View Full Version : Drow Wizard LBEG Help

2011-03-11, 07:54 AM
So the players in my drow game have pissed of the wrong drow matron (their own) who is now sending a drow assassin team to bring them back alive or preferably dead. I already have 2 of them statted out I just need help with a good build for a 12th level drow wizard with maybe some equipment ideas/spell selection as well
The Hunters
1. A Drow12th level swift-hunter
2. A Drow12th level Psychic warrior

The Prey(the party)

1.A 12th level Drow noble Fighter/Rogue/Kyorlin Velve (drow home-brewed assassin class)
2. A 15th level half-drow cleric
3. A 12th level drgon-touched something sorceror

Thanks in advance for any help given

2011-03-11, 08:44 AM
I was building my way to a NE Drow druid/wizard/Arcane Hyrophant in a recent campaign, before it collapsed.
Might be nice for some insane companion/familiar tomfoolery...

2011-03-11, 11:13 AM
You can't go wrong with a wiz12 build, though I personally have a soft spot for monk1/wiz11 with the carmendine monk feat. :smalltongue:

2011-03-13, 05:24 AM
Wiz 5 / DeepDiviner 7(FR Underdark pgs.32-33)? I would suggest something else, however I'm no optimizer and my wizard characters I usually like to tailor to my own tastes. Another option might be Wiz 9 / IotSFV 3.

2011-03-13, 12:59 PM
Drow, Wizard (Conjurer) 3/ Master Specialist 3/ Mindbender 1/ Thaumaturgist 5
Prohibit Abjuration and Enchantment. Get Arcane Disciple (CD) for the Lust domain (SpC) to get access to Charm Person and Lesser Planar Ally to qualify for everything.
Use the Martial Wizard (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#wizard) variant to get Improved Initiative in place of Scribe Scroll.
Use the Abrupt Jaunt ACF in PH2.
Take the feat Obtain Familiar (CA) to get a Hummingbird familiar (Dragon 323, Thrush stats in DMG, gives +4 initiative), and take the Elf Wizard 3 substitution level in Races of the Wild to double the benefit, for +8 initiative.
His Planar Cohort should be a Jarilith or possibly a Zovvut (MM2 demons), or if he's lawful aligned a Hellcat advanced to 10 HD. A predatory outsider cat makes the perfect companion for a group of assassins.

Feats should be Improved Initiative (W1), Spell Focus: Conjuration (1), Obtain Familiar (3), Skill Focus: Spellcraft (MS1), Greater Spell Focus: Conjuration (MS3), Arcane Disciple: Lust (6), Mindsight (9), and Invisible Spell (12). Mindsight is in Lords of Madness (page 126), Invisible Spell is in Cityscape.

He should primarily use crowd control spells, such as (Invisible) Web, (Invisible) Bands of Steel, Wall of Force, (Invisible) Solid/Freezing Fog, (Invisible) Black Tentacles, Glitterdust, (Invisible) Stinking Cloud, etc. He should also have the obligatory divinations such as Scrying and (Invisible) Prying Eyes to get as much information about their targets as possible. He should also have Nerveskitter prepared to cast on himself (+17 initiative so far without considering his Dex), and Benign Transposition just in case he needs it. He can use Bull's Strength/Cat's Grace and Haste on his team prior to ambushing their targets, and should have some sort of flight effect (Fly, (Invisible) Phantom Steed, Overland Flight, (Invisible) Alter Self, etc.). His primary focus should be preventing the enemy from sufficiently defending themselves, and making his own team more capable combatants. Also be sure he has Heart of Water (CM) cast before the fight, and don't forget to use it!

His items should definitely include a Circlet of Rapid Casting (MIC) for use with Web/Glitterdust. Each of them should wear a Ring of the Darkhidden (MIC), and a Necklace of Adaptation is highly recommended if he's using a lot of (invisible) cloud effects.

2011-03-13, 07:57 PM
load out the Matrons minions with a high-DC sleepyjus?