View Full Version : Loreena McKennitt - Which Album to Buy Next

The Rose Dragon
2011-03-07, 06:50 AM
So, I like Loreena McKennitt, for whatever indescribable reason. However, I only have two of her albums (three, but one is a concert recording and therefore doesn't count), The Visit and The Wind That Shakes the Barley. So, those who are more well-versed in this Canadian sidhe's songs, which album do you suggest I buy next?

2011-03-07, 10:03 AM
My favorite album of hers is the Book of Secrets, followed by Elemental. They've both got a good variety of tempo and flavor. Elemental is much more oriented toward the traditional Irish, and it's got the excellent Lullabye on it. Book of Secrets has the Mummer's Dance, The Highwayman, and Dante's Prayer, which are my all-time favorites of hers. I've also got the Mask and the Mirror, but that hasn't captured me as well as the others, though it's still solid.

Killer Angel
2011-03-07, 10:53 AM
I value The Visit, followed by The Mask and the Mirror and Book of Secrets.

Don't take "a winter garden": it's an ep, later included in "A midwinter night's dream" (which i don't have, but still, it's easiest to take the latter...)

2011-03-07, 11:27 AM
The Visit is probably my favorite, with The Book of Secrets being a close second and The Mask and the Mirror right behind that. Parallel Dreams is another of her earlier albums, and like Elemental it has a more traditional Celtic sound than her later work, but as far as I'm concerned it's her voice that sells her work so I enjoy them quite a bit.