View Full Version : Player portraits request?

2011-03-16, 07:41 AM
Hi, it looks like we're finally getting our game started, and I was hoping we could all have portraits of our characters to help us remember who's who. Unfortunately, none of us have any real artistic skill, so I was wondering if some kind artists would be willing to help us out? I'd be very grateful. If anyone's willing to help, the first profile is here:

Name: Sonox
Sex: Male
Race: Gnome
Class: Rogue
Height: 3' 8" (1.1 m)
Weight: 48 lbs. (22 kg)
Hair: Reddish
Eyes: Blue
Distinguishing Features: Small nose for a gnome, but bigger than a human.
Jagged scar across forehead.
Sideburns and pointy beard.
Clothing: Black Tricorne Hat with gold trim and red feather.
Black woolen frock coat.
Deep red shirt with bright orange waistcoat.
Black knee-breeches.
Blue and brown striped socks.
Black mid-calf boots.
Clothing should be well made but well worn.
Other: Gnome-sized rapier and possibly crossbow.

Sorry if this seems presumptuous to ask for so much and offer nothing in return. If anyone takes this up and needs to know more, please don't hesitate to ask. Thanks.

2011-03-16, 04:31 PM
It would be helpful for any prospective artists to know:
1) What size you want this (and whether you're intending to print it).
2) What style you want (OotS? Black and white line art? Cartoon? Realistic? Don't care?).

2011-03-17, 04:51 AM
I knew I'd forget something. Yeah, I need to be able to print it out, probably around A5 size. I'm not sure about the style, realistic would be nice but I know that that'd be more work, so as long as they're fairly consistent it doesn't matter too much. Is that OK?

Glass Mouse
2011-03-29, 05:40 AM
Hi. I don't know if I want to tackle all characters (how many are you, by the way, and can you give a general idea of the other chars?).

Eventhough I can't give a guarantee for the rest, are you still interested in a drawing of Sonox? 'Cause he sounds pretty fun :smallsmile:

Glass Mouse
2011-03-29, 09:15 PM
Nevermind, I went and drew him anyway.

Hope you can use it :smallsmile:

Oh yeah, and thanks a lot for the very thorough character description! It's a pleasure to work with something where I don't fear to be completely off every few lines :smallbiggrin:

2011-03-30, 12:49 PM
Nevermind, I went and drew him anyway.

Hope you can use it :smallsmile:
Wow, that looks amazing, thanks. You asked about the others, there are only three or four of us, and I don't have such a detailed description of the rest. We have (in order of priority, looks like the last one might not be able to make it to the next few games):
A female elf cleric, green eyes, brown hair, blue robes
A female human paladin with brown eyes, long braided red-brown hair and olive skin
A male human bard with blue eyes, brown hair and olive skin.
A male human barbarian with blue eyes, blond hair and beard wearing heavy furs
I made up some placeholders using the character creator from Champions Online, would it be helpful if I posted those?

Oh yeah, and thanks a lot for the very thorough character description! It's a pleasure to work with something where I don't fear to be completely off every few lines :smallbiggrin:I'm glad to hear you say that, because I was worried that defining every little thing might come across as picky or something.

Glass Mouse
2011-03-30, 08:26 PM
I made up some placeholders using the character creator from Champions Online, would it be helpful if I posted those?

Very much. Please do :smallsmile:

I have a few other things that I need to draw first, but I might get the elf cleric down this weekend. I'll aim for it, at least.

I'm glad to hear you say that, because I was worried that defining every little thing might come across as picky or something.

Heh. It just leaves much less work in the end. When the description is very loose, people usually want changes in the finished picture because it wasn't quite what they imagined after all (at least in my limited experience). To examplify why that can be a problem, I recently did a character portrait for someone who wanted something changed in a way that (IMO) didn't fit with the style and overall feel of the picture that I'd drawn. The final drawing got a little... fragmented as a result*.
It's just nice that - when you actually have a specific image in mind - that you make that image clear. Less work, less frustration, and a better picture always result when you don't expect artists to be psychics :smallwink:

* Of course, I wouldn't run into that problem if I just learned to ask the right questions before drawing. Hmm...

2011-03-31, 07:35 AM
OK, great, I'll post them below. Thanks again for having a go at this.

http://img27.imageshack.us/img27/1817/anilwe.th.jpg (http://img27.imageshack.us/i/anilwe.jpg/)http://img153.imageshack.us/img153/6590/jukkaq.th.jpg (http://img153.imageshack.us/i/jukkaq.jpg/)http://img860.imageshack.us/img860/1166/kalandiir.th.jpg (http://img860.imageshack.us/i/kalandiir.jpg/)http://img818.imageshack.us/img818/1285/sonox.th.png (http://img818.imageshack.us/i/sonox.png/)http://img716.imageshack.us/img716/1301/vandalixoor.th.jpg (http://img716.imageshack.us/i/vandalixoor.jpg/)

Obviously the engine is very limited in what it can build, so these are just what I was able to make. I'm afraid I don't have anything like as detailed profiles for these as Sonox. Although I just realised, I haven't mentioned what the cleric's symbol is. I could describe it, but it's probably easier to provide a graphic.

http://img809.imageshack.us/img809/6127/ceotao.th.png (http://img809.imageshack.us/i/ceotao.png/)

I don't know if you want to give her a visible symbol or not, but if so, that's what it should look like. As always, if there's anything I've forgotten, or that you would like to know, please ask.

Glass Mouse
2011-03-31, 05:19 PM
Awesome, thanks!

A few questions:

How close are those costumes to their actual clothes? Should I keep the details and design choices (fx the upwards-pointing shoulder pads of the cleric) or just the overall feel and colours?
Same question about their hair and beards.
Aren't any of them supposed to be wearing armour? What about weapons and other visible/important equipment (apart from the already visible weapons)?
Is the bard supposed to be buff like that, or is that a necessity from the generator's side?
Do any of them have distinguishing/unusual features not covered by the generator?

I'll accept a "don't know / you decide" to any and all of these questions, but I thought I'd ask, just in case :smallsmile:
If any of the players want to throw a Sonox-level description my way, they should feel free to do so. Qua my previous rant, it'd be a nice help (otherwise, I'll just be evil dictator over their appearances, mwahahah!).

2011-04-01, 03:57 AM
Awesome, thanks!

A few questions:

How close are those costumes to their actual clothes? Should I keep the details and design choices (fx the upwards-pointing shoulder pads of the cleric) or just the overall feel and colours?I'd have to say jut the overall feel really, only the hair/skin colours from the earlier post actually come from the players, the pictures are all my doing. That said, feel free to keep the details if you want.

Same question about their hair and beards.Again the text descriptions (such as they are) should be more important than the pictures (although there isn't much to conflict with).

Aren't any of them supposed to be wearing armour? What about weapons and other visible/important equipment (apart from the already visible weapons)?I figure they're likely to spend more time out of armour than in it, and I don't want to ask for two pictures of each, so they would be better unarmoured. The cleric should have a staff, and maybe the barbarian might carry his greathammer around, but mostly I don't think they should be too heavily armed or armoured in civilised society.[/QUOTE]

Is the bard supposed to be buff like that, or is that a necessity from the generator's side?Yeah pretty much, most of the specific details are just what was available. I should feel lucky I did as well as I did, given that it's not a fantasy game.

Do any of them have distinguishing/unusual features not covered by the generator?Not that I can think of, except that the paladin is kind of a noble, and I don't think that came over that well in the picture I made.

I'll accept a "don't know / you decide" to any and all of these questions, but I thought I'd ask, just in case :smallsmile:
If any of the players want to throw a Sonox-level description my way, they should feel free to do so. Qua my previous rant, it'd be a nice help (otherwise, I'll just be evil dictator over their appearances, mwahahah!).I don't think anyone else has put that level of thought into their character, though I should be seeing them today. I'll try to see what I can get for you.

Glass Mouse
2011-04-02, 10:45 PM
Coolness. Thanks for the answers/clarifications :smallsmile:

I don't think anyone else has put that level of thought into their character, though I should be seeing them today. I'll try to see what I can get for you.

Did you get anything? Right now, I'm holding off on drawing just in case they have specific requests (not that I'm suffering, I always have plenty of stuff to draw, hooray!).

2011-04-03, 07:40 AM
I asked, but I didn't really get a reply. I don't think anyone can really think of anything.

Glass Mouse
2011-04-03, 08:39 AM


Uh. I mean... I'll just draw something, then :smallwink:

2011-04-03, 09:02 AM
Thanks. I just hope they don't end up asking you to change them a lot.

Glass Mouse
2011-04-06, 07:31 PM
A wild CLERIC appeared!

Thankfully, a PALADIN countered!

I hope they're useful. I've tried to keep the feel and themes of the Champions pictures :smallsmile:

Two questions:

What instrument does the bard play?
Did you need the barbarian, or was he dropping out of the group?

2011-04-08, 07:31 AM
Those look very good. I'll have to show them to my players and see what they think.

The bard's instrument, I think just a lute, it's a nice portable instrument.
The barbarian can't make it for a while, but it'd be nice to have something for him when he can. I don't know if you want to take time to draw a picture for someone who might not be using it, though. This one is obviously the lowest priority.

EDIT: One thing though, shouldn't the paladin have a sword?

Glass Mouse
2011-04-08, 12:48 PM
Those look very good. I'll have to show them to my players and see what they think.

The bard's instrument, I think just a lute, it's a nice portable instrument.
The barbarian can't make it for a while, but it'd be nice to have something for him when he can. I don't know if you want to take time to draw a picture for someone who might not be using it, though. This one is obviously the lowest priority.

Cool. I'll look into it :smallsmile:

EDIT: One thing though, shouldn't the paladin have a sword?

Dunno. Should she?

2011-04-09, 07:48 AM
Dunno. Should she?Probably. She did in my picture, anyway. I just figure wearing a sword is both a paladin thing and a noble thing. Is it a problem to add one?

Glass Mouse
2011-04-10, 02:34 PM
Probably. She did in my picture, anyway. I just figure wearing a sword is both a paladin thing and a noble thing. Is it a problem to add one?

Nah, not a big one. And you're right, she had one in your picture, I think I just kinda overlooked that.

I'll add a sword.

Glass Mouse
2011-04-22, 02:10 PM
Well whaddya know, I managed a barbarian: http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/112/0/1/character_art__barbarian_by_glassmouse89-d3eltp8.jpg
I hope to have the bard done later tonight.

EDIT: I made a sword for the paladin. It's butt-ugly (:smallfrown:), but I've spent an hour on it by now, and I... just don't wanna look at swords anymore. Hopefully it's at least some kind of acceptable (I tried to make it look a little noble-ish). http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/112/2/a/character_art__paladin_by_glassmouse89-d3ddwyu.jpg

EDIT EDIT: Phew, two hours past bedtime, and I made it! Go bard power! :smallwink:http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/112/5/8/character_art__bard_by_glassmouse89-d3emyjf.jpg

That was all? Yes?

Are they useful?

Glass Mouse
2011-05-10, 05:36 AM
Dude. :smallannoyed: