View Full Version : Please elaborate

2011-03-02, 07:36 PM
This is a thread for all the times you come across someone acting arrogant, and condescending. Whenever someone laughingly says, "I can't believe you don't know that". I'm not mad that I don't know, I'm just mad when people like that basically say they know (and in a place with multiple people that say they don't get it) and don't even bother to elaborate. If you don't make your point then you're just being a pretentious troll.

2011-03-02, 07:36 PM
I can't believe the grammatical error in this thread title.

2011-03-02, 07:38 PM
What error? Please elaborate.

2011-03-02, 07:54 PM
What you wrote means "You are arrogance makes me sick," since "you're" is "you are" with the apostrophe replacing the [a]. "Your" indicates a possession, such as "your house" or "your arrogance."

Generally, I think the reason they don't elaborate is that explanations take a long time and can be pretty involved, so, unless someone specifically asks, they may not really fit in a conversation.

2011-03-02, 08:35 PM
I think it may be acceptable to not elaborate immediately. But there are ways to do it and if they're being jerks about it or laughing or making fun of it....:smallyuk:

Glass Mouse
2011-03-02, 10:25 PM
I can't believe the grammatical error in this thread title.

Win. :smallbiggrin:

2011-03-02, 10:36 PM
I think it may be acceptable to not elaborate immediately. But there are ways to do it and if they're being jerks about it or laughing or making fun of it....:smallyuk:

This is true, I don't expect people to elaborate on everything, but if all you're going to contribute is a vague anecdote that suggests something obvious (and yet no one gets it :smallsigh:) then don't.

2011-03-03, 05:50 PM
To be fair, if the vague anecdote is of something one finds genuinely obvious, one may actually not even realize that no one gets it after it has been, even opaquely, pointed out.