View Full Version : Adding Templates to PC's

2011-03-12, 11:55 PM
Hello, currently in a campaign I am in me and my fellow players have been gettig into a bit of a argument on whether or not we can apply certain Templates to my character. You see we were playing 4e and our group consists of evil aligned characters. Sadly my paladin was assassinated (For the freaking 7th time.) and instead of retrieving my corpse for a rez it was stolen away by the teams Necromancer as he performed the ritual to turn me into a Death Knight. The ritual happened of course so there was nothing the DM could do (other then lghtning strikes I die again, but then we'd all up and leave do to anger) and so we're stuck in a stalemate argument as our DM is "processing the situation" or as I've come to know it "I don't know what the heck to do. Y'all go ahead and kill each other, who ever survives is right". So I'm coming to these forums to ask how to properly apply a Template (Death Knight to be specific) on a PC and possibley bring it up next game.

2011-03-13, 12:12 AM
Templates in 4th ed do not work on PCs because they are built entirely differently in the first place, so just slapping it on would not be advisable.

However, if your goal is to basically have him be the same guy, except he's undead now, you can just change his race to Revenant and call it good. Or evil, as the case may be.

2011-03-13, 01:02 AM
The DM remakes your character as an NPC with the Death Knight and Paladin templates. Congratulations!

Now make yourself a new character.