View Full Version : Memories of the Warforged IC Thread

2011-03-05, 10:59 PM
The dim light leaking in from the broken tiles in the roof illuminate the metallic surface of a humanoid figure. It seems to be a well armored being, obviously built for a war, similar to those depicted on the vase. You are amazed that it is still here, intact, when so much of the ruins have been pillaged. As you investigate it, a glow appears in its eye sockets, and it moves...

OOC: feel free to rp a bit guys.

OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=10501079#post10501079)

2011-03-06, 02:45 AM
The blue glow appearing from the figure's eye sockets dimmed for a moment, before intensifying. As it did, the figure started to stir. Laying beneath a layer of dust and rock, as if it had not moved for ages, it tried to get up. As it did, it made the sound of metal scraping against metal, wood clenching and a deep rumble coming from within. On top of that were the sounds of the earth shifting, slowly sliding off the figure or falling off as gravity took hold of them. Moss cushioned the fall of the earthen rocks as the figure revealed itself more and more.

A humanoid figure, heavily armoured, moved its thick arms and shoved a piece of rock away under the sound of strenous effort and strength being reawakened in its body. Its feet and legs moved, accomponied by the sound of metal scraping along the floor. A thud spread through the space for a moment as it placed a foot heavily on the floor. Rising up with the earth falling from it, there still seemed to be a stubborn piece of earth with a bit of moss clinging to its right shoulder.

As it had finally made the journey up, to stand once more, when it had achieved this feat, it stood fierce and straight. The dim light that had leaked in from above continued to illuminate the figure, and bounced off the metallic surface again. The figure was broad and thick, fully armoured in a much literal sense of the word, as it looked to be armour. But this armour was not made out of iron or steel, this was fashioned from the ultrahard material Adamantine. Plates covered the figure and between the plates was more adamantine. The description Heavy certainly applied to this figure, this creature built for war, this armour forged to stand the test of time and endure battle. The Warforged stood and clenched its fingers, raising them up, as if to check everything still worked as it should.

Feet stepped forward and smashed one of the earthen clumps that had fallen off the figure. Slowly stretching its arms in front of it, metal scrapping with metal, and putting them to the side again, it stood still. Seemingly satisfied with its heavy and slow movement for now, its head started to move and observe the room. The glowing eye sockets seemed to search for something, and they were. They were searching for a person. "Master?" a deep and rumbling voice let out from the figure, not entirely natural, but neither entirely mechanical. The tone was questioning, and as it searched with its eyes, they were trying to find the master. Something within the figure urged him to do so. A desire, perhaps a purpose. For now, it did not question that purpose, as there were plenty of other questions, such as where itself is and where the Master is.

2011-03-06, 04:58 AM
Jack, completely clothed in black and therefore not much more than a black spot in the dark room, jumped back towards a wall the moment the thing started to move.
Now he is standing there behind a broken pillar, trying to move as little as possible as he draws his loaded crossbow from his back with one hand; with the other he rummages through the countless amulets hanging from his neck, each depicting the symbol of a different deity, until he can finally make out the silhouette of Olidammara's mask (the only real holy symbol among the lot). Grasping both these things tightly, Jack steps out from behind the pillar.

"Your masters are all dead. You belong to me now!"

His voice sounds muffled as the lower half of his face is covered in some scarf, probably to shield him from the thick layers of dust everywhere. The rest of Jack is pretty much covered as well, either by cloak or by leather, except for his icy blue eyes which are currently shifting from one end of the room to the other while he is moving slowly towards the exit. Just in case.

2011-03-06, 07:17 AM
Slowly, the head turned to meet the movement from the darkness. The blue eyes glow a bit brighter as they recognise it as a figure stepping out. With two heavy steps, it positions itself to face the creature. Its gaze moving from top to toe, it tries to discern what kind of being it is. Slowly, his recognition expands to realise that what is standing before him is a human speaking to it.

The words move slowly through its mind, having difficulty to plod through a mind still waking up from its long inactivity. Managing to sink in eventually, the armoured being looks at the human before him, and realisation finally dawns. Seconds of silence followed Jack's words, until they became tens of seconds, but then eventually the being speaks once more in its deep and rumbling voice. "You are Master?"

2011-03-06, 07:55 AM
Pearls of sweat began to appear on Jack's forehead during the construct's long silence, and the holy symbol was almost crushed by the pressure of the hand gripping it.
When it finally speaks jack releases a clearly audible sigh of relief and his eyes lighten up; it seems as if he wants to start dancing right now.

"Yes!", he almost shouts out with eagerness. Then, more solemn: "I mean, yes, I fear so. You have been abandoned here, and I...", Jack grasps for the right words, "I came here to rescue you. Yes, that's it, to rescue you."

Jack has lowered his crossbow a bit by now, but he is still holding on to the Rogue's symbol.

2011-03-06, 08:19 AM
This time, the silence did not last as long after Jack spoke up. The words seemed to slip more easily in its mind, their meaning more easily understood. Some questions rose up in its mind, but sunk down again as for now, they were still not important. What was important was the figure standing infront of it. The Master. It felt something inside it, a feeling, but could not identify it for now. The deep voice let out: "Thank you, Master."

Gratitude towards the Master, for he had come to rescue it. Was that the feeling? Must have been. The blue glowing eyes of the tall and broad figure looked upon the human before him. It could not recognise the symbols he was carrying, nor the one he was holding. It did recognise the crossbow as a weapon, but if he was here to rescue it, it would make sense that he had some kind of weapon to defend himself with. While not much else was soon from his figure, there was one thing that it noticed. The Master had icy blue eyes and somehow it felt appropriate. Perhaps even familiar? It did not know.

A new noise emerged in the room, again coming from the tall lumbering figure standing in the midst in front of Jack. Some kind of whirring noise, boiling for a moment, clanking, metal scrapping metal and then as if there was some kind of gust inside the creature. Some of the noise dimmed down, but then it, without warning, moved its arms again, rising them up towards Jack. The metal fingers move in an attempt to lay them on Jack's shoulders. The movement is slow, however, and easy to dodge.

If the adamantine fingers do manage to get a grasp on Jack's shoulders, they seem warm, though heavy. Some plates of the fingers extend and warmth seems to come from them in waves, each of them trying to take effect and cling on Jack's figure.

Using Endure Exposure on Self
Spell Failure: [roll0] - 35% or below is failure

Using Endure Exposure on Jack
Spell Failure: [roll1] - 35% or below is failure
Touch attack if Jack tries to dodge: [roll2]
Will Save (harmless) if Jack is touched, but resists: DC 10

Endure Exposure: Endure Elements (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/endureElements.htm) and immune to Warforged's breath weapon for 24 hours.

2011-03-06, 12:09 PM
Jack almost jumps out of his hide when the warforged suddenly moves; but he stops himself last-second (which almost makes him trip).

" 'Master', hm, let's wait and see", he mumbles to himself excitedly.

But the moment he feels an unknown power coursing through him Jack's instincts kick in and his mind resists easily. It is then he finally takes the jump backwards that his muscles had been anticipating all along.

"Explain yourself!"

Will Save: [roll0]

2011-03-06, 12:37 PM
As the warforged activates his magic, a deep rumble can be heard throughout the ruins. Suddenly the light from the cracks in the ceilings goes dark.

2011-03-06, 12:44 PM
"Okay, seriously, what is going on here?"

Jack's eyes try to adjust to the darkness as he grabs for his-"Damn, why didn't I bring my 'expedition' equipment?"

While he waits for a reaction from the warforged he also begins to edge towards the exit of the room.

2011-03-06, 01:47 PM
The Warforged gazes upon Jack as he jumped back. Why did the Master jump back? Not understanding, there was little in its stance that betrayed this confusion, except for the glowing eyes that studied Jack, in a vein attempt to find such a reason by mere looking at him. When it was about to respond, the light from the ceiling turned dark. The rumble before that had disturbed him, but it knew not the reason behind the noise, nor did it see the cause. About to respond again, Jack's response to it all was much faster, so it listened and responded to that question first.

"I do not know what is going on here, Master. I do not know where this is." It said in its deep, rumbling voice. "I also do not know why you did not bring your expedition equipment, Master." It responds helpfully. Seeing the Master move towards the exit of the room, the Warforged starts to follow Jack with heavy steps. There can be no doubt that this is not a figure meant to go places stealthily, as the clunks and thuds of its step were loud and audible with the weight it shifted about.

"I tried to give you protection, Master. The protection is against the heat and cold of the environment, as well as my own weapon, Master." It explained about the earlier question when it halted near Jack again, looking at him with its glowing blue eyes.

2011-03-06, 08:09 PM
A disembodied voice floats through the darkness. "Unit 011011010101 activated without authorization. Termination procedures activated. Have a nice day."

As Jack edges to the entrance, he finds a solid piece of stone blocking his way. There was another entrance on the other side, but it may too be blocked.

2011-03-07, 02:27 AM
"Oh, okay, proceed, then," Jack said in reply to the warforged's explanation, trying to sound as commanding as possible. Then the strange voice sounds and any pretense is forgotten. Jack runs over to the other exit to check whether it is blocked, as well.

"This would be the time to tell me about everything you can do. Leave nothing out!"

2011-03-07, 03:04 AM
The warforged looks up as it hears the voice. It stood still for a moment, wondering where the voice came from and what it meant. Without authorization? But was the person standing before it, or more accurately, the person running to the door, not the Master and would he not have given authorization? Unless he had forgotten, ofcourse. The Master seemed to have forgotten more things. Or should the Master be unaware of those things? It could not remember. What it did remember and know was that it did not like to be terminated. At least the voice wished it a nice day.

Looking at the Master again, he was hurrying off to the other exit again. The Master was fast. Following him with its lumbering steps, the Warforged responded. "I can provide protection against heat and cold from the environment, as well as provide protection against my weapon. My weapon is fire, Master." Then, a short pause followed. When its deep voice spoke up again, there was some tremble in it, almost as if it hesitated. "Does the Master require me to list mundane tasks as well?" The Master had said that it should leave nothing out, but it felt the need for verification, as the situation did not seem the right one for such a lengthy list.

Meanwhile, it tried to follow the Master and put its hands on the Master's shoulders again as per his previous order to proceed. Once again, plates clicked and waves of warmth came from the fingers, trying to cling to Jack's figure.

Endure Exposure.
Spell Failure: [roll0] Below 35 is failure.

2011-03-07, 04:48 AM
"Physical capabilities, specifically, how well do you fare against solid stone?"

Jack stops a moment so the warforged can do whatever it does, then he proceeds toward the other exit.

2011-03-07, 04:57 AM
The Warforged looks at Jack with its glowing eyes, before looking at the solid stone. It looked at Jack again. "I can not work stone, Master." It said. If Jack moves on again, it follows with its lumbering heavy steps again.

2011-03-07, 05:04 AM
Jack stops in his tracks to let the last statement sink in.

"Then... super-human strength, maybe?", Jack responds after a while, sounding a little panicked by the situation, now.

2011-03-07, 05:10 AM
"I do not possess super-human strength, Master. I am more durable than a regular human, though, Master." Considering it looked pretty much like an armour, the latter statement should hardly be a surprise. It had decided to add the last part, in the hope to appease the Master a bit. For a moment, it wondered why it had felt like that, but the thought quickly evaporated again as the current situation seemed more important to focus on.

2011-03-07, 03:21 PM
"Then let's just hope the other exit is clear," Jack says with a sigh while his left hand searches for the amulet of an obscure goddess of luck.

2011-03-07, 03:35 PM
There is a rumble and the room shales again. A bright light fills the room as a small rock rolls out of a pile of rubbish in the middle of the room. The rock appears to be on fire. The door at the other end of the room is indeed open.

2011-03-08, 03:29 AM
Jack looks curiously at the rock for a moment, then shrugs.

"At least it's now bright enough to see the whole room. Let's get out of here," he says, relieved at the sight of the open door to which he now walks.

2011-03-08, 05:12 AM
"Yes, Master." The tall and heavy figure states in its deep voice. Following Jack, it does take a moment to look around. After all, the Master had said it is now bright enough to see the whole room, so that meant seeing- looking around was the right thing to do, right? It did notice the flaming rock, certainly a peculiarity, as it looked through the room.

Spot: [roll0]

2011-03-08, 09:22 AM
Jack heads to the door, but cannot see much outside it. There is a perpendicular corridor, about 10 feet wide, but he cannot see how far it extends.

The Warforged looks around the room. He notices that the pile of rubble that the stone came from has a stick poking out from it...no, not a stick but a bone.

2011-03-08, 10:30 AM
"Master, did you lose one of your bones?" Asked the Warforged after seeing the bone sticking out of the pile of rubble. It did not thought it was ordinary for humans to lose one of their bones, at least it could not recall any of that being normal. But then again, it could not remember other things either, so it would be best to ask.

2011-03-08, 10:57 AM
Jack was just straining his eyes to see deeper into the corridor when the warforged asks his question.

"What?, he exclaims surprised, then he sees the bone.
"No. No, that one belongs to another guy. Two question: Can you carry that stone without being damaged? Can you see in the dark?"

Spot, taking ten for 18.

2011-03-08, 02:14 PM
ooc: Did you loose one of your bones *facepalm* This is gonna be a good game.

IC: Jack spots both the bone and the rubble it sticks out from. Its likely there's more of a body under the rubble, whether he wants to investigate it is another matter.

2011-03-09, 05:31 AM
"I can not lift objects on fire without being damaged, Master." The Warforged explains and continues to answer the second question: "I can not see in the dark, Master." At most, its eyes could glow in the dark, which unfortunately is not enough to actually see in the dark.

It remained silent after that, wondering if they would leave or check out the bone and flaming rock more. However, something rose up: "Master, I thought rocks could not be on fire. That rock is on fire."

2011-03-09, 08:24 AM
"You haven't been taught much, have you? It's either magical or coated in some kind of oil, but I'm far more interested in finding out if the way out is free than in some rubble. Help me look for a stick or something similar."

Jack's voice betrays that it is starting to dawn on him that the warforged might not be a find of the magnitude he had envisioned.

Spot 18 to find a stick and maybe some cloth. If it doesn't work take 20 for 28.

2011-03-09, 08:36 AM
You find the rotted remains of some cloth and a torch (long devoid of the oil that made it flammable).

2011-03-09, 08:45 AM
"Hope this works at least for a little while," Jack mutters as he wraps the cloth around the torch and scrapes it against the rock's surface.

2011-03-09, 09:38 AM
It does not light on fire.

2011-03-09, 10:06 AM
"I do not recall how much I was thaught, Master." The Warforged explains. It adds: "Thank you for explaining, Master." It feels as though it should have thought of that, but then again, the whole thinking process still seems a bit slow. And that is not the only thing that is slow. As it tries to look for a stick or something similar along with the Master, the Master quickly manages to find something already, without the need for aid from the Warforged. It looks patiently to see what the Master is doing and how the clothed old torch does not light on fire. The fire would probably be magic then, as the Master suggested, the Warforged figured out.

2011-03-09, 11:04 AM
Jack checks the rock's temperature by slowly moving his left hand toward it.

2011-03-09, 11:20 AM
It is cool to the touch.

2011-03-09, 11:39 AM
"Excellent! Carry that stone and follow me. Or roll it, or something," Jack commands, clearly eager to get out of here (at least for now).

2011-03-09, 03:07 PM
"Yes, Master." Said the rumbling voice, following by the heavy thread of the same person's feet moving to the stone. Setting its feet further apart, it moved down and placed it hands around to stone to try and see if it could lift the stone. As it does, there is quite a lot of noise coming from it, mostly metal scraping metal.

If it finds that it is too heavy to carry, it will do as instructed and try and roll the stone instead. In either case, it then tries to follow Jack in its wake.

2011-03-09, 03:45 PM
The stone is only about the size of a human fist (should have said that). As the warforged picks it up, it floats and begins rotating around his head.

2011-03-09, 04:16 PM
That the rock floated up and floated around its head definitely fell under "or something". Satisfied with that and deducing that this behaviour must be magic too, it followed the eager Jack.

2011-03-10, 10:38 AM
"Interesting. I really have to come back here once I know it's save."

With that comment Jack leads the way out, keeping an eye out for anything unusual.

2011-03-10, 10:17 PM
With the light from the warforged's new pet rock, you can see the corridor extends either way for at least 30 feet.

2011-03-11, 06:03 AM
Jack stops for a moment, apparently trying to remember something, before he resumes walking.

[roll0], a mix of trying to extrapolate the layout by remembering the way in and pure instinct. Don't know what modifier is best suited for that.

2011-03-11, 12:32 PM
Though thoroughly confused by the turn of events, he believes that going left will get them out.

2011-03-11, 01:09 PM
Jack turns left. After a few seconds a question pops into his head:
"Do you remember the layout of this place?"

2011-03-11, 04:33 PM
"I do not, Master." The Warforged explained simply. "I am sure you will make the right decision, Master." It says, showing its faith in Jack.

2011-03-12, 03:43 AM
"Well, then. Let's find our way out," Jack says disappointedly. "Maybe there's more to loot here than on the way in."

2011-03-12, 06:17 PM
You remember that on your way into the room, you had briefly seen collapsed rubble just past the doorway you are now standing in. There is no sign of the rubble there, nor of any sunlight at all. Perhaps the room moved somehow. If so, your chances of finding your way out thin drastically.

2011-03-13, 08:42 AM
"This isn't good," Jack mutters to himself as he searches for signs that the room could have indeed moved (and maybe even how it moved)."Not good at all. I really hope you're worth the trouble."

Search take ten for 17. If no results take twenty for 27.

2011-03-14, 03:59 PM
For a moment, which turned into several moments, the Warforged thought about those words. As Jack searches, the Warforged waits politely until Jack is not highly concentrated and then speaks: "What trouble, Master?"

2011-03-14, 04:07 PM
Jack finds some evidence in the cracks above the room. Instead of light and fresh air, there is darkness. It is beyond your reach, but it appears that dirt has poured in from some of the holes as well.

2011-03-15, 12:42 PM
"It seems your makers left more than a disembodied voice to keep you in here. Somehow the rooms have moved and I have no idea where to find the exit, if there is one," Jack explains with a note of panic in his voice. "There must be some kind of mechanism to reverse all this, although I have no idea where to look for that, either. Let's just keep going, and keep an eye open."

With that Jack continues on, wandering at random. Paying tribute to a god of luck should count for something, after all.

Doing active spot and listen checks regularly, always taking ten.

2011-03-16, 03:53 PM
"Yes, Master." The Warforged said obediantly. Meanwhile, the words Jack had said echoed through its mind. What was this place, if it had voices and moving rooms? Hidden mechanisms and the like.. it wished it could help the Master more, but so far, it could only help by keeping an eye open.

Keeping an eye out (Spot): [roll0]

2011-03-16, 03:55 PM
The hallway continues for about 60ft before ending in a stone door.

2011-03-17, 05:25 AM

Jack checks if the door can be opened or if there is at least a pickable locking mechanism.

"I need a bit more light here."

2011-03-17, 07:04 AM
The door has a lock and appears to be locked.

2011-03-17, 07:57 AM
The Warforged walks closer to provide the light of the hovering stone. "More light, Master." It states as it looks on the door. "Is the door open, Master?" It asks, as it has not yet figured out that the door is locked.

2011-03-18, 05:09 AM
"Just a minute," Jack says as he kneels down to place his set of lock picks in front of him and starts working.

Open Lock: [roll0]

more rolls, if necessary:

2011-03-18, 07:22 AM
On his second attempt, he feels the lock click open.

2011-03-18, 07:24 AM
"Here we go."

Jack packs his things together, then he opens the door.

2011-03-19, 02:56 PM
"You had the key to the door, Master?" The Warforged inquires. With the rooms moving, it was good that the Master had the right key with him. Thinking what it had seen in the shadows of Jack's hands were keys, the Warforged looked at the door again, seeing the Master open it. Holding the door open, the Warforged then followed further.

2011-03-19, 03:06 PM
The room beyond the door is 25ftx25ft. On every wall is a door, leaving you with three paths to decide on. Each door is stone, similar to the one you entered through. In every corner is what appears to be a stone statue of a humanoid. Most are fairly worn and hard to make out details. The floor is tiled in 5ft squares of alternating black and white tiles. (the first tile past the door is white).

2011-03-20, 10:45 AM
"You could say that," Jack responds with a chuckle.

When he sees the room he stops for a moment, taking everything in. Then he decides to see if there is at least some loot that would make it all worth the trouble of finding a way out.

Spot and Search take ten.

2011-03-21, 04:14 PM
It was glad it had said that then, especially since it seemed it made the Master chuckle. Looking on ahead to the opened room, the Warforged saw the difference in layout, as this time there were tiles of different colours in there. Looking curious at what the Master was doing, the Warforged awaited commands or the master to head on.

2011-03-22, 08:24 AM
Jack finds that the center square of the grid is a pit trap that is fairly well disguised.

He also notices that the eyes of each of the statues glitters. They are small gemstones of an unknown value. It might take a little time to pry them out.

2011-03-23, 03:36 AM
Jack carefully springs the trap so it is clearly visible and he won't step into it by accident at a later time.

"Be careful to not step into this pit."

After that he moves on to remove the gemstones.

2011-03-23, 12:19 PM
"Yes, Master." The Warforged said, taking care to stay away from the pit as he followed Jack. "Do you wish my aid with the removal of those eyes, Master?" It inquires as it sees Jack start to remove the gemstones.

2011-03-23, 03:13 PM
"Oh, yes, of course. Be careful not to break them."

2011-03-23, 03:56 PM
Stepping forward, making sure to avoid the pit in the center of the room, the Warforged gets to work to try and pry out the eyes from the statues, handing the gemstones to Jack when he manages to get them out.

2011-03-23, 05:58 PM
Anyone prying gemstones make a reflex save followed by a fort save.

2011-03-24, 02:24 AM
Reflex save: [roll0]
Fortitude save: [roll1]

2011-03-24, 06:17 AM

2011-03-29, 10:20 AM
A beam shoots out of the statues you are prying the gems out of (one statue for each of you). Jack is hit by one of the beams, and feels it trying to harm him somehow, but his natural fortitude resists it. The Warforged is hit similarly, but doesn't seem affected at all.

You manage to recover four gems (two from each statue) garnets worth about 10gp

2011-03-30, 04:29 AM
"That was unexpected," Jack says with an air of relief. "Are you alright?"

2011-03-30, 04:42 AM
"Yes, Master." The Warforged says as it walks towards Jack. It holds up one of its hands towards Jack, in which two retrieved garnets gleam. "There you go, Master."

Spellcraft to have any idea of what the beams were: [roll0]

2011-03-30, 07:56 AM
You believe it was a spell to inflict a magical disease.

2011-04-01, 05:09 AM
"Very good, now for the other statues. Though this time I'll have a closer look at them, first."

Choosing one of the remaining statues at random, Jack starts examining it.

Search take 20 on the statue.

2011-04-01, 08:32 AM
It seems to have a magical trap tied to the gemstones. It will give you some sort of magical disease unless you resist its effects. You think you can disable it, at least long enough to get the gems out. Or, since the warforged is immune to the effect, he could pry them out without waiting for you to disable the spell trap.

2011-04-01, 08:50 AM
The Warforged waits patiently as the Master searches the statue, as Jack had said he wanted to take a closer look at them first. He looked curiously around the room, looking at the various statues and the gemstones some still contain, finding it a curious place to find themselves in.

2011-04-02, 02:50 AM
"Hm...", Jack mutters several times during his examination, each time followed by an appraising look toward the warforged. Then, "Yes, that should work. The trap should be harmless to you, so go ahead and take the rest of the gems."

2011-04-02, 02:55 AM
"Yes, Master." The Warforged says as it obediently goes and pry the gemstones out of the sockets, ignoring the effects of the trap as it moves on each time.

2011-04-02, 08:04 AM
You have four more garnets (10gp each) and an undamaged warforged.

2011-04-04, 10:57 AM
"Excellent, now which door shall we chose, hmm..."

In the end Jack choses one at random and checks it for traps.

take 20 again

2011-04-05, 10:32 PM
You decide to keep heading straight. You look at the door carefully. It is locked, and there is a devious trap inside the lock. If you had tried to simply pick it, it would have pricked your finger, probably with some sort of poison. The mechanism is inside the door and will be difficult to reach, but you think you can do it. (it has a high disable dc).

2011-04-06, 12:31 PM
"Hm, normally I don't mind a challenge, but I don't have any antido...," Jack muses as his eyes fall on he warforged. "I need you help over here, You need to stick this thing here," he shows a lockpick, "into the lock and jiggle it around a bit, but gently."

2011-04-06, 02:05 PM
The Warforged steps forward. "Yes, Master." However, the silence that came after it was almost questioning. The Warforged looked at the Master and then to the lockpick. Taking the lockpick on his large metal hand, it lifted the thing up to eye level and studied it for a bit. Not really making sense of it, it then simply followed the orders of Jack, slowly moving his hand with the lockpick to the lock, moving it slowly inside the lock and gently moving it around a bit.

2011-04-06, 02:12 PM
A tiny needle pricks the warforged's hand. It penetrates the unliving hand easily. Oddly enough, he can feel it burning, even though he is immune to poisons. It seems to be eating through his hand.

5 acid damage.

1 Piercing damage.


2011-04-06, 02:38 PM
"Now that should not have happened. Let me repair that", Jack says in a surprised tone before he moves his left hand over the damaged area, shrouding it in a purplish-black miasma for a moment, while the holy symbol in is other hand is glowing with the same color.

I so should have know that this wouldn't work twice, roll for repair light damage: [roll0]

2011-04-06, 02:45 PM
The Warforged, as a first reaction, pulled back its hand and then waved with it, trying to get whatever was trying to corrode its inside out. Not very succesful at that, another surprise waited for it. Looking at Jack as he said he would repait that, Jack did so in a way the Warforged certainly had not expected. Usually, mechanical tools were involved, but Jack managed to do so with a glowing hand and holy symbol. Apparently, purplish-black miasmatic glows were a good thing. Something to remember, that's for sure.

When Jack pulled back his hand from the Warforged's hand, the Warforged looks oddly at its repaired hand. Holding it up in front of it, there is a period of staring before the hand is lowered again. The Warforged looks intently at Jack. "Thank you, Master." Remaining to look so intently, the Warforged then adds: "How did you do that, Master?"

2011-04-08, 03:34 AM
"A bit of divine favor and lots of training. Now for that lock."

Jack examines the trap to see whether it reset, if not he starts picking the lock.

Take 20 on the examination, and 10 on the picking.

2011-04-08, 07:22 AM
The trap has not reset and it clicks open.

2011-04-09, 03:11 AM
Jack opens the door and steps forward very very carefully; apparently the good amount of traps encountered so far are enough to make even him paranoid.

Active Spot take ten: 18

2011-04-09, 11:25 AM
The corridor extends forward for at least sixty feet. About ten feet beyond the door is yet another trap. It seems to be a pit the entire width of the corridor, and ten feet long as well (10x10 trap). It is not very well concealed, and you would have likely found it one way or another. There are spikes at the bottom of it, about 20ft down.

2011-04-10, 04:01 AM
"Can you jump? There is a pit down the corridor, about 10 feet across."

2011-04-10, 03:35 PM
"Yes, Master, I can jump. However, my chances for jumping across that pit in a singular jump are low." The Warforged explains to Jack. While it may be tough, it is also heavy and heavily armoured, making jumping an effort to say the least.

2011-04-11, 06:40 AM
"Well, there are two other doors left," Jack says, a little disappointed.

He assumes another trap at the next door. He tries and attempts to disable it before picking the lock; by now he has grown impatient and goes for a bit of a rush job,
so I'm not taking ten or twenty for a change:
Search: [roll0]
Disable Device: [roll1]
Open Lock: [roll2]

2011-04-20, 02:51 PM
You do indeed find another trap, it seems to be a similar kind, though the needle on this one is rather dull. You aren't sure what that means, however, you are unable to disable it. You don't set it off in the process though.

You can try to unlock the door, but doing so might set off the trap.

2011-04-21, 03:51 AM
"I have the bad feeling this is going to hurt..."

Jack attempts to open the lock while trying to at least somewhat block the needle's trajectory with one of his tools.

Open Lock:[roll0]

2011-04-21, 06:20 AM
The Warforged looks at Jack and the door. "What is, Master?" Usually, looking through the keyhole would not hurt, or did it with these newfangled doors? It did not know they had keyhole peeking protection nowadays.

2011-04-21, 06:56 AM
Jack hears the lock click open, and then gets a jolt through his tools. The shock deals minor damage (2 electricity damage).


2011-04-21, 09:55 AM
"Ah, you mean that, Master." The Warforged said as it saw Jack get jolted as he fussed with the lock. Such precognitive feelings the Master had in regards to getting hurt by doors.

2011-04-21, 12:11 PM
"Yes, it did," Jack says weakly after having recovered from the shock. "Let's see if it was worth it."
Jack opens the door and steps through. Very, very, carefully.

2011-04-21, 04:25 PM
There is a long corridor beyond the door. It continues for at least 60 ft, and is 10ft wide. Every 10 feet there are small alcoves on either side with a statue similar to the ones in the room you are leaving.

2011-04-22, 01:44 AM
"Do you wish for me to get their eyes out again, Master?" The Warforged inquires upon seeing the statues in the hall they see in front of them.

2011-04-22, 09:51 AM
"While I like your enthusiasm, I'll have to check everything for more traps, first." Jack doesn't sound too happy at the idea.


2011-04-22, 10:03 AM
You don't find any traps on the first set of statues. Nor anywhere within 20 feet of the door.

2011-04-22, 10:25 AM
"Okay, you can get to work on the first two statues, I'll check the rest."


2011-04-22, 11:24 AM
"Yes, Master." The Warforged replies, moving on to the first two statues. He looks at them for a moment's glance, before repeating the same motions he had before, trying to get the eyes loose from the statues as the Master seemed to value them.

2011-05-13, 08:30 AM
I really hate doing this, but I have to discontinue this adventure. My work load (and now school load as I am having to take a summer course) is severely limiting my online time. I am sorry to do this to you guys.