View Full Version : Need help with an effect [3.5]

2011-03-02, 03:49 PM
I am going to be running the final battle vs. a hag covey this friday against the party, and I am going to put the hags behind an illusion. I want anyone who sees through the illusion to be affected instantly by a fear or nausea effect, so the hags know who to target.

Two of the hags have gaze-like attacks, but as action unspecified Su abilities, they take a standard action to use, and they are either going to be spending their time casting spells or casting Sps on the unsuspecting party.

I'm thinking of having crucified, mutilated ogre corpses that cause a fear or nausea effect, based on a Symbol of X. However, the hags can't create symbols of X, and the duration on those is way too long. I want a 1d4 duration effect.

Should I just houserule this? Just have it as RP and let the hags make a spot check to see which characters see through the ruse?

2011-03-02, 04:09 PM
Maybe make it a magical trap that is triggered when someone sees it and then casts cause fear or scare at that person.
Since the players won't be able to build such traps themselves, there's no real need to have it all 100% according to rules.