View Full Version : [3.5] Enlarge Person

2011-03-05, 04:38 PM
I hope this isn't an existing thread; I've been looking around and haven't seen this question yet, so I'm still wondering how it would work.

Is there any way for a wizard to permanently Enlarge or Reduce a nonhumanoid? Enlarge/Reduce Person applies specifically to humanoids, druids only have Reduce Animal, which is not compatible with Permanency anyway according the the PHB. Since Polymorph changes the affected creature's type, could a wizard Polymorph, say, a dog into a humanoid, permanently Enlarge it, and then let Polymorph wear off and have a permanently enlarged dog?

Along the same lines, could a permanent Enlarge or Reduce be cast on a silver dragon using its Alternate Form ability to appear human?

Also, for a wizard's familiar, could a wizard cast Enlarge/Reduce Person on himself and have it also affect his familiar through the Share Spell ability?

2011-03-05, 10:12 PM
Since Polymorph changes the affected creature's type, could a wizard Polymorph, say, a dog into a humanoid, permanently Enlarge it, and then let Polymorph wear off and have a permanently enlarged dog?

My common sense is tingling. I'd say no. Once the dog ceases to be a person, Enlarge Person ceases to be effective.

Also, for a wizard's familiar, could a wizard cast Enlarge/Reduce Person on himself and have it also affect his familiar through the Share Spell ability?
Yes. The Share Spell feature explicitly says that it can affect the familiar even if it normally doesn't affect its creature type.

2011-03-05, 10:20 PM
Prufock+1 I'd say.
If the creature's type changes to humanoid then enlarge person works, but if/when the creature's type changes to something else the enlarge/reduce spell will be surpressed. The dragons' alternate form ability doesn't say it changes the dragon's type, so it wouldn't work on them.

2011-03-05, 10:25 PM
Technically, I suppose Polymorph Any Object could do it. You change the creature into a larger version of the same creature. Same kingdom + same class + related + same or lower intelligence = duration factor 11, permanent. It's an eighth level spell.

2011-03-05, 10:38 PM
The Mod They Call Me: This belongs in roleplaying games.

2011-03-06, 02:39 AM
The psionic power expansion can make the caster larger by one or two size categories. Its opposite is compression. Get either of those enchanted into a wearable item, and it'll function at the will of the wearer. Depending on your GM's degree of psi/magic correlation, natch.

2011-07-03, 10:37 AM
Wow, I forgot I posted this question. Anyway, thanks for the feedback. I forgot about Polymorph Any Object, that might work. My group usually has psionics-magic transparency, so that would work, but there's already a ring of growth in I believe Savage Species that allows the wearer to grow one size category, I think. I don't know if an animal is smart enough to activate it, though...

Thrice Dead Cat
2011-07-03, 11:45 AM
My common sense is tingling. I'd say no. Once the dog ceases to be a person, Enlarge Person ceases to be effective.

This is not true, despite common sense. It's not as if each round, Enlarge Person is recasting itself on the target: it only checks for validity of the target when it is cast, not after.

2011-07-03, 11:59 AM
This is not true, despite common sense. It's not as if each round, Enlarge Person is recasting itself on the target: it only checks for validity of the target when it is cast, not after.

Doesn't it fall under "one effect makes another redundant" or one of those rules?

2011-07-03, 12:21 PM
If you guys are cool with having it fly in any form, then you can just make it a higher level spell following the example of the spells charm person > monster, dominate person > monster, etc.