View Full Version : Arena Tournament Round 101: Deiter Scalekiller vs The Narcomancer

2011-03-02, 03:26 PM
Arena Tournament, Round 101: Deiter Scalekiller vs. The Narcomancer


XP Award: 300 XP
GP Award: 300 GP

Deiter Scalekiller (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=233713) - Beelzebud1111
The Narcomancer (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=273829) - Capt Spanner

All Combatants, please roll initiative and declare final purchases, if any

2011-03-02, 03:53 PM
Purchases: None ATM, but may have reactionaries.

Capt Spanner
2011-03-03, 08:43 AM
Here we go, good luck.


Capt Spanner
2011-03-03, 08:48 AM
Hmm...I don't remember editing that.

Although I did get an error saying "Please make your message longer than 10 characters" the first time. Maybe that counts as an edit.

Here goes again:


2011-03-03, 09:39 AM
No reactionary purchases, You won initiative, you go first.

I telepathically command my Throwing scarab to detach (Dealing 1d3 wisdom damage, and losing two hit points) then to bite me, (dealing one point of damage) to wake me up

Capt Spanner
2011-03-03, 11:13 AM
Ah, whoops. Did I jump the gun on my move?


I cast Mage Armor (duration, 1 hour - lasts 360 rounds).
Move 30ft: Y10 (start)-R8.


Position: R8

2011-03-04, 02:47 PM
Deiter Scalekiller, Round 1
Start in Y10, Empty Handed, Double Move to H2
StatsLocation H2
HP: 12
AC: 15
Active Effects: Round 1

By the way, we start with line of sight.

Capt Spanner
2011-03-05, 12:07 PM
I believe the fact your name is in blue means you're starting in A10:B11. Are you still ending up in H2, or did just mistype your starting square?

2011-03-05, 01:05 PM
Mistyped starting square. starting in b10

Capt Spanner
2011-03-05, 01:34 PM
Very well - I take a move action to R3 and end my turn.

Location: R3
HP: 3
AC: 20 (14 base + 4 mage armor + 2 from the tree)
Effects: +2 to reflex from tree. Round 2.

2011-03-05, 05:39 PM
Scalekiller round 2
Free Action, Draw Javelin
Standard Action: attack with javelin


Not done...

2011-03-05, 05:42 PM
Didn't expect to hit...Move to M3



Location H2
HP: 12
AC: 15
Active Effects: None

Capt Spanner
2011-03-05, 05:46 PM
Round 3:

I cast sleep on Deiter Scalekiller.

(Will save DC16 to negate).

Do you usually roll that, or do I?

2011-03-05, 05:52 PM
Let your opponent roll their own saves, and sleep has a 1 round casting time, so you spend your turn casting it and it goes off at the beginning of your next turn, so it's my turn now, unless you want to take that action back...

Capt Spanner
2011-03-05, 06:11 PM
That suits me.

2011-03-05, 06:34 PM
Scalekiller, Round 3
Move to P3
Free Action: draw shard from symbiont.
Standard action: Throw Shard Point Blank
[roll1] + [roll2]

If it hits you need to make a concentration check to keep your spell.

2011-03-05, 06:36 PM

EDIT: DAMN! your turn. I'm not technically out, yet. But I think you get a turn or two first.

EDIT2: Actually I have a ref question, first

Would my Symbiont detach the round that I fell asleep, but before Narcomancer goes? or would I have to wait a round to wake up?

2011-03-10, 11:35 PM
Deiter:The sleep spell completes after your turn is finished, so your scarab won't take its action to detach until your turn. Also, since the spell is an AoE, you'll need to roll a Will save for the scarab as well.

2011-03-11, 05:12 AM
Well that sucks
EDIT: Well I'm boned.

Capt Spanner
2011-03-12, 11:25 AM
Five foot step to Q3, and coup de grace with my scythe.

Damage roll is 2d4-1:


And crits for x4 damage (8 damage total).

If that damage doesn't kill you, you need to pass a fortitude save of DC10+Damage (DC18) or die.

EDIT: There's actually a fair chance you'll survive this. *GULP*. I only needed 1 more point of damage to kill you outright too.

That said: isn't sleep "1 minute per round"? That would mean that, even if you survive, you remain sleeping for 9 more rounds?

Position: Q3
HP: 3
AC: 18
Mood: Murderous. :smallbiggrin:

2011-03-12, 12:06 PM
Not really, you rolled crit damage wrong. you roll all the dice not once and multiply, so you roll 8d4-4

Capt Spanner
2011-03-12, 07:34 PM
Ah...all this time of playing computer based D&D, or characters who aren't based around crit hitting bites me hard. Ok, take 2 on that coup de grace:


I believe that kills you, but if it doesn't you need to make a DC24 fortitude save to survive.

2011-03-12, 09:31 PM
That'll do it. Good luck in your next match, hope you don't get put up against a warforged or elf....or someone with magic missile and a good initiative modifier.

2011-03-12, 11:35 PM
High Ref Sallera

The Narcomancer takes the victory.