View Full Version : [DEATHWATCH] The Emperor Protects IC

2011-03-06, 07:18 PM
Rogue Trader Shmuel Houstoun cuts a dramatic figure in the billowing snow and ice, his coat snapping parade-perfect salutes to no-one in particular.

Or at least, he would do so. Circumstances, however, conspire to rob him of such an aura. The 'glacier' that he's standing on is nothing of the sort - it's a slab of eutactically grown synthetic ice, in the Live Fire/Hostile Environment bay of Watch Station Erioch, floating in space in a comparatively tranquil system lodged between the Canis and Acheros Salients. The more perceptive of you will have noticed that, while you were trekking across the glacier towards him, he spent rather a long time positioning himself just so in order for the wind to cause this dramatic effect.

When he sees you, he shouts a greeting, and raises a bottle of amasec towards your group, which is promptly shot out of his hand in a spray of expensive-looking crystal glass and volatile fumes. A group of Astartes - their short red beards marking them out as new Space Wolf recruits, laugh heartily at the pathetic human's expense. He takes it in stride, though, and begins picking his way down the slope towards you.

'Astartes! My thanks for meeting me on such short notice.'

The ground beneath him shakes as a salvo of detonating melta charges boom in the distance - he catches himself, just, on his captain's baton.

'News from the front-line! I'm sure you've heard this already, but the Crusade has found another new and imaginative way to stall itself, this time on the feral world of Aurum. Great little world - never fallen into the service of the Dark Powers, resources practically begging to be strip-mined out of its stunningly beautiful wilderness, a fantastically advanced warrior culture that could - and probably will - be lifted wholesale into the Imperial Guard. The problem is, they're not too keen on any such issue taking place. We could pacify it, Throne, I could have glassed every population centre of over a hundred people last week, but we don't want to be uncivilised, now, do we? Plus, the Crusade's spiritual leadership has made the insightful observation that maybe we've held, and failed to hold, too many worlds by force, and not enough by faith. Someone needs to go down there - resolve one or two doubtless minor problems to do with a suspected alien infestation - and win the good graces and high regard of the Auran people.

Gentlemen, I know you're all warriors held in the highest esteem by your respective warrior brotherhoods, but the Lord Militant needs you for a very different reason. Could you find it in your hearts, boys, to be peace-makers?'

2011-03-06, 07:48 PM
Bether looks around at the then focuses towards the rouge trader; holding hi trusted heavy bolter in hand he points it at the ground.

" if i may ask commander,what kind of alien infestation are we talking about captain?" he asked calmly? and my second question, how advanced are these new warrior peoples?"

Bethor's footsteps heavy because of the amount of firepower he carries, his power armor dawned black as does every death watch armor, except for him on his right shoulder he dawns the symbol of the dark angels.

2011-03-06, 08:16 PM
Brother Tullus chose to ignore the rather undiciplined wolves and focused on the trader. "01100010011000010110100000100001 00100000011101110110000101110011011101000110010." The voice emitting from his helms vox grill sounded a lot more synthesized than Bethors, and was wholly without emotion.

He turned his optics on Brother Bethor and shook his head. "It matters not what the aliens are. We need to kill them, not understand them. And the locals are irrelevant to that goal." He looked back at the trader and crossed his arms. "As much as it pains me, we may be able to do as you ask. But fair warning, I for one will not hold back my condemnation of the locals if it is justly deserved."

2011-03-06, 08:33 PM
'Dark Angel, the people of Aurum have just discovered a marvellous innovation called 'metal-working', but believe that it is a little heretical and given to angering spirits of fire that come and burn down the huts of those unskilled at appeasing them. I think that's all that needs to be said about them.

There's something a little odd with the ecosystem of the planet which seems to guide development, but I'll let someone who knows more than me talk about that. There are a few Imperial personnel at the 'embassy' there, but we're not looking at very much. Squad of guardsmen, preacher, that sort of thing.

As to the infestation, Throne knows. Might be nothing - ghosts on the mind of our lexmechanics. We've had the 'suicide' of a loyal Sister of the Order Sabine, killed by her own knife, and a whole lotta flayed corpses, with rather unpleasant excisions of flesh, bone, and so on. Claw marks, apparently. The whole thing has a slight ring of those ancient tales of crop circles to it - strange, Xenotic events and mutilations happen, that may or may not be attributable to aliens, but could just be pranksters, cultists, or anything between the two. Your job is to look into it - and try to make good with the locals, and look good, while doing so.

As to you, Iron Hand, good to see the good colonial spirit alive and well within the sons of the Emperor. But aren't you followers of Ferrus Manus all to do with ruthless efficiency? Wouldn't you like to be able to say your friends and brothers back in the Chapter that you conquered a world without having to fire a single shot? At the locals, that is.'

Houstoun grins out of the corner of his mouth, blindingly white teeth and glittering eyes that could have come out of a Guard recruiting poster on a million different worlds. Perhaps it hasn't occurred to him - or just maybe it has - that Space Marines aren't starry-eyed fourteen year-olds dreaming of space and fighting in the Emperor's name.

2011-03-06, 09:12 PM
Antonius glances at Tullus and says "Come now Brother Tullus. Would you rob the Imperium of more servants in these dark times? Always remember brother that knowledge can be an even more potent weapon than the holy bolter. It is possible that the indigenous people may be able to provide us with knowledge to better kill our foe. If circumstances dictate that we must purify them we should wait to do so until after we have interrogated them". He then turns towards Shmuel and says "Captain Houstoun how powerful are the augers on your ship? Do you believe that we could use them to find any xenos in the jungle? What actions do you ask that we perform to ensure peace? Would it not be more efficient for the navy to send down a few stormtroopers in carapace armor and a heavy flamer to cow the locals into submission in preparation for their glorious recruitment into the ranks of our Emperor's Imperial Guard? They could even send in a Catchan if there is one within reach." Antonius smiles and continues scribing Codex Astartes catechisms into his bolt rounds with a combat knife.

2011-03-06, 09:31 PM
Abraxas has a twinkle in his too-green eyes, as shredded ice settles into his close-cropped hair."Brother Tullus, we need not so quickly condemn a population without looking into the situation. It could easily be that they fight the xenos, as any true and proper man would."

He frowns, thinks as another series of explosions drowns out all other noise. "But flayings and an Adepta Sororitas committing suicide, that is quite abnormal. They are typically trained to fight to the last breath. Is it certainly suicide, or could it be murder? If the former, it could very well be that something was affecting her mind and forced her into it...such things are as simple as cleaning a pistol to entities skilled in manipulating the Immaterium. And as I am sure you are aware, Captain...a 'minor' xenos issue is not a matter for the Deathwatch. That you are even here speaks volumes about the perceived threat to Aurum, and by extension, to the Salient and the Crusade as a whole. What makes this threat so severe, is what I wonder? One dead Battle Sister is hardly conclusive evidence of a xenos presence severe enough to need the Deathwatch."

2011-03-06, 09:32 PM
Haki is unable to suppress his urge to chuckle at the behavior of the young Wolves and their attempt to put some humility into this ostentatious twit before him.

He considers the man for a moment, his yellowed wolf-like eyes almost glaring into the mortals own more human-like ones. For all appearances, Haki almost seems like a wild predator stalking prey. After a few moments he opens his mouth to speak,"I have no particular objections to this assignment, Captain. However, we are warriors. You ask us to fulfill the duties of Imperial Missionaries. Are you certain we are the best choice for such a task?"

He downs a gulp from the ale-horn hanging from his side and continues,"Now this infestation is of course something that we are uniquely suited to take care of, but we could use more information on it. Are there any clues at all as to what sort of foes we might face?

2011-03-06, 09:39 PM
Surely you aren't suggesting that someone else goes to do the work for you? That Catachans are better fighters that Space Marines? As to the stormtroopers, that's precisely what we're trying to avoid. We could go down there with Valkyries and chemical defoliants and simply bombard the whole place, or we could send down garrison regiments, but, either way, we'd be looking at a protracted conflict against physically superior guerillas who know the land, who fight for the land, and have the land fight for them. Another great sucking maw of troops in the Jericho Expanse isn't really what we're going for. It's a matter of hearts and minds, men. Hearts and minds.

As to the ship - the Chryskylodon, bless her, is a good ship with excellent augurs, but, without several weeks in orbit charting and surveying, we couldn't get much more than 'there are some living things down there; they do not have particularly exothermic reactors on what may be, but is probably not, their tanks.

Forbidden Lore [Xenos]: (1d100)[71]

Common Lore [War]: (1d100)[24]

Open terrain like that of Aurum would make it tough to hide any sort of major, armed alien presence, although there are a number of cave systems that, if you were an alien aggressor, you might use.

Forbidden Lore [Traitor Legions]: (1d100)[42] - because everything must be cross referenced to see if it could aid in the great search.
Doesn't sound like a Traitor Legion sort of maneuver. There is no known chaos presence on the planet.

2011-03-06, 09:43 PM
"Can you elaborate on this 'physically superior' statement? Are we dealing with a significant abhuman population?"

2011-03-06, 09:57 PM
As I said, Blood Raven, one of the principal reasons that the Deathwatch has been called upon to intervene on this world is your proximity, and relative flexibility, when called upon to exercise it. We could send in our detachments of Executioners attached to the crusade, but that Chapter really would just live up to its name. The issue of the Xenos threat, however, is still a cause for concern; I need hardly remind you how close we are to Hive Fleet Dagon - razor-sharp claws, infiltration techniques, body parts being removed, and possible mental influence (while Sororitas are all but immune to psychic blandishments, physiological control is still possible) are all signs that the Tyranid is on the move. Just one corporaptor could subvert the whole planet, and with somewhere as valuable as Aurum, that just can't happen.

As to the issue of why you, why Space Marines, this is related to the issue of the 'superiority' of the Aurans. They're not different, they're just ... better. Strong, fast, resilient - each one in the peak of health. Something about Aurum - the food they eat, the light the live under - just makes them all perfect specimens, I suppose. Not unlike yourselves - indeed, many of their rituals are much like those of your home planets, and they follow relics of an Imperial Tradition that venerates the 'Son of Aurum', and in turn his twenty superhuman sons. Sound familiar? You're living testaments to their faith, and simply in your presence are sermons to the Emperor.

2011-03-06, 10:04 PM
Tullus emitted low static drone out of his vox grill as he placed a hand on the butt of his combat knife. At great length, he finally let go of it after the others had scolded him. “Very well, I will withhold judgment of the locals. For now.” He spoke this over the private vox channel that linked the squad. Almost as an afterthought, he added; "I do not like this man. His tongue is a little too loose for his own good." Outwardly, he said: “The situation would be very dire indeed if the Tyranid were involved. I see why we were summoned now.”

2011-03-06, 10:05 PM
Antonius chuckles and says "They may not be better fighters, but I think that the heart and mind of a Catchan are much closer to the people on Aurum than ours are. I wasn't suggesting waging war against the natives. A gunship, carapace armor, and a show of advanced technology seems much more likely to bring about a peaceful solution, especially once the native people learn that they will be given lasguns and see what such weapons can do. We are not likely to be on this planet for a long time, so I believe that others will still need to be called in after us to prepare this population to do their duty to our Emperor. We may be an inspiration to lesser men, but the Emperor built us to destroy His enemies, not to oversee His flocks. That is the duty of other branches of the Imperium."

For some reason I assumed a jungle planet. If it's not than a Catchan is probably not the best solution. Send in the Deathcorps. They'll get these savages' minds right.

2011-03-06, 10:17 PM
i agree with Anthonious, meeting with the locals will expand our fathers territory making is safer for all man kind.

he paused for a moment then looked at his battle brother again then at the captain

maybe I am making a long shot but, these new people, were once like us brothers.

regardless if there past, with proper training and proper studies they might become a great asset to our father and mankind.

tho the Tyranid threat is greater

2011-03-06, 10:26 PM
After thinking for a moment Antonius says "The ecosystem does sound suspicious. It might be a good idea for us to test the genetics of the locals and search for any xenos taint. That is not a task which I would trust to our fellow servants in His Imperial Guard".

2011-03-06, 10:47 PM
Abraxas smiles, his eyes crackling with tiny sparks at the potential of this endeavor. "And I agree with Brothers Antonius and Bethor. We must discern whether any true xeno corruption has spread across the planet and affected its inhabitants. But we must remember, a peaceful solution means more soldiers to fight and die for the glory of Him on Terra and the preservation of His Imperium. A bloodbath means another stall, another wasted levy, and certainly a chunk of wasted resources."

He nods slowly. "Shall we assume the Watch Commander gave you leave to find us here, Captain? And that he has already granted your request for our Kill-Team to intervene? If so, we should make haste back into the Fortress and make our departure preparations."

2011-03-06, 10:59 PM
Houstoun throws up his hands.

I am unmasked! Yes, I liaised with Watch Captain Bardane before you got here - I'm afraid I have already acquired permission to make off with you - should you wish to come, of course. Forge-Father Grey-weaver will take care of your requisition; otherwise, the Chryskylodon awaits to take you, with all speed and ceremony, to Aurum.

You've got 55 requisition each, and a renown of 15. Houstoun is providing several Imperial Assets free of charge, including orbital reconnaissance and advice, but unless you spend the requisition to get them, he might be a little erratic.

2011-03-06, 11:29 PM
Tullus grunted. “Then let us be off. We haven’t a moment to waste, and I would like to obtain some additional gear. Good day, Captain.” He had been fighting the mounting urge to punch the good captain in the face, and he felt his resistance slipping with each honeyed word that dripped from the captain’s mouth. He backed away a few steps, but waited respectfuly for his squadmates to follow.

2011-03-07, 12:16 AM
"Indeed," Abraxas said quietly over the Kill-Team's vox link. "There is much to do and little time...acquire the blessed items we shall require to complete our task and swear an oath to prosecute our holy duty in the name of Him on Terra, to name but the first which come to mind..." He turns to walk alongside Brother Tullus. "Hm, Brothers, do any of you have experience fighting upon the surface of a planet like Aurum?"

2011-03-07, 12:28 AM
Tullus shook his head. "I believe that I have not. Granted, I have fought upon worlds of similar topography and native culture, but the… qualities that the ‘good’ Captain informed us of are most unsettling and new to me. It almost sounds as if it’s the opposite of a Death World. It reeks of tampering, xenos or otherwise."

2011-03-07, 12:32 AM
"good day to you commander, may the emperor protect" Bethor nodded a she following brother Tullus and brother librarian Abraxas he then turned his conversation through the vox to t converse with his battle-brothers

I do not brother, i do know, hoverer ,that the xeno infestation called Tyranids have a tough hide, hellrounds might be the remedy to this, and a good blast of heavy bolter fire power to reduce there ranks.

and of these new word, yes it does sound like that brother Tullus, full of life, maybe its a gift from our father to man-kind, when we eradicate this xeno infestation, if any, of course

2011-03-07, 06:47 PM
Once the Kill-Team has made themselves ready, packed their gear away on the ship's lockers, and made their final preparations for departure, Houstoun leads them on a quick whistlestop tour of the Chryskylodon, whether they like it or not. He enthuses greatly about the his collection of Xenos artefacts - all entirely sanctioned, of course! - including a horrendously ugly set of ten matched Jokaero digi-meltas, a number of ancient journals describing a traveller's tales of the Koronus Expanse, by the illustrious Sebastian Winterscale, and a Sarcophagus recovered from a lethal auction of the legacy of the infamous Eramus Haarlock. Stories of the adventures he's experienced, and chilling tales of the ancient Xenos from whose cold (or cooling) dead hands he prised these relics practically burst from him. He introduces you to some of the chiefs of his crew - a nervous-looking man called Veioris Ariohk, Houstoun's Seneschal; Lieutenant Ciber, a an old campaign veteran apparently composed entirely of dirty looks directed at anyone who isn't the Captain; and Brigadier Archibald Heth, a war hero (and one of the first to set foot on Aurum), being rotated back into diplomatic service there as a part of a last push in the negotiations.

All this hospitality, all these interesting people to talk to, things to see, and so on, while in themselves very sincere, have a greater, overall purpose - to distract you from the accomodation he's found for you. It's not bad - in fact, that's the precise opposite of what it is. It's good. Satin and velvet sorts of good, actually, with feather pillows and mattresses big and deep enough to swallow entire Astartes, furniture which could only be described as opulently chintzy, and a series of decidedly ... interesting paintings that he's trying to have taken off the walls. It's possibly the most comfortable quarters you've enjoyed in a long time, but at the same time ... somewhat uncomfortable.

There's some miscellaneous stuff to interest you en-route - different things might interest different members of the Kill-Team, but it's a weeks' predicted journey time till you get to Aurum.

2011-03-07, 07:08 PM
Bethor mingled around in the exhibition area for sometime, taking a closer look at the sarcophagus, studding it for a moment, then he turned his gaze to the digi-meltas pondering a little more.

then he directed his attention to Brigadier Archibald Heth

may i ask you a question Brigadier Archibald, what was your first experiences when touching down in Auruma, if you have time i would like to hear your exploits

2011-03-07, 09:14 PM
Abraxas takes in all the novelty. Oh, surely, the Deathwatch frequently uses Rogue Traders and chartists to take Kill-Teams to places where a Strike frigate would prove too obvious, and each ship like this has millennia of history sailing the ocean of stars. The spacious and opulent staterooms, as well, are quite the curiosity; Abraxas had never even imagined such luxury as a child living in the blighted underhive of Cyrene, nor had he received it during his time of study aboard Omnis Arcanum. But even the Blood Raven fortress-ship contained more creature comforts than the hard stone slabs and austere rooms of Watch Fortress Erioch. One night sleeping in the soft bed--and sleeping in at that, for the first time in his life!--left Abraxas profoundly disturbed. So it was on the second day that he sought out the Captain. After enduring several minutes of prattle in his usual politely terse manner, he felt compelled to speak.

"Captain Houstoun, I must thank you for your tremendous hospitality. I do have a few queries, however, as well as a request. Firstly, might I speak to either an Astropath aboard your ship, or one of your Navigators? I seek to learn what they might have gleaned from interacting with the Immaterium around Aurum, the better to plan for our mission. Additionally, do you have any recorded information of interactions between the Imperium and the Aurans? And finally...the request."

He frowns a bit. "Captain, your staterooms are more opulent than anything I have ever experienced. But I find myself a bit...uncomfortable, ironically. I have never lived in the kind of luxury you enjoy, and it has been many many years since I even thought about or yearned for it. I would like to know if you have anything more...accommodating to the living arrangements I have been habituated to as a member of the Deathwatch. Really any quiet, secluded, undecorated area would do best for me to pursue my studies, take what little sleep I need, and plan for how best to accomplish our mission."

2011-03-07, 09:31 PM
Ah, yes, indeed, first contact with Aurum! Drawn there by the mineral scans, first time. Aurum, gold in Old Terran, you see - and there's certainly a lot of gold in those rolling hills. But the real reason is the sky - when you go there, you'll see it's golden. It's the result of high concentrations of a substance that the Cult Mechanicum said was called 'Alkahest'. I don't know the details, but apparently it's an incredibly rare compound, element, mineral, atom, molecule, or something - a universal solvent, capable of dissolving literally anything in its liquid form - from ceramite, to human skin, even the stuff that daemons are made out of, if you credit it. That's only in its liquid form - when solid, it functions as an incredibly powerful power source, that can be worked into anything from one of your plasma pistols to a starship reactor. Anyway, they said it was there, we went down to scout around, and then suddenly we're surrounded by natives, butchering Low Gothic, riding small dinosaurs, and jabbing at us with weapons made from bone, teeth, claws. Didn't want to hurt us, just to contain us back at their capital - Haistand - till we went away again, I think. We've been working to establish a base of operations their ever since, trying to lean on one of their leaders - the ridiculously named 'Rylus Darkscourge' - to get him to join the Emperor's light, but no luck. That's why I - and I suppose you - are here.

We think they were once an Imperial culture, but backslid - they believe in a single, golden deity with twenty superhuman sons, as I'm sure you know - but have an incredibly low, stagnant, social, cultural, and technological base. What else ... there's a lot of them - perhaps 500 million? They're some of the finest physical specimens of humans I've ever seen - definitely put Cadians, even Catachans, to shame in a contest of physical prowess - and about two regiments' worth of basic troops.

The oddest thing, though, was what happened to the psykers. As soon as they stepped onto the world, they felt as if they were walking into a warm house from a cold winter's day. Made them all relaxed, comforted, not jumpy like normal. Tell me, boy - and I'm almost certainly older than you, I can call you boy, augmentations or not - did Shmuel tell you about the Soul of Aurum?

Veioris looks positively sick and the mention of this name, but restrains himself from shouting and screaming.

2011-03-07, 09:43 PM
Bethor listened intently, almost studding and memorizing every word and picturing the events on his mind, thinking of the possibilities of these peoples origin

Of course Brigadier Archibald Heth, whatever makes you the most comfortable, my name is Bethor, brother devastator of the Deathwatch, and as for your question i do not think he told us of these souls of Aurum

2011-03-07, 09:51 PM
The people on the planet identify the genius loci, the spirit of the planet, as it were, with their representation of the Emperor, and call it the 'Spirit of Aurum', 'Son of Aurum', or 'Soul of Aurum'. It's likely to be what seems to be soothing the mental state of psykers, and producing superior stocks of humans, but we have no idea what it actually is. The only lead we have is all this frakking alkahest all over the place, and we don't know where that comes from. Chaos taint? Eldar terraforming? Blessing from the Emperor? Who knows! I'm afraid I can only really offer you questions about this, not definitive answers. Still, something to consider when we're on the ground.

2011-03-07, 09:57 PM
Bethor nodded

any and all knowledge that helps our mission, ether it be convincing these people to join the Imperium or finding this Xenos, will be knowledge well used

Bethor bowed his head

Thank you Brigadier Archibald Heth, this was a most informative talk

2011-03-07, 11:01 PM
Tullus glared around the room that was assigned to him and emitted a small burst of electronic sound that could almost be called a sigh. He walked over to the bed, setting down on it as he pulled a small maintenance kit from a compartment on his belt. He removed his helmet and gauntlet, dropping them to the floor. He picked up a screwdriver, and stopped to stare at his flesh and blood hand. In a few seconds, he broke his reverie of times past and set to work.

His bionic arm, gifted to him well before the events that lead to the destruction of his body, was returning some errors. Opening the panel in the wrist, he started his repair rituals with quiet prayer. “Imperator et Omnissia, Transunt Mechanica Purgatus.” Although he had a working jaw, his mouth did not move as he spoke. Rather, his voice came from a small vox grill embedded in his throat.

After performing similar ritual repair to his other systems, he closed everything back up, put his tools away, and picked up his gauntlet and helmet. He put the gauntlet back on, but left the helmet off. Didn't need it at all times while aboard the ship. He looked around the room again and shook his head. "This is going to be a very boring flight if I don't find something else to do."

He stood up and clipped his helmet to his belt, then left his room. Retracing his steps, he headed to the place where the captain was showing them the xenos artefacts. It would brighten his day to view the stolen weapons and fragments of the enemies of mankind.

2011-03-08, 01:11 AM
Antonius goes to inspect the medical facilities on this ship and attempts to locate the head of the ship's medical staff to ask about the ships medical capacities and what, if anything, was done to assess the genetic purity of the natives of Aurum. Unlike some of his brothers Antonius does not remove his helmet or his armor except during maintenance periods. There were many marines who thought to see the enemy with their own eyes rather than their sensors, and Antonius had been forced to implant bionic eyes in far too many of them. During his rest period Antonius still does not remove his armor, instead sleeping in a meditative sitting position. He notes the opulence of his sleeping chambers and hopes that it is the captain's way of showing respect for his guests.

2011-03-08, 05:14 PM

As to planet-side interactions, I believe you'll have to talk to the Brigadier about that. He deals with anything dirtside, while the Chryskylodon just looms menacingly in the background. As to Navigators, I had the same thought that you did, but I asked, and they couldn't get anything useful. Maybe you'd have better luck, knowing what to look for, and all, but I've learnt a fair bit about warp phenomena in the Koronus Expanse, flown by, landed on, orbitally bombarded a fair number of psychic planets. No luck with this one, though, can't get a handle on it. As to the rooms, I regret to say that the only other accomodation that this ship has that's not packed with sleeping crewmen would be the pressed-crew quarters and brig, downstairs. If that's where you'd rather go, then ... I'll show you!

He seems relieved as he goes, as if he's revealed a great shame or secret by suggesting that his guests stay in the prison-quarters aboard his vessel, and that now the weights' off his mind, he can talk much more naturally. He shows you to a set of large cage-like pens, clean, but utterly featureless and sterile. You go past a few occupied cells, with huddled wretches in them, and reach one that's more like the accomodation on Fortress Erioch.

I'll leave the door unlocked, but I'm sure you could just put a fist through the door, spit acid at the hinges, or hack it apart with that runic sword you've got if otherwise. I hope you're not offended by this ... situation.

A couple of hours after you settle into the cell, there is a knocking at the door. It's Veioris Ariohk, and he's sweating, his face writhing gently in fear and worry.

My ... my Lord Librarian. I have a confession to make. In his name ... please have mercy ... I really need to speak to you.

Challenging (+0) psyniscience check off him.


Shmuel, once he is finished dealing with the business of his ship, is simultaneously guarded but enthusiatic in showing the Iron Hand around his 'museum'. He's clearly in his element - the practice of studying Xenos is clearly an interest of his - but he's not sure whether the Space Marine is similarly interested, whether he'll execute him then and there for Xenophilia, or whether he'll be too interested and confiscate it all for himself. There are a whole host of minor artefacts - a number of Ork teeth, unlit Eldar soulstones, and a host of weapon schematics for the weapons and technology of various aliens from around the Imperium. He explains that his policy that a known alien is an alien that can be destroyed, or, better still, duped into fighting other aliens. Eventually, though, his patter gives way to a more reverent awe as he comes to the aforementioned three treasures of his collection.

In the first case is a set of digi-meltas, fashioned by the Jokaero. On closer inspection, with Tullus' trained eye, they don't seem to have been originally fitted for humans at all, but for a larger, maybe Astartes-scale hand, and then refitted for a smaller hand (at the same time, someone seems to have carelessly knocked the into a vat of molten gold, and then rolled them in a grit of precious gems. If questioned on it, he assures you with a straight face that he won it off a Grey Knights Brother-Captain in a bet, but says no more on the subject.

In the second cabinet lie the ancient journals of Sebastian Winterscale, each page preserved codex-style between stacked sheets of glass. If you want some 'light' reading material for the journey, and some helpful instruction on the Xenos of the Calixis sector and Koronus expanse, he'll offer to lend them to you.

In particular, have a look at what Winterscale has to say about Grangold. It's both a dead world and a death world - scouring wind and rain flaying the planet alive - but there's a single temple there, to Saint Drusus. There's a lot of planets like that, but what marks it out is the fact that the temple is staffed by a pair of ancient Venerable Dreadnoughts, who have been there before the Sector was even conquered. There's suggestions that it's prophetic, or that they have access to some incredibly advanced cogitator, Dark Age of Technology stuff - rumours that 'on Grangold, the Saint answers all questions'.

The third box is a human-sized coffin, made out of smooth, green-black marble. On its surface is an image of a blazing black sun, surmounted by a scroll blazoned with the High Gothic legend that 'Death is but a Door'. Beneath the sun are a sea of distorted, Cubist faces, and another scroll, reading 'Here Dwell the Children of the Kingdom'. Houstoun will fret and shiver if Tullus decides to lift the lid off it (despite its weight, it's not secured, and the Space Marine can easily heft it aside without damaging it. Inside is what looks like a giant, mummified, larval newt. Its hind legs are nub-like stumps, but it once had great, strong fore-legs, a set of dorsal fins, and a gaping mouth like a creature from an oceanic trench. Houstoun clearly doesn't like having to look at it, and, while he's very willing to talk about the circumstances under which he obtained it - a daring escape from a funereal auction and volcanic eruption all in one - he only mutters that its 'Obscuruo business' if quizzed about its nature.

You, or anyone else in the team, can make a challenging (+0) forbidden lore (Inquisition) check, or a very hard (-30) forbidden lore (Xenos) check.


The Chryskylodon has a small but advanced medical facility, boasting three stasis chambers and a suspiciously ample quantity of drugs, medicines and the like, giving you an insight into the precise nature of some of Houstoun's Rogue Trading. Antonius has slightly less luck than his brothers in his research, however; the ship's chief medical officer, Jonas Falk, informs him that the Aurum natives were very keen on not surrendering any genetic material - bodies, blood, or tissue - to any Imperial medics, suggesting in a lively tone that they were not domesticated animals to be studied or cut up for food or any other purpose. He might have a little more luck talking to the Ecclesiarchy's representative on Aurum, though. Father Marius' sermons and preaching have been a dismal failure among the Aurans, but he is a passable medicae, and may have won over more with his skill in bandaging up wounds and stopping infections than with his words.

2011-03-08, 06:21 PM
After talking to Brigadier Archibald Heth, Bethor retired to his accommodations seeing how luxurious the room was he froze for a second, he looked around then walking in expecting a trap, a demon of the warp something. once insaid he relaxes slightly, sat down on the comfortable bed then pondered on what the Brigadier told him.

"Soul of Aurum" he whispered to himself "i should tell of this and the strange material to my brothers this Alkahest"

Sitting down and studding the Codex Astrates hoping to gain a bit more incite. Bethor wits until the next day to hell his Battle-brothers about this Soul of Aurum, and the strange material the Brigadier told him of.

2011-03-08, 08:18 PM
"Captain, these facilities will be more than sufficient for my needs. I thank you for accommodating my request, and I will direct further inquiries about Aurum to the Brigadier." Abraxas settles in for a time, studying his Codex and meditating in contemplation of his duty. At some point, he sheds his power armor in favor of a simple black-edged crimson robe as he begins shadowboxing in the unarmed style of the Astartes. It is in this state that Veioris Ariohk finds Abraxas, and the latter nearly takes his head off with a punch as he turns to regard him.

"My apologies, I did not expect any visitors," Abraxas says with a bit of a sheepish smile, towering over the man as only a Space Marine can. The smile slowly fades as the man utters such dire words, but Abraxas makes a valiant effort not to scowl in thought and adopting a neutral face. "Have a seat, Seneschal, and take a breath. I would offer you a drink had I any to share." After the man has a chance to catch his breath, Abraxas continues: Now, what troubles you?" Abraxas peers intently with his too-green eyes at the man, trying to look less imposing and more approachable.

Psyniscience, TN 60: [roll0]

2011-03-08, 10:44 PM
Tullus remained quiet during most of the viewing. Occasionally he would nod, grunt, or give some other indication that showed he was listening. He only mildly paid attention to the Captain though, as most of the collection was either already known to him or of markedly uninteresting origin. However he grew much more attentive when they approached the major three artifacts.

He tapped his chin as he viewed the digi-meltas, producing a soft *tink tink* sound. “The Jokaero. Xenos though they may be, they have their uses. As always, excellent craftsmanship.” He turned and stared the captain in the eye. “Won them off a Gray Knight, and a Brother-Captain no less? I don’t imagine they were in quite the same shape when he had them. Doesn’t matter, I am not here to judge you, only to follow orders.” He moved on to the next case. He definitely believed the captain to be lying, but he couldn’t honestly care less about the traders sordid past.

Though his face never changed, he seemed to perk up at the mention of Grangold and it’s mysteries. “Hmm… intriguing. Do you have a copy of the tome on a data-slate? I would like to read over its contents in my own time.” Either way he answers, Tullus then moved on to the last one.

Tullus indeed pulled open the sarcophagus, and was puzzled by the captain’s reactions to the body. He gently closed it back and looked over the imagery and writing on the front. “What is this? What was that inside? This almost looks like some sort of xenos worship.” He turned to the captain and stared him down. He wasn’t happy with his replies. “Obscuruo business? Fine, I will let you keep your secrets, Captain. For now.” Tullus then just walked away.

Tullus will spend the remainder of his time reading that book, either the original or the data-slate copy.

On the final day of their approach to the planet, Tullus will go around the ship looking for the others so they can have a meeting to iron out details and share info. Unless that happens before the last day. :smallsmile:

2011-03-15, 01:46 PM
Antonius spends the rest of the journey exploring the ship, studying the codex astartes, praying, performing his routine genetic screening of the other marines, and generally being observant. He also offers to assist the medical crews if they feel that they need his expertise.