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wade wilson
2011-03-02, 10:42 PM
Realms, both wondrous and dire, border the world. One such realm is the Shadowfell. Although not inherently evil, the Shadowfell is fraught with dangers, and the barrier between worlds can be thin. Sometimes the darkness breaks into the light.

Nearly two hundred years ago, a cult of the demon prince Orcus purposely created such a gap, connecting one of Orcus’s unholy Shadowfell sites to the world. Skeletons, zombies, and fouler creatures flooded through the rift into the light of day. The empire of Nerath dispatched legionnaires to eliminate the threat. The empire’s soldiers destroyed the undead, sealed the opening, and built a keep to watch over the location and contain the threat. This is the site known as the Keep on the Shadowfell.

Time passes and empires fall, and even Nerath wasn’t immune to the ravages of time. The once-great human empire collapsed almost a century ago, and only memories of its glory remains.

It is a nice, if somewhat cold, September day. You are traveling towards the village of Winterhaven, somewhat north of the cities you are used to. The wind in your face is cool and comfortable. The road beneath your feet is level. An occasional ancient cobblestone peeks through the dirt road, indicating decades of neglect. Despite this, the road seems to be fairly well used. You travel with a group of companions, all of which you know to some degree as associates of your mutual friend, Douven Staul. The man was something different to each of you, a friend, an employer, a mentor, but all of you were fond of the man.

In his younger days Douven was an avid adventurer and explorer, but left that life behind him for the most part. Aside from the occasional exploration of an ancient ruin, Douven has settled down with his wife Tressa. Three months ago, however, he found a map that revealed the location
of a dragon’s tomb not far from the village of Winterhaven. He figured if a dragon was buried there, why not also its hoard? Douven should have returned some time ago, and his continuing absence bodes ill. His wife gathered you together and asked you to investigate.


Please introduce your characters with a short description, and claim a color for your speech.

Also keep in mind that the italicized speech isn't necessarily in character knowledge, as much as flavor text. :smallsmile:

Lycan 01
2011-03-03, 09:39 AM
Zimelda casually walks along the old traveler's path, her long white hair softly blowing in the gentle breeze. Black scale-mail armor covers her whole body, though she doesn't wear a helm for various reasons. Strapped to her back is a large black mace, engraved with a few lines of Elven script and several symbols of Lolth. Her skin is a dark shade of purple, an average hue for a Drow, and her eyes are also purple. By most standards, she would be considered quite attractive, except for the fact that the majority of people in existence view all Drow with a mixture of fear and hate.

Zimelda had grown accustomed to this mixture of fear and hatred. Her mission to the surface world was not one of hostility, but rather of observation. She had been ordered by her superiors to learn as much as she could about the surface world and its inhabitants, and then to share this knowledge when she received orders to return. Unfortunately, most people wouldn't believe this story even if she was given a chance to explain it, and on more than a few occasions she'd been forced out of towns or chased by angry citizens.

Douven Staul had been different, though. He'd treated her with respect, and even offered her shelter - albeit on the grounds that she swore to Lolth not to harm him. She did so gladly - unlike most Drow, she wasn't fond of needlessly slaughtering people when presented the opportunity. Granted, if given a good reason, she would slaughter with glee. But Douven had been kind to her, and taught her much about the surface world and its culture. He'd taught her everything from basic etiquette to wilderness survival, and without his aid her mission would have likely ended in failure and possibly death.

In fact, once she returned to her mission of exploration and scholarship, she would occasionally drop by Douven's residence and inform him of how her mission was progressing. It was an odd thing, really. Being a Drow, Zimelda had never really had anyone she could actually sit down and enjoy the company of. In fact, she'd never really had anyone who could be considered a friend. Douven, it seemed, was the first real friend she'd ever had.

So it was without hesitation that she agreed to find him. When Douven's wife had told her of what had happened, Zimelda had no choice but to rescue the man she owed so much to. She may have been evil, but she wasn't heartless. Besides, the rescue mission would give her opportunities to gain untold amounts of knowledge and experience she wouldn't have otherwise come across in her normal travels.

However, she was a bit surprised when she found out she wasn't the only one going on the quest to rescue Douven. Several other travelers and adventurers apparently owed Douven some sort of debt, and now she'd somehow found herself traveling in the company of them. It was odd, to say the least. There was a creature that looked like a mix between a man and a dragon - a Dragonborn, if she recalled the name correctly - clad in plate armor, a hulking brute of unknown species dressed in what looked like animal hides, and then... was that a walking pile of crystals? Perhaps the strangest thing of all, though, was the fact that none of them had tried to kill her yet for being a Drow.

"Well..." Zimelda finally spoke, breaking the silence of the trek with her lofty and deceptively-sweet voice, "This is quite an odd group of travelers, I'd say. I don't even know what some of you are."

How bright is the sun right now? :smalltongue:

2011-03-03, 10:08 AM
In front of the group walks a huge andtall humanoid man. He is wearing a tough but used pair of short pants crafted out of bear skin and a simple leather armor. You can see most of his arms, leg and shaved head showing his greyish skin marked with many dark blue symbols, indentifying him as an mountain man, a goliath. He carry a few weapons, but the most apparent his is greataxe, that he holds by the handle and is resting on his shoulder.

He is setting a fast pace for the group, apparently eager to reach his destination, certainly to find his friend Douven, but it is also evident that he is impatient find some action. As he get on top of a small hill, he stop and look at the horizon for a few seconds. As the dark elf speaks, Mertes turn around and realising she probably speaks about him, he answer her inquiry.
"If you didnt pick up my name when we first met, I am called Mertes. AS for my origins, I am a Goliath. I am not too surprise that you dont know of my race, as I know little about your beside being vile and devious elves. But fear not, I dont judge people based on what they are, but on how they act. If Tressa trust you, so will I unless you proove her wrong."
With that, Mertes give Zimelda a respectful nod and add,
"The quickest we get there, the better. Let keep moving."
At that, Mertes start to walk again, setting a quick pace once more.

Lycan 01
2011-03-03, 11:04 AM
"A Goliath you say? Fascinating... You'll have to tell me more about you species at some point. My name is Zimelda, and as for what you've heard about my race, its quite true..." she replies with a sly smirk. "Don't worry though, I'm not going to kill you in your sleep. Unless you give me a reason to. Hah hah hah!" she laughs loftily.

2011-03-03, 11:28 AM
Arjhan Dragonborn Paladin

At the back of the group, a tall Dragonborn walks clad in plate armor. He carries a shield and has a longsword sheathed at his hip.

Arjhan examines the oddball group of adventurers that he has found to be his new companions. He visibly hardens at the Dark Elf's sinister jest. He speaks up, "While I draw breath, it will not come to that. We all have a common goal here. Do not give me reason to question your motives." His pointed glare softens, and he introduces himself, "I am Arjhan, Eternal servant of the Platinum Dragon." He gives each member of the party a professional, polite bow, and continues along the path behind them.

2011-03-03, 11:37 AM
As he walks Mertes look back over his shoulder and you all can see an small amused grin on his face,
"Dont take it like that Arjhan, she was meerly joking. Isn't it right Zimelda? And I'll tell you more about myself, and my race, as we learn to know each others."
Look back in front, the goliath cannot help but think that this will be an interesting trip and grin even more.

Lycan 01
2011-03-03, 11:40 AM
"I quake in my armor, Paladin..." Zimelda returns the Dragonborn's glare equally, somewhat irritated by his disrespect. But her own expression quickly softens into a warm (if a bit mischievous) smile. "But I am sure it will not come to that. As you say, we have a common goal, and are all united in our task. No need to let petty racial and theological differences get in the way of that, yes?" she quips in a crisp and polite manner.

At Mertes' remark, Zimelda looks back to him with a friendly smile. "Quite right. I was only joking. And I look forward to learning more about you and your species. I'd also love to learn more about the... Dragonborn, yes?" she arches an eyebrow at Arjhan.

2011-03-03, 11:46 AM

Arjhan sighs deeply, "For the sake of peace between the four of us, I will pretend that I never heard you say that, Dark Elf. I say again, we have goals in common on this quest, and I think that a lack of cooperation would bode ill for us, as well as master Staul. And if you wish to know of my people, you need only ask." He offers her a companionable smile, and nods his head at her.

2011-03-03, 12:02 PM
Good move Arjhan, we need to put our different aside for this mission.
Trying to keep the dicussion away from religious topics or moral ethics, at least for now, Mertes says,
"Speaking of Douven, what link do you guys have with him?"
Seeing that he better talk about it first as an opener to the discussion, he adds,
"I met him a few years ago doing a delivery from a small town. Since I was looking for something to do, he offered me a job. I have been working for him since and I must say that we became friends over time. I didnt really see any of you before, but I gues that is understandable since I rarely stay around : I usually escort and protect him or one of his allies on exploration jobs."

2011-03-03, 12:11 PM

"Master Staul rescued me from myself. I needed a sanctuary, to escape my... temptations. He introduced me to the philosophy of the Platinum Dragon, father of the metallic dragons, and the immortal protector of Justice. He lights my path, and helps me to be a better person."

Arjhan pauses at this point, and can be seen examining the decorations of his armor fondly. "I owe master Staul my service, whenever he calls for it. Though I'd be lying if I said I didn't also enjoy his and his wifes company on occasion."

2011-03-03, 12:51 PM

Having enjoyed listening to the conversation thus far, Jarvis has made some interesting choices so far. First and foremost, this "Drow" shall be a wonderful study indeed. The barbarian monster man seems to be a strong character in many ways, and someone that Jarvis feels he can rely on. As for the paladin, well, lets just hope he doesn't decide to kill the woman. It would be such a waste of a creature. Wearing simple clothes, carrying a small orb and spear, Jarvis feels it is his turn to way in on the situation.

Almost unnoticed, the purple shaded rock creature speaks up. But its mouth never moves, instead everyone hearing this in their heads:

You will have to excuse my silence while you had your enjoyable argument. I feel its best not to speak unless it is needed, and only after thorough analyzation. As for as to how I am acquainted with the old master, he has been the only human, or anything really that has any idea as to what I am. For your information, that is a "shardmind", and it seems to come with interesting perks.

Lycan 01
2011-03-03, 12:59 PM

Zimelda doesn't comment on the Paladin's retort, opting to remain civil for the time being. She listens to Mertes' explanation of how he knows Douven, a wise decision on his part. For a brute, he seemed to be quite level headed. When the Dragonborn begins to speak, the Drow Priestess says nothing, nor does she show any outward expression. She can't help but mentally note that he seems to be very fond of talking about Bahamut. A lot. This was going to be a long trip...

"I met Staul a few months ago, when I first came to the Surface World," Zimelda states when her turn to speak comes. "He gave me shelter, and in return I swore an oath not to harm him or his family, though I had no intentions to do so to begin with. He taught me much about your world, its people, and its cultures. I owe him much for his aid, and I visit him from time to time to... "catch up on things," I believe is the term your realm uses."

Upon hearing the voice speak in her head, Zimelda turns to shoot a quizzical look at the Shardmind. "A Shardmind, you say? Do all of your kind speak directly into the minds of those around them?"

2011-03-03, 01:02 PM
The barbarian stop moving. Where in Kord strenght is this voice coming from... ponders the barbarian as he look around and finaly notice the gemlike humanoid probably is the one doing this. He relax a little.

"I guess you are the one speaking, your voice sound weird. I was wondering if you could talk. I never seen anyone like you before, though you kinda remind me of some stone elemental I once have seen our village shaman summon to protect the clan against some ogres."

He resume his walk telling the shardmind,
"I am not surprised Douven knew what you were, he do know a lot of stuff. Do you have a name?"

2011-03-03, 01:10 PM

Speaking out loud in a gravely voice, "In order to answer both your questions Lady Drow and Monster Man, I do speak out loud. And the name is Jarvis. You will have to excuse me, I do not mean to be coy, as it seems I still have much to learn"

However, Jarvis switches back to his telepathy But, as far as I can tell these could be dangerous times. If our mentor, master, and friend ran into trouble, it may be cause for us to be on alert. Hence the telepathy. Eavesdroppers can not hear me, and if you make the thoughts directed at me I can pick up what you are saying. Do not worry, it took Master Douven some time to get used to it as well.

2011-03-03, 01:25 PM
Mertes let out an heartly laugh as he is called "Monster man", but he look perplex, not sure how he could send his thoughts at the shardmind.
"I guess I'll keep speaking the good old fashioned way, I never was very good this magic stuff."
Noding to the last part of Jarvis telepatic speach, even if he feel a bit at disconfort about it,
"Make sense, you keep doing it if you want. Well it is good to know that you all have good reasons to come to search for Douven."
Switching the conversation to something that could end up usefull in the near futur, the goliath ask,
"When we end up fighting, what should I expect you all to do? Personnaly, I kill stuff with my axe." Mertes give a small pat to his weapon."You can expect me to be at the front line or picking out enemies disturbing those of you who need room to operate. I might as well warn you right now, I can become a bit... wild during combat. Douven ofthen told me I was too reckless for my own good, but that is how I am I guess."

2011-03-03, 01:53 PM

Smiling the weird smile shardminds have, Jarvis continues in his telepath It does not take much effort to communicate this way, Monster Man. Simple thoughts about me are easy enough to pick up, perhaps you will find you enjoy talking this way. Glad to see that you appreciate the illustrious nickname, giving them has always been something I enjoy. As for combat, do not be surprised if ... things... do not move as you would expect them too. He thinks with a visible wink.

Lycan 01
2011-03-03, 02:08 PM
Upon being called "Lady Drow" by the Shardmind, Zimelda's eyes visibly widen with surprise. With a cheerful grin she exclaims: "Such manners and etiquette! I must say, it is quite refreshing to be regarded with proper respect. It was so shocking to discover that the Surface World is mostly a male-dominated society, and it has taken quite a bit of getting used to. Where I come from, women are the dominant gender, and any male who disrespects them is often slain in a rather agonizing manner. But I digress!" she smiles cheerfully, averting further discussion of that topic.

"I am pleased to properly meet you, Jarvis," she lightly nods to the Shardmind. "You simply must tell me more about yourself and your kind when we have the time. Now... let me see if I cannn..." she narrows her eyes, her expression becoming one of visible concentration.

CAN YOU HEAR ME?? she thinks loudly inside her head, trying to focus on the humanoid crystal.

The Drow then looks over to Mertes, distracted by his question about combat. "Ah yes, battle plans. I am quite partial to smashing in the skulls and rib cages of my enemies with my mace. The spine is good too, and also entertaining..." she observes offhandedly. "I can also impart the blessings of Lolth upon my comrades, which can help to heal injuries. Though..." she arches an eyebrow at Arjhan, "I'm not sure if you'd want me healing you in the name of Lolth, depending on your level of conviction."

2011-03-03, 02:23 PM
Mertes raise an eyebrow at Jarvis vague explanation, but keep it at that, not pushing the shardmind to explain further. "I just hope the enemies will keep going down, as I expect them." The barbarian wink back at Jarvis.
Still, Mertes that a good look at Jarvis equipment, thinking out loud, "I guess you'll stay out of direct combat and will need us to keep the enemies away from you, right?"
Giving a quick glance at Zimelda, and a wide smile, "Dont let yourself be fooled, womens do leads here as well, they simply leave us mens the illusion that we do lead. Ask any wise married man, they do as their wife tells them. The best they get is the last word, which should be : Yes dear." At that, he laugh out loud.
After a good laugh, he tell Zimelda with a more serious tone, "I am happy to see you are not afraid to get into the action zone. And you can heal me if you want. My faith is strong enough that I can accept any other deities diciples help without feeling as if I am betraying my own."

2011-03-03, 02:34 PM

Obviously wincing, Jarvis directs his thoughts towards Zimelda You do not need to shout, Lady Drow. Think of speaking via telepathy as speaking out loud, and use similar tones. Unlike others, I understand more then you would think. Do not worry, I will not attempt to intrude on any ones private thoughts though. Master Doven has taught better then that. If you would like, I would love to talk more about your race and mine, although I am afraid that my knowledge is somewhat limited.

Laughing in a strange, metallic way towards Mertes comments Jarvis decides to speak out loud for his comfort "I believe those are Master Dovens teachings speaking through you, Monster Man. He indeed taught me to respect everyone, but women deserve it even more, and if they have respectable qualities then all the more reason to."
For the combat, "That would be much appreciated, Monster. May I simply call you Monster? Or perhaps MM? I have a feeling you may take that more as a compliment instead of an insult. I can indeed handle myself, but unfortunately this gem skin does not do much for physical protection."

2011-03-03, 02:53 PM
Mertes shrug at Jarvis, his face serious, "My name is Mertes, but you can call me whatever you want, even monster if this is how you perceive me.
As the saying goes : only a man full of pride would get insulted by mere word told without ill intentions."

2011-03-03, 02:59 PM

Afraid insult may have been made, "My friend, it is purely meant as a compliment. In the deep tongue, Monster is a term used to mean great strength and power. Perhaps it does not translate as well in this other language. If you take offense to it, then Mertes it is. The last thing I would want is discourse among us as we search for our friend."

2011-03-03, 03:30 PM
"Fear not, I did not take it as an insult at all. You should know that for most humans, monster means some creature they fear and dont really know, which is dangerous and usually quite big. I guess that could fit me well, at least for my enemies." He give Jarvis a small funny smile.

Lycan 01
2011-03-03, 04:21 PM

The Drow Priestess allows herself to laugh at Mertes' joke about the wisdom of marriage. "It is good to know that some men know their place," she snarks with a playful smirk. She then adds: "And of course I am not afraid of getting into the "action zone," as you put it. In Drow culture, it is the women who do most of the fighting in battle. You'll find I am just as fierce as any male in this realm, if not more..."

She then looks back to Jarvis and shrugs, her armor clinking with the movement of her shoulders. "I assumed that I needed to put great effort into it for you to hear me, since it was my first time. I will be less careless next time. And I would greatly enjoy sharing information about our two races. Civilization, culture, religion, anatomy..." she says the last word with a wink. Naturally, she was only making jest in order to gauge his reaction; she wished to see if it were possible to fluster a man made of stone.

She then looks at Mertes and smirks. "I seem to be considered a monster by many Surface Dwellers, despite my lack of being "quite big." I've had to flee an angry mob on at least once occasion, and been kicked out of more than a few towns. Have you ever been treated the same?" she tilts her head to the side, genuinely curious and not trying to be sarcastic.

2011-03-03, 04:42 PM
Smiling at Mertes' joke, Arjhan turns to Zimelda. "There's no need to be petty miss. The platinum Dragon is a forgiving master, and I would accept any blessing with the utmost gratitude. At least you don't worship Tiamat" With that he spits a small blob of flaming ichor onto the ground in front of him.

Speaking aloud to Jarvis, he says, "I am pleased to make your acquaintence Jarvis. However, I would like to ask, how is it that your knowledge of your own species is limited at all? Where are you from?"

Addressing Mertes, "I would seek to draw the attention of our foes, giving you three free reign over the battlefield. You'd be surprised how much disorder a little fire can cause" he says with a smoky belch. "I can offer some healing of my own, but you'll have to be near enough for me to touch you."

2011-03-03, 04:51 PM

"Good to know, Monster Man.", turning to the dark skin female and continuing telepathically I am of course willing to share anything I can with you, I always adventure to learn more about anything and everything, perhaps when we break for you to rest tonight? the joke clearly going over his shiny head. Picking up or laying on sarcasm is definitely not (as of yet) in Jarvis repertoire.

Turning to the dragonborn, who has been surprisingly quiet till now, Jarvis says "That is a long story, of which I have not as many details I would wish. If you would like to I will happily share it with you when we get to town. What of you, Dragon Man? Would your prefer me speaking to you in this way"; switching to telepathy, Or this way?

2011-03-03, 05:13 PM
The goliath shake his head at the drow question,
"Not really, but my race does not hold a bad reputation like your does. I guess your trouble might have come from this as most people will simply let their fear cloud their judgements."
"It is kinda like a story I've heard about the merchant from the north going to live into a southern village. When he first came into town, he was shunned by the other villagers. They found him weird with his pale skin and big accent, not really wanting to deal with the man. As the man gained a more brownish tan and learned the village dialect, the other villagers started to accept him as he was and he was finaly able to live from his trade."
When he finish his story, Mertes add, "Your situation is similar to this Zimelda. Of course people will assume your are like most of what they know of your race. But with time and effort, you can change that perspective. Probably not for your whole race, but at least for yourself."

Looking at the paladin, Mertes tell him,
"I kinda guessed you were gonna fight in the front row from your armor, but it is good to know you can also heal."

2011-03-03, 05:30 PM

Arjhan speaks aloud to Jarvis, "Speak to me as you wish, but I will speak to you with my voice."

Turning to Mertes, Arjhan says, "I serve the god of protection, I will always put my life before those of the innocent. I hope you are all innocent." He smiles at his own weak attempt at humor.

Lycan 01
2011-03-03, 09:16 PM

Zimelda wasn't expecting Jarvis' response. It was hard to read his tone, and almost impossible to read his expressions. She couldn't tell if the joke had completely gone over his head, or if he was trying to call her bluff. Well then... she thinks back in his direction with a smirk on her face, "Tonight promises to be quite interesting.

However, upon hearing Mertes' story about the unpopular man from the North, Zimelda's expression changes to one of wary concern. "I'm not going to turn paler from the sunlight... am I?" she asks warily.

At Arjhan's questioning of their innocence, Zimelda turns back to face him and smirks at him mischievously. "Define innocent?" she purrs playfully, tilting her head to the side quizzically.

wade wilson
2011-03-03, 09:27 PM
As you walk down the road, you move in between two large sets of boulders set on either side of the road. Your conversation is cut short as small creatures hiding behind the rocks spring into view and begin to move toward you. They are small humanoids, with rusty colored scaly skin. Their heads and tails are reptilian looking, and they are armed with small spears. With a shriek, the small humanoids attack.

Three of the creatures attack Mertes, but only one manages to hurt him with their tiny spears. Mertes, you take 4 damage. A fourth lunges towards Zimelda, but she neatly dodges the stab. The final creature yelps and goes for Jarvis, and the stone head of the spear scratches his crystalline skin. Jarvis, you take 4 damage.

Mertes, it is your turn! What do you do?

Initiative Order
Lizard Creatures-21


2011-03-03, 09:28 PM

Jarvis smiles a big smile, clearly the largest expression of emotion seen yet. I look forward to our talk then. While to him the joke goes over his head, it is hard for anyone else to tell that.

"As you wish friend dragon. Anything to make us accomplish our goal and save the good man Staul."

Lycan 01
2011-03-03, 09:58 PM

Upon seeing his massive grin, Zimelda is convinced that Jarvis took her anatomy joke seriously. But before she can put much thought into whether or not she'll actually teach him a thing or two about Drow physiology, a pack of strange lizard creatures ambush the party and attack them.

With surprising grace for someone clad in heavy armor, Zimelda dodges a spear thrust in her direction. With one fluid motion, she reaches behind her back and grabs her mace, then brings it down upon the head of the creature that dared to attack her. Both hands tightly grip the weapon, and her expression is one of stern determination to kill. She doesn't say a word or make a noise - she simply focuses all of her focus and energy into killing this creature.

Smackin' the Kobold SOB directly over Zimelda.

Basic Melee Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2011-03-03, 10:20 PM

Sorry, I'm gunna do my turn right now, I have no idea when the barbarian will be back, and I got people coming over soon

Wincing in pain, Jarvis decides immediately that he does not like this creature

Have it your way, little thing and mentally shoves the creature away. (uses Forceful Push, free action, slides the creature into I7)

Jarvis then moves to behind the Lady Drow, and uses Dishearten in square H11, to hit all 3 of those goblins

(1d20+5) for I10 (this is against will)
(1d20+5)[roll] for I11
(1d20+5)[roll] For I12

[roll]1d6 damage if it hits, plus -2 to all attacks to end of my next turn

sorry about that, check the OOC for the rolls :smalleek:

2011-03-03, 10:24 PM
The barbarian take a step back in surprise.
"Well well well, hello there littles ones. WAnna have some fun?"
With a wide smile, Mertes grab his axe in two hands and forcefully strike right at the monster spinning around it ending on the other side.
He bring his axe down onto the enemy between him and Zimelda.
"Meet Life-Ender little ones, his cut is the last thing you'll ever feel."

Standard : Pressing strike, shift 2, can pass into enemies square (->I11->H10)
Attack VS AC on I10 (+2 (CA-flank)) : [roll0]
Hit : [roll1] damage and push target 1 (Forfeit push)

wade wilson
2011-03-03, 10:56 PM
Dekkah Your axe moves cleanly through the lizard creature, slaying it instantly, and showering those nearby with blood and gore.

SemiteLock Your psionic shove sends the creature flying back, and of the two lizards you attack, one is slain from drain you place upon its mind. The other seems unaffected.

Lycan 01 Your mace hits nothing but air as the lizard you attacked jumps to the side. Thankfully Mertes' axe comes crashing down into the creature directly after.

From behind one of the boulders to the south, two more lizard combatants emerge, carrying short swords, and what look like shields fashioned from the scale of a dragon. One of them engages Arjhan, striking him with its blade. Arjhan, you take 9 damage from the blow. The second comes from the other side of the rock to attack Jarvis. The sound of steel on crystal fills everyone's ears as its blade strikes true. Jarvis, you take 8 damage from the blow.

Arjhan, it is your turn! What do you do?

Lycan 01 Since your attack missed, I had it occur slightly outside of the time line. Had it hit, I would have allowed you to redo your action.

Initiative Order
Lizard Creatures-21
Lizard Shieldman-11


2011-03-03, 10:58 PM
"Cowards! Have at thee!"

Move: Move to K12
Minor: Divine challenge on K13 (he's marked now)
Standard: Holy strike on K13

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2011-03-03, 11:03 PM

I have a teleport skill, is it possible for me to jump on top of one of those rocks with it? I know your more focused on this thread then the OOC one, other wise I would post there instead of here. Also, how big are they? its only a 3 square range

2011-03-03, 11:17 PM

K Im gunna post real quick assuming that I can teleport up onto one of those rocks. otherwise, I teleport to in between ted and lycan

Hurting even more from the evil creatures attack, escape quickly seems to be the best option.

using shardswarm, I teleport onto the rock at L10. I have combat advantage now against the recent attacker. what have i done to you, mean creature? I say, before hitting him with kinetic trawl (int v ref)
Attack: [roll0]
Dmg and effect: [roll1] , pull target one square which I decline to do.

If instead Im between the Monster Man and Lady Drow, I still use the attack.

wade wilson
2011-03-03, 11:23 PM
tedthehunter The creature looks to be nervous with no allies directly next to it, and it flinches as your blade swings towards it. It falls to the ground in a pool of its own blood.

The lizard to his north runs forwards with a rather annoying battle cry, and stabs at Arjhan, but the spear glances off his heavy steel armor. Though visibly shocked at the psionic push it received, the lizard moves forwards cautiously to attack Jarvis once again. Jarvis, you take 4 damage from the stab.

Mertes, it is your turn. What do you do?

The teleport is fine when your turn comes. :smallsmile:

Initiative Order
Lizard Creatures-21
Lizard Shieldman-11

2011-03-03, 11:34 PM
Arjhan 23/32

"Aha! Do your worst, beasts!" Arjhan looks the nearest creature with a shield in the eye and smiles, a deep rumbling in his throat.

Move: Divine Challenge on L12

Minor: Dragon Breath on L12
Attack vs. Reflex [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Standard: Valiant Strike on L12
Attack vs. AC [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

I should be in K12, not J12

Lycan 01
2011-03-03, 11:58 PM

"Jarvis, stop getting stabbed!" Zimelda barks, watching in annoyance as the Shardmind is repeatedly hit by enemy attacks. She focuses her willpower and attempts to channel the spiritual energy granted to her by her devotion to Lolth. With the power of the Spider Queen flowing through her soul, Zimelda briefly closes her eyes and softly mutters Jarvis' name under her breath. She imparts the blessings of Lolth upon the Shardmind, using the Drow Goddess' divine favor to heal his injuries.

She then opens her eyes, which blaze with fierce determination. "Now, to deal with these vermin..." she growls, quickly moving around behind the shield-bearing creature on the left side of the boulder. Once behind it, she grips her mace with both hands, and with a fierce shriek of hatred and rage swings it with all her might right into the small of the creatures back, attempting to break its spine.

Okay, so...

Minor Action: Healing Word on Jarivs - he can spend a Healing Surge, and he gains an additional 1d6 HP, plus another 3 HP from my Wisdom Modifier, courtesy Healer's Lore. So in total, he regains Surge Value + 1d6 + 3 HP. :smallbiggrin:

Move Action: Move to L8 - I am now Flanking the Shield Kobold at L9, granting me Combat Advantage.

Attack: Using my Encounter Power - Healing Strike - on the Shield Kobold at L9.

Attack: [roll0] (3 for STR, 2 for Proficiency, and 2 for Combat Advantage)
Damage: [roll1]

And if it hits, I get to heal somebody. :smallbiggrin:

2011-03-04, 07:40 AM
The barbarian move aroud the boulder to get into flanking position with the shardmind. He bring dow his axe once more onto the small lizard yelling wildly.
As Mertes slice the kobold in half, he take a run toward the fighter disturbing Jarvis and swing his axe once more.
"Leave him alone you bastard!"

On last turn, when I killed the lizard, I gained 4 TEMP HP (rageblood vigor)

Move : Move to I7 (-> G10 -> F9 -> F8 ->G7 ->H7 -> I7)
Standard :Howling strike on J8
Attack VS AC (+2 (CA - Flank)) :[roll0]
Hit : [roll1] + [roll2] damage.

If I kill it J8 , I'll use Swift charge power. (I think I do kill it)

Free : Swift charge (trigger if I reduce an enemy to 0) Charge L9 using Howling strike (-> J7 -> K8)
Attack VS AC (+1 (Charge)) :[roll3]
Hit : [roll4] + [roll5] damage.

Mertes Status
HP :...29/33...TEMP HP :...4
Surge Value :...8
Surge left/surge per day :...12/12
AC:...16...FORT:...16... REF:...13...WILL:...13...
Main Hand :Greataxe
Off Hand :
Powers :
Howling Strike
Pressing Strike
Action point (1/1)
Second Wind
Resurgent Strike
Oath of enmity
Stone Endurance
Swift Charge
Swift Panther Rage
Items powers (1/1):

Consumables :

Effects from Mertes :

Effects on Mertes :

Items Carried/Owned :
Hide armor
Flint and steel
Sunrod (2)
Rations (10 days)
50' hempen rope
Javelin (4/4)

Wealth :
4 GP

XP : 0

2011-03-04, 11:40 AM


Thank you, Lady Drow. That boost of strength should be what I need. I assure you though, being hurt by these creatures is not something I plan.

Thinking to himself, This is one activity that perhaps I may not enjoy in the future. But survival is still important

Healing: 1d6+17 (surge value of 6, 3 from the wis modifier, my hp was 8 so I put that in there too, giving my new current hit points)

Feeling safe on the rock, I let loose another Dishearten assuming that:
the 2 that have been hitting me haven't moved, targeting K7.
Int V Will
1d20+5 for the weaker one
1d20+5 for the red dot
1d6+5 damage, plus -2 to attacks till end of my next turn

If they do move (or one of them dies) and I cant hit both of them with the dishearten, I will opt to hit the red dot one only, adjusting the attack accordingly

Id also like to take a quick look around, to see if there are any other surprises lurking about.
Perception check

2011-03-04, 11:46 AM
Sorry, I'm still getting use to the forum dice roller

Healing: [roll0] )

[roll1] for the weaker one
[roll2] for the red dot
[roll3] damage, plus -2 to attacks till end of my next turn

Perception check

wade wilson
2011-03-04, 01:17 PM
Mertes Your first attack cuts down another one of the lizard creatures in a spray of blood. You charge forwards and strike a mighty blow against the shieldlizard, but it does not go down.

Jarvis With a pop, you appear on top of the rocks. Your kinetic trawl goes out, but the creature side steps it, narrowly avoiding your attack.

The Shieldlizard next to Arjhan strikes with its shortsword, and manages to make it through his plate steel. Arjahn, you take 5 damage from the blow.

The other Shieldlizard turns its attention on Mertes, and swings wildly with its blade. Mertes, the attack costs you 4 hit points.

Suddenly, another lizard creature emerges from behind one of the northern rocks, this one wielding a sling! With a loud screech it flings some sort of pot towards Zimelda. It goes wide, and hits the ground with a small explosion of flame.

Zimelda Your mace smashes down into the Shieldlizard's chest, and it shrieks in pain. It is now bloodied. Who would you like to heal?

Arjhan The lizard shieldsman manages to dodge your breath weapon, but it is not so lucky with your blade. It screeches as your sword draws its blood.

The last remaining Spearlizard makes another lunge towards Arjhan, but it doesn't even manages to scrape his armor with the attack.

Mertes, it is back to you!

Initiative Order
Lizard Creatures-21
Lizard Shieldman-11
Lizard Slinger-10

Sorry about the mix up, Arjhan should be in the correct place now. Also, sorry that the grid is a little messy, I'm still getting used to using GIMP on my mac, I'm learning from the mistakes though.


2011-03-04, 01:46 PM
Mertes take the hit as if nothing happened, using his stamina to simply shrug it off.
Seeing the new kobold, Mertes only smile. He swing Life-Ender once more at the shield kobold in front of him, hoping to push him away or simply kill it, telling Zilmelda and Jarvis, "You finish this one, I'll take care of the new little bugger!"
Not waiting to see if he succeeded or not, the barbarian whirl around and point the slinger, "You die next!"
He then charge, yelling madly, slashing with his axe from the ground and up as he come within range.

Mertes take 4 damamges (lost 4 Temp HPS)

Minor : Oath of enmity on Slinger (H10)
Standard : Pressing strike on Shield kobold (L9), Shift 2 before the attack (Forfeit shift)
Attack VS AC : [roll0]
Hit : [roll1] damamge and push kobold 1 (Push to M8)
Move : Use Stone's endurance : Resist 5 to all damages.
Free : Action point, Charge (Howling strike) at slinger kobold (H10),
Move to I10 (-*>J9 -> I10), this might provoke Oa from Shield kobold if I missed it and couldnt push it at M8.
Attack VS AC (+1 (Charge)):Use better roll (oath of enmity) [roll2] or [roll3]
Hit : [roll4] + [roll5] damages.

Mertes Status
HP :...29/33...TEMP HP :...0
Surge Value :...8
Surge left/surge per day :...12/12
AC:...16...FORT:...16... REF:...13...WILL:...13...
Main Hand :Greataxe
Off Hand :
Powers :
Howling Strike
Pressing Strike
Action point (0/1)
Second Wind
Resurgent Strike
Oath of enmity
Stone Endurance
Swift Charge
Swift Panther Rage
Items powers (1/1):

Consumables :

Effects from Mertes :
Oath of enmity on Kobold slinger (H10) UENT (Mertes)

Effects on Mertes :
Stone's Endurance UENT (Mertes), Resist 5 to all damage.

Items Carried/Owned :
Hide armor
Flint and steel
Sunrod (2)
Rations (10 days)
50' hempen rope
Javelin (4/4)

Wealth :
4 GP

XP : 0

wade wilson
2011-03-04, 02:20 PM
Mertes Your first axe blow goes wide, and the creature remains unharmed. As you rush past it you feel its sword across your back, you take 8 damage from the strike. You ignore the pain and bring your axe to bear on the creature with the sling, bloodying it with one strike.

Jarvis Though the smaller lizard is gone, you hit the shieldlizard. Your drain attack causes it to drop to the ground, dead. Looking around, the woods seem to be clear of any more assailants.

The remaining shieldlizard strikes out at Arjhan once more, but he deflects the blow.

The creature with the sling shifts backwards and slings another pot, this one aimed at Mertes. Mertes, the pot hits you in the chest, you take 4 damage from the blow, as well as 2 damage as the pot explodes. On your next turn, make a save.

Zimelda, it is your turn.

Initiative Order
Lizard Creatures-21
Lizard Shieldman-11
Lizard Slinger-10


2011-03-04, 02:37 PM
The goliath grey skin deflect most of the kobold short sword attack, as if it was made of stone.
As the kobold slinger move backward, Mertes laugh out loud,
"Where are you going little one?"
The pot slam onto the barbarian chest and he appear unconcerned about it, nor about the fire that keep burning his skin.

"I am alright guys, help Arjhan... I'll deal with this little runt here."
Mertes only grin at the kobold slinger.
Mertes takes 8 - 5 = 3 damamges from Dragonshield kobold
Mertes take 4-5 = 0 damages from kobold slinger.
I'll deal with the 2 fire damage on my turn (start of turn).

Mertes Status
HP :...26/33...TEMP HP :...0
Surge Value :...8
Surge left/surge per day :...12/12
AC:...16...FORT:...16... REF:...13...WILL:...13...
Main Hand :Greataxe
Off Hand :
Powers :
Howling Strike
Pressing Strike
Action point (0/1)
Second Wind
Resurgent Strike
Oath of enmity
Stone Endurance
Swift Charge
Swift Panther Rage
Items powers (1/1):

Consumables :

Effects from Mertes :
Oath of enmity on Kobold slinger (H10) UENT (Mertes)

Effects on Mertes :
Stone's Endurance UENT (Mertes), Resist 5 to all damage.
2 Ongoing fire damages (Save ends)

Items Carried/Owned :
Hide armor
Flint and steel
Sunrod (2)
Rations (10 days)
50' hempen rope
Javelin (4/4)

Wealth :
4 GP

XP : 0

Lycan 01
2011-03-04, 03:09 PM
Zimelda dashes up the road, moving to quickly attack the last spear-wielding lizard creature. She grips her mace with both hands, swinging it in an upward arc so that it smashes violently against the underside of the monster's jaw. Grinning with sadistic glee, Zimelda hopes that the force of the impact will tear the creature's head right off its shoulders, and that Lolth will smile upon her deeds.

Moving to J11
Attacking the Kobold at J12 with Priest's Shield.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

If it hits, I grant myself and Arjhan +1 AC until the end of my next turn.

2011-03-04, 03:14 PM
Mertes move around the boulder, out of sight of the slinger and reappear on the other side of it.
Raising his axe high, he simply charge the little kobold, roaring all the way to it.

I know it isnt my turn, but I am leaving in about 20 minutes and I wont be able to post until late tonight.

Start of turn : Take 2 ongoing fire damage (2-5 = 0 damage)
Move : Move around boulder to E7 (-> I9 -> I8 -> H7 -> G7 -> F7 -> E7)
Standard : Charge (Howling strike) at kobold singer (G10)
Move to F9 (-> E8 -> F9)
Attack VS AC (+1 (Charge)) :Take best roll (Oath of enmity), [roll0] or [roll1]
Hit : [roll2] + [roll3] damages.

If I kill it, I gain 4 TEMP HPS

End of turn : Stone's endurance ends
End of turn : Oath of enmity ends
End of turn : Save VS Ongoing 2 fire damage [roll4] (succed = end effect)

NOTE : If the sligner dies before my turn... simply move me into postion then change the shield kobold. In that case, take the first attack roll only since they were not my oath of enmity.

Mertes Status
HP :...26/33...TEMP HP :...0
Surge Value :...8
Surge left/surge per day :...12/12
AC:...16...FORT:...16... REF:...13...WILL:...13...
Main Hand :Greataxe
Off Hand :
Powers :
Howling Strike
Pressing Strike
Action point (0/1)
Second Wind
Resurgent Strike
Oath of enmity
Stone Endurance
Swift Charge
Swift Panther Rage
Items powers (1/1):

Consumables :

Effects from Mertes :

Effects on Mertes :

Items Carried/Owned :
Hide armor
Flint and steel
Sunrod (2)
Rations (10 days)
50' hempen rope
Javelin (4/4)

Wealth :
4 GP

XP : 0

wade wilson
2011-03-04, 03:32 PM
Zimelda Your mace comes crashing down into the creature's head, slaying it on impact. You and Arjhan are granted +1 armor class from your ability.

Arjhan, it is your turn.

Initiative Order
Lizard Creatures-21
Lizard Shieldman-11
Lizard Slinger-10

2011-03-04, 04:05 PM
"The battle is ours!" Yells Arjhan with a triumphant wave of his sword. "You will fall by my blade!"

Standard: Melee basic against shieldzard
attack vs. AC [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Action Point

Standard: Again, melee basic against shieldzard
Attack vs. AC [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

At school ,so I don't have my powers in front of me. MBA FTW! :smallcool:

wade wilson
2011-03-04, 05:10 PM
Arjhan Both strikes bounce off of the shieldlizard's shield, leaving it unharmed.

The spear wielding lizard seems suddenly uncertain about this battle. It drops its spear in fear and shifts away from Arjhan before sprinting northwards into the forest.

Mertes Your charge around the rock catches the slinger by surprise, and your second axe blow removes his head with one clean slice.

Only the last shieldlizard remains. Jarvis, it is your turn.

Initiative Order
Lizard Shieldman-11

2011-03-04, 09:37 PM

Hm it would seem your the only one left. Perhaps this will teach you to attack travelers

one more dishearten, to just wrap things up. I'm on my phone so I'm not sure where my target is but I'll make sure it only hits him.


[roll1] (decline slide)

2011-03-05, 08:55 AM
As he raise his head to loko at the last kobold, the little bugger is already to far and in full flight, Mertes yell at him ironicaly.
"Your leaving so soon? Too bad, tell your clan we are coming!"
When the kobold is too far to hear him, he turn to his friends, "Well, that was a nice warm up. A bit short for my taste, but what can we expect of such puny creatures."
He start to search the corpses for spoils of war.
"Too bad we dont have time to really search for their clan, it would have been fun."
Suddendly, he look up, having realised something.
"You dont think Douven could have been caught by these small lizards, do you? Douven is better than that... but on the other hand, there could be more of these and sometimes, numbers can compensate for lack of strenght..."
You all can see on the barbarian face that he speak from experience.
"What do you guys think?"

Lycan 01
2011-03-05, 11:00 AM
"Hmph. Cowards..." Zimelda growls as she watches the last creature flee.

"Does anyone require healing?" she turns back to the rest of the group. "I believe I can heal at least one more person before my clerical powers grow weak. And as for the creatures' lair or camp or whatever they possess, I say we track them home and slaughter everything we find. They've dared to attack us, as though we were cattle. Well, I say we show them how one properly deals with kine..." she growls menacingly.

2011-03-05, 11:14 AM

Not pleased with the idea of hunting down the creatures Jarvis has just met, he decides to try and calm the two warriors down

"My friends, there is little true reason to hunt down these creatures more, for several reasons. First, we do not even know their true reasons for attacking. They may merely be foraging for food or weapons to help out their own loved ones. Second, no one of our party aside from myself was seriously wounded, and thanks to you Lady Drow, that has become very much a non issue. Third, we do not yet know where Master Staul is, and may in fact waste time and risk his life my hunting these creatures down. Fourth, it is getting late, and travels in the dark are always riskier then in the light, even if our visions may not be affected. Finally, by going to town we can find out the nature of these attacks, and possibly discover where the good master went.

Feeling like this will convince the travelers to continue to town, Jarvis investigates the bodies, in attempt to find any goods or information about the group that attacked

Perception check to search the bodies, do you want 1, or 1 for each body?
Here's one check for the closest slain armored one

Btw, I would for sure try and figure out the kind of creatures they were, would that be a dungeoneering or nature check?
Dungeon: [roll1]
Nature: [roll2]

Lycan 01
2011-03-05, 11:24 AM
'Hmph," Zimelda smirks. "Well if you want to get technical, we'd be doing a good deed by killing these creatures. You think we're the only ones they've attacked? Who knows how many people they've killed, or will kill if we don't do anything. And what if they have Staul held captive, and we just leave him to rot? We must exhaust every option. But, if the rest of the team does not wish to follow this pursuit, then I shall hold my tongue. And also, I can see in the dark, so nightfall is not a problem for me, at least."

Zimelda then looks down at the creature she'd just slain with her mace. With a grunt, she lifts her boot and smashes it down on the creature's face. She then bends down, and begins to pick through the ruined mass of flesh, bone, and scale. Finally, after a few seconds, she stands back up and triumphantly holds up a handful of teeth. "These will make a nice trophy, wouldn't you say? Perhaps I can make a necklace..." she observes, talking to no one in particular.

2011-03-05, 01:01 PM

Looking on in interest at the ritual just performed by the Drow, perhaps it would be best to talk to her directly, to further understand her prejudices and actions in this situation.

My Lady Drow, let me pose a question to you, not as a way to judge or irritate you in any way, just as an inquiry by myself about the world around me. If say, we had just come under attack by a Drow raiding party, one composed of both men and women, and had defeated them in this way just now, would you still ask to search for their lair and destroy them? You would have as much knowledge of their situation as these "kobolds", and would not know if they are following the orders of your Lloth or the orders of something else entirely. Perhaps they are unwilling servants of another power? This would also impose the same punishment you wish to deal out, yes?

2011-03-05, 01:03 PM

Surprising even himself, Arjhan says, "I agree with Zimelda. The creatures were well organized, and that leads me to believe they have done this before, and will likely continue to do so. Regardless of where we head next, I believe we should take some time to investigate these creature's intentions."

Lycan 01
2011-03-05, 03:00 PM
Zimelda looks over to the Shardmind and smiles sadistically as she thinks a message to him.

To answer your question, the Drow have a saying. "Only the strong survive." If it had been a group of Drow attacking us, then yes, I'd still say we hunt them down. In fact, I'd be even more adamant about it, because they're weakness and cowardice makes them a disappointment to our race and our Goddess. Drow culture teaches us to have no pity on the weak, especially if they are another Drow.

She then audibly adds for everyone to hear: "And besides, if we pursue them, we'll find out why they are doing this. We can decide whether or not we need to kill them all when we get there. Though I'd prefer we do... Bhat's just me, though."

wade wilson
2011-03-05, 03:36 PM
Jarvis You have no knowledge of the creatures, beyond their obvious reptilian or draconic origin. Amongst the corpses that you search you find a total of 34 silver pieces. In addition, the slinger has a pot of a glue-like substance.

If any of you want to pick up weapons from the dead, you may. They were wielding shortswords and spears. Each of you gains 120 experience from the battle. You now have a choice ahead of you, would you prefer to continue on to Winterhaven and inquire after Master Staul or attempt to track the creature that attacked you and hopefully discover more about Master Staul's whereabouts that way?

Lycan 01
2011-03-05, 03:55 PM
Zimelda has already said her thoughts on the matter of where they should go. While the waits for answers, she picks up one of the creature's shortswords and examines it. She then steals the scabbard from the monster and straps it to her own belt, before sheathing the blade.

After that, she stomps that creature's face and once again picks teeth out of its ruined skull. "Anybody else want some teeth? A souvenir, perhaps?"

I now have two sets of Kobold teeth and a shortsword. :smalltongue:

2011-03-05, 05:48 PM
Mertes quickly inspect his wounds and reply to the dark elf,"Nah, I am good. These a just flesh wounds."
The barbarian look at the group and upon hearing Zimelda opinion about Staul possible capture, he nods ,"I fear that as well. As I said, Douven should be more ressourceful than to be caught by lowly creature like these, but sometimes, even a village fool can have a stroke of genius. I think we should take the time to at least investigate a little bit."
The barbarian then smile a little and add,
"Beside, this could be a good way for us to test ourselves and learn to work with each others."
It is quite evident that Mertes is hoping to get some action out of this.

Mertes Status
HP :...26/33...TEMP HP :...0
Surge Value :...8
Surge left/surge per day :...12/12
AC:...16...FORT:...16... REF:...13...WILL:...13...
Main Hand :Greataxe
Off Hand :
Powers :
Howling Strike
Pressing Strike
Action point (0/1)
Second Wind
Resurgent Strike
Oath of enmity
Stone Endurance
Swift Charge
Swift Panther Rage
Items powers (1/1):

Consumables :

Effects from Mertes :

Effects on Mertes :

Items Carried/Owned :
Hide armor
Flint and steel
Sunrod (2)
Rations (10 days)
50' hempen rope
Javelin (4/4)

Wealth :
4 GP

XP : 120

2011-03-05, 11:36 PM

Quite intrigued by everyones desire to hunt down these creatures, perhaps it would be wise to investigate to see why there is such bloodlust against these brigands.

"If everyone wishes to put an end to these attacks I have no reasons to not go along, merely curiosities. However, a trip to Winterhaven may be wise first, if nothing else to see if there is anything to learn about the raider camp, to better prepare us for the fight. Who knows, we may even find Master Staul there as well. However, if everyone wishes to track them back to their camp first, I also have no arguments against that.

"I should make it aware to everyone, if the need arises of us to carry much weight, I have a ritual we can perform to lighten our load"

Interesting. One can never learn enough it seems. Is this true for other cultures where you are from

Perhaps picking up a notebook of sorts would be a good idea, to help keep track of all this new information.

Lycan 01
2011-03-06, 02:51 AM

The Drow thinks a grim response to Jarvis.

Other cultures are worse.

"Does anyone know how much further it is to Winterhaven?" Zimelda asks as she strolls over to another dead lizard-beast. "The creatures' camp can't be too far, whereas the trip to the city could take many more hours, after which we may just have to trek back this way." There is a sickening crunch as her boot comes down on its face. "But if its not too much further, perhaps we should check there first. We may be able to find out more info about the raiders or Staul, or perhaps better prepare ourselves for our trip..." she says while idly picking up some bloody fangs, completing her third set of collected monster teeth.

wade wilson
2011-03-06, 01:13 PM
None of you have been to Winterhaven before, but from your estimates based on the map, you are within a mile or two of the town.

2011-03-06, 02:34 PM

After looking at the map,
"It would seem we are in fact a 20 minute or so hard walk from the town. Is that close enough for you, Lady Drow?"

Meanwhile, he makes a mental note of the telepathic talk between him and Zimelda.

Lycan 01
2011-03-06, 02:48 PM
"If the distance is that short, then I believe we will not lose much by traveling onward to the city. There we can find out more information about Staul and these creatures. Perhaps somebody may even be willing to reward us for slaying them. It seems the Surface World abounds with people always willing to pay you for some menial task. We can then return here and kill the creatures if needed..." Zimelda shrugs, unslinging the her backpack from behind her shoulders. She then opens a side-pouch and begins pouring her collection of monster teeth.

2011-03-07, 11:51 AM

Arjhan looks to Zimelda and says, "I agree, we should head to Winterhaven first, and gather some information. We may have been lucky enough to stumble upon the cause of our friend's disappearance." He looks at the rest of the group for consent.

wade wilson
2011-03-07, 01:43 PM
With most everyone's agreement, the party continues on to Winterhaven, the drow hiding her face beneath a dark hood as you near the town. The rutted King’s Road leads to the foot of a broad hill that holds the walled village of Winterhaven. The village is nestled in the southern foothills of the Cairngorm Peaks. The walls are weathered stone topped by defensive palisades.

Small thatched homes stand around Winterhaven, each fronting a small piece of farmland or pasture. Beyond the farms to the west and south lie dark woods, and to the north, tall mountain peaks. You approach the gates, where two guards stand, though the doors are open. They seemed awed by your group, most of these people never having seen any of your races. Luckily, their awe at seeing a noble dragonborn, a stone giant, and an odd crystalline creature keep them from questioning the hooded Drow.

With a stammer, the guards point you towards the local tavern and board house, Wrafton's Inn. They tell you that most of the townsfolk gather there during the day, and most every night the local lord, Ernest Padraig, comes in for a drink. The guards' attempt to be formal is near comical as they tell you he would certainly be interested in speaking to you.

Lycan 01
2011-03-07, 02:49 PM

Without saying a word, Zimelda makes a subtle nod of farewell to the guards and advances on through the gate. She keeps her head low so that her face remains shadowed by her hood, which she lifted up just prior to reaching the town. Her violet eyes cautiously shift too and fro, checking to make sure no one is paying too much attention to her. Trying to be as subtle as possible, she makes her way to Wrafton's Inn, but stops at the front door. She decides to be cautious, and wait until at least one of her companions catches up before stepping inside...

2011-03-07, 04:01 PM

Jarvis is excited to be in a new town, and takes a couple moments to look around, taking a mental note. He quickly notices his new friends discomfort at being in a town. Hurrying to he side, he gives a comforting mental nudge, and walks in, hoping to find his soon to be prize notebook.

Lycan 01
2011-03-07, 05:22 PM

Zimelda feels an odd sensation, like being given a comforting pat on the back of the mind. Looking around, she quickly notices Jarvis, and realizes it must be his doing. She faintly smirks. She appreciated the gesture, but her upbringing made it very hard for her to show thankfulness. But, perhaps she'd grow more comfortable with it in time.

As Jarvis passes her, Zimelda falls in behind him, and trails him into the tavern...

2011-03-07, 06:25 PM

Arjhan follows his friends towards the inn, enduring the looks from the villagers. He noticed some looks of fear and distrust among the plentiful looks of wonder and amazement. He walks upright, almost stiffly, in an attempt to inspire confidence in those around him.

2011-03-07, 08:21 PM
The goliath is used to be looked at and learned long ago to ignore the gaping mouths.
He simply stride into the Inn and head directly to the Innkeeper.
"Hello, we would like a hot meal for f..... umm wait a second."
He turn to Jarvis, asking him, do you eat?
Upon receiving Jarvis answer, he order the food.
"We are looking for some informations, who might be the best source in here?"

2011-03-07, 08:41 PM

Smiling in that weird way he does, I apprecaite the fact you ask and the manner you asked it, but no I do not require sustenance. Please enjoy your meals.

Clearly enjoying the new sights and sensations, Jarvis walks up to the bartender and asks in common (after the bartender and Mertes conversation) "At the risk of upsetting you by speaking out of turn good barkeeper, is there any where one could procure a small notebook for myself?"

wade wilson
2011-03-08, 05:41 PM
The inside of the inn is rather dark, and it takes your eyes a few seconds to get used to the light. There are several townsfolk around, drinking and generally being merry. A bard sits by the fire strumming his lyre, singing songs of battles and heroic deeds long past. The woman behind the counter looks friendly, and manages to look you in the eye without you feeling like she's staring, like most of the villagers have been.

In response to Mertes, "I'll have three plates brought out for you. Will you folks be staying the night? I have plenty of rooms. As for information, Eilan the Old over there knows more than anyone about local history and such, and Valthrun is the closest thing we have to a scholar around here." She points respectively to two elderly gentleman sitting at different spots in the bar, one loudly telling a tale, the other quietly listening to the conversations around him.

To Jarvis she says, "The market is open today in the center of town, most of the merchants will be there until just after sun-down, so you have an hour or two. Otherwise, Bairwin's Shoppe on the west side of the square should have something for you." Her eyes show the smallest amount of surprise at your crystalline nature.

You all hear whispers of awe from around the tavern. The townsfolk are obviously impressed with you. You hear whispers like, "Will you look at the size of that one? Must be made from the mountains themselves..." and "That's a dragonborn, that is! Prolly one of those Paladins, great Knights, they are." Despite their great interest, the townsfolk keep their distance.

Lycan 01
2011-03-08, 05:58 PM

The Drow Priestess slinks up to the counter and takes a seat with her comrades. She is pleasantly surprised to see a woman running the inn. Every inn she'd visited before now had been run by a male owner, and usually an under-paid and under-clad female was forced to serve the drinks to the rowdy patrons. This establishment's variation from the norm was refreshing to Zimelda, to say the least.

"Excuse me," she gestures to the woman behind the counter, her voice soft and polite, "I was actually wondering if you could help me find someone. I'm looking for a man by the name of Douven Staul. Has he come through here as of late? Or do you perhaps know someone who could help me find him?"

As she waits for a response, she subtly glances around to make sure she's not receiving too much attention. After all, even if people missed the fact that she was a Drow, there was still the issue of her mace being engraved with Drow scripture and symbols of Lolth. Hopefully nobody would be paying close enough attention to notice that, though. Especially considering the fact that everyone seemed so impressed and obsessed with the rest of her group...

Perception: [roll0]

I also have Darkvision, so the low lighting of the tavern has no effect on me. :smallwink:

wade wilson
2011-03-08, 08:00 PM
“I do remember a man by that name. He had a room here for a time. He had some business with Eilian. Funny thing is he disappeared one day and never returned. I never did find out what happened to him.”

Looking around, it doesn't look as if anyone is paying any special attention to you. You catch some glances along with your companions, but if any of them have noticed your weapon, they either don't know what the symbols mean, or don't care.

A young waiting boy soon comes out with a tray, carrying three bowls of stew, a few chunks of bread, some cheese, and three clay goblets filled with wine. He sets in down in front of you at the counter and takes a deep bow, saying "Milords, milady..." then scurries off back into the kitchen.

2011-03-08, 08:21 PM

Smiling at how easy it might be to find the master Staul plus how easy it might be to find his prized note book, Jarvis thanks the bartender with a smile and nod, and heads out to purchase or attempt to purchase the book.

He says to his comrade as he leaves "I shall be back shortly my friends. Zimelda, let me know when I get back if you would like to have that conversation we discussed. I think I see if any merchants have heard or seen the good man as well.", feeling as though calling the Lady Drow by her nickname would be a mistake, he used her name and hid the meaning of the conversation.

Is there anything to roll to find my book, and since I'm out a the market I'll be asking any information about Staul while I'm out...

I'm having difficulties accessing my sheet via phone so I hope it's right.

2011-03-08, 08:36 PM

Arjhan quietly observes the conversations going on around him, and when his meal arrives, he thanks the serving boy and begins to eat, leaving the wine untouched. He makes a mental note to speak to Eilian the Old, and looks around the inn for anyone that may be acting suspiciously.

Perception [roll0]

Insight [roll1]

Lycan 01
2011-03-08, 10:04 PM

"Looking forward to it," Zimelda winks to Jarvis, still not entirely sure what his intentions are, or what to expect from their evening discussion.

The Drow then examines the food brought before her. The food of the Surface World was vastly different from the meals found in the Underdark. It was actually good. She quickly delves into it, ravenously devouring the delicious stew and essentially inhaling the bread and cheese. Yet she seems to sip the wine in an almost dainty fashion, savoring its fine flavor and taste. After finishing her meal, she turns to the Paladin and asks: "Shall I speak to the old man, or do you wish to do so?"

2011-03-09, 11:07 AM

Arjhan looks over to Zimelda and smiles, "You really enjoy our food, don't you?" He offers his untouched wine to her.

In response to her question, he says, "I think I will talk to Eilian the Old. See if you can't learn something from the man she called Valthrun."

2011-03-09, 11:16 AM
The tall goliath, thanks the Innkeep.
After devouring his meal, he tells his friend,
"I am not too good with words... people usually dont like my bluntness. I'll tag along, but I'll let you two run the discussion. I might jump into it.... I'll try to keep it civil."
The barbarian give them a small smile, apprently knowing his limitations quite well.
Still he keep on the look out for anything unusual that can happend around his new allies, ready to defend them if need be. After all, Zimelda might draw some undesired attention.

I'll simply stay on passive perception and insight, acting more as a bodyguard than anything else for the moment.

Lycan 01
2011-03-09, 03:02 PM

The Drow shiftily looks back and forth from the smiling Dragonborn to the goblet of wine, as though scrutinizing his actions. After a few moments of studying him and the beverage, her hand darts out and grabs the goblet, then slowly draws it back towards her. She continues to glance furtively at the Paladin a few times, before finally taking a petite sip from the cup of alcohol. She then looks back at him, and flashes a faint glimmer of a smile. "Thank you..." he mutters softly, quickly looking back down into the goblet of wine. To an outsider she may have seemed a bit rude or unthankful, but in truth she'd gone well out of her comfort zone to try and show appreciation for his gesture. "The food here... Its quite good..." she mutters, still looking down at the beverage. "Not like what I'm used to. I quite enjoy it..." she admits.

After taking a few sips of from the drink, she looks back at the Paladin with an arched eyebrow. "Is it wise for me to converse with a scholar, though?" she asks in a hushed voice. "The average peasant may not recognize me or my markings. But a learned man will be quick to see me for what I am, perhaps. Is that a risk worth taking?"

2011-03-09, 03:47 PM
"Learned man might indeed know what you are, but if he is a bit wise, he should want to learn who you are. But you probably are right, it might complicate thing if he isnt as wise as he should be."
This realisation appear to sadden Mertes.
"What do you propose we do then? Go see him without you? To be honnest, hidding might be a bad idea, make you even more suspicious. I am sure some already noticed you and words will spread about it. I am not saying you should reveal yourself on purpose, but you might want to be open and act as if you should not be feared, at least with those we do have to deal with."
The tall barbarian shrug, adding,
"Sure, you might put them at unease, but at least you'll be dealing openly with them. If they do not like it, it is their problems, not yours."
The goliath stop for a few seconds, looking around to the peasent in the room.
"At worst, they dont want to talk to us and we have to insist... and if they get agressive, we will simply beat some sense into them. Just dont kill anyone if it comes to that, it makes it harder to deal with the autrorities afterward."

Lycan 01
2011-03-09, 04:01 PM

A wily smirk appears on Zimelda's face. "Oh yes, let me act natural to put everyone at ease. Perhaps I should drop my hood, pick up a tankard, and start swaying my hips suggestively while belting out an old drinking song? You think that would work?" The look in her eye indicates she's not above doing it, if only to see the reaction of the other patrons.

2011-03-09, 04:09 PM

Zimelda's raunchy comments earn her a somewhat disapproving glance from Arjhan. "I think it would be wise for the three of us, and Jarvis, when he returns, to speak to each of the men together as a group. Mertes and myself are imposing enough that either of them will likely think twice before making any trouble regarding your heritage."

Arjhan looks from Zimelda to Mertes and asks, "Who should we speak to first, then? The scholar, or the old man?"

2011-03-09, 04:21 PM
Mertes smile at Zimelda, "Well, this would surely be worth seeing. It might start a brawl though, if not in fear of seeing a drow, at least among the patrons to show you who is more worthy of your 'suggestive hips'."
The goliath wink at the loth priestess, then speak more seriously,
"I dont say that you should reveal yourself to everyone, I am simply saying that being 'shady' can make people suspicious."
A smile then appear on his face,
"But if you opt for the dancing, by all means, be my guest. I might even end up brawling with the patrons, who knows."

At Arjhan comments, Mertes quickly answer, "Old man first."

Lycan 01
2011-03-09, 04:22 PM

The Drow smirks at the Dragonborn. "I was speaking in jest. However, we are wasting time if we simply wait for Jarvis, as we have no idea when he'll return. I suggest we take action now. You and Mertes may speak with the old man, and I shall try to converse with the scholar. If I run into any trouble, I will do my best to "act natural" and attempt to defuse the situation. I will avoid open conflict. Or at least try..." she smiles innocently.

2011-03-09, 04:25 PM
Looking at Zimelda, then at Arjhan, Mertes says,
"As I said, I'll let you do most of the speaking. If you get some trouble, I'll be a few stride away anyway. Be careful though."

2011-03-09, 04:34 PM

Speaking to Zimelda, Arjhan says, "Sounds good to me. I think we overestimate this scholar's prejudice though, in my experience the intelligent are generally more accepting of others. Greet him openly and warmly, but do try to refrain from dancing."

"Alright Mertes, let's go see if we can't learn anything from old Eilian." With that, Arjhan rises from his seat and makes his way towards were the man is sitting.

Lycan 01
2011-03-09, 05:07 PM

"Do not worry. I am too over-clad in this armor to dance in the proper Drow fashion, anyway..." Zimelda offhandedly replies to Arjhan with a shrug. It does not appear she's joking this time.

Once her allies depart, the female dark elf rises from her seat and makes her way across the bar, being careful to stay low-key and avoid looking anyone in the face. She eventually find a seat next to Valthrun, and after a moment turns to speak to the man. "Excuse me, sir," she says politely, trying not to spook him when he sees her face. "Valthrun, yes? I understand you're something of a scholar. Could you perhaps aid me in answering a few questions?"

2011-03-09, 05:14 PM
Mertes rise to his feets and follow Arjhan.
Upon reaching the oldman, the barbarian simply put his back to the bar to get a good view of the whole room and let Arjhan start the discussion.

wade wilson
2011-03-09, 06:03 PM
Jarvis You find the market in the center of town easily enough, and after a few minutes of looking about, find a serviceable notebook. The man behind the counter seems slightly taken aback at your appearance, but he tries to be polite. He offers you the notebook for a silver piece.

Your attempts to learn about Master Staul lead to no new information, only one man remembers him, and he says almost exactly what the woman running the tavern did, that, "he was in town for a time, but he left about a fortnight past, and hasn't come back."

Arjhan The only people who stand out to you as different from the others are Valthrun, who seems more nicely dressed, and less talkative than most, Eilian, who is telling a story, the bard, who plays his lute by the fire, and another you did not notice before. There is an elf in the corner, dressed in leathers and earth tones, likely a hunter. She drinks alone in the corner, and nobody has approached her since you've walked in.

Arjhan and Mertes The man you approach wears simple clothes, and looks to be a farmer, older than most of the other patrons in here, and well liked. He has finished the tale he was spinning, and most of those who were listening are now engaged elsewhere. Seeing you approach he says, "Milords! How can I help you? It is an honor, don't get too many travelers hereabouts.

Zimelda Valthrun is quiet as you approach, in response to your question he replies, "Greetings madame. One does not see many of your kind above the ground, and even fewer that keep such strange company. I will help as I can, but in return, might I ask a few questions of you? It is not every day that one gets the chance to converse with a priestess of Lolth." With his last statement he nods at the mace which hangs by your side.

2011-03-09, 06:49 PM

After procurring his notebook, with a smile across it's face, Jarvis works his way back to the inn, nose buried in his book, as he begins to organize new and past experiences. Everything from Master Stahl on one page, Zimelda on another section and so far. It takes him twice as long to get back to the inn as it did to get to the market. He walks in and decides to help Zimelda out with her interview, in order to make sure she is comfortable.

Not sure at what point I get into the conversation, but I make myself known to everyone of the party with a mental nudge. If the conversations are over, I'll just sit and take notes

wade wilson
2011-03-09, 07:29 PM
Jarvis You've been gone for a little while, but they also ate while you were gone. I'll let you know when you get back, but it shouldn't be too long.

Lycan 01
2011-03-09, 11:31 PM
Zimelda Valthrun is quiet as you approach, in response to your question he replies, "Greetings madame. One does not see many of your kind above the ground, and even fewer that keep such strange company. I will help as I can, but in return, might I ask a few questions of you? It is not every day that one gets the chance to converse with a priestess of Lolth." With his last statement he nods at the mace which hangs by your side.


The Drow Priestess smirks at the man's reply. "I am quite the rarity, indeed. You yourself seem to be very well-learned, and also respectful. I would have no issues with hearing you questions, and I shall answer them as best I can. But first, might I inquire after a specific person? Have you met or heard of the man known as Douven Staul?"

2011-03-10, 11:03 AM

In response to the old man's greeting Arjhan says, "And greetings to you, friend. We have some questions that you may be able to answer for us. Would you have us at your table?"

On receiving the man's response, Arjhan sits across the table from him.

2011-03-10, 11:19 AM
The goliath simply nod to the old man and stay standing, in a position he can see the whle room, to be ready in case Zilmelda heritage play some bad tricks on her.

Mertes is on the look out for trouble.
Insight :[roll0]

wade wilson
2011-03-11, 08:09 PM
Zimelda "Douven Staul? No, I know many names, but his is not among them. Who is the man?"

Arjhan "Of course, it would be my honor. My name is Eilian the Old, who, might I ask, are you?"

Mertes You see nothing you had not noticed before, the bar seems to have gotten used to your presence, and few of the townsfolk are staring anymore. Most have gone back to their conversations and drinks.

Lycan 01
2011-03-11, 08:43 PM

"He's an associate of mine," Zimelda replies. "Apparently he set out three months ago to find a dragon's tomb somewhere near this city. He hasn't been heard from since. Care to share any knowledge or thoughts?"

2011-03-13, 01:17 PM

"Pleased to meet you, Sir Eilian. My name is Arjhan, eternal servant of the Platinum Dragon. I wish to inquire about a man named Douven Staul, have you heard of him?"

2011-03-13, 01:34 PM
"I am called Mertes."

wade wilson
2011-03-13, 04:46 PM
Zimelda “Dragon burial site? I believe that there is a place to the southwest that has been associated with an ancient dragon, but I have no first-hand knowledge of the truth of such legends.”

Mertes and Arjhan “Pleased to meet both of you. You knew Douven? I always wondered what happened to him! He had questions about the old burial site southwest of the village. Thought a dragon might be buried there! I told him it was probably just an old trash heap, but he wouldn’t hear of it, no sir! Well, of course I gave him directions to the place. I am something of a historian of the area, you know! Oh yes, Douven! Well, he took my directions, and we haven’t seen him since. I do hope the poor man is all right!”

Jarvis At this point you walk back into the tavern.

2011-03-13, 06:19 PM

Sitting down next to Zimelda, Jarvis introduces himself "I am called Jarvis, friend to the Lady Drow. Please do not let me interrupt, continue with your conversation.", speaking in a hushed tone when mentioning Zimeldas title. He continues writing in his notebook, takin notes as well to what they say.

What has been learned so far Lady Drow? I hole this does not make your conversation difficult.

Have you learned anything Monster Man? Remember, a simple thought is all you need for me to pick up what you say. If you do not wish to respond right now that is quite alright.

2011-03-14, 02:22 PM
The barbarian nod as the old man ask if we do know Douven.
When the man stop talking, Mertes raise an eyebrow and look at Arjhan.
After a few second of silence on both sides, Mertes, not being a patient man, was about to speak but get interrupted by the shardmind message.
He look around for the psion and upon spotting him, he simply shake his head to him to answer him. He can see he is not liking these intrusions, but still he isnt pissed off about it either.

2011-03-14, 11:12 PM

"Can you give me directions to the place? My friends and I are looking to find out what has happened to him."

Lycan 01
2011-03-14, 11:17 PM

"Then Southwest I shall go," Zimelda replies matter-of-factly. Upon Jarvis' return, she simply nods at him in acknowledgment.


You have missed little. The dragon's tomb is Southwest, and that is direction Staul left in. So that is where we must go.

"Now..." she returns her attention to the scholar. "What was it you wished to ask about me and my people? You have answered my questions, and now I shall answer yours."

wade wilson
2011-03-15, 08:16 PM
Arjhan Eilian pulls out a scrap of paper and a charcoal pencil and scribbles a crude map for you. It's not perfect, but you get the gist of it, and he adds, "Even though it's through the trees, shouldn't be much more than a half hour walk for you. Anything else I can do to help you?"

Zimelda Valthrun replies, "I was actually more interested in you specifically, and how you came to the surface world. Though I have learned some about your culture from texts, I have never seen a drow in person, let alone one willing to speak with me."

Lycan 01
2011-03-16, 12:49 AM

Zimelda nods thoughtfully, then replies in a low voice so that only he can hear her. "You may have the answers you seek. My name is Zimelda, and I am a Daughter of the Web-Mistress. My station is low in the Order, but my standing is greater than the majority of my people, both female and male. I am here because I have been ordered to explore the Surface World, so that I may gather knowledge and experience. I am to remain here until ordered to return, at which point I will share what I have learned. Is there anything else you'd like to know, scholar?"

2011-03-16, 08:52 AM

Acknowledging Mertes answer and dislike of his method of communication, Jarvis makes a note in his book about it.

Useful information indeed. Have you learned anything of the kobolds and their attacks? No matte what I still say we help out our friend.

2011-03-16, 09:24 AM
Looking at the old man map and seeing that Arjhan might not think about the kobolds, Mertes ask,
"Is there kobolds in that area? Actually, is your village having trouble with kobolds?"

wade wilson
2011-03-16, 09:58 PM
Mertes“Little red and brown bandits on the road? The old King’s Road? Really? I hadn’t heard. I don't know about Kobolds, but perhaps one of the traveling merchants in the square would know more."

Zimelda "That is all for now madame, although if you're in town for long, I would love to have a longer conversation with you. Few scholars get the chance to converse with a priestess of Lolth. I wish you luck finding your missing friend. I'd recommend speaking with Lord Padraig before you set off out of town. He'd be happy to meet you and your companions."

2011-03-17, 10:30 AM
The barbarian l,ook at Arjhan, waiting to see if he have more quesitons for the old man.

Lycan 01
2011-03-17, 10:48 AM

"I am afraid we are in something of a hurry," the Drow responds to the old man. "I am not sure if we'll have time to continue our discussion, or see this nobleman you speak of." She then adds as an afterthought: "Oh, and we encountered some lizard-like creatures on the road earlier. They attempted to ambush us, and the survivors fled back into the woods. Do you know anything about them, or if there's any sort of reward for dealing with them?" she smirks.

2011-03-17, 03:02 PM

"Thank you for your time sir, but I think we'll have to be off soon." Arjhan bows politely to the old man.

To mertes he says, "Do you think we should depart immediately? Or should we wait for more imformation to present itself?"

2011-03-17, 03:08 PM
The goliath smile to Arjhan,
"I'd say we check what the others found out and if they have no more leads, we leave now."
Mertes move to meet with his allies.

2011-04-28, 09:33 PM
"Oh, and we encountered some lizard-like creatures on the road earlier. They attempted to ambush us, and the survivors fled back into the woods. Do you know anything about them, or if there's any sort of reward for dealing with them?" she smirks.

->Zimelda and Jarvis
Valthrun grins in the way one would talk about a mischievous nephew. "Ah, yes, kobolds! Rather smarter than they look and hard workers. Quick to attack, and even quicker to run away when they don't see a quick victory! There's a tribe of them in the area, or at least a raiding party. From time to time they're a minor nuisance to travelers on the King's Road. Sometimes one or another of the merchants gets all in a huff about their wagons being waylaid. But they're not a threat, just a part of the natural order of the forest."

He then turns to Jarvis. Pleased to make your acquaintance, sir...shardmind. A pity you're in such a hurry to find your friend...as rare as Drow are around Winterhaven, incarnations of the Living Gate are even rarer, and I have many questions I would love to ask you--is your ultimate goal to seal away evil again, or does another aspect of your psyche dominate?"

->Mertes and Jarvis
Passive perception beat 15: The elf ranger drinking alone in the corner perks up when she hears Valthrun start discussing kobolds. But she takes no action.

2011-04-29, 08:15 AM
As the tall barbarian was about to join his other partners, his attention is drawn to the lone girl sitting in the corner.
He fix her for a few seconds tilting his head to the side, not even trying to hide that he does. He finaly give her a small smile and nod to her. Telling to Arhjan,
"I think this one knows about the kobold, or is at least interested. Lets talk to her."
Not waiting for an answer, he head to the table.
"Good night, would you know about these kobolds that attacked us on the way here?"

Lycan 01
2011-04-29, 06:20 PM
"Oh, no reward? Pity..." Zimelda pouts. "I suppose I can find somebody who wants to buy the teeth, at least. Thank you for your time scholar," she nods to the aged man, before rising to return to the bar.

2011-04-29, 10:29 PM
"Good night, would you know about these kobolds that attacked us on the way here?"

“Please leave me alone. I just came here to have a drink in peace. I’ve heard something about marauders on the road, but I haven’t personally had any problems, so please leave me be.” If she's intimidated by Mertes's size and bluntness, she doesn't show it -- she's probably used to lying perfectly still as bears or wolves come within inches of her hiding place.

If you want to use a skill actively, note it in your post - some skills I'll roll behind the screen.

2011-04-30, 09:42 PM
"Oh, no reward? Pity..." Zimelda pouts. "I suppose I can find somebody who wants to buy the teeth, at least. Thank you for your time scholar," she nods to the aged man, before rising to return to the bar.

Valthrun seems disappointed, but looks Zimelda right in the eyes and speaks each word clearly. "I'd no sooner offer a reward for slaying kobolds than I would for slaying wolves, bears, or drow. This has nothing to do with mercy -- my aim in life is to study and understand the way of all things and how they interact, and indiscriminate or careless slaughter does not contribute toward that goal. But if it's gold you're after, I'm sure there are others out there who don't share my scruples. Or try out for the Regulars - Lord Padraig could always use another able body or four."

Lycan 01
2011-05-04, 01:37 AM

Zimelda tenses. The human scholar seemed to be under the impression she was trying to ask him for a reward for killing the kobolds. Rather than asking her for clarification, he had instead jumped to erroneous conclussions. And now he was trying to stare her down and preach to her about the morality of killing these creatures? How disrespectful!

And Zimelda hated being disrespected...

For now, however, the Drow tries to keep her temper. She opts to simply returns the old man's gaze, albeit it much more intensity, and silently glower at him. Hopefully, he'll realize that he's insulting her, and will make the appropriate apologies. Hopefully.

Not gonna make an Intimidate check, just gonna let Zimelda hint that she's annoyed. Anybody who wants to notice and step in is free to do so... :smalltongue:

2011-05-04, 08:29 AM
You had no problem until now... no, Douven would prefer that I use is way.
Mertes sigh and shave his head, keeping his voice tone friendly,
"I am sorry to insist and disturb you, so I'll be brief. I am looking for a friend who disapeared around this town, a man named Douven Staul. His wife asked us to come look for him. I fear he might have been captured, or worste, by those marauders you spoke of, the kobolds that attacked us.
So if you know sometrhing, please share it with me, I need to know. Beside, this might be good for you as well, as my friends and I might get rid of those marauders for your town. More peace and quiet for you."

Here goes nothing .
Diplomacy : [roll0]

Note, Italic text are thoughts .

2011-05-04, 09:54 AM
And now he was trying to stare her down and preach to her about the morality of killing these creatures? How disrespectful!


Valthrun notices the drow flinch and pout/glare. He seems puzzled as he tries to read her expression. "I seem to have... offended you, madam, and thus I apologize for my words, although I'm not sure why. My intention was only to state what I desire and believe, in response to your remark. I was also puzzled by your attraction to gold, since drow..." Suddenly he has a flash of insight. "Oh! I thought you were asking ME for a reward! I see how my misunderstanding would completely disrespect you. I wasn't lecturing you, clever cleric. I have immense respect for anyone who stays true to h..her or his beliefs. Morality consists of acting in a way that is true to what you believe, does it not?"

Valthrun made his insight check, rolled behind the screen

2011-05-04, 10:19 AM
"I am sorry to insist and disturb you, so I'll be brief. I am looking for a friend who disapeared around this town, a man named Douven Staul. His wife asked us to come look for him. I fear he might have been captured, or worste, by those marauders you spoke of, the kobolds that attacked us.
So if you know sometrhing, please share it with me, I need to know. Beside, this might be good for you as well, as my friends and I might get rid of those marauders for your town. More peace and quiet for you."

OOCI don't know the diplomacy rules so I'll fake it

Ninaran is indifferent to Mertes's concern. "Did you not hear me? I'm just here to have a drink. Don't involve me in your fool's errand."

Mertes passive insight
It's clear that she knows more than she's admitting to.

Salvana Wrafton, the bartender, notices the conversation and walks toward the table. "Mr. Giant -- can I have a word with you?"

2011-05-04, 10:27 AM
Mertes look at the woman, trying but failing to hide some disgust. He then turn to the barman, regaining some composure and say,
"Of course, and the name is Mertes by the way."
He follows the man, but try to keep an eye on the ranger girl.

2011-05-04, 11:20 AM
OOCDekkah -the bartender is a woman (yes, it is uncommon) See post #77 in this thread..

"Of course, and the name is Mertes by the way."
He follows the woman, but try to keep an eye on the ranger girl.

The elf girl remains where she was, continuing to keep to herself and occasionally drinking.
Dekkah OOCDekkah, since you mentioned that you're focusing on her, I'm going to roll perception rolls for you behind the screen. Active, not passive perception--you may get a low roll and miss something. Also I'm assuming you are no longer watching the rest of the inn for potential threats to your friends, as it would be too hard to do that and stay in conversation with the innkeeper. If you want otherwise please note it.

Once Mertes has walked to an area out of the elf woman's earshot, the innkeeper addresses him privately. "Mr. Mertes. I'm Salvana Wrafton, the owner of this inn. Nice to meet ya. I'm grateful for yer and yer friends' added bus'ness, but Ninaran over there is a reg'lar. I don't know how they do things in your lands, but here we show s'me courtesy to reg'lar customers--that way they stay regular customers. So I'm asking you kindly to respect her privacy."

She pauses, then gives Mertes a little smile. "You're new. Both in this town, and to the way humans usually do things. And I like you. So I'm going to give you a little free a'vice. If you're tryin' to warm up someone who doesn't seem friendly, you've got to offer something better than 'We might kill some of the beasts which you just said don't bother you.' "

Ninaran looks up from her drink as a town guard comes through the door.

2011-05-06, 09:53 AM
Mertes look at the barwoman. He shake his head in half denial and tell to the woman, in a low voice to keep this private.
"I am sorry, I know I am limited in my skills when dealing with others. This woman knows stuff that might help us to find our missing friend and I must admit that her witholding attitude pisses me off. If I'd listen to the way I was raised, I'd challenge her to a duel for these informations." Not letting the barmaid time to react, knowing full well what her reaction would be he add,
"Fear not, I learned better. I am not as young and as hot headed that I look. Douven, the man we are looking for, taught me better that to be overly provocative like that." The goliath give Salvana a warm smile.
"Still, I'd like that informations she knows, so I'll take your advice and let it go for now in hope of a warmer attitude later. Please, serve her her favorite drink and tell her that I apologise for my manners. Also tell her that I would really like to learn what she knows about the marauders around these parts and that if she change her mind, she can come see us later or tell you these informations if we are not around anymore. I'll come see you again and wont approach her anymore as requested."
Mertes pull out some money to pay for the drink and service.
Mertes rise to his feets and head to his friends.

How much is the drink? I'll add 5 silvers for the Innkeeper service.

2011-05-06, 12:35 PM

"Still, I'd like that informations she knows, so I'll take your advice and let it go for now in hope of a warmer attitude later. Please, serve her her favorite drink and tell her that I apologise for my manners. Also tell her that I would really like to learn what she knows about the marauders around these parts and that if she change her mind, she can come see us later or tell you these informations if we are not around anymore. I'll come see you again and wont approach her anymore as requested."

Ms. Wrafton gives a cheery smile. "Good, you're a good lis'ner, I knew it! Sen'ing her s'me wine is an exc'llent idea, and I'm not just saying that because I own the place:smallwink:. She us'lly drinks the reg'lar wine -- 30sp a bottle, pro'ly not worth it just to send her a glass. Or you c'd send some fine elven wine, 20sp for a pint, or if you really want t' make an impression, 6gp for the bottle. What'll it be? I'll have Tom send it over with your apologies."

She pauses, and a look of concern crosses her face. "I heard what she said about your friend. I'm sure you'll find him. *sigh* That Ninaran. For business, she's a perfect cus'mer -- and I even buy wild game from her atimes. Her attitude? Between you and me, I don't really like it either. My inn is s'posed be a place to enjoy s'me hospitality and the company of others...but Ninaran doesn't really enjoy anything. Except hunting that is."

You have not paid her the money yet, she has more to say after you make your decision

2011-05-06, 02:52 PM
The goliath look at the Innkeeper. He then glace into you money pouch and finaly say,"I'll go for a pint of fine Elven wine. While I'd like to impress her to get the information, my purse tell me otherwise."
Mertes toss 20 sp on the counter and add 5 more.
"This is for the service and good advices. Good day."
Mertes then join his friends.

2011-05-06, 05:11 PM
"This is for the service and good advices. Good day."
Mertes then join his friends.

"An excellent choice, and an excellent tipper too! Don't be a stranger! Tom!" She turns her head, looking for the serving boy, then back to you one last time. "Now, as for the kobolds, I hope you find 'em...I'll tell you what, a week or so back they stole a keg of Dwarven Ale I had ordered. Right off a wagon! That stuff's way too strong for 'em, so I'm sure they'll be easy pickin's when you catch up with 'em! Thair Coalstriker was furious when I doubled the price on dwarven ale, but the dwarf traders won't come back until the kobolds are dealt with. TOM! Good day to you Mr. Mertes, please excuse me." She heads off to find the serving boy.

2011-05-08, 11:59 AM
Apologies, forgot to check the thread!
Also, if italics mean i am talking to someone directly in their head.

Lady Drow, do not be angry at this fellow, he merely misunderstands your customs and desires to know more about you and I, and seems to be one of no authority in this town. I feel you should be aware that the lady in the corner seems to know something as well, as our Mountain Man has discovered as well. I shall converse with her as well.

Writing down this whole time, Jarvis finally realized that a question was asked of him. To the scholar, "You will have to excuse me, this world interests me to no end so I am easily distracted. I will happily converse with you about what little I do know of the Shardmind culture, but first I must insist on finding our mentor. When we return from this errand." with that, he smiles at the man and heads to the corner with the watcher.

You will have to excuse as ranger lady, we are merely looking for a friend and that concern has led our giant to act in a crass manner. Is there anything I can do to ease the situation?"

All the while, Jarvis is making mental notes.

Lycan 01
2011-05-08, 03:02 PM

Valthrun notices the drow flinch and pout/glare. He seems puzzled as he tries to read her expression. "I seem to have... offended you, madam, and thus I apologize for my words, although I'm not sure why. My intention was only to state what I desire and believe, in response to your remark. I was also puzzled by your attraction to gold, since drow..." Suddenly he has a flash of insight. "Oh! I thought you were asking ME for a reward! I see how my misunderstanding would completely disrespect you. I wasn't lecturing you, clever cleric. I have immense respect for anyone who stays true to h..her or his beliefs. Morality consists of acting in a way that is true to what you believe, does it not?"

Valthrun made his insight check, rolled behind the screen


The Drow narrows her eyes. Then, her lips slowly curl into a soft smirks. "You are forgiven, scholar. Count yourself lucky - where I come from, you'd have been given no quarter..." she purrs. "And I suppose you're right about morality, though our two cultures have widely different views upon what is wrong and what is right. It is still difficult at times, but I'm learning to respect and follow the laws and morals of the Surface World. Lucky for you..." she winks playfully, letting the weight of her words sink in. Hopefully the scholar would realize how close to death he'd just come... She then says, "Now then, I'm afraid I must be going..." and waves him farewell.

She then swaggers off after Jarvis. She finds her Shardmind companion hassling a woman in the corner. She begins to walk over to join them - but then whirls around and begins to quickly walk back towards the bar.

@ Jarvis:

An Elf?! Jarvis, I'm afraid you're on your own. I refuse to associate myself with any of their ilk, and if she recognizes me, then this situation will likely degrade into violent bloodshed before anyone can intervene. Not that I would mind shedding her blood...

2011-05-08, 06:47 PM
" I will happily converse with you about what little I do know of the Shardmind culture, but first I must insist on finding our mentor. When we return from this errand." with that, he smiles at the man and heads to the corner with the watcher.

Valthrun smiles sadly. "Adventurers -- always in such a hurry. Are you really setting off tonight? The sun has just set. The woods are thick and not easy to navigate even in the day, unless you know them well."

You will have to excuse as ranger lady, we are merely looking for a friend and that concern has led our giant to act in a crass manner. Is there anything I can do to ease the situation?"


You didn't mention whether or not you're trying to use diplomacy. Her attitude is unchanged.

As Jarvis approaches and makes his case, Ninaran looks disgusted. "I do not have to excuse you, and the best thing you can do is leave me alone. How many more social misfits are scheduled to pester me tonight? What next, is that paladin going to come by to convert me to Bahamutism?"

Selvana Wrafton comes out from the kitchen with Tom. Seeing Jarvis next to Ninaran, she blanches. Tom moves toward Ninaran's corner but Selvana stops him with a hand on the shoulder.

2011-05-08, 07:30 PM
"You are forgiven, scholar. Count yourself lucky - where I come from, you'd have been given no quarter..."

"Well do I know it, and suspect that were circumstances slightly different, I'd have received no quarter even here. And to answer your question -- I don't know of any reward, since anybody offering one would have no reason to inform me -- but there probably is someone offering one. Until next time, Madame Drow..."

2011-05-08, 07:35 PM
Mertes is distracted by the three town guards who run quickly out of the inn. He doesn't see Jarvis pestering Ninaran.

OOCNatural 1 on perception roll

2011-05-09, 07:24 AM
- "Hey guys, excuse me, I was longer than expected outside peeing. What have you learned so far?"

2011-05-09, 08:10 AM
As Arhjan join him, the goliath shrug at him.
"Nothing much. I guess we kinda are on our own unless the other were more lucky."

2011-05-09, 09:37 AM
Mertes active Perception - 1D20+7=16

Mertes notices Jarvis bugging Ninaran, and Ninaran's angry reply.

At the same time, Salvana Wrafton, her hand to her mouth, RUNS over to the adventurers' table, bumping into Tom, who must roll for acrobatics against a DC 10 to hold onto the pint of fine elven wine:
Tom gracefully prevents the tankard from falling to the floor and keeps it upright, only spilling a drop.

Reaching the table in seconds, Salvana puts one hand on Mertes's shoulder and with the other points at Ninaran's corner. "Mr. Mertes!" she hisses. "Get your crystal friend away from her now. I don't care how you do it. Drag him away, knock him out, just stop your friends from bothering her."

2011-05-09, 09:58 AM
Arjhan look Mertes and said.
- "I think this is the right timing to go outside to see what happens at the front gate of the city. You have not seen the 3 guards come running out of the Inn?"

Arjhan leaves Mertes deal with discomfort. He goes to see what is happening outside.

- "Go guys, Jarvis... Come and see what is happening at the gate. Guards hurry to get a rider comes, this might be interesting."

2011-05-09, 10:10 AM
The customers at the tables around you can't help but overhear Ms. Wrafton's order to Mertes. Everyone nearby starts placing bets.

"2 gold says the big guys both end up on their butts!"
"2 gold says Salvana breaks out Lullaby!"
"2 gold says that cloaked woman dances on the table as a distraction!"
"2 gold says Ninaran finally snaps!"
"2 gold says one of the big guys breaks a window on his way out!"

and other scenarios with varying levels of likelihood. Apparently the one who best describes the upcoming mayhem will win the pot.

2011-05-09, 10:51 AM
Mertes nod to Arjhan,
"I am right behind you."
Mertes close the gap between him and Jarvis in a few long and quick steps and put an hand on the shardmind shoulder and look at the woman.
"I am sorry miss Ninaran, my friend here did knew we already discussed. Some wine should come ease your disconfort."
Looking directly at Jarvis, Mertes tells him,
"There is apparently some activity at the main gate form what Arjhan told me, lets go see what it is."
Keeping his gaze locked with Jarvis, the barbarian furiously try to communicate his thoughts, unsure how to really do it and if it will work.
""Dont pester her! We dont want to put the Innkeeper against us, I still have hope to get informations while giving her space and quiet that she require! Come.""
Not waiting any longer, Mertes give one last apologic nod to the ranger girl and move out behind Arjhan, passing by the bar to make sure Zimelda knows where he was headed.
"We are going at the gate, you might want to join us Zim."

2011-05-09, 10:53 AM
The first thing you see upon stepping outside is the orange glow of the setting sun. Which is very strange because you are looking southeast.

You quickly look to the southwestern sky; it appears as you would expect it to right after sunset.

OOCIf your passive insight isn't up to snuff, and you can't figure it out, use active insight or make a nature check

insight >=15 or nature >=10:

The orange glow in the southeast is obviously not the setting sun. It's hot and bright, but a lot closer than the sun. Your passive insight will tell you more in a few seconds.

insight >=18 or nature >=14:
There's a huge fire raging to the southeast causing a false sunset.

2011-05-09, 10:57 AM
"I am sorry miss Ninaran, my friend here did knew we already discussed. Some wine should come ease your disconfort."

Ninaran snorts in derision. "Well, you can't speak common, but at least you have a shred of decency." She accepts the wine that Tom brings to the table. "Now leave."

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2011-05-09, 11:20 AM
- "You see what I see? It will be bright as a day that night ..."

Arjhan looks toward the sky and feel the breeze to see which way it pushes the fire.

- "We may need to evacuate the city. People are in danger. Anyone know one magician can make it rain?"

Arjhan see if a young man or young woman passes near to the inn. If so, it throws him a silver to run to the militia to ring the alert.

OCC Post #109 for ROLL
Nature : (1D20)[19]
Insight : (1D20)[18]

** can you add my modifier, I do not have access to caracter sheet from my work.

2011-05-09, 11:26 AM
Catching up with Arjhan, Mertes look at the sky,
"What the hell is happening? What do you mean magic to rain?"
The barbarian look confused at Arjhan ideas.

2011-05-09, 11:34 AM
- "I think magicians who can make rain would be a good solution to extinguish a fire like that. Magicians can make rain?"

Arjhan looks Mertes perplexed. Do magicians can really make it rain?

2011-05-09, 11:34 AM
Arjhan see if a young man or young woman passes near to the inn. If so, it throws him a silver to run to the militia to ring the alert.

The town gates are literally 100 feet away. You can see they're still open now. You remember there were several guards posted at the gate when you came into the town.

2011-05-09, 11:42 AM
Arjhan looks toward the sky and feel the breeze to see which way it pushes the fire.

OCC Post #109 for ROLL
Nature : (1D20)[19]+2=21
Insight : (1D20)[18]+7=25

The breeze is blowing out of the north and is cool. The fire is not going to threaten the town unless something changes.

A commoner sees the two of you looking at the sky. "Shay, do youze guyze know what that w..ww..weird glow ish?" He's had a bit to drink.

2011-05-09, 12:13 PM
"A fire like what? That glow comes from a fire?"
As he look at the gate, Mertes says out loud,
"Where are the guards?"
The barbarian move toward the gate, to investigate, and also look around for clues of where the guards are.
Perception : [roll0]
Also, is there a tower at the gate, so I can get a better/higher view of the area/fire/what is happening around.

2011-05-09, 12:17 PM
- "Commoner, this my friend, is a test put in the path of a trusted Eternel servant of the Platium Dragon..."

Arjhan looks at his companions. Seeing Mertes running towards the gate...
- "Come see the guards at the gate.."

Arjhan follows Mertes running to the gate..

2011-05-09, 12:36 PM
The barbarian move toward the gate, to investigate, and also look around for clues of where the guards are.
Perception : [roll0]
Also, is there a tower at the gate, so I can get a better/higher view of the area/fire/what is happening around.


I'm not going to advance the plot until semitelock and lycan 01 have a chance to post.

A sign says "The gates are closed at sunset". Despite this, the gates are open.

The gate opens to the east; the walls continue to the north and south. You can't see anything through the open gateway except the pathway and the external fenceline. There is no tower, but there is a parapet on the inside edge of the walls, including directly over the gateway. Someone standing on the parapet could fire a bow over the walls while having good cover. Currently nobody is standing on the parapet. You don't see any easy way to get up to, or down from, the parapet. It should also be possible to stand on the very top of the wall, if you could get up there. If you were on the parapet you could scramble up to the top of the wall without too much difficulty (but then you'd be completely exposed).

You see a guard standing on the ground, leaning against the open gate in the gateway. He swings his head back and forth to look at you, the rest of the square, and the dimness outside the town. He looks nervous and his helmet doesn't fit right.

Lycan 01
2011-05-09, 03:02 PM

Zimelda follows the rest of the group out of the bar, trying to draw as little attention to herself as possible. "What are we doing?" she growls. "Is a forest fire really anything of our concern?"

Upon spotting the nervous guard standing watch, a wicked smile slowly spreads across the Drow's face. "Oooooh. I think I can have some fun with him... Are we going to try and get him to open the gate for us? I can handle that, as long as the rest of you stay out of it..." she smirks.

2011-05-09, 03:23 PM
The drunk mutters in Arjhan's direction..."Did that rock guy shay Fire? Dragon? Hey, you look like that a.a.aarmor dragon inside Wrafton'sh. Are y.y.you really a dragon? Did you shet the shky on fire?"

He tries to stumble after you but can't walk a straight line. "Armor dragons shet the shky on fire!"

2011-05-09, 03:29 PM
As you approach the gate, you can see that Mr. Nervous is indeed the only guard in sight. When you came in there were two manning the gate, with another close by, though you're not sure if that's the usual contingent.

As the goliath and dragonborn draw near he jumps away from the gate. Still standing in the gateway he holds his lanky arms straight out to the side as if to bar the way. "No!" he chokes out.

2011-05-09, 07:35 PM
sorry, just now catching up.

Slowly realizing his faux pa, Jarvis quickly follows the rest of the party out. Before doing that he turns to the inn owner and says "Terribly sorry about this all! I am still new to this land and do not pick up on everything that I perhaps should. Please let me make amends when we get back from whatever is going on! And rushes out. Upon hearing about the fire he says... Nothing. He really doesnt know what to make of it or what should be done, so he waits while the rest of the party makes up ideas.

2011-05-10, 06:16 AM
{note this is out of order chronologically}

The party exits in front of Jarvis. As he is about to exit, Salvana, the inkeeper, accosts him. "You! Mr. Crystal! The nerve! Comin' in here, NOT eatin' my food, NOT drinkin' my ale, NOT rentin' a room, NOT even enjoyin' yourself, and irritatin' my customers! What do you have to say f'r y'rself!?" Even someone as unfamiliar with human emotions as Jarvis can tell she is very angry.

The customers, having let out a moan of disappointment when the rest of the party left (probably the loudest moans were by that guy who bet that Zimelda would start table dancing), all eye the confrontation with interest. "Argh, it's gonna be a push" "He still could break a window" "She still could paste him with Lullaby"

2011-05-10, 06:25 AM
Arjhan ignores the drunken man.

He sends word to the nervous guard:
- "Why all the guards have left and leave the gates open?"

A drow in the sun it's rare, hard to imagine her have to endure the warmth of a fire. Especially if it's to help others...
Words in italics are thoughts.

2011-05-10, 06:29 AM
Near the gateway there are many footprints in the dust, but even with the torchlight near the gateway it's difficult to make any sense of them. There is an overturned stool near the gateway, and a waterskin and leather sack lying in the dust haphazardly, as if they'd been dropped quickly.

The walls are made of close-fitting stone. You remember that the outside walls were polished flat and almost smooth; the inside walls are more irregular, not quite as smooth, but there are no obvious handholds or footholds. Mertes's climbing skills mean he has a good chance of getting up without problems, especially if Arjhan gives him a boost, as long as no one interferes with him.

Passive Insight for all
You remember on the way in to the city (you came from the east) you saw several farms to the south. It may just be a forest fire, or it may be one (or more) of those farms.

2011-05-10, 06:53 AM
- "Mertes, all footsteps, the gates opened ... All this is very strange. Let me know if you see something up there."

Arjhan plunders on his pride and asks the drow for help. After all, we are in the same team.
- "Zilmelda, can we takes care of Too Large Helmet Guard to get more information? Something is not normal currently happened, be careful, it's suspicious."

2011-05-10, 08:13 AM
Letting the interrogation to those with more social skills, Mertes accept Arhjan boost and try to climb up to the parapet.
"Thanks Arhjan."

Atheltic to climb :[roll0] or [roll1], take best roll.

Active perception from high ground :[roll2]

2011-05-10, 10:33 AM
The guard notices the approaching adventurers. "I'm sorry, no one can leave. The gate is closed at sunset." No insight at all is necessary to see that he's lying -- the open gate is right behind him.

Insight >=13
He talks like he's reciting a line he memorized.

Perception >=15
You notice his armor isn't buckled right either.
Perception >=20
One solid hit and he'd probably fall, either from being knocked out or from the shock.
He's a minion

Lycan 01
2011-05-10, 02:29 PM

Zimelda whispers to Arjhan and Mertes, and thinks to Jarvis: "I've got this covered. Just do whatever you're going to do quietly..."

She then swaggers over to the nervous guard. "Good evening!" she greets him in a warm and casually friendly manner. However, she is very careful to do two things. First of all, she makes sure that her hood is still positioned to properly shade her face, concealing her identity, or at least giving the impression she's just a dark-skinned human or elf. Secondly, she careful adjusts her posture and body language so that all of her feminine assets are more pronounced. Though she's wearing armor, the curves of her body are still plainly visible, as well as her... "personality." Hopefully, by making herself seem more attractive and alluring, the guard will be put at ease or even distracted.

"Why, good sir, you look nervous. Is something the matter?" she purrs, a hint of seductiveness slightly evidence in her tone.

I'm hoping that her feminine wiles will give some sort of bonus to this check. :smalltongue:

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2011-05-10, 02:55 PM
"Good evening!

"Why, good sir, you look nervous. Is something the matter?"


As near as I can figure, Zimelda's attempt to hide her natural race is a disguise check, implemented as Bluff with a circumstance bonus: [roll0]
Guard's perception to see through her disguise: [roll1]

Aren't you glad I gave a circumstance bonus for the cloak. I was tempted to use straight Bluff.

He touches his ill-fitting helmet. "Evening, ma'am. No-need-to-worry-the-Regulars-have-everything-under-control.-Please-move-along."

He's using the same tone of voice as before when he didn't exactly answer Arjhan's question.

2011-05-10, 03:06 PM
Now the guard's attention is entirely focused on Zimelda. Mertes uses this opportunity to sneak up to the wall just north of the gateway and attempts to scale it. The wall of Winterhaven is a rough rock wall with some small cracks where the stones were laid together. Mertes's fingers find purchase partway up the wall, but in the darkness neither of his feet can get a hold and he slips back down.

Stealth roll for Mertes: [roll0]
Guard's passive perception: 10

Mertes is just quiet enough that the guard fails to notice him -- he's too fixated on Zimelda.

"Ma'am, your hood is a little suspicious. Could I get a better, ah, look at you?"

Everyone but Mertes

He's breathing hard and starting to sweat, but adrenaline is keeping the fear at bay for now.

2011-05-10, 03:09 PM
Havng trouble finding a good hold to get on the parapet, Mertes look at the wall and move slightly closer to the soldier to find a better spot to climb up. He look at the man thinking, This man cannot really be a guard, he probably is posing , but for what.... better let those with social skills interrogate him.
Mertes then start to climb the wall once more.

Climb: [roll0] or [roll1] (take best)

2011-05-10, 03:21 PM
Mertes stealth roll: take better of [roll0] [roll1]

Again Mertes leaps and gets a handhold; again his left foot slips against the stone wall. But his right foot finds the slightest indentation, and he is able to scramble 20 feet up the wall, almost to the parapet. He'll need one more good effort in order to swing himself up there.

30 feet, 6 squares, from ground to parapet. Mertes's speed is 5 sq, so his speed when climbing is 2 sq and change. Climb speed = 25 feet. Given his height he'd already be up, except that the parapet is an overhang and he doesn't want to get trapped under it. I'm ruling he starts 2 squares up due to his height, so one more climb is correct, even though my math was wrong previously. Unfortunately I didn't know the "moving stealthily incurs a 50% speed penalty" so I'll just leave that as a mistake.

Again he's quiet enough to not attract attention of the "guard".

Lycan 01
2011-05-10, 03:36 PM

Zimelda rests one hand on her hip, striking up a pose that accentuates her features. With her other hand, she idly gestures up at her hood. "A better look, you say? Hee hee hee..." she lets out a bubbly giggle. "Oh, I think I'll keep my hood up for now. I've seen plenty of people around here with hoods, and they don't seem all that suspicious. Besides, sir..." she lowers her voice, "Is it really proper to ask a woman you don't even know to remove personal articles of clothing?" she purrs suggestively, subtly adjusting her posture to further draw attention to her curves.

Yep, I'm playing the "femanine wiles" thing to the hilt, if it means more bonuses. :smalltongue:

I'm not sure if I need to roll anything right now, or if this is just gonna be roleplay based. I guess its up the DM, but here's a roll just in case...

Diplomacy: [roll0] + possible bonuses

2011-05-10, 04:35 PM
Is it really proper to ask a woman you don't even know to remove personal articles of clothing?"

The "guard" blushes up to his ears, and gulps. "No ma'am, I guess not." He nervously turns aside to the 1=left 2=right [roll0], then looks back at Zimelda's features for an instant before dropping his gaze to her feet. With a deep breath, he summons what's left of his confidence and extends his hand. "My name's Eric, what's yours?"

Everybody realizes that Eric just looked in Mertes's direction for an instant. Eric doesn't seem to have realized he just saw a seven-and-a-half-foot goliath scaling the town wall, though it's possible it will dawn on him if he thinks about it. (Active insight roll coming up for Eric unless something else happens)

Lycan 01
2011-05-10, 04:45 PM

"My name is Zimelda," she says, extending a gauntlet-covered hand to accept his handshake. Thankfully, Douven had taught her about the social graces and etiquette of the Surface World, and handshakes had been one of the first lessons. She wasn't fond of them, but it helped her avoid suspicion...

"Its nice to meet you, Eric. So, why are you so nervous? New on the job?" she asks, her tone friendly and disarming.

2011-05-10, 04:53 PM
"Its nice to meet you, Eric. So, why are you so nervous? New on the job?"

"Nice to meet you too, Zimelda. I'm sure you've got good reasons for covering your...face..." His eyes wander to Zimelda's curves, then snap up to her face again. Suddenly a puzzled look crosses his face.

Eric insight: [roll0]

He remains puzzled about whatever's troubling him. "Nervous? Well, I don't have a lot of experience..." He blushes again and covers his mouth.

Lycan 01
2011-05-10, 05:03 PM

"Don't worry, Eric. You seem to be doing rather well for someone without much experience..." she replies, a hint of playfulness evident in her voice. She then gestures up at his helmet. "Your helmet doesn't appear to be the right size, though. Do they not give newer guards proper gear? That doesn't seem fair..." she muses sympathetically.

2011-05-10, 07:54 PM
Jarvis makes a note of going back to see the innkeeper and apologize better. But now he is far more interested in the developing conversation between Zimelda and the guard.

To Zimelda
What exactly is the point of this?

Lycan 01
2011-05-10, 08:23 PM

To Jarvis, Zimelda thinks:

This guard is determined to keep us from leaving, and he doesn't seem to be very cut out for this assignment. I want to find out more about him. It appears he's a fresh recruit who's been given gate duty while the rest of the guards deal with the fire... But its also likely he's involved with the fire, and he's simply trying desperately to blend in as a guard. I mean really, his helmet doesn't fit, he's repeating lines that don't make sense given the current situation, and he's dreadfully nervous. So, he's either a poor example of a guard, or an enemy masquerading poorly as a guard.

But also, its entertaining to see how foolish I can make Surface Dwellers act, simply by swaying my hips or acting seductive. Honestly, its downright funny at times. Look at this man, for instance. Just by changing my body's posture and saying the right words with the right tone of voice, he's almost eating out of my hands, like a pet. In fact, I could probably convince him to be my minion or something, if I were to play my cards right.


I could use a minion...

2011-05-10, 09:52 PM
"Don't worry, Eric. You seem to be doing rather well for someone without much experience..."
"Your helmet doesn't appear to be the right size, though. Do they not give newer guards proper gear? That doesn't seem fair..."

"No, it's not, they promised they would issue me proper gear when I enlisted, but in all the craziness tonight with the fire, this was what I ended up with." All of a sudden he closes his eyes and clenches his teeth, then starts muttering to himself.

Arjhan, and anyone who rolls active perception and gets >=20
"Stupid, wasn't supposed to mention the fire, wasn't supposed to mention enlistment, stupid..."

He's either telling the truth, or a really really good liar.

Lycan 01
2011-05-10, 10:17 PM
"So you only just enlisted today?" Zimelda asks curiously. "You're having quite the rough first day on the job, it seems. First the give you improper gear, and then they make you stay behind during an actual emergency. How unfair... Pray tell, why did you enlist? Feed your family? Patriotic duty? Impress the girls? After all, its true what they say, about women loving a man in uniform..." she purrs softly.

2011-05-11, 06:06 AM
Arjhan approaches Jarvis to tell him not loud.

- "Obviously this is not a guard. He has talked about fire as if he knew what happens at this time. It happens that something really weird, I'll go to the other side of the gate to see what happen."

Arjhan runs to cross the gate and see what it have on the other side. But before leaving, he said one last thing.

- "Zimelda, ask your new friend what caused the fire, he looks pretty informed... He looks as honest as you."Do you feel the sarcasm in my words...

2011-05-11, 06:16 AM
"So you only just enlisted today? You're having quite the rough first day on the job, it seems. First the give you improper gear, and then they make you stay behind during an actual emergency. How unfair... Pray tell, why did you enlist? Feed your family? Patriotic duty? Impress the girls? After all, its true what they say, about women loving a man in uniform..."

"I wasn't supposed to say! You won't tell anyone, will you?" He looks at Zimelda with an earnest appeal. Suddenly a torrent of words spill out. "Oh well, guess it's okay to tell you the rest. I'm not old enough to enlist, but my birthday is coming up soon. My dad finally let me join the reserve militia, that gets you some training, but the good training that toughens you up, that's only for the Regulars. When my dad went out to help with the fire, they needed all the guards they could spare, and at the last minute someone remembered the inner gate, so I asked my dad if I could guard the front gate until some soldiers come back from securing the other farms. He was on his way out so he told me to grab some armor so I'd at least look presentable. You won't tell him I told, will you?" His eagerness to please is almost pathetic.

Oh, and Eric insight: [roll0] He still hasn't figured out that he saw something out of the ordinary.

2011-05-11, 08:53 AM
(climb rolls of 30, 19 in OOC thread #149)

With a final effort, Mertes lunges towards the parapet. One of his arms gets a solid grip, and he has no trouble hauling himself up.

Stealth rolls:
Mertes Stealth: Better of [roll0] [roll1]
Eric still doesn't hear him.

Mertesthen looks around (perception roll of 13 in post #163) and sees:

The fire to the southeast was definitely in one of the farms. The field is still burning.
Several town guards are coming back up the road on the way to the gate.
There's some activity in the town (to the west) far away from you.

Maybe he could see more if he climbed on top of the battlements, but those approaching soldiers are a greater concern.

2011-05-11, 09:13 AM
Eric may be distracted, but it's hard to miss a dragonborn in shining armor charging at full speed for the gateway. "Hey you! Stop! By-order-of-the-Regulars!"

Arjhan gets a surprise round.

Eric initiative: [roll0]

2011-05-11, 09:15 AM
Actually I'm gonna roll for everyone.

Arjhan: [roll0]
Mertes: [roll1]
Jarvis: [roll2]
Zimelda: [roll3]

Arjhan dashes past Eric before he can move his feet. But Eric recovers quickly, and he's about to take action.

2011-05-11, 09:39 AM
Here's a crude map. A square is 10 feet.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112
║█▉ #
1 ║█▌ #
║█▎ #
2 ║█▌ #
║█▉ #
3 M█▌ #
║█▎ #
4ZE ┌╢█▌A..... #
J └╢█▉..............
5 ║█▌ .........
║█▎ #
6 ║█▌ #
║█▉ #
7 ║█▌ #
║█▎ #
8 ║█▌ #
║█▉ #

Mertes is standing on the parapet. Arjhan is running down the path. They both can see some guards coming back toward the town.

Guards' perception: [roll0] [roll1] [roll2] [roll3] [roll4]

Two of them spot Arjhan. "Halt! Who goes there?" Still a few rounds before they can reach him.

2011-05-11, 09:54 AM
Dekkah is out of town...

Mertes Stealth: [roll0]

Upon seeing the incoming guards, Mertes tries to duck behind the battlements, but he's not fast enough. waves in a friendly manner. All the incoming guards spot the movement. "Hey! There's another one up on the wall!" "Careful, looks tall, it might be a giant!" "Told you we should have left a real guard behind." "Kobolds, and now giants? Doesn't make sense."

2011-05-11, 10:11 AM
Eric looks at Zimelda. "What should I DO? I'm supposed to guard the gate!" He turns away from the two adventurers and starts to run.

Jarvis and Zimelda have opportunity actions if they want them - Eric is
leaving their threatened space - if they do nothing he can catch up to Arjhan

After that it's Jarvis and Zimelda's regular turns. (They can hear the muffled shouting of the approaching guards, but not the actual words)

Lycan 01
2011-05-11, 12:53 PM

The Drow lets out an agitated groan. "Eric, wait!" she snaps, taking a few steps after him. "Don't worry about Arjhan. He's a Paladin of Bahamut..." she pauses, feeling as though she's staining her tongue by trying to speak up on behalf of the Dragonborn. "You know how Paladins are, always having to save the day. He's a bit impatient, though. So, you stay here and guard the gate, and we'll go try to catch up to him and keep things from getting out of hand..." Zimelda suggests, hoping Eric will listen to reason.

Paladins were supposed to be heroes around here, right?

She's telling the truth, so I'm going to go with Diplomacy instead of Bluff.

Diplomacy: [roll0]

Hopefully, I'll get bonuses for him liking Zimelda and her making a good argument...

2011-05-11, 01:41 PM
(assuming Jarvis takes no action)

Crying "I don't wanna get in trouuuuble," Eric runs after Arjhan, amazingly catches up, and attempts to Grab him:

Eric Grab: [roll0] vs Arjhan Reflex (14)

He swipes at empty air. He's now adjacent to Arjhan, outside the doorway.

2011-05-11, 01:47 PM
Arjhan saw the guards approaching. He raises his arms in the air as a sign of cooperation and let Eric cathing me up...

- "My name is Arjhan, Eternel servant of the Platium Dragon. I came to see if you needed help. We spot the light of fire and we thought we would come and offer our help."

Arjhan look back, hoping Zimelda eating a dead guard she find somewhere ... it would give me a reason to make her arrest and get her rid ...
But no. Zimelda still pretend to be nice ... frustrating to know that this is totally fake.

Arjhan resumed the conversation with the guards approaching.

- "Eric has good advice to stay on the other side of the gate because it's closed, but since we are here to support you. He do not allowed us to come and see if we could do something, but I did it. I don't want any trouble, I'm here only to offer my help.."

Is this real guards?
[roll0] + Bonus Perception
For the conversation: [roll1] + Bonus Diplomacy

Excuse me, do not have access to my character sheet. I will fix it by tomorrow.

Lycan 01
2011-05-11, 02:09 PM

Zimelda looks over to Jarvis, and shrugs at the Shardmind. "I thought Paladins were supposed to be patient and law abiding? No matter. I suppose we should try to help, before he makes the situation worse and we all get executed. I'll catch up and try to keep the situation under control. See if you can get Mertes down before the guards see him or think him a threat..." she gestures up at the Goliath atop the wall.

Zimelda then darts off after Eric and Arjhan, careful to make sure her hood doesn't fall down. Whenever she catches up to them and sees the approaching guard patrol, she comes a halt and also raises her hands up as a sign of not being hostile. "See? He's a Paladin. Come to save the day!" she quips, making a gesture at the fire in the distance. "You can't get mad at him for trying to help, right?"

Diplomacy roll, if needed. Which it probably is...


2011-05-11, 06:02 PM
The excitement has entertained Jarvis to no end, and he fully understands the intent of what Zimelda has said, even if he doesn't completely agree. He is so busy thinking about waht she said and considering the fire, that the dragonborn's charging out the gate surprises him. Knowing that the paladin would never harm any good creature, he does nothing to stop the guard who appears to simply be doing his duty.

Ah that makes sense, at least in what i interpret it would if I too was a lady drow, if what I have learned is true.

I know you do not like this way of communcation Giant Man, but it seems to prevent conflict with this town it would be best if you came down from the wall and laid down your weapon. The last thing we want in this moment is an argument with the town guard, especially since we have yet to recover our mentor!
Diplomacy if needed to help convince him: [roll0]

Friend paladin, I think your usual methods here may be a bad idea! We are making a bad name for ourselves in this town already! Please stop trying to be so helpful until we figure out this mess further!

After these quick communications (Jarvis would move to get in range of everyone of his telepathy), Jarvis heads towards the other guards with hands open, indicating he means no trouble, and waits till they address him.

2011-05-11, 10:18 PM
"My name is Arjhan, Eternel servant of the Platium Dragon. I came to see if you needed help. We spot the light of fire and we thought we would come and offer our help. Eric has good advice to stay on the other side of the gate because it's closed, but since we are here to support you. He do not allowed us to come and see if we could do something, but I did it. I don't want any trouble, I'm here only to offer my help.."

rolled 11 for diplomacy, +7 = 18
rolled 16 for perception, +2 = 18

The guards are all business. "Drop your weapon! Get down on the ground! By order of the Regulars, in the name of Lord Padraig!" They move to surround Arjhan.

If they're not the real city guards, they're doing a splendid imitation of them -- one of them looks exactly like one of the guards who let the party in the town earlier.

2011-05-11, 10:27 PM
"See? He's a Paladin. Come to save the day!" she quips, making a gesture at the fire in the distance. "You can't get mad at him for trying to help, right?"

lLycan-I'm assuming Zimelda is walking, not running or charging as those would make her hood come loose. You can still get her to the area.

"You -- in the hood! Identify yourself, show yourself, and drop your weapon! By order of the Regulars, in the name of Lord Padraig!"

If they're moved by Zimelda's diplomatic approach, they don't show it. They appear to be following standard procedure for encountering unknown parties where they're not expected.

As Jarvis approaches, one of the guards drops his mouth open. "The crystal thing! If it's hostile we might have to use..." The guard next to him cuffs him on the shoulder, ending his lapse of discipline. The undisciplined guard is the one who had been guarding the gate when the party entered Winterhaven (or a perfect replica).

"All of you, don't come any closer, and down on the ground! If you have any weapons, put them down slowly! By order of the Regulars, in the name of Lord Padraig!"

Eric addresses the captain of this patrol. "Hi Dad...I mean, Greetings Captain Kelfem - Recruit Eric reporting for duty!"

Lycan 01
2011-05-11, 11:27 PM

Zimelda stands perfectly still, hands raised above her shoulders. This... was not good.

If she dropped her hood, they may kill her. If she didn't drop her hood, then they'd have even more reason to kill her. If she made a run for it, they'd probably chase her down and kill her. If she tried to fight, Arjhan would kill her.

The Drow lets out a deep sigh. She looks at Arjhan and grumbles: "I tried to help you. Remember that..."

She then looks back at the guards, and calmly states as politely as possible: "My name is Zimelda. I will do ask you ask. I will drop my weapon first..." She slowly reaches behind her back, removes her mace, and holds it up in an awkward grip to show she's not about to attack with it. She then places the mace down on the ground, and lightly rolls it towards the guards.

Standing back up, Zimelda sighs again and says: "Now that I am not a threat, I will remove my hood..."

And with that, she reaches up and gingerly pulls back her hood. The dark skin of her face and the pale whiteness of her hair sharply contrast in evening sun, and she winces and squints her purple eyes against the brightness. She hated the sun. But right now, it was the least of her worries.

Hopefully, she wouldn't be attacked on sight for being a Drow. But one thing was for sure. She'd probably just completely lost her chance at having a minion...

2011-05-12, 07:00 AM

The Drow lets out a deep sigh. She looks at Arjhan and grumbles: "I tried to help you. Remember that..."
Arjhan turn his head and say : "I will…"

I just wanted to help. The guards will see that we are not a threat, but honest adventurers.
He looked Zilmelda and asking if he had to lie by including a Drow in the group of honest people ... She did nothing to the boy, the young recruit have all his guts still in his stomach and he is still breathing ... I imagines that she is telling the truth when she told me she wanted to help me.

- "Guard, we are not a threat. I am Paladin of Bahamut. I saw the city's defenses compromised. The closed gate was open. And I saw a young, without experience, guard who needed supervision... Plus the fire which is raging ..."
While speaking, Arjhan executes orders from the guards. He takes his weapon and deposited quietly on the ground. He puts one knee on the ground to, while keeping his hands in the air, well seen without ever showing signs of aggressivity.
- "All the adventurers you can see here are with me, they have nothing to blame, they have not even reached or cross the gate. I'm the only one did it with good motivation. If people need our help, we want to help. Otherwise, we return in the city. We will follow your orders. Rookie Eric can tell you that we are not here to break laws, but to support people."

If a guard is attacking Zimelda, Arjhan stand up immediately to take back the attention, try to help her, and said: "She did nothing, do not judge a person by her race, but by her actions. I’m a Paladin, Eternel servant of the Platium Dragon. She is with me. If you touch her, you will need to kill me."
If needed.
Diplomacy [roll0]

2011-05-12, 07:51 AM
AS he spot the guard, Mertes do not try to hide from them, he weaves at them in a greeting salute.

When he is asked to come down, he obey without any objection, but he do say,
"I am Mertes. I took this position to see what is happening, not to cause any trouble. Just so you know, I can see some activity there, away to the west into town. You may want to consider this fire a possible diversion for something else.... fire rarely start by themselves you know."

The goliath try to climb down. For the first time, he realise that his group might be seen as odd, having a shardimind, drow, dragonborn and goliath.
This could become ugly very quickly....

Once on the ground, Mertes simply draw his weapon, unthreathningly and drop it at his own feets.
"What did we do that make you hostile to us?"

Sorry for my lack of reply... was out of town yesterday

Athletic to climb (first part): [roll]1d20+10[roll] or [roll]1d20+10[roll]
Athletic to climb (second part): [roll]1d20+10[roll] or [roll]1d20+10[roll]

If i Ever fall, Acrobatic to reduce damage [roll0]

2011-05-12, 08:02 AM
"My name is Zimelda. I will do ask you ask. I will drop my weapon first..."

Eric speaks up on Zimelda's behalf. "Oh, you don't need to worry about her, she's not dangerous, she's friendly, no need to make her show her face..." He's a little surprised by the mace -- he hadn't noticed it before.

"Now that I am not a threat, I will remove my hood..."

Responding to Eric's remark, one of the guards mutters, "Told you ... .... .... ... .... .. ... .... pretty face". Zimelda can't hear it because she's talking. Arjhan, Jarvis, and Mertes can just pick it up:

"Told you he'd hand over the town to the first pretty face". It's the same guard who dissed Eric previously.

Eric is of course paying full attention as Zimelda draws back her hood. His eyes go wide and his cheeks are pulled back, and he is breathing shallowly.

As her face (and race) are revealed, a collective gasp can he heard from the assembled guards.

Eric is the first to speak. "You're a...She's a...dr...dr..dr..drider! Don't eat me!"

2011-05-12, 08:29 AM
I'm handling Dekkah's action for Mertes first since it should have occurred earlier. My apologies for presuming you'd try to hide from the guards. This post is out of sequence chronologically.

Upon seeing Mertes peering out between the battlements and waving in a friendly way, one of the guards shoulders his crossbow, but is checked by a word from the captain.

Mertes climb redo broken rolls

Athletic to climb (first part): [roll0] or [roll1]
Athletic to climb (second part): [roll2] or [roll3]
DC 20

In his haste to descend and cooperate with the guards Mertes falls from the parapet but is able to perform an acrobatic maneuver to land more gently than he otherwise would have.

Falling damage roll in other thread, I reduced damage because of the acrobatic success, resulting damage is 9. Mertes is at 24 HP. As soon as the situation with the guards is resolved you can spend a surge to get back to 32.

Somewhat bruised, he limps over to the guards and starts to answer their questions.

"I am Mertes. I took this position to see what is happening, not to cause any trouble. Just so you know, I can see some activity there, away to the west into town. You may want to consider this fire a possible diversion for something else.... fire rarely start by themselves you know."

"How do you know about the fire? What do you know about the fire?" "Hope that's Sister Linora with the relief supplies, the wounded are right behind us"


For the first time, he realise that his group might be seen as odd, having a shardimind, drow, dragonborn and goliath.
Odd?? Really? :smallwink::smalltongue:

"What did we do that make you hostile to us?"

"The Regulars are asking the questions right now, not answering them."

2011-05-12, 09:03 AM
OOCDiplomacy success! Good work - you offered the guards something they wanted. No more diplo rolls needed.

"Guard, we are not a threat. I am Paladin of Bahamut. I saw the city's defenses compromised. The closed gate was open. And I saw a young, without experience, guard who needed supervision... Plus the fire which is raging ... All the adventurers you can see here are with me, they have nothing to blame, they have not even reached or cross the gate. I'm the only one did it with good motivation. If people need our help, we want to help. Otherwise, we return in the city. We will follow your orders. Rookie Eric can tell you that we are not here to break laws, but to support people."

Captain Kelfem considers a minute, then appears to make up his mind. He turns to his son who is almost paralyzed with fear. "Recruit Eric, you are away from your post."

"But da...Captain, the scaly man was getting out through the gate!"

"I did not ask you why you deserted your post. The Regulars have everything under control here. Return to your post; we will speak later."

Eric backs away, then makes a bolt for the gates.

When he's out of sight, Captain Kelfem turns back to Arjhan. Your armor does bear the holy symbol of Bahamut, and I judge that you are honest. Are you the leader of this band of adventurers? Are there any more of you? Why is there a drow amongst your number? Is there anyone who can vouch for you four, and especially her? Why have you come to our town?"

All the adventurers hear the clop-clop of hooves, and the noise of rough wheels rolling. A mule-drawn cart is coming up the path, escorted by several more town guards.

2011-05-12, 09:42 AM
Standing up quickly, Mertes answer the question adressed directly to himself.
"The redish sky kinda lead us to beleive there was a fire, and from the wall up there, I could see it."
Mertes is tempted to reply to the captain questions, but hold himself. Better let the others speaks...

2011-05-12, 09:49 AM
Arjhan is glad the pressure is down a notch. Again, Bahamut proves his superiority and support to him.

- "I am an honest servant of Bahamut indeed. I'm not the leader of that group, but we are all together helping each other. We are seeking a mutual friend, Douven Staul. He disappeared, and his track led us to your city. I'll vouch for all my companions, even for her." Pointing Zimelda "She’s with us, nothing will happen, I give you my word of Paladin."

Arjhan look Zimelda with an eye which says...
I will decapitate you on the public place if you put my word in doubt...
...but he said nothing.

2011-05-12, 10:42 AM
"I am an honest servant of Bahamut indeed. I'm not the leader of that group, but we are all together helping each other. We are seeking a mutual friend, Douven Staul. He disappeared, and his track led us to your city. I'll vouch for all my companions, even for her." Pointing Zimelda "She’s with us, nothing will happen, I give you my word of Paladin."

"Douven Staul? I had a drink with him just a week ago, at Wrafton's. We talked about how he sometimes 'adopts' unusual types and helps them understand culture, customs, and social interaction. You four would certainly...benefit from spending more time with him. If he were here, he could vouch for you. I'm surprised he's not back already--he said that he was confident he could find the artifact in a day or so given the map that Elian gave him." Then he realizes -- "He said the cave is to the south -- that's where the kobolds have been most active lately! You don't think..."

As Captian Kelfem pauses, another Regular steps up. "Not here to break laws, eh? I can name at least four:" He walks among the adventurers, first looking Arjhan in the eyes. "...breaching the gates after sunset, disobeying an order of the Regulars in the name of Lord Padraig..."
He looks up at Mertes. "...tresspassing on the walls..."
He looks at Zimelda. "...and attempted bribery or mind control of a Regular".
He reaches Jarvis. "Maybe you are the leader, sir - you don't seem to have broken any laws yet. How do we know that paladin hasn't been hexed by the Drow?"

"Just like she 'hexed' Eric..." mutters Anti-Eric.

"Enough, Lieutenant. We all appreciate your respect for the law, but our resources are limited now. We don't have the forces to guard them for long. And two of your charges won't stick and you know it." He sighs. "I've got wounded men approaching, one with burns inside his lungs that will make him useless as a guard until Sister Linora can perform a ritual, and one with such severe injuries from a kobold trap that it will take days for him to be on his feet. We'll all be taking double shifts with no days off."

The mule-drawn cart approaches, and the adventurers all can see it is carrying three wounded guards.

At a nod from Kelfem, two of the uninjured guards hurry inside the town. Now there's just Kelfem, the Lieutenant, and the guard who keeps dissing Eric.

2011-05-12, 11:16 AM
Arjhan get information from the guard about Douven as "good news"... At least, not long time ago, someone has seen Douven.

Arjhan, the smile on his lip. Look Zimelda and saying to the Regular :
- "To prove our loyalty, I offer assistance. Zimelda here is a cleric, and I am a Paladin. We can probably heal your wounded guards put them back up on their feet quickly."

What I was pleased to see a Drow heal someone ... For no reason which it is useful to her...

Heal Check if needed : (1D20+3)[5]+4=[9] (Rolled in OCC Post #189)

2011-05-12, 01:19 PM
Ignoring the lieutenant, Mertes speaks deirectly to the capitain.
"My friend Douven did teach me some of your customs, and some patience."
Mertes give the captain a disarming smile.
"I am happy you met him and would like to speak with you to learn more about his where abouts here. I do realise that you dont have time now because of the events, but maybe when things calm down."
"Until then, I'd like to give you an hand. I am not really good at treathing wounded, I am morr skilled with this..."
As he says that, he put his foot under his axe handle and flip it up to catch it and simply show the weapon to the man, before stowing it on his back.
"From what I understand, kobolds might be implicated on what is happening here, I might be of help to deal with them. At worst, I can always give you mens an hand on physical labor."

2011-05-12, 02:38 PM
"To prove our loyalty, I offer assistance. Zimelda here is a cleric, and I am a Paladin. We can probably heal your wounded guards put them back up on their feet quickly."

A voice from inside the gateway says, "A cleric and a Paladin? What luck! Avandra be praised! Some divine healing should be just the..." Her eyes dart from the dragonborn paladin to the drow cleric. "The cleric is...a drow...that means she's a cleric of...Avandra, cover me with your luck!"

She move to turn and run, but the Captain calls out "Hold, Sister Linora! The drow will not attack, and the paladin vouches for her. Our wounded men need your attention."

Arjhan begins binding the wounds of one of the men, but his hands slip and the man moans in pain.

Success: 0/7 Failure: 1/3

Sister Linora says, "Use your Bahamut-granted ability -- it should work better."

2011-05-12, 02:45 PM
The goliath walk up to Zimelda side and give her a small smile and tell in a hushed voice, "Now is a good time to make people know you for who you are, rather than simply an other drow. To earn some respect and notoriety."

Lycan 01
2011-05-12, 03:19 PM

When Eric freaks out, she lets out a small giggle, which she quickly stifles. She then says matter-o-factly: "Drow. Not a Drider. Big difference."

When Arjhan gives her the "make me look bad and I'll kill you" look, Zimelda smiles innocently at him. Her eyes also impart a message: I'll be on my best behavior...

When the Captain of the Guards mentions Douven, Zimelda's eyes visibly light up. She he then says that Douven's last known location is now a haven for Kobolds, some of that light fades, and her shoulders slump.

When the guard begins throwing around the suggestion that Zimelda is mind controlling the Paladin or Eric, she actually looks indignant. "I'm a Cleric, not a Sorceress. Again, big difference..." she grumbles.

When the cart full of wounded Guards rolls up, and everyone suddenly thinks it would be a good idea for her to try and heal them, Zimelda simply shrugs. "I have no issue with healing these men. I will do so now, in fact..." she says. "Though, I'll need to put my hood up. I doubt they'll want healing from a Drow, considering how everyone else has reacted..." If no one complains, she puts her hood back up.

She then begins to walk over to the cart, hands still raised to show she means no harm. As she walks by Mertes, she returns his smile with a smile of her own, though hers looks a wee bit mischievous. Of course, that's typical of her, even when she's not actually planning something...

Granted, she WAS planning something. Oh, yes, she was going to heal the Guards. She was going to act nice. She was going to go along with this whole song and dance without complaint! She just had her own reasons for doing it. Deception was, after all, one of Lolth's spheres of influence. So if Zimelda acted good in order to trick people into thinking she was good, it would actually bringing glory to Lolth. Funny how that works...

Plus, there was possibly still the possibility of having a minion...

Zimelda strolls over to the back of the cart, where the wounded men are. Immediately, she fixes her attention on the man with the seared lungs. Hopefully, he doesn't think the black-hooded woman looming over him is the Raven Queen... "Give me your hand..." she says softly, holding out her right gauntlet. If the man takes her hand, she will mutter a short prayer to Lolth under her breath in Elven. She will then do her best to heal the man...

Activating Healing Word on the man. He gets to spend a Healing Surge (if he doesn't have one, I'm more than willing to spend one of my own!), AND he gains [roll0] extra HP.

2011-05-12, 04:10 PM
When the guard begins throwing around the suggestion that Zimelda is mind controlling the Paladin or Eric, she actually looks indignant. "I'm a Cleric, not a Sorceress. Again, big difference..." she grumbles.

OOCThe "mind control" bit was not serious -- it was referring to her use of her feminine charms. Oh, and offering sexual services to a guard is considered bribery here. Bribing a guard is just as illegal as magically altering his mind.

"I have no issue with healing these men. I will do so now, in fact..." she says. "Though, I'll need to put my hood up. I doubt they'll want healing from a Drow, considering how everyone else has reacted..." If no one complains, she puts her hood back up.

The worst-off soldier, the one with the burned lungs, certainly won't complain as he's unconscious. But Zimelda's hood is back up anyway. (Linora, the town's (female) Priest of Avandra, still knows)

Granted, she WAS planning something. Oh, yes, she was going to heal the Guards. She was going to act nice. She was going to go along with this whole song and dance without complaint! She just had her own reasons for doing it. Deception was, after all, one of Lolth's spheres of influence. So if Zimelda acted good in order to trick people into thinking she was good, it would actually bringing glory to Lolth. Funny how that works...http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0435.html

Some of the man's external burns begin to heal over as Lolth's power takes effect.

Skill Challenge
Success: 1/3, 0/2, 0/2 Fail: 1/3
Bonuses Available for heal checks: 6

2011-05-12, 04:11 PM
Sister Linora approaches the cart. "If I might....these woundpatches will make any healing easier." She applies woundpatches to all of the men.

2011-05-12, 08:23 PM
To everyone in the party
As I seem to be the only one who the captain has no reason to be angry with, I will do my best to smooth things over.

He then turns toward the captain and the rest of the regulars and says My sincerest apologies to you good captain. While I am not our leader persay, I believe I can speak for all of us that we meant no harm in our actions. The paladin wanted to help with the burning in the sky, and refuses to let anyone in his way for acting in a good manner. The barbarian was hoping to get a better sight of where we would be paladin, and lady drow was trying to get more information about the said fire. Once again our sincere apologies, and we can to help with this unfortunate accident.

Jarvis does not honestly think zimelda meant any harm in talking to the guard in that manner, hence me not rolling a bluff.

Lycan 01
2011-05-12, 10:59 PM
Zimelda continues to grasp the man's hand, trying to focus her willpower on channeling the might of her deity into healing the Guard's wounds.

Heal Check: [roll0] +2 from SemiteLock's aid-another roll, I think.

2011-05-13, 06:16 AM
Arjhan continues to examine the wounded.
The most seriously injured will receive the grace of Bahamut. "Bahamut, be gracious and cures."
The others will receive the best care that Arjhan can give to them.

Wounded guard # 1: Lay On Hand 1/2
Wounded guard # 2: Lay On Hand 0/2
Wounded guard # 3: Heal check. (Mertes Pls Help me.) [roll0]+2 From Mertes Help.[24]

2011-05-13, 07:00 AM
At Arhjan request, Mertes give him an hand to heal the injured. He act more as an assistant than anything, not really nkowing much about healing.
Heal check to aid: [roll0]

2011-05-13, 08:16 AM
Jarvis's gentle encouragement in Zimelda's mind helps her relax and channel more divine power than she'd normally be able to. Despite having no medical training, Mertes is such a capable assistant to Arjhan that the Dragonborn can perform as if he had four hands.

The combined might of Lolth and Bahamut, despite its unlikely pairing, goes to work on the guards. The guard who had been most severely injured seems to be completely recovered, and Sister Linora gasps with joy as he regains consciousness.

"Captain? You there? I signed up to be a stabber, not a sapper!" He starts to chuckle at his own joke, then collapses into a paroxysm of coughing. The injuries to his lungs are just too severe and too deep to be cured this way.

Captain Kelfem puts a hand on his shoulder. "Easy there Henkins, you're not out of the woods yet. When the wind blew the flame into us you breathed in a lot of smoke and it seared your lungs. Sister Linora has to perform the Cure Disease ritual, and your external wounds might re-open. So rest for now. That's an order."

Reluctantly Henkins lies back down on the cart. His eyes dart to the adventurers. "Who're these lot?" he says softly.

Sister Linora shushes him. "Don't distract them; you owe them thanks for your recovery. They're adventurers. They used their divine power to heal you, far faster than you would have healed on your own or even with my help."

The other guards seem to be doing better too, but are still not in fighting shape.

Skill Challenge
All the use of encounter powers are auto-success. Arjhan uses 2 surges.
Heal checks successful when including the Aid Another and 2 bonus points each (DC was 25).
Success: 3/3, 1/2, 1/2 Fail: 1/3
Bonuses Available for heal checks: 2

2011-05-13, 08:50 AM
Man, this takes forever....
"Come on Arhjan, this one is fine now, lets pass to the next one!"

Heal check ot aid Arhjan on next patient : [roll0]

2011-05-13, 08:51 AM
My sincerest apologies to you good captain. While I am not our leader persay, I believe I can speak for all of us that we meant no harm in our actions. The paladin wanted to help with the burning in the sky, and refuses to let anyone in his way for acting in a good manner. The barbarian was hoping to get a better sight of where we would be paladin, and lady drow was trying to get more information about the said fire. Once again our sincere apologies, and we can to help with this unfortunate accident.

If you're not rolling bluff, and you're attempting to change their opinion/emotions, you need to roll diplomacy.

Jarvis diplomacy: [roll0]

The captain is a little put off by Jarvis's unemotional delivery, but his attitude doesn't change. "Your overeager companions are healing my men, but I don't see you doing anything to help right now. I don't think you've done anything wrong, but is there anyone in town who can vouch for you, that you're not a troublemaker?"

The lieutenant, though, is even more unfriendly. "You meant no harm, of course, of course," he says, his words dripping with sarcasm. "And I'm sure everyone in town loves and trusts you, with your charming...personality."

2011-05-13, 09:00 AM
Arjhan nods to Zimelda and Jarvis to indicate that there are still wounded guards over there, and indicating that he takes care of those to the right with Mertes.

- "Mertes, thank you for your help..."

Arhjan approaching a guard who has trouble to breathe. He touches his Torax trying to help him as best he can.

Heal Check [roll0]+2 from Mertes Help.[12]

2011-05-13, 09:19 AM
Mertes and Arjhan are a great team, working together among the wounded. But again Arjhan's hand shakes, Mertes not able to support him in time, and the guard winces and cries out "Hey, watch it!".

The lieutenant is quick to pick up on Arjhan's failure. "All out of magic, eh? He'll end up worse off than before if you keep screwing up! Captain, you can't let them continue, it will just aggravate the men's injuries. Let Sister Linora and her assistants finish the job." It's clear he doesn't want the men hurt, but his real motivation is he doesn't want the adventurers to succeed.

Something dawns on Sister Linora. "You adventurers, you have inner reserves of strength to recover after a battle, yes? In the temple treasury is an item that -- it is said -- can allow these reserves to be shared with another. The results would be similar to Paladin Arjhan's laying on of hands. But I don't know how to activate it. Are any of you trained in the arcane arts?"

Captain Kelfem muses, "Perhaps that would be better than risking further harm to my men."

Skill Challenge
Arjhan fails, even with the Aid Another. Not worth it to use any bonus points.
Success: 3/3, 1/2, 1/2 Fail: 2/3
Bonuses Available for heal checks: 2

2011-05-13, 09:31 AM
The barbarian look at the lieutenant, imagining Life-ender beheading him. Shaking his head to clear his mind, he speak internaly to himself.Let stay calm...

Upon hearing Linora's words, Mertes reply,
"I know nothing of the arcane arts, but I dont mind sharing my own energy if someone knows how to activate it."

Lycan 01
2011-05-13, 12:46 PM

"I have some grasp of the arcane arts," Zimelda replies. "Perhaps I could gain understanding of the item and its use if you brought it to me for examination."

2011-05-13, 01:47 PM
To advance the plot I'm posting for semitelock.

"I, too, am trained in arcana, and Douven has assured me this is my strongest talent. Perhaps the Hooded Lady and I can combine our efforts," adds the Shardmind.

Sister Lionora won't wait for more. She transfers the rest of her relief supplies (waterskins, wineskins, wet and dry towels, fresh clothes and footwear) and heads back to the temple as fast as her mule can pull the cart.

"Let's all head in after her, and meet her at the temple. The sooner my men are healed and resting, the better."

(assuming there are no objections)

After passing through the gateway, Captain Kelfem and the other healthy Regulars shut and bar the gates. Eric is still standing on "duty" inside; it's clear he's been crying. Kelfem addresses him.

"If you want to be a Regular so much, you must learn never to abandon your post. Stop sniveling. Not even if someone gets past you - don't let a single failure cause further ones. If you are ordered to maintain your post, you maintain your post until ordered otherwise, your replacement shows up, or death. Anything less is unworthy of a Regular."

He starts to walk away, then turns on his heel.

"And I really don't understand this talent you have for getting ensnared by elf-kind. I'll never forget the talking-to Wrafton gave me, and here you've done it again... Dismissed. Go home and get to bed, son. Tomorrow we'll discuss the tactics of the encounter outside the gates, so muse on that."

Eric still looks like he's about to start crying, but chokes out "Yes, sir."

Some other boys about Eric's age a few dozen feet away start sniggering.

2011-05-13, 01:51 PM
Kids are so mean, they should be corrected... bah not my place to do that!
Mertes offer help to carry some of the stuff to leave the cart to the injured people,
"It is the least I can do."

2011-05-13, 03:40 PM
"Aww, did little Ricky get spanked by his daddy? Yes he did!"

"Poor little Ricky, now he'll never be a guard, boo hoo, so sad"

"Hey look! I think Ricky's crying!" (Eric is not actually crying. Yet.)

Eric is attempting to walk away from the bullies but they follow at a distance. "Shut up! Stop talking about me!"

"We aren't talking about you, we're talking about little Ricky!"

"Don't call me that!"

"Say, I thought little Ricky didn't have a daddy."

"I thought he did. I heard a rumor that his daddy was a Captain."

"I heard something different, heheheh."


Captain Kelfem hears all of this but appears to have no reaction whatsoever. Check that: His lips are moving, but no sound is coming out.

2011-05-13, 04:49 PM
Mertes can see why the man stay out of this, this would end up worst for Eric, the kid need to gain the others respect by himself.
Sorry, forgot to repost my status with HPS. This week have been erratic for me.

So I took 9 from falling damage... was at 26 so at 15. I'll take my second wind so I dont stay bloodied.... put me at 23. As soon as I can take a short rest, tell me so.

Mertes Status
HP :...23/33...TEMP HP :...0
Surge Value :...8
Surge left/surge per day :...11/12
AC:...16...FORT:...16... REF:...13...WILL:...13...
Main Hand :Greataxe
Off Hand :
Powers :
Howling Strike
Pressing Strike
Action point (0/1)
Second Wind
Resurgent Strike
Oath of enmity
Stone Endurance
Swift Charge
Swift Panther Rage
Items powers:

Consumables :

Effects from Mertes :

Effects on Mertes :

Items Carried/Owned :
Hide armor
Flint and steel
Sunrod (2)
Rations (10 days)
50' hempen rope
Javelin (4/4)

Wealth :
1 GP
5 SP

XP : 120

Lycan 01
2011-05-13, 11:08 PM

The Drow watches the events transpiring with a scowl on her face, though her hood probably hides it. Eric was weak. The weak did not survive. At least, that was the belief her kind followed. But that was her race. Humans, from what she'd gathered in her time in the Surface World, were supposed to be different. But watching this... It seemed that the "monster" seemed to treat Eric than his own kind did. These humans held themselves to such a higher standard, yet here they were acting no better than the common Drow. The hypocrisy could almost be tasted...

Zimelda had to wonder... just who was the monster?

She keeps her thoughts to herself, though. She simply watches the events unfolding with a scowl... until a plan begins to form in her head. Slowly, that scowl turn into a smirk. Though, she'd need to make sure the Captain wasn't going to see her stepping in as an insult or sign of hostility, lest her situation grow worse. If only she knew what he was muttering about...


Oh, right, Jarvis...

To Jarvis:

Jarvis... Did you happen to hear what the Captain was muttering, or perhaps manage to read his lips? I would ask you to read his mind, but if you were detected it would worsen the situation greatly. I have a plan, in regards to Eric and his... peers. I was just hoping to have some indication of the Captain's views on the current situation.

2011-05-15, 07:45 PM
I get the feeling from our good Captain that he desires our help, and wishes for any sort of reason to trust us. As for what he said, it sounded something along the lines of "you never leave your post", so I believe that that is directed towards his son. But on second inspection, they do not look all that related? Or am I misinterpreting? My analysis of body features in that regard is still in experienced, but perhaps the boy may be adopted. And i would not risk being caught in any sort of bad manners in this situation.

The Lieutenant seems to be exactly opposite, a difficult man to say the least. It would be best if we did what we can to go over his head to the Captain directly for all matter.

After this quick telepathy, Jarvis bows to the Cpt. and says "You will have to excuse me, my training in the matters of life is quite limited. However my knowledge of the arcane is far more extensive, so if your Lady Healer wants I will gladly see what I can divulge from the artifact she mentioned. By you and your lords permission of course, I have no desire to overstep my boundaries at all. You will find us four more then willing to help out the town in any way we can to make up for our unfortunate misunderstandings and transgressions in the past several minutes. We are all quite new to this area, and we only came here in the search for our friend, Douven Staul.

We have heard that he has gone off artifact hunting, and if you would allow us to attempt to find him he could clear all sorts of issues that you have mentioned. This party of four is all of our number that traveled together here, and if the word of Master Staul is not enough I place my faith in the Lady Drow that she means no harm to any creatures on this surface world that do not mean harm to her. She has done her best to overcome the prejudices towards her race in the past travels, and I feel she has a good heart in all the matters that I have seen her come across.

One and only one request though that I think the four of us can agree on: We wish to find the Master Staul as quickly as possible. Anything we can do to expedite that would be most appreciated, and upon completion of that task I believe we can be off service of ridding you at least temporarily of this kobold menace.

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2011-05-15, 11:12 PM
I'll have to think a bit to write the proper response to Semitelock. Meanwhile more bullying.

"Why do you care? I said we're talking about little Ricky."

"Uh oh! Is little Ricky angry? Is he going to fight someone?"

"Don't worry, little Ricky never does anything."

"Yeah, he's too scared!"


"Make me." "Scared of what? Scared of fighting? Or scared of the punishment he'll get for breaking the law?"

"Little Ricky knows what happens to lawbreakers...and naughty people."

"Say, that reminds me of a rumor I heard about little Ricky. About why he doesn't have a daddy."

"Oh really? I heard a rumor about why he doesn't have a mommy."

"I heard that little Ricky's mommy was very, very naughty, and so since his daddy could be anyone, it's no-one."

"I heard that little Ricky's mommy was very, very naughty, and that's why she's not alive anymore."

"Don't, don't say that about my mother!"

Eric is shuddering, his breathing ragged and irregular, his hands holding his elbows with his arms folded closely across his stomach, --maybe even digging in to his stomach.

The two bullies are clearly enjoying their game.

Captain Kelfem continues mouthing words to himself, very pointedly not looking at the ugly scene. The bullies obviously have no fear of anyone intervening.

Lycan 01
2011-05-15, 11:47 PM

To Jarvis, the Drow thinks:

I don't think the Captain is Eric's father, biologically. Instead, he has raised Eric as his own son. Clearly, there is much social stigma tied to Eric's parents. Now... if you'll excuse me...

Zimelda's scowl deepens. Mocking like this wasn't part of Drow society. If you hated somebody or wanted to see them suffer, you did it directly, through murder or torture. To emotionally and psychologically abuse somebody, especially in regards to their mother... it was something of a foreign concept, at least in such a situation as this.

She'd had enough of the humans' hypocrisy, though. Time to ask the Captain about stepping. "Excuse me, Captain?" she turns to Captain Kelfem. "I desire to step in and aid Eric. But I will do so without violence, threats, or showing my race. If you desire I stay out of it, however, I will do as you order."

Perception on the Captain: [roll0]
Insight on the Captain: [roll1]

The perception was to hear/read what he'd been muttering. The Insight was to try and read his reactions...

2011-05-16, 07:09 AM
Arjhan follows the group into silence.

But what about fixing the little Eric... Just help these wounded men, and then, go back and find Douven, he also needs our help.

2011-05-16, 08:31 AM
"...You will find us four more then willing to help out the town in any way we can to make up for our unfortunate misunderstandings and transgressions in the past several minutes. We are all quite new to this area, and we only came here in the search for our friend, Douven Staul.
I believe we can be off service of ridding you at least temporarily of this kobold menace.

Jarvis Diplomacy Success

The Captain nods and is about to speak, but the Lieutenant interrupts him. "Captain? You can't seriously be thinking of allowing these troublemakers out of your sight."

Annoyed, the Captain looks at him and says, "Lieutenant! Your presence here is unnecessary. Return to the barracks and work out alternate duty schedules that we'll use for the next week in the event that none, one, or only two of the wounded Regulars recover."

"Aiming to get rid of me, eh, Captain? Mark my words: If you do anything -- anything -- that's not strictly 'by the book', you can be sure that Lord Padraig will hear of it. And if these adventurers cause any more trouble while under your protection, you know what will happen to you."

"I gave you an order, Lieutenant. See that you carry it out quickly."

As the Lieutenant heads off, the other healthy guard, the one driving the cart, asks "Captain? Permission to speak freely?" Everyone can tell that he's picturing a scenario where the adventurers gang up against him and the captain, and he doesn't like the odds given what they've already been through tonight.


After the Lieutenant is safely out of earshot, the Captain finally turns to Jarvis. "I wish you hadn't admitted to committing crimes. Lieutenant Forace will surely remember that and use it against you. But in any event, we definitely do need help. The kobolds are the worst they've been in recent years, and we don't have the manpower to deal with them properly, so any help you can give along that line would be greatly appreciated. In peaceful times, I could certainly have sent some men to look for Stahl, but even when all my men recover, we'll need to stay close to the town to respond to any raids on farms...or any threats to the town itself if it comes to that.
"Despite our dear Lieutenant, I am of a mind to let you go, as long as you come back either with Douven Stahl, or having dealt with the kobold menace. But we'll have to do things by the book. Are you agreed?"

2011-05-16, 09:03 AM
"Excuse me, Captain?" she turns to Captain Kelfem. "I desire to step in and aid Eric. But I will do so without violence, threats, or showing my race. If you desire I stay out of it, however, I will do as you order."

PM incoming for successful lip-reading

The strange thing about Captain Kelfem's muttering is that he seems to be directing it at himself, rather than at Eric, as if he's trying to convince himself of something.

"Yes, madame? I'm on duty so I don't get involved in civilian affairs. Just make sure your weapons stay on the cart. I'm sure you can act with wisdom."

He doesn't seem upset about Zimelda's proposal at all, but he doesn't think she has a large chance of success.


If this takes more than a few posts I'll move it to PM - fluff will be that the cart is too far away from the confrontation

2011-05-16, 09:12 AM
The tall bararian keep a blank facade as the lieutenant is dimissed, even if he is quite pleased of it.
Looking at the other soldier discomfort, he will get close to him and tell him, not too loudly, but enough for those close by to hear it, including the captain.
"Fear not, we really mean no harm, but only to help and completed our own goal which is to find and help our friend Douven. As my clan say, Jackals dont treat they prey before eating them."
Seeing the man confusion at the barbarian proverb, he add,
"It simply means that if we would want to overpower you, we would have done it by now, and surely would not had spent our own resources and strenght to heal you, nor walk away peacefully from an easy escape. I can understand that we appear scary to you humans, being different and all, but we have cooperated and submitted to your demands."
Mertes then speak to the captain, shaking his head as he do so,
"Captain, you better tell us about your rules, because as outsiders we simply dont know them. As we say, the blind is bound to trip over the roots. The rules your stup....", Mertes stop, take a deep breath and continues"Lieunenant accused us of breaking are sillyness. I'll never understand why you humans make such ... petty laws, and want to apply them against people who dont know them. Dont take me wrong, I dont mind submitting to them ... when I am aware of them."
Letting his thought sink, he also ask the captain,
"Since we are walking and have some time, what can you tell us about these kobolds? From what I understood, they are the problem around here... at least they were tonight right? To be able to help your town, we really need to know more."

"I am not sure if you need a diplomacy for this. if so, I have an awesome bonus of -1"

2011-05-16, 09:16 AM

I originally planned to run the "heal the guards" plot thread simultaneously to the "Kelfem conversation" plot and the "Zimelda and the bullies" plot but it didn't happen. The events in this post will happen later.

The group arrives at the temple. Some assistants are there, roused from their beds. They help bear the wounded Regulars to beds in the Chamber of Healing, and begin preparing Henkins for the Cure Disease ritual.

Shortly, Sister Linora enters the Room of Healing, carrying what looks to be the item she discussed. Seeing the adventurers, she exclaims "I have it!" , lifting it up for them to see. It appears to be an pale jewel, or maybe a faintly colored crystal, about the size of a fist, with some smaller crystals to each side, all linked together by a cord. It looks like a necklace or amulet. It's beautiful, and obviously magical, gleaming with an inner light.

"I need to finish the preparations of the sacred circle for the ritual. Anyone not involved with using the amulet, you're welcome to watch. Who wants the amulet first?" She offers the amulet to someone. "Careful, it's heavier than it looks."

2011-05-16, 10:33 AM
The tall bararian keep a blank facade as the lieutenant is dimissed, even if he is quite pleased of it.

Mertes bluff=[roll0]

"Captain, you better tell us about your rules, because as outsiders we simply dont know them. As we say, the blind is bound to trip over the roots. The rules your stup.... Lieunenant accused us of breaking are sillyness. I'll never understand why you humans make such ... petty laws, and want to apply them against people who dont know them. Dont take me wrong, I dont mind submitting to them ... when I am aware of them."

He grins. "I'll try to keep this brief. The key things to know: don't harm another or yourself, don't violate Lord Padraig's privileges, and don't interfere with the ability of the Regulars to defend the town and surroundings. There are reasons for all the laws Lieutenant Forace cited -- The laws are for everyone's protection. I'm glad you waited until he left to speak up -- he loves law and orderjustice for their own sake, and would react badly to your lack of 'proper respect' for the law. Me, laws are only useful because they can protect people and enable a stable society to function." He points off to the right. "That's the Smithy, there, closed now of course. Thair Coalstriker used to be an adventurer until his leg gave out."

"Since we are walking and have some time, what can you tell us about these kobolds? From what I understood, they are the problem around here... at least they were tonight right? To be able to help your town, we really need to know more."

"There's been a tribe, or raiding party, we're not sure which, operating in the area as long as the town has been here--way back to the days of the Nerath Empire. Sometimes they keep to themselves and don't bother anyone. Sometimes they ambush merchants on the road to steal supplies. Sometimes they sneak into a farm to steal livestock. It comes in waves. But they've been getting much more aggressive lately than they've been during my whole life. And their activity has been a lot more concentrated to the south and southeast; they used to roam all through the surrounding area. Maybe the clan has a new leader, or a hideout there. We've searched but have never been able to find a hideout; I've always thought they were nomads. About tonight...kobolds for sure. The traps were signature kobold. I've never known them to set a field on fire, though. Farmer Arne lost his whole oilseed crop and a dozen sheep." He points ahead, indicating a five-story ivory tower, easily the tallest building in the village. "That's where Valthrun the Wise Fool lives. He thinks the kobolds aren't a threat, wants to study them. I bet even if he were to see what they did to my men it wouldn't change his mind."

2011-05-16, 11:02 AM

He grins. "I'll try to keep this brief. The key things to know: don't harm another or yourself, don't violate Lord Padraig's privileges, and don't interfere with the ability of the Regulars to defend the town and surroundings. There are reasons for all the laws Lieutenant Forace cited -- The laws are for everyone's protection. I'm glad you waited until he left to speak up -- he loves law and orderjustice for their own sake, and would react badly to your lack of 'proper respect' for the law. Me, laws are only useful because they can protect people and enable a stable society to function."
Mertes nod at the captain word son the laws and let out a small sigh,
"I do understand the needs for laws, but it should not override common sense. I mean, you lieuteant should place himself in our boots. We are asking question about Douven at the Inn, a few guard rush in and out of the Inn, apparently in some panic. We got out and see that gate open (which should be closed), one guard only protecting it and some glow telling us there is some fire outside, it did look suspicious."
Mertes let out the fact that Eric did look at unease and unsure of himself, for the kid own good.
"I feared that some enemy braeched the door and place a fake guard to keep the door open for their retreat. What would you have us do? Just ignore this and return to our beers? We are not like that, we went to investigate. I climbed the wall to get a better view from higher ground, Arhjan went outside to check if he could find traces and clue of what happened and Zilmedla was interrogating the guard. To be honest, even your citizens should have acted like that... at least I would have if I was one of them, minus maybe climbing the wall... I'd got on a rooftop instead ... if this is legal." At his last remark he can only do a small smile, knowing full well that he know still little about the humans laws.
"By the way, what do you mean by Lord Padraigs Privileges? Also, if we cannot hurt others and yourselves, how do we deal with disputes? Can we do honnour duels? "

"There's been a tribe, or raiding party, we're not sure which, operating in the area as long as the town has been here--way back to the days of the Nerath Empire. Sometimes they keep to themselves and don't bother anyone. Sometimes they ambush merchants on the road to steal supplies. Sometimes they sneak into a farm to steal livestock. It comes in waves. But they've been getting much more aggressive lately than they've been during my whole life. And their activity has been a lot more concentrated to the south and southeast; they used to roam all through the surrounding area. Maybe the clan has a new leader, or a hideout there. We've searched but have never been able to find a hideout; I've always thought they were nomads. About tonight...kobolds for sure. The traps were signature kobold. I've never known them to set a field on fire, though. Farmer Arne lost his whole oilseed crop and a dozen sheep."
Upon hearing the captain story about the kobolds, he realize, Umm, we did let one of these little bugger flee.... this fire might be some retribution for the kobolds we killed defending ourselves. Better not speak too much about this in case they acuse us of something about this.
Coming back from his toughts, Mertes inquire a bit more,
"Yeah, we got attacked by these kobold raiders on the way here. Did you see kobolds at the fire, or only their traps and think it is their doing? "

Looking at the smith shop, Mertes mentaly take note of its location, This man might know more about the terrain feature around here, maybe where douven went.
REmembering about Douven, Mertes Ask the captain,
"You hinted that you've met Douven before he disappeared.... can oyu tell us more about what exactly he was doing here?"

Snow... I hope you dont mind me spinning 3 different branch of conversation with the captain.... we could play them one by one... but that would take forever ... PBP isnt well suited for interactive conversations- take lot of time.

2011-05-16, 11:57 AM
"I do understand the needs for laws, but it should not override common sense. I mean, you lieuteant should place himself in our boots. We are asking question about Douven at the Inn, a few guard rush in and out of the Inn, apparently in some panic. We got out and see that gate open (which should be closed), one guard only protecting it and some glow telling us there is some fire outside, it did look suspicious.
"I feared that some enemy braeched the door and place a fake guard to keep the door open for their retreat. What would you have us do? Just ignore this and return to our beers? We are not like that, we went to investigate. I climbed the wall to get a better view from higher ground, Arhjan went outside to check if he could find traces and clue of what happened and Zilmedla was interrogating the guard. To be honest, even your citizens should have acted like that... at least I would have if I was one of them, minus maybe climbing the wall... I'd got on a rooftop instead ... if this is legal."

"You mention common sense, but I do not think it means what you think it means. In your paranoid scenario, a completely silent but vastly superior enemy sweeps through the gates, neutralizing the two Regulars there and the two on patrol in the square without making a sound. The enemy also somehow induces several more off-duty Regulars to come out of the Inn and similarly be eliminated without a trace. Despite the enemy's immense skill, they place an untrained adolescent in the gateway to prevent anyone from closing the gates." He chuckles to himself. "I admire your imagination and cautiousness, but without all the facts you jumped to wrong conclusions. The citizens in the Inn and the square saw the Regulars rushing around, but they know that the Regulars can handle any situation. Most of them don't even ask, but if they do we tell them we're handling it. And that's the truth. Should we make them worry needlessly by giving the fine details of every potential threat? People would be living in fear all the time. But I have to remember, you're not regular people, you're adventurers.
"The reason climbing the wall is illegal is because you could be hurt. If there's a siege or a drill we put up ladders. If I'm not mistaken, you were bleeding when you picked yourself up after falling off the wall, though not for long. If you climb on a roof, you can expect them to bring a lawsuit against you for the damage you do. Roofs are made to keep off rain and snow, not support the weight of giants."

"By the way, what do you mean by Lord Padraigs Privileges? Also, if we cannot hurt others and yourselves, how do we deal with disputes? Can we do honnour duels? "

"Lord Padraig administers justice in Winterhaven. Anyone who feels he has been wronged can bring suit against the perpetrator. Lord Padraig's decisions are final and his word becomes law. No one questions this; the Lord is a good, just, and able ruler, like his father the Lord before him. He has brought prosperity to Winterhaven despite our isolation. So we make sure not to impugn his motives, honor, or dignity, and we pay our taxes." He again chuckles at Mertes's question. "If honor duels were legal, Lieutenant Forace would have challenged me long ago. No, duels are not legal because you can't agree to accept being wounded or killed."

"Yeah, we got attacked by these kobold raiders on the way here. Did you see kobolds at the fire, or only their traps and think it is their doing? "

"By the time we got there the kobolds were long gone. Just their tracks were left, mixed in with the tracks of Arne's sheep. After we finished the firebreak Simkins here tried to follow the tracks and ran into the trap which cut up his feet and legs. Didn't hurt him too bad but he could barely move."

"You hinted that you've met Douven before he disappeared.... can oyu tell us more about what exactly he was doing here?"

"Hunting for some relic or artifact, he was coy about it so I didn't pry. Treasure hunters don't easily give up their secrets. Just knew he was heading south, through the forest."

Lycan 01
2011-05-16, 12:58 PM

Zimelda gives a nod to the Captain, and then nods to her team. She then strides off to step in on Eric's behalf. She opts not to have Jarvis think a message to Eric, since he would likely have to get in range and Eric would likely freak out about having his mind invaded.

When she approaches Eric and his bullies, Zimelda once again adjusts her posture and body language. She walks up to them slowly, making sure her hips sway with every step. "Excuse me, gentlemen!" she greets them warmly, her voice taking on a very cheerful tone. She halts several feet away, so that she's an even distance from both the bullies and Eric, and she makes sure her posture once again accentuates her curves. Between the fact that she's not directly next to them, the fact that its dark, and the fact that her hood is securely in place, its doubtful that they'll be able to perceive her race. And besides, its doubtful they'll be looking at her face, anyway. "I am sorry to interrupt, but I find myself in need of assistance. And a group of strapping young men such as yourselves are just the thing I'm looking for..." she says in a coy manner.

I'm not really sure what I need to roll here, or if I need to roll anything since I'm just gauging their reaction to an attractive distraction. XD

2011-05-16, 01:07 PM

You mention common sense, but I do not think it means what you think it means. In your paranoid scenario, a completely silent but vastly superior enemy sweeps through the gates, neutralizing the two Regulars there and the two on patrol in the square without making a sound. The enemy also somehow induces several more off-duty Regulars to come out of the Inn and similarly be eliminated without a trace. Despite the enemy's immense skill, they place an untrained adolescent in the gateway to prevent anyone from closing the gates." He chuckles to himself. "I admire your imagination and cautiousness, but without all the facts you jumped to wrong conclusions. The citizens in the Inn and the square saw the Regulars rushing around, but they know that the Regulars can handle any situation. Most of them don't even ask, but if they do we tell them we're handling it. And that's the truth. Should we make them worry needlessly by giving the fine details of every potential threat? People would be living in fear all the time. But I have to remember, you're not regular people, you're adventurers.
Mertes listen to the man reasoning and have to concede its logic scrathing his chin, "Put like that, it all make sense. You may call it paranoia, and you might have a good point here,"Mertes give the man a small shy smile. "Hard for us to know tough... To my eyes it appeared like someone who knocked out a guard and stole his outfit. Eric was not doing a bad job, he just appear misfit for the suit. That and the gate.... oh well. Anyway, what happened happened. No need to beat a dead horse. And right you are, falling form there hurt, I did learn that, I see the need for this rule."

"If honor duels were legal, Lieutenant Forace would have challenged me long ago. No, duels are not legal because you can't agree to accept being wounded or killed."

Mertes look at the captain, trying to gauge the man strenght, "Bah, you sure can overthrow this little tw...man. Oh well, I probably never will fully grasp humans law system anyway." Mertes let out a hearty laugh. Clearing his voice, he add "I'll do my best to go by the book as you say. My clan have a saying : at the dwarf table you drink beer, at the elf table you drink wine. I guess I have to adapt to your customs. The next part of that saying goes, 'at the goblin table, you slay them all', but it does not really apply here." Mertes give Kefrem an wild grin.

"By the time we got there the kobolds were long gone. Just their tracks were left, mixed in with the tracks of Arne's sheep. After we finished the firebreak Simkins here tried to follow the tracks and ran into the trap which cut up his feet and legs. Didn't hurt him too bad but he could barely move."
"[COLOR="blue"]Hunting for some relic or artifact, he was coy about it so I didn't pry. Treasure hunters don't easily give up their secrets. Just knew he was heading south, through the forest.

"Well I cannot speak for my new friends here, butif I can, I'll try to deal with you kobold problem. I am pretty sure from what you are saying that it is also our problem, since my Douven disappear in that area anyway."

2011-05-16, 01:47 PM
"Excuse me, gentlemen!"

The bullies stop in mid-taunt, and their mouths flap open. They're shocked that any outsider would approach during their game. Then their heads pivot to notice Zimelda, and their eyes open wide.

Eric, turned in on himself, slowly picks his head up, but he doesn't look yet. His breathing is still ragged.

"Who's she?" one of them asks. The other one shrugs.

"I am sorry to interrupt, but I find myself in need of assistance. And a group of strapping young men such as yourselves are just the thing I'm looking for..."

The bullies look at Eric, and then back to Zimelda. Then Eric, then Zimelda. "Is she talking to us?" "She's certainly not talking to Little Ricky, not a babe like that." Yet their voices don't have the same mocking tone as previously.


I'm not really sure what I need to roll here, or if I need to roll anything since I'm just gauging their reaction to an attractive distraction. XDNo roll needed, unless you want to try to change their minds or get them to do or say something they wouldn't naturally do.

Lycan 01
2011-05-16, 02:08 PM

"Babe? I am sorry, I'm new in this land, so I'm not familiar with such a title. In fact, that's partially the reason I wanted to talk to you boys," she says, feigning ignorance. In truth, she vaguely knew what "babe" meant, having been subjected to many catcalls and pickup lines during her recent travels. But she remained patient, and restrained herself from breaking somebody's jaw.

"You see, I'm something of an adventurer, and I find myself lacking... something. Well, more of a someone. I find myself in need of a companion, to serve as my guide and assistant. I need someone to help me get a better grasp of the local culture and geography, to help me carry gear and equipment, and other various tasks and jobs. And, of course, sometimes while out adventuring and exploring, it can get a bit... lonely..." she offhandedly observes, allowing the meaning of her words to hang in the air.

"The job, of course, would be easy. As I said, I simply need a guide and companion, not someone to do backbreaking labor or go dungeon raiding with me. And payment for the services are negotiable, but I can assure you that whoever takes the job will be rewarded..." she tilts her hips slightly and rests her hands on them in a somewhat suggestive pose, "Adequately."

"So... anyone interested?"

2011-05-16, 02:14 PM
"Put like that, it all make sense. You may call it paranoia, and you might have a good point here, Hard for us to know tough... To my eyes it appeared like someone who knocked out a guard and stole his outfit. Eric was not doing a bad job, he just appear misfit for the suit. That and the gate.... oh well. Anyway, what happened happened. No need to beat a dead horse. And right you are, falling form there hurt, I did learn that, I see the need for this rule."

"A little bit of paranoia is healthy; there are a lot of dangers out there and it pays to be alert. I'm just wondering why you chose the most difficult ways to acquire more information rather than, say, asking a passer-by. Again I have to remind myself, I've known some adventurers in my day; if one of them sees a wall, his first thought usually is 'How am I going to get on top of it'. Sometimes a wall is just a wall. And seriously, did you think Eric knocked out one of my battle-ready men? And put the body in a Bag of Holding? You see, he can't even hit a fly that's biting him! Guess I'll have to train him how to wear armor though."

"Bah, you sure can overthrow this little tw...man. Oh well, I probably never will fully grasp humans law system anyway."

Kelfem, with a twinkle in his eye, joins Mertes in laughter.

"I'll do my best to go by the book as you say. My clan have a saying : at the dwarf table you drink beer, at the elf table you drink wine. I guess I have to adapt to your customs. The next part of that saying goes, 'at the goblin table, you slay them all', but it does not really apply here. Well I cannot speak for my new friends here, butif I can, I'll try to deal with you kobold problem. I am pretty sure from what you are saying that it is also our problem, since my Douven disappear in that area anyway."
"Well, I hope you end up 'at the goblin table' with the kobolds, and soon. For the sake of Winterhaven...and your friend."

2011-05-16, 02:23 PM
"A little bit of paranoia is healthy; there are a lot of dangers out there and it pays to be alert. I'm just wondering why you chose the most difficult ways to acquire more information rather than, say, asking a passer-by. Again I have to remind myself, I've known some adventurers in my day; if one of them sees a wall, his first thought usually is 'How am I going to get on top of it'. Sometimes a wall is just a wall. And seriously, did you think Eric knocked out one of my battle-ready men? And put the body in a Bag of Holding? You see, he can't even hit a fly that's biting him! Guess I'll have to train him how to wear armor though."
The barabarian is about to add more, but keep silent and let the matter go and simply shrug at the man.

"Well, I hope you end up 'at the goblin table' with the kobolds, and soon. For the sake of Winterhaven...and your friend."
Mertes smile, "So do I... So do I."Giving a small tap on his axe head, he add, "I cant wait to introduce Life-Ender to them all. I'll try to keep their chief alive if possible, so we can learn why they are here if for any other reason that to torment your town."

2011-05-16, 02:31 PM
"Babe? I am sorry, I'm new in this land, so I'm not familiar with such a title. In fact, that's partially the reason I wanted to talk to you boys,"

Zimelda Bluff: [roll0] Success

"So... anyone interested?"

The two bullies look at each other with excitement. This is the chance of a lifetime! All their adolescent fantasies rolled into one! Adventure! Heroism! The chance to get out of this backwoods town! Sex! They both start clamoring loudly, shouting over each other in their enthusiasm, holding their arms up and waving.

Eric turns to view her. "Zimelda? Is that you?" There's an odd look in his eyes.

Lycan 01
2011-05-16, 02:50 PM

Zimelda smirks beneath her hood as the two bullies immediately start struggling to win her favor. Idiots...

At Eric's question, she gives him a subtle nod. She couldn't speak directly to him, lest the bullies think he had something to do with this. Turning her attention back to the bullies, she holds up her hands. "Woah, slow down boys. Try to have a little self control, like this fellow," she gestures at Eric. "I need an assistant who can keep his cool, and not panic or get overly excited at every little thing..." she turns back to Eric, and visibly looks him over. "Hm..." she muses. She then looks back at the two bullies. "Now, why should I pick you? Any noteworthy qualities I should know about?" She remarks aside to Eric: "That goes for you, too."

2011-05-16, 03:00 PM
One more detail about the kobolds. We've managed to capture a few of them from time to time, but they usually don't speak Common. The most we've been able to get out of them in interrogating them is that they belong to the Clan of the Arm or something like that, and their boss is the Arm. Completely useless. The only one in town who can understand Kobold is Valthrun - he says it's a dialect of draconic - and you can guess his response when we asked for help with an interrogation."

2011-05-16, 03:17 PM
At Eric's question, she gives him a subtle nod.

The strange look in Eric's eyes gets a little stronger.

"Woah, slow down boys. Try to have a little self control, like this fellow," she gestures at Eric. "I need an assistant who can keep his cool, and not panic or get overly excited at every little thing...Now, why should I pick you? Any noteworthy qualities I should know about?"

A quick shoving match develops. The taller boy elbows his way to the front. "(Stop pushing, Crabb)...Miss, you don't want little Rrr...him, he cries ALL the time! I'm Goyle, your future assistant. I'm already in the militia, and I'm really fast, have good reflexes, and I'm a great climber. During the last drill I was the first one up on the walls."

The wider boy, evidently Crabb, pulls Goyle behind him. "That's because you were already up there making out with Lucy. Miss, you want ME, Crabb, for your assistant. I've been in the militia longer than either of them, and I'm a keen eye and a crack shot. During the last drill-- at night-- I spotted a Dire Badger that was coming out of a tunnel near the gate, and I hit it right between the eyes with a rock from my sling. Bang--dead!"

Goyle begins tussling with Crabb again, and regains the upper hand. "That's because it was already dead, and it was a regular badger, not a Dire one." They resume their shoving match.

Zimelda is quite sure that the boys are honest about their talents, but the true story is the less impressive one in both cases.

rolled for bluff vs. Zimelda's passive insight behind the screen, the bullies got a 5 and a 9

Eric, still with the odd look on his face, says quietly, "I could knock either of those cowards out with one punch..."

Lycan 01
2011-05-16, 03:39 PM

Zimelda nods thoughtfully as the two boys give their boasts. When they resume their shoving match, she looks back at Eric. "Yet you've shown self-restraint. Another good quality..." she quietly remarks to him.

She then looks back at the bullies and asks: "What languages do you boys speak?"

2011-05-16, 04:45 PM
"Yet you've shown self-restraint. Another good quality..." she quietly remarks to him.

She then looks back at the bullies and asks: "What languages do you boys speak?"

Crabb: "Wait, shut up, she said something to him."
Goyle: "Yeah, I heard, she asked us what languages we speak, lemme answer her."
Crabb: "No, before that. And I think he said something too."
Goyle: "So shut up! I speak Common of course, miss, that's all anyone needs....but if you want, I could learn anything."
Crabb: "I speak Common too...what else did you just say?"
Eric: "Master Valthrun was trying to teach me a little...Elvish, but I don't really speak it." He cringes, sure that's not the right answer.

Something rings a bell for Crabb and Goyle:
Crabb insight: [roll0]
Goyle insight: [roll1]

Lycan 01
2011-05-16, 04:56 PM

"I told the young Guardsman here that self-restraint is another good quality he seems to posses," she casually replies with a shrug. "You boys seem to be quite competitive, even going so far as to point out the flaws in each others stories. He, however, simply made a humble statement of his own abilities," she gestures at Eric. "What did you say your name was, trooper?"

2011-05-16, 10:08 PM
OOC la di da

Unless there's some objection, the Zimelda/bullies/Eric thread will take place in PM from now on. Anybody have any more questions for the Captain, or should we head to the Temple and unlock the secrets of the amulet?