View Full Version : [3.5] Stealthing the Trapsmith

2011-03-08, 06:49 PM
I stumble on RadicalTaoist's lovely Stagehand (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19872622/Challenge:_Optimization_Circus!?post_id=338464874) build today, and fell in love immediately.

My question is this: what's the best (or least expensive) way to duplicate this non-aggression pact outside of combat/when you don't have a buddy to take the hits for you.

Because laying down traps isn't directly affecting an enemy, it wouldn't break standard invisibility. What level do you have to be in warlock/dragonfire adept to get their respective walk unseen invocations, again?

I also seem to recall a cloak that makes you untargetable until you've taken action against your opponent. Anyone know what I'm talking about?

Trickery Devotion seems like it might be a good option to let you take advantage of Fade into Combat and Shadow Striker when you don't have a big friendly meat shield around. But as a trapsmith you probably aren't going to want to take a Turn/Rebuking class to fuel the feat so, meh...

Any other ideas, guys?

2011-03-09, 12:04 AM
No need for Walk Unseen. Warlock gets Darkness at 1st level, and can take the feat Blend into Shadows (DotU), which lets you hide in plain sight by spending a use of your Darkness SLA. And since Warlock gets infinite uses of Darkness per day, yay. Though everything suddenly going dark might not be ideally subtle, admittedly. Anyway, I think you can get Walk Unseen at... 3rd level? I'm not sure, I don't have Complete Arcane anymore.

A Cloistered Cleric dip can be good for lots of builds; Trickery Devotion, Knowledge Devotion, and maybe the Kobold domain wouldn't be a big loss compared to another skillmonkey level.

2011-03-09, 12:31 AM
No need for Walk Unseen. Warlock gets Darkness at 1st level, and can take the feat Blend into Shadows (DotU), which lets you hide in plain sight by spending a use of your Darkness SLA. And since Warlock gets infinite uses of Darkness per day, yay. Though everything suddenly going dark might not be ideally subtle, admittedly. Anyway, I think you can get Walk Unseen at... 3rd level? I'm not sure, I don't have Complete Arcane anymore.

A Cloistered Cleric dip can be good for lots of builds; Trickery Devotion, Knowledge Devotion, and maybe the Kobold domain wouldn't be a big loss compared to another skillmonkey level.

Walk Unseen is a Lesser invocation; therefore it requires you to be at least level 6 to get it, unless there's some kind of a cheesy method to gain access to Lesser Invocations sooner, kind of like 2nd level spell slots on a wizard/sorc at 1st level...

But, yeah, Warlocks have 4 levels of Invocations and they get a new level every 5 levels. So 1 - Least; 6 - Lesser; 11 - Greater; 16 - Dark.