View Full Version : Pokemon TTO: Okirag Region

2011-03-06, 10:54 PM
"The Okirag Region is not very well known but it happens to be one of the few regions that almost every pokemon can be found. Our story starts in Sedgetown, where Professor Miwdue has given a group of young trainers their first pokemon, and after some training they are ready to set off on adventure! Where will they go? How will they assemble their team? What challenges await them?

Stay tuned!"

Our trainers start in Sedgetown midday during the middle of spring.P rofessor Miwdue has given them a pokedex, some pokeballs, and an item to help them on their journey. To the south a path ends at a beach. The west leads into Echo forest with Ferguly beyond. The north leads through hills and mountain paths, which may prove difficult to get through.

Alth Falath
2011-03-06, 11:42 PM
Dan yawned and smiled. It was finally time to leave his relative's house and go out on a real adventure. He'd just have to stop by home and pick up a few things. He showers, sets his hair, and wakes up his chimchar, which nests comfortably on his head. Heading outside, he sees the other trainers about his age. He tries to encourage them to head out by saying "To the West, and glory, as well as adventures beyond your wildest imaginations."

2011-03-07, 01:01 AM

Lee and his Cubone, Corrina, will look over at the guy proclaiming they go west with a grin, answering West sounds good to me. Corrina and I here have our eyes on the pokemon league!

2011-03-07, 09:09 AM
Riley is leaning on a house near the other two. He hears the other two talking about going west and starts walking towards them. "Hey, did you happen to say you were going west? Through the forest? Do you mind if I join you? I was going to go west myself. I'm also going to try to get to the Pokemon League, and I thought that it would be a good idea to go through the forest, since there's probably a plenty of pokemon there to catch."

2011-03-07, 09:55 AM
The sound of something impacting with a tree near them would catch their attention. Rather tall and tanned young girl walked out from behind the tree, wearing a pair of gi pants and a red tanktop, blond hair held up in a loose ponytail. Her eyes were blue and her skin had some small scars along her well-developed arms, forearms and hands wrapped in gray bandages.

"Heh... I'll head out west with the rest of you. Can't just let your pokemon look after you scrawny things."Taylor leaned against the tree with her arm as her Mankey dropped down from the tree.

It had a strange look to it. A passive, if not blank expression on it's face unseen on most Mankey. It just stared unblinkingly at the trainers and the Cubone.

"... Key?" ._.

2011-03-07, 12:00 PM
A handsome, well dressed man is strolling toward the group from the direction of the professors lab. A small blue and white seal pokemon, shaped like a sphere, is rolling along behind him. He waves to the others and flashes a winning smile. As he gets closer he gives a slight wink to Taylor and then speaks.

Hey guys, you must be the other new Trainers the Professor told me about. I was just getting my pokedex and such from him. Eepy here and I got in a little later than the rest of you. We never were much for being on time, hurrying is not our thing. So we are all traveling together hmm? Whats the destination? Personally, it doesn't really matter to me though I would prefer to stick to the urban scene. Juggling acts don't make quite as much when your doing them for the birds and the trees out in some wilderness.

Oh how dumb of me. Forgot to introduce myself. I'm Dale Lockhart, and I'm a Juggler! This is my pal and show assistant, Eepy.


Alth Falath
2011-03-07, 12:46 PM
"Pleasure to meet you Dale, name's Dan." He gestures to the monkey in his hair. "And this here is Treeclimber. My specialty lies in a more arcane area then yours. I'm a mystic by training, able to bond with pokemon."

2011-03-07, 01:58 PM
(Yeah, maybe I'll describe myself too. Behold the picture of my character!)
Riley smiles. "Nice to meet you all. I'm Riley Garent." Riley's wearing a navy blue t-shirt under a black vest, along with black trousers and sandals. Riley is quite an unusual sight with his dark red hair flowing down almost onto his waist. "Wow, there seems to be quite a bunch of us. Do you know if there's someone else still coming?" Riley turned to Dale. "As for your question, it seems that we're all going to the west, through the forest. So, if you're going to join, we're going to be pretty much your only audience."

2011-03-07, 02:05 PM

Lee grins at the assembled group, as he mentally says to Cubone that Taylor is quite cute, and the rest of bunch seem like good folks. This should be fun. Corrina thinks back a quick Cubone! telling him to pay attention to the group. Lee will quickly compose himself and say well, if we're doing introductions, my name is Lee and this is Corrina. As Lee says her name, Corrina flips her bone club up in the air, catching it easily as she says Cubone! Lee decides to have a little fun, as Corrina's club begins floating just out of her grasp as Lee's eyes begin to glow with a light blue light. He'll then drop it, with Corrina easily catching it and giving Lee a playful punch on the leg.

2011-03-08, 12:26 AM
"Hm... Well, my name's Taylor, and this is Wak, my Mankey. He's... a little odd." She introduced herself, before gesturing to Wak. The Mankey was currently sitting down on the grass, picking a flower form the ground and sniffing it.

"I'll travel down the route with you all for a while, but after that I'm heading back to take the route up in the mountains. I saw a pokemon or two on my way here from Trunk City that I want to try catching." Taylor moved off the tree, folding her arms as she walked towards Lee.

2011-03-08, 12:43 AM
You all here Professor Miwdue call from his house, rushing out with a package in his hands. "Before you all head out, if you could deliver this to a friend of mine in Fernguly I'd really appreciate it. It's a new prototype and he asked for it a week ago but I haven't the time to go visit him. He'll pay you for the trouble of course. And don't forget to expand your pokedex. Now, if there's nothing else, off you go."

The group recieved Miwdue's Parcel!

2011-03-08, 01:15 AM
Nice to meet you Taylor Lee will say with his hand held out to shake hers. Perhaps I could join you as you search for pokemon on the way to Trunk City? Corrina and I eventually want to take on the Elite Four, but we should probably fill out a team first.

After the professor hands the group the parcel, Lee will say perhaps those set on going all the way to Fernguly should take the parcel

2011-03-08, 06:22 AM
Riley looks at the parcel. "Well, I'm going to go to Ferngulli, so I can take it. Who's the person I'm supposed to give it to?" Riley extends his arms to receive the parcel.

2011-03-08, 07:28 AM
Taylor looked Lee over for a moment, thinking on it before she finally reached out, shaking his hand with a firm grip.

"Nice to meet you. I could use some company for the trip... Facing down some gym leaders sound good, I think I'm still a ways from doing that though. I believe if you're not ready to fight yourself, you shouldn't expect your pokemon to." She told him as she pulled her hand back, pushing her fists together for emphasis.

2011-03-08, 11:41 AM
"Oh yes, his name is Darion. He's a scientist. Instead of focusing his research on pokemon like myself or other Professors, he studies items and technology. Now I have to get back to the lab, good luck everyone!" With that Professor Miwdue returns to his lab.

"With their task clear and some ides of their future plans, the party prepares to head into the woods. Who knows what dangers lurk there? Stick around and find out!"

Alth Falath
2011-03-08, 01:39 PM
"So, let's be off then." Dan heads for the edge of town, waiting for the others to catch up.

2011-03-08, 03:05 PM
Riley starts leisurely walking after Dan. When he reaches Dan, he turns around and keeps on walking backwards along the road, looking at the others. "You coming? I don't think we have any reasons to delay the departure any longer."

2011-03-08, 05:16 PM
I think I shall go with to Ferngulli. Theres big money to be made in the big city, especially if you have an exotic juggling performance. Hopefully there I can find some more pokemon to add to my show!

2011-03-08, 07:34 PM

Lee will smile at Taylor as he nods and says that is a wise outlook to be sure. This adventure should be rather interesting. With that, Lee will hang back, waiting for Taylor as the group begins their adventure

Alth Falath
2011-03-08, 10:09 PM
Dan follows along, his chimchar playing with his hair.

2011-03-08, 10:14 PM
Taylor put her a hands behind her head, walking alongside Lee while her Mankey Wak followed behind her, still holding it's flower.

Milo v3
2011-03-11, 01:27 AM
A thin silhouette gazed over to the group of trainers. Hidden by standing in the shadow of the trees. A Porygon hovered next to him. The figure spoke to his companion.
"Daedalus. I've Located the package. It seems like our old friend dan has made some new friends."
And with that the two strided into the forest. Ready to ambush the trainers.

Alth Falath
2011-03-11, 09:30 AM
Dan continues on his way, humming contentedly to himself.

2011-03-11, 02:27 PM
The forest is filled without he sounds of life, most of which seem a decent distance away. As the group travels they stick to the areas of shorter grass, but these soon run out. Ahead several trees split th epath, both leading into tall grass. thelimbs let in less sunlight making both paths look darker. The trainerscan either go left or right.

2011-03-11, 04:15 PM
Riley smiles. "Ah, finally, the forest. Come on out, Cade!" Riley throws his single pokeball, revealing an elekid. The elekid stretches his arms and then windmills them for a while. Riley starts walking left, followed by Cade.

2011-03-13, 03:31 AM
"Huh... I guess we'll be going left then." Taylor shrugged, keeping a lookout as they took the left path as well as she entered teh tall grass with her Mankey.

Alth Falath
2011-03-13, 11:02 AM
"Works for me." Dan folllows along, enjoying being in the wild again.

2011-03-13, 01:16 PM
Sounds of rustling comes from the right and the group spots a pack of small rat-like pokemon gnawing on a discarded item. There are 4 pokemon in all. They haven't yet noticed the trainers.

Note, you will not automatically recognize pokemon INC unless you are a Reasearcher, simply let me know that you are and I'll tell you relevent information. Also, every 25 pokemon you register in your pokedex gives you a trainer level. Point your pokedex at the pokemon you want to register and it will start scanning them if they're within 10 m of you. It takes 2 rounds (approx 10 seconds) to fully register data on the pokemon, but once registered you'll have some baasic information, and full information once you've captured a pokemon.

2011-03-13, 01:35 PM
Taylor stopped suddenly they came across the rat-like pokemon, wating them cautiously "Hold up guys." She checked her pockets, pulling out her pokedex.

"Alright, now what you are..." She mumbled to herself as she pointed the pokedex at the nearest pokemon, activating the scanner

Alth Falath
2011-03-13, 02:47 PM
Dan stays quiet, trying not to disturb the pokemon. He focuses for a second and focuses on the largest rat.

[roll0] Possession roll

2011-03-13, 02:56 PM
Riley pulls out his Pokedex as well and starts examining the pokemon. "Cade, be ready!"

OOC: Umm, whose pokemon are out and in which order will they all act?

2011-03-13, 04:18 PM
Ah some Rattatta I presume. Had a bunch of those in the old circus. Might as well scan them anyways with this new thing. I doubt they will pose much of a threat, though the item they are trying to chew looks like it could be interesting. Better get your pokemon ready just in case though.


Eepy the spheal rolls forward, positioning itself between the group and the rat pokemon while Dale scans the rats with his pokedex.

2011-03-13, 05:03 PM
The pinging noise made by the pokedexes alert the pokemon. They pause, seemingly deciding if they should run or not. They keep taking hesitant nibbles at the item but are now attentive tot he trainer's presence.

They know you are there but have not yet chosen to attack or run until you act. The possession attempt failed.

2011-03-13, 09:07 PM
Lee will quietly pull out his pokedex and scan them as well, though he and Corrina are waiting to see what the others have planned before acting.

Alth Falath
2011-03-14, 10:11 AM
Dan tries again to possess one of them. Having failed, Dan looks at the others. "So, shall we try and capture them?"


2011-03-14, 06:41 PM
The second attempt to possess the creatures fail. One of them stands on its hindquarters, nose and whiskers twitching before it takes off. The other three hesitate and two look back over at the trainers.

One of the pokemon has run away. The pokedexes has registered basic data, giving the following information: "Rattatta, the mouse Pokemon. Their teeth grow constantly and they will gnaw on hard things to keep them in good condition. Normal Type."

2011-03-16, 12:03 PM
Unless you guys want to catch any of these Rattata, we could probably scare them off without hurting them. That item may still be useful and I would like to get a closer look.

Dale draws his elaborately decorated saber and waves it in the air in a semi threatening way, seeing if the remaining Rattata will flee without putting up a fight. He takes a few steps forward to see if he can identify the item on the ground.

Spot check:[roll0]

Alth Falath
2011-03-16, 03:00 PM
"I want to get one. Chimchar, use ember."

[roll0] Attack, need 2
[roll1] Damage
[roll2] Stab

2011-03-16, 03:31 PM
Riley grins. "They look quite fast. I want one! Cade, shock it!"
Cade used thundershock on one of the Rattatas (not the one the chimchar targeted).
[roll0] 2 needed to hit, 17 needed to paralyze
[roll1] Damage
[roll2] STAB

2011-03-17, 03:36 PM
Taylro watched Dan and Riley send their pokemon to battle the Rattata, noting their was only one left. "Hmph... well, think you're up for it Wak? Hit the last one with a Scratch Attack!"
"Man-Keh!" http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/075/b/9/mankey_sprite_by_zerkai-d3bszue.png

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2011-03-17, 11:07 PM
Moving with swiftnes and coordination, the trainers' pokemon attack the three Rattata, one being doused in flames, one shocked with electricity, and one scratched up. In just a moment's passing all three fall to the ground, unconcious. They look like they're in pretty bad condition too.

Yeah, all three attacks dropped them below 0 even after applying defenses. 2 of them are in critical condition. Shouldn't be too hard to catch them.

Alth Falath
2011-03-17, 11:17 PM
Dan calmly tosses a pokeball at the one he hurt, a little saddened by it's surprising weakness.

[roll0] Roll

2011-03-18, 01:01 AM
"Huh... I guess that was a little much." Taylor felt a little bad as she watched the Rattata drop, tossing a pokeball at the one her Mankey had attacked.

Caprute roll: [roll0]

Let's see... Rattataa's caprute rate is 40, pokeball adds +10 to the roll, and dm said their were a few hit points from death, and we're using -100% health for death changes the capture rate to 55 or 65?

2011-03-18, 08:10 AM
Riley looked at the Rattata for a while. "Seriously? That's it?" Riley sighs and throws a pokeball at the rattata.[roll0]

2011-03-21, 06:18 PM
All three pokeballs hit their respective targets. The balls absorb the pokemon and fall to the ground, shaking weakly for a moment. All three flash a red light and ping, indicating that the Rattata are all captured.

There are no other signs of any pokemon. The item lies on the ground in the grass, slightly gnawed on.

2011-03-21, 07:22 PM
Well since you guys all grabbed new pokemon, I think I'll help myself to this then.

Dale walks over and picks up the item, seeing what it is.

2011-03-21, 10:48 PM
Taylor walked over to her pokeball, picking it up and glancing at Wak "Good Job... maybe we trained a little too much. Those rattata looked in bad shape."

2011-03-22, 02:36 AM
Riley looked at the pokeball that had his newly obtained Rattata inside. He sighed again. "Cade, can you get it for me?"

Cade starts staring at the ball and raises his arms towards it. Soon it rises up and floats to Riley. Riley catches the ball. Riley puts it into his pocket and then starts looking at Dale. "Well, what is it?"

Alth Falath
2011-03-22, 09:48 AM
"Poor little guys, at least we tried to hold back. We'll be able to get them healed soon though." He waits patiently, though curious about what the item is.

2011-03-22, 03:39 PM
The item looks like some sort of magnifying lens, but it seems more suited to be used for a pokemon. You aren't immedietly sure what exactly it does.

Anyone can roll knowledge to try and determine what it is, or use a feature that would allow you to identify it. If using a feature, say so in a spoiler so I can give accurate information.

2011-03-22, 04:23 PM
Hmm this is kind of cool. I wonder what a pokemon would do with it though?

Inteligence check; [roll0]

omg... /facepalm

2011-03-22, 09:24 PM
Wow, you guys really did a number on those Rattata Lee will say as he walks ocer to take a look at the lens with the others


2011-03-23, 12:53 AM
Riley leans over to the item. "Hmm... looks interesting..."
Using Random Knowledge, 13 needed

2011-03-23, 07:46 PM
As Lee looks at the item, he thinks for a bit then says I think that is called a Zoomlens. It's supposed to make pokemon more accurate

Milo v3
2011-03-24, 08:32 PM
A silhouette stares at the trainers.

Dammit the Rattata failed to even slow them down. Porygon, I think we'll have to fix this ourselves.

The figure takes a step out of the shadows, he wore a black cloak wghich hide his face. A device was attached to his wrist.

He lowered his hood. The face of a 15 year old with long blonde hair looked at the group with a smirk on his face.

A Porygon floated beside him, creating beeps and noises similar to static.

2011-03-25, 07:03 AM
Riley looked at the stranger and scratched his head. "Umm, who are you?"

Alth Falath
2011-03-25, 09:52 AM
Dan sighs a bit to himself. Goodie, another punk teenager out to prove himself. Guess one of us will have to battle him.

2011-03-25, 11:37 AM
Dale puts the Zoomlens into his pocket as he sees the shadowy figure emerge.

Hey there stranger! What brings you to be mysteriously following us around? Looking for some wild pokemon? Or perhaps a battle?

Milo v3
2011-03-25, 03:23 PM
Looks at the group strangely.
You don't know who I am? I guess the professor didn't want to worry you. But none the less I need that package. Hand it over now unless you want to be enemies with Team Paradox.
He extends his hand.

2011-03-25, 06:08 PM
You have to be joking Lee will say with a sigh as he continues this seems a bit cliche doesn't it? Why does everyone want to steal from the scientist's messengers. Maybe I just read too much sci-fi. Anyway, you can't have it. Lee will move closer to Riley to help if need be. Corrina stands ready beside him.

Lee is also going to try to read this strangers mind to see what he plans to do if he gets the package

No Rolls unless he has some sort of special protection against telepathy.

2011-03-25, 08:02 PM
Riley shook his head. This guy was serious. Riley pulled his leather whip out of his pocket and unraveled it. "Listen, we're not going to give it to you. Got it? If you're not going to scram, I'm going to beat you so hard that the universe goes crazy and you'll get trapped in a time paradox. I'm not scared of you." Riley slashed at the ground with his whip, creating a small crevice on the dirt. "Cade, be ready."

"Kid!" Cade started windmilling his arms.

Milo v3
2011-03-25, 10:13 PM
Petty threats. How barbaric. And yes it is a tad cliche on wanting to steal the package, but I'll make up for it by creating something truly unique. Once I get that package, that is. Daedalus inform Amber of the situation.

The porygon floating next to the stranger flashes for a second then continues is static noises.

Jacob's thoughts (He has no Telepathy Protection (Currently)):
I hope Amber gets here fast. My normal scare tactic isn't working, its like they don't know about Team Paradox. I hope she brings some lackies or at least Nailo.

2011-03-26, 12:17 AM
It doesn't take long for the porygon to return with a young girl, maybe a year older than Jacob. She's followed by an older looking man, probably an adult. Both of them have a couple of pokeballs attached to their belts. The man scowls at the group of young trainers as he approaches.

"This is what's holding you up Jacob? Let's just take the item and go. Can't keep the boss waiting."

Milo v3
2011-03-26, 04:32 AM
Jacob growls at the Older Man.
I'll tell you what the hold up was. These fools don't know who I am. Only one of them really took me seriously. And one dared to say I was cliche.

Jacob's face turns to smile when he saw the Girl. He pointed at her and said.
If you say "I told you so" I'll ... Um ..... Ah ... Never mind.

Now please. Hand over the Package.

2011-03-26, 07:37 AM
Taylor raised an eyebrow at the cloaked figure with the Porygon appeared from the shadows, watching him converse with the others and demand the package. She was content to let the others curbstomp the lone guy trying to rob five people, until his friends showed up.

"Alright!" she exclaimed with a wide grin as she hit her fists together. "Guess the Rattata were just a warm-up for the real fight."

"Let me take the big guy, please." Taylor brought her bandaged fists up, still grinning. It looked like she wanted a brawl rather than a pokemon battle from the way she was looking at older man from Team Paradox.

Alth Falath
2011-03-26, 02:31 PM
"Works for me. Guess I'll take down the porygon. Treeclimber, use ember."

Attack, need a 2

Alth Falath
2011-03-26, 02:32 PM
Guess they have to be split up
[roll0] Damage
[roll1] Stab

Milo v3
2011-03-26, 05:46 PM
Daedalus Psybeam on that little Fur Ball.

10 Spd beats 4 Spd Chimchar hits and deals Porygon 14 damage (Daedalus is now on 20 HP)
Treeclimber coats the Porygon in flame. The Porygon's eyes flash a purple colour, then a beam of eldritch energy blasts out of the Small Pokemon Aimed at the Chimchar


2011-03-26, 09:39 PM
And pause game.

Please see the OOC before continuing.

2011-03-26, 09:54 PM
The man smirks. "We'll teach these children a lesson. Go, Shredder!"

The Girl nods. "Come out Serenity!"

The Two toss their pokeballs and bring forth their pokemon, the man's being a metalic, human shaped pokemon with blades for hands, the other a small white pokemon that looks like its wearign a robe and has a helmet on its head.

"Shredder, Scratch the nearest opponent!"
"Serenity, use Confusion on that pig nose monkey!"

Shreddar targets Riley's Elekid with Scratch
Accuracy check: [roll0] Hits on 2 or higher
Damage: [roll1] - Elekid's Defense

Serenity target's Taylor's Mankey with Confusion
Accuracy Check: [roll]1d20[/roll Hits on 2 or Higher, Causes Confusion on 19-20
Damage: [roll2] - Mankey's Special Defense
STAB: [roll3]

2011-03-27, 02:08 AM
Seeing the other trainers begin issuing orders, Lee will say Corrina, use Bone Club on the metal thing as he points at the pokemon being called Shredder

Man, I hope it is steel type


Attack Roll

Bone Club Flinches the target on 18-20 during Accuracy Check.

Damage (Attack)


2x Damage if Steel type

2011-03-27, 03:51 AM
Riley jumps backwards as Cade gets attacked. Riley draws out his Pokedex and points it at the metallic one. "Cade, use Psychic on the white one!"
Cade used Psychic on Serenity!
Accuracy: [roll0] 2 needed, -1 SDef on 17-20
Damage: [roll1]
Serenity get's thrown upwards, into a tree.

Alth Falath
2011-03-27, 12:10 PM
"Treeclimber, use flamethrower, quickly."
Treeclimber runs over to the Porygon, leaps up into the air, and spits out a cone of fire directly into it's face.

[roll0] Need a 2, burn 19-20
[roll2] Stab

Milo v3
2011-03-27, 05:15 PM
Daedalus quick use Psybeam.
The flame engulfs the Porygon and its eyes go black.
The youngest stranger aims a pokeball at the Unconscious pokemon. Crimson energy eminates from the orb and absorbs the wounded porygon.

Your stronger than I had planned. Maybe I should've just sent in the combat grunts. But you still haven't won.

Porygon is now on -33 HP (Knocked Out)

2011-03-28, 05:57 PM
The man and girl both recall their pokemon, looks of disgust on their face.

"Beaten by kids, this is embarrassing. But We're not through yet."
"We just were not prepared for so many little trainers to face. Plan B is a go!"

They both suddenly toss something to the ground, and with a loud bang smoke fills the area. Team Paradox uses the smoke to escape, but not before one last trouble.

Everyone roll 1d20 and add your level. I'll add up the 5 trainers vs the 2 Team Paradox (Milo roll 3d20) and we'll see if something interesting happens.

Milo v3
2011-03-28, 06:23 PM
My rolls

Jacob = (1d20 + level)[9+2=11]
Adult = (1d20 + level)[13+0=13]
The Girl = (1d20+ level)[18+0=18]

To Croverus
I thought it was going to be a Dex check? But none the less.

2011-03-28, 06:47 PM
Heh, I don't know who these clowns are, but honestly, I'm not too impressed. They got flattened so fast by you guys I didn't even have to bother with them. And now they are fulfilling the smokescreen escape stereotype, no wonder no one takes them seriously...


Alth Falath
2011-03-28, 07:06 PM
"Agreed, I'm kind of saddened he didn't have some kind of mustache."


2011-03-28, 07:38 PM
Yeah, and no one else needs to roll, just two of you rolled lucky enough to beat 3d20s.

The smoke clears adn the three members of Team Paradox are gone.

2011-03-28, 08:08 PM
Well, that happened Lee will say with a grin at the group. He continues great job everyone. Good to see we can take care of ourselves

Alth Falath
2011-03-28, 08:23 PM
"Yea, thought it was close there for a minute or two." Dan walks over, sprays Treeclimber with one of his potions, and then looks at the others. "Think we'll ever meet some normal opponents?"

2011-03-28, 10:45 PM
Taylor watched the battle quickly unfold, looking disappointed as the enemies disappeared in the smokescreen.

"Dammit... I didn't get to fight anyone... You okay Wak?" She asked, kneeling down next to her pokemon, the Mankey looking beat up after getting with with confusion.

"Man... keh"

"Geez.... well, Now is a good time for me to head back then. Both of my pokemon aren't looking too good." Taylor said as she got back up, looking at the other trainers

2011-03-29, 02:13 AM
I'll head back with you Taylor. I forgot to grab my canteen from my house anyway Lee will say as he and Corrina move next to Taylor and her Mankey, awaiting a response from the others.

Alth Falath
2011-03-29, 03:43 PM
"What, you guys didn't bring potions with you? If we go back every time we get hurt, this could be a long trip."

2011-03-29, 06:08 PM
"I told you all I'd only travel with you for a little while. I'll be heading back and move up towards the mountains once my pokemon are healed up. Maybe drop by my folks place and show them my pokemon."

With that she pulled out her pokemon, turning her attention back to her mankey. "You should probably rest up here till we get back." She returned Wak with a red beam of light from her pokeball.

2011-03-29, 06:55 PM
Yah, and my plan coincides with Taylor's rather nicely. I figure the pokemon I'm looking for are more likely in the mountains. Who knows, maybe we'll see each other again Lee will say, letting Corrina rest in his backpack, her head peeking over his shoulder.

Alth Falath
2011-03-29, 07:54 PM
"Fair enough, guess we'll just deliver the package by ourselves." Dan continues on to Ferngully.

2011-03-30, 01:44 AM
"And so the party splits, with some of the trainers returning to Sedgetown to heal up and embark on their own adventures while the others continue on to Ferngully to deliver the package Professor Miwdue gave them. Will they encounter this nefarious Team Paradox again? Probably. Who knows what challanges our trainers will face in the days ahead! See you next time on Pokemon TTO!"

Its roughly midday now. Also the poxedex entry on the one metallic opponent is incomplete, only giving the name, Pawniard, and a silohette.

Alth Falath
2011-03-30, 12:10 PM
Where the hell is that voice coming from?Dan wonders to himself, then shrugs. "Let's head on then, might as well drop off the package and we can be on our way to further adventures."

2011-03-31, 12:25 AM
I believe I shall accompany you to the city, Dan. That package still needs to get delivered and there may be others that are trying to steal it. That Team Paradox seemed pretty crazy but also interesting. I wonder if they will show up again. Also, I can make some quick cash into by putting on a juggling show around town. Maybe i'll even find some streetwise pokemon there to add to my show!

2011-03-31, 07:58 AM
Riley folded his whip and put it back into his pocket. "I'm coming with you too, naturally. Shall we go?"

Alth Falath
2011-03-31, 12:03 PM
"Let us be off then. I hope the next trainer is willing to bet on the match, could use some money."

2011-03-31, 09:16 PM
Lee will turn to Taylor as the two walk so, are there any pokemon in particular you're looking for? I heard about this psychic pig pokemon that I'm hoping to find.

2011-04-02, 04:09 AM
"Well... aside from Fighting types, I like Normal, Ground, Rock, and Steel types. The mountains and caves are bound to have those kinds around... first things first though, need to treat my pokemon at a Center." She answered, looking at Wak's pokeball as they walked back towards the town.

2011-04-04, 12:28 AM
"Returning to Sedgetown, Taylor and Lee avoid any run ins with wild pokemon, giving thema chance to get their current team healed and ready for their treck north!

Meanwhile, the other trainers continue through the forest path, spotting the gate house that mark the exit of the forest and the entry to Ferngully. All that seem to be in their way is a sudden loud rustling coming from the bushes around them!"

A pack of six bug pokemon appears from the bushes, resemblign worms with red bodies and small horns on their head. They have an aggressive stance, but do not out right attack the Trainers.

2011-04-04, 08:00 AM
Riley looks at the worms. "Ooh, more pokemon."

Riley takes his Pokedex and points it at one of the worms.

2011-04-04, 10:03 AM

More of them? Oh, I think I have seen these before.

Dale also takes his pokemon out and scans the bugs.

I'm not really looking to capture any of these, but my Spheal could use some exercise. He didn't even get a chance at those Rattata because it was over so fast, heh. What do you guys think?

Alth Falath
2011-04-04, 11:12 AM
"Might as well try to catch a few, makes it easier to learn about them. Tree, burn the one on the far left with ember."

[roll0] Attack, need 2
[roll1] Damage
[roll2] Stab

Edit: Well...fudge

2011-04-04, 11:21 AM
Alrighty then, battle it is. Eepy! Your up! Lets see a blast of Powder Snow! Hit as many as you can!


The spherical seal pokemon opens its mouth, revealing two nubby tusks and lets loose a chilling blast of ice and snow fanning across the bugs.

Powder Snow – Ice
At-Will – 2
Effect: 1 Target, Spray
Powder Snow creates a Spray 3-meters long and 30˚ wide. Powder Snow Freezes all Legal Targets on 19-20 during Accuracy Check

2011-04-04, 11:47 AM
"Alrighty then. I don't want to catch one... Come out, Cade!"

Riley throws a pokeball and a Elekid emerges. "Shock 'em."Cade used Thundershock on one of the worms (the weakest one at that moment).
Accuracy: [roll0] hits on 2, paralyzes on 17-20
Damage: [roll1]
STAB: [roll2]

2011-04-05, 12:40 AM
The flames engulf the nearest worm pokemon and the air fills with its shriek and the smell of charred meat. The flames kill it outright. A pair get hit by the snow and fall on their sides, curling up and not moving. The three that remain seem only angered by the fall of their fellows and the one hit with electricity still stands after. All three remaining worm pokemon try and attack the pokemon of the trainers.

All three use Tackle, which is a melee range attack and hits on a 3 or better

1 targets Tree with Tackle

1 Targets Eepy with Tackle

1 Targets Cade with Tackle

2011-04-05, 02:02 AM
There! A few are down so you can capture those if you choose. Lets get the rest of these worms taken care of! Eepy! Roll that way so you can hit them with another Powder Snow! Get at least two if you can!

Forgot that I actually have to roll multiple accuracy checks for multihit attacks.
Powder Snow – Ice
At-Will – 2
Effect: 1 Target, Spray
Powder Snow creates a Spray 3-meters long and 30˚ wide. Powder Snow Freezes all Legal Targets on 19-20 during Accuracy

Attack Roll(use as many as apply): 1:[roll0]


Alth Falath
2011-04-05, 09:42 AM
Dan throws a pokeball at one of the ones that are down on the ground.
"Treeclimber, take down the one that hit you with another ember attack."

[roll0] Pokeball
[roll1] Attack, need 2
[roll2] Damage
[roll3] stab

2011-04-06, 11:59 AM
Dale looks at the last remaining Weedle.

Well if anyone wanted to catch one, this would probably be the one.

Phew... that was was pretty easy.Those bugs did not stand a chance. We've got a sweet type triplet here, Fire, Electric and Ice.

2011-04-06, 12:39 PM
"Hmm... Maybe I'll catch it afterall. Cade, Low Kick."
Cade approached the worm and kicked it with a sweeping motion. Cade jumped off the way and Riley threw a Pokeball at the worm.
Cade used Low Kick!
Accuracy: [roll0] hits on 2
Damage: [roll1] Fighting

Capture: [roll2]

2011-04-06, 08:16 PM
The worm gets one last attack in before you manage to throw the pokeball, firing a spray of sticky string aimed at Cade and Tree.

The last wild pokemon uses Sting Shot in Cade's direction, with Tree in range of the spray
Accuracy vs Cade: [roll0] Hits on 3
Accuracy vs Tree: [roll1] Hits on 3
No Damage
Effect: All Legal Targets within the Spray lower their Speed 1 Combat Stage

Once the pokeball hits it it gets sucked in. The ball wiggles back and forth, once... twice... three times and click! The pokemon is captured!

New Information being sent to your pokedex!

2011-04-07, 12:32 AM
Riley looked at the ball for a while. "Cade, mind getting it for me?" Cade raises his arms towards the ball and it raises a few inches up in the air. It starts floating towards Riley who then takes it. "Good work. You're getting better at this."

Then Riley's pokedex lets out a beep indicating that the scan is ready. "Oh, it seems to be a Wurmple. That's nice." Riley places the ball onto his belt. "Shall we go? I can't wait to get to a pokemon center..."

2011-04-07, 07:14 AM
After getting her pokemon healed up at the training center Taylor set out towards the route up the mountain with Lee, after he retrieved his canteen from his house. Her Mankey named Wak was out of his pokeball again, looking better now that he recovered.

"Hm... the others will probably be fine. they took care of that team paradox pretty easily." She said aloud after a moment of thought.

2011-04-07, 07:28 AM
"The trainers finally exit the forest Ferngully ahead. They notice several pokemon hangin around the buildings and in flower beds, seeming accustomed to humans. As they approach the pokecenter, a figure in a trenchcoat steps out from around the corner, a P embroided on a pocket. Could this be another Team Paradox troublemaker?"

"Of course, stupid narrator..."
"Alright brats, you've made it to Ferngully it seems. Hand over the package, now!"

"Meanwhile, Terry and Lee stat on their way north of Sedgetown, a rough terrain of mountains and cliffs."

The trail north from Sedgetown is rough, with no sign of any pokemon or people. After about an hour Lee and Taylor come across a man with a big pack and beard. He spot the two and approaches with a cheerful smile.

"Why hey there. Don't you just love this mountain air. Name's Reggie, you two look like a pair of trainers ready for adventure. what do ya say to a friendly pokemon battle?"

Alth Falath
2011-04-07, 09:46 AM
"This is gonna be sad. You should really stop advertising yourself if you're going to be a criminal organization. And a trenchcoat, really? Why not just scream "I'm a bad guy, come arrest me?"

2011-04-07, 11:01 AM
Yeah and why did you just go attack us in the woods where we would be completely alone. The entrance to a big town like this isn't exactly a shady back ally. But if its a battle you need I'm sure we are happy to oblige. We've already wasted time defending this package once, might as well finish it through.

Dale grabs Eepy's pokeball from his belt and lays his other hand on the hilt of his saber.

2011-04-07, 08:27 PM
Lee will smile back at the hiker and say well, Corrina and I are up for a battle. How about you Taylor? Maybe we could do a double battle?

Lee's last question will be directed at both Taylor and the hiker

2011-04-07, 11:19 PM
Without saying anything, Riley grabs Cade's pokeball. He also takes out his pokedex, ready to examine any pokemon the stranger might use.

2011-04-10, 11:54 AM
The Man in the trenchcoat grins. "I see, then I will have to battle you for it. Three on one, its a bit unfair, but I think with my two pokemon I can handle it. Let's GO!"

He takes out two pokeballs adn tosses them, summoning his two pokemon. One looks like a steel ball with a sinlge central eye and a magnet on each side of its body. The other is a small dog-like pokemon, mostly black with bones on its back and a skull piece on its forehead.

"Together now, use Shockburn!"

One pokemon launches electric energy while the dog fire flames right throught eh electricity, the attack is aimed at whoever's pokemon is healthiest.

This is a combined attack.
Accuracy: [roll0] needs 2 to hit, paralyzes on 17-20, burns on 18-20
Damage: [roll1] + 24 from their combined SpAtt - target's SpDef
Damage type is treated as ???

Alth Falath
2011-04-13, 03:58 PM
Chimchar, burn the ball with flamethrower.

[roll0] Attack, need 2
[roll1] Damage
[roll2] Stab
I can all but guarantee that Treeclimber isn't the strongest pokemon, given the amount of damage he's taken

2011-04-14, 02:38 PM
"A double battle? Hm... battling with a real trainer does sound good. You up for it Wak?" Taylor glanced down at her partner as she asked.

Wak looked from Lee to the Hiker, then nodded, giving a small jump.

2011-04-17, 04:34 PM
The hiker nods, stroking his beard.

"Let me call one of my buddies then. I'm not any good at that double battle stuff."

He takes out an old looking radio and speaks into it, calling a guy named Trace. After a nod and a minute or two of waiting an athletic man wearing only shorts, a sleeveless shirt, gloves and spiked shoes hops down from a ledge. He smiles and nods.

"Doulbe battle huh? You two look pretty tough. Let's do two pokemon for each trainer, one at a time."

Witht hat the hiker and theclimber both grab a pokeball, the hiker sending out a rock-like pokemon with arms and the climber sending out a small spider-like pokemon.

2011-04-17, 07:19 PM
Wow, this is akward. We'll just have to deal with me only using one pokemon. Go Corrina Lee will say with a smile, waiting for Taylor to send out her pokemon

Good thing Corrina has the ability to beat both of them! Aerial Ace and Bone Club, let's go!

2011-04-22, 08:58 AM
"Huh... rock-type." Taylor pulled out her pokedex, examining the pokemon that looked like a rock with arms.

"I was hoping to train my second pokemon a little more before trainer battles, but still... you're up Wak." The Mankey nodded again at the question, before walking over next to Corrina, eyeing the rock like pokemon and the spider pokemon curiously