View Full Version : RP ideas for non-deity Cleric devotion ideals.

2011-03-10, 05:21 PM
So I'm playing a Rogue that want's to dip into Cloistered Cleric. My wis is low so I actually can't cast, but I can use the Domain powers and plan to get my wis up down the road. Chaotic Neutral alignment, no deity choosen. So basically I can choose my own domains, but I need to RP some sort of ideal to devote myself too. Obviously I'm not Lawful so the "greater good" doesn't work, nor does anything selfishly evil. My guy has high intelligence and his background talked about how much reading he did while young, on top of always training with swords to perfect his techniques. However he didn't have any strong drawing reasons to venture out, other than his Father passed and he decided to leave and explore the world.

My concept for him is to become a tactical genius, learning different sorts of fighting methods and being able to utilize this together. With that slant in mine the Cloistered cleric works well due to the whole "knowledge" and bookworm feel of the class. So I have some domains I'm interested in taking for obvious reasons and need a solid way to tie them together. I will have to present this to the Cleric temple in the village we're at in order to see if they will allow me to use their library and train with them spiritually.

Since I'm not Quai Chang Kang, I'm not travelling the world seeking to right wrong and looking for someone in particular. I think I like the idea of an "inner search" ideal, like self betterment in order to reach my goals. My angle is that I have no-deity thus no spiritual strength. By devoting myself to something I can then gain that strength and become more wise as I progress. I also have low wisdom and will not be able to cast from the start, but still use the domain powers. This also fits into my idea of gaining more spiritual strength as I progress so that when the time comes i will gain that ability. DM knows my wis is low and didn't want me to change character around(we're still level 1), but he gives out bonuses based on our RP and hinted that if I could get bonus wisdom for wise actions and plenty of items to reward as well.

Domains I'm looking into;

Undeath - Extra Turning for more devotion feats fuel
Celerity Domain - 10ft speed increase and good spells like cat's grace and haste(when i can cast them down the road).
Travel Devotion - This power is insane and will make my rogue/eventual swordsage extremely mobile.
Healing Devotion - Mostly for party survivel reasons, and myself. Each use of Fast healing only costs 1 turn. It also scale with char level so it never gets weak.
Knowledge Domain - Obviously is free and extremely useful for low BAB classes

I really want Undeath domain and Travel Devotion for sure. The healing would be a bonus down the road, or gained perhaps by a flaw. Celerity is great but I'd rather have the Travel devotion swift movement that I could use 4x a day with extra turning. Once for free, then burns up 2 turns each time. With undeath I'd have 7.

Anyways metaphorically I can come up with this...

Undeath - Signifies an "awakening", which is my character realizing that to truly improve to the level he wants he must gain spiritual strength and devote himself as training alone won't cut it.

Travel - Signifies always moving forward and never allowing yourself to become complacent. To reach his goals he must always be moving forward.

Knowledge - Signifies that knowledge is power, and above all will lead him to the goal that he seeks. Tactical geniuses don't just train physically, but mentally as well.


Healing could stand for "Health", as in needing to be healthy in mind, body and spirit in order to remain steadfast in his goals.

Celerity is similar to travel, though I'd have to give up a devotion feat and spend a normal feat to get Travel. Since travel would be so useful at level 2 I don't like this idea. I have so little feats and so many things I need (craven, shadow blade, adaptive style, etc..)

I just want it to make sense and not sound lame and contrived when RP this with the DM in game. Does it sound legit, or can someone give ideas to make it a bit better or perhaps a different idea in general? I can give more background info or build info if needed.