View Full Version : Slath the Choker, with a Cloaker...

Draconi Redfir
2011-03-06, 07:01 PM
And he's a miiid-niiight toooooker!

But srsly, this is at the request of Land Outcast (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=10415186&postcount=29) to create a thread featuring the Choker (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=10364299&postcount=1) and Cloaker (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=10405114&postcount=21) he and various other playgrounders (who I would once again like to thank from the bottom of my heart :smallbiggrin: helped create, as well as post a link to my new character Slath (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=280897).

So far Slath has been a huge success and really fun to play. I’ve only had one full game with him, but so far he has climbed the walls of a bell tower, grabbed, pinned, and snapped the necks of two separate hobgoblins (throwing the corpse of the 2nd at a hobgoblin attacking another player) and lifting a third off the ground to help out a fellow PC in trouble (same one mentioned above), as well as riding on the back of his pet Cloaker "Flap-flap" (no i could not think of a better name) and flying above/behind an Ogre while it attacked another (the same) player. (Sadly said PC was killed by said Ogres, he was one of the strongest in the group too)

The task of picking up (by the neck and covering the mouth), pinning, and snapping the neck of the hobgoblins cost Slath three turns to perform, however at the advice of another (the same) player, when in town he purchased a pair of masterwork clawed gloves built to fit his hands. With them he will be able to easily dip them into poison once he takes a level in assassin(which I am planning on multiclassing fully into), and then puncture the skin of his victims as he is pulling them off the ground to poision them. An even better development was when I was advised (by the same player, I love that guy) to purchase two vials of "carrion crawler brain juice" with what was left of my gold. With this poison, the task of grab-pin-snap will be reduced to two rounds unless the target succeeds a DC 13 fortitude save. (The poison paralyses a person upon mere touch) So all Slath needs to do is wear his new gloves, put some of this stuff on the fingertips, and grab an enemy. If they fail, they are paralysed, and he can instantly snap their neck the next turn.

However for one reason or another one of the other players at the table (not the same player this time) called the Choker's extra 5-foot step overpowered, and suggested instead a return of the Choker's constrict ability, as well as the ability to make a grapple or pin check as a swift action. (So I could say use it to grab an opponent, then move normally to climb the wall and get out of range of any attackers) Though personally I find that a little overpowered.

Also; the sheet provided doesn’t seem to have a place for grapple numbers, so just so you know, his Grapple is +14. 6 attack bonus, 5 Str, 1 size modifier, and 2 for the sticky-fingers racial. And i don’t think my Cloaker will be able to advance any further then how it is listed, as I do not plan on getting more then four levels in Druid. Then again i don’t understand druids very well, would she get an ADDITIONAL hit dice to the four she currently has for a total of 8? Or is that how many hit dice she has for Slath’s four levels in druid?

Also also: While writing this it occurs to me that i am mostly just bragging/boasting about my character. Perhaps i should alter this thread into a "talk about your awesome characters" thread? What do you think?

Land Outcast
2011-03-06, 10:51 PM
Then again i don’t understand druids very well, would she get an ADDITIONAL hit dice to the four she currently has for a total of 8? Or is that how many hit dice she has for Slath’s four levels in druid?

She would get, at Druid level 4, a total of 2 additional HD, for a total of 6.


I'm glad you're enjoying your character :), about the overpowered-or-not of the extra 5ft step, I can't tell, a priori I wouldn't think it too terrible, but then, if tacticla movement becomes important in your game it might be really strong. After all, playtesting is the best way to know if something is balanced or not :smallsmile: