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View Full Version : You know what would make for an interesting comic?

2011-03-11, 11:23 AM
Every time you read the comics out there today, you almost always see a parity of power between the good guys and the bad. Batman rarely ever fights a super powered bad guy in gotham. At most its usually gimmicks. Superman rarely fights NON super powered villains, lex luthor is the closest thing to a non superpowered villain but he just goes for the elaborate death traps/super robot type route so it doesnt really matter.

What id like to see, is a comic where you have some up and coming super hero. He wants to protect his city, but he is outmatched by the bad guys. I dont mean lethally outmatched, but his attempts to halt various crimes are generally marginally successful at best. Its always a fight for survival and to try to delay the various plots long enough for them to fail, since outright victory is beyond his reach. A shikamaru type of hero would be perfect for this. An analytical genius type who is great with plans, and is fully aware of his underdog status. Who knows he is outmatched but refuses to just stop and let the bad guys have their way.

2011-03-11, 11:26 AM
So, "Mystery Men", then? (It was a comic before it was a film, fact fans!).

2011-03-11, 11:37 AM
I wouldnt know, never seen or read mystery men.

2011-03-11, 11:43 AM
We think that you would find it interesting. You should go pick it up sometime.

2011-03-11, 02:42 PM
Empowered in her series (also Empowered) has the "weak hero" thing down, but she doesn't actually succeed that much. When she does succeed, it's very much like this.
However, the series is very NSFW, as it's heavy on fanservice, bare skin, and has several examples of what the TvTropes calls "High Octane Nightmare Fuel".

If there are more examples, I'd be interested. The stories where hard work triumphs over (super)natural talent seem to be rather rare.

2011-03-11, 09:45 PM
Do these work? :smallconfused:

The protagonist of Guyver is able to outfight most of the monsters the villains send after him, but their organisation is so powerful and good at concealing its actions that protecting the people around him is pretty much the most he can manage; actually taking the villains down seems close to impossible.

Berserk is known for having extremely hax-powerful villains... in a low fantasy setting. The protagonist is basically a normal guy trying to defeat omnipotent demon gods who live in another dimension, without the aid of magic. Okay, he's badass enough to defeat 100 men, but that's laughable against supernatural enemies.

2011-03-12, 10:58 AM
@^: Was a normal guy. Now he has a prosthetic arm with cannon and crossbow replacements, magic rage-armor, and he's killed so many demons that his sword turned magical.