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2011-03-06, 03:05 PM
Dance with the Dead
-Movement 1: Soliloquy-

It's been almost three months since Inquisitor Von Remus came for you, in some form or another. You spent the rest of that time in some anonymous location learning apparently endless secret codes, although you'd be lucky if you remembered half of them right now, and praying in what passed for your downtime. As suddenly as you had been whisked off into training, you found yourselves called upon to 'serve your master and the emperor', as the large, somewhat hairy cleric who retrieved you phrased it.
A brief week aboard a chartist ship later, you found yourself in orbit over a rather idyllic-looking world, crammed like sardines into a small and somewhat cramped passenger compartment of an weathered Aquila-pattern lander with people you had never even seen before. Someone, you couldn't see their face had ushered you there from your quarters, pressed a data-slate into your hands, and left you aboard the transport.
With a blast of steam and the sound of pistons firing, the doors of the lander close, and you feel a slight swooping sensation in your stomach as the ship's thrusters kick in.

The Data Slate
Hello, acolytes. I assume your training, such as it was on such short notice, went fairly well. If it didn't...It's not as though it were my fault.
+Auth. Gamma+
You are currently heading into the lovely world of Cyprian's gate. No seasonal changes, tropical, and ruled by entertainment guilds, who have enough assassins and sophisticated ways of avoiding legal warfare to...fill a very large thing. They're currently indulging in their little tradition of a weeklong carnival, although, this being a paradise world, and attracting debauched nobles like flies to a corpse, it probably isn't anything like what you have seen before. Or, after this, will want to see again. On the other hand, overt spilling of blood (or at least human blood, although under noble rules, retainers, bodyguards, concubines and assorted posse members don't count as humans) is prohibited.

Addenum: Picture of Cyprian's Gate from orbit

http://kaizan-media.com/image/world/320x240/world_space_orbit_satellite_imagery_gravitational_ pull_field_strength.jpg
This festival ends tonight, with a massive spectacle (it differs every year) at midnight, in the square of the main settlement on Cyprian's Gate.
Which brings us to the problem. Problems, actually. For one thing, there has been an alarming number of grave robberies recently. This wouldn't be too huge of a problem, but the local cult of the emperor, the church of the Emperor Ressurected, has a deep belief in the necessity of keeping the Emperor's dead safe. And when I say safe, I mean the best security money can buy, gene-coded locks, guards, surveilence. However, only one video has ever been caught of these particular grave-robbers. I understand that the contents of it are the reason for their call for inquistorial aid.
In addition, one of the guildmasters of the entertainment guilds, Guildmaster Sinaurum (Throne, what an awkward name) appears to have been acting somewhat odd. the previously gregarious politician has become somewhat of a recluse, rarely being seen in public, and only then with a large hat and a dark photo-visor. It could just be nothing, but rarely does 'nothing' gets noticed by the inquisition.
Oh, and, if any heresy (Xeno, Daemon or general heresy) is involved, it will likely go deep underground after midnight, as soon as the normal law (rather than a more lenient system, such as the one in place during the carnaval) reasserts itself.
- Inquisitor Von Remus

2011-03-06, 04:45 PM
Jarr was doing his best to understand what was written on his dataslate having only learned low gothic a few month's ago and reading was still a bit hard. But the mental exercise did help to get his mind of the fact that they where stowed in one of those small metal boxes with barely enough room to hold the dataslate in front of them. Not to mention the fact that they where only protected from a great nothing by a plate of metal a few centimeters thick.
Still if it meant he would serve the great golden eagle by being in this thing he would do so, no matter how much his instincts protested against it.
As he read the dataslate he sometimes glanced towards the others that where also sitting in the same room, they didn't look tough enough to be able to destroy the enemies of the great eagle, but if he thought they where good enough then he wouldn't question it. Questioning the inquisition was exactly the same as going out in the wilderness with no tools at all, Only more stupid.
"So," Jarr began in low gothic as soon as he had finished reading hte dataslate.
"It seems that we are going to have to kill some honorless scum that thinks to steal the dead faithfull to the great eagle."

2011-03-06, 05:34 PM
Rey read the data-slate, he then looked up watching everyone closely, he was accustomed to be in training and constantly tested, maybe this was a test, maybe not. regardless of this he started reading again tho it was hard for him, he was not literate yet. "hum, grave desecration, a festival that ends today, families with enough money to buy an army"

he looked at the then at the Guardsman " it seams that way"he changed his tone to a more friendly one "whats everyone names? if we are going to work together we might want to know each other , my name is Rey" Rey then looked around to everyone else in the room

2011-03-06, 06:57 PM
The name's Kalliopi.

Lady Sinderfel detaches herself perhaps a quarter-inch from the shadows, her face and clothing limned in the darkness of the ship's poorly maintained lighting. The only colour about her is the amber gleam of her bottle of Amasec, that she clutches almost as an extension of her own hand, but even that's disappearing rapidly. She takes some time to give a cool once-over of the data-slate.

Carnivals - noble creeps - heresy.

That's hardly a good combination, but nor is it a surprising one. What do you think - we hit this Sinaurum, or lie in wait at the graveyard, or what?

2011-03-06, 09:00 PM
Huddled in the shadows of a dark corner, a furtive figure seems to twitch as the various acolytes begin to converse.

A pair of eyes darts from acolyte to acolyte, tingling with an eerie mix of fear and anticipation.

"To wait amongst the graves would sSsoon see us join their inhabitants..." A squeaking voice rises, barely more then a frantic whisper, before the figure goes quiet again.

2011-03-07, 01:00 AM
agreed, waiting in the tombs of the dead while whatever is doing this runs amok will only give he,she, it more time to prepare, if aware of our presence, we would be in a territory it is well accustomed to

Rey looked at the robed man curiously

I'm sorry, and your name is?

2011-03-07, 05:32 AM
'sfar as I can tell, though, 'the best security money can buy' has failed to catch anything of this grave-robber. Given that we have, what, twelve hours before the end of the day, the carnival, and our window of opportunity to stop whatever's stealing bodies, I suggest we've got to track down what leads we have - Sinaurum, or the grave-yard.

2011-03-07, 08:22 AM
"My name is jarr," he answered, the crude primitive name announcing he was born on a feral world.
After his introduction he just listened to the conversation between that woman with the difficult name and rey.
"How about the video? That might get us on the tracks of those heretic's. I don't doubt that we could convince them to let us have it and if they don't," A smile got on Jarr's face as he tapped on the handle of his sword. "I don't doubt we can convince them otherwise."

2011-03-07, 08:46 AM
Moros again pondered over the meaning of words on the strange sheet of metal, that he found lying in the room where he had awakened four months ago.
'Codename "Moros"' - that part he could understand, most likely it was a strange way of mentioning his name.
But 'Homo Praedatoris, Strain ##36X0119'??? What the frak was that supposed to mean?
The thing had refused to dispense any more information since then and lay forgotten at the bottom of his backpack.
He couldn't wrap his head around that part and it vexed him to no end.

According to an old man in service to Von Remus, who had mentored him for a while, Moros was much different from others, and thus must be careful about exposing his specialness in public.
Obviously, his mentor was simply afraid of him, ever cautiously picking his words - Moros could smell the weakling's fear, savour its delicious taste, but took heed of his advice anyway.

Speaking of Von Remus.
Assassin much loathed the inquisitor, but hid his hatred well - his instincts had called for it. If not for them he would've met a fast end soon after being delivered to Von Remus. No matter, the scum left him with no choice but to serve him and for that, one day, he will feast on the inquisitor's heart.

Just thinking of it stirred rage inside of him, his sense of reason giving way to dark, bloodthirsty thoughts. Moments like this, Moros greatly craved for inflicting pain upon someone and reveling in it.
Thankfully, the assassin's brooding over it was regularly diverted away by the opportunities presented by the inquisitor's missions. And so he will play the role of a faithful inquisitorial dog, for now.


Such was the case this time too.

The shadowy corner of Aquila lander opposite to a jittery man was readily taken by a dark gray robed figure of average stature, its face shrouded in the darkness of the hood, with only a tip of its swarthy chin left exposed to the artificial illumination of the craft.

When the talking began, the hooded man twists his head towards each and every speaker in turn, not a single word or mannerism escaping him.

As it picks up and brings the data-slate to its face, you can't help but take notice of its strange hands - oddly oversized and gloved.
Moros ran his eyes hastily over the data-slate and wondered if Von Remus was drunk when composing the briefing. The inquisitor had never been that familiar with him before.
Nonetheless, the assassin was overcome with thrill of anticipation of a hunt to come, intermixed with anxiety over being temporarily trapped in the tight confines of the lander.

Reading it he got a little carried away by the mentioning of carnival and the opportunities it presented him. He wondered how noble blood tasted like...
But unfortunately they would arrive nearly at its end and he'll have so little time to have his fun.

Apparently it was going to be a group mission and so far Moros had only performed solo ones. He wondered how it would turn out.

From what he had gathered, 5 others will participate in the mission: a burly and sweaty warrior-type, a twitchy creature that shunned the light as much as him and reeked of fear, a thin male saturated with the pungent odor of gunpowder, a shady individual smelling of old leather and unwashed body, and a female that fumed of alcohol. Together they somewhat overwhelmed his sense of smell and Moros sneezed loudly.


whats everyone names? if we are going to work together we might want to know each other , my name is Rey"
In a calm tone, with slightly husky inflections pleasing on the ear, the assassin replies: "Moros."


"We could hit the festival first," he suggests, anticipation creeping into his voice. "Then we can always go back and dig around the part of the graveyard where the robbing took place."


"How about the video? That might get us on the tracks of those heretic's.
The uniqueness of that video was troubling.
"Someone will have to go and acquire it or its copy before it gets conveniently lost."

2011-03-07, 11:09 AM
Moros. Ancient Terran for dull, but also for immovable, dependable, trustworthy. Good to know.

So, our points of entry for casing this, uh, case. We've got a cemetery that is likely going to be visited some time tonight, a pict-log that might go missing, and a possible nightsider or similiarly photophobic deviant guildmaster. I'm no expert on mutation, but if that's a recent development on Sinaurum's part, then I'd suggest we'd better expect some sought of Malefic or Xenotic presence here.

Any takers as to how we should divide up this wonderful, wonderful array of leads? Shall we make light work with many hands, or move as one more secure body?

The notion of 'hitting the festival', including the festival goers, no doubt, is similarly appealing to Kalliopi, but for rather different reasons to the assassin.

2011-03-07, 11:20 AM

At the mention of division, the twitching man in the corner jumps up.

"We mustn't sSplit the whole- Lest they consume the Pieces..." He whimpers.

"The Governor- he's one of Them- Can't you see it?" He asks, but it sounds more like pleading. Then he lowers his head, burrowing into his own clothes. "No, Of course not- they never do." He mumbles something to himself, twitching.

"We musSst get the tape- its the Proof we need: we'll confront him with it, yes, bring him out of his hiding place- out into the open where everybody can see him..." He ends with a shrill, eerily desperate snicker. He then stops abruptly...

What if they steal it? The figure turns in the folds of its robes.

"I will go-" the man, volunteers. "...Make sure to bring it back..." He says, feigning confidence.

"Then they'll have to believe..."

You can't help but feel that letting him go alone would not be for the best...

2011-03-07, 12:09 PM
Jarr was just listening to the other two making plans when suddenly the twitching man jumped up in the cramped space with a loud cry of "N-no!" and began whimpering and pleading to not split up the group and saying something about the Governor before slowing down to a mumble so quiet that Jarr couldn't make out the words. Twitching the entire time as he spoke and mumbled.

Before Jarr could yell at him to speak up a bit the man began gibbering like a madman before abruptly stopping and calming down and began to fiddle with his robe. The way that person acted stirred dark memories and jarr immediately marked him as a possible danger.
When the twitchy man offered to go and get the tape, jarr immediately took the chance to keep the guy in his eye.
"Ill go along with him to make sure twitch there doesn't do anything we might have trouble with later on, like shooting a random person with that peashooter or wacking somebody that is standing beside him with that stick he has if he gets a freaked out.

2011-03-07, 05:01 PM
Rey looked around, listening to everyone's plans, then he was shaken because of the shadowed man pleads. he thought for a second or two and let everyone finish whats in there minds.

i agree with him Rey motions at the rambling man

separating the group s a bad idea, tho we would cover more ground. just in case something happened, we can communicate through secure vox channel, do we know how far the graves are form the festival?

2011-03-07, 05:50 PM
Mordecai tried to compose himself, reading the notes while in the landing craft was playing havoc on his innards and was making him nauseous. He had never flown since meeting the Inquisitor a few months ago, and it was something he quickly learned to dislike.

"The name is Mordecai, but you can call me Sham if it suits ya. I'm one of those honourless scum Jarr is talking about, though I shy away from robbing graves, even I have standards. As for a plan, it seems like if the festival is only going to be for one more night we should snoop around there while we can, try and see if any of the nobles servants or locals have noticed anything odd. Aside from that, a stake out on the graveyard would probably be a good idea if it's close enough to tackle both at once."

2011-03-07, 06:09 PM
While total separation may be dangerous, it might help us cover more ground. Imagine! We would have twice the head-breaking capacity if we were in two groups than if we were in one.

Kalliopi draws into the light. She's a short, red-headed woman with a bitter, sardonic expression, that, at the present moment, has arranged itself into an amused defeat.

If needs must, I can mingle with the high and mighty, and hopefully ascertain the extent to which we might be looking at warp contamination, especially around the Guild Master. There's bound to be someone who knows something, and if the worst comes to the worst, then we just confront him and light him up. Depending on what we find out, apply varying degrees of metaphor to that statement.

2011-03-07, 06:19 PM
Rey looked up at Kalliopi slightly amused by her words.

as you mingle in high society, i can be one of your hired bodyguards

he looked around to the other people in the room for any more suggestions

2011-03-07, 06:38 PM
When the Rey said they would have to keep in touch with a vox channel, Jarr couldn't help to shake his head.
"We don't have a vox device, even if we had it I don't know how to convince the machine spirit to keep our conversations a secret and heretics are always listening."
He leaned back and shifted himself a bit, trying to get a bit more comfortable. Jostling the persons who where sitting right beside him a bit though he really didn't care about it that much.
Ignoring the man's comment about himself being honorless scum he listened to what he had to say. Even if he was bad to the bone he was here in this shuttle so that must mean he was serving the golden eagle, he was only a man and didn't need to understand the ways the golden eagle worked.
A feral expression came over Jarr's expression when Kalliopi began talking about lighting people up and breaking heads.
"When it comes to lighting people up leave it to me, nothing is more fun then blowing people's heads of." He paused for a few seconds before realizing how it could be interpreted.
"Only for the enemies of the great eagle of course."

2011-03-08, 11:33 AM
The Lander shakes a bit as it enters the atmosphere, and, although the Adeptus Mechanicus has a great deal of techno-arcane wonders, soundproofing a transport vessel is not one of them. The lander is filled with a roaring noise like some sort of enraged saurian for five minutes before it lands.
Pistons fire, and the doors of the Aquilla open to a mostly empty street. There are a few, apparently quite determined, revelers in long, black cloaks with plain white masks some fifty meters down having a shouting match about some rivalry or another of their great grandfather's.

2011-03-08, 11:53 AM
A gloved hand extends from the depths of the robe and tightly grips the black staff leaning on the wall next to the huddled figure.

Pushing himself upwards, the robed man stands up, staggering as if in a daze.

"Quiet!" He says suddenly, extending a finger against his mouth. He then leans his head to the side, as if intently listening for something.

Confusing him- That was their plan- Repeating things Over and Over...

A moment passes before he speaks again. "You. Are. Not. Listening." He continues, moving his finger across the hold.

"They are down there- crawling- writhing" He shudders visibly as he speaks, spewing out frantic segments, "...A mound of maggots... gorging themselves..." He stops abruptly and turns to the side... He stares at the corner for a second, then faces the rest of the acolytes once more.

"You cannot see the forest for the trees" He continues, before dramatically pausing. "But to enter this forbidden forest is death and damnation- it is where they lurk; the festival: where they wait, and breed- eager to feast..." He pleads, his arms open as he gestures frantically and points to the decadent nobility outside.

"The tape- The tape is Proof." He says, his voice strangely powerful and confident. He points to Jarr."You, who is to follow me- Watch your back."

But do you want him watching yours?

"On second thought- Carve us a path trough the crowd- I will follow you."

Not realizing that the security tape would most likely be at the Graveyard so that his destination was where most of the team was headed anyways, he walks out of the lander and into the crowd.

Hexx heads to the graveyard that was most recently looted, looking to speak with the security personnel.

2011-03-08, 03:22 PM
Rey nods as he watches Jar and the strange man walk out of the lander, he then turns his gaze towards Kalliopi.

"Shall we? Milady Kalliopi, The festival and the chattering nobles await" Rey bows assuming his role as Guard of the Noble women Kalliopi

"who else wants to accompany us to the festival?" He asks straitening himself. Rey then steps outside of the lander a few feet away from the exit ramp, awaiting for the other acolytes, watching the many noblemen and noblewomen chatter away.

2011-03-08, 04:29 PM
Jarr began muttering prayers to the great eagle in his original language. When the metal box began to shake and roar like a giant predator.
When it stopped Jarr let out a sigh of relief as the doors opened with a loud hiss.

Trying to ignore the mad ramblings of the man he was going to keep an eye on he stood up and pushed himself to the exit of the metal box, not wanting to stay in there for a moment longer if he could help it.
He narrowed his eyes against the light when he stepped outside the badly lit chamber.

When twitch suddenly pointed towards him he stopped ignoring him and glared at him, if that guy didn't say anything that made sense he would hit him to make him shut up.
To his pleasant surprise he didn't spout anymore nonsense and just command him to follow him, only to change his mind a few seconds later and telling him that he should lead the way.
"Fine, anybody an idea where they keep that video thing in this place?" He turned his head towards the shouting nobles, finally
"Eh never mind I'll just ask those locals."
Ignoring any other protest or comment from his fellow acolytes he walked towards the bickering nobles. When he was standing a few meters away from them his weapons and uniform clearly visible.
"Do any of you know where you could find the graveyard that was last stolen from around here?"

2011-03-08, 05:49 PM
Kalliopi watches the psyker leave with a slight air of distaste.

Von Remus certainly picks his employees, well, doesn't he. Off the track and a witch. Excellent.

She turns back to Ray.

I would be honoured to go to the ball with you, as it were. As to our plan of investigation, I'd stay, not armed, but armable at the least warning; likewise, not noticed as agents of the Inquisition, but noticeable, in order to better draw hostile attention towards us, and out into the open. I realise that I shouldn't dictate to you that we make ourselves bait, but it is certainly a plan, and if we keep our wits about us ...

Pausing for a second, she concentrates, and shifts her demeanour, bearing, and, finally, hair, into something that looks just a bit less like a gleaming-eyed Inquisitional killer, and a bit more like a bored young socialite. A bit, at any rate. Thus partially transmogrified, and checking that her weapons are invisible under her coat, she grins, beckons to Rey to follow her, and languidly strolls over to the masked revellers.

In a pitch-perfect imitation of the nobles themselves, she opens up at them in a clear, cultivated voice.

Apologies for my boorish friend, here; you know how the lowers get sometimes, especially when they've been drinking.

Jarr is gifted with a sweet smile.

But friends! This is no time for arguments, for harsh words, and anger. Is it not the last night of carnival? What has you so horripilated, so wound up with ancient feuds on this night of celebration? I humbly request - no, I impudently demand, invoking ancient codes of hospitality and ξενια - that you allow us lost and lonely wanderers into your group.

2011-03-08, 06:12 PM
Rey nodded and bowed once Kalliopi walked out of the Lander, into the Crowd of noble-people, he followed. Rey followed a behind her, making sure he was constantly on the look out, as a proper well trained guard of a Noble-woman should be.

2011-03-09, 08:19 AM
Eager to finally escape the claustrophobic confines of the lander, Moros hurried to disembark.

Leaving the ship he was momentarily overcome by the sudden brightness of the ambient light and gave out a low hiss.

Outside, when his eyes finally accommodated, assassin eyed the surroundings appraisingly.
At first he got distracted by the crowd of squabblers nearby, almost deciding to approach the drunk and her pet 'bodyguard' addressing them in the meanwhile, but then decided against it and, favoring the shadows here and there, scurried after the babbling lunatic, the festival temporarily forgotten.

Most certainly he wouldn't quite blend in with the first group and, to be completely honest, their smell irritated him. Perhaps he won't stand out as sharply against the background of the other one, between a nutjob and a savage. Not to mention they looked like a more interesting bunch.

He is going to be stalking the first group (Hexx and Jarr), watchful of anyone else who might take interest in them.

2011-03-10, 10:57 AM
"An Ossuary? Stolen from? Here? You must be joking," One of the nobles peers at Jarr, his face covered with a blank porcelain mask, "Or just a commoner,"
Sensing the presence of another noble, both of the masked men almost jump when Kalliopi creeps up on them.
"Oh, of course, I forget how people get when the wine and blood flow like water," The other noble says, "But this is the best time of the year to sort this sort of unpleasantness out. If noble bloodshed is forbidden, it prevents me from killing this pretender to nobility in a duel,"
The other noble glares at him.
"If you're looking for the ossuary, just follow any of the main roads. They all lead to the Plaza d'imperator,"
Sorry, Lazy GM at times.

2011-03-10, 11:12 AM
The hooded man continues down the road towards the plaza, keeping a watchful eye on his surroundings.

From time to time, someone gets too close- and he recoils in horror, repulsed by the very idea of touching them.

"Do not tarry" He pleads to the Guardsman behind him. "Our path is clear: this road leads to Salvation!"

...Or damnation...

Again the man stops in the middle of the road and stares into the distance.

"They are right behind us: Let's go." He says, pointing in that general direction, before continuing on his way- not stopping until he reaches his destination.

2011-03-10, 02:01 PM
Jarr couldn't help to scoff at the haughty tone of the noble, he really wanted to see how this pampered excuse for a human would hold up on his homeworld. Not able to hold down a smirk at that thought.
When twitch yelled at him that he should hurry up he rolled his eyes. Muttering some tribal curse words under his breath.
"I'll leave you to deal with these guys," Jarr motioned towards the nobles. "I'll make sure that nutjob won't do something we all get in trouble for."
Not giving the nobles a second glance nor thanking them for their information he walked towards the erratic man.
"I'm here, twitch. Now I know where to go. So just follow me and lets go do what we are supposed to do."

2011-03-10, 09:38 PM
Rey watches the other three acolytes head towards the graves, he the re-focuses his sight to the nobles answering Kalliopi's questions. After there talk he approaches Kalliopi and whispers in her ear so only she could hear.

" Milady Kalliopi, since they are going to visit the graves, i suggest we searcher for your lost friend, the Guildmaster Sinaurum? maybe they know something of him"

Rey's eye's watch their surroundings for any eavesdroppers close enough to have heard him, bowing his head he steps back a few feet continuing his roll as her bodyguard, standing a few feet behind her, arms relocating crossed his chest.

2011-03-17, 06:52 PM
The Nobles
"I'm afraid I must excuse myself, I've probably been here too long already as it is, and I do have buisness interests to look after," one of the nobles said, bowing slightly before walking awaydown one of the innumerable side-streets.
The other noble glances at him, shrugs, and excuses himself as well. "My luncheon calls, and it isn't every day that you can negotiate without a threat of violence. Before you go, though, I'd reccommend getting a mask," He says, gesturing to his own.

The Plaza
The Plaza D'Imperator is packed with people, almost all of them wearing the same array of blank mask and black robes that you had seen earlier. Exotic scents from worlds across the sector waft from the many different restaurants and botiques that line the streets, the shopowners of which seem to be, by and large, engaged in loud arguements about the quality of their wares. Every corner seems to be a small pack of embellished-looking servitors wearing masks and playing odd, viola-like insturments. It is from them that you would guess that the unearthly music that you hear is coming from.
In the center of the plaza stands a massive golden statue in the shape of an angel with outstretched wings. Something about its' face draws you to its smile, which is simultaneously beafic and terrifying. It's hard to tell if you like it or not.
On the steps up to it stands a man, apparently one of the few not wearing a mask. His face isn't particularly memorable, you couldn't pick him out of a line of people if you tried. But you would remember his words.
The man preaches about the end of times, nothjing particularly out of place for the 41st millenium, but there is something within you that resonates at his words. He bellows about how the emperor will need every person in the coming fight against the enemies that beset mankind, and that, if they take the right precautions, the foes of mankind will be broken. Around him, a crowd has gathered, all of them nodding assent at the man's words.
At the head of the plaza stands a huge white building, the symbol of the aquilla placed in the most prominant place on the facade. Around it are pictures of the dead of the Imperium rising up, apparently to serve the Emperor. You guess that's probably the Ossuary.

The warp has finally frozen over and I have found stable IA!

2011-03-19, 12:03 AM
Rey nodded a she overheard the noble talk about the masks, he looked around wondering where he could obtain one for the group.

"wonder what's so special about those masks" he asked shrugging, he looked towards Kalliopi then proceeded to look for a place or a stand where he could get a mask

2011-03-22, 06:29 AM
Coming to a realization that, despite his best effort to pass unnoticed, he stuck out like a sore thumb amongst the masked natives, Moros decides to do something about his disguise.

His grasping eye examines the scenery, preying for suitably large group of people, in which he could sink unnoticed and pilfer a mask off the face of a surprised idler for himself, only to merge with the crowd a moment after.

Afterwards, he will resume the pursuit of the group he was following all along.
Any rolls necessary?
Agility test to mingle with the crowd?

2011-03-22, 09:46 PM
The cloaked figure walked across the square, avoiding the various nobles around- before turning his attention to the preacher.

Another who understood our plight? Our doomed existence?

A faint smirk formed across his lips, a twisted parody of a smile. It was never that easy.

No- a fool: who underestimates the true meaning of fear.

Turning to the guardsman besides him, he points to the priest and lets out a weakly laugh; ripe with contempt and desperation.

"Watch how he wallows in sense of a false salvation and security; the puppet who sees the strings: but not the puppeteer." He says, waving his staff in the air before abruptly slamming the tip down on the ground; "He does not- no, cannot understand the true scope of the matter: He cannot see beyond the veil; he cannot hear those who whisper from the shadows."

But they see everything...

The man stops his rant and looks around the crowd frantically, searching for something.

He recoils in horror from the crowd; but regains composure mere moments after; extending his hand and plucking out a loose mask (or picking one up from the floor), before putting it in on so as to meld with the crowd.

Let them try and find me now

With his confidence renewed, he continues towards the Ossuary.

2011-03-22, 11:07 PM
Realizing he would not be needed to mingle with the nobles as he did not have the skills for, bowing his head he headed towards the other acolyte group, on the way looking for a mask.

2011-03-24, 06:39 AM
Jarr made his way towards the square, keeping his eye on the robed lunatic while they where walking.
Not really paying attention to the mad rambles of twitch he nodded and pointed at the large building with the aquilla symbol and the pictures of the dead on it.
"Lets go and get what we need right now, we don't have a lot of time."
He walked towards the ossuary pushing his way through the crow, unlike twitch and the rest of the people around here he didn't care about getting a mask or anything else, he didn't see the point in it.