View Full Version : Arena Tournament, Round 99: Barberration vs. Ro-Gayn

2011-03-11, 08:43 AM
Arena Tournament, Round 99: Barberration vs. Ro-Gayn


XP Award: 300 XP
GP Award: 300 GP

Barberration (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=242796) - TheFallenOne
Ro-Gayn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=157104) - Bakkan

All Combatants, please roll initiative and declare final purchases, if any

2011-03-11, 08:50 AM
Barberration Initiative [roll0]

Potion Protection from Fire CL1 50 GP

need to review previous matches to make sure my potion and sunrod count on the sheet is correct

2011-03-11, 01:05 PM


Doing the same and updating sheet.

2011-03-11, 01:40 PM
OK, reviewing previous matches, I have 2 Faith Healings and two unused sunrods remaining.

I buy
1 more sunrod 2 GP
3 slings with masterwork bullets 18 GP

that's all except reactionary

he'll probably try Colour Spray this time. That gives him only 2 Kelgores, which I can tank with potions. Everything else he has is short-range and he can't jump over the gaps, so I win a ranged fight. Bit unusual for Barberration, but whatever works
course, he may get some scrolls to shake things up...

2011-03-11, 01:52 PM
I buy:

1 scroll of Expeditious Retreat (25 gp)
1 scroll of Slide (25 gp)

How does holding something in your mouth work? What sort of action is it to put something in your mouth/retrieve something from your mouth?

2011-03-11, 01:56 PM
you can hold 1(and only one) item in your mouth, which prevents you from speaking. Switching items between mouth, hands or changing the grip on an item are free actions

where is Slide from?

2011-03-11, 01:58 PM
Spell Compendium

2011-03-11, 02:04 PM
hm, quite the nice spell for this map. No reactionaries

As you probably expected, again a tent in B13-14 to prevent early death from sudden heat exposure. Tent exits are closed

Barberration is in B14, potion Resist Energy and potion Faith Healingx1 in hands, as well as 3 lit sunrods and a lit bullseye lantern

your go

2011-03-11, 02:26 PM
Ro-Gayn: Round 1


Begin in Y14 with a lit bullseye lantern in left hand, a scroll in my mouth, and a scroll in my right hand.

Mouth scroll: Slide. Hand scroll: Expeditious Retreat

Move Action: Move to X16

Free Action: Drop Bullseye Lantern in W16/X15, pointing West

Standard Action: Move to X18

Moving silently on both movements:

Turn done.

Stats and Status (Refs)

Position: X18

HP: 8/8
AC: 14 (Touch 14, Flat-Footed 10)

Spells Prepared

0th - Light, Dancing Lights, Acid Splash
1st - Kelgore's Fire Bolt, Burning Hands, Color Spray
2nd - Scorching Ray

2011-03-11, 02:28 PM
When you come out, you see a 60-ft cone of bright light and another 60 feet of shadowy light emanating west from W16/X15

2011-03-11, 02:35 PM
Barberration Turn 1


Location: B14
Swift: Activate Travel Devotion
Standard: drink potion Resist Fire, drop vial
sunrod to mouth, lit bullseye lantern pointing south CP failure, wanted that removed. Though technically it counts I guess as posted
move: open southern exit of tent


HP 13/13
AC 16, Touch 11, FF 15
Travel Devotion 10/10
Resist Fire 100/100

Nothing comes out of the tent(I'm working on the assumption that opening the tents exit is a move action). If you have LoS on the southern edge of the tent
you see the exit open. Beating Hide [roll0] + distance penalty reveals Barberratation in B14. There is an empty vial on the ground

held items if Spot successful
another potion, lit bullseye lantern, 3 lit sunrods

you see light equivalent to a sunrod emanating from B14/C15 if nothing else. That should be enough for us to not need a LoS check

edit: actually light equivalent to a lit bullseye lantern pointing south too

2011-03-11, 02:57 PM
Ro-Gayn: Round 2


Begin in X18 a scroll in my mouth and a scroll in my right hand.

Mouth scroll: Slide. Hand scroll: Expeditious Retreat

Free Action: Move scroll in mouth to left hand

Standard Action: Cast spell from scroll in right hand

Expeditious Retreat

Move Action: Hide in X18

Turn done.

Stats and Status (Refs)

Position: X18

HP: 8/8
AC: 14 (Touch 14, Flat-Footed 10)

Expeditious Retreat: 10/10 rounds remaining

Spells Prepared

0th - Light, Dancing Lights, Acid Splash
1st - Kelgore's Fire Bolt, Burning Hands, Color Spray
2nd - Scorching Ray

2011-03-11, 03:08 PM
Barberration Turn 2

no need to spoiler, you'll see me somewhere along the way

swift: emerge from tent into B15, then onward to I15
free: drop 1 sunrod in I15/J16
items held: lit sunrod in mouth, in hands a potion, sunrod, bullseye lantern

the lantern is pointing eastwards from I15/J14

If that doesn't give me LoS, I take a partial move to O15, which would give me LoS unless you used Expeditious Retreat turn 1 and jumped to another platform turn 2

2011-03-11, 03:13 PM
You may have LoS, you need to make 2 Spot checks.

2011-03-11, 03:17 PM
why two? :smallconfused:


keep in mind that you need cover or concealment to hide. If I have bright illumination on your square through lantern/sunrods and nothing else gives you cover, the hiding is broken

2011-03-11, 03:23 PM
Ah, my mistake, I didn't notice that I would actually be clearly illuminated from your ending location. You do not see me from I15, but you do see me once you get to O15. I am standing in X18 with a scroll in my left hand. A bullseye lantern sits in W16/X15

2011-03-11, 03:31 PM
hm, no triggered readied action, curious. Did you cast Expeditous Retreat and now plan to finish me with a point blank Colour Spray or Slide?

Finish move to Q16
free as part of move: draw sling with masterwork bullet
drop sunrod in Q16/R17
held items: sling right hand, lantern left hand, potion mouth
Free: Whirling Frenzy
Standard: sling attack on Ro-Gayn [roll0]
drop sling


HP 13/13
AC 19, Touch 13, FF 16
Travel Devotion 9/10
Resist Fire 99/100
Whirling Frenzy 5/5

2011-03-11, 03:36 PM
Nah, I was trying to do something fancy that didn't work out. Good match.

2011-03-11, 03:40 PM
nice match :smallsmile:

Care to tell me what the plan was? I have to admit, that Slide scroll and probability of you prepping Colour Spray had me quite worried about coming too close to you

2011-03-11, 03:44 PM
That was basically it, lure you in and either slide you off or color spray + scythe coup de grace. I spent the last round casting Expeditious retreat on myself in order to give myself more movement, but I think I should have gone for a readied Slide instead. I would have cast Expeditious retreat at the beginning of the first round, but that would have caused the force pane under me to disappear, right?

2011-03-11, 03:56 PM
exactly, casting it first would result in suicide. Moving onto the proper platforms and then casting it would've worked though, first turn there was nothing to fear from me with the tent closed and my need to drink the Resist potion

I actually would never have come close to you, without Shield or Mage Armor simple slings work well enough. Just stay in the center of a platform to avoid Slide, and be outside Colour Spray range unless you jump onto my platform inside Gore AoO range.
Still, nice melee repellant when even a beatstick like Barberration doesn't dare to approach

2011-03-11, 06:37 PM
High Ref Sallera

Barberration takes the match.