View Full Version : The Dreamscape [IC]

2011-02-27, 08:17 PM
The Dreamscape

The Real World, 1432 AC

You lay down on a bed of dry itchy hay. around you there are a number of candles burning and some herbs smouldering in a bowl give off an accrid smell. While you lay there enduring the ritual you reflect on the events that have brought you to this point. About four months ago you remember that you started to have some nightmares. They were little more then an unpleasant feeling while you dreamt. But as time went on they got worst and worst. You tried to drown the memory of those nightmares by killing wild animals and focusing on the tasks at hand. Regardless every night when you laid to bed, the visions would return; death, decay, fear, and darkness were always there t welcome you along with their herald the the white wolf. Every week they became worst and worst. Your heard people talking, saying that they had experienced the same thing as you. The shamans realized that this was evil coming from the Dreamworld and that they need someone to go and set it all straight. They chose you, the ferocious outcast, the misfit. In their eyes they figured if you died out there then their only worry would be disposing of a comatose body instead of a feral youngling.

The chanting continues and the smoke from the herbs is filling the room. You can feel your self falling from this world. Not metaphorically falling but the actual feeling of free fall. Darkness surrounds you and the chanting fades away...

The White, Year Unknown

As you open your eyes all you see around you is white light, blindingly white. You literally cannot see anything but pure whiteness. You hear a voice in you head, at least you think it's in your head because you can't find the source of it, "Hello, you have been chosen." The deep and ominous voice says, " We called you here because we need your help. However before we tell you your mission you must pass the test." It pauses as a tall white door appears in front of you. you can see it because it is mildly less white then the surrounding area. "Enter this door and return on the other side and you will have proven yourself to be of use to us. Now enter or it shall enter you."

The White, Year Unknown

You lay there, eyes closed, remembering or trying to remember where you have been for the past few years. Everything is a blur all that you know is that you transported again. Transport has a tendency of blurring memories. You remember your master and what he told you or what you think that he told you. Actually you don't really remember what he told you but instead your remember you told you something. Something about balance. It probably wasn't very important and you figure that you might as well figure out where you are.

As you open your eyes all you see around you is white light, blindingly white. You literally cannot see anything but pure whiteness. You hear a voice in you head, at least you think it's in your head because you can't find the source of it, "Hello, you have been chosen." The deep and ominous voice says, " We called you here because we need your help. However before we tell you your mission you must pass the test." It pauses as a tall white door appears in front of you. you can see it because it is mildly less white then the surrounding area. "Enter this door and return on the other side and you will have proven yourself to be of use to us. Now enter or it shall enter you."

The Real World, 1432 AC

The tower is as lonely as ever. You just finished your rutine 10 laps around the room and the usual red wheat poridge. You know its time to go back to the dreaming. You lay down on your bed in the usual position and drift away.

The Dreaming, Year your choice

Ahh, finally home. Around you is your world as you left it. Well almost as you left it. In the distance on top of a hill you see the White wolf. This is not the first time you see him. For the past four months or so the dreaming which you love to control as behaved strangely. Dark things has been showing their faces (well at least those that have faces). You would try to push those dark things away but every time you tried the white wolf would appear and fear, a fear like no other, would take over your heart. Freezing you in place. You could do little but stand there and witness the horror. Tonight you are decided to drive this wolf away. It has sone up more frequently lately and bringing darker things with it. However tonight it is not alone. On an other will stands a tall oak tree. This tree is unlike many trees because it is moving and it has a face and eyes. Suddenly it approaches you at lightning speed. It whispers to you "The Dark is here. Come with me you are Chosen. We must go." and with those words it swallows you whole into its trunk

The White, Year Unknown

As you open your eyes all you see around you is white light, blindingly white. You literally cannot see anything but pure whiteness. You hear a voice in you head, at least you think it's in your head because you can't find the source of it, "Hello, you have been chosen." The deep and ominous voice says, " We called you here because we need your help. However before we tell you your mission you must pass the test." It pauses as a tall white door appears in front of you. you can see it because it is mildly less white then the surrounding area. "Enter this door and return on the other side and you will have proven yourself to be of use to us. Now enter or it shall enter you."

The Real World, 1432 AC

Another has passed with your father trying to teach you the beauty and art behind a the dove tail joint but again the day ended in your father's frustration turning into ager telling you how he wished you were more like your cousins and took more interest in the family business. But little do you care because you are off to great adventures you are off to become Kryoni.

The White, Year Unknown

As you open your eyes all you see around you is white light, blindingly white. You literally cannot see anything but pure whiteness. You realize that this is not where you usually awake and start feeling rather uneasy. Looking down you see that you are as always Kryoni, Mighty Dragon Knight. You take another look around and there is still nothing but whiteness. You hear a voice in you head, at least you think it's in your head because you can't find the source of it, "Hello, you have been chosen." The deep and ominous voice says, " We called you here because we need your help. However before we tell you your mission you must pass the test." It pauses as a tall white door appears in front of you. you can see it because it is mildly less white then the surrounding area. "Enter this door and return on the other side and you will have proven yourself to be of use to us. Now enter or it shall enter you."

2011-02-27, 09:34 PM

The woman stands, her emaciated frame hidden by her dark clothing and blackened leather. Without a word, she draws her weapon, opens the door and enters.

2011-02-27, 09:57 PM

"WHO ARE YOU? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY DREAMING? Althadurzin turned, searching for something, anything to focus on, other than that door. That infernal door. The same shade as the wolf, and with the same effects. But where else could he go? There was nothing. No response, no path, nothing. Nothing except that door. Approaching cautiously, Althadurzin placed his hand on the knob. Looking up, Althadurzin glared at where he thought the voice was. DO NOT THINK THAT JUST BECAUSE I DO AS YOU ASK, THAT YOU ARE IN CHARGE HERE. ONCE I FIND A WAY TO TAKE BACK MY DREAMING, I WILL. AND YOU WILL BE GONE. With that said, Althadurzin opened the door, and stepped inside.

2011-02-28, 03:36 PM
"Show yourself" roars out Kryoni. He turns all around trying to find the source of the voice. "I am not afraid of your challenge." He checks and makes sure that his dagger is sharp. Then drawing his morningstar, Kryoni twirls it in his hands. The familiar weight and feel of his weapon helps ease his angst. "Ready or not, here I come" says the Dragon Knight as he steps through the door.

2011-02-28, 05:50 PM
"Now enter or it shall enter you? What exactly does that mean? How can a door enter me?"

She then looks around, to see what might be around here. The only thing she can see is her own body, which she notes the form of. She decides to go through the door but then realizes something:

"Hey, I might have plenty in the legs department, but I seem to be lacking any form of hands. How exactly am I to open the door?"

Regardless, she goes through the door, trying to nudge it open with her head.

2011-02-28, 09:15 PM
As you enter the door the whiteness that was so white disappears into darkness. In front of you stands a small weathered wooden stool. Upon that stool sits a young boy. He is dressed in rags and has only one torn shoe on his foot. His face is looking down at the ground so you can't see his eyes. He is murmuring a small tune under his breath you can't quite make out what he is saying. You are about 60 ft from the boy and you cannot see anything but darkness around you.

As you enter the door the whiteness that was so white disappears into darkness. In front of you stands a small weathered wooden stool. Upon that stool sits a young boy. He is dressed in rags and has only one torn shoe on his foot. His face is looking down at the ground so you can't see his eyes. He is murmuring a small tune under his breath you can't quite make out what he is saying. You are about 60 ft from the boy and you cannot see anything but darkness around you.

As you enter the door the whiteness that was so white disappears into darkness. In front of you stands a small weathered wooden stool. Upon that stool sits a young boy. He is dressed in rags and has only one torn shoe on his foot. His face is looking down at the ground so you can't see his eyes. He is murmuring a small tune under his breath you can't quite make out what he is saying. You are about 60 ft from the boy and you cannot see anything but darkness around you.

As you enter the door the whiteness that was so white disappears into darkness. In front of you stands a small weathered wooden stool. Upon that stool sits a young boy. He is dressed in rags and has only one torn shoe on his foot. His face is looking down at the ground so you can't see his eyes. He is murmuring a small tune under his breath you can't quite make out what he is saying. You are about 60 ft from the boy and you cannot see anything but darkness around you.

2011-03-01, 05:13 PM
Behulad walks up to the boy and asks "Hello, who are you? Were you the voice that was talking to me earlier?"

2011-03-01, 08:45 PM
The boy doesn't react for some time after you react. In fact seems like time is frozen. There is no sway on his rags or any sound of breathing. Then, all of a sudden, the boys head snaps up at stares right at you. Its face is in an advanced state of decay. The jaw is so rotten that you can see brown withering teeth. Where the boys nose ought to be there is only two small holes, deep and black. Its eyes are the most horrifying part of its face. The eyelids have rotted away revealing two empty sockets. Well they are empty of eyes at least, there place you see a nest of maggots and cockroaches, scattering by the disturbance of the heads sudden movement. One cockroaches skitters out of the eye and back in the mouth through a hole on the cheek. The boy steps off the stool and walks slowly towards you.

2011-03-01, 08:57 PM

Zana keeps her blade ready, and doesn't approach too close. "Hello?"

2011-03-01, 08:58 PM

"Boy, stand. You are to stand in the presence of royalty. Now, explain to us where we are. We are unfamiliar with this place"

2011-03-01, 10:55 PM
The boy doesn't react for some time after you react. In fact seems like time is frozen. There is no sway on his rags or any sound of breathing. Then, all of a sudden, the boys head snaps up at stares right at you. Its face is in an advanced state of decay. The jaw is so rotten that you can see brown withering teeth. Where the boys nose ought to be there is only two small holes, deep and black. Its eyes are the most horrifying part of its face. The eyelids have rotted away revealing two empty sockets. Well they are empty of eyes at least, there place you see a nest of maggots and cockroaches, scattering by the disturbance of the heads sudden movement. One cockroaches skitters out of the eye and back in the mouth through a hole on the cheek. The boy steps off the stool and walks slowly towards you.

The boy doesn't react for some time after you react. In fact seems like time is frozen. There is no sway on his rags or any sound of breathing. Then, all of a sudden, the boys head snaps up at stares right at you. Its face is in an advanced state of decay. The jaw is so rotten that you can see brown withering teeth. Where the boys nose ought to be there is only two small holes, deep and black. Its eyes are the most horrifying part of its face. The eyelids have rotted away revealing two empty sockets. Well they are empty of eyes at least, there place you see a nest of maggots and cockroaches, scattering by the disturbance of the heads sudden movement. One cockroaches skitters out of the eye and back in the mouth through a hole on the cheek. The boy steps off the stool and walks slowly towards you.

2011-03-02, 08:35 PM

"We have changed our minds, boy. Sit down." Althadurzin raises his spear, holding it sideways to place a barrier between him and this thing. I said sit. SIT! With this command, Althadurzin releases his true form. His arms extend to their full ten feet. Two small wings emerge from his back, and five new eyes sprout across his body. He floats up, and prepares to strike at the zombie (For, that is what this appears to be.) should it draw nearer.

First off.
Manifesting true form. If that thing is subject to Will saves(which I doubt), it must make one with a DC of 16 or be Shaken. Also, Intimidate check, if such things work.

2011-03-02, 09:18 PM

"Hah hah! Looks like I'll get to learn what this body can really do!"
Behulda charges at the "boy" and bites him.

If she does not have enough movement to do so, she takes a move action to move 20ft towards the "boy" and readies an action to bite him when he comes into reach, using the same rolls as above for attacking.

2011-03-02, 11:39 PM

The woman tightens her grip on her rapier. "Stop. Explain who you are. This is your only warning." She says, the tone of her voice telling the boy she means it.

2011-03-03, 08:58 AM

"Boy, why are you crying? There is nothing to fear. I, Kryoni the Dragon Knight, shall protect you." Kryoni tries to look through the darkness for any threats."

2011-03-03, 07:13 PM
The screams out a high pitched yelp as it charges towards you. Just before it reaches you, you manage to stab at it with your spear. {roll for Damage}
Init [roll1]

Attack [roll2]
Dmg [roll3]

Its only response to you is a sudden flash move up to you. One moment is is standing far away and the next it is right in your face. It swings it head back and then forcefully its you with it in the stomach. But luckily the thin armour absorbs most of the blow.
Init [roll5]

Attack [roll6]
Dmg [roll7]

As you look around you see nothing but black. It is so uniform that the only way you can tell you are turning your head is by the boy moving across your field of vision.

And then, all of a sudden, The boy moves towards you unseeingly fast One moment is is standing far away and the next it is right in your face. It swings it head back and then forcefully its you with it in the stomach. But luckily your armour absorbs most of the blow.

Init [roll9]

Attack [roll10]
Dmg [roll11]

You manage to run towards the small creature. it seems that you are covering the distance very quickly much more quickly then you would expect. Before you realize it the creature is in front of your face and you bite down on its arm and you can feel some the the maggots that were hidding under the flesh wriggle in your mouth.
Init [roll13]

Attack [roll14]
Dmg [roll15]

2011-03-03, 07:28 PM

OOC: You missed.:smalltongue:
And so did I...
To hit - [roll0]
And now I didn't. Let's use this roll.
For Damage - [roll1]
Althadurzin, deciding that intimidation would not work against this walking corpse, dodged the swinging limb, and launched his own strike. He could feel the spear sink into the rotting flesh. Lovely. When I get back to my kingdom, I'll have to make a decree. No rotting flesh allowed.

2011-03-03, 07:34 PM

OOC: You missed.:smalltongue:
And so did I...
To hit - [roll0]
For Damage - [roll1]
Althadurzin, deciding that intimidation would not work against this walking corpse, dodged the swinging limb, and launched his own strike. Which promptly flew to the thing's side. I really need to work on my aim.

you get a damage roll for your readied action. I was editing the post while you posted your response

2011-03-03, 09:40 PM

OCC - I don't wear armor.
Kryoni cries out in shock. Swinging his morningstar to aid him, Kryoni yells"Back foul creature"
To hit - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

2011-03-03, 11:43 PM

((I assume that she was caught Flat-Footed? If not, then my AC is high enough to stop the damage I think.))

Zana, startled by the blow, gets defensive and returns the blow.
Declaring Dodge for +1AC

2011-03-04, 07:03 AM
OOC: No you were not flat footed and your AC was high enough to stop the attack. It "hit" but your armor stopped it. Mechanically it did not hit you. you take no damage.

Zana was ready for the hit. She slightly adjust her back foot and stabs down hard at the creature piercing it in one of the eye socket. It yelps in pain a bit. A soon as pull out the sword from the boy it attempts to smack you again with its head.

Atk [roll0]
Dmg [roll1]

OOC: right sorry about that then it hits you but it does no damage.

Hitting such a small creature is not easy. Kryoni's morning star heads down at an angle that would have hit any full grown creatrue but since the boy is so small it widely misses it head and goes astray. The boy attempts to smack its head into you again.

Atk [roll2]
Dmg [roll3]

2011-03-04, 09:11 AM

Zana steps to the side when it attacks, easily barely moving out of the way of the creature and thrusts again, hoping to end the thing once and for all.

Dodge declared.

2011-03-04, 07:49 PM
After feeling the slam bounce harmlessely of her skin, she bites the boy yet again.

2011-03-04, 11:14 PM

Though Kryoni missed his target because of a slight memory lapse, the momentum of the swing moves his body out of the way of the head butt. "Oh right. You are down here" Kryoni says as he swings his morningstar back at the boy.
To hit - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

2011-03-04, 11:16 PM

OCC - Checking to see if this mighty blow is truly a critical.
Critical Check - [roll0]
Critical Damage - [roll1]