View Full Version : [3.PF] Character review: Flame oracle

2011-03-15, 04:57 PM
Well a friend of mine is running a Pathfinder game by post (L6 characters) so I have thrown together my first (ever) effort at a Pathfinder character (I'm very familiar with 3.5).

Please have a look and tell me what you think:

Evan "Goldentongue" Flaemlich - Negotiator extrordinaire
Chaotic Good

Gnome Flame Oracle 6
Deity: Sarenrae.
Str: 10 (12-2)
Dex: 16
Con: 16 (14+2)
Int: 15
Wis: 7
Cha: 19 (16+2+1)(+2)= 21

Fort: 2+3 = 5
Ref: 2+3 = 5
Will: 5+5 = 10
BAB: 4

HP 8+5d8+18= 26+5d8 (20) = 46

AC= 10 + 7 + 3 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 26
armour + shield + dex + deflection + natural + size

Move: 20' (Base 20 + 10 (revelation) - 10 (Armour))

Extra Revelation
Self Delusion
Touch of healing
Nimble Moves (Revelation)
Fire Resistance 10

Skills: (4+ int bonus)
Diplomancy: 6+3+5+1=15
Knowledge: The planes: 4+3+2=9
Knowledge: Religion: 6+3+2+2=13
Knowledge: History: 4+3+2=9
Sense Motive: 6+3-2=7
Spellcraft: 6+3+2=11
Acrobatics: 0
Intimidate: 0
Heal: 0
Perform: 0

Non-Class skills
Linguistics: 4+2=6

Draconic (bonus 1)
Orc (bonus 2)
Dwarven (Linguistics 1)
Elven (Linguistics 1)
Giant (Linguistics 2)
Goblin (Linguistics 2)
Ignan (Linguistics 3)
Celestial (Linguistics 3)
Aklo (Linguistics 4)
Auran (Linguistics 4)
Abyssal (Linguistics 5)
Aquan (Linguistics 5)
Inferno (Linguistics 6)
Terran (Linguistics 6)

7 known, /day unlimited
Detect Magic
Read Magic
Purify Food and drink
Detect Poison

4 Known, 4 Bonus, /day 8
Cure Light Wounds (Bonus, cures)
burning hands (Bonus, revelation)
mage hand (Bonus, curse)
ghost sound (Bonus, curse)
Hide from Undead

2 Known, 4 Bonus, /day 6
Cure Moderate Wounds (Bonus, cures)
resist energy (Bonus, revelation)
levitate (Bonus, curse)
minor image (Bonus, curse)
Eagles splendor
Hold Person

1 Known, 2 Bonus, /day 4
Cure Serious Wounds (Bonus, cures)
fireball (Bonus, revelation)

Ring of Prot:1 2k
Ring of Sustenance: 2.5k
Headband of alluring Charisma +2: 4k
Bag of Holding:type 1: 2.5k
Amulet of natural armour +1: 2k
Breastplate +1: 1.2k
Heavy steel Shield +1: 1.02K
Dagger 2gp
Light Mace 5gp
Light Crossbow 35gp
60 bolts 6gp
2 quivers 2gp
Feathertoken: tree
330gp left

Gnome Racial Traits
Slow Speed:
Low-Light Vision:
Gnome Magic:
Illusion Resistance:
Gift of Tongues:
Defensive Training:
Keen Senses:
Academician: (Religion)
Weapon Familiarity:

Favored class options
Oracle: +1/2 higher for the oracle’s curse ability.: x6
Skill Rank: x0
Hitpoints: x0

Curse: Haunted
Bonus spells: Cures

Cinder Dance (Ex):
Molten Skin (Ex):
Gaze of Flames (Su):

Evan and his friendly rival Dorn "Silvertongue" (Gnome Bard) have had a habit of daring each other to more and more ridiculous social challenges (Evan has always been slightly ahead):

Some past challenges:
Convince a (minor) Kobold clan to use a desert spoon as a major implement in their religious rituals.
Convince a small town to put up wanted reward posters (featuring an image resembling the town mayor from a nearby town).
Convince the fans of a sports team to use a new chant (which sounded good until voiced by many at once, then the phonetics revealed a previously hidden meaning).
Talked a town cryer into shouting a message (ala "anyone seen Mike Hunt") (far too often)
Possible Plot Hooks:
Dorn issues a dare...
Dorn's missing / in Trouble...
A past challenge comes back to haunt...

Play concept
Diplomancy where possible, using sanctuary if necessary to back it up.
If diplomancy fails then he has a fairly reasonable combat line-up.
If combat fails then run for it.

2011-03-18, 08:13 AM
I should probably drop touch of flame, melee touch seems a bit suboptimal. I can free up the feat or pick a different revelation.

Maybe I should ask my GM if he'll allow the reserve healing feat from 3.5

2011-03-18, 08:25 AM
The build looks quite good, however, if you want to be a negotiator extrordinare, you should focus on pumping Diplomacy a bit more. I don't play pathfinder, but it was certainly easy in 3.5.

2011-03-18, 11:15 AM
The build looks quite good, however, if you want to be a negotiator extrordinare, you should focus on pumping Diplomacy a bit more. I don't play pathfinder, but it was certainly easy in 3.5.

A valid point Show.

I'm not too bothered about really being mono-focused on diplomancy, the extrordinaire comment was more for flavour and plot hooks really (I should have said this in the first post, sorry).

Thank you for the feedback.

2011-03-18, 06:39 PM
In your first stat block you have your char listed as "halfling", but it otherwise appears to be a gnome.

Also, you should have gone with the "Lame" curse instead of "Haunted".
Granted, you would/should wear Light armor until level 10, but after that you can wear armor with NO speed reduction.

Also, you'd then be able to call yourself a F-Lame Oracle

2011-03-19, 01:19 AM
In your first stat block you have your char listed as "halfling", but it otherwise appears to be a gnome.

Also, you should have gone with the "Lame" curse instead of "Haunted".
Granted, you would/should wear Light armor until level 10, but after that you can wear armor with NO speed reduction.

Also, you'd then be able to call yourself a F-Lame Oracle

Unfortunately, the errata states that a Lame Oracle cannot take the Cinder Dance revelation.

Cinder Dance Gnome + medium armor = 20 ft move as soon as you take Cinder Dance.

Lame Gnome + medium armor = 15 ft move starting at level 10, 10 ft move before.

Lame is just too costly on a race with 20ft base speed.

2011-03-19, 11:08 AM
In your first stat block you have your char listed as "halfling", but it otherwise appears to be a gnome.

Also, you should have gone with the "Lame" curse instead of "Haunted".
Granted, you would/should wear Light armor until level 10, but after that you can wear armor with NO speed reduction.

Also, you'd then be able to call yourself a F-Lame Oracle

Good point on the Halfling / gnome issue, thanks.

Unfortunately, the errata states that a Lame Oracle cannot take the Cinder Dance revelation.

Cinder Dance Gnome + medium armor = 20 ft move as soon as you take Cinder Dance.

Lame Gnome + medium armor = 15 ft move starting at level 10, 10 ft move before.

Lame is just too costly on a race with 20ft base speed.

Yes, I couldn't bring myself to lose move speed.

Fatigue and Exhaustion.... If they start becoming a problem then restoration spells will find their way onto the spell list. (lesser restoration will probably get put in soon anyway, too useful to not have available.

2011-03-19, 11:16 AM
Unfortunately, the errata states that a Lame Oracle cannot take the Cinder Dance revelation.

Cinder Dance Gnome + medium armor = 20 ft move as soon as you take Cinder Dance.

Lame Gnome + medium armor = 15 ft move starting at level 10, 10 ft move before.

Lame is just too costly on a race with 20ft base speed.

Get a mount.

2011-03-28, 06:13 AM
Hitpoints updated,

Character approved by GM.