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2011-02-27, 05:33 PM

[Elysium, the MOAS]

The Museum of Arts and Sciences is Fifth City's Elysium tonight, designated by the Prince himself (though he was not in attendance... we think). Surprisingly, the museum held just as many modern and classical art pieces as it did scientific exhibits, mineral samples, full-scale dinosaur models, religious relics, Egyptian mummies... And just about anything else once might find in the most well-funded of the world's more 'general purpose' museums.

Throughout the expansive hallways were numerous sets of chairs, tables, and sofas. Kindred of all kinds could find their own place of privacy in the massive building, and swift-footed servants made sure no Kindred had to wait long for a glass of vitae or some other service. In the various 'sitting areas', the highest generation kindred who bothered to ask could have music of his choice played on the local speakers, allowing for their own scene... and a fabulous cover for secret conversations.

Tonight though, we focus on only a select few kindred present at the MOAS, as well as a few others who were out and about. In time, you may understand why...

Overlord Rion
2011-02-28, 02:27 PM
{Provincetown Theater}

Once, many a year ago, this theater was full of life and energy. These days, it is a shadow of its former self. It only entertains one permanent occupant, who was pacing across the stage. At a glance it was obvious he was rehearsing. Abruptly, he stopped and looked out into the audience that would never return to this hallowed place of merriment.

Alex sat down on the edge of the stage. For being run down, the theater was fairly clean. Unlike many of his clan, Alex preferred cleanliness. In his mind, you could make up for any shortcoming by having something else equally as important.

Half of the chairs in the audience were arrayed neatly in a corner of the theater. There was no damage where they had once stood. Instead of merely ripping them off the floor, Alex had painstakingly unscrewed each of them, making use of a few for a small meeting area. He had spent much time making his home presentable to anyone who needed his help. Janus had been impressed with the choice, saying many chose to live underground.

Alex was no rat or creature of the sewer. He supposed that compared to many other Kindred, he was living in splendor. Now what was he going to do for the rest of the night?

2011-02-28, 03:15 PM
With a grumble Jones strides the streets, an invisible mountain, careful to step around kine. Spotting one of the younger kine he counts among his subjects he slips between a pair of kine who are passing by the boy. Digs through his coat and pulls out a massive handful coins mottled with verdigris. As the speckled coins rain into his cup, Jones strides out of shadow for a moment to speak to the youth.
Try to get indoors tonight, Matthew. Feels like we might have a cold evening. No use catching a chill just to make a few doubloons. A few kine turn their heads and stare, certain that before his rumbling there had been no one there. Striding away from Matthew, the Emperor draws the shadows of night back around himself, fading once more from sight.
Now, where is that blasted theater... It seems an affectation to live in so lavish a setting. Of course, he couldn't just live in the underground like a decent fellow. Had to put on airs. Now what was that address... The name seemed so familiar but it seems impossible to... Startled, he looks up and realizes he has arrived.
That is why the name had seemed so familiar! Christ in Caine, it seems as if it were a lifetime ago... Although, upon recollection it was. Several lifetimes in fact, assuming one measured by generations. Glancing around swiftly to ensure he was not followed and that there are no kine to see his entrance, he hammers on the door with one massive fist. His voice carries, hopefully far enough to reach his fellow sewer rat.
Alex! Are you in? I'm afraid I need your help.

Overlord Rion
2011-02-28, 03:28 PM
The banging on the door startled Alex. He had been remembering his family. He had just gotten to the part where his son and his daughter decided to shove their cake in his face instead of eating it. Lord, how he missed them. He should check on them soon.

The voice calling was familiar. A few seconds later, it dawned on him. Jones. Usually the most Jones wanted is a place for a few of "his" transients to stay when sick. Alex hoped that wasn't the case as he headed towards the door, disengaging the myriad of traps he had set before finally opening it.

"Ah, it is you Jones. Come in, quickly." You would think after all the years of speaking English, he would learn to use contractions. Sadly, he could only do it while he was someone else.

2011-02-28, 05:41 PM
{Ocean View Apartments}

As the last rays of sunlight shrank slowly below the horizon Jason's day was just beginning. He rolled out of his bed and started his routine, today was chest, shoulders, and back. After about an hour of pushups, pullups, and a short kettle bell workout, he showered and sat down by his desktop. He spent roughly thirty minutes browsing the AICPA website for updates and also checked on a few of his investments. His PC dinged as he was reviewing the new set of auditing standards indicating a new email.


Meet me at Elysium tonight. Its important.


He turned off his computer, left his apartment and headed out into the night.

2011-02-28, 06:26 PM
{The Street}

Walking into the cold night air, Jason pulled his coat about him. The museum was a short cab ride but he preferred to walk and besides, it would give him time to feed. Being a predator was still a new experience for Jason and he often tried to look for criminals. This was not a problem for him as the city had its share of problems.

Walking past a dark alley he heard a small commotion. Within a small homeless boy had been knocked to the ground by a a twenty something young man wearing the colors of a local gang. Jason recognized the boy, Luke, from a year or so ago when he had helped a local Kindred. Jason moved with a preternatural fluidity, a supernatural quickness. He stood next to the gang member in a moment. It was only a moment longer that Jason's rear naked choke had knocked the youth unconcious. He looked down at Luke,

"Not a good night to be out and about it seems. Perhaps you should find some shelter tonight." After the boy had scurried off, Jason took a moment to feed and then left the gangster slumped up against an old dumpter, less some blood but non the wiser.


The old museum always struct Jason as a beautiful building. Something about the architecture, stone outcroppings and all, spoke to him. As Jason walked into the building his first thought was to check for exists followed shortly by possibly places that could be used for cover. He was lucky, unlike many of the newer buildings about the city, the stone columns about would make excellent cover. He walked into the main room and began to glance about for his Sire. Much like Jason, Zack did often not like the Machiavellian games ongoing during Elysium and Jason wondered what could be so important.

2011-02-28, 09:28 PM
Slipping inside the Emperor waits for the door to close and then pulls off his hat and scarves, revealing his horrific visage. Although, to Alex it's just a different flavor of what he sees in the mirror.
I was wondering if you could accompany me to Elysium. I'm hoping to find a Brujah acquaintance there and would like to have a friendly face at my side. I would of course owe you a favor and would understand if you don't wish to tag along.

2011-03-01, 01:27 AM
Outside Elysium

The greyhound bus had made his rear quarters quite sore. Talor Gault was more than happy to endure the pain though, if it meant getting away into a new area again, hopefully to form some powerful connections of his own.

However, while here, he should remember that he is here at the behest of his own master, placed here in a scheme not even he could disentangle. Nevertheless, the cold was starting to wear on him, so now would be a good time to enter Elysium, and meet the Prince. As he slips inside, he asks the friendliest of the lot where he could be directed to the prince's court to introduce a new arrival.

2011-03-01, 01:49 PM
The cool night air was fervent in its ritualistic dance. Trakan simply sat in the midst of it high upon the rooftops. Barren of inhabitants, the rooftops provided a rich symphony of the sounds that make up Fifth City's cacophony. In kind and word, he was new to this city. But, as with any city one must make introductions. This city was no different. First to the city itself, then to the Court of the Camarilla. After some time, he rose from his seated position, and made his way down the fire escape heading into the throng below.

Overlord Rion
2011-03-01, 08:03 PM
Alex took a moment to consider Jones and his offer. Jones wasn't family, but he was of the same clan. That made him a family member of sorts. He smiled at the thought. He stroked his beard, the one human feature he retained after his Embrace. Finally, he said "All right Jones. I shall help you. Give me a moment to get my clothing."

He retreated to the the pile of chairs in the corner and moved a few, revealing a worn chest. Alex took a large coat and some facial coverings. To anyone passing by, he would be nothing more than a very cold businessman.

"Let us go, Jones."

2011-03-02, 12:10 AM
[The streets]

Trakan moves along the back alley ways, bare feet padding deftly through the black topped streets with their miasma of refuse, both biological and not. Though as he moves, the winds seem to carry on around him, more so, as he moves. The maze of streets continues, taking him by a few homeless, and the less savory inhabitants of society, as he makes his way towards the Museum of Arts and Sciences. He rounds the corner, slipping quietly into the Museum. With a quick glance he will take an empty seat, as he waits to see if court will be held this evening.

2011-03-02, 12:39 AM
Excellent. If it's no trouble, once we're out in the open I'll slip into an obfuscation.
Wrapping his horrific visage once more, the Emperor wanders out into the streets his gargantuan yet leisurely strides covering ground as swift as an average kine would at a run. In a remarkably short time he finds himself at the entrance to this evening's Elysium. He keeps his eyes peeled for a ghoul, or youthful kindred to question as to recent arrivals.

2011-03-02, 12:27 PM
[Elysium, the MOAS]

Court was certain to be held at the Museum tonight. A gang of men stands outside its entrance, uncaring of any police looking to bust them for loitering; they had the look that suggested "Don't bother trying."

Any Kindred, though, recognizes this pack of ghouls as a significant hit squad, usually used for raiding Sabbat training centers, gang warehouses and the like. These tough men each carried automatic weapons, combat knives or swords, and were almost overkill for mere Elysium protection. Perhaps the Prince really would arrive tonight? Whatever the case, they give a respectful nod to each Kindred that approaches to enter the museum, no matter their generation or comparative rank in Camarilla society. The doors are open wide to any.

There is one ghoul separate from this group, looking as nervous as an 11th generation may be around a group of 7th's. He is more finely dressed, skinny, but ready to answer any questions put to him about the guest list, or the events scheduled for tonight. It was typical to have shows at times, providing entertainment to help break up the monotony of immortal nights.

Whew! You guys did quite a bit while I was away. Just be sure to read others' posts, and recognize when they are in the same area. I'll try to keep up with what's going on, and who's where.

2011-03-02, 12:38 PM
Jones smirks deep withing the folds of his scarves and stalks over to the ghoul, slipping out of the shadows when he's perilously close. It's a cheap trick, but usually a good method of scaring a nervous target into compliance with a request. Not that it seems necessary with this particular ghoul.
Poor fellow looks as if he'd be driven aback by a strong breeze. Adopting a somewhat gentle tone, relying on his size and stealth to cow the ghoul into deference the Emperor poses his question.
Pardon me, but are there kine in the museum tonight or will I be safe to travel within Elysium uncovered?

2011-03-02, 12:43 PM
[Elysium, the MOAS]

The ghoul snaps to as Emperor Jones approaches him, and answers clearly and sharply.

"All Kine on the premises are trusted, Sir. You may walk uncovered as you wish. Mister Reginald of the southern sewers made a similar request, and has already entered the building 'Sans-Masque'."

The ghoul leaves it unsaid that, trusted or no, even Kindred were known to blanch at an uncovered Nosferatu.

2011-03-02, 12:55 PM
The emperor grins and strides inside before shrugging off his massive overcoat and pile of scarves. A mouldering suit is revealed, fashionable and quite elegant in it's time, now a patchwork remnant of it's former glory. Tusks shine as the catch the light, gleaming atramentous spikes uncovered for the first time in weeks.
Ah, Elysium. Where even the monstrous may stride step for step with the most beauteous of our lot. If only the inner life could be reflected in the flesh, I suspect that a few of our more pulchri'tudinous brethren would be the ones slinking in under covers. Well, Alex I leave it to you whether you'd rather follow me deeper into this evening revels in search of my acquaintance or wander on your own. I imagine there will be sights enough to occupy you if it proves the latter.
With a resonant chuckle, the Emperor folds his coat and scarves over his arm and begins to move deeper into the Elysium, searching out Jason.

2011-03-02, 03:31 PM
Trakan keeps his seat and waits silently. The goings on around him, seem to carry little interest for him, despite the importance. He whispers almost inaudibly from time to time as though carrying on a conversation of great intrigue, to no one in particular.

2011-03-02, 03:39 PM

Jason wandered the halls of Elysium absent mindedly, he kept track of the possible exits and cover opportunities with each new room that he entered. He also kept on eye open for any familiar faces but mostly he was thinking. The Museum of Arts and Sciences would have to be classified as a not for profit possibly even owned by a state or local government. Most likely it was classified as a nonprofit organization though. He made a quick mental note to look into the Financial Statements and Annual Report of the organization. It may be particularly interesting to see who was on the board of trustees. Perhaps more interesting and revealing would be the statement of cash flows and possibly even the balance sheet. If he knew anything it was that often times Financial irregularities could reveal some particularly interesting facts.

As he walked through the prehistoric exhibit he caught the visage of Emporor Jones out of the corner of his eye and began to head toward the man.

2011-03-02, 04:09 PM
Jason! A pleasure to see you again my friend. All the more so due to the fact that you're the man I came to see. Jones barrels his way across the floor with an easy athletes grace, meeting Jason swiftly.
I was going about the incident you helped me with last year and had a thought that it might be useful to have a way to contact you. It seems we share in interest in protecting kine. It seems to me that we'd both benefit from being able to secure aid if a situation requires it.

2011-03-02, 04:39 PM
[Elysium, the MOAS]

Near to Emperor Jones and Jason, a young Kindred was showboating some sort of fencing technique using a cane to a pair of Kindred women. They appeared rather bored, but do their best to show interest. The cane came from a nearby Victorian exhibit, taken from the hand of one of several distinguished gentlemen. Despite being mere manikins, they appear to be disgruntled at the loss of their fellow's walking stick.

There are several visuals around to keep Trakan interested. A Kindred who was embraced at a remarkably old age sweeps past him, the benefits of the Curse of Caine allowing ancient bones and withered flesh to walk with the quickness of a younger. The old man nods respectfully to Trakan as he moves by, apparently with some destination in mind. Around him were the insectoid exhibits, impressive large-scale models of ants, flies and earthworms (though worms aren't exactly insect). The scene proved unsettling for at least one wild-haired Kindred male, who scuttles through the area, trying to dodge the gaze of the inanimate monsters as best he can. In the silence of the hallway, Trakan can hear him whispering 'Shoo, shoo!'.

Further down, young female with a long metal stick presses a button on a panel for an audio informational reading. The sound comes in, explaining the dieting habits for grasshoppers, but it's ridiculously loud in the silence of the museum. The Kindred is startled, and begins whacking at the panel in a vain attempt to silence it. It finally finishes, and she hangs her head, embarrassed. She moves away from the panel with an odd expression of shame, tapping away with her cane on the linoleum floor.

Taylor Gault is respectfully informed that there would be no Court at the Museum tonight. The Prince was busy with some unexplained errand. The guide apologizes to Taylor.

2011-03-03, 08:37 AM
{Museum of Arts and Sciences}

Jason caught the gaze of the emperor and smiled lightly to himself. He had enjoyed working with the man last year and was always interested in a situation where he could use and improve his martial prowess. As the other Kindred was approaching him Jason noticed the flourish of a cane out of the corner of his eye and could not help himself from smirking. He preferred the violent in-fighting of most philipino stick arts to the stylized and soft movements of fencing.

"I was going about the incident you helped me with last year and had a thought that it might be useful to have a way to contact you. It seems we share in interest in protecting kine. It seems to me that we'd both benefit from being able to secure aid if a situation requires it."

He nodded as Jones spoke and continued after he was finished.

"I agree. The streets seem to get more dangerous with each passing day and its never a bad idea to have someone you can trust in a fight" and with this he pulled out his cellphone "Perhaps we could exchange numbers? It seems the easiest way to get a hold of someone these days."

2011-03-03, 09:46 AM
The emperor dips his head slightly, chuckling softly but obviously slightly embarrassed.
I'm afraid I still haven't managed to get my hands on one of those.

2011-03-03, 02:06 PM
"I'm afraid I still haven't managed to get my hands on one of those."

Jason hesitated for a moment and then placed the device back into his pocket. He waited a moment longer, letting his thoughts coalesce in his head before responding,

"Quite a useful piece of technology I must say. Especially as far as communication goes. You might want to think about picking on up at some point. I suppose you could reach me at my place of residence - I'll have to show it to you sometime."

2011-03-03, 04:07 PM
I'll make plans to get my hands on one. I have a small amount of money, it's just difficult to acquire more without any investments. The gargantuan kindred rolls his shoulders, still somewhat shamed by being behind the times.
If you need to contact me, simply speak to the street people. They tend to know me through a friend of a friend.

2011-03-03, 04:28 PM
Jason listens intently before responding.

"Shouldn't be a problem then. I tend to run into your people more often than not - and to be quite honest thats probably the best way to contact me as well - for the time being. If you are looking for some advice on investments give me a few days and I can find something for you. In the meantime Id suggest picking up a "pay as you go" phone - hell you could probably get one from a gas station. Cheap, easy to use, and hard as hell to track. At least thats my understanding, although to be perfectly honest technology isn't exactly my strong suite."

Overlord Rion
2011-03-03, 06:41 PM
Alex was nearby, just out of sight. He had taken Jones' suggestion as 'keep a lookout, just in case.' Alex did just that. His many years had taught him to be careful in every situation.

2011-03-04, 12:26 AM
Trakan rose from his seat, then began to move silently from place to place, taking in the conversations of other kindred throughout the area. The curiosities and quips of the elders versus those of younger blood poured all around. Some in silence, others overtly, each had information to share. Trakan's experience with the Camarilla was all too brief. Perhaps here, he would learn enough to survive on his own.

2011-03-04, 08:38 PM
I'm sure my portfolio, such as it is, would be grateful for the aid. And I'll have one of my men purchase one of those phones later tonight.With a slight grin the Emperor turns to look out over the rest of the Elysium.
It seems a mite crowded this evening. Any idea as to why or could it be a coincidence?

2011-03-04, 10:04 PM
Jason took a moment and wrote down a quick address onto a piece of paper which he passed to Jones.

"Have someone drop your asset information here and I will take a few days trying to see what I can do."

He scanned the room in response to the bigger mans comment and took a moment before responding.

"These things never seem to really be a coincidence, especially when you are talking about our kind. I also received a short text message from my Sire asking me to be here. So whatever is going on I'm sure we will find out soon....."

The Note: Ocean View Apartments, Apt 436

2011-03-05, 04:58 PM
Taylor was displeased about being turned away; however, this was no reason not to check out on the competition... and potential enemies. In doing so, he eventually spotted a face, one he actually recognized. He walked up to the fellow.
"Good to see a friendly face here. Trakan, wasn't it? Ah well, I'm Taylor Gualt, if you've managed to forget already. How's.... not-really-life?"

2011-03-06, 11:36 AM
Trakan looks over, recognizing the voice. He speaks for the first time since arriving, the sounds of his thick Northern Irish accent filling the air."Aye. It's a been a while lad. I'm still keeping on with the training. But, what about you?" He glances around the area checking to see who might be listening to their conversation.

2011-03-06, 02:56 PM
[Elysium, The MOAS]

Alex, sticking to the shadows, happens to be in earshot of a heated discussion between a pair of younger Kindred. There are only two, both with identical slicked back hair and dark leather jackets. One of them mentions 'Umbrellas' and 'the halfway house', and the other mentions a 'Shipment'. Using code words, even in the sanctity of Elysium was normal, until of them says "Sell it to the Anarchs." Alex is now certain that whatever they're talking about, it can't be good. He'll need to get closer, but the pair have a bright light above them that illuminates their area. The only source of shadow nearby is a setting of Cavemen attacking a Mammoth with spears...

Trakan doesn't notice any people nearby, but his eyes do spot a small cellular telephone hidden under the spiky scales of an anklyosaurus model. It appears to be open and active, and the tiny camera lens is facing outward, directly at Trakan and the tables and chairs nearby. Either the camera was set there purposely, or this was a very convenient accident...

2011-03-06, 04:48 PM
In a language indiscernible, if even audible to those that would be listening, Trakan speaks towards the phone. His sight begins to waver as other things become more apparent.In Spirit:Hail spirit. I am Trakan, disciple of Zephyra. I request a few moments of privacy if you would so honor me to allow it." In the oddness of their seclusion, he regarded the phone, though did not look directly toward it.

Spirit Thaumaturgy oo (Spirit Eyes)
6, 10, 8, 2, 9, 7 (Difficulty target's (phone's) will)

2011-03-06, 04:57 PM
[Elysium, The MOAS]

The phone looks surprised for a moment, even apologetic.

In spirit "Ah! A true-speaker! Certainly Sir, please forgive me. I will remove you from my feed, though I cannot end it. Orders are orders, Sir."

Though the phone continues to be on, and is continuing to record, the spirit of the phone is capable of modifying its own video and sound out of respect.

Son of a gun, dagnab, stinkin spirit-talker. Why do I keep forgetting you have that ability!? :smallbiggrin:

2011-03-06, 11:42 PM
He offers gracious thanks, and a touch of flattery. In Spirit: "You have my gratitude, noble one." He then turns his attentions to Taylor Gault once more, his accent picking up just as before, "Sorry if I seemed a touch distant."

2011-03-07, 03:08 AM
Gault responded with a brief nod, then noticed Trakkan was talking into the phone in some gibberish he couldn't understand. When he apologized, it was Taylor's duty to set the situation rioght. Nah, its fine, I can understand that you have your own objectives here to attend to, and surely that phone call was from someone very important. As do I, though I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do, or when. As such, if you ever need any help, just ask, and I can use my... talents, to help you out." A garrish smirk passes across his face, but then leaves as he leans in closer to give a nearly inaudible whisper to his companion. ""Anyways.... there's definitely something up here if the Prince is out somewhere, and its a good thing to have someone on your side in case there's something big happening. Agreed?"

2011-03-07, 11:16 AM
Jason's mind races with possible portfolio options for Jones. He was guessing that the man had limited resources and was thinking about possible, albeit risky, investing strategies that would both show an immediate return and be viable in the long run.

"You notice anything particularly peculiar tonight?" He asked, letting his eyes scan the room.

2011-03-07, 01:18 PM
I'm not quite certain, to be honest.
The Emperor cranes his neck, looking for anything particularly out of the ordinary, or any kine behaving oddly for Elysium.

Perception + Alertness
Perception + Etiquette

2011-03-08, 12:03 AM
[Anklyosaurus Exhibit]

He gives a swift nod, "Aye. Something's going on for sure. We were being watched. I took care of it. But, I don't think the city is as nice as we're lead to believe. But, the same goes for you, lad." He glances to the phone again, and speaks again In Spirit: "May I inquire who it is you get your orders from, and who you are sending the information to?"

2011-03-08, 09:19 PM
[Early Man Section, MOAS]

The Emperor's attention to detail was well-timed. Having been well-known in the stage and film circuit for many years, he had a trained eye for who belonged, and who did not. Tonight, one skinny man does not belong. He's on the far side of the Early Man section, in the opposite direction from where Alex was currently observing a rowdy pair of Kindred.

The skinny man in question was on a laptop up against a column sitting down and hunching over. In Elysium it was strange enough to be sitting by yourself on a computer, but this young Kindred was trying to hide something. Whether it was himself or that damned piece of technology, it was impossible to tell.

[Anklyosaurus Exhibit]

"Certainly Sir! I am transmitting my video to a SIM card, number 89014103213334921517, a very respectable identity who I've been working with for years. At the moment, he is in turn sending the video and audio to his... 'partner'." The spirit says the term "partner" derisively.

2011-03-08, 10:26 PM
Trakan gives an affirming nod, In spirit: "Though I suppose my question is more to the point of who is getting this information. Though I am curious about this "partner" you speak of and where he might be. It sounds as though you do not agree with the arrangement. He continues on in conversation with the phone, as he waits for Gault to respond, oddly looking more like he belonged in one of the exhibits, than around them.

2011-03-08, 10:30 PM
[Anklyosaurus Exhibit]

"Blech, it is one of those 'laptops' Sir. Many of us who have been around since the 40's have... 'problems' with inter-technological relationships. Please take no disrespect from my own prejudices, true-speaker, it is not my intent."

The spirit of the cellular phone seems to be incapable of understanding what Trakan meant by "who it went to". From the perspective of the phones, they focused on sending to other phones and devices. The humans were merely there to provide the mouth-noises. At best, the phone would only be able to describe its owners lips, and little else. Perhaps the smell of his breath...

2011-03-08, 10:37 PM
[Anklyosaurus Exhibit]

Trakan grins slightly. In spirit: "Of course. How silly of me. I just wanted to know the location they're being sent to. Perhaps the name of the laptop itself? I understand they do have names. I primarily want to know where I could find this laptop." He bows his head graciously, to the phone, In spirit:"It would do me a great service."

2011-03-08, 10:42 PM
[Anklyosaurus Exhibit]

The phone is silent for a moment. It vaguely understood what Trakan was really after. It knew that it was meant to secretly observe this area, and that Trakan wanted to unearth said secret. Still, he was a true-speaker... whatever that meant. "89014103213334921517 is attached to the laptop. At this time... he is within the same tower radius... Same Obstructing Location as well. That means Building, in your terms, Sir. Ahh..."

The spiritual energy of the phone swells briefly, as it attempts to send out questing tendrils to find its brother.

"I am sorry, true-speaker. I do not know his exact location."

2011-03-08, 11:30 PM
Trakan bows briefly, In Spirit:"You have granted me a great boon this evening. I will tell tales of the wisdom that you share. Thank you noble one." He turns to Gault, and starts talking in a hushed tone, the Irish accent as thick as ever, "We're being watched. Look for a laptop. I don't like the idea of being watched."

2011-03-09, 01:36 AM
The Emperor holds a finger to his lips to keep Jason quiet and begins slipping through the crowd, his massive bulk concealed not through his usual shadow tricks, but a simple habit of not being in anyone's direct line of sight. It was an old actor's trick, useful for keeping out of the audiences view backstage and a reasonable alternative to obfuscation while in Elysium. The gargantuan kine moves like a whisper, drawing ever closer to the young man with the laptop.

Dexterity + Stealth

2011-03-09, 12:32 PM
[Early Man Section, MOAS]

With the cold silence of death himself, The Emperor streams through the shadows and the looming mockeries of early, primitive humans. Despite his impressive size, he was able to stand almost directly over the distracted Kindred. In the other man's lap, the laptop was connected to another cellular telephone, and the screen was displaying a video of another part of the museum. In view, there was only a table and a few chairs. Across the hallway, reflected in the mirror, was the visible outline of a large dinosaur with a spiked ball for a tail. The Kindred begins mumbling to himself.

"Merde, where are they? Five-hundred dollar bribe, and they can't even seat them in the proper l'article."

[Anklyosaurus Exhibit]

Both Trakan and Taylor can hear the thump-thump-thumping of a cane on the stone floor. Down the hallway, a pair of individuals was approaching. One of them was dressed in a fine Hart Schaffner Marx suit, and it was he who walked with a cane, despite the lack of any obvious need for it. His beard was twisted into a point, giving him the vague appearance of a modern-day Count of Monte Christo. To his right, appearing quite like the first man's modern-day Jacopo, was a shorter man in less-fine clothing. He had a simple shirt and vest combination with vertical stripes. Both have taken notice of Trakan and Taylor, but continue their slow approach. Soon, they will pass by the two violent youngsters that Alex was observing, and he would be able to hear their conversation as well...

2011-03-09, 12:54 PM
The Emperor smirks and leans in close to the man's ear,drawing deep into years of training in breathe control and stage projection. His voice unfurls from his lips like the rumbling of a distant volcano directly into the spy.
Charisma + Intimidate

2011-03-09, 02:54 PM
Jason watched as the man next to him disappeared into the crowd. Despite seeing Jones leave his side, it wasn't long before Jason had lost the bigger kindred completely to the shadows. He nodded for a moment, impressed.
After scanning the room for a moment he caught Jones visage again, this time standing behind a man sitting in front of a laptop.


Not one to let another have all the fun, Jason began to make his way toward the two - his curiosity piqued.

2011-03-09, 06:43 PM
Upon hearing that they were being watched, taylor stealthily tries to look for someone who would be suspicious... whch, given the rather distrustful envirnment, is mostly everyone. Hearing that its someone on a labtop narrows down his search.

Overlord Rion
2011-03-10, 07:40 PM
Alex, hearing only snippets of the conversations, was aroused out of reminisicence quickly. He moved slowly toward the source of conversation. He emulated the Emperor in the way he moved. Similiar training, one could suppose.


2011-03-10, 09:24 PM
[Early Man Section, MOAS]

The skinny man tries to leap up from his sitting position with a fright, sending the laptop and cell phone flying. They both crack violently against the ground.

"What!? What?!" the man shouts. "La vie privee! Leave me be shadow!"

Taylor and Trakan hear the shouting, but it was on the far end of the relatively dark hallway. The massive form of who appeared to be Emperor Jones could be seen near the shouting.

Nearby, Alex found it painfully easy to approach the two leather-jacket men. Each were Kindred.

"Yeah, just leave it there at the half-way house. The Anarchs come by, pick it up, and drop off the cash at our mailbox. Easy."

His comrade seemed uneasy. "Ehhh... I still don't like it. Selling to Anarchs is just like selling to Sabbat."

"But we're not selling... We're just leaving it where they steal it, and then we happen to get some money on the side!"

Alex knows that such illicit deals, especially when it supplied the Anarchs, were very illegal in the Camarilla. However, why would these two talk about it here, in Elysium? Why discuss it in a place where risk of being overheard was so high?

2011-03-10, 09:32 PM
Taylor sighs, as he does not see anyone using a labtop at his current position. When he hears someone shouting, he sighs again and says to his companion, "I don't see anyone, but mind if I take this excuse to do some more searching?"

2011-03-10, 11:48 PM
Trakan nods silently, "Aye. See if what else you can find. I'm going to stay here, and see what else, I can learn." He steps off to one side, and contently takes a seat as he listens to the to that were approaching. A listless look covers his face almost emptying his eyes, with resulting apathetic demeanor.

2011-03-11, 01:30 AM
The emperor steps forward, resting a single massive foot on the laptop. He is careful not to crush or damage the device but any attempt to move or retrieve it will be faced with the insurmountable task of moving the Emperor himself.
As, of course, you know, spying in Elysium is frowned upon. I would suggest you leave before it is necessary to involve the harpies.

2011-03-11, 07:04 PM
The sudden noise of the man jumping to his feet makes a perfect opportunity for Jason.

"La vie privee! Leave me be shadow!"

He walks calmly into the situation, a subtle look of joy playing across his face.

As, of course, you know, spying in Elysium is frowned upon. I would suggest you leave before it is necessary to involve the harpies.

"Surely we don't need to get those vultures involved. I'm sure this young man was just on his way out..." Jason added. Smiling gently at the unknown Kindred.

Overlord Rion
2011-03-14, 01:27 PM
Selling to the Anarchs...that could be a useful piece of information. Alex would keep this little tidbit to himself for the moment. He might share it with the Emperor if the need arose. He made a mental note to see if the Emperor knew anything about the half-way houses in town. As it was now, Alex would continue to listen...or he would've if his attention hadn't been distracted for a moment. It brought a small smile to Alex's lips. His eyes darted back to the two he was observing, slinking away slowly enough to catch them if their conversation continued.