View Full Version : Feat List for a Shapeshifter

2011-03-14, 11:38 PM
A while ago, I posted requests to help me make a melee monk/druid. Well, the character has finally been fleshed out. I'm going with a pure melee build, monk 1/wildshape ranger 5/MoMF 10 followed by whatever seems good, if I ever get that far. Classes aren't really up for debate, since the DM is pretty intent on making this a somewhat-low powered horror campaign and I had a hard time getting him to agree to this distribution.

Character is Tarzan-themed. My weak animal companion will be of whatever species raised the character in the wild (probably monkey/ape of some type).

Now, I'm having trouble picking feats. Here's what I want this guy to do, in order of importance:

0) I want to qualify for MoMF at level 7, as soon as I get Wildshape (5 ranger and monk dip). So I need Alertness and Endurance by then.
1) Melee well unarmed. Full Flurry of Blows unarmed attack, followed by secondary natural attacks. Multiattack is very important here, since a -2 penalty is acceptable, but a -5 is pretty bad. Maybe stuff to boost charging? Are special attacks like Trip and Stunning Blow viable here?
2) Grapple well. This should be easy with Wildshape, but if feats can enhance this, they should.
3) If I can fit in the Brachiation feat, that would help a lot with the theme. I'll see if I can convince my DM to make it somewhat more useful, maybe allowing me to use it in other environments where it would be logical--say, a warehouse filled with pipes running along the ceiling.

Brock Samson
2011-03-15, 12:13 AM
Any method of gaining Pounce or Pounce-like abilities would help your build a LOT. Something you might be able to make a case for with your DM would be taking one level in Barbarian, and taking the alternate class feature that gives you Pounce.

So for one level you get BAB +1, Rage 1/day (can take the feat to give you Extra Rages/day if you want), and free Pounce, as well I hear there's some other Totems or something you can switch out some class features for to get stuff like Improved Trip.