View Full Version : [3.5] How do I achieve gestalt balance?

2011-02-26, 05:18 AM
Hi forumists!

I have a gestalt game that is about to start (lvl 10, evil). In order to keep some of my saneness I have put out a few restrictions (number of books outside of core that are allowed, etc). I reread the UA gestalt rules and saw that some rulings I thought were written in there were missing. I am thinking the following:

*Can just use one side of progression to qualify for Prcs

*Not advance two Prcs at the same time

*A dual progression class can only advance "one side" of the gestalt. (meaning a Wiz3/Clr3/MT1//FavS7 can use his MT levels to progress his FavS progression.

Is there something I am missing here? Am I too strict? Are there any other common rulings you recommend? I am a experienced 3.5 DM, but havn´t run many gestalt games.

2011-02-26, 06:14 AM
Pretty standard Gestalt rules as far as I have seen. Just make sure you clarify monster stuff, as some will like to do them occasionally and gestalt is one of the few ways to do it without screwing yourself.

Such as do you want LA + HD on one side, or LA on on side and HD on the other. Beyond that your rules are normal in every gestalt game I have been in.

2011-02-26, 07:02 AM
You'd be better off banning all dual progression prestige classes as the UA rules suggest. At least as far as spellcasting and equivalents are concerned.

2011-02-26, 10:09 AM
In our games we've generally ruled that only 1 PRC can be taken at each level, and dual progression PRCs take up both sides.

2011-02-26, 10:39 AM
I like the idea gestalt because it allows more mechanical variety, without having to carry more books then Atlas.
Want to be a true Theurge? Archivest//Wizard, though that's pretty broken depending on what spells you can find.
Monk//Sneak Attack Thug Fighter. No More flurry of Whifs and you can do substantial amounts of damage with little tweaking, though you will be a bit feat starved.
Barbarian//Sorcerer. MAD, but still something I want to try, very shamanistic. Druid//Barbarian for similar reasons.

Last Laugh
2011-02-26, 10:46 AM
Dual progression PrCs taking up both sides is plain silly. Kinda goes against Gestalt, do away with them if you like, but don't make them horrible tarps.
(Cleric 3/Wizard 3/MT 1 vs Cleric 4/Wizard 4.)
Maybe lay some rules about the Dual Progression feats found in Complete Adventurer, and Complete Scoundrel. They tend to be useful, and only advance some aspect of a classes features. Also they are mostly geared for melee, which could use some nice things.

(I'd just make it so that one half of the progression had to qualify, and that it could only advance classes on the same side of the gestalt that qualified for it. EX: Don't allow scout 6/ranger 6 qualify/benefit from Swift Hunter.