View Full Version : [3.5] Tomb of Horrors, continuing!

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2011-02-28, 10:27 PM
So, we reached 50 Pages!
New thread! Smells nice!

2011-02-28, 10:30 PM
So am i grappled? Also im down to 96 - 29 = 67 hp now right?
Indeed you are! And I thought Maki was raging?

2011-02-28, 10:30 PM
Sooo, where were we?
Oh yeah, I nearly SINGLE HANDEDLY killed the whole party

Human Paragon 3
2011-02-28, 10:31 PM
Wow, maybe I will catch up to Maki after all... hope he's still alive when that happens.

Lesson: Never ever take treasure. The treasure wants to kill you.

Lesson 2: Never touch anything with the devil's face.characters

2011-02-28, 10:34 PM
Devil's Face, I knew about ^^
This, I did not..

2011-02-28, 10:41 PM
It was funny how after Quin told us how he lost his hand the exact same thing happened to Shudu XD...Ok so back to where we left off... Ahem after Maki was slammed against the ceiling of the tunnel (Which was apparently made of Starmetal Razorblades i mean +20 to damage come on...)

Maki (Now giving in to his anger) tries to escape the creatures Grapple!

Strenght check to escape!:[roll0]

Wait i have damage reduction! So im at 68 HP!... hurray?

2011-02-28, 10:49 PM
(Which was apparently made of Starmetal Razorblades i mean +20 to damage come on...)
Oh, the ceiling bit is fluff, the +20, is the 2 +10s from two bite attacks...
Guys, I cannot even hold my eyes open...
...I'll begin anew in the morning...

Did I ever mention I ran a Deep Blue Sea-themed encounter in one of my old campaigns? The party went to see a wizard, and a rival HAPPENED to attack the same night, and the wizard's tower was built on an extremely deep crater lake...
And what did the rival wizard send to make the kills? Elite demon dire sharks.
Sigh, good times, good times.

Good night guys, I NEED sleep!

2011-02-28, 10:54 PM
Same. I am only posting to get a subscription.

2011-03-01, 01:46 AM
I missed about 3 rounds after you guys continued I will post actions together if its okay with you Oasys

Welby is the last person standing in the room. It was nice in this room lots of memories.

Oh well. He saw the bubbles coming from all sides. It had been an interesting trap. It could not off course stop Welby but others, in armor, or not good with water would have issues.

Welby smiled to himself and snapped his fingers. His form remained just as small though it took a more blueish color. Gills appeared at the sides of his throat and his hands got membranes to help with the swimming.

Round 1/3 after the last person has left:

Standard action: Alter self into a Nixie. Still a type of Sprite. This is the aquatic. Among other things (like breathing in water and swim movement 30 feet) it has 8 ranks on swim and can always take 10 for a total of Swim check 19.

Move equivalent: Move 30 feet of swimming. Other PCs are not obstacles to me since tiny characters can pass through friendly occupied squares.

round 2/3 Full move - thats 120 feet. Should bring me to the front with the barbarian.

Round 3/3 -

move 30 feet more so I am behind the snake and the barbarian (or in case 150feet was not enough to meet them I move another 30). Creatures that are grappling do NOT get AoO so I am good even if it sees the tiny little thing swimming past.

Standard - Force Orb on the snake. (It is a targetted spell it will not hit our barbarian. I do get -4 for shooting in melee but it is a ranged touch against a LARGE target.

[roll0] (the result -4)
damager [roll1] - x 1.5save is Reflex but I doubt you can save when grappling and its DC is 22.

The above is also known as natural 20 on a ray... heh... heheh... AHAHAHAHAHA

The damage is... 43 x 1.5 = 64 x 2 = 128

It all happens quickly. Having done his part about waiting to make sure everyone is safe Welby swims inside the hole. His new natural affinity is so cool he doesnt even have to stop to think.

He passes in front of his friends and waves at them until he comes by the melee in the front! Here it is! The giant snake! fun fun fun!

He ignored them and pressed forward. Then turned slowly in cinematic fashion and spoke the arcane words and made the arcane gestures. It would have been hard if he was normal... but Nixies could speak underwater. Power overwhelming he thought as the ball of force streaked through the water and hit the snake.

2011-03-01, 01:55 AM
I missed about 3 rounds after you guys continued I will post actions together if its okay with you Oasys

Welby is the last person standing in the room. It was nice in this room lots of memories.

Oh well. He saw the bubbles coming from all sides. It had been an interesting trap. It could not off course stop Welby but others, in armor, or not good with water would have issues.

Welby smiled to himself and snapped his fingers. His form remained just as small though it took a more blueish color. Gills appeared at the sides of his throat and his hands got membranes to help with the swimming.

Round 1/3 after the last person has left:

Standard action: Alter self into a Nixie. Still a type of Sprite. This is the aquatic. Among other things (like breathing in water and swim movement 30 feet) it has 8 ranks on swim and can always take 10 for a total of Swim check 19.

Move equivalent: Move 30 feet of swimming. Other PCs are not obstacles to me since tiny characters can pass through friendly occupied squares.

round 2/3 Full move - thats 120 feet. Should bring me to the front with the barbarian.

Round 3/3 -

move 30 feet more so I am behind the snake and the barbarian (or in case 150feet was not enough to meet them I move another 30). Creatures that are grappling do NOT get AoO so I am good even if it sees the tiny little thing swimming past.

Standard - Force Orb on the snake. (It is a targetted spell it will not hit our barbarian. I do get -4 for shooting in melee but it is a ranged touch against a LARGE target.

[roll0] (the result -4)
damager [roll1] - x 1.5save is Reflex but I doubt you can save when grappling and its DC is 22.

The above is also known as natural 20 on a ray... heh... heheh... AHAHAHAHAHA

The damage is... 43 x 1.5 = 64 x 2 = 128

It all happens quickly. Having done his part about waiting to make sure everyone is safe Welby swims inside the hole. His new natural affinity is so cool he doesnt even have to stop to think.

He passes in front of his friends and waves at them until he comes by the melee in the front! Here it is! The giant snake! fun fun fun!

He ignored them and pressed forward. Then turned slowly in cinematic fashion and spoke the arcane words and made the arcane gestures. It would have been hard if he was normal... but Nixies could speak underwater. Power overwhelming he thought as the ball of force streaked through the water and hit the snake.

Dam n it! Welby is cool!

Human Paragon 3
2011-03-01, 11:04 AM
I'd love that snake to be toast, but don't you have to confirm the crit?characters

2011-03-01, 11:44 AM
you are right. I got carried away! The spell also does not allow for save or SR after all! In any case here is the roll to confirm! [roll0] lets see!

Human Paragon 3
2011-03-01, 12:14 PM
Also, just out of curiosity, how are you alter-selfing into fey? I thought you were humanoid?characters

2011-03-01, 12:44 PM
It all happens quickly. Having done his part about waiting to make sure everyone is safe Welby swims inside the hole. His new natural affinity is so cool he doesnt even have to stop to think.

He passes in front of his friends and waves at them until he comes by the melee in the front! Here it is! The giant snake! fun fun fun!

He ignored them and pressed forward. Then turned slowly in cinematic fashion and spoke the arcane words and made the arcane gestures. It would have been hard if he was normal... but Nixies could speak underwater. Power overwhelming he thought as the ball of force streaked through the water and hit the snake.
Don't get carried away my friend...
Casting Alter Self is a Standard Action, which allows for an Attack of Opportunity!

Round 2 Narration:
Behind Maki who is a little occupied with his own scaly problems, Pharrah stops and looks over her shoulder... It doesn't look good from there either...
But further back, as Welby makes his change into a Nixie, there is a stirring in the particularly blood-red water...
Four-feet tall with lightly scaled, pale green skin and dark green hair, Welby is an odd target for this 25-foot long monster, but with the benefits of the modified Create Water spell and it's already crimson environment, this Ruby Cobra is more than ready to give the sprite the benefit of the doubt and see how it tastes...
...it bursts from the water, fangs glistening and scales shining! But Welby's magical protections shield him well, and the Cobra's surprise attack fails, and it returns below the waves...
At the same time, Dranga flounders in the water filled crawlway, desperately forcing her nose and lips against the ceiling in a desperate bid for air...
Eduardo can see that Daina has become disoriented as well, and is unable to move... He cannot move...
Maki struggles to escape, but the large serpent only constricts on the barbarian that much harder...

[roll0] of Damage to Maki
Further down the line, Jake panics as well, unable to move any further...
Shudu, freezes... He can't see. He can't feel anything! His hand is still bleeding...
Quin's armor weighs him down, and he finds himself spread-eagled along the bottom of the crawlway...

More for me than anyone else...
D20 SRD on Swim (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/swim.htm)
Initiative Order:
Welby and Dranga
Daina and Harley

Air... And Swim Checks...
Pharrah N/A +4
Welby N/A +6
Dranga 40/40 rounds +/-0
Daina 27/28 rounds +1
Harley 25/26 rounds +3
Quin 35/36 rounds +1
Eduardo 31/32 rounds +2 +8 Rounds of Deep Breath
Maki 36/36 rounds +10
Jake 27/28 rounds +4
Shudu 31/32 rounds +3
Note: Armor Check Penalties have been factored in.

DC 17

Breath is held for 2x Constitution score, as long as only Move or Free Actions are taken...
A Standard or Full-Round Action reduces this time by one round
After this time, a DC 10 Constitution check to keep holding your breath, and each subsequent check increases the DC by 1
A successful Swim check allows you to swim one-quarter of your speed as a move action or one-half your speed as a full-round action.
Swim checks are subject to double the normal armor check penalty and encumbrance penalty.
Make a Swim check once per round while you are in the water. Success means you may swim at up to one-half your speed (as a full-round action) or at one-quarter your speed (as a move action).
If you fail by 4 or less, you make no progress through the water.
If you fail by 5 or more, you go underwater.

SWIM CHECKS for Round 3:

[roll1]Welby Can Swim this Round, took 10...
[roll2]Quin Sunk
[roll3]Eduardo Sinks
[roll4]Maki Can Swim this round...
[roll5]Jake No Progress
[roll6]Shudu Sinks

Within the Hall, the ceiling comes down another four feet and in the deathtrap that the crawlway has become, there is no longer any breathing space...

Human Paragon 3
2011-03-01, 12:51 PM
Don't forget I have 8 rounds of "deep breath" air in my lungs. Also, you said before we could crawl instead of making swim checks, is that not still the case?

Also, new thread, new map?characters

2011-03-01, 12:53 PM
Don't forget I have 8 rounds of "deep breath" air in my lungs. Also, you said before we could crawl instead of making swim checks, is that not still the case?
Yes, yes, sorry, I'll EDIT it in...
And, yes, that is no longer the case, Round 2 was the last round in which a breath of air could be achieved...
Sorry, the last map was HORRIBLY incorrect...
Here's the updated one...

Human Paragon 3
2011-03-01, 12:57 PM
From Spell Compendium:

You can cast this spell with an instant utterance, quickly enough to save yourself from drowning after being suddenly plunged into water.

2011-03-01, 01:00 PM
You can cast this spell with an instant utterance, quickly enough to save yourself from drowning after being suddenly plunged into water.
Very very useful...
I haven't got the Spell Compendium at my finger tips right now, could you post the whole effect here?

Human Paragon 3
2011-03-01, 01:04 PM
Conjuration (Creation) [Air]
Level: Druid 1, ranger 1, sorcerer/
wizard 1
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 immediate action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 round/level
Your lungs instantly fill with air, and continue to refill with air for the
duration of the spell. When the spell’s duration expires, you can continue to hold your breath as if you had just gulped down a lungful of air.

You can cast this spell with an instant utterance, quickly enough to
save yourself from drowning after being suddenly plunged into water.

I'd intended to use this for poison gas and such, but this works too!

2011-03-01, 01:07 PM
There'll be a chance to use it later...
I promise...

2011-03-01, 01:22 PM
Pharrah watches as the snake continues to maintain its grip upon the barbarian, and behind her Dranga and Daina manage to pull it together and make to move forward... Of course... With the cramping within the crawlway, there is nowhere to go... Dranga moves to the side, allowing Daina to pull past her, where Farrah and Daina watch Maki's struggle, unsure of how to proceed...
There is still plenty of snake left to grapple them!

Welby's turn

2011-03-01, 03:22 PM
Maki still struggles to release Himself from the creature's grip!

"Sheesh Let me go already you foul beast!"

Strength Check:[roll0]

A 1! Anyway it wasnt my turn sorry XD

2011-03-01, 03:27 PM
A 1! Anyway it wasnt my turn sorry XD
No problem, it'll make it faster when your turn DOES come up.

All the snake can hear is a violent stream of bubbles from Maki's mouth, and obligingly, it squeezes that much harder.

2011-03-01, 06:27 PM
Oasys if you dont mind I can use the attack roll from attacking the other snake.

I mean after all its a ranged touch vs a Snake... only the target and location changes ;)

Though this time I cast it on the defensive since I dont want to cause an AoO again (in case it has more than 1 per round)

[roll0] . Force Orb is level 4 so need 19+

2011-03-01, 08:11 PM
Oasys if you dont mind I can use the attack roll from attacking the other snake.
I don't mind! Poor snakey, he never knew what hit him...
Seriously, what am I gonna do if PETA finds out about all the animals being senselessly destroyed for our entertainment!

The explosion is epic... Bits of the Cobra spatter against the lowered ceiling and spray into a fine mist...

2011-03-01, 08:12 PM
Quin wants to blast things sooo bad...

If I summon an air elemental, can I breath it?

2011-03-01, 08:26 PM
Lungs aren't big enough...
And even if you could, the chemical and metabolic processes that allow carbon-based lifeforms to convert oxygen into ATP, would get too screwed up by sentient air...
I'm gonna say no...
Not just because I say so... But because I think it would quite reasonably kill him...
Same reason drinking a water elemental would be a very bad idea...

2011-03-01, 08:29 PM
Well quin cant do much actually.. hes screwed unless Welby has polymorph...

Human Paragon 3
2011-03-01, 10:09 PM
Jump into a haversack. We'll come and save you asap. I mean, if we live. I mean, Welby will save you for sure.characters

2011-03-01, 11:14 PM
Unable to move, the party members blindly bump around desperately trying to find their way through the crimson waters...
At Maki's end, the creature bites, him sinking six-inch fangs into his arm, and pumping him full of it's deadly poison!

Fortitude Save
Maki feels the odd sensation of two jets of liquid being shot into his bloodstream...His nerves tighten, and the electrons that provide the stimulus for his body's actions leap across them even faster! Heart muscles surge with power, forcing blood to every part of his body in a fraction of the usual time...
He feels so STRONG! Unstoppable. Every tendon is like steel! He's a god!

Maki has 36 Strength.
Having delivered it's deadly poison, the snake attempts to release the barbarian, loosening its coils around Maki...

[roll1] Grapple Check, Maki can opt to allow the snake to escape... Or I'll roll its grapple check to see if it breaks free.

More for me than anyone else...
D20 SRD on Swim (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/swim.htm)
Initiative Order:
Welby and Dranga
Daina and Harley

Air... And Swim Checks...
Pharrah N/A +4
Welby N/A +6
Dranga 39/40 rounds +/-0
Daina 26/28 rounds +1
Harley 24/26 rounds +3
Quin 35/36 rounds +1
Eduardo 31/32 rounds +2 7 Rounds of Deep Breath
Maki 35/36 rounds +10
Jake 26/28 rounds +4
Shudu 30/32 rounds +3
Note: Armor Check Penalties have been factored in.

Pharrah 10ft Move Action or 15ft Full-round Action.
Welby 30ft Swim
Dranga 10ft Move Action or 15ft Full-round Action.
Daina 10ft Move Action or 15ft Full-round Action.
Harley 10ft Move Action or 15ft Full-round Action.
Quin 10ft Move Action or 15ft Full-round Action.
Eduardo 10ft Move Action or 20ft Full-round Action.
Maki 20ft Move Action or 35ft Full-round Action.
Jake 20ft Move Action or 35ft Full-round Action.
Shudu 10ft Move Action or 20ft Full-round Action.

DC 17

Breath is held for 2x Constitution score, as long as only Move or Free Actions are taken...
A Standard or Full-Round Action reduces this time by one round
After this time, a DC 10 Constitution check to keep holding your breath, and each subsequent check increases the DC by 1
A successful Swim check allows you to swim one-quarter of your speed as a move action or one-half your speed as a full-round action.
Swim checks are subject to double the normal armor check penalty and encumbrance penalty.
Make a Swim check once per round while you are in the water. Success means you may swim at up to one-half your speed (as a full-round action) or at one-quarter your speed (as a move action).
If you fail by 4 or less, you make no progress through the water.
If you fail by 5 or more, you go underwater.

SWIM CHECKS for Round 3:

[roll2]Welby Can Swim this Round, took 10...
[roll3]Quin Remains sunk
[roll4]Eduardo Can Swim this round...
[roll5]Maki Can Swim this round...
[roll6]Jake Remains sunk
[roll7]Shudu Can Swim this round...
Check Swim speeds and indicate which Swim Action: Move or Full!

Quin's armor just makes it too difficult for him to move! Harley struggles to find his way as well, and Jake's head keeps hitting the ceiling as he tries to make his way forward...

Human Paragon 3
2011-03-01, 11:35 PM
I see that Eduardo is pretty close to Maki. Is he aware of the barbarians prediciment with the snake? They're both within deathwatch range.

spot if needed: [roll0]

Corollary: Am I within 10' of the serpent?

2011-03-01, 11:42 PM

Feeling this new strength rushing trough his vein's Maki is so blinded by power he can no longer think's straight... Following his natural instincts he tries to grab the snake in an attempt to return it some of the damage it has caused him!

Yep roll the anti grapple check. Also please tell me we have a cleric with Neutralize poison XD or at least delay poison...

Human Paragon 3
2011-03-01, 11:53 PM
I'm sure we do somewhere, but under water? Might be difficult. I'm not familiar with this poison though... it doesn't seem so bad thus far!

2011-03-02, 12:02 AM
I'm sure we do somewhere, but under water? Might be difficult. I'm not familiar with this poison though... it doesn't seem so bad thus far!

Its because its only been a turn! what if my body becomes so strong it turns completely Rigid And im left like a flesh statue in the middle of the water! :smallfrown:


2011-03-02, 12:36 AM
I'm sure we do somewhere, but under water? Might be difficult. I'm not familiar with this poison though... it doesn't seem so bad thus far!
It's a custom variant... Hailing back to the days when ability scores had JUST come out...

I see that Eduardo is pretty close to Maki. Is he aware of the barbarians prediciment with the snake? They're both within deathwatch range.
Each character can see one character in front and behind them, and sort of sense, the next two characters beyond... Eduardo can see Dranga, and sense Daina. He can also see Shudu, and sense Jake.
Divide and conquer.

Its because its only been a turn! what if my body becomes so strong it turns completely Rigid And im left like a flesh statue in the middle of the water! You SHOULD try becoming a DM! :smallamused:

Yep roll the anti grapple check.
Rolled a 33!

With his newfound strength, Maki straddles the snake bearing it to the bottom of the crawlway, but his grip cannot find purchase on the scales, and it slides away... It moves between him and Pharrah, who scratches at it and attempts to stab it with her dagger...
Ignoring her, the Snake gazes back at Maki...
In its eyes, Maki can make out some surprise...
...and apprehension...

2011-03-02, 01:04 AM
So who's turn is it now? I once tried being a dm but the whole dungeon making and all that was really painfull im more of an ideas guy... XD i like to most of all shut my brain down when im playing . One of the reasons i dont play a wizard or a cleric is so i dont have to keep track of the spell list :P


2011-03-02, 01:19 AM
Well, Welby, Eduardo and Shudu made their Swim Checks... Also, pushing past a character is possible... It's a standard action though...

2011-03-02, 01:33 AM
I dont have polymorph...

I do have 2 crazy plans and one not as crazy. I shall give sketchy details and you can choose :D

the not so crazy: 1) Making you all smaller... you can move past each other easier as more than one small character can share a square

The crazy: 1) it involves... burning the water for the next 60 feet ahead of us. It involves the spell fireball.

Crazy 2): A way to bypass the Personal range of alter self but it involves your characters really trusting me.

Welby giggled! Bright colors EVERYWHERE!

He turned his back, hopefully no more snakes from this side and swam towards his friends. The crimson water was strange but it also made things funny as he brushed past the last person in the que scaring him a bit but then waving to indicate it was just Welby the multi-purpose one!

He paused for a moment as he straked past them wondering what he should do. He had many ideas, all of them fun. He stopped by Quinn and showed him 3 fingers.

"PICK ONE. First, second or third!" he screamed over the noise of the water.

2011-03-02, 01:40 AM
The crazy: 1) it involves... burning the water for the next 60 feet ahead of us. It involves the spell fireball.

Crazy 2): A way to bypass the Personal range of alter self but it involves your characters really trusting me.
Stepping out of my role as Dungeon Master...

2011-03-02, 01:51 AM
Welby is Chaotic Neutral... second edition Chaotic Neutral...

the example of the guy that sees a bridge crossing the river and goes through the river cause "so what that there is a bridge"?

In this case though its not totally bonkers. A fireball should be able to make the water in an area evaporate. The radius of the fireball is 30feet hence a 60 feet area without water. It should give us about a round of respite before more water comes but that is good enough for people to progress their 60 feet (plus a little more cause the water level in the area just ahead of the 60 feet will have to adjust to cover the empty space making it less high there as well) AND take a breath.

It should not be dangerous since I will shoot it ahead of us :D

It is crazy 2 that is more fun though ;)

2011-03-02, 10:09 AM
Show us what you got!

2011-03-02, 10:12 AM
That could boil us you know, but heck! Do it anyways,

2011-03-02, 10:17 AM
Welby is waiting for the other pcs to suggest what they want him to do...

1, 2 or 3...

he has not told them what 1, 2 and 3 are off course so it should be even more fun and unexpected. The "order" by the way is not the one I posted above... I have it written in a piece of paper... so there will be no metagaming :D ((I can scan it and send you as proof oasys))

EDIT for above post.

No it cannot boil us... or well me in any case.

Contrary to the imagery of fireball in books and novels the spell does not work like this.

Most people imagine a fireball starting at the hand of the caster and simply detonating when it meets the spot...

In reality if you read the spell the fireball is a "pea" that leaves the casters hand and is not even flaming. Its a small red pea of energy. When it reaches the designated area THEN it becomes a fireball that "explodes"... so if you are NOT in the blast radius you wont get boiled.

Oasys if I have it wrong mechanically tell me before I post the actual action.

2011-03-02, 10:19 AM
Muffled by the water , Shudu screams, clutching his arm, letting out precious air, "First!"

Human Paragon 3
2011-03-02, 11:26 AM
Please don't boil us! You'll turn us into steamed lobsters. Why didn't you take Dimension Door??characters

2011-03-02, 11:53 AM
Please don't boil us! You'll turn us into steamed lobsters. Why didn't you take Dimension Door??

:smallconfused: :smalleek::smallfrown::smallannoyed:
My emotions upon hearing this ^

You could just go, OH HAI WATERZ and it is drained through a demension door, that or you could get us out ot the other room xD

2011-03-02, 01:03 PM
So, are you guys gonna do anything? Swim past someone? or should i proceed to Round 4?

2011-03-02, 01:05 PM
Oh, and Misaat, on the first round that Maki doesn't make or perform an Action based on Strength, such as a Swim check or an attack roll, he has to make a Fortitude Save.

2011-03-02, 01:05 PM
So, are you guys gonna do anything? Swim past someone? or should i proceed to Round 4?

Waiting for Welby I guess..
Personally, I will just keep trying not to die xD

Human Paragon 3
2011-03-02, 01:24 PM
I'm waiting for Welby too, since he has initiative on me I believe. Otherwise I'll move 10 feet forward, and unless I am adjacent to the snake, another 10 feet after that for my full round of movement.

2011-03-02, 02:03 PM
No offence gentlemen but Welby knows and trusts Quinn... the new people seem okay but he doesnt know you!

He is waiting for Quinns sign of approval. I apologise if that takes long. We can say if Oasys agrees that I do my move equivalent and then hold action.

So you can then post your moves without worrying about me.

2011-03-02, 02:21 PM
WTF? How did Quin die...... His con score lets him remain underwater for 8 rounds... At least.... Even if its on the bottom.

And Quin has nuetrilize Poison,

Human Paragon 3
2011-03-02, 02:34 PM
Wait, what? Quin's not dead he still has 35 rounds of air left!

2011-03-02, 02:39 PM
(1d20+1)[12]Quin Remains sunk

Ooops. I thought that was
(1d20+1)[12]Quins Remains sunk

2011-03-02, 04:39 PM
Quin is not dead. And Welby can do his move, then cast his spell.

2011-03-03, 01:40 AM
Maaaaaaaan, I'm really buggin' out to see what he's gonna do!

2011-03-03, 01:57 AM
Okay okay since everyone is whining about the fireball I wont do that... bah...

And as for dimension door... well... its not a safe spell here. Everytime we use it Oasys does some weird description about something somewhere being alerted and paying more and more attention.

And I have 2 scrolls of it... and they are not being used unless I really have to use them.

So since Welby didnt tell his opinion I shall roll a dice for the two options as I have them in my notepad (ignorning the Fireball thing)


Welby smiled at his friends indecision.

He paused for a moment and focused his powers.

"Okay so be ready to rock and roll. Open your mind and dont be afraid of the fire or my touch. I shall touch in a special way and if you resist you may actually die!" He said.

-Casting Magic Jar. This round trying to enter Quinns body.

2011-03-03, 08:29 AM
Oh crap...
Was NOT expecting THAT!

2011-03-03, 08:33 AM
Hmmm, now this is an interesting roleplaying situation...
Will Quin allow Welby to do this to him? What if Welby's real body drowns?
Could Quin suspect that the halfling is still under the influence of The Vampire?
This could be interesting...

2011-03-03, 09:10 AM
Welby has con 16 ie he can last 32 rounds without needing a fresh breath.

Even if he DOES need a fresh breath he can do so easily since he has... gills.

Furthermore a body that has no soul effectively shuts down. So if the body functions are not working there is actually no need for air!

But I dont plan to stay out for 32 rounds anyway.

My idea, and I am revealing it here for your sanity Oasys, is to enter everyones body and use Alter self to make them... sea elves or something and then exit their body again... that way we beat the "personal" range that Alter self has... That way they can breath underwater and not die!

PS> The one thing you can say about Welby is that he always keeps things interesting.

2011-03-03, 10:15 AM
OOC: And on a plus size even if he doesnt want to "let me in" he has to actually save vs the spell... dc is 10+7 (charisma) + 5 (spell) + 1 (spell focus) = 23 will save. not high sure but not nothing either.

2011-03-03, 10:15 AM
I think we should just give Elfstone a chance to comment...
That's pretty outside the box...

Human Paragon 3
2011-03-03, 10:34 AM
Jolly good! I'll do what I originally said, which is move up 10 feet, and if there's no snake adjacent to me, move up the other 10.characters

2011-03-03, 10:42 AM
Pushing past Daina will count as a Standard Action...
Thus reducing some of Eduardo's air time...

Human Paragon 3
2011-03-03, 10:44 AM
I'm not holding my breath, so no reduction. I have all the air I need thanks to deep breath.characters

2011-03-03, 12:24 PM
Passing aside Daina, Eduardo moves along the corridor, a trail of bubbles stirred up by his kicking boots. By his left hand, through the crimson murk, he can see the tail of the serpent!

Human Paragon 3
2011-03-03, 12:40 PM
What's this then?

Apparently the conjured snakes were real after all, and not some fantasy of the thieves'. Judging from the size of the thing, it looked like it may well swallow one his comrades whole... But Eduardo could do something about that.

He could sense the thing's life force. It was indeed alive. But perhaps he could manipulate that life force and convince the beast that it was dead. He'd have to touch the serpent to pull it off, however. Then again, to get to safety, they'd all need to swim by the thing. It was worth the risk.

Concentrating on the life force of the creature, Eduardo reached out and attempted to coax it into submission, causing the beast's muscles to seize in rigor mortis.

Casting Rigor Mortis (Heroes of Horror). It has no verbal component, so I can do so! If my touch attack succeeds, the snake needs to make a DC 19 fort save or be paralyzed.

Concentration Check if needed: [roll0]
Touch Attack: [roll1]

Monster Fort Save [roll2]

full spell text:

Level: Cleric 2, death delver 2
Components: S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 1d6+2 rounds
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell allows you to wrap a single
target in death’s embrace, making
him both feel and appear dead for
the duration of the spell. You must
be able to touch the target, and the
target must have a Wisdom score,
but otherwise the spell can affect
any creature, including intelligent
undead. You must succeed on a
melee touch attack to affect unwilling
targets, and those who fail their
saving throws immediately fall to
the ground as though dead. All vital
functions (if any) are suspended;
subjects of this spell do not breathe,
pump blood, or otherwise indicate
in any way that they still live. Any
physical harm done to someone in
this state immediately grants another
saving throw to awaken from the
artificial torpor.

2011-03-03, 01:11 PM
The concentration check is good...
But my snake made its save!
The power of Death is discharged with the sound of a cracking whip; reverberating through the water and the stone crawlway in a bone-jarring rush...
Angrily, the snake whips its tail and moves away from Eduardo, surging clower to Maki.

2011-03-03, 04:40 PM
I think Quin should be fine with it. He trusts Welby.

2011-03-03, 09:37 PM
Welby casts the spell; the life forces of the living and the undead become a bright blur as his soul surges into Quin's body...
Welby's own nixie-formed body sinks slowly to the bottom of the crawlway...
A soft cloud of bubbles cling to his mouth and nose, and the nixie remains still, as if dead...
Quin's soul is torn from the dwarf's body as if pulled by a thousand tendons...
They draw him far and deep, leaving him trapped within the gem clutched in Welby's fist...
From within the gem, Quin can dully see out...
Not as well as the actual caster, but well enough to see Welby assuming control of his body...
With a jerk, Welby is able to avoid swallowing a mouthful of bubbles as he resumes voluntary control of Quin's arms and legs.
The Magic Jar has been successful!

2011-03-03, 09:40 PM
Pharrah panics, and apparently decides to take her chances with the snake...
The snake ignores her, continuing to watch Maki and shows know interest in Eduardo either...
With a kick of her boots, Pharrah passes Maki.
Dranga's momentum ends, and she flounders in the water.

More for me than anyone else...
D20 SRD on Swim (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/swim.htm)
Initiative Order:
Welby and Dranga
Daina and Harley

Air... And Swim Checks...
Pharrah N/A +4
Welby N/A +6
Dranga 38/40 rounds +/-0
Daina 25/28 rounds +1
Harley 23/26 rounds +3
Quin 34/36 rounds +1
Eduardo 31/32 rounds +2 6 Rounds of Deep Breath
Maki 34/36 rounds +10
Jake 25/28 rounds +4
Shudu 29/32 rounds +3
Note: Armor Check Penalties have been factored in.

Pharrah 10ft Move Action or 15ft Full-round Action.
Welby 30ft Swim
Dranga 10ft Move Action or 15ft Full-round Action.
Daina 10ft Move Action or 15ft Full-round Action.
Harley 10ft Move Action or 15ft Full-round Action.
Quin 10ft Move Action or 15ft Full-round Action.
Eduardo 10ft Move Action or 20ft Full-round Action.
Maki 20ft Move Action or 35ft Full-round Action.
Jake 20ft Move Action or 35ft Full-round Action.
Shudu 10ft Move Action or 20ft Full-round Action.

DC 17

Breath is held for 2x Constitution score, as long as only Move or Free Actions are taken...
A Standard or Full-Round Action reduces this time by one round
After this time, a DC 10 Constitution check to keep holding your breath, and each subsequent check increases the DC by 1
A successful Swim check allows you to swim one-quarter of your speed as a move action or one-half your speed as a full-round action.
Swim checks are subject to double the normal armor check penalty and encumbrance penalty.
Make a Swim check once per round while you are in the water. Success means you may swim at up to one-half your speed (as a full-round action) or at one-quarter your speed (as a move action).
If you fail by 4 or less, you make no progress through the water.
If you fail by 5 or more, you go underwater.


2011-03-03, 11:11 PM
Gogogo! Post away!

Human Paragon 3
2011-03-03, 11:22 PM
Swim Check [roll0]

20 feet, please.

The serpent still lived, but Eduardo had done all he could to stop it. Fighting it now would be a suicidal action, so instead he swims on. Determined not to lose sight of his apprentice, Eduardo darts forward through the red water on her heels.

2011-03-03, 11:29 PM
Couple questions:
1) Who goes now?
2)When do i go?
3) Does an attack count as a use of strength? Also swimmin should count


2011-03-03, 11:39 PM
1) Who goes now?
2)When do i go?
Initiative is the same...

3) Does an attack count as a use of strength? Also swimmin should count
It does and it does

2011-03-04, 03:56 AM
Action for whenever my turn comes from inside Quinns body

Welby/Quinn opened his eyes.

He felt diffrent, his armor was heavy, his movements much slower and looking around he saw the world diffrently.

He could even see in the friggin dark! This was so much fun! He could, if he wanted, bring a knife up to his neck and slit his own throat!

Welby/Quinn paused for a moment. That was weird, he had never thought like that. Quinn was a nice guy.

Too much power was getting to him and Welby decided to act fast!

"Hey Everyone! I am Welby ... well Quinn and Welby at the same time. When you feel me knocking on your mind door make sure to open up!"

And with that the ... Priest's body started waving his arms around performing the movements of the spell.

Casting Alter self to become an Aquatic Elf: - Swim 40, Breath underwater 1 hour per CON point and superior low light vision. (its in MM I, an elf subtype)

Rolling miscast chance in armor. Dont know how much his mis-cast value is... I assume below 40% as a full plate armor gives 35% so going for that and hoping... he also has a shield but I should be good if I get above 50 I guess.


Let me see them high numbers baby!

2011-03-04, 06:53 AM
Its mith breastplate, so its pretty low (15%)

2011-03-04, 07:03 AM
That's a pretty high roll...
Welby/Quin's body begins the transformation...
His beard shrinks and finally disappears as his arms elongate and his fingers become webbed.
It doesn't take long for Welby/Quin to be floating in the crawlway, and aquatic elf.
Daina and Harley panic alike, and are stuck at the moment, both of them sinking to the bottom of the crawlway.
Within the gem Quin can do nothing but peer out and see Welby/Quin's spell make the great change to his body.
Eduardo's kicks propel him past Daina... But Dranga blocks him from going any further!
Ahead, he sees the snake has turned away from Maki the Barbarian, and is looking once more to move in the opposite direction from where the party is headed...

Maki, Shudu have Actions!
Sorry, I'd forgotten that Welby cast Magic Jar LAST round, Welby/Quin has actions as well...

2011-03-04, 11:00 AM
How much air does maki have left?


2011-03-04, 11:35 AM
Well I dont want to take over the leading person if he has to fight the snake...

So Welbies action this turn is to try and enter the next person. Last map I had seen makes that either Jake or Shudu... I cant decide as Welby who to go for by name (I only see the presences not who is who) but I can see the distance... so I go for the next closest target after Quinn.

Free action - Move back to the Gem. Quinn goes back to his body
Full action - Go for the next target

Welby smiled and waved towards the gem. The next moment he blinked and the dwarf-sea elf, only now realising how offensive that was, was let empty and Welbys soul was thrust back to his body.

The halfling looked from inside the gem and saw the remaining presences. For a moment he thought of going for snake... that would solve the issue of being under attack but it would also be disguisting and icky! So perhaps later!

He closed his eyes and focused in the next available life force hoping they had heard him and Quinn say that they were to open the doors to their minds.

2011-03-04, 12:34 PM
Maki has 34 rounds left...
The threads of magic once again take a hold of Quin, and he is dragged into the body that Welby has Altered for him...
Welby's return is a great deal more gentle than Quin's, and the sorceror peers out from his gem...

Closest targets are Jake and Harley

2011-03-04, 12:38 PM
Then again, Jake and Harley will not willingly allow Welby into their minds...
Dranga or Shudu would be far more willing targets...

Human Paragon 3
2011-03-04, 12:45 PM
How about a new map for round 5? With the snakes on?

2011-03-04, 01:31 PM
I return... sorry guys launched a new piece of software at my company today, after 2 years of working on it, the last week of last minute work nearly killed me working 15 hours or so a day and on the weekend...

Jake would certainly not let someone into his mind willingly... He will swim over to Quin and cast a cure serious wounds on him.

[roll0] will save against the jar crap if needed

[roll1] - Cure Serious HP
How up to date are the HP's in your status Oasys? What stuff do I need to roll to make that cure serious? Any concentration for swimming. I will want to cast defensively if I am going to provoke an enemy (and know that).


Finally made the changes for my level on Jake's sheet. (and noted the 3 new items I got, since my inv list was full, they are all in the same line near the end)...

My new hp max is 59HPs; Saves are now 10/13/10

2011-03-04, 01:49 PM
The Statuses have been updated...
There's no need to Cure Quin, he's at full HPs...
And welcome back!
You came back just in time for Jake to get his feet wet!

More for me than anyone else...
D20 SRD on Swim (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/swim.htm)
Initiative Order:
Welby and Dranga
Daina and Harley

Air... And Swim Checks...
Pharrah N/A +4
Welby N/A +6
Dranga 38/40 rounds +/-0
Daina 25/28 rounds +1
Harley 23/26 rounds +3
Quin 34/36 rounds +1
Eduardo 31/32 rounds +2 6 Rounds of Deep Breath
Maki 34/36 rounds +10
Jake 25/28 rounds +4
Shudu 29/32 rounds +3
Note: Armor Check Penalties have been factored in.

Pharrah 10ft Move Action or 15ft Full-round Action.
Welby 30ft Swim
Dranga 10ft Move Action or 15ft Full-round Action.
Daina 10ft Move Action or 15ft Full-round Action.
Harley 10ft Move Action or 15ft Full-round Action.
Quin 10ft Move Action or 15ft Full-round Action.
Eduardo 10ft Move Action or 20ft Full-round Action.
Maki 20ft Move Action or 35ft Full-round Action.
Jake 20ft Move Action or 35ft Full-round Action.
Shudu 10ft Move Action or 20ft Full-round Action.

DC 17

Breath is held for 2x Constitution score, as long as only Move or Free Actions are taken...
A Standard or Full-Round Action reduces this time by one round
After this time, a DC 10 Constitution check to keep holding your breath, and each subsequent check increases the DC by 1
A successful Swim check allows you to swim one-quarter of your speed as a move action or one-half your speed as a full-round action.
Swim checks are subject to double the normal armor check penalty and encumbrance penalty.
Make a Swim check once per round while you are in the water. Success means you may swim at up to one-half your speed (as a full-round action) or at one-quarter your speed (as a move action).
If you fail by 4 or less, you make no progress through the water.
If you fail by 5 or more, you go underwater.


An updated map is forthcoming...

Ahead of himself, Jake can see Shudu through the crimson water, and can sense the changed Quin behind...
The crawlway reminds utterly filled with water, with no end in sight...

2011-03-04, 02:28 PM
Yeah Quins full up. Prepare for some clerical but kicking action involving Sraph pointy things.

Quin Moves forward(to the others and farther, if possible) and attempts to ignore the slight of his new body.

2011-03-04, 02:40 PM

2011-03-04, 03:30 PM
well as I said... I cant differentiate between who is who... only near or far...

nearest to me are Jake and Harley

Further ahead Dranga and Shudu. I would be inclined to go with Jake cause he already lost his save but I would not know that... In my mind though Welby would try to save his team mates first and then the new comers... but anyway.

I guess I will roll for it... more chance of someone close than far...

1,2,3 Harley
4,5,6 Jake
7,8 Dranga
9, 10 Shudu


Harley it is then... roll for it mister.

2011-03-04, 03:55 PM
How far is Shudu gonna try and swim?

Harley rolled a 24 for his Will save!
Welby's soul smashes into Harley's mind like a barbarian ripping through a bar room brawl.
The wall of fear and disgust at the attempt at intrusion sends Welby flying back into the gem...
...meanwhile, Quin's powerful legs allow him to catch up with Daina and Maki at the front...

2011-03-04, 03:57 PM
As far as possible (Full Round Action)

2011-03-04, 04:28 PM
I already made the swim check back when i asked about the air i had left right? So that means i can swim and hit the snake?


Human Paragon 3
2011-03-04, 04:40 PM
Swim Check [roll0] Looks like I'm not going anywhere this round. Instead, I'll try to get out of everybody else's way.

Unable to make any headway through the rushing water and out of options for clearing his path of enemies, Eduardo flattens himself against the side of the crawlway so that others more aquatically-inclined might pass him.

2011-03-04, 05:00 PM
I already made the swim check back when i asked about the air i had left right? So that means i can swim and hit the snake?
Yup, it's a flanking attack by the way...
Snake is facing away from Maki

Shudu's strokes manage to bring him up to Eduardo's position past Daina and Dranga, and he too becomes aware of the snake...

2011-03-04, 06:12 PM
That would mean we're at Round 5...
...I have a confession.
I lost the USB Key where I keep all the maps for the Tomb of Horrors...
Not the notes. Just the map.
So, I'm gonna rustle them up right NOW...
In the mean time:

More for me than anyone else...
D20 SRD on Swim (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/swim.htm)
Initiative Order:
Welby and Dranga
Daina and Harley

Air... And Swim Checks...
Pharrah N/A +4
Welby N/A +6
Dranga 37/40 rounds +/-0
Daina 24/28 rounds +1
Harley 22/26 rounds +3
Quin N/A +1
Eduardo 31/32 rounds +2 4 Rounds of Deep Breath
Maki 33/36 rounds +10
Jake 24/28 rounds +4
Shudu 27/32 rounds +3
Note: Armor Check Penalties have been factored in.

Pharrah 10ft Move Action or 15ft Full-round Action.
Welby 30ft Swim
Dranga 10ft Move Action or 15ft Full-round Action.
Daina 10ft Move Action or 15ft Full-round Action.
Harley 10ft Move Action or 15ft Full-round Action.
Quin 10ft Move Action or 15ft Full-round Action.
Eduardo 10ft Move Action or 20ft Full-round Action.
Maki 20ft Move Action or 35ft Full-round Action.
Jake 20ft Move Action or 35ft Full-round Action.
Shudu 10ft Move Action or 20ft Full-round Action.

DC 17

Breath is held for 2x Constitution score, as long as only Move or Free Actions are taken...
A Standard or Full-Round Action reduces this time by one round
After this time, a DC 10 Constitution check to keep holding your breath, and each subsequent check increases the DC by 1
A successful Swim check allows you to swim one-quarter of your speed as a move action or one-half your speed as a full-round action.
Swim checks are subject to double the normal armor check penalty and encumbrance penalty.
Make a Swim check once per round while you are in the water. Success means you may swim at up to one-half your speed (as a full-round action) or at one-quarter your speed (as a move action).
If you fail by 4 or less, you make no progress through the water.
If you fail by 5 or more, you go underwater.

[roll0] WelbyN/A
[roll1]Quin, Aquatic Type! No Swim Checks Needed! :smallsmile:

Human Paragon 3
2011-03-04, 06:23 PM
This was growing tiresome. Eduardo hadn't come to this tomb to tread water all day, and though he had no doubt that he at least would survive this trial, he was becoming frustrated.

Surely the sorcerer had turned himself into a dolphin or something similar by now? If the boy could become a sprite, the master of death had no doubt he could become a fish of the sea as well.

Eduardo clutches Pax in his hands, grasping the grip tightly, and turned the weapon backward so the blunt edge of the blade faced him and the wooden handle faced outward. If an ally swam by at speed, perhaps he could grab onto the handle and take him along for the ride.

Ah, here was the scout, holding his breath. He could at least give Shudu some help here.

Eduardo waves to grab Shudu's attention, then points to his own mouth, then at Shudu's, indicating that he would breath a fresh lungful of air into the scout. He then touched his chest and moved his hand in and out to drive the point "breathing" home.

If the scout understood, the Master of Death could buy him another half a minute of life.

That's a bit convoluted, so let me explain. About the scythe, the handle is out and I'm gripping the hand grip so fast-swimming PCs can take me along for the ride as they pass.

My Deep Breath spell auto-fills my lungs with air, so I have plenty. If I breath a lungful into Shudu's mouth like divers sharing the same oxagen tank, it should start Shudu's air countdown over again.

2011-03-04, 06:39 PM
That's a bit convoluted, so let me explain. About the scythe, the handle is out and I'm gripping the hand grip so fast-swimming PCs can take me along for the ride as they pass.

My Deep Breath spell auto-fills my lungs with air, so I have plenty. If I breath a lungful into Shudu's mouth like divers sharing the same oxagen tank, it should start Shudu's air countdown over again.
But Eduardo doesn't have to lie...
Shudu IS an attractive guy...
But seriously though, very good idea.

2011-03-04, 09:18 PM
Ok seriously in case you think about doing the same thing to maki remember he has a 36 Strength score and a +15 To rip your head off your shoulders XD... On other things so i can make two turns now cant i since i didnt use my other action i think...

Maki watches as the Snake turns his back on him...


Punching him twice with a - 8 in both attacks for the unarmed lethal damage. so the attacks would be (+6/+1) + 13 Bonus of strength (Strength 36) + 2 from flanking - 8 unarmed bla bla bla = +13/+8

Attack 1:[roll0]

Damage 1: [roll1]

Attack 2:[roll2]

Damage 2: [roll3]

Human Paragon 3
2011-03-05, 12:49 AM
Barbarian. Accept no substitution.characters

2011-03-05, 01:06 AM

On other things so i can make two turns now cant i since i didnt use my other action i think...
The punches land heavily in the snake, and it writhes in pain from the blows...
Though nobody can actually hear the barbarian's cries, those who can see him through the water can see his fury and savagery!
What could be happening to him!

Eduardo COULD just roll a Grapple check...

Human Paragon 3
2011-03-05, 01:16 AM
Grapple checkcharacters

Hahaha, you're joking, right?

2011-03-05, 08:22 AM
Everyone better move if you want Quin to cast nuetrilize poison on the barb....

2011-03-05, 09:07 AM
Daina freezes, watching the snake with an air of disbelief...
....meanwhile, in the back, Harley swims past Quin, taking place behind Jake...
Quin,Eduardo, Jake, and Shudu have actions...

2011-03-05, 09:17 AM
So I am guessing there is no way to get past the snake?
Maybe I could just help grapple it, unless that means I am getting in the way of the neutralize poison thing.
For now, I will just grapple unless told otherwise 0.o

Shudu swims over to the snake and begins holding the snake down as Maki punches it to death.

Grapple [roll0]

2011-03-05, 09:19 AM
Quin swims over to ther group with the snake and pokes his long spear through them and attacks it.(Is that okay?)

2011-03-05, 02:01 PM
So I am guessing there is no way to get past the snake?
Maybe I could just help grapple it, unless that means I am getting in the way of the neutralize poison thing.
For now, I will just grapple unless told otherwise 0.o
There's really only one way to find out =P

Quin swims over to ther group with the snake and pokes his long spear through them and attacks it.(Is that okay?)
The spear is too long and cumbersome to wield in the water...

The snake accepts Shudu's attack with a deadly embrace of its own, encircling the scout with its coils of scales and bearing him down.

2011-03-05, 02:08 PM
Would Freedom of movement help?

2011-03-05, 02:15 PM
No. It's just too big...
Shrinking it could help.

2011-03-05, 02:18 PM
Screw this. Quin will cast a spell. Ill decide what spell soon.

2011-03-05, 02:57 PM
Why dont you cast dispel magic on the snake? If its magic shouldnt it lose all its powers? Also is it an undead snake?


2011-03-05, 02:59 PM
Not close enough. Id dispel you guys as well... Move and I can.

Human Paragon 3
2011-03-05, 03:17 PM
Even the targeted version of the spell? If the snake's summoned, that should send it back where it came from.

Although, it is an epic level conjuration effect, so your caster level check might be tough.characters

2011-03-05, 03:33 PM
Even the targeted version of the spell? If the snake's summoned, that should send it back where it came from.

Although, it is an epic level conjuration effect, so your caster level check might be tough.
Very true.

2011-03-05, 03:34 PM
You need LoS right? I dont have that with like 5 people in front of me...

2011-03-05, 03:48 PM
You need LoS right? I dont have that with like 5 people in front of me...
Also very true...
Quin could push past them, though...

2011-03-05, 03:51 PM
Also very true...
Quin could push past them, though...

Rather cast buff spells.

2011-03-05, 03:55 PM
Cast away!

2011-03-05, 04:08 PM
Quin casts divine power and draws his warhammer as he moves forward past the others. (Attack bonus now +15/+10 with damage being 1d8+7)

2011-03-05, 05:48 PM
I'm sorry man, you just cannot use a two-handed slashing weapon in this crawlway!

2011-03-05, 06:04 PM
One handed(everything is, he fights with a shield). And its bludgeoning.
I can use of morning star if needed(peircing and bludgeoning)

2011-03-05, 06:59 PM
One handed(everything is, he fights with a shield). And its bludgeoning.
I can use of morning star if needed(peircing and bludgeoning)
Hmmm, fine. But each attack must be preceeded by a Swim check first.
Fail means the attack auto misses...

Human Paragon 3
2011-03-05, 07:10 PM
As an aquatic elf, doesn't he have a +8 racial bonus to swim and the ability to take 10 on swim checks?characters

2011-03-05, 07:17 PM
Yup, so by that much, he can't possibly fail an attack...
Okay, fine.
Let's see...
Is there anyone else who needs to make an action?
Is it time for my snake to strike back?

Human Paragon 3
2011-03-05, 07:20 PM
I don't believe I've taken my round 5 action so... Or was my round 5 action to try to share air with Shudu?

By the way, did Shuda accept the air?

Swim Check [roll0]

2011-03-05, 07:27 PM
Ooooh, no he didn't!
Shudu hasn't posted!
We gotta wait for him.
Then my sn-oh wait, if Eduardo wants to share air with Shudu, he's gonna have to rescue him from the snake.
Lol, he rolled a 13 on his grapple check-I'm not even going to point out he didn't make a touch based attack roll.

I think that's it...
Round 5?

Human Paragon 3
2011-03-05, 07:43 PM
Maybe he missed my post? He could take the air as a move action before going for the snake. At any rate, I'm taking full defense.characters

2011-03-05, 07:45 PM
Maybe he missed my post? He could take the air as a move action before going for the snake. At any rate, I'm taking full defense.
Taking the breath of life would be a standard or a full-round action! Anyways, Round 5 commences!

2011-03-05, 11:25 PM
Wrapped in it's coiled muscles, Shudu is helpless to stop the snake from injecting him with it's venom!

Shudu's strength doubles!
His heart begins to race as his strength surges and the muscles in his body becomes stronger than steel! His wounded hand is nothing compared to the vast power that is being injected into his very blood!

2011-03-05, 11:46 PM
That roll was for the touch attack >.>

AND I was under the impression there was going to be some help with this xD
Regardless, I keep doing it.

Shudu attempts to strike the snake, waving his arms for someone to help.

Unarmed Attack

2011-03-06, 12:43 AM
Shudu attempts to strike the snake, waving his arms for someone to help.

Unarmed Attack

Didnt you forget the strength bonus damage?


2011-03-06, 10:50 AM
I think I did, my bad, I had just gotten out of work and was super tired..
My str bonus is +5

2011-03-06, 11:46 AM
Shudu is being grappled!
Do you want to change your actions?

2011-03-06, 05:42 PM
More for me than anyone else...
D20 SRD on Swim (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/swim.htm)
Initiative Order:
Welby and Dranga
Daina and Harley

Air... And Swim Checks...
Pharrah N/A +4
Welby N/A +6
Dranga 36/40 rounds +/-0
Daina 23/28 rounds +1
Harley 21/26 rounds +3
Quin N/A +1
Eduardo 31/32 rounds +2 3 Rounds of Deep Breath
Maki 31/36 rounds +10
Jake 23/28 rounds +4
Shudu 25/32 rounds +3
Note: Armor Check Penalties have been factored in.

Pharrah 10ft Move Action or 15ft Full-round Action.
Welby 30ft Swim
Dranga 10ft Move Action or 15ft Full-round Action.
Daina 10ft Move Action or 15ft Full-round Action.
Harley 10ft Move Action or 15ft Full-round Action.
Quin 10ft Move Action or 15ft Full-round Action.
Eduardo 10ft Move Action or 20ft Full-round Action.
Maki 20ft Move Action or 35ft Full-round Action.
Jake 20ft Move Action or 35ft Full-round Action.
Shudu 10ft Move Action or 20ft Full-round Action.

DC 17

Breath is held for 2x Constitution score, as long as only Move or Free Actions are taken...
A Standard or Full-Round Action reduces this time by one round
After this time, a DC 10 Constitution check to keep holding your breath, and each subsequent check increases the DC by 1
A successful Swim check allows you to swim one-quarter of your speed as a move action or one-half your speed as a full-round action.
Swim checks are subject to double the normal armor check penalty and encumbrance penalty.
Make a Swim check once per round while you are in the water. Success means you may swim at up to one-half your speed (as a full-round action) or at one-quarter your speed (as a move action).
If you fail by 4 or less, you make no progress through the water.
If you fail by 5 or more, you go underwater.

Round 6: Swim Checks

[roll0] WelbyN/A
[roll1]Quin, Aquatic Type! No Swim Checks Needed!

Almost as if they were thinking alike, Dranga and Pharrah begin rummaging for spell components...
Perhaps THEY could bring this dangerous situation to an end!

2011-03-06, 05:58 PM
Quin moves between his fellows and attacks?(okay? and btw Quins swim speed is 30 for a move. Thats not what you have)

2011-03-06, 09:50 PM
Quin moves between his fellows and attacks?(okay? and btw Quins swim speed is 30 for a move. Thats not what you have)
I checked, Aquatic Elves have a Swim Speed of 40...
How does he attack? Hammer? Spear? Fists?

Human Paragon 3
2011-03-06, 10:19 PM
OOC: My gut tells me that a spear, piercing, will be the most effective method of attack under water. People spear fish, they don't club or cut them.characters

2011-03-07, 05:46 AM
Action for round 6.

Will try and possess the next person in line. Up to you for who that is Oasys.

As I said welby doesnt really differentiate them... so next person in the que (after Harley whom I failed to take over) gets a tap in their brain.

If they resist, roll Will save.

Once there, alter self to aquatic elf.

Welby's essence almost growled for being denied entrance. It was getting annoying having to save everyone and yet not being given the chance. He almost decided to go back to his own body, move ahead, blast away whatever was causing the problems, since he had not actually seen anything that far ahead, and then continue along with Quinn who could actually swim!

But his better side got to him after all and decided to stick around and help. For the reason he extended his tendrils to the next bright presence trying to get entry into it and make it change as well.

2011-03-07, 08:40 AM
Next person "up the line" is Jake...

[roll0] Will Save

2011-03-07, 09:17 AM
Jake fights, his soul fleeing in circles around the inner confines of his own mind. Diving past his own ego, Jak's soul pants frantically as the threads of magic pursue it mercilessly. He tries to lose it in his child hood memories, but those provide no cover, and the threads merely break through, multiplying and dividing as they go. It seems like forever that the soul flees, screaming unintelligible platitudes as it attempts to escape the spell...
But for this moment, Jake is too weak...
The threads corner the soul in the region of the brain that controls Jake's primal emotions. it had hoped that the primal urges of hunger and fear, as well as feelings of anger and hate would provide some protection...
It simply isn't enough!
The threads wrap themselves tightly about Jake's soul, and squeezing it into submission, they tear it horrified and violated from his mind...
Jerking and twitching, Jake's body sinks to the bottom of the crawlway, empty and hollow and Welby's soul slips in to take control.
Dranga pulls out a some items from her spell component pouch... a bit of orange tallow, a small pinch of brimstone, and a dusting of powdered iron...
The threads cruelly drag Jake into the gemstone, confining him within its prison and shredding his psyche.
She pauses in her spell casting, the Shadow Evocation on her lips dying in a burst of bubbles...
Within the gemstone, Jake peers out and watches in horror as Welby assumes control of the bard's body...
Harley draws his dagger, kicking madly in order to help Shudu, and Daina moves closer to help the scout as well...
Crouched along the bottom of the crawlway, Pharrah peers over at her master, Eduardo, face twisted in confusion...
Within the hollows of Jake's mind, Welby assumes full control of the bard.

2011-03-07, 11:13 AM
OK. Looks I can't act for a while now.

2011-03-07, 11:14 AM
Yup, the possession is a full-round action. Then, assuming Welby casts the spell in Round 7. Jake'll be back for Round 8!

2011-03-07, 11:17 AM
I missed it, what was the purpose of this again? I mean to say, why is welby taking control of us?

2011-03-07, 11:23 AM
From your bodies, he can perform the Alter Self spell in order to change you into something that can survive in the water...
Of course, while this may appear to be a kind and benign act, the spell is a rather terrible one most people would not want to be subjected to, no matter what the consequences.
Welby may have to answer to his actions...

2011-03-07, 11:32 AM
For the record, Jake is NOT ok with this.

2011-03-07, 11:35 AM
Neither is Harley...
I'm surprised Quin went for it...
In fact, NONE of the NPCs would be up for this...
I know I wouldn't...
But I do have to admit, it was an awesome idea...

2011-03-07, 12:32 PM
Better than getting the Kiss of death from Eduardo XD is it my turn now ? Can i punch it?


2011-03-07, 12:53 PM
Better than getting the Kiss of death from Eduardo XD is it my turn now ? Can i punch it?
True. True.
Yup, Misaat can go barbarian on it's scaly butt!

Human Paragon 3
2011-03-07, 01:30 PM
Kiss of life! Fine, suit yourselves if nobody wants to lock lips with me...

Swim Check for round 6

2011-03-07, 01:38 PM
Quin surgers forward through the water, his warhammer ready to smash the snake to bits!
As Eduardo flounders, Quin swerves around the Master, and deals a mighty blow to the snake!
Quin deals 12HPs of damage to the snake!
The serpent snaps back at Quin, and the dwarf/elf once again dodges, swimming just out of reach.

2011-03-07, 01:40 PM
ALL Right! And its grappling isnt it so it loses is dex to AC! Also can someone please pass me a weapon! XD if i had that goddamned short spear this would be over yesterday! Wait... AHHHHHHHH

Seeing how the snake does the same to his companion Maki reaches to his back and pulls out one of his javalins. Smirking as he looks at its sharp point he takes it with both of his hands and tries to drive it deep into the snake's Flesh!

All right guys this is gonna be complicated im assuming a javelin is like an improvised short spear so i can grab it in two hands to apply 1 1/2 strenght to it and double the power attack bonus so my attack would be 9 (base) + 13 (Strength) - 4 Improvised weapon - 4 power attack = +14. And the damage would be 1d6+ 19 (Strenght) + 8 (Power attack) = 1d6+27



2011-03-07, 01:43 PM
All right guys this is gonna be complicated im assuming a javelin is like an improvised short spear so i can grab it in two hands to apply 1 1/2 strenght to it and double the power attack bonus so my attack would be 9 (base) + 13 (Strength) - 4 Improvised weapon - 4 power attack = +14. And the damage would be 1d6+ 19 (Strenght) + 8 (Power attack) = 1d6+27
Oh crap.
Maki's javelin pierces the snake easily and it writhes angrily as its blood gushes out in a dense spray!

2011-03-07, 01:48 PM
See? I knew grappling it would be a good idea!

2011-03-07, 01:51 PM
Sigh, is Shudu gonna take any actions? Or is he going to remain as "bait" for the snake?

2011-03-07, 01:53 PM
Post quick! I wanna stab it again! OH the simple pleasures of being a barbarian...


2011-03-07, 01:57 PM
Whoops, forgot.

Bait basically xD

I will try to pin it..

Grapple Check

2011-03-07, 02:10 PM
Grapple Check
Flexing its powerful muscles, the snake exerts a large twisting motions through its body, causing Shudu's bones to creak and his bodily organs to assume uncomfortable positions...

[roll0] Constriction Damage to Shudu
Pharrah draws a wand, confusion still on her face, and points it at the snake holding Shudu prisoner...
But the snake is faster, it gives the scout another rough squeeze and shoots its neck out at Quin!
[roll1] Constriction Damage to Shudu
The elf/dwarf tries to avoid the attack, but he simply isn't fast enough![/I
][roll2]Fortitude Save[I]Quin can feel the same hot liquid entering his bloodstream that Maki and Shudu have, and it makes him feel SO good!
He has the strength if a million men!
He can do ANYTHING!
Quin's Strength doubles!
Near Daina, Dranga casts her spell, and a small flame in her hand flickers and dances, though the water steam and smarts about the naked flame, Dranga stares at it with a look of skepticsm and disbelief.
She opens her mouth to say something. And nothing comes out!
The dwarf's eyes narrow, and Pharrah nods in understanding.
The Apprentice points the wand at the snake and flicks it!
The burning scorching rays cut through the water is a gush of steam and heat, searing past Quin and Shudu into the snake.
It twitches in pain, but maintains its grip upon Shudu...

Usually, we'd wait for Welby/Mono to post, but since he already said his actions would be to Alter Self Jake, I think it'd be safe if you guys went ahead to post your actions.

2011-03-07, 02:14 PM
Does that mean i can stab it?


2011-03-07, 02:18 PM
Yes. Maki can stab away to his hearts desire.
I'm just putting it out there, but when I'm picturing this scene, I'm imagining Shudu taking the snake in one hand, and the javelin close to the point, and rapidly stabbing it over and over again in a fast, underhand motion.
Like using a shiv in a prison-bathroom stall brawl!
Shtick-Shtick-Shtick-Shtick-Shtick-Shtick-Shtick-Shtick! Shtick-Shtick! Shtick! Shtick-Shtick-Shtick! SHTICK! Shtick-Shtick!

Human Paragon 3
2011-03-07, 02:19 PM
Seeing the snake injured, yet still thrashing and crushing his companions, Eduardo presses the sharp end of his scythe into the snake's flesh.

Remember, flat footed due to grapple. Using scythe to deal piercing damage, stabbing it into the snake like a dagger.

2011-03-07, 02:19 PM
Wait, my strength doubled too? So that means I got a 17, not 13..
I am sure it matters not though. STAB IT MAKI!

2011-03-07, 02:25 PM
Wait, my strength doubled too? So that means I got a 17, not 13..
I am sure it matters not though. STAB IT MAKI!
It didn't.

Remember, flat footed due to grapple. Using scythe to deal piercing damage, stabbing it into the snake like a dagger.
Got it!
At first, the curved scythe blade skitters across the snake's scales ineffectively, but using a sawing motion, Eduardo manages to hack through a few and draws a surprisingly fair amount of blood!

2011-03-07, 02:36 PM
The snake hissing in pain and the blood rushing through the water. Maki looks at them with joy as he sinks the javalin again twice upon the snake's body!

Changed the power attack penalty to -3

Attack 1: [roll0]

Damage 1:[roll1]

Attack 2: [roll2]

Damage 2:[roll3]

2011-03-07, 03:17 PM
The savage attacks punch two arm-sized holes through the snake, sending it into convulsions and spasms. Losing ts hold on Shudu, the snake collapses to the ground. Dead.

Swim-related statuses to follow

2011-03-07, 03:23 PM
So Quins strength, with the +6 enhancement DOUBLES? HEh. Quins only got one nuetrilize poison, just saying. Quin will full attack this betch. (Ill leave you to figure out that attack bonus as im busy)

2011-03-07, 03:36 PM
A comment... I am not changing people to aquatic elves in order for them to fight the snake... I am doing it cause otherwise you will drown.

Oasys said the path from the hall of spheres till the exit in the evil temple is 2000 feet. Assuming you always make your swim checks you can move half speed x 2 per round (move equivalent and stanard action) so 40 feet a round...

And you have about 30-40 rounds of air... i.e. 1200 feet - 1600 feet. Not enough.

So your choice to drown or become an Aquatic.

Apart from that, sure Magic Jar is an offensive spell. You can choose to resist me (and hence Will save) or let me in (no save). But Welby right now is not gonna stop and ask.

The dimension door I have is in scrolls so I cant use them underwater and even if I could I cant take enough people with me AND I have never been to the altar of evilness area so I could not take us there even if I could read the scroll underwater!

Indeed Welby opened his eyes and blinked. This was fun! Jakes body was diffrent, more interesting than that of the dwarf!

He bubbled a bit as he tried to talk and giggled underwater. He then proceeded to commense the complicated movements necessary to change Jakes body into one that breather water!

Dont know what armor he wears, but in any case rolling the miscast.

Also, going back from Jake to mine is a free action so since I play before him, this round (the same I cast alter self) he can actually act in his new form.

Welby/Jake giggled now that he could breath and talk properly underwater!

"Hey guys! its me Welbake! Next person to make me waste time by resisting gets to go naked before I continue to the next! Just keep it in mind"said the Aquatic Elf with the characteristics of Jake and the next moment Jakes soul was thrust from the Gem back to his body.

Human Paragon 3
2011-03-07, 03:41 PM
Well, the snake is now dead, so the best way for us to get through is now for Welby to continue on with his current plan, and for the people with the aquatic subtype to help the air-breathers move along.characteres

2011-03-07, 03:49 PM
Oh its dead? Then Quin asks if anyone has any poison removal scrolls/wands (thought trevor did, and I thought I had that scroll)

2011-03-07, 03:51 PM
So Quins strength, with the +6 enhancement DOUBLES? HEh. Quins only got one nuetrilize poison, just saying. Quin will full attack this betch. (Ill leave you to figure out that attack bonus as im busy)
No, his original, natural Strength doubles.
Furthermore, when Shudu, Maki or Quin fail to perform a Strength related action, they must roll a Fortitude Check.
Neutralize Poison is INEFFECTIVE.
Tremble. In. Fear. Of. What. Comes. Next.

Jake's soul is violently and unceremoniously ejected from his gemlike prison. Slamming back into the hollows of his mind, Jake's soul watches as Welby's flits back into the gem.

2011-03-07, 04:00 PM
A comment... I am not changing people to aquatic elves in order for them to fight the snake... I am doing it cause otherwise you will drown.

Oasys said the path from the hall of spheres till the exit in the evil temple is 2000 feet. Assuming you always make your swim checks you can move half speed x 2 per round (move equivalent and stanard action) so 40 feet a round...

And you have about 30-40 rounds of air... i.e. 1200 feet - 1600 feet. Not enough.

So your choice to drown or become an Aquatic.

Apart from that, sure Magic Jar is an offensive spell. You can choose to resist me (and hence Will save) or let me in (no save). But Welby right now is not gonna stop and ask.

The dimension door I have is in scrolls so I cant use them underwater and even if I could I cant take enough people with me AND I have never been to the altar of evilness area so I could not take us there even if I could read the scroll underwater!
Yeah, I was a little unclear.
The change into the aquatic subtype will greatly increase the survivability of this encounter, since those transformed won't have to worry about breathing and will be stronger swimmers.

You should drop a zero from those numbers, its 200.
The main reason you guys have barely moved is because one, you keep getting in each others ways due to failed Swim checks, and a well-placed snake.

I have to warn you though, the NPCs won't care. Having their immortal soul tampered with in such a fashion in no way balances out the fact that Welby is saving their lives... Its a terrible intrustion upon one's sense of self and privacy.

2011-03-07, 04:03 PM
Shudu swims forward unless someone is going to give him some air xD

2011-03-07, 05:16 PM
the 200 as opposed to 2000 kind of makes a huge difference... it means even with bad swims they can easily do it...

er... hmm... not sure what to do now... I mean 200 feet... even if you DO fail your checks you can still do it within... 20 rounds or something...

PS> And NPCs should be quiet... the same way I enter their body and make them aquatic I can bring a blade to my throat and cut the jugular.

2011-03-07, 05:22 PM
PS> And NPCs should be quiet... the same way I enter their body and make them aquatic I can bring a blade to my throat and cut the jugular.
Closer and closer Welby dances to Chaotic Evil...

Human Paragon 3
2011-03-07, 05:28 PM
Um... round 7 swim check?


Eduardo nods at Quin's remark. Yes, he has the means to neutralize poison. He extends the end of his scythe to the cleric. Will he take hold and help him reach safety?

2011-03-07, 05:30 PM
I believe I am dancing a fine tune between evil and good... two steps backwards, one step forward.

Remember we are here to save children and eliminate a demilich :D

2011-03-07, 05:41 PM
Quin grabs hold? With gloves on of course =)

Human Paragon 3
2011-03-07, 05:46 PM
Giving you the blunt end, fyi. I'm hanging on to the grip, and the blunt edge of the blade is facing me. You've got the handle.characters

2011-03-07, 05:53 PM
Yahoo that's two creatures encountered 2 creatures killed .One i had to kill twice.Love the simple quirks of being a a barbarian... as opposed to the other campaign im thinking of playing where i have to create a 15 level 2/3 Wu jen sorcerer with 10 levels of Ultimate Magus... Those damned spells...

After looking as the snake hits the ground Maki sheats his javalin and and keeps swimming trough the tunnel. That snake had been taken care off... But he could feel its poison still in his blood...

2011-03-07, 05:56 PM
Why? You stuck, did I miss something?
Quin grabs hold.

2011-03-07, 06:02 PM
Why? You stuck, did I miss something?
Quin grabs hold.

He wants you to be his submarine taxi because if we wait for him to pass a swim check we'll turn into petroleum


2011-03-07, 06:07 PM
Ah. I figure the water resistance should slow us down. But this is DnD. Who cares. =)

Human Paragon 3
2011-03-07, 06:37 PM
Even if a passenger cuts your speed in half, it'll still be way faster than waiting for me to pass enough swim checks to get through the crawlway!characters

2011-03-07, 08:51 PM
Okay, hang on a sec' preppin' for Round 7.

2011-03-07, 08:58 PM
*Eyes DM.*
Im not so sure about your poisons..

2011-03-07, 09:19 PM
*Eyes DM.*
Im not so sure about your poisons..

Maybe they are not poisons maybe its a virus that provokes a disease or something... Does anyone have remove disease?


Human Paragon 3
2011-03-07, 09:20 PM
I can cure what ails ya. I think it might just be a weird ass poison that can't be cured though... might just have to ride it out.

EDIT: Possibly, the poison has already had its effect, so there's nothing to nuetralize. Restoration might get you right again.characters

2011-03-07, 09:23 PM
Thank god. I prepped for undead, not combat. I have plenty of undead combatings. It will be worth it when we get back and have to face that blood mote cloud.

2011-03-07, 09:37 PM
Maybe they are not poisons maybe its a virus that provokes a disease or something... Does anyone have remove disease?
Are you SURE you're not a DM in disguise?

*Eyes DM.*
Im not so sure about your poisons..
Trust me!

Eduardo nods at Quin's remark. Yes, he has the means to neutralize poison. He extends the end of his scythe to the cleric. Will he take hold and help him reach safety?
Verbal communication is not currently possible!

Ah. I figure the water resistance should slow us down. But this is DnD. Who cares. =)
If Eduardo kicks as well, it should be fine...

The snake's carcass settles to the bottom of the crawlway and Shudu is freed.
Pharrah raises her hands miming something to Dranga, who returns the gesture with a shrug.
Meanwhile, Welby's soul searches once more for a body to take control of...
...and as Welby violently slams into Harley's psyche, he hurled back into the confines of the gem, ringing and bouncing around inside.
Wincing with the discomfort of the mental intrusion, Harley powerfully kicks forward, catching up to Dranga, who continues to communicate with the Apprentice, Daina not far behind.

More for me than anyone else...
D20 SRD on Swim (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/swim.htm)
Initiative Order:
Welby and Dranga
Daina and Harley

Air... And Swim Checks...
Pharrah N/A +4
Welby N/A +6
Dranga N/A +/-0
Daina 22/28 rounds +1
Harley 20/26 rounds +3
Quin N/A +1
Eduardo 31/32 rounds +2 1 Rounds of Deep Breath
Maki 29/36 rounds +10
Jake 21/28 rounds +4
Shudu 23/32 rounds +3
Note: Armor Check Penalties have been factored in.

Pharrah 10ft Move Action or 15ft Full-round Action.
Welby 30ft Swim
Dranga 10ft Move Action or 15ft Full-round Action.
Daina 10ft Move Action or 15ft Full-round Action.
Harley 10ft Move Action or 15ft Full-round Action.
Quin 10ft Move Action or 15ft Full-round Action.
Eduardo 10ft Move Action or 20ft Full-round Action.
Maki 20ft Move Action or 35ft Full-round Action.
Jake 20ft Move Action or 35ft Full-round Action.
Shudu 10ft Move Action or 20ft Full-round Action.

DC 17

Breath is held for 2x Constitution score, as long as only Move or Free Actions are taken...
A Standard or Full-Round Action reduces this time by one round
After this time, a DC 10 Constitution check to keep holding your breath, and each subsequent check increases the DC by 1
A successful Swim check allows you to swim one-quarter of your speed as a move action or one-half your speed as a full-round action.
Swim checks are subject to double the normal armor check penalty and encumbrance penalty.
Make a Swim check once per round while you are in the water. Success means you may swim at up to one-half your speed (as a full-round action) or at one-quarter your speed (as a move action).
If you fail by 4 or less, you make no progress through the water.
If you fail by 5 or more, you go underwater.

Human Paragon 3
2011-03-07, 09:42 PM
"Great!" Eduardo thinks as he kicks his legs along with the aquatic Quin. Once the two of them made it to safety, and air, they could sort out the business with the poison, but for the time being, swimming was all the master of death concentrated on.

I thought Quin could talk cause aquatic? At any rate, I didn't say anything, just nodded to answer his question.

2011-03-07, 09:46 PM
Hand outstretched in a crouch at the bottom of the crawlway, Pharrah blocks any progress to be made by Quin and Eduardo.

Human Paragon 3
2011-03-07, 09:51 PM
OOC: You've gotta be kidding me! Get out the way Pharrah!characters

2011-03-07, 09:53 PM
Quin raises a mail clad fist and a specific fingure...

Then he tries to blow past.

Human Paragon 3
2011-03-07, 09:56 PM
Swim check to assist:



2011-03-07, 09:59 PM
As they swim past, Pharrah shakes her head and crawls toward Shudu, trying to catch his attention.
Well behind them, Dranga backhands Daina across the face.

2011-03-07, 10:33 PM
Is she also blocking Maki's path?


2011-03-07, 10:41 PM
FYI, I keep moving forward..

2011-03-07, 10:47 PM
Watching the scout swim right past her, Pharrah moves on to join Dranga with Daina, who appears to be panicking in the water, clutching her throat and desperately clutching for air.
Ahead, Quin, Eduardo and Shudu can see more and more stretches of crawlway...

2011-03-07, 10:50 PM
Map incoming, can I assume the three of you are moving at top speed? Full-round move actions?

Human Paragon 3
2011-03-07, 10:51 PM
What does deathwatch tell me? Is she near death?

2011-03-07, 10:53 PM
Who? Daina? Pharrah? Or Dranga?

2011-03-07, 10:55 PM
First things first


Human Paragon 3
2011-03-07, 10:56 PM
Everyone I guess. Just send me a PM.

2011-03-07, 11:01 PM
Ok then

Watching the scene Maki swims towards Daina and after grabbing her by the wrists he kisses her breathing some of his air into her mouth.

Thanks Eduardo for the Idea XD and can i give her about half of the turns i have left? Also after that i end my rage XD. I dont know how fatigue works under water tough i guess i cant swim as well and can only swim about20 ft per turn or something like that

2011-03-07, 11:03 PM
Roll an attack roll and a grapple check to kiss Daina.
I'm not kidding.

and can i give her about half of the turns i have left? Also after that i end my rage XD. I dont know how fatigue works under water tough i guess i cant swim as well and can only swim about20 ft per turn or something like that
I'm gonna dig up Stormwrack from my Archive.

Human Paragon 3
2011-03-07, 11:09 PM
Eduardo looks back over his shoulder, trying to spot the source of the trouble.

spot [roll0]

Well, too bad for her! Let's let her wrestle with maki.

2011-03-07, 11:10 PM

"Dammnit stop struggling!"


Grapple Check:[roll1]

I dunno if a grapple is an unarmed attack and it takes a -4 so im adding it anyways

Edit:Remember its a touch attack so her armor bonus doesnt count XD

2011-03-07, 11:15 PM
Swimmimg past a startled Pharrah, Maki manages to lock-lips with Daina, breathing air into her lungs...
It doesn't help to dispel the illusion of water at all.
She continues to struggle with her hands at her throat.
Dranga sits down, exasperated and Pharrah covers her faces with her hands, shaking her head slowly.

Well, Maki has successfully grappled Daina...
She's all his.
Through the murky waters, Eduardo is unable to see what Pharrah and Daina are trying to accomplish!
Harley and Jake, who've just rounded the corner, can barely register any surprise-they can't see that well either!

2011-03-07, 11:18 PM

2011-03-07, 11:23 PM
Is that so! It seemed weird that she was struggling that much all right... The water is an illusion right? That means she needs will to break it... How about this

Seeing that she is still struggling Maki understands instantly that she must be under some sort of spell. But not being a magic user maki can only do one thing... Scare her out of it!

While still holding her with one hand Maki gives her a menacing look while pointing at his chest with one hand.


2011-03-07, 11:25 PM
Hold on my friend...
Maki is under the same illusion that Daina and the rest are under...
He's go no reason to make her Disbelieve...
That's up to Dranga and Pharrah, whom Quin, Eduardo, Maki and Shudu each blew off...

2011-03-07, 11:29 PM
Wait what?...We are under a illusion Then why arent we drowning well in that case...

Not knowing anymore about what is going on Maki Lets go of Daina and swims towards Parrah Making signals with his arms first towards Daina who is struggling and then towards himself as if asking what is going on..

2011-03-07, 11:32 PM
Roll a Spot check!
Maki's got 14 rounds of air left.

Human Paragon 3
2011-03-07, 11:33 PM
doesn't just interacting with the illusion give us a save against it?

EDIT: Just realized my last spot check I added my Wis instead of my spot. Should have been a 15.characters

2011-03-07, 11:35 PM
"What the hell is going on here!"


2011-03-07, 11:38 PM
I've got seven rounds worth of failed saving throws...
And I'm gonna get a few rounds more I think...

Combo-spells! Multiple figments, phantasms and shadows going off at once!
But enough of that, as far as you guys are concerned-swim or DIE!

2011-03-07, 11:40 PM
Sorry guys, but 15s just aren't gonna cut it to Read Lips today...

Maki just can't manage to understand what the apprentice is trying to stay. Smacking herself in the forehead, she mimics the use of a drawing utensils.

2011-03-07, 11:41 PM
Can i keep making spot checks¿

"Writing? Why is she so calm... Why are they sitting on the ground... We are drowning here she should be so calm..."

Maki gets a little closer to Parrah then looks around and points at the floor she is sitting on.

2011-03-07, 11:42 PM
Next round...
We really should wait for Welby and Jake...

Human Paragon 3
2011-03-07, 11:42 PM
Well then, kick them legs![ Full move strait ahead if Quin obliges.characters

2011-03-08, 12:04 AM
Oh boy...
No Intelligence checks for Eduardo...

2011-03-08, 01:41 AM
Well you know my action.

Next up Diana. Roll her Will... at least she will be happier since she would die otherwise... a few seconds in the gem will calm her a bit :D

Also, welbies body should be in the tunnel. After killing my snake but before going into the gem I swam forward to get closer to Quinn.

2011-03-08, 02:10 AM
Daina's eyes roll up into her skull, and she falls to the bottom of the crawlway as Welby assumes control.

I'll give FireSickle until tomorrow morning to make a move. If he reads this, Welby successfully underwent the alter self to make him and aquatic elf, and he's just seen Dranga and Farrah acting strangely, Maki kiss Daina, and then Daina collapse to the floor.
Obviously, Maki needs more practice...
If he doesn't post, I'll assume he's still busy and move on the round 8

2011-03-08, 03:46 AM
Since its pretty standard, my 8th round action is Alter Self to aquatic elf and then return to the gem and my body (returning is not a full round).

I helped enough of them :D

and I believe Diana is wearing light armor but still need a miscast test


that should be enough I hope since she is rogue type

Describing below the actual round

Welby was getting tired. All this effort of possessing one after the other while they stupidly resisted was getting to him.

He looked around through her eyes and blinked. Her body felt weird. It had a strange sense in the front of his chest pulling him forward and long hair that obscured his eyesight. Her eyesight rather.

Waving his arms around Welby/Diana formed the patterns of the spell and breathed out. The third aquatic elf of the group was formed and Welby grinned inwardly. Sure they would yell at him... they may even try to hurt him but some times you had to take control. He had especially felt her fear and her horror as she was being drowned from the water. Hopefully she would see it that way... otherwise he would have to take measures.

"Blurp!" Diana said her voice now carrying through the water as her body adjusted to the ability to breath oxygen from the water and make her voice heard.

"Well, if anyone else wants some beneficial magic you should ask for it. Also blame Harley for the delay. I shall see you all at the finish line!" said Welby/Diana and blinked.

This time Welby did not stay in the gem. He had done his part, himself and three more were able to breathe the water, another one or two had seem able to hold their breathes or make it their own. They had to help themselves.

Flexing his mind he returned to his own body and shook his head trying to clear the water that had sipped into his mouth, nose and ears.

"I AM WELBY" the nixie exclaimed.

2011-03-08, 09:02 AM
"Writing? Why is she so calm... Why are they sitting on the ground... We are drowning here she should be so calm..."

Maki gets a little closer to Parrah then looks around and points at the floor she is sitting on.
Did you edit this in?
Roll to disbelieve.
Dranga and Pharrah stare in surprise as Daina begins the change into an aquatic elf...
As Pharrah realizes what Welby has done, she begins rummaging for the spell components for Protection from Evil.
Catching on, Dranga does the same thing...
As Welby makes his message, he can be a little perturbed to see that they don't appear to hear him...
Perhaps they're ignoring him? Maybe being an aquatic elf doesn't mean non-aquatics can communicate in turn? Or perhaps there's something else!

More for me than anyone else...
D20 SRD on Swim (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/swim.htm)
Initiative Order:
Welby and Dranga
Daina and Harley

Air... And Swim Checks...
Pharrah N/A +4
Welby N/A +6
Dranga N/A +/-0
Daina 20/28 rounds +1
Harley 19/26 rounds +3
Quin N/A +1
Eduardo 30/32 rounds +2 1 Rounds of Deep Breath
Maki 12/36 rounds +10
Jake 20/28 rounds +4
Shudu 22/32 rounds +3
Note: Armor Check Penalties have been factored in.

Pharrah 10ft Move Action or 15ft Full-round Action.
Welby 30ft Swim
Dranga 10ft Move Action or 15ft Full-round Action.
Daina 10ft Move Action or 15ft Full-round Action.
Harley 10ft Move Action or 15ft Full-round Action.
Quin 10ft Move Action or 15ft Full-round Action.
Eduardo 10ft Move Action or 20ft Full-round Action.
Maki 20ft Move Action or 35ft Full-round Action.
Jake 20ft Move Action or 35ft Full-round Action.
Shudu 10ft Move Action or 20ft Full-round Action.

DC 17

Breath is held for 2x Constitution score, as long as only Move or Free Actions are taken...
A Standard or Full-Round Action reduces this time by one round
After this time, a DC 10 Constitution check to keep holding your breath, and each subsequent check increases the DC by 1
A successful Swim check allows you to swim one-quarter of your speed as a move action or one-half your speed as a full-round action.
Swim checks are subject to double the normal armor check penalty and encumbrance penalty.
Make a Swim check once per round while you are in the water. Success means you may swim at up to one-half your speed (as a full-round action) or at one-quarter your speed (as a move action).
If you fail by 4 or less, you make no progress through the water.
If you fail by 5 or more, you go underwater.

Swim Checks!

[roll0] Jake
[roll1] Shudu
[roll2] Eduardo
[roll3] Maki
No Swim Checks necessry for Quin and Jake...

2011-03-08, 12:01 PM
Did i make the Swim check? Also Will saves the bane of all Non raging Barbarians XD.

"I dont understand... I just..."

Will :[roll0]

2011-03-08, 12:03 PM
And spot to read Parrah's lips again


2011-03-08, 12:55 PM
Did i make the Swim check? Also Will saves the bane of all Non raging Barbarians XD.
Yeah, the 17 will do.
And Maki failed that miserable Will check miserably.

And spot to read Parrah's lips again
THAT's more like it!

Maki fails to find anything wrong with his surroundings...
The water while murky and red tastes like water, it feels like water...
The snake was certainly real...
But when Maki looks to Pharrah to read her lips, he can clearly read her say to Dranga:
"-can we Dispel it? How do we get them to realize it's not re-"

Roll again to Disbelieve Maki!

2011-03-08, 01:08 PM
FYI: Shudu doesnt know whats going on, so he intends on not drowning by swimming to the end xD

2011-03-08, 01:09 PM
Shudu is oblivious.
Just the way I like my Player Characters!

Human Paragon 3
2011-03-08, 01:19 PM
The only cue I have that this isn't real is metagame knowledge, so unless something tips me off, I keep swimming, too. Though I've no doubt I can make my disbelieve check.characters

2011-03-08, 01:40 PM
mmm how far are the guys that swam up ahead?

"What is this im feeling..."


2011-03-08, 09:05 PM
Pharrah and Dranga both successfully cast their Protection from Evil spells, then Dranga makes to cut off Welby, Jake and Harley, while the Apprentice, ignoring Maki and Shudu sees to Daina...
Eduardo and Quin continue to make their way through the crawlway at top speed, and Welby manages to retake his original body without a problem...
Maki just can't find anything to suggest that what his senses are telling him is false... It's GOT to be real!

Okay, so its Round 8, Actions from Welby and Jake and Shudu before the next Round

2011-03-08, 09:55 PM
Full speed ahead!

Human Paragon 3
2011-03-08, 10:09 PM
Looks like Quin and Eduardo are almost out of the sh*t. Soon it won't matter that we've been taken in by the illusion...characters

2011-03-08, 10:40 PM
Looks like Quin and Eduardo are almost out of the sh*t. Soon it won't matter that we've been taken in by the illusion...

It was never about getting to the other room at all. since its an illusion there is really no garanty that the other room won't also be filled with water or something worse. Since its an illusion there is no reason why there should be another way out of it other than disbelieving it. Maybe its even a Trick to get you to swim to the other room so you can meet something worse!


2011-03-08, 10:48 PM
It was never about getting to the other room at all. since its an illusion there is really no garanty that the other room won't also be filled with water or something worse. Since its an illusion there is no reason why there should be another way out of it other than disbelieving it. Maybe its even a Trick to get you to swim to the other room so you can meet something worse!
Undercover Dungeon Master Strikes again!
If it's an illusion, in all likelihood, Quin and Welby and Daina are writhing on the floor of the crawlway pretending to be aquatic elves!

2011-03-08, 10:54 PM
Undercover Dungeon Master Strikes again!
If it's an illusion, in all likelihood, Quin and Welby and Daina are writhing on the floor of the crawlway pretending to be aquatic elves!

Actually they ARE aquatic elves arent they? Since Welby is under the illusion of being in the water but he wasnt under the illusion that he was casting those spells. Ironically all those spells Welby spent in Magic Jar and the Alter Selfs could have been replaced by a simple Dispel Magic XD


2011-03-08, 11:07 PM
Actually they ARE aquatic elves arent they? Since Welby is under the illusion of being in the water but he wasnt under the illusion that he was casting those spells. Ironically all those spells Welby spent in Magic Jar and the Alter Selfs could have been replaced by a simple Dispel Magic XD
You'd think so, eh?

Human Paragon 3
2011-03-09, 12:11 AM
All true, and yet, I have no reason to roll a disbelieve check, because as far as I can tell everything's kosher.characters

2011-03-09, 01:52 AM
Likewise for me! If it was an epic create water then it will be an epic illusion. The result is that dispelling it with simple dispel would not work! And I dont have dispel anyway.

Also no reason to "writing on the floor". Aquatic elves can also survive on land for 1 hour per con point. So... even if there is no water we didnt lose anything by doing. We lost time... but if thats an illusion time is not as big a deal.

In the end as Oasys said there are many diffrent illusions at work along with many phantasms... so sure its an illusion but perhaps it easier if you just play along. Does it mean there may be something dangerous on the other side? Well we already know what is there! Cause Quinn and Diana have been there before and explored it. So add perhaps some huge snakes to it but thats about it.

Also, consider that this trap was there and was activated by us now. It was not someone doing it to drive us to the crawlway cause we could have just as well gone into another room THEN... a trap does not know if we managed to block the entrance to our other options!

But in any case... all this is moot since the majority still are under the illusion (which also helps imply that its almost impossible to spot... we are talking about 4-5 people some of who have REALLY high WIll saves (like my 14) failing them 8 consecutive rounds.

Action will come a bit later today.

2011-03-09, 02:30 AM
But in any case... all this is moot since the majority still are under the illusion (which also helps imply that its almost impossible to spot... we are talking about 4-5 people some of who have REALLY high WIll saves (like my 14) failing them 8 consecutive rounds.
Honestly, I expected Welby or Dranga to see it by round three, and have them struggling to reveal it by round 6...

2011-03-09, 02:59 AM
Also, consider that this trap was there and was activated by us now. It was not someone doing it to drive us to the crawlway cause we could have just as well gone into another room THEN... a trap does not know if we managed to block the entrance to our other options!
A trap cannot predict the actions of those who activate it...
Of course, the designer can...

2011-03-09, 03:06 PM
Okay, roll Swim checks for Round 9!

2011-03-09, 05:53 PM
Can i make my action now or should i wait for the ones that go first? We are not really in a battle

Swim check:[roll0]

2011-03-09, 07:53 PM
You can post your action, but like Shudu, he's got to wait for Welby's action...

2011-03-09, 11:11 PM
With powerful strokes, Shudu leaves Maki with the female members of the party, and leaving Jake and Welby far behind.

Round 10:
More for me than anyone else...
D20 SRD on Swim (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/swim.htm)
Initiative Order:
Welby and Dranga
Daina and Harley

Air... And Swim Checks...
Pharrah N/A +4
Welby N/A +6
Dranga N/A +/-0
Daina N/A +1
Harley 18/26 rounds +3
Quin N/A +1
Eduardo 30/32 rounds +2
Maki 11/36 rounds +10
Jake 19/28 rounds +4
Shudu 20/32 rounds +3
Note: Armor Check Penalties have been factored in.

Pharrah 10ft Move Action or 15ft Full-round Action.
Welby 30ft Swim
Dranga 10ft Move Action or 15ft Full-round Action.
Daina 10ft Move Action or 15ft Full-round Action.
Harley 10ft Move Action or 15ft Full-round Action.
Quin 10ft Move Action or 15ft Full-round Action.
Eduardo 10ft Move Action or 20ft Full-round Action.
Maki 20ft Move Action or 35ft Full-round Action.
Jake 20ft Move Action or 35ft Full-round Action.
Shudu 10ft Move Action or 20ft Full-round Action.

DC 17

Breath is held for 2x Constitution score, as long as only Move or Free Actions are taken...
A Standard or Full-Round Action reduces this time by one round
After this time, a DC 10 Constitution check to keep holding your breath, and each subsequent check increases the DC by 1
A successful Swim check allows you to swim one-quarter of your speed as a move action or one-half your speed as a full-round action.
Swim checks are subject to double the normal armor check penalty and encumbrance penalty.
Make a Swim check once per round while you are in the water. Success means you may swim at up to one-half your speed (as a full-round action) or at one-quarter your speed (as a move action).
If you fail by 4 or less, you make no progress through the water.
If you fail by 5 or more, you go underwater.

Swim Checks!

[roll0] Jake
[roll1] Shudu
[roll2] Eduardo
[roll3] Maki
No Swim Checks necessry for Quin and Jake...

As Shudu's feet disappear, Pharrah pulls out a torch...
And lights it.
Daina's eyes widen in surprise, and Maki's eyes bulge out of his head.
Atleast without magic.
Smiling, the Apprentice waves the torch back and forth excitedly.
Nodding, Dranga draws a wand, pointing it at Daina and undoes the transformation cast upon her...

Maki doesn't have to make another Swim Check.

2011-03-09, 11:29 PM

"I see... so it was magic at the end..."

Maki walks towards Daina feeling embarassed...

" Sorry about the whole... thing... i thought you where drowning... well you where just i thought you know.... sorry..."

Human Paragon 3
2011-03-09, 11:38 PM
If there's really no water, they should easily be able to outrun us and flag us down with the torch...characters

2011-03-09, 11:39 PM
Yeahhh, that would make it so we arent swimming to our potential deaths xD

2011-03-09, 11:41 PM
If there's really no water, they should easily be able to outrun us and flag us down with the torch...

Let Parrah do it i think Maki is fatigued and cant run...Honestly there is nothing worse than the feeling of being ninja smarted by an npc...Maybe being beaten by a bard...


Human Paragon 3
2011-03-09, 11:42 PM
I doubt it will be the last time Pharrah outsmarts one of us.characters

2011-03-09, 11:46 PM
I doubt it will be the last time Pharrah outsmarts one of us.

I think i just gained a level in the Hating Npcs class XD
