View Full Version : [3.5] Level 10 Druid starting equipment

2011-03-12, 04:43 PM
Hey, I was wondering if anyone could help me make a generic equipment list for a level 10 druid with 49,000 gold in the eberron setting. This has to include any supplies I might need adventuring, not just my armor. (I can always cheese it and have someone else buy all our supplies, but I'd still want 1000g or so left over for little things like rope)

I have searched, but every page I can find on equipping a level 10 druid is pretty much useless to me because it assumes I have like double the amount of gold I'm working with.

Few things to note:
- DM said he would allow Darkleaf armor
- DM said he ~might~ lower the cost of Wilding Clasps from 4k to 3k

One more thing, as an apology for making our last campaign suck (it ended in player vs player combat, ex. our level 5 cleric taking an entire necklace of fireballs 7 to the face) he's allowing us one overpowered "wish", not really wish in the traditional sense, but he'll let us cheese 1 aspect of our character as much as we want so long as it's not game breaking.

I was thinking I would make my "wish" to be able to apply the Feral template to myself while wildshaping, to my companion, and to any summons I make. Is this worthwhile? I'm using a fleshraker dino as my companion if that matters.

What would you "wish" for in my situation? To give you an example, he is allowing a few people to "wish" to use their homebrew classes, so I'm sure I could make pretty much anything fly. I'm trying to give myself something fun, rather than overpowered though.

2011-03-12, 04:56 PM
Wish for all your summons to get stat bonuses, energy resistances, big DR, Nat AC boost, Fast healing, at-will Entangle SLA, and Wall of Thorns 1/day SLA. Wait, never mind, that would just be asking for a bonus feat.
(Greenbound Summoning)
Wilding clasping your important magic gear is a good idea. In a sense, you won't have as much usable magical gear as everyone else, but you'll be a bear who can cast spells, so it works out. Think of how you would equip a pouncing barbarian (sans weapon) of lower level. Magical locations are nice for you, since they don't go away when you wildshape. Getting a free Extend Spell out of Metamagic Storm is always a good thing.

2011-03-12, 05:15 PM
Wishwise, how about asking for a Dal Quor Planar Shepherd? I mean, that's about as cheesy as Druids get.

2011-03-12, 05:19 PM
You're playing a Druid. See if you can save the wish for a future game, as you shouldn't need any more power added to this character.

Monk's Belt (DMG, 13,000 gp)
Wilding Clasp (MIC, 4,000 gp)
Ring of the Beast (CC, 8,000 gp)
Lesser Metamagic Rod of Extend (DMG, 3,000 gp)
These items are a given. Tuck the rod into the belt so it too won't meld into your new form. (A Wilding Clasp makes the clasped item 'continue to function' when you wild shape, one such function is holding the rod for you.)

+1 Wild Dragonhide Breastplate (DMG, 16,700 gp)
Wild armor melds into your form when you wild shape. You are no longer encumbered by it nor considered armored, but you still benefit from its armor bonus. That means you'll still get your Wisdom to AC via the Monk's Belt when wild shaped.

Four Unguent of Timelessness (DMG, 1000 gp) applied to 32 Bone Talisman (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mb/20040721a) spell foci. It will last 365 times longer than normal, or about two and a half days per caster level. Mark each bone with a number or letter. Prepare and cast that spell once per day, rotating through the bones so the first one you use always has the shortest remaining duration. That gives you 25 active bones of turning at any given time at level ten, and you can use one to Turn Undead as a Cleric equal to your caster level. Tuck the bones into your belt so they won't meld into your form.

That leaves 3,300 gp remaining. You can add a +1 Deflection bonus to your Ring of the Beast for 2,000 gp as per MIC, and have 1,300 gp.

2011-03-12, 08:00 PM
Wishwise, how about asking for a Dal Quor Planar Shepherd? I mean, that's about as cheesy as Druids get.

Planar Shepherds are banned. It would fit really well into my character's RP and our campaign, but they are too overpowered.

Thanks Biffoniacus_Furiou, awesome post. I have to use the wish now though, he was even hesitant to give wishes to people who died or voluntarily rerolled at the end of the last campaign.

I also have the option to ask for "I can wildshape into ________ category of creatures" ala planar shepherd and their ability to turn into elementals/magical beasts from their plane. Is there anything cool I could do with this?

Oh, he houseruled that the neck slot doesn't need clasps anymore, would that change my equip at all?

2011-03-12, 08:13 PM
Outsiders are probably the best category to turn into if you want to add one: lots of choices, low hit dice for their CR, lots of tasty abilities.

2011-03-12, 10:48 PM
Oh hey I realized I have 1 more feat I can pick, since my DM allows flaws (not directly from the book, you have to have an actual character flaw you must RP on top of the normal penalty) and I like doing this...

Right now I took

Natural Spell
Initiate of Nature
Gatekeeper Initiate

and I already have that feat that gives my summons +4str +4con via racial substitution levels

The only feats I can think of that are banned and relevant to druids are Greenbound Summoning & Vow of Poverty

extend spell? something else?

2011-03-12, 11:03 PM
Extend Spell isn't a bad choice. Improved Initiative would also be alright. If your DM allows Natural Bond to offset the penalty for a higher level animal companion (I don't think it does, but there are some who do), then that's also a viable choice.

2011-03-13, 07:25 AM
Oh hey I realized I have 1 more feat I can pick, since my DM allows flaws (not directly from the book, you have to have an actual character flaw you must RP on top of the normal penalty) and I like doing this...

Right now I took

Natural Spell
Initiate of Nature
Gatekeeper Initiate

and I already have that feat that gives my summons +4str +4con via racial substitution levels Initiate of Malar? I didn't realize that you could take more than one initiate feat. At least from a role-playing perspective that might be hard to pull off.

The only feats I can think of that are banned and relevant to druids are Greenbound Summoning & Vow of Poverty

extend spell? something else?

2011-03-13, 09:18 PM
DM let me swing "i wildshape like a druid of my level would" as my DM wish, so I'm rolling arcane heirophant now but I get to wildshape like a druid. Our party is really really overpowered anyway, so it should be pretty fitting.

However I was having some problems figuring out how the hell to roll my companion familiar.

Another post on this forum from a while ago said,

2) Can you take a Companion Familiar as a Special Cohort, as per the Paladin doing so. You can't do that with a normal companion because it doesn't have the required Int. A companion Familair does have the required Int. The strength of this is that the bonus HD from companion advancement aren't levels, and don't count when calculating Cohort levels, with the result t5hat your Companion Familiar Cohort is liekly to have more HD than his master when counting racial level HD, Bonus HD and Class level HD.

I don't know anything about paladins, what is he talking about when he mentions Special Cohort? The feat Divine Cohort from complete divine? Wild Cohort from 3.0?

I asked my DM if I could do this, and he said "as long as your companion familiar meets the requirements" so take that as you will.

2011-03-13, 09:38 PM
DM let me swing "i wildshape like a druid of my level would" as my DM wish, so I'm rolling arcane heirophant now but I get to wildshape like a druid. Our party is really really overpowered anyway, so it should be pretty fitting.

However I was having some problems figuring out how the hell to roll my companion familiar.

Another post on this forum from a while ago said,

I don't know anything about paladins, what is he talking about when he mentions Special Cohort? The feat Divine Cohort from complete divine? Wild Cohort from 3.0?

I asked my DM if I could do this, and he said "as long as your companion familiar meets the requirements" so take that as you will.

The basic answer: no. A Paladin can take a cohort as their mount, counting the cohort as if it had an ECL at least two higher (DMG 200). This isn't at all related to the mount being intelligent, and it's debatable whether it does anything at all (since it doesn't get rid of the other criteria for a paladin's mount, just lets it take the cohort slot as well).