View Full Version : [D20]Attack of Opportunity Confusion

Ninth Nova
2011-03-12, 10:03 PM
In the D20 rulebook it specifically states that an attack of opportunity is always a melee attack (I've known this for years). And, as far as I know, in D&D you can't make an attack of opportunity whilst holding a bow, crossbow, sling, etc.

But here's the kicker: In the D20 rulebook it gives rules for Rifle Butting and Pistol Whipping which are both considered simple melee weapons. Does this mean that somebody can always use a pistol or rifle as a melee weapon to perform an attack of oppurtunity OR would it be if they'd shot in the same round it would be considered a ranged weapon for the purpose of determining all attacks for the round?

2011-03-12, 10:20 PM
While I don't know if d20 Modern and friends have specific rules for this, generally speaking a weapon in D&D is an object with a specific damage die and set of properties. The Rifle Butt and the Rifle itself would thus be considered different weapons, even if they're the same object, so you could use the former for attacks of opportunity and not the latter. That said, I don't know if there are more specific rules for Rifle Butting that contradict this.

Ninth Nova
2011-03-12, 11:23 PM
The statistics are as a separate weapon under the "simple" proficiency. However, this would seem to fly in the face of the rule that you cannot make an attack of opportunity with a ranged weapon. Though, for the purpose of the attack they do count as a separate weapon.

2011-03-13, 12:52 AM
You still can't make an AoO with the projectile part of a ranged weapon. You can use the weapon itself to make an attack. The wording is a bit strange.

2011-03-13, 01:10 AM
Don't armor spikes work in much the same way, allowing you to always take an AoO regardless of what you are holding?

2011-03-13, 01:55 AM
Don't armor spikes work in much the same way, allowing you to always take an AoO regardless of what you are holding?

Yes, pretty much. Also of note are crossbow bayonets (I don't remember where from, sorry), which operate pretty much exactly as mentioned.

2011-03-13, 03:55 AM
I think the most important thing when answering this question is to determine whether or not you actually threaten adjacent squares while wielding the weapon.

2011-03-13, 05:38 AM
They can use the attack of opportunity with the rifle butt but not the bullets in the rifle.

Just like a person in DnD can take attacks of opportunity with spiked gauntlets or armor spikes when wielding a bow.

Just consider rifle butt/pistol whip the armored gauntlet of D20 :smallbiggrin:

2011-03-13, 12:54 PM
I actually had a question related to this recently: If you threaten a square, do you have to make the AoO with the weapon that is doing the threatening? Say you have a Whip and a Dagger - you threaten adjacent squares with the Dagger, but the Whip can still reach those squares (it just doesn't threaten) - can you take the AoO with the Whip (you'll provoke yourself, but that's another issue)? I can't see any rule that says you can't...

2011-03-14, 07:41 PM
Never minding the horrible idea it is to to use the rifle or pistol in question in the manner listed (ammo can easily go off when you do this), but with the correct proficiency you can use a rifle as a double weapon with the butt of the gun. In before +5 flaming rifle butt of smiting.

2011-03-14, 07:48 PM
I actually had a question related to this recently: If you threaten a square, do you have to make the AoO with the weapon that is doing the threatening? Say you have a Whip and a Dagger - you threaten adjacent squares with the Dagger, but the Whip can still reach those squares (it just doesn't threaten) - can you take the AoO with the Whip (you'll provoke yourself, but that's another issue)? I can't see any rule that says you can't...

If a weapon doesn't threaten a square, it can't be used to attack it. With the mentioned configuration, the whip can no more attack a square threatened by the dagger than the dagger can attack a square threatened by the whip.

2011-03-14, 08:03 PM
Well that statement (as it stands and out of context) is certainly not true: a Whip can most definitely attack squares it does not Threaten. Reach and Threaten ranges are two separate things. True, for all non-Whip melee weapons, they are the same, but that's besides the point.

Thus, where is the rule that states that an Attack of Opportunity must be made with the weapon that is doing the threatening? The rules state that you must threaten the square in question, and that the attack itself is a "single melee attack", but like I said: a character with a Dagger threatens adjacent squares, and you can make a single melee attack into that square with a Whip.

Now, it seems likely that the intent was that this would not be allowed, but I don't think there's any rule written that bans it. Moreover, I think it does add something interesting to the game. Of course, Whips not threatening is preposterous to begin with...

Personally, I'd expand that to even allow making the attack with a ranged weapon, provided you threaten the square with a melee one (so someone with a bayonet could take the AoO by firing the gun) - it would still provoke, but you'd be able to use your (presumably better) ranged attack.

2011-03-14, 08:17 PM
I apologize D: Foolishness on my part, go ahead and disregard that. Got the rules for Reach and Threaten mixed up.