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2011-03-14, 11:55 PM
[Somewhere in Northern Europe]

The night air is cool, and darkness covers quietly across the land. Lingering traces of manure mix lightly with the scent of freshly cut grass, drowned in the overtone of ionic oceanic breezes. Humans and animals alike, weary from a full week day, lie sleeping in the restful quiet. Meditating on the immediate Now, one might face some difficulty in understanding how manic the daylight hours can be.

Of course, sleep does not embrace all, for there exist a few nocturnal predators about. Village cats, for example, roam the streets, expressing their independence from any law or animal besides their own. More specifically, our story focuses beyond this small unnamed village, panning above the country rooftops, through the small civilization, into the nearby plains area, and ultimately overhead a young boy. Mid-twenties, youthful and bright in appearance, he stands possessive of a thin, strong body of average height, skin pale in the dull moonlight, and hair as dark as the shadows along the perimeter. Quietly he lowers himself to one knee, dark eyes gazing skyward, and he deliberately inhales a slow, deep breath, as if appreciating the clean country air. As he slowly exhales, he also lowers his head, half closing his eyes, and uttering a whispered mantra unheard and largely incoherent.

The view zooms out and upward, flying rapidly higher above the clouds, across the span of the Atlantic.

[Middle United States]

While not as urbanized as some other regions, many middle-southern United States cities do have active night clubs open for business. The geomancers understand the presence and flow of ley lines and study what nodes of power they can find. Interestingly, people tend to flock to these locations, exhibiting some kind of instinctive understanding of what so many "norms" claim not to believe. In truth, these are locations of power, feeding good spiritual energy to the occupants of the planet, from the planet, by the planet.

Rumor has it that there are people who keep the nodes safe. In many regions, they are said to exhibit fantastic powers. That, of course, is the realm of fiction, mythology, and localized legend.

On the other hand, in at least this particular city, there exists one or more of these nodes, along with the creatures who guard them. Those in the know commonly discuss political arrangements among animal shifters, night-dwellers, dream-walkers, intangible dead, and even magicians. In this particular city, these discussions are held in a certain nightclub, which brings the story back on track.

Shade in Japan is among the largest entertainment centers in this small town American city. When it opened the local newspapers casually discussed a little known businessman's extending enterprise, bringing large sums of money to the area and thereby promising great improvements to the local economy. During the day conventions and youth programs keep the kids off the streets, and during the night tourists are welcome to spend their money in a chain of bars, nightclubs, theaters, and coffee shops.

The official Shade in Japan nightclub, named for the larger center, is much more secretive and exclusive, open only to the owners, investors, and other guests. Local knowledge cannot penetrate the walls or front door, which has resulted in a world of dark rumor and accusations. In truth, all of these rumors are false. In truth, the goings on are much, much worse.

Shade in Japan is well known among the local kindred population, with reputation reaching barely beyond the borders of the state. Although not exactly loyal to any faction, it is at least Camarilla in name, honoring above all the tradition of Elysium. Constructed with no fewer than five private council chambers, it serves as a meeting ground for discussions of the darker necessities in the city.

A withered old man, gray-bearded and near-sighted, sits calmly at the front bar immediately beside the elevator that leads back up into the commons area. He sips a vodka tonic and meditates to clear his head and filter the loud industrial music blaring through the overhead speakers. After decades of practice, he has become quite proficient in finding his center of personal calm, and when he breaks through into the internal quiet, then he hears a voice like synthesized wind, converted through multiple levels of energetic signals until at last arriving at its intended destination, somewhere inside his consciousness. A flickering image of the boy in the European plains crosses the old man's line of mental sight, and within seconds the voice pierces through the static more clearly. "Good evening," says the voice. "Or is it morning for you? I never can remember."

The focus of our story abruptly cuts out of the private conversation, gliding deeper throughout the Shade in Japan nightclub. Here and throughout the city lie our protagonists...

2011-03-18, 03:06 AM
[Shade in Japan]
Darren Trakan takes a seat at one of the many seats that provide respite for the would-be weary feet of the patrons. Brown eyes alight, he carefully looks over the area, observing both patrons and employees alike. Another night, and yet another city. This one however, provided a touch more stability. The Camarilla influence was apparently well established here. But, still his eyes and ears were open for one person in particular. As he keeps up his scan, he waves over a server.

Overlord Rion
2011-03-18, 12:45 PM
-Shade in Japan-

Alex Gouthmann was at a loss for words. He had been on a losing streak for the past hour, but his luck had finally turned. The Kindred across from him looked surprised. Like Alex, he was a Nosferatu. Unlike Alex, he had been cheating. Finally, recognition dawned in his eyes.

"I see you figured out how to beat me at my own game, so to speak. Well done Alex."

Alex smiled. "A pleasure as always. It was nice to see you again Janus." Janus chuckled as he put the deck away and rose from the table. With a final wave, Janus departed, leaving Alex by himself.

Alex looked down at the envelope Janus had left for him. At a glance, the letter inside contained information about his son. He would read it more carefully back in his theater.

2011-03-18, 01:39 PM
[Shade in Japan]

A woman in a beige suit sat at the bar with a melancholy expression on her face, slowly spinning the red contents of her glass. Her desire to be somewhere else was written on every part of her body. However, she sat there, transixed to her seat because tht is where she was told to be.

To the causal observer, she was plain and dull, the color of her wear not flattering her features, and the complete lack of any makeup gave the impression she did not care how she looked. The more itnentive observer could see that the woman was actually quite pretty, and only going out of her way like she was doing did she blend in to the scenery.

She took a sip of the salty, red blood. It gave her no satisfaction. How much longer would she have to wait in this noisy, bristling place?

2011-03-18, 02:00 PM
[Shade in Japan]
The Emperor sees Janus exit and slips from his place in the shadows to pay his respects to his fellow Nosferatu. It had been some time since last he'd seen Alex but had always held a grudging respect for the former actor, if only from their common interest. Gliding across the floor of the Shade he slips into the recently vacated chair, gently testing if it will hold his considerable bulk.
Good evening Alex. I see lady luck turned in your favor. Perhaps due to a recent relavent reversal of skill as well?
As he sits he glances at the rather beige woman at the bar. At what point is being drab suspicious?

2011-03-18, 04:25 PM
The omniscient point of view, after scanning over the commons lounge of the bar, takes a sharp turn and glides smoothly toward a pair of closed doors. As if the camera were mounted to a gnat, the view continues forward, flying easily between the articulation where the door ends meet, over the dead bolt, and into the private room beyond. Five unfamiliar faces surround the conference table inside. Wearing a variety of suits and dresses, the men and women sit stoically while they listen to the monologue offered by the man pacing along the back wall. Only one young girl appears immediately out of place, shorter than the rest, golden blond hair tied in pigtails, red and pink bubblegum shirt and mini skirt. Her face suggests she is barely old enough to be away from home unchaperoned at this hour, and although she taps the heels of her Keds obnoxiously against the legs of her chair, she otherwise sits upright and holds her attentive posture like the rest. The rest of the others appear more uniform in comparison, but an experienced neonate could make reasonable guesses as to which clans they might represent. This is an obvious meeting of the small city's Primogen.

The man against the wall is average in height and build. Clad in a simple gray suit, he appears in relatively good shape, despite a slight potbelly unhidden by his button-up, necktie, and clasped jacket. His hair is light brown, neat and trimmed, his face lightly stubbled, and he appears about middle-aged. He walks from one end of a desk, decorated with a globe, toward the opposite wall, then turns to pace back in the other direction. Farther beyond him is a map of the local city, hanging large enough to cover most of the wall behind. He discusses mundane business practices and reminds those attending to review select sources available in the Shade in Japan's private library.

As if uninterested, the point of view turns back the way it came, gliding easily between the crack in the locked doors to return to the commons lounge. Coming full circle back to the front, Janus is no longer present, having himself ascended the elevator seconds ago. As if in afterthought, the withered old man at the bar slowly rotates his body and tilts his head to better gaze toward the exit. Spying the standard security metal detector beams built into the sides of the elevator's frame, he visibly quirks a brow. Alas, the lights indicating the device's current level of functionality are not lit! This, of course, alerts to the potential of an impending breach in security.

Silently the old man catches the eye of the bartender, a thin and attractive blue-eyed blond with an uncommonly long ponytail. She wears short green shorts and a matching low-cut top stitched fashionably to resemble army fatigues, although the outfit would be utterly nonfunctional in actual combat. This young woman goes by the name Jessica, and although rarely announced, it isn't exactly a secret that she claims affiliation with clan Brujah and is currently serving as an out-of-area ambassador to oversee the new establishment's opening. Following the old man's eyes, her own catch sight of the problem, and uttering an obvious curse she slams the sole of her military issue combat boot against the back wall hard enough to rattle the shelved liquor bottles. She sets down the rag she had been using to wipe down the counter, audibly thanks the old man, then turns to run into the back supply room. Soon she returns, continuing to curse to herself and picking up her own tasks where she left off, and a teenage high school boy dressed in generic black slacks and white button-up shirt walks briskly from the back room, around the bar, and through the lounge area. Apparently the closest there is to a server available, he stumbles as he responds to Trakan's summon, but flinching from inexperience and indecisiveness, the kid walks onward, apologizing before giving the customer a chance to begin. Reaching a more secluded corner, he has frantic words with a calmer man who has been sitting on a vinyl couch against the side wall. This individual wears a uniform similar to the boy's, shiny wingtips, black slacks, leather belt, white shirt. By the contours of his face and his fluid, confident posture he is in contrast much more mature. Apparently some kind of manager, he rises to ambulate toward the elevator. Along the way he pats the boy on the shoulder and recommends that he care for customers first in all things. The boy nods obediently and again steps beside Trakan. "How can I help you, sir?" Meanwhile the manager diverges away so that he can analyze the electrical workings of the metal detector

It is about this time that the locked doors click, the sound barely audible over the blasting synthesized music from the overhead speakers. When they open, Jessica reaches under the bar to turn a knob and lower the volume a few notches. "Greetings, majesty," she offers sarcastically to the brown-haired, middle-aged, gray-suited speaker who emerges alone into the commons lounge.

Unoffended, he offers a simple "Hi" across the room toward the bar. Allowing a brief glimpse inside, the door swings gently shut behind, and the middle-aged man then silently greets all others present with a single smile and nod while he walks casually toward the bar. Leaning over a stool placed exactly between the beige-clad woman and the shriveled old man, the man in the gray suit makes small talk with Jessica, cracking small jokes about ghosts in the rafters, then shrugging off the supposed lapse in security.

In one additional event of interest, the elevator doors open again to reveal a wire thin young man, also wearing a suit and tie. Dressed like the other clones seated in the private room behind the lounge, he is easily distinguishable by his emaciated appearance and razor sharp bony features. His nose is hawkish, and his eyebrows are thin. Most people looking at him might immediately think Ichabod Crane has just arrived from Sleepy Hollow, but despite his almost comical outward appearance, he at least holds himself with a carefully dignified posture. He hesitates in seeing the manager so close, but when given permission by a wave toward the bar, he seizes the invitation to enter. Quickly shifting his gaze from one side of the room to the other, he eventually focuses on the bartender. He steps to the corner of the counter and waits patiently for her conversation with the gray-suited man to come to completion.

2011-03-19, 02:15 PM
He speaks in a low tone, not detracting from the events happening, the Northern Irish twang of his voice apparent, "Tell me. How do you acquire the drink around here?" During his question, Trakan's eyes flick to the new entries into the area, immediately locking to the potbellied man, resembling some brand of social services worker. He pays some attention to the others. But, for now, his attention remains for that man alone.

2011-03-19, 04:26 PM
Sera remained silent. She was not a social creature, and dealing with other neonates was difficult enough. To speak with the Prince of this urban center.... no. She kept silent, finishing her glass, and motioning the bartender for one more.

2011-03-20, 02:23 PM
The omniscient point of view picks up again, rising fluidly upward to provide a semi-bird's eye view of the room and the goings on within. As would a fly, it glides downward toward the bar area to investigate more closely the drinks and the ice cooler, the trash cans, and the dirty rag. Rising once more, ever so slightly, the view turns on the rather disinterested shriveled old man, zooming in to expose the creases in the skin on his face so close to be uncomfortable for any observer. The old man, apparently aware of the thing's presence, kind of pulls his head back and leans away, as if to suggest that it is nothing more than a housefly after all. The perspective maintains its annoyance, circling about the man's face for a few seconds, until an unexpected and alarmingly well timed swat from the man's hand connects with the object, sending the view into violent spirals until the room jerks about and comes to rest in a worm's eye view from the hardwood below.

Seemingly oblivious to this event, the wire-thin Ichabod Crane lookalike fidgets a step backward, squashing the object under the heel of his black loafer. At this point he steps more closely to the counter and waves shyly to summon Jessica's attention. She smiles sweetly and glides closer to his position near the corner of the counter. "You look a little pale there," she observes ironically. "Are you alright?"

"Fine, thank you," he begins, "just a little famished. I have been traveling..."

Seeking to avoid any problems in addition to those that have already transpired on this opening night, she quickly pours some of the lower grade redness into a pint mug and sends it sliding toward the gaunt man. He wastes little time, and soon the contents of the glass mug are empty.

"That should keep you going for a while," says Jessica while offering another smile before returning her attention away and over the rest of the others, attentive to the needs of all present. She reaches over to take Sera's empty glass, fills a clean one with the same substance as the last, and replaces her drink.
The waiter looks a little confused and immediately unsure how to respond, but he manages in a shaky voice, "I... go get it..." As soon as he gets the words out, realization dawns on his face, and he recovers. He steps rapidly back then forward again, repeating a few times while wringing his hands as he speaks, "Oh! I--I can get you a menu, sir. Do you prefer alcoholic, with blood, or virgin?"

Apparently having been paying at least partial attention, Jessica calls from behind the bar, "Or blood of a virgin?" She laughs maniacally to herself.

The middle-aged, potbellied "Prince" of the city, liberated from his casual conversation with Jessica, only briefly taps his hand against the counter near the withered old man, acknowledging his presence with a nonverbal greeting. Then he turns his back to the bar and leans casually against the edge of the counter and the nearest barstool. He takes a second to look over the patrons present, and finding Sera so nearby he offers a soft and simple, "Hello."

Somehow finding just the moment where there exists a convenient pause in everyone's conversations, the gray-suited man addresses the entire room and utters his announcement. His posture and tone couldn't be more informal unless he had rolled in inside a bath tub. "Good evening, everyone," he begins. "My name is Rob, and I oversee some of the events in this city. While some call me Prince, it is a name only, and Rob suffices. I Recognize you all and welcome you to the protection of our club. Please do not hesitate to make your needs known to our staff. That is all." With that he gives a quick nod, releasing control back to the individuals and the freedom to return to their previous conversations.

Present in this location,
The elevator leading back up to ground level,
A few locked doors leading to private chambers,
A broken metal detector,
A smashed "point of view,"
The bar counter,
Tables and chairs,
A withered old man,
Prince Rob,
A bar manager,
A teenage waiter,
An Ichabod Crane lookalike,
Sera the Firebrand,
Darren Trakan,
Alex Gouthmann,
The Emperor.

2011-03-21, 08:17 PM
Trakan shakes his head lightly, a minor look of annoyance rolls across the beautify in his face, No, lad. Not asking what kinds you have. I'm asking how you come by it. Purchased, donated, bought, who did it come from and how, lad? Do ye' kin?" He holds a measured gaze pointedly at the waiter's nose.

2011-03-21, 09:08 PM
Sera's brow furrowed at the question. "Blood is blood. As long as it nourishes my body, it matters not where it comes, though I would have it free of any substances." She turned matter of factly to the Prince. "Prince Rob, I am Sera of Clan Tremere, childer of Adrian Somner. I ask permission to stay in your city for an extended period of time for Clan business." She adjusted her wide-brimmed glasses slightly.

2011-03-21, 10:36 PM
Jessica kind of shrugs as she regards Sera with a sober expression. "Well, you do have to consider how easy it is to hide vitae within even a soda or beer, let alone human blood. Those paranoid enough to question it are the wise ones, Jyhad considered." She grins sweetly and continues, "But I assure you, sweetie, that there are no substances to be found in our supply other than what you ordered. Want another?"

The waiter boy hesitates and appears legitimately frightened, obviously having no further answers to the man's interrogation. Jessica, attentive to this little exchange, laughs once more to herself and turns to walk around the edge of the bar, leaving her post momentarily in order to drift where she is better needed. In her path she spots the gaunt man at the counter's corner, who is tilting his pint-sized mug upside-down. Trying to get all the drops out, he appears quite famished indeed. When she catches his gaze toward the tap, she interrupts in her smooth, graceful tone honed to an edge in many a bar scene. "Whoa," she warns, "easy there. I'll get you another in a minute. No need to go draining all we have. Please, shackle yourself, alright?" The man nods to suggest that her pretty face and persuasive voice are by far more influential than a hungry Beast within. Turning the corner, Jessica joins the customer's side of the lounge.

Prince Rob offers a smile too friendly to be formal, and he nods as he speaks with a volume to benefit all nearby, "Yes, of course, Tremere and other Clans are welcome in this court. All of you here tonight are free to stay as long as you need, and I am required by point of office to provide protection. Please be mindful of the Traditions." Cunning politicians and attentive kindred might find it noteworthy that he said to be mindful of them, but not to keep them.

When Rob finishes his statement, Jessica is rounding near, and she lays a comforting hand on the shoulder of the young waiter boy to relieve him of this immediate task, as it has proven too much for him. Addressing Trakan with confidence and experience, she answers his questions thoroughly. "We have more shipments coming, but for now it is all either donated or bought... through the underground, of course, unless donated through our private drive. I could have our manager provide you with tracking reports if you wish, but beware if you question too deeply, he is likely to recruit you to our payroll!"

The manager, seizing a momentary breather from the riddle of the broken metal detector, glances their way.

2011-03-21, 11:06 PM
The Emperor waves a massive black hand to flag down the Bartender. No use preying on my subjects this evening if it's an open bar after all.
As he waits for her attention he shifts his weight, eying the Prince. He'd noticed the breach of protocol but with so slight a man he was unsure if it was deliberate or merely a verbal misstep. He briefly ponders rather he should raise his voice to mention the error. Decides against it. No need to embarrass the man if it was a mistake, or to point out his maneuver if it was not.

2011-03-21, 11:31 PM
An interesting tone indeed! Prince Rob is likely to be among the most informal leaders the Camarilla has ever seen, and yet when he does speak, casual as his words might sound, they seem to be rehearsed in a way. It is reasonable to assume that he has discussed all the pressing issues in one or more of the back rooms. Now, strangely, he adopts a stance as if he is on the same level as all those new to the area.

Catching the massive man's summon, Jessica, hand still resting on the waiter boy's shoulder, gives a slight nudge to send the kid scurrying toward the other table. When he arrives he stands nervously waiting. "Yes, sir, what can I get for you, sir?

2011-03-22, 12:50 AM
Sera looked over to the poor waiter boy and his fumblings. "I don't understand... is the poor child not even a ghoul? It would be justice to have a kindred with dominate simply rid him of these terrifying memories." She saw the nosferatu he was talking to, and she looked away. She was uncomfortable with that Clan not because of the appearance itself, but because it reminded her of what she was. Then again, was not a Malkavian the true mind of a kindred? A Brujah the heart? If so, what was Clan Tremere?

2011-03-22, 05:04 PM
I'll take a few pints. Source is unimportant, as long as it's clean and the glasses are as well. Quickly boy, quickly.
The Emperor chuckles at the boy's nervousness, a deep rumbling noise that ripples through the room. He glances round at the non Nosferatu in attendance.
And it'd be rude to rip the boy's memories out. No chance for him to learn from his fears.

2011-03-22, 10:54 PM
He nods slightly, "I doubt he could afford me. But, so long as it's clean and donated, I'll take a mug, with some Irish Whiskey." He looks up, his deep brown eyes meeting hers, an almost jovial smile plays across his features.

2011-03-22, 11:02 PM
She had forgotten that the Nosferatu tended to have good ears. She scoffed before responding. "If he does not learn quickly, he will be dead, and there would have been no point of it. It would simply be wasteful. Then again, what is one kine's livelihood to us kindred?" The question was rhetorical, and turned her back to the Emperor, preferring not to discuss the matter any further. At least, that's what she wanted.

2011-03-23, 12:16 AM
The Emperor bristles at the disparagement of kine, but keeps his tone even, allowing a hint of derision to slip into his response. When he speaks he draws deep, projecting so that no kindred in the bar will be unable to hear him, not loud, but powerful.
Without our concern for kine we are little better than the beasts that fuel our hunger. And I'll thank you to remember that when you speak in my presence, young lady. And, I doubt there's any lethal danger in being a waiter, even for those with those of us petty enough to show no apparent concern for human life.

2011-03-23, 12:06 PM
Initially Prince Rob adjusts his posture, ready to answer questions where they are, but as the discussion quickly turns to such deeply important controversies, he settles back down and gives the kindred full reign of the conversation.

The waiter boy nods in receiving the order and wastes no time when he is told to act quickly. He turns with nervous glasses back and forth between Jessica, Prince Rob, and Sera, and then he scurries to the bar counter.

On the way Jessica catches his expressions, and as she receives Trakan's order she too turns to fill them. She has to pass Sera before she rounds the corner to stand once more behind the bar, and she maintains a steady gaze as she goes. Ultimately she adopts a gentle tone, as the waiter already has one defender. Adding her two cents, she says, "He can hear you, you know. You don't have to fill his mind with all this talk of death, but it's O.K. You'll work out these emotional conflicts with age..." Snatching up Ichabod Crane's glass mug, she refills it before the others. Simultaneously she shifts her gentle gaze toward the waiter boy, and lightly shaking her head she speaks in a soft tone almost under her breath, "Nobody's going to kill you." Sliding the glass mug toward the gaunt man, she then fills the massive man's order, placing two filled pint mugs on a tray and handing the set to the boy across the counter. "Tonight's limit is two, until we get our next shipment in. If they need more, they'll have to hunt for it the old fashioned way."

The boy carefully takes up the tray and delivers it to the very massive man's table, relaying the message from Jessica as he arrives, even though she spoke loudly enough from the bar for him to hear.

Next, Jessica grabs a bottle of Jameson and pours a double-shot's worth into a glass mug as the blood also flows from the tap. Before she departs, she places another filled wine glass on the counter before Sera, next to the other. As the waiter is occupied, she delivers the previous mix personally to Trakan's table.

One pint of this grade blood provides 2 blood points, for some reason. It is smooth and flavorful, and alarmingly satisfying. A wine glass provides 1 blood point.

Speaking to no one in particular, eyes fixed on the bottles shelved against the wall behind the bar, the withered old man seated on his barstool mumbles aloud, "An excellent question..." That is all.

Overlord Rion
2011-03-23, 03:13 PM
Alex inwardly sighed at the direction the conversation was taking. This subject annoyed him. I would appreciate if we could simply drop the subject, Emperor. You know as well as I do talk has its limits." Normally, Alex would have joined in. Today, however, Alex was in a good mood, so starting an argument wasn't in him today.

2011-03-23, 03:20 PM
Trakan nods slightly, taking the drink. He offers a couple of dollars in recompense for the pint. "Ah. Thank ye, lass. Name's Darren. Appreciate the drink, and the way you think." He offers a broad smile to the woman, his eyes warmed by it.

2011-03-23, 03:26 PM
She turned to Darren, he seemed a amiable enough kindred, at least better than the Nosferatu. "I am Sera... of Clan Tremere."

2011-03-23, 05:04 PM
Jessica politely waves to decline the money, and she poses cutely for Trakan, resting one palm to lean against his table as she turns to gaze at him over one shoulder. "The drink, and my manner of thoughts, are on the house, cutie." She is sure to block his view of the other who addresses him, stealing his attentions for herself.

Crane perks up at the mentioning of Tremere, devoting his focus toward Sera and Trakan.

Alex's cell phone rings.

Or in the event that he is enough a traditionalist and/or dedicated Obfuscator (Obfuscationist?) not to carry a cell phone, then a delivery boy from one of the private chambers emerges to hand him a wireless receiver. "Message foh you, sihr'!"

Overlord Rion
2011-03-23, 05:13 PM
That's a toughie. I'll let him have one since he's in Elysium.

Alex had to fiddle with his phone for a moment before he could answer it. Even with his extra time, he just couldn't get the hang of cell phones. Sure, computers were easy, but phones? Forget about it. He figured it was just an old man thing as he spoke. As usual, he answered in his native tongue.

In German: What is needed?

2011-03-23, 05:21 PM
The Emperor nods in deference to his fellow Nosferatu and then smiles graciously as his blood is delivered, the attempt to reassure likely undermined by his hideous appearance and monstrously large tusks. He drains his first pint in a single pull and settles back to enjoy the second with a bit more restraint.

2011-03-23, 09:56 PM
He starts slightly at the mention of his name, then upon the mention of Tremere, he returns his attention to the woman before him. His deep brown eyes sparkle as he continues the conversation, "Perhaps you'd be willing to show a new fella' around this town? I'm still a wee bit green in this place. Though that's nothing a lovely face like yours, showing me around, wouldn't help." He offers a coy wink, as he leans forward to take in her looks further.

2011-03-23, 10:31 PM
lol! Oh burn! Sorry, daelrog.

Crane remains acutely interested, though immediately unwilling to interrupt, he yet watches them for but a moment.

The voice on the other end of the phone line is familiar.

Intended for Alex only, The Emperor is seated close enough to hear some of the words. Anyone with Heightened Senses may also hear the phone with no roll necessary. The overhead music is not so loud to be overwhelming.

In German: "Alex, this is Janus. On my way out of the building I noticed an unfamiliar truck with a suspiciously placed corpse inside. It appears someone is trying to give this new establishment a bad reputation. Call me if you need anything." *click*

Jessica winks as she offers an endearing grin. "Well that makes two of us, love. But, seeing as how I am a diplomat from farther north, and it is opening night, I am basically a slave to the Shade for the next few nights until dawn."

The waiter boy returns to his post by the bar, ready for further orders. The manager is still tinkering with that mess of a metal detector. The shriveled old man seems content to be sitting just how he is. Prince Rob, for the moment, takes no action.

2011-03-23, 11:38 PM
Trakan arches a fiery brow, nodding. "That's alright. I've been working on my patience. I can handle a few days wait. With that, he offers another wink, and gestures to the seat, "If you find the time, I have a seat open for you.

2011-03-23, 11:39 PM
Sera closes her eyes briefly to better conceal rolling them. Yes, go ahead and talk to the blonde, firey Brujah. There aren't more important things to kindred than getting laid, is there?

Her sarcastic inner thoughts subsided and she focused on finishing her second, and last cup for the night. She returned to simply half-sulking, half-waiting for her real contact to talk to her. Then again, for all she knew her sire has mislead her in one of his games, and meant for her to find her own way. If that was so he should have just told her.

Overlord Rion
2011-03-24, 04:56 PM
Alex strokes his beard thoughtfully as he listens to Janus. Normally his sire was much more talkative, so his abruptness was a sign he believed it was serious. In German: "I see. How convenient...and lacking in subtlety."

The Emperor was the next closest thing to a friend Alex had besides his sire, so it took only a few seconds to decide whether or not the ask him along. "Say, your Majesty, would you mind joining me outside for a few moments? There is something I wish to show you, and it would be unsavory to bring it in here."

2011-03-24, 07:08 PM
As if indecisive, Jessica considers for a moment. "Mmm, I don't know if I should..." A glance back toward Prince Rob reveals his indifference on the matter, and so with a "****-it" attitude she abandons her post and has a seat at Trakan's table. "Everyone seems to be alright for now," she rationalizes aloud.

Taking note of the obvious snub and seizing his own opportunity to address the professional Sera, the frail gaunt man by the corner of the bar leans over the counter to speak beyond the withered old man and make his own introductions. "Perhaps not, then? I am Tremere... by the name Joseph Veneer, sent by my sire and the local Regent to seek a tutor in the area. Recently liberated, there are certain subtleties that yet lie beyond my grasp."

Accustomed to the formality of such a title, Prince Rob shifts his gaze toward Alex's direction, but in finding that he actually addresses the one called Emperor, Rob happily settles down again.

The manager by the metal detector hears a very loud click, followed by a sharp popping sound. "Ah-ha!" he exclaims, but he groans in hearing a subsequent fizzle. The lights temporarily turn on, only to slowly die down again. "Oh, not quite..."

2011-03-25, 12:16 AM
Darren simply offers a grin and holds up his glass, "I'll drink to that. Cheers!" And he downs the pint in a long pull. He sets the glass on the table, not a drop on him, as he continues meeting her eyes. He keeps a general tab on the conversations around but makes no gesture to indicate that his attentions lay anywhere but with Jessica.

2011-03-25, 05:10 AM
The emperor nods, and in a smooth, elegant motion, rises to his feet and rewraps his head. Once more a monolith covered in cloth and yarn, he takes a step towards the door, pausing to make sure Alex is along.

2011-03-25, 02:55 PM
Jessica sits with her legs crossed, hands comfortably in her lap, eyes watching Trakan with idle interest. As he sets the glass down, she offers a light smirk, as if expecting conversation.

2011-03-25, 10:59 PM
He grins slightly, with an upturn of his chin, he speaks, So what's a fine lass like yourself find interesting? Music maybe? Or are you more of a rough and tumble kind of girl?" The Northern Irish lilt in his voice rings out almost melodically as he drums his fingers to the table. Either way, you've definitely got my attention. Trakan gives another playful grin, and a wink to go along with it.

2011-03-26, 01:08 AM
She catches his gaze and smiles widely, averting her eyes to the side and licking a fang while she thinks. "Well, a little of this, a little of that," she begins ambiguously. "Music is always interesting. The flapper era was fun. Disco was good while it lasted, but it's better some things don't live forever. And can I just say that hair bands were a lot better than that 'alternative' refuse that followed? Anyway, can I get you another?" She reaches for his glass.

Prince Rob, one can assume, remains for the moment unaware of any goings on outside the immediate lounge area. While his eyes shift to follow movement, he remains otherwise boring.

The manager utters a curse as he catches a temporary shower of sparks from the electronic device by the elevator door. It isn't true fire, so the Beasts present are not much interested, but it is a surprise. The sparking quickly ceases, and the room seems darker by comparison.

Overlord Rion
2011-03-26, 04:51 PM
After having made himself..."presentable," Alex followed the Emperor outside. Once there, he started scanning around, attempting to find the vehicle Janus mentioned. "We are looking for a car with a corpse inside it." Alex spoke in a low enough voice that only the Emperor would likely hear it. "The lack of subtleness annoys me. No style."

2011-03-26, 06:30 PM
[Shade in Japan]

Fortunately the elevator itself remains perfectly functional. Prince Rob offers a polite wave farewell. "Thank you for coming, and please enjoy your stay in the city."

The elevator quickly ascends to ground level, where an open mall-like hallway leads beyond numerous shops, lounges, and conference rooms, eventually to the front glass doors and the outside.

[The Entertainment Center's Front Parking Lot]

The vehicle is not diffiult to locate. Very obviously stationary is a beat up old sky blue pickup truck, placed out in the open, not even within the confines of a marked parking spot. Even though the passenger door is stuck ajar, the dome light is not lit, but it is apparent in the dim lighting that a dark smear of some kind mars the passenger side window.

Closer inspection reveals the figure of a man, thrown across the front seat of the cab, old blood soaked through the front of his shirt and jeans. The transmission rests in neutral, but the parking break is set. Blood smears stain the dash, leather seats, and passenger door.

2011-03-27, 01:56 AM
"Aye. That would be grand. But, your number would be much finer, if ye ken." He gives a slight arch of a fiery brow with a slightly coy smile. His affectations are obvious, but classical in the tradition of his countrymen.

2011-03-30, 12:17 AM
Sera looked at what she thought was an old man. "It is a pity that I cannot be your tutor, at least, I do not feel qualified. I was born and raised to be kindred, but was only embraced but a year ago. I have been told... no, it does not matter. Tell me, do you know of the other Tremere in this city?"

2011-03-30, 04:09 AM
Jessica offers a wide, delicious smile, complete with a glint in her eye, and she begins her affirmation. "Of course!" she exclaims as she gathers Trakan's glass, and then with a deceptive turn she suggests, "Talk to the Prince, and he will be glad to provide the private line here." The world continues to age, but in the realm of women, some tactics never get old.

Joseph apologizes to the old man between them, then steps around, closer to Sera to continue the conversation at a more comfortable distance and volume. He shakes his head. "I know of no others but was only instructed to visit and wait here. If you were trained since birth, then you have at least a couple of decades over me. My own Embrace came but a year ago and no more."

2011-03-30, 10:29 AM
The Emperor frowns at the vehicle before them. He quietly shuts all the doors and makes sure they're secure. Undoes the Parking brake. Allowing a bit of his freshly acquire blood to course down his arms he grabs the bumper of the truck and begins to drag it towards the docks. As he trundles along he slips from view, letting the shadows of obfuscation simply leave a truck, slowly rolling along. He is careful to immediately begin taking side streets and alleyways, not wanting to draw attention to the vehicle as it makes it's phantom journey.

Stealth + Intelligence to choose the correct path for this time of night.

2011-03-30, 01:50 PM
-Middle United States, Small City-

While there are not docks in the sense of receiving major ships from sea, there is a great multitude of lakes. The side streets and back roads stay generally quiet at night in this smaller city. The Shade in Japan entertainment center is a unique establishment and stands as one of the only businesses open at this hour. Any city dwellers at this time are either there, at home drinking, or at home asleep. This allows for an uneventful journey until the point of arriving at the lake.

In an effort to reduce the activity of vandals and other late-night trespassers, a sheriff patrol car circles parking lots and rounds picnic spots in the surrounding woods. The Emperor and company can clearly spot the search light from a good distance away.

Emperor and Alex may roll Perception + Alertness to spot the unseen. This is a contested roll.

2011-03-30, 02:00 PM
The emperor keeps an eye out, but unfortunately he's never been the most perceptive Kindred.

2011-03-30, 02:16 PM
In the distance the patrol car rounds another corner. Looping out of a parking area, it creeps slowly along, exiting by way of the road from the lake. Coming directly toward the kindred, the headlights remain aimed downward to illuminate the road more immediately near the car.

2011-03-30, 02:21 PM
The Emperor releases the car, and slides into his obsfucation, starting the long walk back to Elysium.
A dead human by a lake is hardly a violation of the masquerade and certainly doesn't connect back to us.

2011-03-30, 03:06 PM
Inattentive to objects beyond the lake's perimeter, the sheriff's deputy circles the car around and drives off into the distance, at this time unaware of the truck or body inside.

The Emperor and his friend walk several paces away, and then suddenly there is a loud crash and a banging from the direction of the truck. An initial glance reveals the truck's violent rocking back and forth on the unstable foundation of its own tires. Longer observation results in the creepy sight of blurred lines, like the eery camouflage exhibited by the Predators in the movies. This nearly invisible entity rips the passenger side door from its hinges before lunging inside the cab to devour the remains.

2011-03-31, 07:30 AM
Trakan dips his head with a broad grin, "I'll definitely do that." He slides up from the chair, his weaponry fastened firmly in place. His eyes deep and dark sweep from her begrudgingly to rest on the Prince, as he makes his way. He fluidly weaves in and out of the tables yet somehow manages to take the most direct line to his target. On his arrival he patiently waits for the attention of the Prince. While his outfit may well suggest he is behind the times, the air of his presence would appear to brook no nonsense as to whether or not he belongs here.

Overlord Rion
2011-04-01, 01:06 PM
In German: "That...certainly can't be good. Alex turns toward the truck. His curiosity said he must check it out, but his common sense won out. "We should leave. Quickly, before the authorities discover us." Alex had never had much luck with authorities in life, and in his unlife, they were far more than a hindrance.

2011-04-01, 01:27 PM
Perhaps... That would be best.
Despite his inhuman strength the Emperor is unsure that meddling in the affairs of something capable of ripping apart car doors is the wisest course of action.

2011-04-02, 11:54 AM
-The Shade-

Maintaining his casual demeanor, Rob quietly eyes Trakan while he approaches.

Perception + Investigation to determine the exact nature of above mentioned "weaponry." This is a contested roll vs. Trakan's Wits + Subterfuge attempt to conceal contraband. [roll0]

-Side Road near the Lake-

Emerging from the passenger side of the beat up old pickup truck, the semi-invisible monster turns its misshapen head to observe in the direction of the other two. Light rolls over the general shape of the thing, passing through incompletely to provide the effect of a mirage. With an obvious jaw drop, the thing opens its larger than average maw to emit a series of clicking from deep within its throat.

Apparently unable to see anything of note, this transparent monster stretches its massive wing structure, and a blur slowly and unsteadily rises to disappear against the backdrop of the cloudy night sky.

2011-04-02, 07:38 PM
The Emperor follows the massive beast with his eyes as it flies away.
That... Is a matter we must deal with, my friend. But perhaps only after considerable study. And a few conversations with those more in the know regarding... Cryptozoology.
With a massive shrug the monarch of the sewers begins his trudge back to Elysium.

2011-04-03, 04:20 PM
As Trakan waits, he takes a moment so as not to potentially interrupt any conversations, "I was told to ask you about getting the private number for this place." It was likely a good thing that the Prince was blind as a bat, to not notice the small arsenal of blades and archery equipment. But, either way . . .

2011-04-04, 11:01 PM
- Side Roads -

After the beast has departed, there is nothing much more of interest. The truck sits there still, broken door lying dormant upon the road. The walk back to Elysium is uneventful and quiet.

- The Shade -

Restricting weapons in the bar's lounge area is largely a formality, as the quote-unquote Prince expresses in his casual laissez-faire attitude. As the metal detector has not been working, nobody makes any special trouble to correct anyone, or otherwise bring attention to the new kindred as if they have been behaving in a less than appropriate manner. Quite the contrary, he remains cordial in all things.

Jessica, having now rounded the corner to return to her post by the spigots behind the bar, slides a business card across the counter, which Rob accepts and presents for Trakan. "Of course," says Rob, "here you go."

Overlord Rion
2011-04-05, 05:43 PM
This...creature, whatever it was, was dangerous. "Do you have anyone you can use? If not, I can see if anyone knows something." Alex was fairly sure that creature was stronger than he was. And he wasn't sure if the Emperor could manage it either.

2011-04-05, 06:43 PM
Sera stood up. This evening had been dull at best, disapointing at worse. She turned to the older, recently turned Tremere. "If you would excuse me, I believe I will retire and call it an early night." She headed for the exit.

2011-04-05, 09:16 PM
I think... I will inquire tomorrow amongst the community. As subtly as I may. I would appreciate any information you can find as well.

2011-04-06, 11:16 AM
Trakan offers a quick nod and a broad smile. "Thank ya'. He slips away and heads past the bar, with a wink to Jessica, as he heads out into the night air. The cool winds lap against his skin and hair. He takes a momentary focus and calls on the sight that allows him to see the spirits of the world.

Perception+Occult vs Target's Willpower

"Zephyra. Are you there?"

2011-04-10, 10:04 PM
- Shade in Japan Lounge -

Joseph sighs and slumps into the barstool previously inhabited by Sera.

- Parking Lot -

Zephyra is indeed present. Whether she has been following Trakan or waiting for his return outside is not immediately apparent.

2011-04-11, 03:59 PM
He speaks under his breath, so as not to be overheard, as he moves along, "I've made my presence known in the city. Already though it sounds like there's trouble." He heads further out into the parking lot, scanning over the area for anything out of the ordinary, "I know two of my kind came out here. But, I don't know why."

Overlord Rion
2011-04-11, 04:57 PM
Alex spots Trakan in the parking lot. He nods to the Emperor, as if to say "Go on ahead" and shifts his path towards Trakan. "Make your inquiries, Jones."

Alex shifts his attention to Trakan."It is a pleasant night, is it not?"

2011-04-12, 09:54 AM
Darren tips his head slightly, keeping a moderate tone, though his accent makes it a little harder to keep attention from himself, were there anyone else to overhear. "The night is always pleasant. It's the things in the night; events I don't know about, that feeling of something more, that make me uneasy. Kind of like I feel now."

2011-04-13, 05:03 PM
- Shade in Japan - Community Parking Lot -

Paranoia keeps us around longer.

It appears that all remaining PCs have accumulated here: Alex, Emperor, and Trakan.

Also here are
numerous parked automobiles,
a minimal number of lamp posts,
the doorway into the entryway plaza,
and numerous pathways leading away from the entertainment complex.

Overlord Rion
2011-04-14, 04:37 PM
"Tonight, you are lucky. Tonight, you will receive a gift. This gift is a warning. Something is lurking the night around us. I do not know what it is or the full scope of what it may do. Spread the word." Why he had felt compelled to warn this one, Alex did not know. Maybe it was that pesky altruistic streak of his rearing its head again.

2011-04-15, 07:02 PM
"A kindness not soon forgotten. I'll keep your words, and learn what I can." He tips his head in a nod of appreciation, as he moves out into the night. He looks out into the darkness of night with each step, occasionally looking to Zephyra. "A night filled with secrets, Mentor. I know I must have patience. But, would this night be one for decisive action?"

2011-04-15, 11:20 PM
The night remains quiet.

Zephyra speaks in a language heavily accented and riddled, breathy like the air of which her body consists. "The winds blow. The wheels roll. All things unseen are not created equally. Tread lightly upon your shaky ground, for nearby danger abounds."

2011-04-18, 08:41 AM
A whispered response to Zephyra, "Thank you, teacher."Darren turns back calling to the generous informant, "What did you see? Or, should I say, not see?" A knowing look in his eye, and thoughts reeling, he arches a fiery brow to look towards Alex.

Overlord Rion
2011-04-18, 01:38 PM
"It was too quick, even for my eyes to see. It was strong, perhaps as strong as some of our elders. I only saw the handiwork, not the look of the beast. It ripped off a car door as easily as a butcher's knife cuts through flesh."

2011-04-20, 12:18 AM
Trakan gives a thoughtful nod, raising a finger to stroke his chin lightly. The thickness of his Northern Irish accent drops down almost changing the accent entirely as he speaks in hushed tones, a no-nonsense look sharpening his features, "Can you take me to the truck? I'll need to do some investigation if we're going to find out more."

Overlord Rion
2011-04-20, 05:47 PM
Alex was silent. The monster was, or would likely be, gone by the time they arrived there. "Granted. Follow me. And be wary. We were busy running when it showed up."

2011-04-20, 06:49 PM
Trakan nods in acknowledgment, as he gathers himself, his demeanor tightening up into a more rigid posture. "Then let's be going. " With that he refit his armaments, looking out into the night air.

2011-04-21, 07:34 AM
Lumbering back into Elysium the Emperor tried to gauge who best to question. The Prince and Bartender, while both seemingly older and wiser than many in the city also both seem to be new to the area... But would also both have access to other Kindred within the boundaries of this territory... Finally he settles on trusting his instincts and approaches the bartender.
Pardon me miss, but I was wondering if you knew of anyone in the city with an interest in cryptozoology.

2011-04-24, 08:17 PM
- Shade in Japan Bar and Lounge -

Everyone is more or less where they were when the last of the new kindred had departed, with the exception that Rob has now taken a seat on a nearby bar stool. Furthermore, the lounge manager has returned to the loveseat against the corner nook shrouded in shadow. Now working, the metal detector alarms loudly over the overhead music if and when any metallic objects pass through the scanners...

With a glint in her flirtatious eye, Jessica the bartender smiles deliciously to the huge Nosferatu. At least she is pretty. "Crypta-what?" she asks with an air-headed laugh to herself. "You want to go look at the animals in a cemetery?"

Rob gives an expression to indicate that he is almost embarrassed for her, but even so, he offers no response to the given question.

Also here:
numerous empty tables,
Joseph Veneer, and
a withered old man.

2011-04-25, 09:23 PM
The emperor glances to Rob.
I don't suppose you'd know anyone?

2011-04-25, 09:32 PM
- Shade in Japan Lounge -

Rob hesitates before shaking his head. "It isn't my area," he says, "but Dr. Planet might know more." With a nod and a gesture, he indicates the otherwise boring, withered old man who has barely moved from his position at the bar for the past several hours. Joseph Veneer turns awkwardly to give this man a glance, who seems himself unaware. After a long pause, the old man blinks, turning his head to the side to look upon the Emperor, gazing over the bar top as Joseph has to lean back and away so as not to obstruct their view.

2011-04-27, 10:24 PM
The Emperor moves himself through the space separating himself from the old man. Settles himself onto the stool careful to merely seem to rest upon it, sparing the flimsy wood the fury that is being sat upon by something classified as a light truck by some governments.
And you? Wouldn't happen to know anything about creatures beyond normal science?

Overlord Rion
2011-04-29, 04:27 PM
The trip to the vehicle was short. Well, short for them anyway. Alex would look around, trying to see if the beast had decided to stick around. "We are here. Be quick, I must know what you find."

2011-04-29, 11:34 PM
He simply moves beyond the other kindred, and engaging his sight into the world beyond the physical. His eyes peruse the grounds with a quick weighing glance as he speaks to the spirits around him. "I am Trakan, disciple of Zephyra. I'm here to find out what happened. There is tale of a creature so dangerous as to rip the door from this truck. Can anyone tell me what happened, in words plain to me?"He waits silently for a response.


2011-05-03, 11:49 PM
- Shade in Japan Lounge -

Joseph slides to the side, allowing the large man to settle in where he pleases. The much older looking man gazes off into the distance, seeming to look right through the Emperor before bringing his eyes into focus. He speaks in a painfully slow manner with a voice grown frail and weak over time, and its soft tone is barely audible over the background music. "What kinds of creatures, exactly?" he asks. "You do realize where you are, right? can't rightly say normal science explains vampires, after all, not to mention werewolves or even elves for that matter! So, seriously, what's on your mind? had a chance encounter with a griffin, have you? No? unicorn? Perhaps a mermaid?"

- Near the Lake -

The back roads are dark, and the sheriff's patrol car is not currently present. The old truck from before remains still, untouched at this hour. Other than the more tangible creatures present, Zephyra possesses the only audible voice. "The winds yet blow, and the waters trickle into the steadfast earth. In the words of your kind, they call this diffusion... 'diffusion of responsibility' to be precise." There is otherwise no answer.

Failed on a technicality. Zephyra explains to Trakan his error: The rule book states that the Thaumaturge may attempt to use Spirit Eyes in order to see nearby spirits in a manner similar to Aura Perception. If successful, then he may speak with them. Also, it is good form to list the traits being rolled, and the name/level of the power being used, along with the dice roll itself. Three successes is plenty, and as Traken refocuses, he sees a few spirits roaming around doing what it is that spirits do, but no one in particular, other than Zephyra, seems very interested in answering his questions.

2011-05-10, 11:29 AM
He arches a fiery brow at the silence and takes a few steps forward."Perhaps I didn't make my intentions clear. I fear this creature may be something for myself and maybe even others like me, to handle. If we do not take care of it, others of your kind and mine may be in trouble. What if such a beast were to be unleashed in the wilderness; among the trees, the animals. Will you not simply speak out, and allow help? Will you remain silent and invite more suffering?


2011-05-30, 04:58 PM
- Near the Lake -

Normally three successes accomplishes exactly what you wanted to do. In this case, the spirits are utterly apathetic. To be true to their characters, they really shouldn't answer at all, but to facilitate the story, Zephyra may take over.

Zephyra shakes her head. "Wind blows," she says, "fire burns, and water pours. They say they do not fear that which threatens the metal creature, and they know nothing other than those like you that might seek to harm earth."

Like the flighty thing that she is, Zephyra then floats away, eventually vanishing off into the distance. Soon enough, she then returns, escorting a young spirit breeze by her side, at least willing to answer questions, irrelevant as they might be.