View Full Version : [IC] Boss Rush, Shivic Style

2011-03-02, 12:51 AM
You are a merry band of adventurers who have trekked long and hard across the desert to the city of Sontra. Aside from being the only notable chunk of civilization for days, it is home to a prestigious fighting arena.

Set on making a name for yourselves you enlist yourselves in the ranks for the most dangerous challenges the arena offers. The fame and prestige awaiting you upon victory is so great you can barely think of what would happen for defeat.

You're currently settling in and awaiting the call to head to the ring for your first chance to prove your might. You've hardly heard more than vague rumours and whispers about what creature you face, it be hard enough narrowing it down to a couple dozen, let along a single creature. Perhaps by plying your brain power you can sort out some solid fact from flimsy fiction.

Welcome to the pre-round stage of the Boss Rush! As you've noticed I'll be placing titles above spoiler to indicate who's allowed to peak inside. Please don't look inside spoilers that don't have information belonging to you.

If you want to make any knowledge checks to figure out facts about your first opponent you can do so now. If you don't have an knowledge checks to make or last minute equipment purchases to make, let me know you are ready.

After everyone's ready, you'll be given a look at the arena and a round for any buffs you want to make. Then I will roll initiatives and combat shall commence.

Don't forget to track your hit points during the fight!

Good Luck!

2011-03-02, 02:24 PM
A young human wearing a cape is among the people waiting for a chance to glory. An assortment of swords are fastened to his belt.

Knowledge (the planes), on the off chance it's useful: [roll0]

Chained Birds
2011-03-02, 03:13 PM

Among the participants, and awaiting his chance to fight, is a square bodied, mechanical creature with a vaguely humanoid structure. His armored, mechanical workings can be seen spinning and grinding through his joints along with some fleshy components in a bizarre mix which questions the overall function of such a being.
He scans over the crowd and attempts to overhear any conversation that may reveal who his group’s opponent might be, using his knowledge to determine what he can.

[edit] knowledge (the planes): [roll0] +3 [15]
[edit] knowledge (arcana): [roll1] +3 [16]
After the investigation, he places his steel fingers over his spear and concentrates for a minute, bring out the weapon’s potential.
Lvl 1 Infusion on spear; casting time: 1min; duration: 10minutes; effect: (one of the following based on search results)
Weapon Augmentation, Personal -- (mage bane) --
- If he discovers that the opponent uses arcane spells
Weapon Augmentation, Personal -- (bane [Outsider]) --
-If he discovers the opponent’s type (ex: elf, dwarf, human, etc.)
Weapon Augmentation, Personal -- (earthbound) --
-If he discovers nothing

Blue Ghost
2011-03-02, 10:46 PM

An elf stands besides the others in the arena. His dwarven battle armor, his warhammer, and shield inscribed with the Hammer of Moradin may draw some stares from the others, but he does not care.

Knowledge (religion): [roll0]

2011-03-03, 11:48 AM

Ever practical, Serth has already cloaked herself in her magic. Those very close to her might see the faint outline of a gnome, even slighter of build than most, her hair all of braids and beads mostly hidden beneath the cowl of a simple cloak. Fingers wreathed in turbulent blue energy grasp identical daggers, twitching slightly in anticipation.

Activate Stealth, lowering base movement speed to 20', taking 10 on any hide checks. With Darkstalker, even creatures with blindsight, tremorsense, etc, must succeed on a spot check (DC 30) to see Serth until she breaks Stealth. To everyone else, she's invisible unless they're within 10 feet, in which case they must succeed on a Spot check to notice her (DC 30, again).

2011-03-03, 01:51 PM

A kenku in dark leather armor arrives, skulking around and searching the ground for something.
I'm gonna pick up some rocks that would be good to throw, but do nothing else to prepare.

2011-03-03, 02:37 PM

As the impending battle draws near, Nezram begins his final preparations. He carves a rune into the ground, which glows red as a massive flame emerges from it.

Summoning Elemental Companion, who has 1 HD. http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=273771

2011-03-03, 03:34 PM
Your don't manage to form a complete picture of your opponent, but manage to determine a few facts:
It's an Outsider with the Evil Subtype
It has fire and smoke related abilities


The ground of the arena is sand, but not loose enough to mess up your footing in combat. Large sandstone platforms rise up around you, each with a different height and with some m wooden bridges stretching between them.

Starting at the bottom right and going clockwise they have the following elevations: 5ft, 10ft, 15ft, and 20ft. Aside from the stairs on the low platform, the only means of ascent is climbing.

If you want a different starting position within that 10ft by 20ft rectangle, let me know. The colour of your marker is the same as your text colour. Your opponent is not in sight and thus not on the map.

You have five minutes for any buffing you would like to do, then I will roll initiative and you ma proceed as the rolls indicate.

2011-03-03, 03:46 PM
What about my Flame Companion? I guess it's in the empty space?

The warrior turns to his new allies.

I am Nezram. It seems that we are to battle together. Let us handle this opponent with caution.

With that, he draws a pair of swords from his belt, shaped like a pair of flames.

Chained Birds
2011-03-03, 04:28 PM

"You may call me Rez human; the rest of you may call me the same."

Rezevuour finishes his infusion on his spear, and sheaths it behind his back (during buff period [casting time-1min]).

Holding a scroll, Rez scans the area for their Outsider opponent.

Casted Bane (outsider) on weapon: Duration-10minutes
-- current actions --
Standard Action (or Move action?): Retrieve scroll of stone fists from sack
Move action: Active Spot Check - [roll0]

2011-03-03, 06:17 PM
The entrance to the arena opens up, allowing the party access to the battleground. You can only assume your opposition has likewise been granted access, but it's nowhere in sight.

The party is up, take your actions in any order.

Party Initiative Rolls
Nezram: [roll0]
Rezevuour: [roll1]
Serth: [roll2]
Morik: [roll3]
Nimmer: [roll4]
DM Rolls, no peeking!

2011-03-03, 06:25 PM
Nezram advances straight forward, while the elemental straddles the side of the arena.

Nezram is at M9, under the bridge.
The elemental is at Q8.

Blue Ghost
2011-03-03, 07:49 PM
Morik pronounces an incantation over his allies, invoking the power of the dwarven and elven gods to fill them with courage. Hammer and shield in hand, he proceeds forward.

Cast bless on party. Everyone gest +1 morale on attack rolls and saves against fear.
Move to M5.

Chained Birds
2011-03-03, 09:21 PM

"Be wary fleshies, our opponent is an outsider of evil origins. Make your preparations well."

Rez will attempt to cast the scroll he is currently carrying and will move forward.

Standard action/Use Magic Device: casting fist of stone on self [roll0] DC 21
- Duration: 1min, Effect: +6 enhancement bonus to Strength for purposes of attacks, grapple checks, or breaking and crushing items. Gain one natural slam attack as a standard action [1d6+1.5 STR].
Move action: move to P6
Free action: drop useless scroll

2011-03-04, 12:09 PM
Nimmer cautiously advances and reaches into one of his pockets.
Walk to L5 and cast Darkness on one of the rocks in my pocket but don't take it out yet. The pocket blocks the darkness effect.

2011-03-05, 08:19 PM

Serth creeps forward on light feet, keeping a careful eye out for any sign of opposition.

Double-move to M-11, still under the effect of Stealth. Take 10 on hide/move silently, for a result of 50(including +20 from being invisible; hide check is completely obviated barring cover to hide with if opponent can see invisible creature) and 19 (accounting for -5 penalty for moving above half speed), respectively.

Reactive spot or listen, should it become necessary: [roll0]

2011-03-06, 01:28 PM
As you head out from your starting area you can only assume that your opponent is doing the same. However you neither see nor hear any trace of another being in the arena so far.

It's actions, if any, unnoticed, the initiative rolls back around to you.

OOC Notes
From now on, please track your spell durations in your posts please. This mainly applies to our spellcasters, but should anyone else acquire a temporary buff please not it's duration as you progress.


2011-03-06, 01:55 PM
Nezram and the elemental climb up the stairs to get a better view.

Nezram: Q13
Elemental: N15, if he can step on wooden bridges. Otherwise, he'll go to N18.

Blue Ghost
2011-03-06, 04:58 PM

The elf steps cautiously forward, keeping watch for the adversary.

Double move to N13.
Reactive Spot and Listen, if necessary:
Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

Bless: 9 rounds remaining.

Chained Birds
2011-03-06, 05:04 PM


Move action: Draw spear from back
Move action: Move to R12

stone of fists - 9/10 rounds
bane (outsider) - 58/60 rounds

2011-03-08, 11:57 AM

Serth continues creeping ahead, moving up the stairs and onto the bridge.

Continue taking 10 on hide/MS, double move to N 16

2011-03-10, 06:47 PM
OOC Note
After 24hours without response to a reminder PM I'm skipping Nimmer's current initiative so we can continue moving. I'll default his action to total defense.

You still catch no sign of your opposition as you move into the arena and closer to what you assume was its starting position. Nezram's elemental has little trouble walking onto the bridge, which doesn't look like it will immediately combust. It may, however, be a good idea not to remain on the bridge or expose it to sudden intense flares of heat.

I moved your elemental onto the bridge since you could no either way without testing the bridge.

Suddenly a cloud of smoke pops into existence the the middle of the arena and breaths forth some more of it over Morik and the area at the foot of the stairs. The hot, sulfurous, smoke sings a bit and is very difficult to see through.

Whatever the creature is is remains inside the main ball of smoke as it begins to move away from the main party towards the side of the arena. The smoke is too thick to get any decent glance at the creature for any distance.

Morik: Fortitude Save (DC 16) or take a -2 penalty to attack and damage rolls for [roll0] minutes after leaving the cone. Afterward you may make an AoO against the creature. Include a 1d100 roll against concealment, I'll be looking at the high roll for a hit.

You did manage to glance at the creature when it appeared, thanks to a close proximity to the arrival point. You saw a large obsidian coloured steed with a blazing mane and hooves of flame.


Blue Ghost
2011-03-10, 06:54 PM
Morik coughs and sputters as he is enveloped in the cloud. Reflexively, he swings at the creature with his hammer.

Fort save: [roll0]

Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Concealment: [roll3]

(OOC: Everyone is still under the effects of Morik's bless from round 1. Just to make sure you know.)

2011-03-10, 09:33 PM
Hmm... It uses smoke, so it's probably a creature of fire... My flames will be of no use.

Nezram and the elemental jump down.

Since I'm jumping from less than 10 feet, I take no damage. Nezram ends up at L12. Elemental took a long route to avoid the smoke and ends up at L11.

Blue Ghost
2011-03-10, 11:30 PM
Keeping his shield at the ready, Morik retreats to a more advantageous position, hoping to lure the foe out into the open.

Withdraw to O17.

Bless: 8 rounds remaining.

Chained Birds
2011-03-10, 11:45 PM

"Coward! Face me unless you are that dull of a creature."

Rez moves around the smoke to be on the safe side, as he tries to get a better look at the creature. And hopefully become it's next target.

Move Action: move to L14 avoiding smoke if still present
Free Action: Spot check
- [roll0]
Standard Action: Ready an attack against foe
- attack: [roll1] /or [roll2] <--if outsider
- damage: [roll3] /+ [roll4] <--if outsider
- crit confirm: [roll5] /or [roll6] <--if outsider
- damage: [roll7]

stone of fists - 8/10 rounds
bane (outsider) - 57/60 rounds

2011-03-14, 12:56 AM

Serth moves to the edge of the platform and waits for an opening.

Move to L-15, ready action to move again when the creature moves.

2011-03-14, 11:13 AM
Morik's hammer catches a lot of smoke when striking at the monster's initial retreat, but nothing solid.

The mass of smoke continues to shy from your challenges, moving with impressive speed to relocate itself. It comes back at you from the north, spewing more smoke as it attacks the weakest looking amongst you.

Attack versus the fire elemental: [roll0] for [roll1]

Fortitude saves (DC 16) from both Nezram and his elemental or take a -2 penalty to attack and damage rolls for [roll2] minutes after leaving the cone.

Anyone within 5ft of the monster
You see a large obsidian coloured steed with a blazing mane and hooves of flame.

Don't forget to roll concealment if/when you make attacks rolls against the monster.


2011-03-14, 01:32 PM
The elemental dissolves into flame before disappearing.

No worries, I'll be able to summon it again later.

Fortitude: [roll0]

Nezram gracefully swings at the monster with his two blades.

Dance, full attack. -2 on attack and damage if I failed my save. Dancing increases AC to 17.

[roll1] (+5 Dex, +2 flank, +1 Dance, -2 TWF)


2011-03-14, 01:34 PM


Blue Ghost
2011-03-14, 06:18 PM
This confounded smoke... if only we could get rid of it.

Morik steps back into melee range and swings his hammer blindly at the monster.

Move to M14, attack.
Attack: [roll0]
Concealment: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

[I]Bless: 7 rounds remaining.

Chained Birds
2011-03-14, 07:01 PM

Rez moves through the residual smoke within spear distance from the creature and attempts to strike it.

Move action: move to M12, avoiding smoke
Standard Action: attack horse in the darkness
- Concealment: [roll0]
- attack: [roll1] /or [roll2] <--outsider
- damage: [roll3] /+ [roll4] <--outsider
- crit confirm: [roll5] /or [roll6] <--outsider
- damage: [roll7]

fist of stone 7/10
bane (outsider) 56/60

2011-03-14, 07:05 PM

A puff of smoke appears on the platform where Serth stood, and an instant later another puff appears on the ground. Twin daggers appear from thin air, plunging deep into the cloud of smoke.

Forgo readied action, since it ends up in range anyway.

Swift: Shadowstep to M-11.

Full-round: Ambush+normal attack. Ambush deals +40% damage (10% for Master of Subtlety, 30% for Shadowstep).

The Ambush targets flatfooted AC, at which point Stealth breaks, and the second attack targets normal AC.

Ambush: [roll0] (including flanking and striking from invisible bonuses) for [roll1] plus [roll2] Ambush damage, total increased by 40% for a total of 18 damage. Critical threat! Confirmation roll of 18 for 9 bonus damage rolled in OOC thread.
Concealment: [roll3]

Normal attack: [roll4] for [roll5] damage.
Concealment: [roll6]

2011-03-15, 11:05 AM
The smoke swirls about as your party strikes out at the beast, though only Serth's attack makes contact with something and draws a cry of injury from the beast.

More smoke errupts from the equine's nostrils, washing over you and preceding attacks of its own.

Fort Save (DC 16) from Serth and Rezevuour or take the -2 penalty to attack and damage.

Hoof vs Serth: [roll0] for [roll1] plus [roll2] fire
Hoof vs Nezram: [roll3] for [roll4] plus [roll5] fire Miss
Bite vs Nezram: [roll6] for [roll7]

Chained Birds
It is an outsider, just make one roll. Though, in the future, note situation bonuses in brackets, not with another roll.

Because technically it's be the same attack roll either way from the d20, just with additional or less bonuses.


2011-03-15, 01:29 PM
Nezram groans as the beast nearly knocks him out, but makes one last sword swing before collapsing.

Taking an attack action puts me at -1 HP.
[roll0] +5 Dex, +2 flank, -2 smoke, +1 Dance Actually a 24, forgot about Bless.

Blue Ghost
2011-03-15, 06:09 PM
Morik runs forward and lays hands on Nezram, urgently whispering an incantation to seal Nezram's wounds.

Move to L12
Cure light wounds. [roll0]

Bless: 6 rounds remaining.

Chained Birds
2011-03-15, 06:39 PM


Rez attacks the creature showing no emotion.
Standard Action: attack
- Concealment: [roll0]
- attack: [roll1]
- damage: [roll2] + [roll3]
- crit confirm: [roll4]
- damage: [roll5]

fist of stone 6/10
bane (outsider) 55/60

2011-03-15, 06:41 PM
Forgot Concealment: [roll0]
Also, I misunderstood flanking rolls, so I actually don't get that bonus, I don't think.

Nezram slowly gets up. Thank you.

2011-03-17, 08:16 PM
Zemro:Serth has Rageclaws. She's still alive and functioning perfectly. As such, I haven't taken my last turn yet - I was waiting for the forums to start working properly again. And now I see that they have. :smallsmile:

2011-03-17, 08:23 PM
Ah, right, Derp. Forgot about those. I guess it had seemed like there;d been more time without the rollers down then there actually was, it's been a weird week for me.

Sorry folks, going to roll back time somewhat due to an oversight on my part. If you saw it, the above post has disappeared.

2011-03-17, 08:30 PM

Blood streaming from a broken nose and split lip, Serth dashes away to safety. Pick your battles, and all that.

Withdraw action to S-11. First square doesn't threaten, second should have cover due to the wall and thus not provoke an AoO.

2011-03-22, 10:39 AM
It's natural defenses and smoke sparing it from further injury, the equine of smoke and flame sets his hooves upon Nezram.

Hoof vs Nezram: [roll0] for [roll1] and [roll2] fire Miss
Hoof vs Nezram: [roll3] for [roll4] and [roll5] fire Miss
Bite vs Nezram: [roll6] for [roll7] Miss

None of which find their mark.


2011-03-22, 01:31 PM
Nezram, seeing no value in retreat, keeps attacking.

[roll0] +5 Dex, +1 Bless, -2 smoke, +1 Dance
[roll2] Crit?

Blue Ghost
2011-03-22, 06:03 PM
Morik steps forward and joins Nezram in the assault.

5-ft step to M11.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Bless: 5 rounds remaining.

Chained Birds
2011-03-22, 07:29 PM


Rez smirks at the easily avoidable attacks given by the outsider.

Standard Action: attack outsider
- concealment: [roll0]
- attack: [roll1] [+2 outsider/+5 STR/ +1 Masterwork/ +1 Bless/ -2 Penalty]
- damage: [roll2] + [roll3]
- confirm crit (20): [roll4] [+2 outsider/+5 STR/ +1 Masterwork/ +1 Bless/ -2 Penalty]
- damage: [roll5]

fist of stone 5/10
bane (outsider) 54/60

2011-03-23, 10:00 PM

Serth prods at a loose tooth, moving further away from the danger.

Move to P-16, total defense. Stealth is available starting next round.

2011-03-30, 02:53 PM
Perhaps emboldened by the shortcomming of it's last attack, you press the beast harder, but to no avail. It soon retaliates against your advance, lashing out with its hooves before coming down with a bite attack.

Hoof vs Nezram: [roll0] for [roll1] and [roll2] fire
Hoof vs Morik: [roll3] for [roll4] and [roll5] fire
Bite vs Morik: [roll6] for [roll7]


2011-03-30, 03:32 PM
Nezram collapses again.

Blue Ghost
2011-03-30, 07:14 PM
Morik parries the blows with his shield and swings at the beast again.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Shift to N11.

Bless: 4 rounds remaining.

Chained Birds
2011-03-30, 08:01 PM

"This is starting to show unfavorable results."

Rez strikes at the creature after witnessing his current comrade fall again.

Standard Action: attack
- concealment: [roll0]
- attack: [roll1]
- damage: [roll2] + [roll3]
- crit confirm (20): [roll4]
- damage: [roll5]

fist of stone 4/10
bane (outsider) 53/60

2011-04-01, 04:02 PM
(Sorrysorrysorry, this didn't update in my subscriptions for some reason.)


Serth disappears in a puff of smoke, then moves closer to the battle.

(Stealth, move to N-14, ready action to move if the creature moves beyond 25 feet from Serth.)

2011-04-01, 04:15 PM
As you continue to have trouble more with the beast's natural defenses than the smoke, it advances forward over Nezram's fallen body. Morik seems to have draw the majority of it's attention, but it divides it's attention between both available targets.

Hoof vs Rezevuour: [roll0] for [roll1] and [roll2] fire
Hoof vs Morik: [roll3] for [roll4] and [roll5] fire
Bite vs Morik: [roll6] for [roll7]


2011-04-01, 04:21 PM
A puff of smoke appears at Serth's current location, then, an instant later, behind the creature that has given them such trouble so far. Twin dagger thrusts pierce the smoke, driving toward critical portions of the beast's anatomy.

Shadowstep to M-10.

Full-round: Ambush+Normal attack. Ambush deals +40% damage (10% for Master of Subtlety, 30% for Shadowstep).

Ambush: [roll0] vs flatfooted AC, including bonus for flanking and striking from invisible, for [roll1] plus [roll2], total increased by 40%.
Concealment, low misses: [roll3]

Normal attack, offhand: [roll4] for [roll5] damage.
Concealment: [roll6]

Blue Ghost
2011-04-01, 05:50 PM
Morik falls under the flurry of attacks.

Chained Birds
2011-04-02, 01:34 AM

Attacking as normal. Unmoved by the fallen around him.

standard: attack monster
- concealment: [roll0]
- attack: [roll1]
- damage: [roll2] + [roll3]
- crit confirm (20): [roll4]
- damage: [roll5]

2011-04-02, 10:27 AM
The Nightmare rears backwards in pain and surprise as Serth's daggers find and pierce it's hide beneath the smoke. As Rezevuour comes in with his spear, he finds his allies position advantageous and lands a clean blow himself, piercing through the beast from beneath.

It falls as the spear is removed after the strike, laying on the ground defeated. The surviving members can hear what sounds like the roar of a crowd coming from somewhere beyond the arena's walls and the exit opens up to the north for them to leave.

A few employees enter through that entrance to take away the defeated and lead you to a place to have your wounds tended to. Within the hour you are all back on your feat again ready to receive the spoils of victory.

Welcome to Level 2

2011-04-04, 06:05 PM
It has been a weeks since you won glory in your first match at the arena, a week spent enjoying that glory and the physical rewards that came with it. Some time was spent training, of course, and procuring new equipment as you would not want to find yourself short of the next challenge.

It is again fight day, and the arena's halls and spaces are bustling with crowds of people come to see the various fights and events held within. As always there are many rumours floating about, some pertaining to your fight and some that do not. You find a preview of the arena you'll be fighting in easy enough and can take a look at it before heading to the field to make any final preparations


The arena appears to be a grassy field that has collected well beyond its fair share of water. The pools themselves seem to be quite deep, and the ground along their edges slopes in slightly and is soaked thoroughly. You image that it would be much more difficult to maintain solid footing in those areas.

A number of large stones poke up from the grass, and while you'd have to climb over them they aren't quite massive enough to provide cover. Unless you happen to be small, and your opponent larger than the rocks.

You can now make you checks to determine information about this round's opposition.

Additionally, feel free to choose your starting location. You can start in any square in the box marked by L1 and N3.

DM Rolls - No Peeking

2011-04-04, 06:08 PM
Nezram scans the arena, searching for any planar imprints.

Knowledge(the planes): [roll0]
Nezram: L3
Elemental: M3

Chained Birds
2011-04-04, 06:19 PM

Thinking out-loud,

"I wonder... These two should be dead, but here they stand alongside me to combat an unknown foe, yet again. Perhaps that creature too was healed to full.
The healing facilities in this place are quite wondrous indeed."

He begins trying to ascertain information about the creature(s).

Knowledge (arcane): [roll0]
Knowledge (the planes): [roll1]
Position N3

Blue Ghost
2011-04-04, 07:18 PM

The elf hefts the hammer at his side and prepares for battle.

Knowledge (religion): [roll0]

2011-04-05, 08:05 PM

Serth, once more hidden from prying eyes, waits for sign of her foe.

M-2, stealthed.

2011-04-06, 01:20 PM
After finding your positions you are released onto the field, you feel it likely that the opposition is already out there waiting for you though.


Chained Birds
2011-04-06, 02:28 PM

Initiative: [roll0]

Rez decides to hang back for now, knowing what he knows about the creatures ahead.

"The monsters are spiders that can pass through dimensions as easily as one passes through a doorway. Determine the strategy that best suits fighting against those that can disappear on a whim."

He then attempts to cast the scroll in his hand.

Standard Action: cast beastland ferocity
Use Magic Device check: scroll of beastland ferocity
Check: [roll1] [DC 21]

Free Action: Drop scroll

HP: 11/11 [8 temporary]
AC: 17

Bane(Magical Beasts): 107/120rounds
Aid: 18/20rounds
Repair Light Damage (Pending Potion Infusion): 118/120rounds

2011-04-06, 02:40 PM
Nezram and the elemental advance as one.

Not literally, of course.

Move action
Move to K9

Standard action
If any spiders are visible from new location, Flame Blast the closest one for [roll0] fire damage. Reflex DC 14 halves.

Shield of Faith: 7 rounds remain
Shortsword +1: 8 rounds remain
Longsword +1: 9 rounds reamin

Move action
Move to L9

Free action
If any spiders are visible, declare Dodge on the closest one.

2011-04-06, 05:14 PM

Serth dashes forward, searching for any sign of her foe.

Take 10 on hide and move silently checks (46 and 20, including modifiers for full speed movement and being invisible) while double moving to M-15.

Reactive spot/listen:

Blue Ghost
2011-04-06, 05:48 PM

Morik advances cautiously, weapon at the ready.

Move Action: Move to L6.
Standard Action: Ready melee attack against any enemy that comes within range.

Bless: 19 rounds remaining

2011-04-08, 01:59 PM
As you advance into the puddle filled field you neither see nor hear any sign of your slated opposition.

Until a massive spider materializes in the air in front of Nezram, already setting itself upon him.

Bite vs Nezram (Flatfooted): [roll0] for [roll1]
If damaged make a Fortitude save (DC 17) or take [roll2] Con damage.


2011-04-08, 02:07 PM
Nezram groans as the spider bites into him, but in return, swings his two blades as the elemental attacks with it's fist-like appendage.

Free action: Dance, raising AC to 19.
Full attack: Longsword: [roll0] (+5 Dex, +1 dance, -2 TWF, +1 magic)
Shortword: [roll2]

Dance: 4 rounds remaining
Shield of Faith: 6 rounds remaining
Shortsword +1: 7 rounds remaining
Longsword +1: 8 rounds remaining

HP: 6/14
Elemental: 14/14

Free action: Declare Dodge on spider
[roll6] fire damage

2011-04-08, 02:19 PM

Appearing behind the spider in a puff of smoke, Serth plunges her daggers toward its vitals.

Shadowstep to I-12.

Ambush + normal attack, as usual.

Ambush: [roll0] vs flatfooted AC (including flanking and striking from invisible bonuses), for [roll1] plus [roll2] ambush damage, total increased by 40%.

Offhand Dagger:[roll3] (including flanking bonuses) for [roll4] damage.

Chained Birds
2011-04-08, 04:51 PM

Rez, upset over the failure to cast one of his scroll, attempts to cast the other. Afterward, he drops the scroll and advances towards the creature, drawing his spear.

Standard Action: cast enlarge person
Use Magic Device check: scroll of enlarge person
Check: [roll0] [DC 21]

Move Action: M9

Free Action: Drop scroll
Free Action: Draw Spear

HP: 11/11 [8 temporary]
AC: 15

Enlarge Person: 20/20 rounds
Bane(Magical Beasts): 106/120rounds
Aid: 17/20rounds
Repair Light Damage (Pending Potion Infusion): 117/120rounds

Blue Ghost
2011-04-08, 10:37 PM

Morik closes in and swings his hammer at the beast.

Move Action: Move to L10.
Standard Action: Attack with warhammer.
Damage: [roll1]

Bless: 18 rounds remaining

2011-04-09, 08:49 PM
The spider seems to be quite badly injured as all but Nezram manage to land blows upon it. Still, the beast has enough strength in it to turn upon Serth and then vanish immediately afterwards.

Bite vs Serth: [roll0] for [roll1] and DC 17 Fort or [roll2] Con.

A second spider appears nearby (L11-M12) different in only the lack of injuries, striking quickly at Morik before disappearing again. It seems somewhat rushed, the severity of it's partner's beating must've spooked it somewhat and made it less bold.

Bite vs Morik: [roll3] for [roll4] and DC 17 Fort or [roll5] Con.

Chained Birds
Now that you're large, I'll need you to note the squares you're moving to, rather then a single square. I made a logical assumption with the movement for last round, but otherwise note it like so:

M9-N10 (your current location)

2011-04-10, 11:15 AM
Nezram and his companion do not move, but stand ready to attack anything that appears.

Nezram: Ready an action to Flame Blast any spider that appears, prioritizing the closest. [roll0] fire damage, DC 16 for half.

Elemental: Ready an action to attack any spider that gets in range.

[roll3] fire

2011-04-11, 10:44 AM
"Hurk! Hey, watch where you put those fangs! That almost hurt!" Serth shouts at the empty air, before moving behind the new spider and plunging a dagger toward its vitals.

Move to O-10. This movement does not bring me through its threatened range unless it is Large(tall) rather than Large(long).


[roll0] (Including flanking & bless bonuses) for [roll1] x2.

Chained Birds
2011-04-11, 12:33 PM

"Hmm, I'll try to block the enemies' attack if they come from this side, it would be best if we don't split up."

He takes up an offensive stance and waits for the right opportunity to strike.

Standard Action: Hold Action (Standard Attack)
Primary Attack: Mwk Long spear
Attack: [roll0] (+3 STR/ +2 Bane/ +1 Bless/ +1 Mwk/ +1 Aid/ -1 Size/ +1 BA)
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2] (Bane)
crit confirm (20): [roll3] (+3 STR/ +2 Bane/ +1 Bless/ +1 Mwk/ +1 Aid/ -1 Size/ +1 BA)
Damage: [roll4]

HP: 11/11 [8 temporary]
AC: 15

Enlarge Person: 19/20 rounds
Bane(Magical Beasts): 105/120rounds
Aid: 16/20rounds
Repair Light Damage (Pending Potion Infusion): 116/120rounds

Blue Ghost
2011-04-11, 05:57 PM

If you would stop running around, Serth, this would be a lot easier.
The elf lays his hands on Serth, reciting a quick prayer to heal the rogue's wounds.

Move to N-10.
Cure light wounds on Serth.
Damage healed: [roll0]

Bless: 17 rounds remaining.

2011-04-13, 03:11 PM
As you stand at the ready, one of the spiders suddenly appears beside Morik and Rezevuor. It attempts to bite Morik as you spring into action against it. Nezram drops a flame blast upon the creature and Rez skewers it something fierce. Afterward the spider has vanished making it hard to determine how badly it was wounded overall, and there is no sign of it's companion.

Attack vs Morik (flatfooted): [roll0] for [roll1] and DC 17 Fort or [roll2] Con. Miss

Rezevuor and Morik can also makes saves against Nezram's flame blast.

Blue Ghost
Rezevuor is occupying N-10, so I placed you in N-11


Chained Birds
2011-04-13, 07:56 PM

Reflex save: [roll0]

"Watch where you put those flames fleshy, I don't want to be disabled by a comrade."

He once again, takes up an offensive stance and waits for the right opportunity to strike, as it worked out so well the last time. But this time he grumbling to himself about the fire magic earlier.

Standard Action: Hold Action (Standard Attack)
Primary Attack: Mwk Long spear
Attack: [roll1] (+3 STR/ +2 Bane/ +1 Bless/ +1 Mwk/ +1 Aid/ -1 Size/ +1 BA)
Damage: [roll2] + [roll3] (Bane)
crit confirm (20): [roll4] (+3 STR/ +2 Bane/ +1 Bless/ +1 Mwk/ +1 Aid/ -1 Size/ +1 BA)
Damage: [roll5]

HP: 11/11 [2 temporary]
AC: 15

Enlarge Person: 18/20 rounds
Bane(Magical Beasts): 104/120rounds
Aid: 15/20rounds
Repair Light Damage (Pending Potion Infusion): 115/120rounds

2011-04-13, 08:45 PM

Serth fades from sight, positioning herself to strike at the next beast to show itself.

Stealth, move to K-12, ready action to Backstab if a spider appears in a position that would enable its use.

Edit: Serth instinctively knows which of the spiders she hit with an Ambush, as she can utilize the combo points already on that one, or choose to lose them to start gaining on the other. Please specify which spider appears when they phase in.

2011-04-14, 01:44 PM
Hey, if you can't stand the heat, get out of the flames!

Nezram and his partner prepare for the spiders to appear again.

Nezram: Ready full attack.

Crit? [roll2]

Crit? [roll6]

Dance: 2 rounds remaining
Shield of Faith: 4 rounds remaining
Shortsword +1: 5 rounds remaining
Longsword +1: 6 rounds remaining

[roll10] fire

2011-04-14, 01:45 PM
Elemental critical (of course the one I forget gets the critical):

Blue Ghost
2011-04-19, 05:59 PM
Morik branches out from the group and prepares to strike again.

5-ft step to N12.
Ready melee attack against foe if it appears in range.

Damage: [roll1]

Bless: 16 rounds remaining.