurers a couple years ago (considering dragons are nigh-immortal, a couple years is a nap) and made armor out of his skin, and now the dragon's taking it out on whoever's convenient because he can't track down the people who killed his brother.

This is just stuff off the top of my head here.

2011-02-24, 08:32 AM
Sounds good. The first session was kinda ran without much thought beforehand. I could use something like that to get some plot into the game. Also has anyone else ran a campaign to a total newbie? I would like to hear experiences from other people. It will be interesting to see if her preconceptions of my hobbies will change.

2011-02-24, 09:46 AM
Noobs often make the best roleplayers, because they don't let rules get in the way. :smallwink:

big teej
2011-02-24, 10:02 AM

read it, learn it, use it.

Oakspar is brilliant

2011-02-24, 11:11 AM
Google 'Lessons from DMing with my GF'. Lots of insight in there.

Whoops, missed that last post.

2011-02-25, 04:24 AM
How'd it go?

2011-02-25, 04:33 AM
Unfortunately we couldn't play yesterday. She had to study to her language finals. But I'm not giving up just because we missed one game. Next time I'll tell her in advance that we'll play when she comes here. Thanks for the great posts :). I'll update here when we play!