View Full Version : Pathfinder Kingmaker Character: Advice Appreciated!

2011-03-13, 08:28 PM
Hi all,

My table just started a Kingmaker campaign and ran our first session today. We're using pure Pathfinder products (no 3.5 splash), with a good (ish) aligned party, and seem to be running the material pretty much straight.
Our group consists of:
Half-Orc Cavalier (Order of the Dragon). Solid build.
Elven Conjurer. Has been trivializing fights with DC 16 Sleep spells.
Human Oracle of the Heavens. Will be trivializing fights with DC 16 Color Sprays.
Human Bard (Medvyed Noble). Arcane duelist with a bad habit of shooting a crossbow.
.... And my character, an exiled Chelish nobleman’s bastard half-elven son. I’m trying to go for an aristo build—balance of social and fighting, using fears for combat control.

I'm looking for build advice-- I can probably still fiddle with level one stuff, and the future is wide open.

My attribute spread is: Str 16, Dex 8, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 16.
My intended progression is:

Character Traits: Bastard (+1 Will Save), Extremely Fashionable (+1 Diplo/Bluff/Intimidate)
1: Cavalier 1(Order of the Cockatrice). Feats: SkF (Intimidate), Enforcer, Lookout. Horse and lance are handy for the initial charge. Then I beat on people with a swagger stick (Sap), and inflict free intimidates. Out of combat, I have a +11 intimidate modifier, which works wonders on captive bandits, and a +8 diplomacy.
2: Rogue 1(Thug ACF) Now, if I beat my target by 10 or more on the intimidate check, they’re frightened instead of shaken.
3: Cavalier 2: (Persuasive, Dazzling Display). Standard action AOE: either a 1 round frighten or an extended demoralize, so that the swagger stick hits inflict multi-round fears.
4: Rogue 2 (Rogue Power: Intimidating Prowess) I now have an intimidate check of +18. Evasion doesn’t help much because I wear heavy armor.
5: Fighter 1 (Pick up Power Attack and Cleave). Now I can fear two people at once.
6: Rogue 3 (Sickening Strike ACF). Now I sicken targets on a sneak attack.
7: Rogue 4 (Scout ACF, Cornugon Smash). Now I sneak attack (and sicken) on a charge, and intimidate (potentially fear) on a power attack. The Sap may not get used much anymore, but I think I'm stuck with Enforcer. My Will Save is a meager 3, however.
8: Chevalier 1
9: Chevalier 2 (Iron Will) Will save is up to 6 now, and at….
10: Chevalier 3. Will save increases to 7. Bonus from SkF and Persuasive both increase, giving me an Intimidate of +31 (10 ranks +3 trained +1 trait +4 strength +3 charisma +6 SKF +4 Persuasive); probably more due to +Attribute items.

Beyond this, I haven’t really planned. This doesn't really getting cooking for a bit, but sapping targets from horseback has been a nice way of getting captives and massive intimidate has been useful for interrogating bandits. Happily, my group doesn't seem to have an issue with "aggressive negotiation."
Feedback is appreciated! Are there any other battlefield control abilities I could add with feats, serious problems with the build I haven't considered, or suggestions for a better leveling sequence? I am trying not to dip Oracle of Lore or Paladin for RP reasons, but I'm aware that my AC and saves suffer as a result.

2011-03-14, 03:43 AM
What's your backup plan for dealing with plants, undead, constructs and other creatures otherwise immune to fear or nonlethal damage?

2011-03-14, 06:44 AM
EDIT: Included contingency planning.

Obviously, in combat this character is optimized for the close range, and is weaker against targets that are resistant to conditions I hand out. Fear immunity, lack of a discernable anatomy, immunity to sicken, immunity to non-lethal, or just being able to attack outside of my engagement range are all problems for me-- especially when they all show up at once. That said, I do have some options, especially at higher levels.

Contingency Plans:
Immune to Non-Lethal: Not a big problem. I can use Dazzling Display to frighten in a 30' radius starting at level 3. At level 7 I can frighten targets with lethal damage using Cornugon Smash.

Immune to Fear: I behave like a generic fighter/rogue. For offense I do have Power Attack, nearly full BAB, and two dice of sneak attack by level 7. I can also inflict sicken (-2 to hit, -2 to saves). I will probably ditch the shield and use a 2H to maximize damage.

Immune to Sneak Attack and Fear (and probably Sicken, too): This is a bad day for me-- I'm more or less reduced to a Warrior. At level 10, though, I get Smite Evil (effective paladin level is character level) from Chevalier. This is the kind of circumstance I save this for. I can also resort to UMD, which will be reliable for wands at level 10.

Ranged Attacker I can't Reach (Flying or a giant cliff, plus ranged weapons or spells): Again, bad news until level 10, when Smite Evil (and a strength bow) and/or UMD wands should cover me. If possible, I'll acquire some of those Andoran feather tokens of ghetto flight early on.