View Full Version : Favorite armor special properties

2011-03-13, 04:29 AM
I always have trouble finding any base-price-bonus'ed armor special properties that seem attractive - often b/c flat-price items seem like a better deal (esp in campaigns which allow combining 'multiple different abilities' to make custom items which combine several things - paying 50% extra on some things to free up body slots, in other words). For example Freedom of Movement as a BPB +5 ability will cost 35K-75K on base armor of +1 to +5, but is also a 40K ring. Plus you cap out at +10 BPB pre-epic.

What are some attractive base-price-bonus abilities that are 'worth it' (either better than regular AC, or, once you hit +5, worth it if you have the gp to spare)?

(And if you have any favorite flat-price secondary armor abilities, do share!)

2011-03-13, 05:25 AM
Light,Moderate and Heavy Fortification (1+, 3+ and 5+) are good, having a chance of blocking sneak attack and crits.

EDIT: called is also a good flat-price one, meaning you always have your armour ready.

2011-03-13, 05:31 AM
I'm a big fan of Healing, as it auto-ressucitates you when your HP drops below 0.

The one I won't do without, though, is Death War. 1/day immunity to death effects? Yes please.

One Step Two
2011-03-13, 05:33 AM
Blueshine, from Magic Item Compendium, is a straight 1500gp costed upgrade that makes your armour immune to acid and rust based damage, and a small bonus to hide checks.

2011-03-13, 08:37 AM
Never fortification, because you don't have to get that in a form that increases the cost of armor. A Gemstone of Fortification (Draconomicon, page 83) is the way to go instead.

I always like Mobility, because I'd rather spend the gp than waste one of my precious feats.