View Full Version : Children songs

2011-02-28, 04:41 AM
What kind of songs did your parents sing to you as a child (or do you sing yourself)? I'm looking for some English songs but general stories are welcome.

I had a list of 30 song on the wall above the place where we changed the diapers. That way I could choose which song to sing instead of repeating myself too much

2011-02-28, 05:28 AM
Well, my mother used to sing me a medley of songs from different musicals - can't remember what they all were now, but there was "whenever I feel afraid" from The King and I, "I could have danced all night", from goodness knows what, "All I want is a room somewhere" from somewhere else. So yeah, don't know how helpful that is.

My father also used to sing me song-ized versions of Australian poems - "Clancy of the Overflow", "The Man from Snowy River"...

Hope that helped!

2011-02-28, 05:49 AM
"I could have danced all night", from My Fair Lady, the music played at my wedding and the musical after which I proposed.
Film music can be used of course...I have the feeling English has more nursery rhymes than actual songs.

2011-02-28, 07:51 AM
I could have danced all night and All I want is a room somewhere are actually both from My Fair Lady.

My mother mostly sang Irish songs and made-up nonsense songs to me, so I can't help much! I recommend Beatles songs, though.

2011-02-28, 08:04 AM
Get yourself some Peter Combe (http://www.petercombe.com.au/). I grew up listening to one of his CDs, including the timeless classics Toffee Apple (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMws2s5R8X4) and Wash Your Face In Orange Juice (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oSWIwtmFrk4).

My mum also used to sing You Are My Sunshine to me, but that made me cry, sooo...

2011-02-28, 08:12 AM
Get yourself some Peter Combe (http://www.petercombe.com.au/). I grew up listening to one of his CDs, including the timeless classics Toffee Apple (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMws2s5R8X4) and Wash Your Face In Orange Juice (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oSWIwtmFrk4).

This. SO much.

Though, that was more what I sang in the car, rather than what she sang to me.

I don't think mum really sang to me much...dad did nursery rhymes occasionally, but not a great deal.

2011-02-28, 08:15 AM
Did you know he's doing pub tours now, especially for us - that is, the twenty-somethings who grew up with him?

edit: "You left your bag, Dad. Your bag! You left your bag, Dad, in Baghdad!"I'd forgotten about that one :smallbiggrin:

2011-02-28, 11:03 AM
I got a heavy dose of Peter, Paul and Mary's "Peter, Paul and Mommy" album. The Marvelous Toy, Going to the Zoo, and Puff the Magic Dragon are still pretty much guaranteed to bring a smile to my face.

2011-02-28, 11:18 AM
my mom would sing bits of bohemian raphsody
and the lion king song

2011-02-28, 11:22 AM
The ones I can remember?

"I am Jake the peg diddleliddledum
With an extra leg diddleliddlelum..."

And quite a few which were ones made up by grandad or very obscure filk songs.

2011-02-28, 11:23 AM
My mum had to stop listening to Bohemian Rhapsody in the car because she kept speeding up without noticing...

edit @^: You mean this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJleJbn9G6Y)? Cuz that's pretty great :smallbiggrin:

2011-02-28, 11:29 AM
My mum had to stop listening to Bohemian Rhapsody in the car because she kept speeding up without noticing...

edit @^: You mean this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJleJbn9G6Y)? Cuz that's pretty great :smallbiggrin:



I rather love that song.

Rolf Harris and Peter Coombe are definitely the musicians of my childhood.

2011-02-28, 01:02 PM
I don't remember being sung to, but for some odd reason my parents played a lot of Johnny Cash and Talking Heads around me. In particular, Ring of Fire and Psycho Killer are among my earliest audible memories.

I'm conflicted as to what to use on my own children. I really want to raise them on Rush, but I'm worried they'll rebel and listen to crappy pop music instead.

2011-02-28, 01:18 PM
I like to think my parents sang Spinal Tap songs to me, but it was more singing them while I was present. Stonehenge is the first song I can actually remember.

2011-02-28, 07:12 PM
This (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UejelYnVI3U) was always a favorite. Also, a few campfire songs, You ain't Nothing but a Hound Dog, and Purple People Eater. These, and others that I can't remember off the top of my head, were all used as lullabies.

2011-02-28, 08:36 PM
Edelweiss (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQe3W3eYPvk&feature=related)
my mother used to sing me and my brother to sleep with it.

2011-02-28, 08:53 PM
We weren't really sung to, for us our mum recited nursery rhymes. The one that comes to mind the best is Chicken Soup With Rice (http://www.mdusd.k12.ca.us/valhalla/chickensoup.html).

2011-02-28, 11:18 PM
My parents are a little odd, but Queen songs were often sung to me. Lots of Madonna too. Other than that, songs from musicals which I can't remember.

When I went over to my relatives houses, it was pretty much all religious songs. Which I didn't like. Not because they were religious, but because they were bad.

2011-03-01, 10:48 AM
edit @^: You mean this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJleJbn9G6Y)? Cuz that's pretty great :smallbiggrin:

Yes indeedy. :smallbiggrin: