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2011-02-24, 07:58 PM
The title pretty much says it all. Just post the character's: Name, race, class, and a small description. If you want, recount some of their adventures or exciting tales.

Here, I'll start:
Name: Fan'nar Imitholie
Race: Elf
Class: Fighter:4
A young, chaotic elf who went off in search of things to to prove his skills against (painfully)
Alighnment: Chaotic Good

Doc Roc
2011-02-24, 08:01 PM
Commodore Guff
Wizard 20
Lived inside multiple golems.

2011-02-24, 08:07 PM
Here are the most recent

Lucia, Elf, Seeker, Lvl1, Psychotic elf that kills kobolds and other evils, Chaotic Go/Neutral/od. Still alive

Cazzr, Wilden, Monk, Lvl2, A powerful and well centered monk trying to give Psionics a firm control within the world, True Neutral. Alive within Forgotten Realms.

V, Human, Wizard, Lvl5, A human who grew up dreaming to be an adventurer has decided the world needs a firm hand to guide it so plans to become a Lich. Tr/Evil/ue Neutral 2ed

2011-02-24, 08:17 PM
Name: Jorgrim
Race: Human (subrace: stormländare)
Background: village
Archetype: Warrior (highly experienced and skilled)
Occupation: Mercenary/bodyguard, now retired and farmer
Special: Was a werewolf for a time
Personality: Battle hardened and very rational but gives up easily and at times nihilistic, is not phased easily, sometimes forgets the value of human life
Appearance: Tall, broad shoulders, little facial hair and no hair on the head aside from a long ponytail.
Abilities: Very strong, very agile, weak willed
Reason for adventuring: He was a farmer, the crop went bad, had to take a loan to survive, next season the crop went bad again and the loan-taker took his family as slaves to pay off, so he took up his old job as a mercenary to get as much money as possible, many who knew him in his adventuring days thought he was evil and greedy for the things he had to do for the money he needed to save his family. (which he eventually did)

Interesting note: at one point he turned into a werewolf during combat and nearly killed two of his friends... He left shortly thereafter.

2011-02-24, 08:19 PM

Female Asimiar Healer 19 of Pelor
Neutral Good
Kept a party of adventurers alive through most of the Savage Tides campaign.

Canary Sailient

Female Human Bard 12/Lyric Thematurge 3/ Sublime Chord 2
Neutral Good
Insipres a party fighting the good fight against the forces of Kyus in the Age of Worms campaign.

Kharak Pallak al Mubarrak al Hizben al Thune

Male Human Wizard 6/Human Paragon 3/Mindbender 1
Lawful Evil
Sworn to protect tombs and other ruins of the ancersters of the Thune from raiders and robbers. Also a Thune operative of sorts. Yet to actually be played, will be doing that this weekend (I HOPE!)
One of his "gimmicks" is that he disguises himself as a warrior-type. He also wears armor, albeit only a twilight mithril chain shirt and carries around a dragonfang falchion (though he's skill with it is middling at best.) Has an imp familiar, a feat that gives his full character level to determine siad familiar's stats, and a theoretical focus on battlefield control.

2011-02-24, 08:29 PM
Lessee... I'll post my favorite three:

Name: Ashram Tyrilit
Age: 25-27
Race: Human
Class(es): Clr7/RSoE6
Deity: Enynden (Homebrewed deity of life and light)
Domains: Sun, Healing
Alignment: Neutral Good (Occasionally leaning Neutral)
Summary: My first character, sort of a self-insert. Played up by the DM to be nearly the last powerful cleric of his faith after a massive sacking of the main temple of his deity. Met his final end from a wizard vampire's super Disintegrate. (Bad blood between the DM and I caused this. Can't say I blame him now.)

Name: Kelros
Age: 22
Race: Human
Class: Ftr (Two-handed Master archetype [PF])
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Summary: Kelros is my favorite character to use for greatsword fightan. I've never gotten to play him through a full campaign; he's more or less my in-between character if another leaves.

Name: Midian
Age: 20
Race: Tiefling (Abyssal bloodline)
Class: Rog7 (Sometimes assassin as well)
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Summary: Midian was my first attempt at a truly evil character and I have to say, I liked it. Aside from Ashram, he's one of my more "fluffed-up" characters, having a decent-sized backstory and a weapon and feats that help emphasize the character along with mechanical benefits.

2011-02-24, 08:41 PM
Name: Song
Race: Changling
Class: bard:1
changling trying to fit in places where she isn't looked down upon she often is running around doing things for people in random disguises
Alighnment: nuetral good

most recent

2011-02-24, 08:56 PM
Name: Azif Aram al-Rashid
Race: Desert elf
Class: Wizard/Abjurant champion/Archmage
Alignment: Lawful Good
Concept: Originally started out as a Druid in a desert campaign, True neutral, a grumph and vengeful
Turned out to be: After several misadventures, a bunch of Devils, Demons and Nobles, he is now the Satrap of a small desert province. Enemies on all sides and slightly paranoid he does whatever good he can to keep his people happy... as well as doing his best to avoid the tax collector

2011-02-24, 09:10 PM
Commodore Guff
Wizard 20
Lived inside multiple golems.

Nice reference. Did he go about erasing giant tomes of prophecy?

So, I've been sole GM of my group for the last batch of years. But when I did play my favorite was this guy.

Here, I'll start:
Name: Brasidas Aristious
Race: Human
Age: mid-30s
Class: Fighter ? (don't remember when we stopped this campaign)
Alighnment: Lawful Evil
The king's bogeyman, when problems arose Bras and his group would be called to fix it. Slowly, however, he gained ties and allegiances to overthrow the monarch and managed to drag his mostly good companions along the ride.

2011-02-24, 10:23 PM
I think my favorites are:

Mara, a female neutral good human gestalt rogue/swashbuckler/factotum//wizard who carried her cat familiar around in her hood and stopped to feed it snacks at bizarre and inopportune moments. A smart aleck with way too many skill points for her own good. Mostly played as a buffer/sneak-attacker, only doing heavy lifting sort of casting when the other casters in the party needed the help. Played from level 1 to 15.

Indy, a male chaotic good human bardic sage with a whip (I think I got the bard idea from someone on the forums, actually). He was a character created for a one-off Halloween campaign; other characters in the group included an awakened turtle with class levels in ninja, a warforged druid who spent a significant amount of time in wildshape pulling our cart (because the DM wouldn't let him become the cart), and an elf monk who insisted that his stunning fist was actually executed by pinching the shoulders of his intended victims. I think I was actually the most normal of the bunch until the DM, literally cackling, killed me with a falling boulder.

Amaya, a lawful good lesser tiefling beguiler variant (my DM gave me a couple ranger spells and low-level druid spells, since it was a wilderness campaign). Played from level 3 to 20. Favorite character moment had to be the argument that ensued when the other tiefling in our party, a rogue, demanded I repent the error of my ways after I refused to cheat the party cleric at dice.

My favorite character concept was a slightly unhinged neutral good wizard who'd reached just a tad bit too far in the unknown arcane mystery department. Unfortunately, he took a bad critical hit from a bow at level 2 and was never heard from again.

2011-02-24, 10:43 PM
Neutral Evil Human
Fighter 1/Rogue 2/Necromancer 1/Boneblade Reaper 6 (homebrew PrC I found on this site)
A greatsword-wielding necromancer with a flair for the dramatic, he stands out in my mind as the only PC I've ever played that went out of his way to out-do the BBEG of the campaign. He emulated Sephiroth on more than one occasion (I blame too many late-night sessions :smalltongue:), and even used a line from the Advent Children movie when was finally killed by six undead swarms (he took out five of them before going down):
"I will never be a memory."

It was epic at the game table :smallcool:

2011-02-24, 10:53 PM
My very first character ever was pretty cliched.
Korihel [something]
TWF Ranger/Wildrunner
Either Chaotic or True Neutral, I forget.
Acquired a pseudodragon companion somehow.
Her mother was raised in an extremely xenophobic elven community. When she was raped by a human soldier (whee) and got pregnant from it, she was pariahed from the community. So Korihel was raised on vitriol against humans (Favoured Enemy: Human). Then she watched her mother get torn apart by wandering giants (Favoured Enemy: Giant). Not having anything better to do, she decided to track down her father, and exact revenge for her mother. When she arrived at her father's house, she discovered that he had a loving family and was generally a decent guy. In a conversation with her he revealed that he only did what he did because of, well, peer pressure with blades, and that he regretted it a lot and that he'd welcome her into his family or she could rightly kill him if she wanted.
Confused and conflicted, she put off her revenge to wander about as an adventurer.

Rogue/Catlord (at one point, weretiger from an item)
True Neutral
Shea is pretty much the archetypical streetrat. She doesn't know if she's an orphan - she just doesn't know what happened to her parents - but she spent her life on the street with only alleycats for company. She's not very clever (low Int), but has a well-developed sense of self-preservation (high Wis). She assumes that just about anyone, no matter how nice, will turn her out eventually, but she finds it best to just go along with things. Shea likes kitties :3

3/4 elf 1/4 succubus tiefling
TWF Ranger (eventually Tempest, I think)
Chaotic Good
Pale skin, big bright red hair, Gambit-like eyes (black whites, white iris), and two little black baby goat horns. Has a little coral snake companion.
Sar'Pynestae has proper history. Her great-grandfather was a guardian of his elven community. He discovered that demons had been coming into his forest through a gate that had been left open for unknown reasons. He dealt with the demons and closed the gate but not before a succubus slipped in without him noticing. She presented herself to him, and told him she was tired of the Blood War and wanted a way out. After several centuries, with many setbacks, the Succubus finally understood things well enough and developed enough self control to mostly stop being Evil (Chaotic Neutral) with the help of the elves. She and Sar'Pynestae's grandfather hooked up, and had Sar'Pynestae's father.
Normal stuff happened, and then eventually Sar'Pynestae came along. While she was young, she was kidnapped by a Marilith as a soldier in the Blood War. It was, quite literally, Hell for her. She was eventually rescued by a party lead by her succubus grandmother, but she was never really the same.
Now she's a bit unhinged, with PTSD and an easily-snapped temper. If she ever finds herself in the Hells again, she will have a major breakdown. When she recovers from it, she will have switched from Good to Neutral, and will go into all-out "survival and escape at all costs" mode.
She makes jewellery.

Kariana Wyrnder
Lawful Good
Kariana's my current DMPC. She is from Hock Barok, the ultra-conservative elf-hating homeland of the dwarves. About a century ago they shut themselves up to complete a massive commission (for a country that no longer exists), and everyone was forbidden to leave or to let anyone in. Kariana discovered that her brother had been smuggling things into and out of the caves with the help of some others, including several elves. Concerned for his safety outside, she went along with him. When they were inevitably caught, she took all responsibility for the deeds. She was branded a traitor and exiled for fraternising with elves and breaking the quarantine.
She went to live with the elves for a while and sank into a drunken stupor. In a booze-fuelled rage she hurt someone she deeply cared about. She subsequently swore off alcohol, and left to kill some time in a useful way while she waited for her exile to run out.
Has a coat of arms. Can't remember the exact terminology, but it's divided into 4. Two are (from memory) blue with black wriggly lines through them diagonally, and two are white with a crossed axe and pick. It has a big, bright orange tombstone shape over the top of it all - the heraldric sign for a traitor.

2011-02-24, 11:13 PM
Name: Nybariveralys (nicknamed River)
Race: High Elf
Class: Retired at Wizard 16 (I forget his PRC's but they included Incantatar and Wayfarer's Guide and Master Specialist)
Alighnment: Neutral Evil

River was the Goat of the Terrrorist Cell called Chimera. He ports the Dragon and the Lion in and out of situations. He also casts their buffs and has several buffs on himself including Anticipate Teleport. He retired to become an inkeep.

Name: Celaeno the Dark Cloud, later called Arikel, later called Skizzik
Race: Half Elf
Class: Bard, retired level 20, Bard 10, Sublime Chord 10
Alighnment: Neutral Evil

One hundred years after River retired, the world has fallen into the corruption of Orcus, due to the inability of Chimera to convince the good people of Faurun of the impending threat. When it seemed like it was too late, Asmodeus sends his lovely concubine, Celaeno to Fareun, to rally the living against the dead, regardless of good or evil. Celaeno intention to overthrow Glasya was later discovered by the the Church of Malar and she was "murdered" by the Church to gain favor from the demon prince. She was returned in a weakened state by Asmodeus, as the human belly-dancer named Arikel. In order to full decieve her allies, she changed identity again, as the Kobold fencer, Skizzik.

Name: Tuesday
Race: Human
Class: Bard, Retired level 16 (Bard 4, Fighter 1, Lasher 16)
Alighnment: Good

Tuesday is the third born of septuplets of the circus freak named only the Gelatinous Cube of a drunk space corsair. She would grow up to be an acrobatic horsewoman-clown, all seven of the sisters upon a single unicorn. When Sunday died, the remaining six ventured off to find fame and fortune. Tuesday was accompanied by the circus unicorn, Jock Itch, and her sister Wednesday, a Rogue.

2011-02-24, 11:25 PM
Let's see... in rough order:

Eric: CG Human thief. Kinda happy-go-lucky and had a propensity for drinking more than was good for him. He really wanted to help people, though. Started at level 3 and ended at level 7 or 8.

Cedric: NG human cleric. He was 12 years old (it was kind of a Harry Potter-esque game where everyone was attending some kind of magic academy.) He was the son of some duke or something (this was like thirteen years ago, I don't remember a lot of the details.) After a failed attempt on his life (that he was unaware of due to the other PCs barging into his bedroom at night, catching the assassin, and casting Color Spray in an attempt to knock him out. It didn't work on him, but it did work on me) he was sent to live at the academy. His parents were always busy with stuff so he pretty much turned to faith for fulfillment that he didn't get from them, and being sent away to live at the academy pretty much cemented in his mind the idea that his parents didn't care about him and just wanted him out of the damn way (even though they did it in an attempt to keep him safer than he was at their keep.)

Let's see... after that I believe was Kothiosetharias. Grey elf fighter/mage. I only played him for like one session.

Erik. He was basically a viking. He was a dimwitted fighter with awesome physical stats and used a bastard sword and shield. He was kind of like Minsc.

Gonra: Human ranger. I only played him for a couple sessions so I don't remember much about him.

Warren: Overconfident CG career soldier. He died after killing the entire crew of a slaver's ship. After everyone else was dead and the other two PCs were knocked unconscious, the captain of the ship challenged him to a contest- throwing a spear attempting to hit one of the ropes hanging from the mast. The captain threw first and hit the mast but missed the rope by a couple inches. As he was unarmed, and I was armed with a spear- the weapon I had specialized in- I figured I could take him. I was wrong. I was level 3 and he was about level 7. He kicked my ass and threw me overboard while I was unconscious to drown.

Bertrich: Warren's replacement. He was actually created with the 2e rules and later converted to 3e right after it came out. He was a Roman legionnaire (literally- the game was set on Earth) and a genuinely nice guy. He was sent to the church by his parents to become a priest, but left before long to join the army. At one point he was given a vision of Alexander riding a horse into battle while brandishing his spear. After consulting some monks he believed he was destined to search for Alexander's spear. He didn't explicitly die, but he failed a will save vs. some kind of mind control spell set up to automatically be cast on anyone entering a town run by some kind of cult.

Andrinor: NE human sorcerer. Only played him for one game.

Jordan: NG A fighter from a small island in the middle of the sea. I only played him one session. That session took ages hours and consisted of everybody farting around town individually and absolutely nothing getting accomplished. I left after like six hours and said I couldn't stand everything taking so damn long. A couple hours after that everybody FINALLY met up and set off on some quest or other, and that's where the session ended. There was never a second session.

Some barbarian whose name I can't remember: He was basically Erik again. He was kind of backwards and stubborn but a good guy at heart.

Aramil: NG Human druid. He died around level 5 after being ripped apart by a draegloth.

Unferth: Gnome barbarian. Only played him for a couple sessions, one of which included fighting about seventy werewolves. (They were just level 1 commoners so we survived... barely.)

Rhaine: NG half-elf druid5/ranger1/sorcerer1. Aramil's half brother. Only played him for two or three sessions before that game died.

Dalantar Silvershield: LG dwarf crusader. Only played him once.

2e again:
Stennal: CG centaur ranger with the Giant Killer kit. Technically the game is still going but we haven't played in like a year due to the DM and the other players being busy with work and all.

2011-02-25, 12:00 AM
I've been playing since 2E, but I'll just name from my current group. :smalltongue:

1st - Thoron Duval, human LG Cleric 8/Church Inquisitor 8 of Nera, goddess of healing, family, protection etc.

The Third Son of the Baron of Centrum, discovered and exposed his father framing the previous Baron for treason. Restoring the honor of House Van Deimos, he became a Knight of Centrum.

Anecdote: I only ever intended to play a cleric. The plot about his father was DM creation for the campaign. By coincidence it fit in with the Church Inquisitor prestige class, so for roleplay reasons I went into it.

2nd - Barimer Van Deimos, human LG Cleric 8/Sacred Exorcist 10 of Hieronious, then Gumea, goddess of War, then First Cleric of Mataros, new god of Justice.

Son of the Baron redeemed by Thoron, Bari and his friends helped the world prepare for the coming Armageddon invasion of Devils and Demons. Became Baron of Centrum then Duke of the Western Realm. He and the party helped create two new gods of magic to bring balance to the Heavens.

Anecdote: The DM wanted to change the gameworld a bit, including only having his homemade deities instead of also including PHB. Once the change became official in game Bari became a cleric of Gumea with Hieronious's Full Blessing. Mataros was "born" in Centrum. Because Mataros was much like Hieronious, with Gumea's True Blessing Bari became his first cleric in the world as Bari wanted to regain what he felt he lost in himself while preparing for Armageddon. (I.E. I felt I was drifting to Lawful Neutral and wanted to go back to how I played Bari in the beginning.)

3rd - Godric Desaro - human LG Crusader 11/Swordsage 2/Master of Nine 5, worshiper of Turia, LG goddess of Family, "Mother of the gods".

Son of Barimer Van Deimos, helped save the world during the Apocalypse of the Thoon invasion. Originally a worshiper of Mataros, he was a jerk and pain in the ass. A falling out with his father had him break with the church. He was offered a chance of Redemption by Turia after he earned favor from Corellon Larethian for a Great Service to the Elven pantheon.

Desaro was an immortal ancestor wizard/druid who was wrongly imprisoned and freed by Bari and his friends. When imprisoned his wife mourned into a tree and became the First Dryad. Through Turia Godric recommitted his focus into his bloodlines, of which he had many.

Godric fights with his fists and often shirtless. He likes the insult he gives his enemies because they were defeated by a half-naked unarmed human, a male at that when it comes to Drow.

Anecdote: In a bout of personal emotions dealing and a bit frustration with the game, I lost control in my play and had a big fight with my DM over it. We managed to talk it over and set things right. To keep campaign consistency we used Redemption by Turia.

Current character: Henry Alexander Don Silver, Hadsil for short, human NG Level 1 Pathfinder Sorcerer Arcane Bloodline using Bonded Item.

Hadsil has a strong tie to the Weave. (Spellcaster Prodigy feat, Arcane Bloodline). His connection lets him manipulate the rainbow. (Roleplaying choice to pick spells based on a theme of colors. At low levels this means Illusion spells like Color Spray, Silent Image, and Hypnotic Pattern, but later Ray of Enfeeblement works for black, Rainbow Blast from Spell Compendium, Lesser Glober of Invulnerability I flavor text to white, Disintegrate is green, and of course there's good ol' Prismatic Spray.)

Hadsil doesn't know it yet, but he is the reincarnated soul Desaro.

2011-02-25, 12:09 AM
Name: Ragnarock
Race: Dragonborn
Class: 8th level Inspiring Warlord
- my first year of 4e was spent playing this character. I spent that time trying to hunt down the necromancers who killed his wife. The only thing he had left of her was a silver locket with a piece of both their eggshells in it, which became his first magic item.

Name: The Host
Race: Human
Class: 8th level Infernal Pact warlock
-my 'legacy' character. An ageless human possessed and driven mostly insane by some otherworldly entity that craved life magic. He was freed from a tower destroyed by the party and his background never really developed in the campaign that created him. He was evil due to the control exerted on him by the parasite inside him, but a story mishap caused the entity to become allergic to good aligned creatures. So he ended up being an evil engine of destruction that devoured evil.

Name: Gonfuthuh
Race: Haf-Orc
Class: 5th level Arena fighter Multiclass Assassin
-my current character. the arena feature gives her a proficiency bonus with improvised weapons, the multiclass lets her use a ki focus with proficient weapons. She is a former slave that was forced into the arena. The town she lived in didn't allow female slaves into the arena, so her owner forced her to wear an iron helmet and cuirass to hid her feminine features and pass as a scrawny man. As a result, she has scars which she's self conscious about on her arms and legs, but none on her face or torso. Her name was supposed to be Gotella, but the name-giver sneezed during the ceremony and was too afraid to tempt the wrath of Gruumsh to change it.

2011-02-25, 12:10 AM
Playing AD&D as a third grader, I made the following character:

Fighter 1
Lived exactly two rooms into my first experience into a dungeon where he was killed by yellow mold. That's right, yellow mold. How pathetic.
My father was the DM.

With that introduction to the game, who would have thought that I would still be playing it three decades later.

2011-02-25, 01:02 AM
In memory of a game that's apparently-died...

Arch Whitman
What is he? He's a vampire, specifically, a Malkavian. :smallamused:
What was special about him? He was pretty freakin' insightful, and managed to stockpile a decent amount of dirt, debts and blood-bonds during the time I got to play him. Oh, and he always acted just a little more deranged than he actually was, mostly to keep everyone off his trail.
Memorable moments: "Pranking" one of the vampire elders, who'd just received domain in another city; "torturing" a Hunter by eating a Philly cheesesteak sandwich in front of him; "curing" the coterie's Tremere of his gun "phobia."

2011-02-25, 01:24 AM
Name: Garland Reginleif
Race: Human
Class: Fighter 4th level-multiclass Warlord
Alignment: Unaligned (Lawful Neutral)
- A former soldier of his homeland he took to adventuring after a botched mission resulted in both him and his best friend being captured and his best friend being tortured to death some female elf. Garland was rescued before he was killed to but soon took up his sword and shield to hunt down the woman who killed his friend.

Morbis Meh
2011-02-25, 01:36 AM
Level 6 Fighter
Chaotic Good

A very non traditional Dwarf that prefered to jump on enemies and slash them with 2 dwarven waraxes...

some guy
2011-02-25, 06:54 AM
Simon Zondriaan
Race: Human
Class: Paladin 6/ Paladin of Redemption 1
Status: campaign ended on hiatus
A young, friendly, overly polite and clumsy paladin, tries to be inspiring. Dressed in the blackest and spikiest of armors. Rode a dire wolf called Tobias.
Greatest feat: defeating an orc army in giant form with his buddies

Nero Trammenus
Race: Human
Class: Druid 8
Alignment: CN
Status: Alive in ongoing campaign
Nero, when investigating a sudden drought in a forest, met a wild party of adventurers. He tries to focus their violent energies on the orc/devil/dragon army to heal the dry lands and be their spiritual advisor. His animal companion was a dire wolf named Amros, but she was ripped to shreds by ragedrakes.
Greatest feat: surviving the onslaught of a young red dragon while scouting solo

Erol Simpelhart
Race: Human
Class: rogue 2/ fighter 1
Aligment: CN
Status: campaign ended on hiatus
Before taken up the path of an adventurer, Erol was a petty thief. He feels more at home with halflings. He also had a mule called Tungsten. It was a pretty great mule, you guys.
Greatest feat: not dieing when taken up a bunch of zombies, solo, while drunk (help arrived later)

2011-02-25, 09:11 AM
The ones I remember the best/liked playing the most:

System: A Basic Roleplaying game - essentially the local, scandinavian version of Runequest and heavily houseruled over time.
Name: Elyas
Race: Human
Class: Started out as a thief, but eventually became more of a fighter character and even dabbled in illusion magics.
Alignment: n/a, but probably somewhere around True Neutral.
I played this character for years in my original circle of roleplaying friends. He started out as a criminal, but gained fame as a hero of the country, eventually becoming a Lord with his own dominion. In the end, his criminal background was a closely guarded secret, as he himself - ironically enough - became a judge.

System: 2e D&D
Name: Ulmo
Race: Human 8-9
Class: Cleric of an ocean deity (known only as 'Stormfather'), hence the choice of Tolkienish name.
Alignment: NG
Had a heavy water/ocean cliche theme going, fighting with tridents and harpoons. A young energetic and devoted man, he was a lot of fun to play.

System: D&D 3.5
Name: Markus von Rosenzweig
Race: Human (I play a lot of those, I guess...)
Class: Rogue 10-11 (In fact, my username is based on this character)
Alignment: CG
Born to poor parents, Markus - an excellent bluffer/conman - pretended to be of royal blood (so the surname is not something he was born with). Secretly longed for the country to be free from the occupying forces of the neighbouring country to the south. Essentially they were a LN power with Markus and his home country being CG and naturalistic in its ancient traditions. Eventually became one of the four leading revolutionaries of The Resistance(tm), only to miss the crucial final battle for freedom in the capital because of a teleport mishap! The campaign ended there, unfortunately. Eventually, when I later DMed in the same setting a hundred years later, I made him a semi-important NPC. Though retured and dead, his half-elf daughter was used as a plot hook.

System: D&D 3.5
Name: Rurik Holderhek
Race: Dwarf
Class: Fighter 13-ish
Alignment: LG
A deadly axe specialist of the dwarven clan Holderhek, who were otherwise best known for their wizards. Adventured with his brother Veit (who was indeed a wizard), mostly in the Underdark. Often got buffed to insane levels by his brother and the party Shadowbane Stalker, which made him deadly indeed, even though he was a straight up fighter with 'bad' feat choices (if it had the name 'greataxe' in it, Rurik had it!)

System: D&D 4e
Name: Dimitri Lazarov
Race: Human
Class: Tactical Warlord 10 (still active)
Alignment: Unaligned (with Good tendencies)
A selfproclaimed tactical genius from the city guard in a small town out in the boondocks, Dimitri is a lazy, but strong man who likes his liquor a little too well. He and his friends ended up on the wrong side of the law (accidentally killing both the mayor and the city priest in the attempt to save them from corruption forces from the Shadowfell - oops), so are now technically outlaws. They're currently trying to prevent a major, mixed invasion force by clearing a circle of wizards of the very same shadow taint.

2011-02-25, 09:32 AM
I've only really played one character, since I usually DM.

Corina Chillblood
Wiz 3
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Bankrupt survivor of a destrpyed noble house that slept her way through wizard school and used both her talets to raise money before taking up adventuring.

2011-02-25, 10:12 AM
My pride and joy

System: D&D 3.5
Name: Micheal Aka The Left Hand of God
Race: Human
Class: Paladin/Grayguard 43/10
Alignment: LG
Born to a family of wizards and he in his teenage years, in a act of rebellion, desided to become a paladin and in that time found his true calling. Micheal went along with his comrades and by the age of 18 he was stronger then anyone in the kingdom ( As far as he knew ( he was 24th level)). Micheal then got a mission from his god, to kill all orcs on this planet, and Micheal left the next day after finding out about a orcin kingdom near by. Micheal then one his adventure killed millions of orcs until he came across one hill or he thought it was a hill. It turned out to be a Devestation Spider ( Random enounter straight out of the book......... horrible luck at the time ) but Micheal was unafraid as he slashed at the spider and it died before six seconds were up. ( My guy had devestating crit in the epic handbook, and he rolled 4 crits and the spider rolled a natural 1 right in front of me! ) Micheal then became the biggest badass on the planet ( as far as he knows)

EDIT: Here is his character sheet. http://pifro.com/pro/view.php?id=6247

2011-02-25, 11:03 AM
Name: Misha
Race: Human
Class: Artificer
Misha escaped the inquisitor who set fire to her grandma. Together with her best friend B-18 (pronounced Barton) - a drilling robot - she joined a travelling circus run by her extended family. Who are not all conmen, some of them are horses.
Alignment: Digging her claws into non-evil, probably eventually succumbing to gravity.

2011-02-25, 11:18 AM
Name: 'Sigil Cat' [No actual name. She doesn't see the point in them.]
Race: Awakened Cat
Class: Psion
Alignment: LE

A cat who lived in Sigil, and was awakened by a visiting Wizard who wanted to run experiments on the Awaken Spell to see if it could have more applications than the current version.

Escaped from the Wizard's lab after he started looking too hard at the Lady of Pain's origins [and died horribly]. Impersonated a regular housecat and followed a group of adventurers through to the prime material from Sigil, where is currently [About to start the world's largest dungeon, still impersonating the party's pet cat].

Few interesting plans for her, such as raising some undead psionic cats to channel their powers through Sigil Cat.
Speaks only in Planar Cant.

big teej
2011-02-25, 11:21 AM
I'm assuming this is for character's we've actually gotten to play, not simply every character we've created.

Name: Blake Hunts-with-bears
Race: Human
Class: 1st level Ranger
alignment: Neutral Good
info: a ranger rolled up for a 1st ed game, he was going to have a bear animal companion.

Name: Cog Skulltaker
Race: Human
Class: 3rd level Barbarian
alignment: TN/NE
info: my first character ever, rolled an awesome statblock. the group I learned to play with still holds to him as a diety of combat, he completely dominated every combat he was in. they still hold him up as the standard of 'a great character' he also grew to be a planeswalker. and I hope to play him again soon.

Name: Gideon
Race: Human
Class: 4th level Knight
alignment: Lawful Good
info: a knight in an ongoing campaign, the moral compass of the party, and the party face amongst the noblility. he lost his horse before the campaign started, but soon he'll have a rhino.

Name: Grok
Race: Ogre
Class: 1st level Ranger
alignment: Chaotic Neutral
info: Grok was an Ogre raised by a grey render, and then adopted by a wizard. he now serves the wizard's home city as a living war machine.

Name: Maximillian Thanos
Race: Human
Class: Necromancer
alignment: Neutral Evil
info: originally created with the dnd wiki homebrew necromancer, I'm now in dire need of a official "necromancer base class" he intends to conquer a nation and make an undead version of latveria.

Name: Roche Smoulderbeard
Race: Dwarf
Class: 5th Level Knight
alignment: Lawful Good
info: a surely dwarf dispatched to investigate the temple of elemental evil.

Name: Sohn Riverheart
Race: Human
Class: Bard
alignment: Chaotic Good
info: my first Play-by-Post character ever, sadly the game died, but this just means he can continue his adventures in the real world.

Name: Valek Knifebeard
Race: Dwarf
Class: 1st level Rogue
alignment: Chaotic Neutral
info: a sneaky dwarf of mine, the campaign I rolled him for lasted all of a session, and he was later slain (it got better) as an NPC in my teaching campaign, next time I go into a campaign that needs a rogue. tada.....
he has a waraxe :smallbiggrin:

Name: William
Race: Human
Class: Fighter1/monk4
alignment: Lawful Good
info: another character whose campaign lasted a session. nicknamed "the judo monk" because all I did was grapple and toss people.

there's PLENTY more if we're just listing characters we've made as opposed to had a chance to play...

2011-02-25, 11:29 AM
Art by Ink

Name: Baroness Amiria of Irvin
Race: Human
Class: Wizard (Transmuter) 3 / Master Specialist 3 / Metamuter1 10 / Archmage 1 / Ruathar 1
Alignment and Temperament: Neutral Good; impulsive, friendly, vivacious, bountyful, spirited
Age: 22
Height: 5 feet, 4 inches
Weight: N/A
Hair colour and length: black, short, wavy.
Eye colour: jade-green
Weapons: Amiria generally relies on magic, but she also has her elven cold iron longsword "Firaniell" ready to hand.

Amiria is the daughter of Count Harrodin of Irvin. She has two elder siblings, her sister Cithra and her brother Turin who are both also adventurers. Amiria is the Baroness of Silverthorn and Oakenford. She was tutelaged in the arts of magic from an early age on, since her amazing talent for arcane things was also discovered very early. At the age of 17 she began to adventure with some companions and they became quicky involved in an epic quest to find the the ancient Transmuter Academy which was lost during the Mage Wars more than 1.500 years ago. During their search they had to compete with some evil groups who also searched for the Academy. After many adventuers they found and entered it, albeit at great cost. They were able to steal many lost transmutation spells and epic spellbooks before they were forced to flee before the might of the ancient arch-lich who lived in the Academy since the Mage Wars. With the loot of her adventures Amiria built the Silverthorn, her magnificient magical tower ...

1 = custom prestige class, kind of a hybrid of Incantatrix and Master Specialist (Transmuster)

2011-02-25, 01:54 PM
I shall beat my DM with a book until He buys some expansions. You'd think after, like, 30 years of the game he'd have SOME extra classes.

2011-02-25, 03:00 PM
Name: Talon Dessreil
Race: Human
Class: 3 Ranger
A small-town/farmer boy who took up arms to defend his homeland. Can outdrink Githyanki Drunken Masters, and commands the fealty of a dwarf.
Alighnment: Neutral Good

Name: Lysander/Fredward the Wayward Knight
Race: Human
Class: Fighter:4/Knight 2
A chivalrous hedge knight who really, really liked to charge as well as appropriate cool weapons like that awesome dragon chain. Grappled a massive air-fire-water-elemental using aforementioned chain RIP
Alighnment: Neutral Good

Name: Skat
Race: Awakened Cat
Class: Psion (Telepath) 6
A cat. Who is psychic. Has a pet minotaur.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Name: Morrak
Race: Tiefling (4e)
Class: Warlock 4
The self-proclaimed son of Asmodeus. Eats the fallen to "gain their strength" and really enjoys blasting zombies out of windows.
Alignment: Chaotic Evil

I'm usually the DM, so I haven't gotten to play a character in about a year :(

The Rose Dragon
2011-02-25, 03:27 PM
I played:

Lunar, the Moon Lord. Alien mutant who gained super-strength, invulnerability, flight and such powers from the moon. He also had had a very loving boyfriend (though they were both nearly broke, so it was kind of difficult until Jonathan's art career took off).

Winter-Winged Goliath of Ravens. Abyssal Day Caste who was a gargoyle / ninja / Batman / vampire. He got his Exaltation from thin air, rather than a Deathlord, and does whatever it takes to retain his freedom.

Neelish'Troick. Gnome magician-thief who never, ever shuts up. His full name takes longer than his entire life to recite, and he constantly adds new things to it. Has a cat who he constantly sends into suicidal situations.

2011-02-25, 03:49 PM
I'm usually the DM, so I haven't gotten to play a character in about a year :(

Yeah, I have that problem to...that's why my character's are so low level. We play once every, persay, two months.

Back to the realm of the comprehensive, aforementioned topic:

Name: Soveliss Nailo
Alignment:Lawful Nuetral
Personality:Generally a pyromaniac, who enjoys the thrill of spellcasting. He's a little of a coward, but I've been trying to work him more toward courageous. Then again I have 4d4 hit dice and AC 13. What am I supposed to do with THAT?
Adventures: Anybody ever played the keep on the borderlands? Well, my gaming group slogged through that, with a few bad moments.
Bad thing #1: We marched into cave, then a net dropped on us. We cut it off and escaped, just as the first orcs began to come. However, we went back the next day, and found that the net had been replaced! The group of accomplices began backing out, but the orcs were too many, and we too few, in numbers, and in Hit points. Our fighter and palidan fell and our clerics now were having a difficult time keeping us alive. They did not succeed. We got surrounded, tried to negotiate, but the orcs wouldn't hear it. We didn't even play out the ensuing battle, but I wish we had.
Bad thing #2: Has anyone else found a massive correlation between third level dwarven fighters dying, and minotaurs? I mean, our 3rd level dwarvish fighter was hacked down like a tree by one, as was an unnamed (my players are inexplicably lazy in that regard) dwarven fighter in a test game I did. Seriously, it's a mite bit eery.
Bad thing #3: We'd fought gnolls all day, coupled with a healthy dose of undead, and we were meandering about within a subterrnian complex of mystical power. We fought a couple clerics (and due to the fact that the fighter's player was absent, I played the fighter. I'll admit, AC 23 was NICE. I even had him shout insults too rude to print here), when we finaly got to the stereotyped "boss". A magic half-plate wearing, zombie flanked (not an elating sight, considering we were fighting about 30 of the things), and rod carrying cleric type. Naturaly, our monk and fighter ran up, prepared to beat the skill points out of him. Zeldor (mnk3 at the time, we were all third level) was bashed with the rod. It did a little bit of damage...and damaged his constitution by a d10. A d10! Our noble monk's con was now 9. Now we got a little worried. I made Soveliss shoot it with a scorching ray, but it missed. That dampened our spirits even worse. The fighter, Tork, hit him with a crushing thwack from his longsword. Thus, this clerical adversary fled, via gaseous form (potion, otherwise, we'd be doomed). At that, WE decided to flee.

I should write a book of this, when we're higher level!

2011-02-25, 06:08 PM
First there was Grawl Grizzlegut, a half-orc barbarian wielding a greathammer. He was the classic heavy hitter that a barbarian was supposed to be, with some slight charging capability. A true belligerent idiot of a person, yet good hearted and willing to do anything to lend a helping hand. His shenanigans were numerous and ridiculous, including tackling and grappling the party paladin when he started glowing due to Nimbus of Light and looking for the switch to turn it on and off. He tugged on something dangly, but it wasn't the switch.

Then there was Gahn, a Vanaran druid with his giant crocodile companion, Grael. His adventure was short, but filled with badassery. He befriended bears, kept feuding party members from each others throats (most of the time), destroyed a pack of controlled and enlarged vermin as well as their several adventurer mercenary 'friends', mutilated a a large number of cannibalistic and isolated.... hobos (used for lack of a better word), and destroyer of two huge stone golems. He practically carried the party multiple times and succeeded in pissing my DM off enough to have him start fudging numbers and only using half damage from both him and his animal companion. He left the group after killing a cancer mage that was warping the countryside with a horrid disease affecting plant, beast, and man alike.

Then there was Jorn, a human warblade/fighter. Jorn was an ex-member of the Golden Guard, an elite force commanded by the Prince of Silatia. After the Prince began making military incursions into neighboring countries without the approval of the aging king and began commiting atrocities, Jorn left and crawled to the bottom of a mug of mead and stayed there until he could find new work. He began working with this current group in the employ of a Mr. Silver, the owner of a rather one of a kind ship, much like the Nautilus. Jorn is a true shock trooper, being a tumbling and jumping charger, a heavy user of White Raven, Iron Heart, and Tiger Claw maneuvers, and a practitioner of the art of Iajitsu. A blunt man, Jorn is nonetheless goodhearted and a true believer in the right of freedom. He currently is in the kingdom of Silatia, in a one year in-game period of hiatus, learning more of the new government the new King has set in place, as well as the replacement of the Golden Guard with the Gray Guard and the mysterious Mind Spies.

There also is Deb'liv, a venerable dragonwrought kobold of blue heritage, who also happens to be a dread necromancer. Deb'liv is just barely over 700 years old, and is beginning to prepare his way to dracolichdom. He is a VERY charismatic and witty fellow, spending most of his time disguised as a halfling. He spent 300 years of his life studying under the blue dracolich Kharlvozhius, who also happens to be an ancestor of his that's been using Deb'liv's tribe as a buffer, disincentive, and cover for his hideout, as their mines extend into his lair. They've done a wonderful job of amassing a horde of wealth in the extensive desert they call home, and manage to keep Kharlvozhius's lair hidden completely from any and all nosy paladins and clerics of Pelor, who have a several milennia agenda against the undead dragon. After setting forth from his mentor's lair fifty years ago, Deb'liv has amassed a great amount of arcane power and skill in the necromantic arts. He looks forward to the day he can posess the body of a true dragon and soar the skies, proof of his own necromantic prowess. However, recently he came across a text that spoke of Atropus, the World Born Dead, and began to wonder if there would be any way to maybe shift the moonlet into a layer of the Abyss and use it to begin to amass an army great enough to usurp Orcus and maybe even overhrow other demon lords. He currently is inside a demiplane created by his current employer and foolishly opened by one of his associates.

There are a few others in progress, but since they haven't been officially been brought into play yet, I won't go into them.

Otherworld Odd
2011-02-26, 12:23 PM
After many unsuccessful attempts at being a rogue, I've come up with one that I enjoy (Mostly because my DM would always come up with a "Great idea" for my rogues and push it on me... like wielding large kukris and being a muscle-bound meathead. For this character he loved the idea of a greatsword weilding rogue and actually went as far as giving my a greatsword legacy weapon. I had to take my character under control and say you know what? No. I'm not going to use it. Kthx, bye.)

Anyway, without further ado:

Locke Lamm
Chaotic Good
Rog 1/ Wiz 4/ Unseen Seer 1 (Still going):

Adopted child of Gaedran Lamm (Curse of the Crimson Throne). Was raised as one of Gaedran's Lambs and was a top thief (For a Lamb). After witnessing Gaedran feeding one of his best friends to the gator, he ran away from home and survived on his skills as a thief up until the storyline began, and I won't spoil it for anyone who might play this adventure path.
He's egotistic, sarcastic, but an all-around charming and good guy without ill intentions. Yeah. A rogue without ill intentions.

2011-02-26, 09:23 PM
A rogue/ranger/fighter mess from 3e, that was a pretty good archer despite a sloppy build. Imagine Clint Eastwood does Robin Hood. I played this character with alot of reckless abandon and menace that made him pretty memorable. Grew up on the mean streets, till he was out on the lam for stealing a magic sword. Found half-dead by a ranger who took him and showed him the only kindness he ever knew, that ranger sacrificed himself to save young Tate from a Drow warband (favorite enemy: DROW, and later human). Later met up with one of the party, whom he became probably his only friend and for whom he was fiercely protective of. Highlights include ambushing the BBEG in the first encounter and killing him outright with a sneak attack through a skylight. Criting on a unfortunate that harmed his ward. Waking up to a knife at his throat and rolling intimidate... Ambushing a group of Drow from a treetop and oneshoting a fleeing opponent at 400 or so yards.

Kaiden Barlowe
Executioner Axe wielding resourceful Human Warlord
Kaiden's Inspiration

Kaiden's worksheet
Kaiden Barlowe
1) He is a former captain of the Hand of Azhira, a team of special agents of the Red Wizard Azhira Nethalla.
2) He is a rather bitter and cynical fellow, who was betrayed by his mistress for whom he gave his unquestioning loyalty to. Despite this, he is trying to be a better man, and amend his ways. He values loyalty greatly, and is particularly kind to children.
3)He trained and loved every member of the Hand as if they were his children. They acted without question for the Red Wizard, slaying her enemies real and imagined and gathering items and treasures for her whims and experiments. Her last whim was the recovery of a dragon’s egg.
4) Kaiden made a deal with the Cult of the Dragon, he would steal a mummy for them if they would part with one of their eggs. Little did he know that his mistress had already made a deal with the cult, the lives of the Hand and the Mummy for the egg. Kaiden made the deal and was surprised to see his Mistress materialize before him. He bowed before her and presented her with her prize, and she said, “You have done well, Kaiden, you have proven worth the gold I bought you for, you are a proven and valuable servant of my will, and now you and your brood will serve me one last time.”Then she cast the Face of Death spell on the Hand of Azhira. They were taken captive by the Cult and fed slowly one by one into an acid bath while the rest watched as part of some strange ritual. Kaiden watched all the rest die horribly, he was told he was to be last as per his former Mistresses instructions.
5)Kaiden was being prepared to be lowered into the acid bath when he prayed to the Gods. He prayed for many things, and offered many promises, but it is when he prayed that he would lead a better life if he was granted vengeance upon his Mistress, that the the other adventurers began their attack on the Cult’s lair.
6)Kaidan was freed by one of the party members. A complete stranger that owed him nothing showed him more kindness in an instant that a lifetime of servitude to a callous mistress.
7)Kaiden took up his axe with his new compatriots and showed them a hidden way out of the lair, gaining their trust.

Step 2: List at least two goals for the character. At least one of these goals should be one that the character has, while another should be one that you, as a player, want to see developed over the course of the game.
1) Kill Azhira Nethalla, preferably by lowering her into a vat of acid while ripping her lying tongue out with his bare hands.
2) To live a better life and to make amends for the many misdeeds of his misspent servitude.

Step 3: List at least two secrets about your character. One is a secret the character knows, one is a secret that involves him but that he is not actually aware of yet. This will help me in creating plots that center around your character. I will also be creating a third secret which you as a player will not be aware of, so expect some surprises!
1) Kaiden is contacting the Red Wizards looking for an enemy of Azhira who will help him kill her.
2) Kaiden wasn’t just Azhira’s Captain, he was also her sometime lover. Azhira has a daughter, Nethira, she has Kaiden’s piercing blue eyes.
3) Kaiden knows that Azhira is gathering components to become a lich, that is how he knew how to steal the mummy, he’s done it before.

Step 4: Describe at least three people that are tied to the character. Two of them are friendly to the character, one is hostile. If you like, you can include an enemy of yours here as well, so I have an instant NPC nemesis to throw at you.
1)Nethira Nethalla, Azhira’s daughter. While it has never been uttered publically (and, it may very well be unprovable), it is heavily inferred that she is Kaiden’s daughter. Despite his being a mere slave of her mother’s, Nethira has always had a soft spot for the huge warrior, who treats her with uncommon gentleness.
2) Jorus Capri is an agent of the Red Wizard Kreedan Vall. Capri was trying to recruit Kaiden into betraying his Mistress. Kaiden seems more friendly since his Mistress betrayed him.
3)Azhira Nethalla is Red Wizardress of Thay. She is cold, calculating, extremely ambitious, and thoroughly ruthless. She is also very vain and concerned about her aging beauty, which is why she is seeking lichdom at a relatively young age.

Step 5: Describe three memories that your character has. They don't have to be elaborate, but they should provide some context and flavor.
1) The first time Nethira was revealed to him. He saw her eyes and he knew.
2) Watching the Hand die slowly before his eyes.
3) Azhira’s praise and betrayal.

Kaiden debuted with a crit on the executioner axe, which make chunky salsa of his first opponent. Kaiden hacked a bloody swath through many opponents, keeping his new friends alive and well, but unfortunately the campaign fell apart before he could confront Azhira and rescue his presumed daughter. Maybe another time.

I guess I have a predisposition for overly-protective anti-heroes, who knew?

2011-02-26, 09:41 PM
I love threads like this, reading about other people's characters is a lot more enjoyable than listening to them talk about them for hours and hours. By the way, I always avoid the topic of roleplaying while at the game store. :smallyuk:

Anyway, my last few characters have been...

Name: Muaag Khatijaad'Kon of the Hand Shatterers
Race: Hobgoblin
Class: Cleric 8
Alignment: Neutral Evil. Quoted as having 'an imp on one shoulder, a quasit on the other'.
Muaag was a jerk with a voice that sounded like Skeletor doing an impression of the Green Goblin from Spiderman 1. He was the 'leader' of our party of evil characters. Actually he was the only one that really considered himself evil, the others were the types that don't like labels like good and evil. Muaag was a cleric of Evil and Destruction. He was mostly useless and did little more than make every situation worse with his huge ego and tendency to look down upon everyone. His spells did get us out of most situations though... we tended to run away a lot. He was a blast to play, sadly that campaign seems to have died.

Name: Nale
Race: Warforged
Class: Warlock 10/Hellfire Warlock 3
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Nale was a character I only played in a one off game. He sold his soul to Mephistopheles to see whether he had one or not. It turned out he did, so now he is on a quest to get it back. His main shtick was maximize spell-like ability combined with hellfire blast, an eldritch rod, and eldritch cone. A highlight of that game was when the flying cleric lured about 30 fiendish ogres into a tight skylight where Nale was floating invisibly, then he dropped them all with 100ish damage without rolling. Boom goes the dynamite.

Name: Marquis Durias Dragobor
Race: Human
Class: Pathfinder Fighter 5
Alignment: Chaotic Good
One of my first PF characters, Durias was a pompous would-be knight who was the son of a duke from a northern land. He was always followed around by a gaggle of hirelings, including a very enthusiastic herald. Durias was a pretty smart guy and primarily used his flail to trip people for his allies to beat on. When he was dragged underwater by a giant fish he stayed down to punch it to death with his spiked gauntlets instead of going for his friends help though! Durias was a moral man but he reached his limit when an army of paladins tried to destroy some good aligned undead under his protection.

Those are the last three I played. My most recent is a sorceror, but he wasn't very interesting as I didn't get to play him much.

2011-03-05, 07:12 PM
I don't play a lot, sadly. My DM is a little on the, ah...lax side for this kind of thing.

Drow Wiz5
He's always been fascinatined with pretty much everything, which made him a perfect fit for a wizard. He's a little of a pyro (do I sense... a theme?)and has an unnerving habit of feeding his panther familiar bits of slain foes (a little against his Int 18, eh?). He can be a little trigger happy at times, and has a tendency to "whomp first, inquire of his foes nature later". Now, he holds no illusions of being a "good Drow", and left his city only because of the discrimination males face in Menzoberranzen. He is willing to help others, though, and really is a good guy at heart. But he doesn't know that.

2011-03-06, 12:37 AM



He loves money,stabs things constantly,has stabed a female gnoll somewhere VERY uncomfortable and his cloak is quite tattered do of tearing off peices of it for his kill-stealing risk-taking followup of me for his arrow lighting curse him.:smallannoyed:

2011-03-06, 12:55 AM
A trifecta of paladins I've played.

Name: William Shepherd

Race: Human

A backwater yokel with straw between his teeth. Fights with a harvesting scythe, which he throws in combat, though he can throw anything. Believes in doing what's right, but sometimes doesn't get progress. He's more likely to wander off grumbling about the stupidity of evil when confronted by evil Gods than go crusading, but when he is roused to action, he doesn't ever give in. Notable for killing his boss with a paper airplane by accident. Works hard to preserve life, but isn't afraid to beat down and kill the big evils.

He's generally amiable and all around good natured, but he doesn't talk much. Mostly sits on his porch with his pet flying crocodile chewing a stalk of wheat and watching the grass grow.

Allistair Morningwell

Race: Grey elf

One of the settings true elves remaining, and a knight of great repute among elven circles. He's on a divine journey to help repopulate the elven lands, a job which he finds relevant, but finds it rather disturbing that the elven Gods have tasked him with divine nooky. Before his calling, he was a gentleman thief, favouring works of art, and he uses his dashing charm to fulfill a lot of his paladin's quest.

He's a much more talkative paladin, and often belittles weaker evils rather than outright killing them. Often tosses out puns, and looks unflinchingly into the face of death more often than other party members. Partly because his false form (simulacrum from trickery devotion) keeps getting killed, which he experiences. Has a talking sword that is trying to martyr him.

Isaac van Leeuwenhoek

Race: Maenad

An emotionally troubled paladin from a long line of noble knights. As a Maenad, dire situations make him emo out far more than a normal human, so he often finds himself crying into a beer in the back corner of a tavern. Despite this, he was spotless in his crusade against evil, and in his personal conduct. He'd often bemoan the increasing level of their opposition as a sign from above that things would simply get more difficult until they were impossible, and he and his comrades died.

Despite all the doom and gloom he's fairly freindly and talkative to the standard yokel at a normal time, but **** was hitting the fan so hard he was having trouble going places where he'd not be stepping in it.

2011-03-06, 01:14 AM
Name: Harold/Herald
Race: Revenant
Class: Started Chaos Sorcerer, ended up Monk/sorcerer
Level: 16 I think
History: turned out to be the corpse of the big bad, awakened by the Raven Queen, with a mind formed out of the magical residue in the corpse. Halfway through the campaign was put in a machine designed to seal away magic, it malfunctioned, and imprinted martial arts knowledge into his mind. (conviniently around the time PHB3 came out) Currently acting a guardian of Graminor city just to spite the other big bad (who is chained in paradise until the city is no more)

4e Current
Name: Da'kar Canton
Race: Half Orc
Class Fighter/barbarian
History: Da'kar was a former gladiator, turned mercenary. When he was a child he watched as his village was slaughtered by human raiders. As a result he gets really angry when he sees children mistreated. Especially Mina the party's 9 year old warlord whom he has practically adopted. If you hurt Mina only the gods themselves can save you.

2011-03-06, 01:20 AM
Name: Welkin (forget his 4 middle names) Shadoweye
Race: Gnome
Age: 10

Class: Illusionist, going for Shadowcraft Mage

Shining Moment: Welkin was walking through the town with the party's synad psychic warrior, Vash, when they encountered a group of cutpurses who demanded all of their money. I must add that Welkin was the most recent addition to the party, and Vash wasn't fully aware of his capabilities. Welkin, thinking fast, does the following:

Thieves: Give us all your money, you little runt!
Welkin: Ha! I've fooled you, for I am not a child as you think! I AM A DRAGON! *Casts silent image*
Thieves: *crap their pants and run off screaming.
Vash: *craps his pants, runs off screaming*
Welkin: *Still maintaining the image of a dragon, runs after Vash* It's okay, I'm not really a dragon!

A few days later, he scared off some huge monster (forget what, it's been a long time) by conjuring up an image of a hydra.

2011-03-06, 01:58 AM
After many unsuccessful attempts at being a rogue, I've come up with one that I enjoy (Mostly because my DM would always come up with a "Great idea" for my rogues and push it on me... like wielding large kukris and being a muscle-bound meathead. For this character he loved the idea of a greatsword weilding rogue and actually went as far as giving my a greatsword legacy weapon. I had to take my character under control and say you know what? No. I'm not going to use it. Kthx, bye.)

Anyway, without further ado:

Locke Lamm
Chaotic Good
Rog 1/ Wiz 4/ Unseen Seer 1 (Still going):

Adopted child of Gaedran Lamm (Curse of the Crimson Throne). Was raised as one of Gaedran's Lambs and was a top thief (For a Lamb). After witnessing Gaedran feeding one of his best friends to the gator, he ran away from home and survived on his skills as a thief up until the storyline began, and I won't spoil it for anyone who might play this adventure path.
He's egotistic, sarcastic, but an all-around charming and good guy without ill intentions. Yeah. A rogue without ill intentions.

You haven't by any chance read a certain book by Scott Lynch, have you?

I can totally see Locke as a tiefling, actually, though minus the casting bit.

2011-03-06, 04:53 AM
Current one for a one-shot campaign I'm in.

Name: Michael
Race: Human
Class: Bard lvl 2

Shining Moment: Turning a garrison of Goblins, Hobgoblins, Orcs, Ogres and Bugbears (Who were fixing up the place to make ready for their potential "Overlord") against each other without really lifting a finger.

All he did was ask a group of Goblins and Hobgoblins if they ever considered starting a Worker's Union so they could get better benefits from their Overlord. Cue strike, and cue the Ogres and the Hobgoblins jumping in as strikebreakers.

2011-03-06, 12:30 PM
My favorite:

Edition: 4E
Name: Brel
Race: Warforged
Age: 7
Class: Ranger
Alignment: Good

Info: Brel is an extremely naive and curious Warforged, crafted by an Elf. He's unfamiliar with human technology/customs, and always presses buttons, touches statues, tries to open doors. So far, he's cost the party a surprise round, nearly gotten the party in deep trouble during night watch, and accidentally almost detonated a ship's powder magazine.

Fun character to play.

Favorite Brel dialog:

*After going over to a door and being asked who he was/what he was doing*
Brel: *to party* "What should I say?"
Warlord: "Let's just get our weapons out and prepare to fight"
Brel *to people behind door* "Let's just get our weapons out and prepare to fight."

2011-03-29, 04:01 PM
I was just thinking of my favorite name I gave to a character.

Filmtrobediance Fingerfinger.

I went through a gnome period okay?

He was young, 75 or so and a bard.

He died in combat that he couldn't outrun. Still the name gets brought up at tables now and then.

2011-03-29, 11:19 PM
All 4E
(Last line in parenthesis is what they do now that I'm DM)

Tiefling fighter
The group was orphans and the first role of 4E was me disarming my friend Afon's sword to go through a window.(i then had a npc pay me for it) Died swimming in lava
(came back in my new group as a cameo and the 2nd in command of Afon's army with a hell-stinger scorpion named Pinky)

Barbarian warforged
Traveled with a gnome named Zook
Covered in 286 amethyst
(Now a warforged city that has all the world's warforged)

Name forgotten(which saddens me)
Elf beast master ranger(also a thief but not class)
"I had a great axe and I needed the heroin out of the cat"
Travels with Hawky and a Drow rouge and a human, William, who kept wanting to shoot Hawky
Once sold a wizard his own familiar "Want to buy a fountain chicken very rare very expensive"
Whole party,minus Hawky and his fence, killed by DaGra's group
(still traveling with Hawky and Drow since they resurrected)

Goliath Warden
DM:"You can not go more then 50 feet from the gnome (because of bracelets)..." DaGra:"Okay I'm an 8 foot Goliath I pick him up and carry him over my shoulder."
Traveled with a Deva and Tiefling
Once killed a gnome(not the same one he couldn't leave) by tackling him.
Always talks of the invisible island Rimgar
(lives in the groups tower with Biscuit the dog with spider walk)

Human Paladin
Was bodyguard of his brother the prince.
Cursed to keep getting stronger(yes it was a nice curse)
(still travels with his brother the king)

Dual strike Ranger
(only character to have a epic goal, he wanted to be a god)
Traveled with a crazy gnome named Derm and a assassin halfing, who had never given a name, who he had pardoned.
(Is now Io and keeps watch over Derm who became a god of madness)

Never could remember this next one's name
A green psion shardmind
Hated everyone who wasn't a shardmind
Opened a brothel with 2 other shardminds and a Giztherai, which he hates, on the visible island of Rimgar.
(now the employer of one of my current players)

2011-03-29, 11:54 PM
All 4e

He redefined what it meant to be neutral, no matter what happened he really didn’t care, his special attack was hugging because he wore spiked armor, he died in lava because his armor was too heavy. He appeared in a campaign of a close friend as a cameo

Hill Gnome (house-ruled)
Playtest Artificer
He had a warforged grafted arm and leg, he used weird combat fighting such as summoning a staircase to crush his enemies and gassing a room of locked up hyenas.

Religious but other than that wasn’t that great of a character. Died and will never come back because I don’t like him

Akmenos Turath
Angry and spiteful, his hobby include eating hearts and burning people, he dreamed of the revival of the Tiefling Empire “Don’t you remember the powerful gnome?” “Oh yeah Henry, he works here in the library” “Wait Henry has a British accent?” “Yes, yes Henry is Britain” “Henry is a country”

Prince of his nation, he wanted to unite it and create an empire, a bunch of magic toad dwarves said he was going to be successful and so he preserved and planned on united the planet.

Wizard (Illusionist)
He was incapable of seeing through his own illusion and over time it caused him to become a schizophrenic and paranoid he fears about everything he sees and a lot of stuff that only he sees, but the schizophrenia made him more imaginative and powerful.

He tamed a Nightmare (flaming horse) and road it into combat, he was a well-bred combat character with a +21 to attack he never missed his opponents. He opened a brothel and kidnapped women to work there

And yes I know Argok

2011-03-30, 12:19 AM
Hmm, characters I've played... Well, lots, so I'll hit recent ones and favorites. Sadly, I spend lots of time GMing these days, so not many especially memorable PCs from me lately.

Cyrion Arunsun (4e, active)
LG Male Human Cleric/Invoker/Exorcist of the Silver Flame 11
Cyrion is a templar of the Silver Flame, a member of an order of demon-hunting specialists. He is a native of Thrane and a veteran of the Last War. He was assigned to aid the party through the Demon Wastes, and was caught up in the ensuing rush to prevent the Order of the Emerald Claw from performing a ritual to resurrect House Vol and the Mark of Death. At the moment, he's looking for a scholar kidnapped from the University of Korth by agents of the Claw.

Liraefein Valir (4e, retired)
NE Female Drow Rogue/Dread Fang 15
Liraefein Valir was the youngest daughter of House Valir, and unlike her sisters, chose not to enter Lolth's clergy. Naturally, this made her something of an embarrassment to her mother. As a result, Liraefein tended to be sent off on difficult missions by herself. When she was dispatched to the surface to recover a potential avatar of Lolth, Liraefein had the misfortune to run afoul of an angry mob, only to be rescued by the intervention of the party. (Embarrassing, but kudos to the DM for interesting intro.) The hefty sum of 5 gp was apparently enough to convince a lynch mob to pass their prisoner along to the party paladin's keeping, and so began one of the strangest friendships I have ever had the privilege of RPing. Unfortunately, Liraefein continued to have bad luck with the surface world, culminating in a fight with the aforementioned avatar of Lolth. She survived, but killing Lolth is not a good way to be welcome in drow society, and neither is failure. She went on to survive a number of adventures with the party. At the time the campaign ended, she was the sole survivor of the party's mission into the Tomb of Horrors, emerging with the bound souls of her companions, the scouts they were hired to rescue, and a hefty share of magic loot... and then the GM had to quit because of real life concerns. Despite that, Liraefein is probably my favorite character I've ever played.

2011-03-30, 01:04 AM
Name: Song
Race: Changling
Class: bard:1
The DM wanted to change the gameworld a bit, including only having his homemade deities instead of also including PHB. Once the change became official in game Bari became a cleric of Gumea with Hieronious's Full Blessing. Mataros was "born" in Centrum.

2011-03-30, 01:51 AM
Dala (not her real name): Human, Chaotic-Neutral-turned-Chaotic-Good, Level 24 (Rogue 16, Fighter 6, Favored Soul 2 [don't ask])

Background: An "orphan of conscience," Dala was raised in one of the Church of Seth's many state-sponsored schools when her parents were arrested as heretics and traitors. She played nice and earned herself a cushy job in the Church, infiltrating potentially dangerous adventuring groups and betraying them to the state. Naturally, as soon as she found one she thought stood a chance, she defected (but neglected to inform her superiors until after she'd screwed them over.) Currently attempting to fulfill her childhood dream of killing the Emperor - while, not coincidentally, saving the world.

Quote: I'm not stupid. I know that what we're doing takes sacrifices. If one of those sacrifices is that the man we knew as Builder is gone for good, if this... thing... he replaced himself with is all that's left, well... I understand. I accept that. The Emperor has to die. I've made those choices all my life, I'm no stranger to them now. ...But Marcus, I've spent the last year of my life becoming someone who isn't ok with that kind of sacrifice. I'm not sure I want to go back to being the person who'd sell out her friends for victory... but if that's what Builder's requiring? Fine. Whatever.


Bob the Fighter: Human Fighter, NG

Background: Well. Daddy wanted a boy, y'see? Instead he got Bob, and, well... she tries, bless her. (Bob has recently been inducted into the fraternity Hakka Chugga Die, as her combat prowess has convinced them that she is an honorary man.)

Quote: Hi! I'm Bob. You look really strong! Wanna fight evil together? It'll be fun!


Kaji Potfiller Anklebiter, of Clan Anklebiter: Gnome Barbarian, CN

Background: Contrary to popular belief, Clan Anklebiter is neither evil nor simple. In fact, they have quite a complex and nuanced theology and philosophy, leading to the clear conclusion that it is both morally and culinarily sound to eat one's enemies.

Kaji earned her manhood the way all men of the tribe do: by stalking an orc (the favored enemy, and favored meal, of the clan), killing it, and cooking it well enough to suit the refined tastes of the clan elders. (Kaji take great pride in the fact that Kaji is man. Female man, but that is not unusual. Still man.)

Quote: You... you not half-orc. Not Blessed Half-Orc at all! You - you three-quarters orc!!! You FOOD! *war scream followed by graphic axe-to-face*


Hakar, Hobgoblin Paladin, LG

Background: Dedicated in his youth to an evil god of destruction, Hakar nevertheless heard truth in the words of a young missionary sent to his people. Now, having dedicated himself to a goddess of light and life and love, Hakar still bears the marks of one promised to the evil god - and the berserk fits of rage that come with them. Still, despite the resistance the human lands offer him, Hakar is determined to walk a path of goodness, whatever the personal cost.

Quote: Yes, they anger me. Their ignorance, their simple hate - if you must know, yes, it bothers me, it upsets me. But who is to blame? The ignorant man does not cause his own ignorance. The hater is as much a victim as the hated. My Lady showed me love and grace before I earned it; who am I, to deny the same to these simple fools?

2011-03-30, 03:40 AM
Name : Jake Diamond

Education : MIT&T Major in criminal Pyscology, Minor in Thaurmatergy.

Background: Former UCAS FBI Agent, Assign to Purge teams, whos main goal was the removal of toxic threats to UCAS (Toxic Shamen). Left the FBI after discovering the CIA had his pregnant wife killed.

Current Occupation : Mage Detective, now lives in Touristville in Seattle, makes a poor living as a detective / Shadowrunner. He drinks to forget, and has a lot to forget. As well as dealing with walk in customers to his office is sometimes called upon to find things for real runners. If its lost, Jake can find it. Part of a dedicated magical group that tries to protect mundanes from magical threats. (Not a typical shadowrunner but I loved playing him all the same)

Name : Ten Bear
Discipline : NetherMancer
Circle : 7
Race : Clone
Background : Ten Bears spent hundreds of years (exact time unknown) trapped under a mountain , in this time he forgot his past and his only memory became the trap and the mountain. After escaping his bounds he began wandering the wastes looking for some sign of his past. Joined a group of adventurers and spent his time hunting horrors and looking for clues as to who he really was. (Clues lead him to the fact he was just a copy of the real Ten Bears, a nethermancer that in the end joined with the horrors)

The Rose Dragon
2011-03-30, 05:49 AM
Name : Ten Bear
Discipline : NetherMancer
Circle : 7
Race : Clone
Background : Ten Bears spent hundreds of years (exact time unknown) trapped under a mountain , in this time he forgot his past and his only memory became the trap and the mountain. After escaping his bounds he began wandering the wastes looking for some sign of his past. Joined a group of adventurers and spent his time hunting horrors and looking for clues as to who he really was. (Clues lead him to the fact he was just a copy of the real Ten Bears, a nethermancer that in the end joined with the horrors)

What game is this from?

2011-03-30, 05:57 AM
All D&D 3.5 characters

My first character: Indio Mascara
Human Bard CN 6/Rogue 4 (I think; it was quite a while ago)
A dashing swashbuckler-type who fought using a whip and a hand crossbow. Very cool guy, but got roped into being a saboteur by the DM and as a result suffered horribly at the hands of the party cleric.

Lt. Simon Artgar
Human, LE, Some combination of fighter, scout and Ghost-faced Killer. ECL15.
Lawful evil blind military assassin, sent along by his superiors to aid the heroes in their quest to save the kingdom. He was a lot of fun, always willing to put himself at risk for the good of the mission, and collecting torture devices during his downtime. Always a fanatic, he eventually snapped, turned on his superiors and the party and vanished after deciding not to sacrifice himself to save his comrades.

Mordredredd the Dreadful
Kobold CE Hexblade/Paladin of Slaughter/Blackguard.
I really loved this little nutcase. Sadly the rest of the party didn't, due to his tendency to grandstand, address almost everyone he met as "scum", "dog", "lowly cur", "feeble whelp" etc., and his injudicious use of the Imperious Command feat. Other than that, he was great; a vicious little Kobold going around terrorizing people with the sheer dreadful force of his vile personality, turning everyone from peasants to dragons into quivering wrecks.

Czylig Vilhelmstrom
Human LN Warblade/Battle Sorcerer/Spellsword/Jade Phoenix Mage
This guy was fun to play, but didn't have much of a personality. I tried to do a scandinavian accent while playing him, but couldn't, so I settled for a German one and that's how the character became gay. That and a slightly-too-successful diplomacy check with a shopkeeper.

2011-03-30, 06:10 AM

Name: Rentorn
Race: Human
Class: Fighter (Feral kit) 8(ish).
Boar-themed spear fighter. Wore a kilt.

Name: Calledor Mondo III
Race: Human
Class: Mage 10
Generalist mage with daddy issues and a bit of a superiority complex.

Name: Elwyn Farstrider
Race: Human
Class: Cleric of Fharlanghn 13
Adventurer through and through. Nice guy. Killed Strahd once.

Name: Covox Copperblood
Race: Jungle Dwarf
Class: Duskblade 6/Dragon Disciple 7
Magic-supported melee beast. Slowly going insane.

2011-03-30, 06:13 AM
What game is this from?

It was from a game of Earthdawn. I just wanted a past that was different, so we had the trapped under a mountain story. The amnesia allowed the GM to mess around with me, and he did so all was shiny.

The fact that Nethermancers are already pretty crazy helped.

2011-04-01, 05:37 AM
Height: 6"
Weight: 185 lbs
Age: 666
Reiatsu: Steel grey, reeks of blood and sulphur
Rank: former captain of 11th division
Theme music: Judas Priest - Angel of Retribution: the whole damn album. Well, expect for Loch Ness.

2011-04-01, 05:56 AM
Ok I will post my most recent 3!

Tox'Kin, a Kroot Mercenary for Rogue Trader

Malory, A Human NCR/wastelander surviver for Fallout PnP

Dreadful Shadow of Purpose, an Alchemical exalted for Exalted

2011-04-01, 12:33 PM
Hmmm, here are two of my favorites.

Pathfinder'ized 3.5e campaign

Darshane'a Bashara - Illumian Fighter 2 / Swordsage 6 / Exotic Weapons Master 2 / Shadow Sentinel (x) | Theme: Battlefield control / Tripper

Species: Human
Age: 31 - 33 in game time
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 182 lbs
Speed: 40’ ground, 0’ flight, 0’ burrow
STR: 18
DEX: 24
CON: 16
INT: 14
WIS: 18
CHA: 11 (hellooo dumpstat!)

Primary Skills (overall bonuses):
Acrobatics: +26
Perception: +27
Martial Lore: +20
Stealth: +27
Ride: +19 (I own a horse)
Survival: +13


EWP: Ripper Chain (Drow version of spiked chain; 2d6 crit 20x3, 10' reach slashing damage)

Combat Expertise
Improved Trip
Knock Down
Weapon Finesse
Agile Maneuver (use Dex for combat maneuvers)
Shadow Blade
Combat Reflexes
Gloom Razor
Greater Trip (Pathfinder)
Campaign ended before I was able to get 'Combat Patrol' from the Pathfinder APG. :smallfrown:

+1 Umbral Blade
Forms: Ripper Chain , Short sword
Was granted 'Bane (undead) with the Umbral blade thru fluffy text / campaign progression

+1 Composite Longbow (+4 STR rating)

Armor of the Watching Master full set:
1. Breastplate was made Dwarvencraft, Nimble, and Mithral to qualify as Light Armor, thus I retain DEX and WIS bonuses to AC (Swordsage)
2. Glamered to look like a normal 10-gallon hat, leather gauntlets, and trenchcoat while still keeping the 'eye' theme.

+4 DEX enhanced Steadfast boots of Striding and Springing : I really took advantage of the "combined magic items" rules in the Magic Item Compendium. That's also where the Armor of the Watching Master lives.

Shadow Blade Technique
Clinging Shadow Strike
Shadow Garrote
Obscuring Shadow Veil
Sapphire Nightmare Blade
Ruby Nightmare Blade
Bounding Assault
Counter Charge
Mighty Throw
Devastating Throw
Comet Throw
Stone Bones
Mountain Hammer
(was going to acquire Ballistic Throw via feat, but campaign ended)

Spider Climb
Assassin's Stance
Step of the Wind

Basically Darsh's role was to be 2nd in line as far as damage and 'thru the door'. He was crowd control. He was also the party lookout/scouter (as he has excellent perception, stealth, and acrobatics), and magic-user killer. As the campaign wore on, his role as the tripper/crowd controller diminished in favor of outright damage dealer and undead killer. Tripping (and other combat maneuvers) are more difficult in the Pathfinder campaign than in previous versions as a measure of balance.

Customized non-vanilla 3.5e campaign with 3rd party books/materials allowed.

Aezetyr - Human / Seelie Court Fey Half-breed
Half-Fey Racial / Sorcerer / Sonic Evolved (Monte Cook FTW) / Stormcaster

Age: 17 - 26 in game terms
Height: 5’2”
Weight: 106lbs
Speed: 30’ ground , 60’ flight (perfect), 0’ burrow
STR: 10
DEX: 18
CON: 16
WIS: 14
INT: 14
CHA: 31 (yes)

Primary Skills (overall bonuses):

(cross) Bluff: +22
Concentration: +33
(cross) Diplomacy: +24
Gather Information: +20
Intimidate: +18
Know (Arcana): +20
Know (Planar): 12
Know (Nature): +10
(cross) Perform (Vocal): +17
Spellcraft: +23
(rec'vd from Fey levels) Use Magic Device: +23

Energy Mage (Sonic)
Explosive Spell
Hunter Mage (Constructs)
Energy Substitution: Sonic
Arcane Strike
Energy Substitution: Electricty
Transdimensional Spell

Gear: Not much to speak of. Has a +3 Adamantine Staff of Smiting that she received in a Deck of Many Things. +1 Bane (Undead, Evil Outsiders) Light Crossbow. She also uses Knowstones for some of her spells. She plans to purchase more of them, but she is running out of places to put jewelry. :smallwink:

Spells / Role: Spells defined her role. Aezetyr was a blaster-master. At the time she was being created and played, I did not care (and still do not care) much for “optimization”. Her role was effectively a ‘glass cannon’. At first she was primarily wiping out the hordes of dead and large amounts of mooks and etc. that the DM was throwing at us. Later on in her career, she started getting into melee more, when she started using Thunderlance enhanced with the Arcane Strike feat. Using 5th and 6th level spells to power that feat, along with her other power spells and she started to dominate. She also has a “Sonic Casting Style” from Arcana Evolved (Monte Cook). With this ability, she can focus a wide area spell (like a Sonic Fireball, et.al.) onto a single creature, and either knock it prone, deafen it, or do something else. The hunter mage (Constructs) feat gives her (basically) an Empower Spell effect for her hit-point damaging spells that effect constructs. Since Thunderlance is a Conjuration [Force] spell, and has no SR; she was combining Hunter Mage with a Rod of Empower Spell (since it was from two different sources, they did stack!) when we went up against constructs, things with SR, etc. She was able to basically hit and kill everything because the spell is again, a [Force] spell and uses her CHA instead of STR on attack and damage.

0th level
Mage Hand
Detect Magic
Read Magic
Dancing Lights
Sonic Snap

1st level
Persistent Blade
Magic Missile
Ray of Clumsiness
Power Word Fatigue
Orb of Electricity, Lesser

2nd level
Gust of Wind
Scorching Ray
Toothed Tentacle
Electric Loop
Rope Trick

3rd level
Lightning Bolt
Dispel Magic **
Sound Lance
Magic Circle against Evil

4th Level
Firestride Exhalation
Caustic Mire
Know Vunleribilites

5th Level
Arcane Fusion
Arc of Lightning

6th Level
True Seeing

She also has an insane amount of Spell-Like Abilities:

all are 1/day, unless otherwise noted or marked
0th level
Disrupt Undead

1st Level
Charm Person (At Will)
Detect Law (3/day)
Faerie Fire
Protection From Law (3/day)
Unseen Servant

2nd Level
or Glitterdust
or Enthrall
Hideous Laughter

3rd level
Call Lightning or Suggestion
Create Food and Water

4th Level
Geas, Lesser
Minor Creation
Charm Monster
Leomunds Secure Shelter

5th level
Dominate Person or Hold Monster
Major Creation

6th level
Geas/Quest or Suggestion, Mass

7th level
Invisibility, Mass
Mordenkainen's Magnificient Mansion

2011-04-01, 02:07 PM
See, I rarely get to play as a character. I'm almost always the GM/DM. Here are some of the exceptions.

SythRyss. D&D 3.0, kobold telepath. Played from 3rd thru 18th level in a 'monster' campaign (all the PC's were hobgoblins, gnolls, and so forth). I think we spent almost every session playtesting another variant of the psionic rules :smallredface: I was quite active on the "official" WotC psionic boards at the time, and we tested a LOT.

On those rare occassions when I get to play, I try to roleplay as something OTHER than myself. SythRyss was Lawful Evil, and was played as a manipulative shrew who didn't want to rule the world -- but only because he figured it would be too much trouble. He was protective of those things he considered 'his', which included his party. He started out with a level of Psychic Warrior (campaign started @ 3rd level) so he was going around in plate armor. This led to the joke that he was actually a magic item called the Walking Tin Can Of Infinite Headaches.

The other fun thing about this character? Pronouncing the name. I tried to make it sound like a snake trilling its tongue and, with time, can do it myself easily. The rest of the party took to calling him "Tick" because they got sick of trying to duplicate it.

DethWynd, human rogue/ranger, D&D 3.0. Only managed a few sessions with him, most noticeable for the look on the DM's face during the first session. "Wait, he can do WHAT now?" This of course was before all the optimization stuff was known, but there were fights when he was doing more damage than the rest of the party combined. I had fun building his background randomly, which I've lost/forgotten since.

Phantos, elf fighter/magic-user/thief, AD&D. Because hey, if you can be 3 of the 4 classes in the game at the time, why not :smalltongue: ? I suspect we were playing wrong on many counts (hey, I was in the 5th & 6th grade), naturally. We were, in hindsight, actually wargaming more than RPGaming.

The MindMole, Champions/HERO 4th Edition. Although I've spent most of my RPG career playing HERO, I've only managed to have characters twice and neither for many sessions. MindMole was my character in a superheroic campaign. He's based on a "traditional" quasi-abusive HERO build -- combine mental attacks with shrinking, X-Ray vision, and tunneling power for a character that can do plenty of damage but isn't subject to most normal attacks. He did suffer a bit from the Aquaman syndrome, since he couldn't afford a traditional movement power and ended up having to be carried by one of the players as if he were a pet/mascot.

Baron von Gershom, Fantasy HERO 4th Edition. Today, he'd be known as a Gary Stu (male Mary Sue). I cringe when I think about how proud I used to be of his background story :smallredface:

Milo v3
2011-04-01, 06:52 PM
Nailo (My current character (Who is also my favourite and I'm currently writing a novel with him as the main character))

Race:Newesti (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/True_Elf(Keran_Race))
Class:Druid 5/Wizard 5/ Pale Master1

Animal Companion: A Sumran Leaping Lizard (Currently Deceased)
Familiar: Dalkner (Dunesti (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Exiled_Elves(Keran_Race)) Skeleton)

Alignment:Chaotic Evil
Woreships: The Moons Of Magic
Age: 92

For most of his life he lived in Sumra. He grew up in a town where thieves and assassins roamed the streets. It was their he learned that its a "Beholder kill Beholder" world. To survive he learned magic at a Young age (For an Elf). His parents where Legally in Sumra with the correct papers but they never got the papers for Naïlo so he is technically a "Elven Renegade".
After a few years a group of "Estikarn Seekers" entered the town. They checked people for their papers Naïlo escaped into the sewers with the help of his Undead. He re-entered the town looking for food, money, and shelter when his best friend (the only person he trusted) rated him out to the "Seekers".
From that day onward he hasn't truly trusted anyone but his undead.
After he escaped from the "Seekers" he returned to the town with only one though on his mind.
He entered Dalkners home and waited in the shadows. That night Dalkner went to sleep but he never awoke.
They never found a corpse as the mage then reanimated it as a reminder to "never trust anyone".

When "Seekers" eventually came back to town. That was the day when Naïlo sailed to Kratoa

Darth Stabber
2011-04-01, 10:49 PM
Hadrian "The Wall" Tennant (M&M) - scrawny british man that bulks up and generates a forcefield, also does this to others. He's a tank/buff bot. Not above buffing the otherwise useless cops into an effective backup squad.

2011-04-03, 07:40 PM
Lord Dorian Lisius
Age: 32
Class: Rogue Trader, Rank 1
Excitable, driven, rather fond of aliens. Well, very fond.

Da'cta Va'prak
Age: ?
Class: Kroot Mercenary, Rank 4
Bloodthirsty, melee monster, and has a taste for people. Any sort of people.

Age: ?
Race: Illithid
Class: Gestalt Wizard/Sorcerer
Eats brains, likes to get shiny things for ultimate power.

Morrigans Blade
2011-04-04, 04:47 PM
I've been playing a lot of shadowrun recently so here's 2 characters i've been working with. 1 is a serious "losing humanity" type guys while the other is just a tad ridiculous:

Finn "Feathers" McGraw:

A dwarven Magician/druid type who's metahuman form has been locked inside one of his foci since his druid groups patron spirit was bound by another Mage disrupting his initiation rite. He can transform into any animal near his size (besides dwarf) using the focus but his default form is a Golden Eagle.

He can only talk through his watcher spirit which is a little squirrel which rides around on his back and talks with an outrageous Scottish accent for him. He can cast numerous spells and summon spirits.

He also lives in his lodge which is a small grove outside Denver surrounded by tall rocks. He has a Plant spirit constantly patrolling the place and he can sense any problems there through his Symbiosis quality.

Frederick "Stoneface" O'Malley

As white and skinny an elf boy as there ever was. He's a world famous Rapper who does Shadowrunning to keep his image of a rough and tumble gangster. He readily admits and boasts about his runs but officials can never pin him for the crimes (because the dudes bloody loaded)

He's a Mystic adept who can literally talk his way out of anything. He has a host of charisma boosting stuff and his only spells are stunbolt, heal and his personal favorite (for reasons he explains in waaaaay too much detail) Cure Disease.

He is a complete poser though. He is awful with guns and fires only blank to pretend he is shooting while he hurls stunbolts at people. He might be a wimp but he's got a rep to protect.

His runner team didn't appreciate his showboating much but if they where ever cornered and unable to fight he would always be there to Smoothtalk/Freestyle their way out of it (also i know nothing about rap so my character would just put on a rough voice and quote lines from "The cat in the hat") :D

2011-04-04, 04:58 PM
My longest-running character now, I haven't updated this in a while, he's been up to a lot since then.

WFRP - Pawel Hals (Outlaw>Veteran>Highwayman)

I'm playing Pawel Hals in Acrozatarim's The Shadow of the Sun (http://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?t=421186) WFRP game. He began the game as an Outlaw in mechanical terms, because that's the thing that closest fitted what I had in mind when I joined the game (we didn't roll our starting careers, thankfully...). His rolls were distinctly average, aside from his Willpower and Fellowship. Which is a bit annoying when I wanted to play a combatant, yet had a string of 31s. Still nothing awful I had no 20s.


He was a survivor of the Storm of Chaos, the massive war that wracked, and nearly destroyed the Empire. Originally a peasant from Wissenland in the south, he was caught poaching and sentenced to hang. Fortunately (or is it unfortunately?) for him, a recruiting party for the war was passing through, so the magistrate was persuaded to commute his sentence to service. He was enlisted in Denkmann's Irregulars, a mercenary light infantry outfit. Captain Denkmann was a ruthless, bloodless sort who ruled primarily through fear. His men were more scared of him than the enemy, and he ensured deserters were publicly executed. Most of their war was stalking beastmen through the forests, raids on forward camps and scouting ahead of the main body. He came home from the war to find his family gone, they'd all moved off south into the Border Princes. He followed the directions of rumours in search of them (indeed finding his family has been his primary motivation up til now).

The Waystation

He first met up with the other members of the party at a waystation on the edge of Morrschatten, where they investigated mysterious disappearances in the swamp. Highlights included not hitting a damned thing with his bow (something of a running joke, no matter how high his BS goes, I've only once rolled a successful hit with it, and that was hunting game, not fighting), and charging into melee with the hideous monster, only to hamstring it with an Ulric's Fury (which surprised monster and GM both). He only did this to rescue some poor girl the monster grabbed, and had no idea whether or not he could even hurt it. Which is the other running joke - the dice love Pawel when he's melee-ing, they only hate him when he tries to shoot things.

Karl's Leap - and a conspiracy

From there Karl's Leap and the investigation of the murder of a Morrite monk and some nefarious goings-on in the mine. We were introduced to the first member of his family he'd found, his cousin Gustav who was an unwitting pawn in the schemes going on there. We uncovered a conspiracy that hinted at going all the way into Prince Ludwig's court. We made our first recurring enemy - Iakir Vultz a Chaos-worshipping merchant. Events there culminated in a beastman raid, orchestrated by Vultz, and a daemon which we ran from.

Pawel got his cousin acquitted of the murder (he didn't do it) and managed to turn his life around too. We were given a fairly clear choice of where we wanted to take things, morally, we could take the easy path and side with Vultz, or the hard path and oppose him and try to uphold the existing order. Pawel argued strongly for the latter, having little trust for the merchant or his schemes, and not wanting to get mixed up in the politics of the Border Princes. We took the hard path, thus the beastmen raid. Towards the end of the raid, Pawel carried the beastman chieftain's severed head around to ward off any other assaults.

Arrowstream - and a coup

Gustav came with them to Arrowstream, the capital, where we were presented to the Prince himself. Who thanked us for what we'd done in Karl's Leap and offered us accomodation. Gustav went off to start his apprenticeship as a Sigmarite priest, we recuperated, and Pawel found his father. Who gave him the bad news that his mother had died, but good news that his siblings were alive and well, though scattered throughout Morrschatten. There was something else, but he couldn't coax it out of his father.

Then all hell broke loose with an attempted coup, one of the nobles at court tried to kill the Prince. Once again we were presented with a choice - side with the plotters or defend the Prince. We went the latter, sticking with the devil we (barely) knew. Pawel demonstrated that even drugged he was pretty handy in a knife-fight. The climax was a battle in the Prince's personal chambers, Pawel and Narin, the dwarf mercenary, were there in the thick of the hectic fight with assassins to save the Prince. And we did by a few dice-rolls.

Thus we became trusted members of Ludwig's entourage, though his magister had no idea what to make of Pawel. He's a Celestial wizard, and couldn't read the peasant at all. He spent a brief time as Marshal Rangard's adjutant, being useful and not thinking about his mother. Then they were sent off to the west of Morrschatten to help sort things out there. It also happened that his sisters and youngest brother was there.

Mirrorwater - and some horrible elves

We rock up to Mirrorwater with a small escort, and there's no one there. The whole place is abandoned. Pawel goes scouting off on his own, and is cut off from the rest of the group by approaching horsemen. He's spotted and their leader tells them to shoot him; he runs taking a bolt in the leg, but manages to lose them in the dense brush. When the riders did their recce and buggered off, he was able to rejoin the others. All we find is a big hunting dog, which is loaded with magic and is some wizard's familiar.

Cue a harrowing trek through a sprite-haunted forest (sprites in the horrific Germanic evil-forest-things sense, not the cutesy Disney ones), where at one point Pawel runs terrified from an encouter. We eventually find where all the villagers have gone - a fortress retreat where they go in times of danger. There we meet Thorsten (hyperactive, nervous, hero-worships Pawel), Elizabeth (sensible, level-headed, despairs of her eldest brother and his bad influence on Thorsten) and Anja Hals (the youngest, very attractive, but we didn't develop her much), who are colonists here. Elves is the problem. Cannibalistic, blood-worshipping elves. They drove the villagers out and won't go away.

We resolve to get a message back to the Prince and investigate some weirdness in the village (stuff connected to Amber magic, the ongoing plot to facilitate Constanza, the apprentice mage's transition to a proper wizard). We stay overnight, and are attacked by the elves. Well, they set up on us, and Angran, the elf, leads the other characters into an attack. He doesn't like these "abominable" elves.

Pawel doesn't take much part in the fight, it all seems unnecessarily aggressive to him, and at one point he chases after an elf who goes for the dog-familiar. There's a tense scene where they each get the drop on the other, but Pawel doesn't try to kill the elf. They can't speak the same language or understand each other, but he shows he means no harm. The elf eventually runs off leaving both Pawel and the familiar alone.

On his return the others have driven off the elves and captured another familiar - a hawk (which can talk). We discover they're two of the great wizard Allor's familiars, and he's in trouble. Next morning we set off in search of the third, a bear in the forest. In a dark-magic zone, inside a barrow is the bear, near death, guarding Allor's body. It needs food, so Pawel and Angran go out hunting. We bring down a deer, but are attacked by a dryad. Pawel's immediate response? Grab the deer and run like ****. Angran leads it off in another direction. Eventually he rejoins them as they dress the deer and start feeding the bear. We get it and Allor back to the village.

Not taking any chances this time, Pawel suggests they fortify the place as best they can, and they hole up in the town hall. The elves return that night, again to kill the familiars and finish off Allor who they hate. Then someone else intervenes, causing them to flee, sending a ghostly-daemon-shaman-thing. We fight it, laying into it but generally it doesn't care and batters us silly. It kills most of the familiars, until Narin severs one of it's amulets and Pawel kicks it away before it can recover it. That goes into the fire, and Pawel jumps on top of Narin to protect him from a blast of magic that might have killed the wounded dwarf.

At this point Narin had no Fate Points left, having lost it in the fight with the beastmen. The GM offered me a choice (given I'd already described Pawel standing in it's path in front of Narin): dive aside and save myself, or save Narin. I chose saving Narin. :D So instead I lost one of my Fate Points taking hideous amounts of fire damage that would have killed Pawel, and we both survived the encounter. It's death corrupted the town hall, but that was the least of our worries. We had to get Allor's soul reunited with his body. It had been split up between his familiars, and was now released from the dead ones.

That done, back to the fortress with his slowly-restoring body. There was one more familiar to find, deep in the bowels of the place. We were attacked by a shapeshifter on the way in, but drove him off. We spend time passing the time, Pawel training first his brother and then increasing numbers of the young men how to fight with the tools they have (axe and knife-stylee). Which earns him both allies and enemies amongst the villagers.

Turns out the fortress was merely the entrance to an entire dwarven hold. There was some grumpy old bugger of a dwarf barring the entrance, and he was having none of our going down there and soiling the halls of his ancestors with our foreign presence. Not even when Pawel got up and declared himself a descendant of the tribes of Sigmar and ally of dwarf-kind. Oh well, the old git disappears into the hold arming the traps and driving all the refugees from the village out.

At the same time the elves attack in force, and everyone has to bundle back inside regardless of the dangers. Pawel is instrumental in a crazy rescue effort to ensure no one gets left outside to the elves and their ministrations. He goes back time and again, under fire, earning the captain's respect. There's one left they can't get to, and he tells Angran to shoot the poor wounded man so the elves can't get him. Angran can't, and the poor guy is left to his fate. So wounded in tow, we managed to get almost everyone inside.

A trip into the hold is next, Pawel gets bitten by a giant rat. We find the snake, Pawel having had the presence of mind to procure a sack to stuff it into. And see the old dwarf again, who we leave in his throne with all the crazy machinery. We only find out later one of the lieutenants went in after us and never came back out. Allor is revived and wants to lead the charge against the elves.

Then we take the fight to the elves, Pawel leading his rag-tag irregular band alongside the captain and his more formal militia. It's a battle, they have their mages and a tree-kin-thing, which Narin eventually kills. There's fewer of them, but they're better. We win, largely through the efforts of the PCs. Then there's a chase through the forest to finish them off, and find the locus of their power. Pawel is reluctant to follow, preferring to see to the wounded, but he can't leave his friends. The irregulars stay and he goes on. We find the tree that is the heart of their power, and Angran agrees to give them his name in return for their word they will leave and not return for three turnings of the seasons.

Finishing up things in Mirrorwater

Then we get down-time, Pawel is sick and nearly dies from the infected rat-bite. On recovering he and Narin continue to train their scratch force, patrolling and generally making a nuisance of their impromptu "neighbourhood watch". He also shacks up with a local woman, and learns their language. We moved into our advanced careers here, Pawel moved to Veteran. Constanza disappears off into the forest with Allor to complete her apprenticeship, and Angran becomes a postman.

Our activities in shoring up and strengthening Mirrorwater didn't go unnoticed. Unfortunately the local lords didn't appreciate Pawel and Narin's activities in strengthening the commoners, and we were hastily moved to the far east.

Carcass - and an old enemy

We arrive in one of the principality's money-pits, a valuable dye is grown here. Pawel's younger brother Johannes is here too. Turns out he's a rising star, something of a merchant prince. He later becomes one of our allies in this cess-pit of a town. We work for the Prince's representative, Arken, a former Imperial artillery officer. No nonsense sort, he almost shoots Constanza when she appears demanding to see him, but without showing anyone her very real credentials as an Imperial mage. That's how we're all reunited. There's all sorts of things that need fixing here and we're the people to do it. Including the traitor from the court, holed up in her ancestral fief.

Anyway, we spot that bastard Vultz in the crowd, which immediately jumps to the top of our priorities. Iakir Vultz must die! Johannes comes through for us finding Vultz' location. Constanza turns into a bird and scouts ahead, checking he's there. Then we plan the attack and that very night, having just arrived, attack his safe house.

Last session ended with us bursting into the room to challenge him and his coven of cultists...

...a veritable shed-load of stuff has happened since then. The group stopped a massive orc warband by leading a strike-team against the shaman giving them purpose. We ended up fleeing Carcass in the night with the contents of the treasury after the real villains of the piece, a coven of vampires running the place, showed themselves. A trip to the crater where we destroyed a necromancer. We made our home briefly in the capital of one of the other princes before having to flee from there.

We returned for the Conclave of the Church of Morr, where they were supposed to be electing a new Karl (king) of the nation. Instead we fomented a schism that split the church and has created what is in effect a civil war. We dug in at the old capital, Muirenvult, and have made a real nuisance of ourselves hosting the Torn Veil faction. After some mystical shenanigans, we're now pledged to re-unite the country under the true Karl (should they make themselves known).

Other stuff

One of his running themes is his connection to the peasant underclass and the efforts he's making to improve their lot. Every settlement he's visited, he's been giving out small amounts of money to the people (in sum it's actually a lot of money, some 30-ish gold coins worth), and recently he and Narin have been training up a peasant irregular force.

I think he's a voice of humanity and moderation in the group, he doesn't like fighting unless he has to, and isn't a fan of killing unnecessarily (though he's good in a scrap). He cares more about the ordinary people than he does the petty disputes of nobles and such.

I also enjoy getting to play him as a moral, big-damned-hero. Because that's what he is. Even in WFRP I've managed to get away with not being some amoral killer who stabs people in the back.

2011-04-06, 12:41 PM
Alas, my most recent character was a halfling bard named Olivia, died by decapitation and later her body was ravaged by wolves. Such a sad loss for me as I had invested over five months into this character. She was a curious little one with a deep love for the stars, history, languages, and mysteries. She didn't even get to have her final show down with her evil sister either. :smallfrown:


2011-04-06, 10:35 PM
Thanks to online gaming and Encounters, I've played a lot of characters in the past year alone. Here they are.

Name: Galen Wentlas
Class: Soldier 5/Scoundrel 3/Noble 2/Officer 8
System: Star Wars Saga
Info: I played Galen in the Dawn of Defiance adventure path written by WotC. He came to life a couple of years ago when I realized that the first character I was playing was going to become an NPC very soon for turning evil. Galen himself joined the group in the fifth module and played through it, 6, 7 and 10 (8 & 9 were skipped for time reasons). He's probably my favorite character that I've ever played in my 10 years of gaming.

Name: Castri
Class: Ranger 3
Race: Elf
System: 4e Dark Sun
Info: One of the premade characters for the Dark Sun Encounters program. He was a former thief and gladiator who had been severely beaten in the ring and then cast out. That's where I got him. I played him as a severely brash character who went all out in combat. He's also pretty distant when it comes to others, not knowing who to completely trust. Best moment was when he broke a branch over a halfling's head who had captured the group (the reckless breakage rule in Dark Sun).

Name: Merrick
Class: Thief 3
Race: Halfling
System: 4e Essentials
Info: The premade I picked for the Keep on the Borderlands Encounters season. I played as kind of a scouting rogue who was an excellent sniper with the crossbow he bought just before setting out. Quickly made enemies with the big bad and suspected big bad. Was quite remorseful when a ruse was revealed. Had trouble sneaking back out of places after he had scouted them.

Name: Jaden
Class: Sentinel 3
Race: Human
System: 4e Essentials
Info: For the recent season of Encounters, I decided to create my own characters after receiving the books as a Christmas gift. Kind of down to earth, but still a fierce combatant when he must.

2011-04-07, 07:35 AM
I'll just list one of my more memorable ones here:

Ivan Hammer:

Kidnapped in Stalingrad during WW2. Taken to a Russian research facility and experimentet on in their attempts at creating a new race of super-soldiers to defeat the growing number of supernatural creatures created after Nazi-Germany's attempt at jump-starting Ragnarok failed. Woke up an unknown number of years later in a post-apocalyptic world where Britain is the only remaining nation in the Allied forces, the Nazis are still fighting and the Russians have escaped into their vast underground facilities called New Aeden.

He helped re-discover an entrance to New Aeden, doubled the size of the British Navy with captured ships and almost assassinated the most successful crime-lord the campaign-world had ever seen. Helped track down a known occultist group who had summoned several flying skeletal things and became the worlds most wanted criminal in the process. Was hunted down by the British Army in the remains of Prague, contracted lycanthrophy in the process of being captured. Was supposed to be hanged in the New Library of Prague, a several hundred meters high tower but escaped captivity with the noose still tied around his neck.

His life ended gloriously as he blew up himself along with the British government after escaping yet another attempt at execution; this time by firing-squad.

2011-04-07, 09:49 AM

Jürgen krin
warrior priest of ulrich

he left his church and joined a groupe of people that was helping a wizard apprintice, who was going to be statione near tallobheim .
it was while storm of chaos was lost of stuff going on, he made a unlikly friend in a pessent who had lost his family to beastmen and now he was a wandering flaggeland.
the faced manny dangers and returned heroes, after that the killed, all the blasfemers that crossed thair way until the day were jürgen krin was afflicted by chaos and started growing fur :S he then decidet to cleans the chaos from his body by using the sacred flame of Ulrich.

but sadly he dident survive that :(

2011-04-07, 10:47 AM
Oh man...time for the giant list o' doom.

These are from D&D, WoD, Deadlands, d20 Modern, Free-form, and everything else over the years...

Gideon Gideonson
Charles "Coin" Henry Anstron
Jacquelyn Eva Pierce-Roswell
Dorian Edward Rike
Travis d'Amerila
Reginald Taylor Scott
Tamora Chandla Scott
Jake Riley
Marsh Walburne
Siro Devana
Caben Duur
Udvar Hett
The Dark Trinity
Lady Inaya Elrissa
Bartelemus the Archivist
Kadadune, the Keeper at the Gate
Shendda, the Watcher in the Dark
Tamis Ryisan
Mzumu Kagunda
Alphonso the Red-handed
Temen DuRell
Rynce d'Janis
Tom Gunther
Athena/Artemis/Aphrodite AI
Mr. Fizz
Zachary Taylor
Trevor Knight, Dreamweaver
Gerard Levi
Emmanuel Drake

I know I'm forgetting more than 2/3rds, but I have the full file (minus about 10 or so that I'd need to get the exact names of from past GMs) on my computer at home, and don't have access to it here. Past a certain number, I can remember stories with great accuracy, but sometimes forget the names...