View Full Version : New Times (IC)

2011-03-07, 01:51 PM
Its New Years Eve, and whatever you are doing, whether it be washing centuries old detritus off a longsword or hanging out with the monkeys in the San Diego zoo things as you know it are going to change.

It has only been recently that you have 'found' your abilities, all but one of your lives has just been turned upside down by the realization that may be you might be reserved for something higher than you, a calling that hasn't made its debut yet. You sit and wait, the monkeys eat their fruit and look at you quizzically, the ancient sword reflects back only what it sees, the green glow from the iron walls does nothing to comfort you, but you sit and wait.

Unless of course you take part of the festivities that is New Years, you watch as the ball in Times Square drops. 5, 4, 3, You know this year is going to be different, It sure as hell as started differently, 2, 1.

Its all the same, except of course you, but that hadn't happened in the past couple of seconds.

You shake the feeling of nostalgia from previous years off and continue on your way, whatever it was going to be. Drinking, sitting in an abandoned power plant or just downloading your most recent software patches.

Nothing doesn't stay that way for long however, you go about your business throughout the day, it isn't long before you notice something. Whether it be on the News or the radio or just listening to passers by.

On the TV you see a pretty slender female reporter talking:

"It seems that a group of para-military men has taken over the Johnston's Building, it was initially thought that they were robbers, but that idea vanished when the San Diego Police was called with news about hostages. It appears the group, who has yet to be Identified have taken hostages, we are as of right now unable to determine the exact amount of hostages at this time. It is known however that the Johnston building housed a private accountant firm."

The New's reporter stops for a second raising her hand to her temple as if she was receiving a series of delayed information.

"It seems...Yes..Okay..It seems we have just got news that SWAT is going to make an entrance, we take you live to the scene right now!"

The camera swivels to the right showing a unit of SWAT in two teams stacking up on both sides of the entrance, the man up front in his night black fatigues, carried his portable Ram with ease and slammed it against the doors. He retreated to let the teams breach.

The Camera shook a little as the rattle of slow Automatic Fire erupted from the entrance not even as half of the teams were entering.

One of the mens head exploded in a bloody misty gore spattering his companions as they too got punched in the chest and legs by rounds sending them falling back in a bloody mess.

In a matter of seconds the Teams were lying on the floor with the main doors swinging in, partway open; stuck on remains of San Diego's finest.

The Camera Swings back to the reporter, it continues to shake for a moment. The News women no longer a beam of sunlight and smiles stands in bloody awe of the macabre spectacle she just witness from 100 ft away, the blood in her face was visibly draining. She finally noticed the Camera pointing her way and closed her mouth, tears started to well up in the corners of her eyes.

"I...I...We..." She stuttered.

The screen suddenly went blue and gave of a tone, then switched back to the main news room with the handsome Ron Donovan. He looked worried and in his deep baritone voice:
"We at CNN deeply apologize for the disturbing images that were just aired from our reporter on the ground. We will continue to run coverage on this event as the news unfolds."

He then raises his hand and listens to some more delayed commands from his ear piece.
"It seems we have some more footage already, do not worry America I am told it is not graphic, however if little children are watching I would advise you to ask them to leave for a moment."

The screen changes to a shaky homemade camera like that of the America's funniest home video's. A young women who is visibly shaken, blood was smeared across her forehead, she looks off camera then back and swallows.

"Please! Anyone! Please Help us! They're crazy! They're going to kill us all!" the Image turns to static.

You get the sense that she was looking directly at you, that she was asking you to help, that you were the only on who could help.

Nothing had an interesting way of changing on you, you have the power.

Will you use it for good? Will you wield what you have against the tyranny of the evil malcontents of the world? Uphold the LAW of the land and defend the weak?

2011-03-07, 05:25 PM
I start heading there as fast as I can, using acrobatics to navigate tough terrain.

As the crow flies, it's about 27 miles away, so it takes me about an hour to get there.

2011-03-07, 09:39 PM
Fera stood shocked as the grisly scene that had just played out on the television ran through her mind. Anger rose up at the thought of those criminals slaying the SWAT team. "I've got no time to lose. Those bastards will pay," she thinks to herself. Turning to her intern she says, "I have to go. Finish up here and take the rest of the night off, it's New Years after all." She quickly walks toward the door and shouts, "don't forget to lock up!"

She closes the door to the restoration room behind her and scans the lobby for signs of the new security guard. "No one here, he better not be sleeping." She takes a running leap and soars across the lobby, landing at the front doors with all the grace of a cow jumping off a bed. "Oof." Opening the doors she quickly runs to her motorcycle, starts it up and drives home quickly, arriving in just under a minute.

Fera screeches to a halt in front of her house and bursts inside. Racing to her bedroom she yanks open a dresser drawer and pulls out her costume. "It's time the world met Feral Tundra," she says with a grimace. Quickly changing into her alter identity, the shaman takes a moment to pose in front of the mirror. "Here goes nothing," she exclaims and runs back out to her bike.

Flipping her now braided hair behind her, Feral Tundra dons her helmet and starts the motorcycle. The engine eagerly revs to life at her touch and she rockets down the near vacant street at startling speeds. Trying to recall the location mentioned on the news cast, Feral Tundra figures out how long it will take her to arrive there. "Let's see, it's only about a 15 minute drive normally but at my speed, ignoring the speed limit and cops, I should arrive... ah! I see it up ahead!" Feral Tundra parks next to a police cruiser and gets off her bike. She scans the bloody scene and moves toward the police barricade.

3 min from the Museum to house divided by 3 for breaking speed limit laws = 1 min.
2 min to get inside home, change out of her clothes, into her costume, leave the house and start the bike.
15 min from home to the Johnston Building divided by 3 as mentioned above = 5 min.
Total = 8 min (1+2+5)

2011-03-08, 12:08 AM
The entity currently registered in several governmental databanks as Matthew Svengsthen stands on the balcony of its current roomings, a book in its hands as the news report ends.
Accessing its own vast stores of information it retrieves data on its financial holdings. It appears that the mentioned accounting firm is part of the network of monetary flows that sustain its existance and ever developing upgrades.
The destruction and subsequent investigation is calculated to cause a 2.3% decrease in revenue. Not particularly threatening to its existence.
The chance of discovery of its existence as well as its nature however is estimated at 0.728%. For most beings this would be acceptable risk. But for an entity for which time has no direct meaning, even the smallest increments have compounding factors. The threat is not acceptable.

Scenarios flit by and are removed, sorted by probability of success. None have lasting appeal in the current situation. It would be best to let things happen and simply reduce damage afterwards. But there is this niggling sensation that disallows complete inaction. A byproduct of the biologic fusion and thread-randomization. No, inaction is not an option.

Again scenarios are compiled, run through and their results extrapolated.
Cross-references to human interaction and basic psychology are drawn.
Hiding in plain sight is deemed the best approach.
Its form will give enough reasons for exploration of its nature in different directions without giving away too much information on the actual background.
A course is set.

1.7 seconds after the news report ends, the entity lifts off from the balcony.
2.0 seconds after the news report ends, "Pinocchio" lands on the ground.

Odin the Ignoble
2011-03-08, 03:26 PM
Ted is sitting quietly at home nursing a beer. He lets out a heavy sigh as he sinks deeper into the couch.

As far as years go, this has to be one of the worst. At least it can't go any further downhill from here.

Ted lifts his beer can in a silent salute to the television, and all the smiling faces on the other side. Happy New Year.

When the screen changes to the news, Ted perks up. He watches for a few seconds trying to remember where the Johnston Building is, and what's the fastest way to get there. When the gun shots ring out, he drops his beer and darts for the back room.

He hastily dons his makeshift armor, sparring only a quick glance in the mirror to verify that everything is in place.

He darts out the back door, making sure to check the area for potential witnesses. He takes a running leap into the neighbors back yard, then another into the street.

He starts printing as fast as he can, outstripping traffic in an attempt to to reach the Johnston Building before it's too late.

ETA:10 minutes, give or take the 12 seconds to put on his armor.

I'll also make a few dex rolls, since Wrecking ball is trying to sprint through traffic at maximum speed. If I don't need them, just ignore them.



2011-03-08, 09:55 PM
Zee sighed, his leg dangling off the side of the nuclear reactor where he makes his home. The large smokestack (http://www.dimensionsguide.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/Nuclear-Power-Plant.jpg) was his favorite place to sit, and the only one that got TV reception. The portable TV glowed with light and he sighed, this just wouldn't do. So it falls upon the Glowing Guardian of San Diego. Zee stands, donning his trench coat, and leaps from the smoke stack, as he nears the ground he "flashes" safely standing on the ground after teleporting several yards. He begins to run, intermittent "flashes" with his steps, making spectacular time he arrives at the building, his eyes and feet aglow, in 5 minutes.

Now what seems to be going on?

He whispers to himself, dimming his glow as best he can, while hiding behind a car on the other side of the street. He stares intently and tries to glimpse what's happening.

2011-03-08, 11:31 PM
You make it to the scene within your estimated time, approaching the police barricade a seemingly rookie Police Officer looks at you quizzically, he rest’s his right hand on his pistol holster by his right hip with his thumb on the quick release. You feel as if it’s more a relaxed stance than a ready to draw and shoot one, he seems slightly intimidated by your stature but that only lasts for a second. You can see the phrase “the bigger they are the heavier they fall” run across his face like a basketball billboard.

“Stand back Ma’am, this is a crime scene and we don’t need the public getting to close.” His timbre seems to falter at the beginning but gains confidence towards the end, definitely a rookie. He doesn’t seem to care or notice your interesting outfit. This is San Diego after all, there’s a nutjob for every corner.

Upon arrival you try to hide behind a car near the building, the problem here is a rather large crowd has formed. Anywhere you go you will be noticed. If you stay in the street you will be noticed, and you can plainly see the SWAT snipers on the rooftops on any building reasonably close to the Johnston’s building.
If you remain in the street civilians will immediately start to record you with their mobile phones, it will not be long until you are on the news on CNN, the very same newscast that bought you here and all over the web. You glow. That’s strange.

Wrecking ball:
You get there fast, however you find it hard to get closer than 200 yards as police cruisers, news vans and barricades litter the streets, not to mention the crowd that has appeared.

You have actually been here for a while, your invisibility plays to your advantage here, you are able to witness all of the others arrive one by one mere seconds apart.

You can fly over the scene, however you are immediately noticed. There is 2 police Helo’s circling the building not to mention 3 news Helicopters 300 yards beyond that. You manage to scare one of the pilots enough as you fly by looking for landing spot on the roof. As soon as you land you immediately hear loudspeakers stating for the person on the roof to stay where they are.

Everyone except LapLace:
You all see a flying young boy circle the building and land on the roof, as much as it seems strange stranger yet is the glowing man in a trench coat further down the street. Thing seem to be escalating.

Reference the spoilered map for locations.
So far the Police seem intent on the armed men inside and of the young boy on the roof. Overland Ave is completely shutdown however Ruffin road is still open.


2011-03-08, 11:39 PM
Interesting. Reaction faster than expected. More direct approach. Verbal command in line with predictions.
Direct course of action: Divide and conquer
Necessary observational component: Mysteriousness
Construction of such: Forced Obliviousness

Appearing as if it didn't hear the command, the entity walks forward to a door that leads inside, and enters.

If the door is locked I doubt it can withstand my character's strenght even if he tries to make it look absolutely normal (no exertion).

2011-03-08, 11:42 PM
Staying invisible, I pick up a rock and throw it through a window, then walk in the front door. Once inside, I climb up onto the ceiling.

Time to haunt this joint I think.

The purpose of the rock is to distract anyone who may be inside. It doesn't need to break a window, just knock against it.

2011-03-08, 11:48 PM
Tthe attention was unexpected and, panicing, flashes Zee forward several times until he is next to the building and away from the crazy cameras, or so he hopes. He glances around, hoping to be free of cameras, he flashes through the walls and into the building.

Stay calm, no cameras in hear.

Awww, Zee's afraid of getting is picture taken... He smoothes his jacket and takes a couple deep breathes, then stalks as quietly as he can through the halls, working towards any obvious noises.

2011-03-09, 01:21 AM
Feral takes note of the flying boy and the glowing man then looks down at the rookie cop and says, "my name is Feral Tundra. You're doing a fine job keeping these people out. Continue to do so but I must enter that building and avenge your fallen brethren!"

With that said she takes a single step backward, activates her Frosted Ice and leaps over him to the front of the building where the SWAT members met their doom. Walking inside the jarred doorway, expecting a hail of bullets she shouts, "put down your weapons and release the hostages or suffer the pain you have inflicted upon the dead!"

Frosted Ice: This ability creates an inch thick coating of solid but flexible glazed ice over Feral Tundra's entire body. The only part that is clear ice is in front of her face so that she can see properly. With this ability active she looks like a giant, thick, walking ice statue.

Odin the Ignoble
2011-03-09, 04:34 AM
Flying boys? Glowing guys in trench coats? It appears I'm not the only super freak in town.

Wrecking Ball smiles a lopsided grin, and cracks his knuckles. I guess I won't have to worry about holding back on these clowns. There's no way I'm going to let super villains run amok in my city.

Wrecking ball takes in a deep breath before announcing to the crowd in a booming voice. "Don't worry citizens, Wrecking Ball is here" The situation is well in hand!"

Wrecking Ball judges the distance between himself and the building. If he thinks he can leap over the crowd, he'll do so. If not he'll try and gently shoulder his way through the crowd and police officers.

Once he gets closer to the building, he'll go full tilt and run through the wall and inside.

If he makes it that far, He'll accelerate to 20, and try and smash through the wall.

Roll to hit wall:
OCV: 7 vs DCV: The wall

Damage versus the wall
12 from Strength + 6 from a velocity of 20.

If he can't accelerate as fast as he'd like, feel free to subtract dice from the total.

The wall should take 18 body. Assuming that's enough to go through, Wrecking Ball takes 2 points of stun. 4 If his Damage reduction is still energy instead of physical.

2011-03-09, 12:13 PM
Fera & Poltergeist:
Fera you easily manage to jump over the police barricades causing a silent ‘wow’ from everyone including the police before they have a chance to react to saunter over to the entrance and step over the freshly killed SWAT members. It is easy to see that these men were killed by a large caliber weapon.

Poltergeist, you manage your way over to the door with little problem, your agility and invisibility making it a breeze for you, you peek in and see a large barreled machinegun of some type. Clinging to the walls you make your way to the ceiling just as Fera enters, good thing too as the 2 men behind the machine gun open up a volley at her hitting her 3 times in the chest.

(Weapon Familiarity: Heavy Machine guns/Emplaced weapons 13-)
to identify the weapon as a HBM2 Machinegun.
Picture (http://www.gunslot.com/files/gunslot/images/38107.jpg)

Fera You get nailed in the chest by one of the most powerful weapons in the modern military, your Ice shield absorbs all the BODY and STUN, but you feel like you got hit by a freight truck. You are knocked back 52 feet knocking you prone. You are now outside in front of the building and everyone is watching you.

Poltergeist you may take two full phases before Fera gets to act.
Fera you may take 1 phase after Poltergeist acts.
(getting up is a half phase action)

You landed next to the only door on the roof, moving toward it you see it is locked with a simple padlock, you easily rip the padlock off and move down the stairwell, getting to the bottom you hear commotion on the other side. You realize you are in the janitors office and then suddenly the building rocks as if hit by a train. There is one door leading to the main floor.

You manage to teleport forward until you are within the building, you are in the east side of the building in what appears to be an cubicle farm much like a call center, doors towards the center of the building emanate sound of loud voices cutting commands. You hear the rattle of automatic gunfire, the very same from the news and then the building shakes as if a earthquake had struck and gone within seconds, shielding your eyes from the dust and debris of falling building you see a large muscular man in steel armor standing not 20 feet from you in the same section of the building. It seems he had just ran through the wall.

Wrecking ball:
Having placated the crowd (or thinking you have) you easily manage to clear them all in what you think is a graceful leap almost at the same time Fera leaps over them, a double silent ‘wow’ emits from them as you land and run towards the wall. Police start yelling at you to abate your course, when you reach the wall you lower your shoulder and ease through it like butter. As you make your way through the building you see the glowing green man in the trench coat to your right staring at you. (see Zee’s response for a description of the office room, albeit with some rubble here and there)


2011-03-09, 12:49 PM
"Holy sh*t!" Feral lies cradled on the top of a car staring up at the sky for a second. The helicopter lights above her blind her eyes as they lock on to her still body. Checking for holes in her armor she grins and jumps to her feet.

Breakfall check to stand quickly failed. See dice thread.

She moves to the side a little, out of direct sight from the gun inside the building and turns around to face the crowd. Raising her arms up high she shouts, "I'm okay, good people, fear not! I will not fail you!" Then she spins back around and leaps next to the wall beside the open door, avoiding line of sight from the machine gun.

2011-03-09, 04:24 PM
Using Ventriloquism (see dice thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=10472225#post10472225)), I place my voice behind the two men. In a high pitched voice, I cackle maniacally.

This is a PRE Attack, meant to scare the men. I'll also put the roll for that in the Dice Post. However, if you feel this doesn't need a roll for that, just ignore it.

After I see their reaction, I:

(They are affected strongly by the PRE Attack)
I crawl to right above them

(They are slightly affected by the PRE Attack)
I crawl to about 1" behind them

(They are apparently unaffected by the PRE Attack)
I prepare a Martial Dodge (+5 DCV)

Odin the Ignoble
2011-03-09, 05:18 PM
Wrecking Ball, blinks the soot from his eyes, scanning the room. Hey it's that glowy guy!

"You! Uh,... Stop!" He looks around for a few seconds, slightly disoriented. Where are the hostages?

2011-03-09, 05:29 PM
Zee panics,

He flashes behind a desk and readies a green energy bolt aimed at Wrecking Ball. He frowns,

Who are you?
His voice is weak and shaky.

Odin the Ignoble
2011-03-09, 06:45 PM
Wrecking Ball stares at Zee in confusion. "Uh, I'm Wrecking Ball. I'm here to save the hostages."

Something doesn't add up. "Who are you? And what have you done with the hostages?"

Wrecking Ball Grabs the nearest heavy object, like a desk, and tries to appear menacing.

2011-03-09, 07:06 PM
He tries to shrink into the corner,

I'm Zee. I came to help...
His voice trembles and he looks really scared. I mean, a huge guy swinging a desk and punching through walls, pretty scary.

I... Um... I mean, I'm here to save them.
He stumbles over his words.

2011-03-09, 10:29 PM
Standing next to the only other door in the janitor's office, LDT01/Matthew opens the door while staying out of sight.

Odin the Ignoble
2011-03-09, 11:07 PM
Wrecking Ball suddenly looks sheepish. What am I some schoolyard bully?

"Uh, sorry about that. I thought you were one of... the bad guys." Wrecking Ball slowly puts down the desk.

"Where is everybody? I mean the hostages and terrorists and stuff?" Wrecking Ball cranes his neck, looking around making sure that he didn't miss something.

"And if you don't mind me asking, why are you glowing?"

2011-03-10, 02:03 AM
You manage to stand up and move to the side of the building, you recover your breath easily, you look back and see a crowd of eyes intently staring at you. You hear the small pitter patter of gunfire further inside the building.

For some reason your ventriloquism has no affect, you ready your martial dodge just in case. They do not see you however and seem to be readying for anyone else coming into the building. You also hear the patter of gunfire inside the building.

You open the door and see a room full of hostages, 2 men armed with M4’s and M203 launchers under the barrel are walking their way around them, one of them sees you and brings his weapon up to his shoulder firing a burst right at you from just a few feet away. (see battle map)
You take 25 STUN and no BODY as he hits you with a spray of gunfire (you may 'Abort' for cover to dive back where you came from)
The other guard is alerted to your presence and fires in turn.
You take another 4 STUN as he sprays you with automatic gunfire.
You may take an action now.


Wrecking ball & Zee
You two stare at each other as a man rushes through the door leading to the hallway from inside the building, he is similarly garbed and equipped as the others. He stops short and instantly picks up his rifle yelling and walking slowly forward at the same time.
Both of you may take an action before he shoots at Wrecking Ball.


2011-03-10, 05:40 AM
At the sound of the gunfire inside Feral immediately begins to worry. "Are they shooting the hostages? I've got to get in there!"

Taking a step away from the wall she eyes the building entrance at an angle for a split second then tenses up and launches herself inside, being sure to get away from the door so that if the big gun goes off on her again, it will just knock her into the wall instead of outside, keeping her in the room.

If she runs into anyone holding a gun, she will attack them. If not she will try to continue leaping across the room, skirting around to the side of the machine gun and attack it.

2011-03-10, 12:01 PM
I crawl to just above the two men manning the BFG (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BFG) and say the following rhyme (to the tune of The Itsy Bitsy Spider

The mighty Amazoness came in the front doorway.
Out flew the bullets, and knocked her far away.
Then down came the mutant who caused a lot of pain.
And now your whole operation has just gone down the drain.

At the third line, I drop down onto one of the guards and hit him with a Martial Strike (+0 OCV, +2 DCV, +2d6 damage).

Odin the Ignoble
2011-03-10, 02:33 PM
Wrecking Ball cracks his knuckles. "Alright chump, surrender and I won't have to do to you what I did to that brick wall" He jerks a finger over his shoulder. "If you don't surrender now, I'm not going to give you another chance until after I've broken a few bones."

Presence attack! I don't know what to roll for all the modifiers, so I'll let you do the honors.

It probably won't work, but overconfidence isn't a disadvantage if you don't role play it. :smallwink:

2011-03-11, 12:53 PM
You deftly land next to one of the men manning the machine gun claws blurred as you strike your target. The men were looking around trying to figure out where the nursery rhyme was coming from and were completely taken a back when you appeared from nowhere.
You hit the one manning the gun, he shrieks as your claws cut through his chest, the sheer force and trauma of the wound knocks him out cold and he slumps onto the gun smacking his head into the receiver of the M2.
(you got +1DC for a total of 9 for surprising them)

You line up your angle and run into the entrance tensing up with the expectation of getting sent into the wall from the heavy machine gun. No such thing happens, you can easily see that a strange looking man just took out one the men behind the gun.
(you may take another move action if you wish, on top of your next actions)

Checking your system integrity took only 7ms, you are fine and only minimal damage was taken.
Best course of action: eliminate threats.
You lock onto the first man and engage your Eye Lasers hitting him square in the chest, he stumbles a few steps and looks down at his chest in amazement as he falls into unconsciousness.(Total END 14)
The other man stutters for a moment and then raises his rifle to shoot you the bullets bounce off your avatars armor not harming you at all.


Wrecking ball and Radon-
Radon shrinks down not sure of what to do in this situation (I have you as delayed, feel free to take any action when you want)
The man looks at Wrecking Ball and barely flinches as he steps and shoots toward you. You take no STUN or BODY as your armor and thick skin deflect or absorb any of the harmful bullets. The man seems amazed at what is happening almost pausing for a second.
You BOTH can take actions before the man with the rifle. Radon’s action will resolve first however.


2011-03-11, 01:08 PM
I turn to the other guy and say "You can either surrender now, or I can practice phlebotomy on you." For added effect, I run a claw under his chin.

2011-03-11, 02:38 PM
He looks at you as his face visibly drains of blood.
"Ye...ye..yessir!" staggering back he drops his rifle to the floor with a clatter and puts his hands up.

2011-03-11, 06:35 PM
Feral continues moving, pausing only for a moment to take in the strange occurrence of events. She runs up next to the machine gun, and as the criminal surrenders to the clawed man, she raises her arms over her head. A long handled, massive stone maul, nearly 7' in length appears in her hands. In one fluid motion she brings it crashing down on top of the machine gun with a ferocious yell.

Current stats

Stun 40/40
Body 15/15
End 46/60

Stone Maul 5 End
Leaping 3 End
Running 6 End

2011-03-11, 08:05 PM
Your Hammer Coalesces in your hands as your bring down the might of your rage, it hits the receiver of the machine gun and shatters the weapon into pieces, it flies in every direction and can no longer be called a weapon.

The Man who just surrendered to Poltergeist manages to loose a little more blood from his face.

EDIT: updated text

2011-03-11, 08:34 PM
Feral Tundra grins wickedly at the scared man as her stone maul vanishes from her hands then she turns her attention to the one with claws. "Thanks for the assist," she says. "Who are you and...," she looks around, "where did you come from?"

Odin the Ignoble
2011-03-11, 08:49 PM
Wrecking Ball cracks his knuckles, and looks over at Radon. "Go look for the hostages, I'll take care of this clown."

Wrecking Ball strides forward, and punches the man.



2011-03-11, 11:50 PM
"Clever boy," I grin, "now answer a few questions or I change my mind about you. How many men do you have in here, how many hostages do you have, where are the hostages, who sent you, and why did they send you?"

Turning to Feral, I reply "I could ask the same about you, miss. But you asked first, so I'll answer first. The name's Poltergeist, and I came from the front door, clumb ontot the ceiling, then dropped down on these jokers."

Current END: 35/40
STUN: 35/35
BODY: 13/13

2011-03-12, 12:09 AM
Wrecking ball you punch the armed man in the face and knock him down on his butt, he isn't knocked out but his eyes glazed over for a few seconds before he realizes what happened, still holding onto his rifle he lets out a burst of fire which once again does nothing.(you barely missed knocking him out!)

The pale faced man looks at you poltergeist and starts to stutter, he takes a look at Feral and faints falling to the floor in a heap. It's obvious that the trauma of recent events was too much for the man and no amount of slapping or cold water will wake him up. The two of you see two directions to go, the Machine gun was stationed at the center of a T junction in the building, gunfire is heard to the left.

2011-03-12, 01:33 AM
Ignoring the fainting man, Feral says, "Poltergeist, you are a skilled warrior. I must have missed seeing you enter when I was shot at. My name is Feral Tundra and I am here to avenge the death of..." She jerks her head as gunfire rings out. "The hostages! We must save them! Come clawed one!" With that she runs to the left in the direction of the gunfire.

2011-03-12, 01:51 AM
"Right behind you. Just give me a sec." I reply. I use the guards shirts to hogtie them before following Feral on the ceiling.

"So other than providing a good distraction and smashing Heavy Weapons, what do you do?" I ask Feral.

2011-03-12, 12:57 PM
'Superficial Damage to outer Shell detected. Opponent using rapid-fire ballistic weapon. Threat level 4. Primary objective: Neutralization.'

Stepping out of the door, the entity locks eyes with the guard that did the most damage to it. The pupils of it "eyes" dilate to encompass the entirety of the thing. For a moment the blackness makes it appear as if there is nothing in the sockets. Then a red gleam enters them and in only a moment becomes so blazing that it hurts to look at. twin beams spring forth reaching for their target.

Attack roll:[roll0] (OCV is 7)


So that would be 23 STUN and 6 BODY?

2011-03-12, 03:08 PM
"I smash criminals and villains," responds Feral in a serious tone. "They all receive the sweet kiss of my hammer for their transgressions."

Odin the Ignoble
2011-03-13, 02:45 PM
"I'm starting get tired of the whole you shooting me thing." Wrecking Ball reaches down and attempts to grab the gun man.

7OCV - 2 for the Grab= 5 OCV


2011-03-14, 03:21 PM
Wrecking Ball:
You succesfully grab your target, you may squeeze or throw him as a half phase action for free during the same phase.

Feral and Poltergeist:
You run towards the sound of the gun fire, ahead of you, you see two door ways. one is closed to the south and the other is open to the north. Gunfire is coming from both rooms.


Odin the Ignoble
2011-03-14, 03:36 PM
Wrecking ball throws the gunman through the hole in the wall. He aims for an area in front of the police cordon.

7 OCV - 4 for throwing an unbalanced un-aerodynamic object =3 vs 3, the DCV of a hex.

So I should need a 11- right?


2011-03-14, 03:57 PM
"I'll take the north, you take the south." I say to Feral Tundra before turning invisible and slipping into the room on the north.

2011-03-14, 04:17 PM
"You read my mind," Feral replies as she grabs hold of the closed door to the south and swings it open.

2011-03-14, 05:14 PM
You run into the room invisible just in time to watch as a hulk of a man throws another armed man just like the one you slashed right into the wall of the building. There is a sickening thud sound as the man flies into the wall breaks through it and carries on flying through the air.

Wrecking Ball
Your throw is a little off, turns out people are a little different than footballs. He slams into the wall to the left of the hole and creates a new one where he hit, you can see him land somewhere near the police barricade.

Running into the room you see 3 more armed men, 2 standing and one lying on the floor blood leaking from his chest. It is obvious one the others killed him. They both look at you, realizing something is wrong, raising their barrels they take aim.

One of them lets fly something from his under-the-barrel launcher.
This is the iconic grenade launcher and if you character has seen Scarface you have seen it before. It nails you in the head and explodes in a mass of incinerating fire and smoke.
The other fires a burst at you hitting you in the left hip. You get knocked back 6 and half feet ending up in the other room with Wrecking ball, Poltergeist and Radon. You suffered no injuries from the attacks.

EDIT: added updated damage done by throw against wall.

2011-03-14, 05:34 PM
The sudden force knocks her off her feet. With a grunt Feral stands up, ignoring the other people in the room, her eyes locked onto the two men across the hall who just shot her. She crouches and leaps at them, launching through the air with a loud, "Raaaa!" As she lands at their feet she calls forth her Stone Maul and swings at the side of one of the men's knees.

Current stats

Stun 40/40
Body 15/15
End 37/60

Stone Maul 5 End
Leaping 1 End
Running (Down hallway to door) 3 End

2011-03-14, 05:46 PM
Body rigid, and face absolutely without expression, the entity swivels its head towards the second guard and red once more fills the room.

Attack:[roll0] (OCV 7)

Damage: [roll1]

2011-03-14, 06:52 PM
Seeing no further hostiles in the room (I mean, the guy who threw one of my enemies through a wall must be a friendly, right?), I head to the other room, climbing on the ceiling and trying to stay flat.

Odin the Ignoble
2011-03-15, 02:05 PM
Wrecking Ball grits his teeth and lets out a pained sounding hiss. "Ow, I bet that hurt. Allot."

He turns around to face the rest of the building. Holy crap skates! The freaks are coming out of the wood work.

Wrecking Ball gets out a "Hey you!" before the newly arrived woman runs out of the room.

He glances briefly at Radon before charging into the room behind them.

Wrecking Ball's Current Endurance: 42
Wrecking Ball's Current Stun: 63

2011-03-16, 02:54 PM
You Energy beam nails the guy int eh chest almost killing him, he is visibly dazed and stumbles a foot or two, the other man however has just got his wits about you. You are so fast however you get to act before he does.

You land in front of the man who launched the grenade at you and easily swipe at his knee, it knocks him over sending him flying back a foot. You knocked him into last week, he his only stunned however and not knocked out, but you can tell you could breath on him and he would pass out.
The other man stares at you visibly shaken. Any actions you take will be after everyone else's.

Wrecking Ball & Poltergeist
You both enter the room just in time to watch the man fly back from Ferals attack, you can easily reach the last man. You can both take actions during this phase.

(No map, you are both in a large office room, LapLace you can use the old one if you need to.)

2011-03-16, 04:46 PM
Feral shouts at the criminals, "where are the hostages!"

2011-03-16, 04:54 PM
I move over to the other guy, then drop down and hit him with a slash of my claws.

To Hit (11+9-DCV = 20-DCV):

Damage (Martial Strike):


STUN Multiplier:

2011-03-17, 05:12 PM
Moving over to the guard, the entity's glowing eyes pierce his.
It opens its mouth and one word spills forth, reverberating in the room.


Rolling Presence Attack: [roll0]

Odin the Ignoble
2011-03-17, 05:49 PM
Wrecking Ball moves to clobber anyone who's still standing.


If it hits

If there's no gunmen left standing Wrecking Ball asks "Who the hell are you? Where are the hostages?"

2011-03-18, 11:02 AM
As Feral is forming the words on her mouth you bound in and slash at the last man easily hitting him with your claws. He falls like a sack of potatoes to the floor knocked out from shock.

Wrecking ball
You move in and see both men lying on the floor, one unconscious and the other getting close holding his knee.

By the time you formed your words and spoke the other man was lying down on the floor, the invisible man from before and the large man you glimpsed from the other room come running in. Neither of the gunmen respond.

Your Intimidation and order to desist succeeds, the armed man you are looking at drops his rifle and raises his arms in surrender.

It would only be moments before the other one did the same.
For now you are alone in a room full of hostages, crying and mumbling to themselves.

The other four (Feral, Wrecking ball, poltergeist and Radon?) are technically out of combat.
Take your post 12 segment (a recovery)
You heard an energy discharge somewhere to the West of the building (the way Feral and Poltergeist came from) and then the building is eerily quiet. You hope you will be fast enough to find the hostages alive.

2011-03-18, 05:13 PM
"I'm Feral Tundra, who the hell are you," Feral responds in kind after Wreckingball speaks. "And where are the hostages?" She pauses a moment then continues. "It sounded like something might have happened on the other side of the building. Go check it out while I send all these thugs out the front door. I want to make sure none of them get a chance to escape."

She grabs the two criminals by the collars of their shirts giving enough time to hear a response then drags them down the hall to the lobby where the remains of the machine gun and the two other criminals are. She then grabs their collars as well so she has two in each hand and not-so-tenderly drags them out the front door.

When she gets a good 15' outside she dramatically releases them all, letting them fall to the ground and shouts, "Hey Rookie! Yeah, you! Get over here and take this filth away and by the Gods send over some medics to look after your fallen brothers and sisters!"

2011-03-22, 06:40 PM
I search the body of the man I knocked out, trying to find anything useful.

2011-03-24, 03:40 AM
The entitiy powers down its eyes and the room returns to its normal lighting.
Grabbing the dropped guns it looks the guards over to see wether they sport any other weaponry, taking any that they might have.

"Move" it says, pointing towards the hostages.

2011-03-28, 08:02 PM
You easily drag the men outside, dumping them onto the floor, the police officer who accosted you before steps forward stuttering a few steps with his jaw open.

You find only ammo for the M4 assault rifle, and 3 40mm grenades.

A couple of the people start to move, but without any real direction they seem more akin to a herd of cattle, also you look like a little boy who just shot two men with his laser eyes. They seem a little afraid of you.

2011-03-29, 04:46 AM
Head swiveling around to the hostages, the entity lifts one eyebrow in a calculated human-like manner and speaks.

"Your movement is wholly unnecessary as I was referring to the two previously armed guards next to me."

It looks back at the guards.

"I would appreciate your movement towards the indicated place by the other people in this room to avoid further potentially lethal altercations."

It then takes the guns and walks towards the hostages, presenting the guns to them.

"These should qualify as an increase in your own defensive capability and enable you to keep the previous guards in check further. The door through which I entered provides a possible escape route should you decide to flee prematurely. However, I cannot guarantee the success of such action, due to the dynamic nature of the outside situation."

The entity then walks towards the exit of the room that leads deeper into the building, appearing absolutely unconcerned with the situation it leaves behind.

2011-03-29, 06:42 AM
Spinning on her heels Feral reenters the building then calls up her Reflective Ice and makes her way towards the unknown energy discharge she'd heard earlier.

"I have a bad feeling about this," she mutters to herself.

2011-04-22, 12:29 AM
LapLace manages to tear the down and walks through the ensuing rubble, you walk further into the building your local Threat indicators and scanners showing the basic layout of the building. You hear nothing further down the hallways, but your memory indicates that gunfire had been registered further inside the building not 30 seconds ago.

You storm down the corridor with your Ice shield in place, turning the last corner you see a small boy of about 7 or 8. His eyes do not move and he does not blink while he stares right at you. You have a strange feeling about this boy.

Behind the boy you hear gunfire and then blood curdling screaming: it seems your not done yet.

2011-04-26, 06:52 PM
Startled by the boy, Feral stops for a moment. "Are you okay?" "Maybe he's in shock," she thinks to herself. "I need you to go out the way I just came, can you do that?"

The sound of more gunfire brings her attention back to the situation. She moves to head into the next room, looking back over her shoulder at the boy.

2011-04-26, 08:05 PM
"Your actions imply you are not with the perpetrators of this situation."

The boy's voice announces, his face however a mask of indifference.

"Can it be assumed said situation was neutralized in the part of the building you came from?"

Also, are the shots coming from the room I just left?

2011-04-27, 02:15 AM
Feral halts, a strange look on her face. "Uh yes, they have been dealt with." She shakes her head. "I can't stay to chat, people are dying!"

2011-04-27, 10:08 PM
[COLOR="Blue"][FONT="System"]"Your actions imply
Also, are the shots coming from the room I just left?

Yes, the very same room

2011-04-27, 10:41 PM
"I incapacitated two guards and gave their guns to the hostages they were guarding. It is likely that the latter shot the former out of the feeling of revenge."

the boy continues, no emotion reflected in his voice.

"Were you able to aquire information on your way here as to wether there exist yet other congregations of intruders in this building?"

2011-04-28, 08:09 PM
Coming to realize that this child was extraordinary, Feral squares up to face him. "The invaders in the front of the building have been dealt with. Let's return to the hostages and lead them out of here. I'll go in first, it sounds like they may be trigger happy."

That said Feral takes a deep breath, turns around and hurries into the next room.

2011-05-01, 07:09 PM
'No indication of dishonesty detected. High probability of complete deletion of opposition in area designated as front of building based on physical characteristics of subject. Commence with mission objective. Seek and neutralize. Reassign target area. New designated target: "Back" of building.'

Watching the newcommer run into the room it had just left. The boy walks into the opposite direction towards the back of the building, its mind running several more calculations.

'New entry in known high capability beings. Unknown entity, temporary designation: Runner. Abilities unknown. High probability for Speed and Strenght. Medium Probability for enhanced senses. Threat level unknown. Short term interaction suggests high baseline compassion. Temporary IFF: Friend.'

Having finished the classification of its newest aquaintance, the entity finishes its second step away from the door and concentrates on filtering information through its senses that might indicate more hostiles.

2011-05-02, 08:43 PM
You both enter the room where the hostages are, looking around it is easy to see what just happened. The Terrorists lie on the floor with their arms tied behind their backs and several bullet wounds in their chests, neither is breathing, a civilian man in a suit is holding the M4 rifle.

He sees you enter and swings the barrel of the gun in line with you, his eyes are bloodshot and you can tell he is in shock.
"Get back!" "I'll shoot! I swear I will!"

2011-05-07, 05:39 PM
With quick striding steps Feral moves right at the man with the gun and attempts to snatch it from his hands.

"No one else is going to hurt you now. Give me that weapon before do something you'll regret."